Home Huffington Post STW video: “HuffPost’s lies, hate speech, and incitement to violence exposed”

STW video: “HuffPost’s lies, hate speech, and incitement to violence exposed”



By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

It’s been one of the dirtiest secrets in mainstream journalism: the fact that the Huffington Post, the world’s most-read online “newspaper” (it claims to have nearly 200 million monthly readers around the world) has been using its influence and reach to publish materials that:

  • Obliterate the line between opinion and news, in order to create headlines that express bare-knuckle, hyper-partisan hate speech against its political enemies
  • Incite and justify the use of violence to advance its radical leftist political agenda, against those same enemies, and anyone who supports them

In the span of just over four minutes, SaveTheWest’s new video, “HuffPost exposed: Its lies, hate speech, and incitement to violence,” reveals the reality.

Consisting only of screencaps of items that appeared on HuffPost’s pages (mostly its front page), and passages from its articles, the video walks the newcomer through a representative sampling of the grim reality.  Specifically, that as contrasted its executives’ repeated public statements that it is a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization, dedicated only to practicing “the highest standards of journalistic integrity,” and that it does not allow any kind of hate speech or incitement (archive below), the reality is that HuffPost is and does exactly the opposite of what it claims:

HuffPost’s repeated public claims of nonpartisan journalistic principles

In the days after the leftist terrorist attack against Republicans in Washington, DC, which nearly cost Rep. Steve Scalise his life, I wrote, designed and produced this video to obliterate the lies that HuffPost has been telling the public and its advertisers for many years – and expose it as a top inciter of such rage & violence:


One key question, as posed at the end of the video, is: Do HuffPost’s mainstream corporate advertisers (including AT&T, American Express, Home Depot and many others) really know what they are financially enabling?  Another is: Why has not a single school of journalism, which regularly interacts with HuffPost executives and editors, ever called it out for this fundamental betrayal — of the public, of its advertisers?

The evidence to support the video’s allegations

Below are links to some of the articles cited in the video, so the viewer can verify the accuracy of the video’s contents.  For screencap verification of HuffPost’s other shock headlines, one may use the Wayback Machine to look up HuffPost’s pages as they appeared on the dates cited.  For example, this link verifies the “KILL BILL” splash headline, which HuffPost published on April 18, 2017:

See other videos produced by SaveTheWest about HuffPost’s lies, hyper-partisanship, and anti-Semitism here.

Case studies

(1) February 2016: “The 9 Most Punchable Martin Shkreli Faces (Just From Today)”

(2) June 2016: Violence is “logical”; “Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change”

(3) November 2016: “I will do my best to fuck up any bigot who fucks with you”

(4) April 2017: “KILL BILL”

(5) April 2017: Trump supporters deserve to be mass-murdered across America

(6) May 2017: HuffPost senior editor incites readers to stalk and harass Republican Congressional representatives, including at their homes [UPDATE: Two weeks later, radical leftists began harassing the neighborhood in which the Republican chairman of FCC lives]

(7) June 2017: HuffPost continues enabling a writer who openly legitimized and advocated the use of political violence, to justify the attempted assassination of several GOP Congressmen

(8) June 2017: HuffPost published editorial claiming Trump should be tried for treason, and executed [Update: HuffPost removed article after outcry]

(1) February 2016: “The 9 Most Punchable Martin Shkreli Faces (Just From Today)”

Few Americans would disagree with the proposition that pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli is a reprehensible businessman.  But in America, we resolve our differences through civil, peaceful means — and in the business realm, through market forces (when they are allowed to work).

Yet this “news” headline*, which HuffPost published on its front page on February 4, 2016, implicitly justifies violence:

If HuffPost were consistent in its implicit advocacy of violence against those who have caused the most harm to Americans and their health care options, it would have directed some of its vitriol against Jonathan Gruber, the health economist from MIT.  For it was Gruber who openly admitted that he and the Obama administration engaged in a campaign of lies and deception about its healthcare reform proposal, because of what he described as “the stupidity of the American voter”:

(100113 Needham, MA) Sunlife Wake Up Summit 2013- Healthcare experts examine Affordable Care Act. Dr. Jonathan Gruber, MIT economics professor and key architect of the Affordable Care Act gives keynote address. Staff photo by Arthur Pollock Tuesday, October 01, 2013.“[I]f you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass.

