For years, HuffPost has been the West’s #1 largest online producer of materials containing anti-Semitic bias and incitement, as SaveTheWest presented in our first documentary:
“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
The following is just a small sampling of the many incidents that have been documented by SaveTheWest, and several other independent blogs, Huff-Watch and Huffington Post Monitor.
(1) “Fucking dick the fat Jew”
(2) At least Hitler “meant well, by eliminating Jews”
(3) Falsely claiming that “Israeli troops kill Palestinians, harvest organs”
(4) Falsely claiming that “Romney’s motorcade chased by ‘pack’ of Orthodox Jews”
(5) “This filthy Jewess is so done with the alt-right”
(6) Whitewashing and justifying Palestinian terrorism against Jews
(7) Falsely claiming that Israel is “fantasizing about getting Washington to go to war with Iran”
(8) Perpetuating the lie that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Congress’s invitation to address it, before President Obama had been notified
(9) Falsely claiming that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas
(10) Depicting a Jewish U.S. Senator in blackface, as a means of humiliating him for not supporting HuffPost’s favored candidate
(11) Falsely claiming that “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”
(12) Posting on its two Arabic editions a story claiming that a Jewish woman murdered the Prophet Muhammad — then refusing (a) to even respond to letters of complaint from the ADL, or (b) to take the article down.
(13) HuffPost published a headline that speculated if a “Jerusalem court sentenced a dog to death by stoning,” when it knew at the time that the story was a hoax
(14) “Israel Gives African Migrants An Ultimatum: Plane Ticket Home Or Jail”
(1) “Fucking dick the fat Jew”
HuffPost published this “news” story near the top of its front page on August 19, 2015:
(2) At least Hitler “meant well, by eliminating Jews”
H/T to the Little Green Footballs blog, which broke this story; quoted verbatim:
HuffPo Writer: At Least Hitler Meant Well, by Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, June 24, 2007. Excerpt:
At the Huffington Post, your one-stop shop for leftist vitriol and deranged hatred, former Washington Post sportswriter and Seinfeld co-producer Peter Mehlman says the Bush administration is far worse than the world’s worst fascist dictators. At least the dictators meant well:
So now we’re six and a half years into Bush and everyone from Helen Thomas on down is declaring him the worst president ever. What no one is saying is the one overarching reason he’s the worst: the Bush administration is the first that doesn’t even mean well. […]
You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by suppressing blacks/eliminating Jews/eradicating free enterprise/repressing individual thought/killing off rivals/invading neighbors, etc.
As of December 5, 2016, the editorial was still live at HuffPost — nine years after it was first published — and the deranged writer is still one of its official bloggers.
(3) Falsely claiming that “Israeli troops kill Palestinians, harvest organs”
Just one tiny problem with this “news” story that HuffPost put on its front page: HuffPost knew, before it published this classic anti-Semitic blood libel, that the “journalist” who wrote this “story” openly admitted — in the story itself — that he had “no idea, no clue” if the allegation is true or not:
Interviewed on Israel Radio on Wednesday, [Donald] Bostrom said he was worried by the allegations he reported but could not vouch for their accuracy. “It concerns me, to the extent that I want it to be investigated, that’s true. But whether it’s true or not – I have no idea, I have no clue,” he told the station.
Also, this picture was not associated with, and is completely unrelated to the original story. HuffPost’s editors had to search for a picture that would add that last bit of anti-Semitic incitement to the “story.” In this case, it found and used one that shows grinning IDF soldiers marching towards the camera, presumably gleeful over having murdered more Palestinians and stealing their organs — and another, which it used to promote this “story” atop its other top story pages of the day, showing an IDF soldier praying next to a tank.
Soon after HuffPost published this “story,” physicians from around the world debunked the medical aspects of it as “impossible,” and the Palestinian family cited in the story claimed they never made this allegation. More debunking here.
HuffPost never published an update to the “story,” nor did it apologize to its readers, to Jews, or to Israel and the IDF. Instead, by the time this SaveTheWest report was written, HuffPost had simply removed it, apparently deciding that its ongoing work to defame Jews — and help incite and justify Palestinian terrorist attacks on them — had already achieved its purpose.
