Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week 2025 FORECAST: WHOLE LOT OF CHAOS GOING ON – Ken’s Thought...

2025 FORECAST: WHOLE LOT OF CHAOS GOING ON – Ken’s Thought of the Week





Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War”

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

For the past 20 years, dictatorships have been gaining strength at the expense of democracies around the world. China, Russia, North Korea, Syria, the Islamist theocracy of Iran, and more recently Taliban-ruled Afghanistan gained strength. All of these dictatorship benefit from the protection of the global, unelected, domineering United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Having faced very weak democracies with appeasing policies, the dictatorships took the opportunity to undermine them, either directly or through proxies. A major attack against a democratic Western-style nation was carried out on October 7, 2023, when Hamas, Iran’s proxy in Gaza, invaded Israel across its southern border with close to 3,000 trained terrorists and some 3,000 “civilians”. They brutally murdered 1,200 citizens and foreigners, and kidnapped more than 250 men, women, and children, taking them into Gaza as hostages.The next day, October 8, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, attacked Israel from the north. On October 29, the terrorist Houthi, Iran’s Yemenite proxy, joined the war, firing missiles at the Port of Eilat and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab-el Mandeb, the Arabian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, closing the Suez Canal. They thus imperiled the international maritime trade and the supply chain between Africa and Asia.

The Islamic Republic of Iran joined the battle directly on April 13, 2024, attacking Israel, some 1,500 miles away, with 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles, and again on October 1, 2024 with some 200 missiles and drones.Israel reacted to these unprecedented attacks with a ferocity that shocked its enemies and even surprised its allies. In 2024, Israel single-handedly turned the tables on the evil forces of Iran.

1) Nearly 85% of the 40,000 Hamas terrorists have been killed,  injured, or captured in Gaza.

2) Nearly 25% of the 60,000 Hezbollah terrorists and 75% of their 150,000 rockets and drones have been neutralized in Lebanon.

3) Nearly 25% of Iran’s 3,000 missiles and drones have been shot down or blown up. Virtually all of Iran’s anti-aircraft weapons have been destroyed.4) The US is finally beginning to seriously attack the 50,000 Houthi terrorists in Yemen.

5) Israel’s successful attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria encouraged radical Sunni rebels, armed by Turkey, to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. President Assad has escaped to Russia and the rebels are now in control of most of the country, except for the Northeast portion that is controlled by the very able Kurds.


So what does 2025 portend?

Until now, Israel has led 98% of the West’s response to the Iranian Shiite Death Cult and its proxies, much to the benefit of Jews, Christians, and Sunni Muslims, all of whom have been victims of the criminal government of Iran.

Tiny Israel, the mother of Western Civilization’s democracies, has destroyed much of Iran’s “Arc of Resistance”. This incredible turn of event is already encouraging a few democracies to finally wake up.

As a result, we expect Iran to race forward with its nuclear weapons program. The US and Israel should respond forcefully. Instead of releasing billions of dollars to the Iranian regime, the Biden administration, together with Israel should demand that Iran immediately dismantle its nuclear weapons facilities. If not, it may be too late by the time President Trump takes office at the end of January 2025.

If Iran refuses, both countries should work together to destroy these facilities. This would also complete the destruction of Iran’s “Arc of Resistance” terror proxies. Then Israeli and American joint efforts will be able to destroy the Iranian Shiite evil axis.

If the nations of Europe join in enforcing the sanctions to defeat the Iranian terrorist regime, they will create the conditions for the long-suffering people of Iran to rise up and overthrow the corrupt regime. If that happens, we expect the Iranian Death Cult to collapse within six very chaotic months.

The citizens of several European democracies have already voted out their weak, incompetent governments, and hopefully, others will follow to elect real national patriots into office.

Yes, the year 2025 should be a turning point in the battle of Western-style Democracies against radical Dictatorships, but only after the extreme chaos of the next six months. Once Israel, together with the United States, has destroyed this evil, a renaissance of Western Civilization will be free to develop.

Stay tuned and watch the fireworks!
