By Jon Sutz
Name: | Louis Farrakhan, leader, Nation of Islam |
Twitter handle: | @LouisFarrakhan |
On Twitter since: | March 2011 |
Twitter follower count as of June 2022: | 353,900 (Context: The @ADL only has 343,400 followers) |
This page is extensive compilation of documentation about Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, from watchdogs including the Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Snopes, the Jewish Virtual Library, and the Creative Community for Peace.
In summary, these and many other organizations have produced reports that they allege contain proof that Farrakhan has said the following:
- That white people “deserve to die, [and] they know it.” (source)
- That he openly told his followers, “We must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them.” (source)
- That “Those who call themselves ‘Jews,’ who are not really Jews, but are in fact Satan”; that Hitler was “a very great man”; and that he’s not an anti-Semite, he’s “anti-Termite.” (source)
- That homosexuality is “degenerate crap,” “cultural degeneracy,” and that those who engage in it will be rejected by Heaven, because it’s “filth” and “God condemns it” (source)
- That he “identifies as ‘the lone Messenger of God,’ preaches that the ‘white Jews’ have been ‘the enemies of God,’ [and] the servants of Satan, for the last 4,000 years.” (source)
Most Americans, particularly the young, are unaware of the contents of the reports produced by these watchdogs, or the evidence upon which their allegations are based. This unawareness is likely why a top celebrities, including Snoop Dogg, can publicly praise Farrakhan, yet attract lucrative corporate endorsement deals. It’s also why some of the most powerful elected officials at the federal and state level can literally, openly embrace Farrakhan, as in the case of Rep. Maxine Waters, chairwoman of the powerful US House Financial Services Committee:
As you review the documentation in Sections (1) and (2), and the three murder sprees that those who appear to be admirers of Farrakhan have perpetrated, in Section (3)…
…imagine what would happen if you discovered that a massively influential American Jewish preacher publicly used the exact same verbiage against Muslims. Or against members of the LGBT community, or on the basis of one’s skin color.
Imagine the reaction that such a preacher and his synagogue would get, from Twitter and throughout Silicon Valley, and from Wall St. to Main Street, to schools across America.
And yet, while Twitter is blocking our ability to promote our Afghan Ally Rescue Campaign — and shut down the Babylon Bee satire site for “misgendering” a person — it decided to profit by enabling Farrakhan to use its service, since 2011.

(1) A sampling of Farrakhan publicly inciting anti-Semitic, racist and anti-LGBT hatred
(2) Farrakhan’s explicit incitement of racist violence
(3) Farrakhan followers have allegedly perpetrated at least three racist murder sprees
(4) Twitter’s decision to profit by enabling Farrakhan
(5) Primary sources
(1) A sampling of Farrakhan publicly inciting anti-Semitic, racist and anti-LGBT hatred
(1.1) Inciting anti-Semitic hatred
(1.2) Inciting racist hatred
(1.3) Inciting hatred against the LGBT community
(1.1) Inciting anti-Semitic hatred
VIDEO: “Farrakhan’s Greatest Hits”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men…. White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through!”
— February 28, 2018 sermon
“Those who call themselves ‘Jews,’ who are not really Jews, but are in fact Satan: You should learn to call them by their real name, ‘Satan’; you are coming face-to-face with Satan, the Arch Deceiver, the enemy of God and the enemy of the Righteous.”
— February 2017 sermon
“In 100 years, [Jews have come to] control movies, television, recording, publishing, commerce, radio, they own it all!!!”
— February 26, 2012 sermon
“They [Jews] are the greatest controllers of Black minds, Black intelligence […] They put us before the world as clowns and as purveyors of filth.”
— October 18, 1998 interview on NBC “Meet The Press”
“The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road.”
— February 22, 1998 sermon
“[T]he Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”
— March 11, 1984 press conference
“To the members of the Jewish community that don’t like me, thank you very much for putting my name all over the planet because of your fear of what we represent. I can go anywhere in the world and they’ve heard of Farrakhan. Thank you very much. I’m not mad at you because you’re so stupid. So when they [Jews] talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you do what they do, call me an anti-Semite. Stop it, I’m anti-Termite.”
— October 14, 2018 speech
“Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit… [They] will lead you to filth and indecency. That’s who runs show business. That’s who runs the record industry. That’s who runs television.”
— May 27, 2018 sermon
(1.2) Inciting racist hatred
“The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire.”
– 2016 sermon
“White people are potential humans — they haven’t evolved yet.”
– March 2000 sermon
“The white man is the devil.”
– 2004, cited by The Independent (UK)
“When you are willing and not afraid anymore to pay the price for freedom — don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong. Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering.”
– July 7, 2016 (Note: Hours after Farrakhan posted the video of him saying this, one of his followers went on a racist murder spree against police officers in Dallas, TX; see Section 3.)