(4) Falsely claiming that “Romney’s motorcade chased by ‘pack’ of Orthodox Jews”
HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page on August 8, 2012:
Anyone who follows HuffPost knows that if it ever caught a conservative publication referring to Muslims as chasing anything in a “pack,” it would have gone on one of its notorious “headline jihads” against the perpetrator, condemning its racism, Islamophobia and bigotry. In fact, HuffPost set up an entire sub-site dedicated to chronicling every allegation of unkindness against Muslims in America — while not setting up a similar sub-site, to document the fact that there are 3-5 times as many hate crimes against Jews.
Further, there was one tiny problem with this “news” story, which HuffPost published on its front page: it knew, or should have known, that the “journalist” who wrote, Sam Stein, it was either lying, or grossly incorrect. Specifically, because as the NY Times exposed, this “pack” of Jews was chasing Romney because they were fans, and wanted to get their pictures taken with him.
And although HuffPost eventually rewrote the headline to remove the anti-Semitic slur, as of December 4, 2016 (four years later), it still allowed its embedded slide show to continue advancing the lie that the Jewish wedding party had “chased off” Romney:
(5) “This filthy Jewess is so done with the alt-right”
HuffPost published this editorial on its front page on November 23, 2016:
(6) Whitewashing and justifying Palestinian terrorism against Jews
In the fall of 2015, the Palestinians mounted their latest terror campaign against Jewish civilians in Israel. Palestinians from age 11 and over were stabbing, shooting and running over Jews on a near-daily basis, and ultimately killed 26 people, including five Americans. HuffPost, however, ignored 94 of the 105 attacks that occurred between the beginning of the “Third Intifada,” on September 15, and November 1, and whitewashed or justified the remaining attacks, as chronicled in SaveTheWest’s recent documentary:
“HuffPost’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
As part of HuffPost’s bias and incitement campaign against Jews during this period, on October 16, 2015, it published this editorial at the top of its World page, the headline of which explicitly justifies Palestinian terrorist attacks on Jews. And Huffpost left it there for six straight days.
Three days later, on October 19, HuffPost published this “story” as the splash headline on its World page, which it matched with this sympathetic picture of an apparently exhausted Palestinian rioter, or terrorist:
In this editorial, the “journalist” compared Palestinian teenagers to those she encountered as a “teacher” in America, and in the West Bank, as being:
“[n]ormal kids who wanted normal lives… [T]hey wanted to sleep through the night without the fear of soldiers raiding their house, turning it upside down, or stationing themselves on the roof… [T]oday’s stabbings… are cries of despair and hopelessness…”
Just one tiny problem: one of the architects of the Third Intifada, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh confirmed that:
“This intifada is not the result of despair. This intifada is a jihad, a holy war fought by the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Only a holy war will drive the occupier out of Palestine.”
HuffPost chose to completely ignore that refutation, and identical other ones, by both the perpetrators and inciters of the Third Intifada. Instead, as documented here, HuffPost chose to publish “news” items such as these on its front page:
“Lost Erotica Of Spain Reveals An Overlooked Feminist History (NSFW)”
“Here’s What Happened When These Gay Men Touched A Vagina For The First Time”
“Newly Discovered Trench In Loch Ness Is Just The Right Size For A Monster”
(7) Israel is “fantasizing about getting Washington to go to war with Iran”
One classic anti-Semitic libel is that Jews conspire to trick nations into going to war against each other, for the Jews’ benefit. HuffPost employed it during its 2013-2015 cheerleading for the phony Iran deal (documented here), when it published the following editorial at the top of its World page, and left it there for three straight days.
Iran and America at Heaven’s Gate?, by Michael Brenner, Huffington Post, March 16, 2015. Excerpt (emphasis added):
If Israel fails to get Washington to go to war with Iran, it will have lost a very big bet. More fantasizing will not get it out of that hole. […] There also is the possibility of Israeli attack aircraft being shot out of the sky by the United States as they overfly Iraq or even approach Iran from a circuitous route via Saudi Arabia. It strikes me that a compelling case can be made for the United States to do just that.