See the videos that emerged of Gruber’s admissions here.

After these videos emerged, the Obama administration emphatically denied that Gruber was the architect of its healthcare plan. These denials were later proven false by extensive email records between Gruber and senior White House and Congressional officials.

Instead, as HuffPost’s own search engine proves, a search using the string “Jonathan Gruber lack of transparency stupidity American voter” returns zero results.

(2) June 2016: Violence is “logical”; “Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change”

HuffPost published this explicit call for political violence and domestic terrorism on its front page on June 6, 2016.

Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any, by Jesse Benn, Huffington Post, June 6, 2016.  Excerpt:

Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change. It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer. […]

[W]hen those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities. Don’t be that liberal.

(3) November 2016: “I will do my best to fuck up any bigot who fucks with you”

HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page on November 16, 2016.


That headline led to this story page:

These Buttons Want You To ‘F**k Up’ Bigots; Here’s an alternative to that safety pin you’ve been wearing, by Jenna Amatulli, The Huffington Post, November 16, 2016.

16nov16-hp-pushes-buttons-to-beat-up-bigots-crop-2 Excerpt:

Writer and editor Margaret Killjoy is selling 1″ buttons that “help you make clear your intention to, you know, fuck up bigots.”  They look like this. […]

“A friend of mine posted [online], ‘I don’t care if you wear a safety pin or not. I just want you to fuck up bigots.’ I wholeheartedly agreed,” Killjoy told The Huffington Post.

(4) April 2017: “KILL BILL”

On April 18, 2017 HuffPost published this “news” story as its splash headline.

Note that this explicit incitement to murder was positioned just beneath an ad for BlackRock Inc., a $5 trillion, publicly-traded financial services firm, which claims, “We have zero tolerance in relation to illegal or unethical conduct.”

(5) April 2017: Trump supporters deserve to be mass-murdered across America

On April 13, 2017, HuffPost published this editorial, by an “artist”:

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, this editorial was an open call to murder Trump supporters, on a mass scale:

Trump Supporters Deserve To Die More Than I Do, by Chris Cali, Huffington Post, April 13, 2017. Excerpts:

[T]he ones who actually deserve to have a nuke dropped on them first are the ones who voted to get us all into this mess. They’re the ones who would have brought it on themselves if their health care was taken away and they dropped dead from their pre-existing conditions,” he continued.

[T]he human species will be better off without them. It’ s practically Darwinian. These are the people who deserve to have their towns annihilated.

As the Free Beacon also pointed out, HuffPost has been enabling Cali to publish his hate-filled editorials since 2014.  His archive contains the following:

If You Don’t Vote Democrat This November, Then Fuck You

2015: The Year We Stopped Putting Up With Your Shit

Note: Even though later HuffPost took down Cali’s editorial, explaining why Trump supporters should be mass-murdered, as of June 20, 2017, it left him active:

(6) May 2017: HuffPost senior editor incites readers to stalk and harass Republican Congressional representatives, including at their homes [UPDATE: Two weeks later, radical leftists began harassing the neighborhood in which the Republican chairman of FCC lives]

On May 10, 2017, HuffPost’s “Queer Voices Editor-at-Large,” Michelangelo Signorile, published an article that could only have the effect of ratcheting up the cauldron of hate, and probability of violence perpetrated by the radical leftist anarchists whom it has consistently incited and legitimized.

From the Daily Wire:

HuffPo Editor Threatens Members Of GOP, by Hank Berrien, May 12, 2017. Excerpt:

Michelangelo Signorile, the editor-at-large of HuffPost’s “Queer Voices” section, decided he would threaten members of the GOP. In an article titled “To Save America We Must Stop Being Polite And Immediately Start Raising Hell,” Signorile urged his audience to “turn up the heat on elected officials.”

What did he mean by “turn up the heat?” This:

They should be hounded by protestors everywhere, especially in public — in restaurants, in shopping centers, in their districts, and yes, on the public property outside their homes and apartments, in Washington and back in their home states. Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, should not be able to attend any function, eat in public, or enjoy dinner at home without hearing people expressing how his actions are harming their lives and their families’ lives in terrible ways.

