Home Rachel Avraham Op-Ed: A Biden presidency encourages Antifa, BLM and radical Islamism

Op-Ed: A Biden presidency encourages Antifa, BLM and radical Islamism



By Rachel Avraham

In a recent webinar on “Key Electoral Issues,” Ken Abramowitz, threat analyst and author of the newly released book, “The Multifront War: Defending America from Political Islam, China, Russia, Pandemics, and Racial Strife”, reiterated that it is of pivotal importance to Western civilization that Trump get re-elected: “The Democrats are a combination of Reds (radical statists) and Greens (Islamists). If they win, their relationship with other democracies will suffer. Reds and Greens are enemies of the Jews, Christians, and the Constitution. The Democrats close churches and synagogues, but allow demonstrators to continue to destroy cities.”

In the recent televised debates, Democratic Candidate Joe Biden adamantly refused to criticize the anarchist violence orchestrated in the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests. Nor did he condemn the fact that both groups hold anti-Semitic ideology. In fact, Biden demonstrated that he supports both groups by calling Trump a “racist” and stressing that he supports conditioning funding to the police based upon their conduct on racial issues, adding that he is a big fan of “community policing.” In the debates, Trump noted that it was for this reason that not a single law enforcement agency in the US is supporting the election of Biden as US President.

Abramowitz also noted that while Egypt and Saudi Arabia ban the Muslim Brotherhood, the Democrats give them a free reign to operate in America, claiming that their radicalism is protected freedom of speech. Beyond that, Biden has received the backing of Emgage, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliated group that routinely promotes terrorism and homophobia. They invited Suhaib Webb, a Boston imam who preached to the 9/11 hijackers, to speak at one of their conferences. They also had Imam Shamsi Ali, who referred to homosexuality as an “unbearable plague,” attend one of their conferences. Linda Sarsour, another speaker for Emgage, called for an “intifada” against the United States. Biden, instead of rejecting their endorsement, reportedly was “honored” by it.

Regarding foreign policy, Abramowitz noted that a Biden presidency “would start funding the Iran nuclear agreement.” Biden has received the backing of J-Street, a political lobbying group that supports salvaging the Iranian nuclear deal, which represents a grave threat to the security of the State of Israel, America, and the free world at large. Due to the Iranian nuclear deal, sanctions were lifted, and Iran was able to prop up proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. They were also able to oppress their people more efficiently, with greater ease. On top of that, both their ballistic and nuclear programs were able to advance with little hindrance. As the nuclear documents uncovered by the State of Israel indicated, Iran’s nuclear program continued unabated, despite the nuclear deal put into place by Obama and Biden. All it did was grant sanctions relief for almost nothing in return and Biden wants to go back to that.

On top of that, Abramowitz noted that a Biden presidency would seek “to undermine foreign aid to Israel.” Already, an increasing number of Democrats support conditioning aid to Israel. Furthermore, Israel Hayom reported that Biden himself had threatened to cut off aid to Israel in 1982, when he was serving in the US Senate. He is also on record stating that he would reinstitute foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority despite its “pay-to-slay program” and is vehemently against Israel’s annexation of any areas in Judea and Samaria. Due to his J Street backing, it is believed that he will try to pressure Israel to negotiate once again with the terror supporting Palestinian Authority. Failure to cooperate on this could possibly lead Biden to consider applying pressure upon the Jewish state.

According to Abramowitz, “In the late 1930’s, Germany and Japan built up their resources to take over the world, but we sat back and did nothing and let them attack us at Pearl Harbor. Then we got angry and then had World War II, which we do not want a repeat of. Our present situation is like the Cold War. Back then, we stayed strong till they collapsed. Not many died. Now, the Reds and Greens try to attack secular laws and democracies. They are on an offense to destroy us. If we stay strong, the Reds and Greens will become ‘normal’ like us. The alternative is that we will become ‘abnormal’ like them.”

Already, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have signed peace agreements with the State of Israel, indicating that they want to cooperate with the West and do not want to have anything to do with radical Islamism. If Trump is re-elected, it is believed that other Arab countries such as Sudan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia and maybe even Lebanon could also join the Abraham Accords. Furthermore, Abramowitz hinted that perhaps Erdogan will be overthrown by the Kemalists and thus Turkey can once again dissociate itself from Islamism, should Trump be re-elected: “The Sunni Arabs know that Israel will protect itself and will stop Iran from going nuclear. When things started blowing up in Iran, the Sunnis knew Israel could be counted upon. They also trust Trump’s America. They do not trust the EU, who supports the Iranian nuclear deal. I can see the dictatorships dying and being replaced by democracies if Trump is re-elected.”

However, he warned that this trend could get reversed if Biden is elected US President: “The problem in America is not just China, Iran, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Reds and Greens. It is not just the media. It is all of them put together. This is the challenge we are facing in November.”

Trump-Biden Debates
Muslim Brotherhood backs Biden
A Biden presidency and potential dangers to Israel
Biden and J-Street
Are the Democrats turning against Israel

Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working for the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights, which is run by Mendi Safadi, a former Likud Candidate for the Knesset and a former chief of staff of former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara. Since 2012, she has been working as an Israel-based journalist and writer, covering Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other developments in the greater Islamic world.

Her articles have appeared in the Washington Times, the Hill, Front Page Magazine, the Daily Wire, the Christian Post, the Baltimore Jewish Times, the Jerusalem Post, Israel Hayom, Ahval and many other publications across the globe. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben-Gurion University. She got her BA in Government and Politics with minors in Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park.

    1. Ken`s new book The Multifront War is out! It is available in 190 countries via Amazon and in also on BNs in the US. Buy it now!