(8) Perpetuating the lie that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Congress’s invitation to address it, before President Obama had been notified
A few hours before Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 2015 speech to Congress, HuffPost published this splash headline story. Note that the headline copy put incendiary words into Netanyahu’s mouth, clearly implying that he had done something to insult President Obama:
The story page to which this incendiary headline led contained this passage (emphasis added):
HUFFPOLLSTER: Netanyahu Visit Polarizes Americans, by Mark Blumenthal, Ariel Edwards-Levy and Janie Velencia, The Huffington Post, March 2, 2015 7:50 am ET.
“Nearly half of American voters — 48 percent — say that congressional Republicans should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Tuesday without first notifying President Barack Obama, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
This false allegation originated in a story in the New York Times, that simply repeated an allegation by White House operatives that President Obama had not been notified in advance about Netanyahu’s acceptance of Speaker Boehner’s invitation to address Congress.
In reality, as HuffPost knew or should have known, the New York Times had corrected that false story more than a month earlier, on January 30, 2015, publishing this notation at the end of the article:
“An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.”
Ed Lasky at American Thinker publicized the NYT’s correction, and the fact that this was a lie that originated in the Obama administration, on January 31.
Further, contrary to HuffPost’s assertion in the headline that Netanyahu’s speech was “polarizing Americans,” according to a story by Bloomberg two weeks earlier, a CNN-ORC national survey revealed that nearly twice as many Americans said they wanted Netanyahu to speak to Congress, as those who didn’t (even though many assumed the White House false narrative was correct, about its not being informed in advance).
As this screencap from May 28, 2016 shows, HuffPost never corrected its story, or published a retraction on either its front page or World page.
(9) Falsely claiming that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during defensive actions against Hamas terrorism
One of the largest and most respected Jewish civil rights organizations, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, blasted this headline story, and the entire premise behind it, as an outrageous anti-Semitic lie:
Wiesenthal Center: Huffington Post Headline on Gaza ‘Takes Art of Lying to New Depths’, by Joshua Levitt, The Algemeiner, July 24, 2014. Excerpt:
Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper on Thursday slammed the Huffington Post and reporter Sophie Jones, its Middle East correspondent, for the sensationalist headline, “‘They Just Wanted to Kill as Many People as Possible.”’ Cooper said the headline, accusing Israel of targeting civilians in its current war against Hamas in Gaza, and Jones’s reporting, “takes the art of lying and self-delusion to new depths.” […]
“Israel made a commitment unmatched by any other country in wartime to use technology to minimize civilian casualties,” he said. “Is it perfect, of course not. But Gazans know the truth – Hamas, who they voted into power, has turned them into human shields, their enemy Israel has tried to help them survive.”
Jones’s own reporting contradicted the article’s headline, as several of her “dozens of interviews” described how they and their families safely left their homes after the IDF warned as many as people as possible in their neighborhood.
Not only has HuffPost never apologized for or retracted the story, as this screencap shows, from December 6, 2016, it turned up the heat on propagating incendiary lies against Israel.
(10) Depicting a Jewish U.S. Senator in blackface, as a means of humiliating him for not supporting HuffPost’s favored candidate
This racist, anti-Semitic screed was written by flame-throwing blogger Jane Hamsher, into which HuffPost allowed her to insert this Photoshop-altered image of Sen. Lieberman to appear in blackface, to assail him because she alleged he was being disloyal to the Democratic Party. (The reader must figure out how disloyalty equates with being a fake black person, and if this relates to HuffPost’s lily-white executive staff.)
Although HuffPost later removed this anti-Semitic image, after a public firestorm, it has allowed the article to remain posted, and Hamsher to remain an active blogger.
(11) Falsely claiming that “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”
The following is summarized from an article at Huffington Post Monitor.
After Hamas instigated another war with Israel, HuffPost published the above teaser at the top of its story pages, which read, “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks.” This “news” story opened with:
“Militants launched mortar shells into Israel and Israeli jets bombed targets in Gaza on Wednesday, just as Israeli and Palestinian leaders held peace talks in Jerusalem with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Gaza militants opposed to peace with Israel have threatened to derail the fledgling negotiations, and the Israeli military said eight mortars and one rocket hit Israel by mid-afternoon on the day of the talks – the highest daily total since March 2009. There were no injuries.”
