Home HuffPost3i social media directory

HuffPost3i social media directory


If you’d like to help spread the word about our debut documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada,” here is a directory of our social media assets.  Check back for updates.

(1) Trailers

(2) Social media graphics

(3) Text summaries


(1) Trailers

HuffPost3i trailer 1: “What’s In Your News?”

HuffPost3i trailer 2: “Hadar’s Story”

HuffPost3i trailer 3: “Let’s Pretend”


(2) Social media graphics






(3) Text summaries

For Twitter:

(137 characters)

How far will HuffPost go to legitimize anti-Semitic terrorism, and dehumanize its victims? See this new video: savethewest.com/huffpost3i

(136 characters)

How far will HuffPost go to legitimize anti-Semitic terrorism, and dehumanize its victims? See for yourself: savethewest.com/huffpost3i


