Home Ken's editorials Ken’s letter to the WSJ: Iran is the #1 threat to the...

Ken’s letter to the WSJ: Iran is the #1 threat to the West that must be stopped



On April 20, 2017, SaveTheWest.com founder and president Ken Abramowitz wrote the following letter to the Wall St. Journal.  The WSJ has not published Ken’s letter, so we are publishing it here.

Letters To The Editor
Wall St. Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, New York 10281

Dear Editor:

The article, “Iran Is A Bigger Threat Than Syria and North Korea Combined” (4/16) highlighted the challenges inherent to trying to negotiate with rogue regimes.  It correctly highlighted that Iran is more dangerous than “50 North Koreas.”

More ominously, the challenges and policies of Syria and North Korea  are interrelated and coordinated by Iran, the number one force of evil in the world today.  Iran is also invading Latin America through its base in Venezuela and 80 “cultural centers” to our South.

Iran has promised to destroy the US (“Death to America”) as well as Israel (“Death to Israel”).

The genocidal leadership of this country has facilitated the death of 500,000 Syrian Sunni Muslims and Christians, among others.

The number one priority of the US government must be to stop Iran before it perfects the nuclear weapons and ICBM delivery systems as allowed in 9-14 years by the incredibly poorly negotiated Iranian “agreement” (JCPOA), which it never signed!


Kenneth Abramowitz

New York, NY


