Home Jon Sutz Research file: Harassment of social justice warriors who are trying to ensure...

Research file: Harassment of social justice warriors who are trying to ensure as many participate in our democracy as possible (legally or otherwise)

11/2/12 Ralph Barrera/American-Statesman; Big Bird, complete with his Secret Service detail, was seen early voting at the Randall's at Slaughter Lane and Brodie Lane in southwest Austin Friday morning November 2, 2012. Big Bird, aka John Kelso and SS Agent Edd O'Donnell, took advantage of the last day to early vote.


A supplement to: Save The West‘s “Coalition for Non-Living Americans”

By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

A potpourri of articles about the mean-spirited extremists who insist only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in our elections (and only once each), and are harassing the social justice warriors who disagree.

General allegations of voter fraud

Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient: Evidence That America’s Voter Registration System, Needs an Upgrade, a special report by the Pew Center on the States, February 2012. Excerpts:

  • More than 1.8 million non-living Americans are listed as voters
  • Nearly 3 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state
  • “Approximately 24 million — one of every eight — voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.”

Project Veritas, part two: Dem activists discuss best practices in committing voter fraud without getting caught, HotAir.com, October 18, 2016. Project Veritas’s second video in two days reveals top Democratic operatives admitting they’ve been engaged in massive, nationwide voting fraud schemes, particularly in states where laws and oversight have been sufficiently weakened. One senior operative claims they’ve been doing it for fifty years, and nothing is going to stop them.

Update: One of the major donors to the groups revealed in this video series, George Soros, is also revealed to be deeply involved in the voting machine industry; Soros-Connected Company Provides Voting Machines In 16 States, by David Krayden, The Daily Caller, October 18, 2016.

VIDEO: Voter Fraud Proof: 18 Million Invalid Registration & 2 Million Are Dead, by Lou Dobbs, Fox News Channel, October 14, 2016:

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real, by Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times, October 17, 2016.

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof: Data suggests millions of voter registrations are fraudulent or invalid. That’s enough to tip an election, easily, by John Gibbs, TheFederalist.com, October 13, 2016.

Judicial Watch archive of efforts to combat voter fraud

Illegals, Refugees, Vote Fraud: Democrats and Media Stage a Coup, by John Nolte, DailyWire.com, October 7, 2016.

Will illegal foreign voters steal the election?, by Michelle Malkin, October 5, 2016.

Some Cities Want Their Immigrants to Vote: San Francisco considers opening up local elections to newcomers, by Caroline Winter, Bloomberg Businessweek, October 28, 2016. Excerpt:

San Francisco Assemblyman David Chiu: “We’ve had legal immigrants who’ve had children go through the entire K-12 system without having a say.” Undocumented immigrants [STW: illegal aliens] should also have the right, Chiu adds, to bypass the “broken immigration system in this country.”

And from J.E. Dyer of LibertyUnyielding.com, here:

Early voters have already reported machine vote-flipping problems in Maryland, Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia.

Independent Sentinel has a compilation of voter videos showing machines that won’t accept the desired vote for a Republican candidate.  There’ve been a few reports (see Georgia, above) of machines not accepting votes for Democratic candidates.

So, you know, good luck with your vote, dudes.  Keep in mind, if you do manage to vote for the candidate of your choice, you could still be outvoted by a lot of dead people, illegal voters, ballot tampering, unregistered rent-a-voters bused around to cast “provisional ballots” wherever, or Sudden Ballot Stash Syndrome, which seems to strike most often where there’s a tight race somewhere and a Democrat is a few hundred votes behind.

State-specific reports


HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner, “They Bus People Around to Vote, Project Veritas, October 10, 2016.


Man Charged With Filing Fake Voter Registration Applications in Va., by Julie Carey and David Culver, NBCWashington.com (Washington, DC), October 28, 2016.

VIDEO: Illegal Voting: Non-US citizens being allowed to vote in Virginia, Lou Dobbs, Fox News Channel, October 7, 2016.

Voter Fraud: It’s Here, It’s Happening, It’s Easy: Dead people and non-citizens have been documented ‘casting votes’ in swing-state Virginia, by Jim Stinson, PolitiZette.com, October 3, 2016.


VIDEO: The Voting Dead & 35,750 Cases Of Double-Voting In North Carolina in 2012, Fox & Friends, Fox News Channel.


Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties, by NBC12.com (IN), October 11th 2016.

AP Omits Key Info on Group in Indiana Voter Registration Fraud Probe, by Tom Blumer, NewsBusters.org, October 8, 2016.

State Police raid Indy office in growing voter fraud case, by Justin L. Mack and Holly V. Hays, IndyStar.com (IN), October 6, 2016.

Voter Fraud Suspicions Lead Indiana Police to Raid Registration Office, FoxNews.com, October 5, 2016.

Indiana Voter Fraud Investigations Have Political Connection: Democratic Operatives Associated With Both Hoosier Voter Fraud Cases, by Tony Katz, Oct. 04, 2016.

Who’s behind group police say submitted fraudulent voter registration forms?, by Tony Cook, IndyStar.com (IN) September 23, 2016.


State investigating allegations of voter fraud in Tarrant, By Anna M. Tinsley, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX), October 15, 2016.

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting: Non-citizen voted in Dallas County, prosecutors say, By Scott Gordon, NBCDFW.com (Dallas TX), November 6, 2015. Excerpt:

A Grand Prairie woman who is not an American citizen was arrested Friday on charges she voted illegally in Dallas County, prosecutors said. […] Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole said records showed that Ortega had voted a total of five times.


Florida voter fraud: 2 women charged as ballots altered, dead people registered, by Douglas Ernst, The Washington Times, October 28, 2016.

Florida Democrats push for new voting rules: Change would allow ballots to be cast before registration verified, by Tyler Shepard, ClickOrlando.com (FL), October 20, 2016.


Accused Washington Mall Shooter Voted In 3 Federal Elections As Non-Citizen, by Kerry Picket, DailyCaller.com, September 29, 2016.


Potentially Thousands of Illegal Voters in Pennsylvania: Non-citizens in key battleground state mailed registration cards by officials, by Brendan Kirby, PolitiZette.com, October 11, 2016.