Later the same day, as documented by Huff-Watch, HuffPost revised the copy to read:
(12) Posting on its two Arabic editions a story claiming that a Jewish woman murdered the Prophet Muhammad — then refusing (a) to even respond to letters of complaint from the ADL, or (b) to take the article down.
Huffpost Arabic refuses to remove post claiming a Jew poisoned Muhammad; Rebuffing ADL request to take down ‘anti-Semitic screed,’ website instead rephrases headline as a question, by JTA (via Times of London), January 13, 2017. Excerpt:
The Anti-Defamation League called on the Huffington Post’s Arabic-language edition to remove a blog post claiming a Jewish woman poisoned the Prophet Muhammad with arsenic.
The ADL has been urging the site to take down the article since shortly after it was published Nov. 29, the organization said in a press release on Thursday.
“It is troubling that an anti-Semitic screed cleared The Huffington Post’s editorial review process and that our concerns so far have been ignored,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. “We call on The Huffington Post to immediately remove this offensive entry and to ensure that the proper safeguards are in place so that the Arabic site is free of anti-Semitism and incitement against Jews.”
And from the Jewish News Service (JNS) on January 13, 2017:
The [HuffPost] blog, originally published Nov. 29, stated outright in its title that a Jewish woman used arsenic to poison Mohammed, while the text included that claim and other anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. The ADL initially reached out to the editor of the Huffington Post Arabic website Dec. 7, but never received a response.
(13) HuffPost published a headline that speculated if a “Jerusalem court sentenced a dog to death by stoning,” when it knew at the time that the story was a hoax
This case study is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On June 22, 2011 HuffPost published this “news” story near the top of its World page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page — the headline of which revealed that the allegation was a hoax:
Dog Stoning Sentence In Jerusalem Exposed As False, Huffington Post, June 22, 2011. Excerpt:
Have you heard the one about the dog who walked into a rabbinical court?
Here’s how the BBC reported it: A pooch made its way into a beth din in Jerusalem’s ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim. One of the judges, believing the dog to be the reincarnation of a now-deceased lawyer whom the court had cursed some two decades earlier, sentenced the dog to death by stoning, and ordered that the sentence be carried out by children.
The dog escaped before the sentence could be carried out. Dog-lovers have filed a complaint against the court.
HuffPost knew at the time that this “news” story was a hoax. Yet note how it worded the headline on the front page — as if the story had any credibility whatsoever, when it knew it did not:
“Did a Jerusalem court really sentence a dog to death by stoning?”
HuffPost’s false “news story” headline resulted in a torrent of anti-Semitic hate comments from readers, all of which it reviewed, approved and decided to publish
Below is a small sampling of the comments that were incited by HuffPost’s publicizing of this vile rumor. Note that HuffPost’s Comment Policy claims it prohibits, and will not publish comments containing anti-Semitism, religious slurs, or off-topic content. Also, keep in mind that as documented in this special report, the only comments that appeared on the thread were those that HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish:
“Our comments on the news site were originally post-moderated (i.e., objectionable comments were removed only after our moderators were alerted). We eventually decided that it was worth the substantial effort and expense to have human pre-moderation on both blogs and news.”
— Arianna Huffington, July 2008
Lastly, note that most of these users are not hit-and-run “trolls”; they are some of the anti-Semites and anti-Israel propagandists that HuffPost has been enabling and protecting for years (judging from “fan” counts):
1148 Fans
A rabbi telling kids to throw rocks at a dog? How sick is that?
97 Fans
Sick. When their guilty conscience leads them to malign a simple dog, it shows how deranged and superstitious some people are. Run dog run!!
1148 Fans
10 to 1 that dog was Palestinian. Poor fella. They should have put a yarmulke on his head; they’d have given him his own settlement in the West Bank and let him pee on Palestinian olive trees to his heart’s content.
Sal Glen
72 Fans
10 Fans
36 Fans
The Talmud mandates this nonsense. Time to unmask and expose the Talmud..