The Daily Wire continued:

Signorile is only fanning the flames of an already-burning fire; Tom Garrett, a GOP member of the Freedom Caucus, revealed his wife was already getting death threats such as, “This is how we’re going to kill your wife.”

HuffPost completely ignored this federal crime against Rep. Garrett and his family (including his dog), just as it ignores the many dozens of threats and acts of violence against conservative Americans since January 2016, perpetrated by radical leftist anarchists whom it incites. A few recent examples:

April 2017, Washington, DC: A radical leftist protester violently assaulted a conservative journalist, on video — then falsely claimed to police officers that he was the victim

April 2017, Portland, OR: A radical leftist group emailed a terror threat to the City of Portland that if it didn’t exclude local Republicans from a public festival, they would be violently attacked

May 2017, Berkeley, CA: An illegal alien student at UC-Berkeley posted a Tweet calling for his fellow Hispanics to gather at a local park to “beat the shit out of white people”

May 2017, Washington state: A professor published a Facebook post that claimed Republican Congressional representatives “should be lined up and shot,” and affirmed that he was very serious

April 2017, Brooklyn, New York: Jewish man was beaten, robbed in apartment above the synagogue he cares for

Continuing from the Daily Wire:

In the past week, a Tennessee woman was arrested for following U.S. Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN) in her car after a town hall meeting, according to FOX 13.

And the Daily Wire points out just some of Signorile’s sordid history of using political terror as a means of advancing his agenda:

But leave it to Signorile, who is famous for outing homosexuals without their consent, including Jodie Foster and Malcolm Forbes, thus invading their privacy, to threaten to disrupt or even threaten the lives of those he disagrees with.

Taken in the context of the first five case studies on this page, plus the fact that HuffPost engages in consistent incitement of hatred against its political enemies, it becomes quite clear that rather than being an isolated incident, it is doing exactly what the Daily Wire alleges — “fanning the flames of an already-burning fire.”

ADDENDUM: Four days later after this editorial appeared, organized radical leftists invaded the FCC Commissioner’s neighborhood, spreading hate propaganda about him to his neighbors; Two weeks earlier, HuffPost smeared him in a splash headline, referring to him as a “sucker”

Signorile’s incitement editorial was published on May 10, 2017.  In a strangely coincidental strike of timing, four days later, on May 14, an organized group of notorious, violent radical leftists targeting the home and neighbors of the Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai:

Alt-Left Targets Ajit Pai; Members of violent protest groups organize events in FCC chairman’s neighborhood, by Elizabeth Harrington, Washington Free Beacon, May 15, 2017. Excerpts:

Members of the alt-left with a history of participating in violent protests are targeting the neighborhood of the Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai.

The organizers, connected to DisruptJ20 and Code Pink, said they are “taking the fight to Pai’s front door,” leaving leaflets on the doors in Pai’s neighborhood last weekend to protest changes to the Obama administration net neutrality policy.

On Sunday, the activists will again target Pai’s neighborhood, this time with a “vigil to save the Internet.”

“Join us this Sunday for a #SaveTheInternet #NetNeutrality vigil outside of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s house,” a Facebook event organized by “Protect Our Internet” reads. […]

The campaign is an attempt to intimidate and embarrass Pai for his plans to reverse the Obama administration’s net neutrality rules, which gave the government more regulatory power over internet service providers.

Kevin Zeese is a PopularResistance.org contributor, who several years ago organized a blockade of former FCC chairman Tom Wheeler’s house to demand net neutrality rules, which the Obama administration later adopted.

PopularResistance.org is a network of leftist activists in the D.C. area who have been involved in violent protests with the antifa, DisruptJ20, and Code Pink. […]

Members of the “well-organized” group were “armed with hammers and crowbars” at the inauguration protest. Storefront windows were smashed and a limousine, which was owned by a Muslim immigrant, was set on fire. Over 271 protesters were arrested and 6 police officers were injured.

DisruptJ20 activists were also revealed on an undercover video released by Project Veritas to be planning to attack the “DeploraBall” inauguration party with butyric acid, which led to the arrest of one of the group’s activists for conspiracy to commit assault.