(1.3) Inciting hatred against the LGBT community
“God don’t like men coming to men with lust in their hearts like you should go to a female. … If you think that the kingdom of God is going to be filled up with that kind of degenerate crap, you’re out of your damn mind.”
— 1996 quote, cited by LGBT website The Advocate
“[T]hat wicked state of Israel — how can it be that it’s ‘The Holy Land,’ and you have gay parades, and want to permit to have a gay parade in Jerusalem when no prophet ever sanctioned that behavior? How can that be the Israel, how can that be Jerusalem with secular people running the holy land when it should be the holy people running the holy land. That land is gonna be cleansed with blood!”
— February 26, 2006 sermon; source
“It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality.”
— February 26, 2006 sermon
(2) Farrakhan’s explicit incitement of racist violence
Farrakhan gave two sermons in August 2015 in which he said the following – on video:
“White people deserve to die. They know.”
“Stalk them, and kill them!!!”
Farrakhan shouts “Allah Akbar,” says white people know they “deserve to die” — Christian Examiner, August 14, 2015.
Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays And White People — The Daily Caller, January 26, 2018.
Louis Farrakhan Is Banned from Facebook —, May 2, 2019.
(3) Farrakhan followers have allegedly perpetrated at least three racist murder sprees — that we know of
Within twenty months of Farrakhan’s August 2015 public claim that “white people deserve to die,” and him urging his followers to “stalk them, and kill them,” referring to those whom he contends are doing bad things to black people (source), three of them are alleged to have done just that.
Micah Xavier Johnson

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson, began firing at Dallas, TX police officers, because he allegedly said “he wanted to kill white people, especially police officers.”
Dallas Shooting Suspect Micah Xavier Johnson Had Rifles, Bombmaking Materials in His Home, Police Say – ABC News, July 9, 2016. Excerpts:
The suspected gunman in an attack on police officers in Dallas — which left five cops dead and seven injured — had bombmaking materials, ballistic vests and rifles in his house, police said.
The news from police came as police pieced together the background on the suspect, 25-year-old Micah Xavier Johnson, in the ambush-style shooting Thursday night. /…/
During the overnight standoff that led to his death, the suspect told a hostage negotiator that he was upset about the recent police shootings of two black men and that he wanted to kill white people, especially police officers, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said at a news conference this morning.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) also reported on Johnson’s background and motivations:
Johnson liked on Facebook the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), the Nation of Islam and the Black Riders Liberation Party, all listed by the SPLC as hate groups.
As reported by The Blaze, law enforcement agencies then discovered evidence that hours before Johnson’s shooting spree, Twitter allowed Farrakhan to post a video that contained what appears to be his approval of violence on a racial basis:
Hours Before Officers Were Gunned Down in Dallas, Louis Farrakhan Posted This Shocking Message of Racism and Violence – The Blaze, July 8, 2016. Excerpt:
Hours before [Micah Xavier Johnson] opened fire on police officers in downtown Dallas, killing five cops and injuring seven others, Louis Farrakhan posted a message of hatred and violence against white people on social media. […]
“When you are willing and not afraid anymore to pay the price for freedom — don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong. Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!!!”
Farrakhan posted this video on Twitter at 4:10 PM on July 7, 2016 — less than five hours before Johnson went on his racist murder spree, at 8:58 PM:
Are you truly ready to pay the price for freedom?
As of April 19, 2022, Twitter still allowed Farrakhan’s incitement video to remain published — and over the previous six years, to be viewed 393,600 times:
Gavin Eugene Long

Ten days after Johnson’s racist rampage, on July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long, a black Muslim, allegedly ambushed and shot six white police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, three of whom died.
Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel [VIDEO], Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, July 17, 2016. Highlights:
A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.
Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also ranted against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5. […]
In one video posted in recent weeks, Long left a cryptic message that may have foretold Sunday’s attack. And though he said he was once a member of the Nation of Islam, the radical sect led by Louis Farrakhan, Long also said that he had no affiliations with outside groups. […]
“Yeah, I also was a Nation of Islam member.”
Two weeks after Long’s racist murder rampage, a local newspaper published the contents of his suicide note. Note the similarity in Long’s words to the words Farrakhan used in his videos:
Read the suicide note left by Baton Rouge police shooter Gavin Long – The Times-Picayune (LA), June 30, 2017:
“I must bring the same destruction that bad cops continue to inflict upon my people, upon bad cops as well as good cops.”
Read much more detail about Long’s Twitter posts (still active as of April 19, 2022), and the content of his YouTube videos (now removed), at:
Police shooter once Nation of Islam, committed to ‘religion of justice’ – Christian Examiner, July 18, 2016.