Curiously, HuffPost never publishes any “news” stories about the actual horrific abuse and torture that fundamentalist Muslims inflict on dogs, and other animals
Al-Qaida videos show poison gas tests
Disturbing scenes of death show capability with chemical gas
AL QAEDA VIOLENCE ON VIDEO Killed dogs, vowed war
Blood runs through streets of Dhaka after mixing with monsoon rains during Eid al-Adha celebrations
Why Does Islam Teach Hatred of Dogs?
Instead of publishing any of these stories, as documented here, HuffPost actually published a front-page headline that claimed Al Qaeda has “‘a gentle face”:
(14) “Israel Gives African Migrants An Ultimatum: Plane Ticket Home Or Jail”
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on January 10, 2018:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this “story” page — which consisted of a HuffPost-produced video, that was based on a lie: the people to whom it refers are, according to its own video, not “migrants” (people who travel from one nation to another, legally), but illegal aliens, who unlawfully entered and have remained in Israel, in violation of the law:
Although Africans have migrated to Israel legally serve with honor in its military, police and civilian sector, those who arrived illegally have been largely engaged in a massive crime wave, possess few job skills, and their cultural traits and religious beliefs often clash with Israel and other first-world Western nations in Europe. Given these facts, as a sovereign nation, Israel has every legitimate right to send these illegal aliens back home, in a civilized way — in this case, as acknowledged in HuffPost’s own video, with $3,500 in their pockets, a small fortune in the impoverished African nations from which they originate.
Yet HuffPost mentioned none of that in its headline, instead deciding to make it appear that Israel was kicking out “migrants,” who, by definition, entered the country legally?
Here is HuffPost’s self-produced video, in its entirety:
HuffPost completely ignored the fact that one day earlier, Palestinian terrorists murdered an Israeli rabbi, a father of six

On January 9, 2018 at 1:00pm EST, the following story broke:
Jew murdered in terror attack near Havat Gilad in Samaria; Rabbi Raziel Shevach dies of wounds after shooting attack near Samaria community. Security forces set up roadblocks around Shechem, by Ido ben Porat, Israel National News, January 9, 2018, 20:13p, (1:13pm EST). Excerpt:
Rabbi Raziel Shevach, a 35-year-old father of six, has died of his wounds following a shooting attack near Havat Gilad in Samaria this evening.
Rabbi Shevach was a mohel and volunteered with Magen David Adom. About a year ago, he finished studies for the rabbinate, and was currently in the midst of studies to be a rabbinical arbiter.
The rabbi leaves behind a wife, 4 daughters and 2 sons, the younger of which is an 8-month-old baby. Details for the funeral have not yet been set.
Medics who rushed to the scene provided aid to the rabbi and evacuated him to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where doctors fought to save his life, but were ultimately forced to confirm his death.
The hospital said that “The wounded man arrived to the hospital without pulse, not breathing, and without vital signs. He was brought to the trauma room, where advanced resuscitation efforts were employed. Unfortunately, despite the efforts, his death was confirmed.”
And from the Times of Israel, less than two hours later:
Terror victim Raziel Shevach remembered as unique, kindhearted man; Father of 6 was a central figure in the settlement community, friends say. ‘All who knew him loved him, and loved him deeply’, by Times of Israel staff, January 9, 2018, 9:51 pm (2:51pm EST). Excerpt:
Rabbi Raziel Shevach, slain in a West Bank terror attack Tuesday night, was remembered by friends and acquaintances as a goodhearted family man who was a central figure in the local settlement community and in his home of Havat Gilad.
“He was a very special person,” said friend Yehuda Hass, who volunteered with Shevach as a medic in Magen David Adom. “Just recently he received a citation for his work in the organization. He was the unofficial rabbi of Havat Gilad.”
The 35-year-old father of six was also a rabbi in a yeshiva and a mohel.
“He was a very well known mohel here…in the area, entirely as a volunteer,” Hass told the Ynet news site. “He was a great man with a great heart.”
Shevach was shot dead Tuesday while driving down a highway near his home in the outpost outside Nablus. Israeli security forces were searching for the perpetrators.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A January 11, 2018 search at 1:00 pm EST — 48 hours after the story broke — using the string “Rabbi Raziel Shevach” returned zero results:
So what kinds of other “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days, instead of anything about Rabbi Shevach’s murder?
Here’s a sampling:

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