Bear in mind that on April 27, 2017 — two weeks before the leftists’ assault on Pai’s neighborhood — HuffPost published this hate article as its splash headline, against Pai — calling him, a man of color, a “sucker”:

(7) June 2017: HuffPost continues enabling a writer who openly legitimized and advocated the use of political violence, to justify the attempted assassination of several GOP Congressmen

On June 14, 2017, a radical leftist shot Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA), several other Republican Congressmen, and Scalise’s security detail (he is the #3 in leadership in the House of Representatives). Scalise and others were seriously wounded, and left in critical condition.

As reported by The Federalist, a few hours after the shooting, Jesse Benn, whom HuffPost enabled to write an article explicitly advocating and legitimizing the use of political violence by radical leftists (see Case Study 2), took to Twitter, and justified the attempted assassination of Scalise and the others:

Note that on Benn’s Twitter page, the only affiliation he lists is that he is a writer for HuffPost:

As of June 15, 2017, HuffPost still listed Benn as one of its writers:

Note the contrast between HuffPost continuing to enable Benn, to the fact that one year earlier, it rapidly took down an article from another writer, that exposed video of Hillary Clinton’s fainting spells, and medical doctors’ opinions same — which HuffPost had blockaded — then removed the writer’s entire archive:

HuffPo Fires Writer Who Questioned Hillary’s Health | The Daily Caller

(8) June 2017: HuffPost published editorial claiming Trump should be tried for treason, and executed [Update: HuffPost removed article after outcry].

On June 11, 2017, HuffPost published this article, calling for President Trump to be tried for treason, and then executed:

Some excerpts from the article:

Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice, by Jason Fuller, Huffington Post, June 11, 2017. Excerpt:

We can also argue that Trump’s continued insistence on a travel ban — he’s not even disguising his intent anymore, based on his recent tweets — serves the purpose of assisting ISIS, which is arguably the nation’s biggest enemy right now. Trump’s campaign rhetoric and subsequent travel ban orders against the Muslim population serve as a valuable recruitment tool for the Islamic State by giving them credibility. […]

Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason. They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt). And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.

On what basis does HuffPost’s writer build his legal arguments?  None.  His entire qualification comes from the first sentence of his bio:

“I live in a small American town and work a low-wage job”

Curiously, HuffPost enacted a blackout on an actual, legendary legal scholar, Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, asserted on CNN on May 18 — nearly a month earlier — that not only are the charges being brought against Trump illegitimate, the frenzy that has been built up around them reminded him of “Stalinist secret police tactics”:

‘What Is the Crime?!’ Dershowitz Goes on Wild Rant, Says Mueller’s Powers Limited, by Justin Baragona, MediaIte, May 18, 2017. Excerpt:

“Let’s assume that’s true,” he exclaimed. “Show me the criminal statute. I still sit here as a civil libertarian. I don’t want us ever to become what Stalinist Russia became when Stalin was saying, show me the man I’ll find you the crime. What is the crime?!”

When anchor Anderson Cooper brought up there is a difference when it comes to illegal collusion, Dershowitz agreed but said that is all in the purview of politics.  “That’s a political issue,” the lawyer said. “That doesn’t give Mueller jurisdiction. Mueller has no jurisdiction to explore whether he made political mistakes, did terrible things, engaged in wrongdoing. Only criminal conduct!”


HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Dershowitz’s assertions.  A June 16, 2017 search using the string “Alan Dershowitz Trump Mueller crime Stalin” returns no results:

June 14, 2017 update: HuffPost removes Fuller’s article

Several hours after a radical leftist attempted to assassinate Rep. Steve Scalise and several other Republican Congressmen, on June 14, 2017, HuffPost removed Fuller’s article:

HuffPost Spikes Article Demanding Execution of Trump and His Collaborators, by Tim Graham, NewsBusters.org, June 14, 2017.

Now, while Fuller’s archive is still active, when trying to access the article, this notice appears:

Fortunately, Google Cache has an archive of the article here.

As shown in this June 16 screencap, however, HuffPost continues to list Fuller as a contributor, and is maintaining Fuller’s entire archive:

Note the contrast between HuffPost continuing to enable Fuller, to the fact that one year earlier, it rapidly took down an article from another writer, that exposed video of Hillary Clinton’s fainting spells, and medical doctors’ opinions same — which HuffPost had blockaded — then removed the writer’s entire archive:

HuffPo Fires Writer Who Questioned Hillary’s Health | The Daily Caller