Kori Ali Muhammad

Nine months later, on April 18, 2017, Kori Ali Muhammad went on murder spree against white people in Fresno, CA. According to numerous local and national news organizations, after murdering a white man the day before, Muhammad yelled “Allahu Akbar!!!”:
(a) As he slaughtered three more white people
(b) As police officers were arresting him
Muhammad described his hatred of white people in verbiage that, according to one expert on extremism, came straight from Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam:
Suspect in Fresno shooting rampage spoke about racial conflict and black nationalism – Los Angeles Times, Apr 18, 2017:
Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, has been arrested in the shootings, which killed three people. Police have not provided a motive in the attack. As he was taken into custody, he yelled out “Allahu Akbar,” Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said. But officials emphasized that they were not sure whether this was an act of terrorism. […]
Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino, says many of Muhammad’s social media postings reference terms used by the Nation of Islam, which has been labeled a racist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Pointing to Muhammad’s repeated references to “white devils” and “Yakub,” the villainous figure responsible for creating white people, according to Nation of Islam lore, Levin says it is likely Muhammad thought he was taking part in a race war.
Three years later, during his trial, Muhammad admitted his motive was to murder white people:
‘I wanted to kill them, yes’: Kori Muhammad takes the stand in murder trial – YourCentralValley (Fresno, CA), March 17, 2020:
Muhammad is accused of killing Motel 6 security guard Carl Williams on April 13, 2017.
Then five days later gunning down, Zackary Randalls, Mark Gassett, and David Jackson, during a shooting spree in downtown Fresno because they were white.
“When you took aim at these individuals, you intended to kill all three of them didn’t you?” Smith asked.
“Yep,” Muhammad said.
Muhammad recognized throughout his testimony he intended to kill.
“I kill them. yes, he’s dead, so it happen,” Muhammad said.
Smith questioning Muhammad on every murder, “Mr. Muhammad I’m asking you, the second you saw the PG&E truck you were going to find out if there was a white person in it, if there was, you were going to shoot him dead, isn’t that right?”
Muhammad replied, “yes.”
Other violence allegedly perpetrated by those who mimicked Farrakhan’s language
Alleged assailant in Brooklyn attack on Jewish man is charged with hate crime – The Times of Israel, May 24, 2018. Excerpt:
Moskowitz, a father of nine, told that he said “good afternoon” to his alleged assailant, who was smoking a cigar on a street corner.
“As soon as [I greeted] him, he began yelling at me ‘you fake Jews, who are you saying hello to? You’re fake Jews and you stole all my money and robbed me, and stole my mortgage and my house. I want to kill you!’”
The attack was captured on video:
(4) Twitter’s decision to profit by enabling Farrakhan
Twitter knows exactly who and what Louis Farrakhan is, and does — and yet, it refuses to ban him. Here are some articles containing documentation of this fact (most recent at top):
Twitter takes aim at Louis Farrakhan with new rule against ‘dehumanizing’ language – The Washington Times, July 10, 2019.
Twitter has a huge Louis Farrakhan problem – NY Post, October 18, 2018.
Twitter says no plans to ban Farrakhan after comparison of Jews to termites – The Times of Israel, October 18, 2018.
Twitter Won’t Ban Farrakhan For Calling Jews ‘Termites.’ They’ll Ban Conservatives For Calling Chelsea Manning A Traitor. – The Daily Wire, October 17, 2018.
Twitter removes ‘verified’ status from Louis Farrakhan’s account – Times of Israel, June 12, 2018.
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan no longer verified on Twitter after antisemitic tweet – Daily Mail Online (UK), June 9, 2018.
The following Tweet, now removed, is what set in motion the above actions:
(5) Primary sources
Nation of Islam Leader Farrakhan in His Own Words – Anti-Defamation League (also see sidebar, “Related Content”)
“Farrakhan In His Own Words” – Simon Wiesenthal Center
“Louis Farrakhan” – Profile by the Southern Poverty Law Center
“The Wrath of Farrakhan” – Snopes
“Minister Louis Farrakhan – In His Own Words” – Jewish Virtual Library
“Video of Louis Farrakhan’s Jew Hatred” – Creative Community for Peace
VIDEO: “The Anti-Jewish Campaign of Louis Farrakhan” – Creative Community For Peace, May 4, 2022:
“The Truth About Jews and The Slave Trade” – Creative Community for Peace (addressing a persistent theme of Farrakhan’s allegations against Jews — that they played a major role in the importation of African slaves to America)
Women’s March Leader Refuses to Denounce Antigay, Anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan – The Advocate (a gay website), March 7 2018.
“Significant Farrakhan Quotes on Various Key Topics” – Discover The Networks
Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays And White People – The Daily Caller, January 26. 2018.
Robbing the Jews: The Antisemitic Roots of the Nation of Islam’s Belief System – National Resilience, Politics and Society – by , 2018 (full paper here).
‘The white man is our mortal enemy’ – The Telegraph (UK), August 1, 2001.
‘The white man is the devil’ – what the Nation of Islam taught Muhammad Ali | The Independent – The Independent (UK), June 5, 2016.
Louis Farrakhan: America’s Foremost Anti-Semite – Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (Israel), December 12, 2018.