Basic facts about the election, that are not commonly known
The common refrain from HuffPost, and certain other influential “news” organizations, is that this election hinged on racism, and other libelous assaults on the American voting public. The reality, however, began coming to light the day after it was confirmed that Trump won – but few have begun to grasp this reality, and HuffPost has published nothing about it:
- New York Times: Trump won substantially more black and Hispanic votes than Gov. Romney did in 2012. 8% of black Americans vote for Trump, up 7% since 2012; 29% of Hispanics voted for him, up 8% from 2012.
- Philadelphia Tribune: “Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did not turn out for Clinton.”
- Forbes: “Clinton’s black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. The support for Clinton among active black voters was still exceedingly high (87 percent, versus 93 percent for Obama), but the big difference was the turnout.”
- CBN/AFP (Milwaukee, WI): “On North Avenue, young black men with nothing to do wander past boarded-up buildings and dilapidated shops. It is a sad, desolate landscape. They and other African Americans in Milwaukee contributed to Hillary Clinton’s crushing defeat in the presidential election: not only did they not vote for her, as had been expected, some even backed Donald Trump. […] Some black voters reasoned themselves into backing the real estate tycoon with no experience in government. “I voted for Trump because I believe he can create jobs. Period,” said Dennis Johnson, a 39-year-old truck driver.”
[Ed. This sharply contradicts what multiple local news outlets reported on Nov. 3, that Trump was polling at “0.0%” with black voters there.]
- Wall St. Journal: 3.5 million fewer Americans — including 1.8 million black Americans — voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for President Obama in 2012.
- According to one analysis, “Clinton has turned in the Democratic Party’s worst Electoral College performance in 28 years,” meaning, she failed to win districts that Obama and her husband won handily.
- President Obama said that his legacy was at the heart of the 2016 race, and Sec. Clinton affirmed that she was seeking the presidency to enact what would amount to his third term. Only 28% of voters cast ballots to support this proposition, continuing the trend away from Obama ever since he was first elected, in 2008.
HuffPost, however, has acknowledged none of this, beyond the barest of numbers of what happened on election night. Instead, it went into one of its scorched-Earth attack modes, explicitly claiming that the American people turned into racists, overnight — that “the Klan won last night” — and that white people had “ruined” America.
HuffPost ensured that its readers knew that certain fringe groups, with miniscule followings, including white supremacist and racist groups, endorsed Trump. Yet it never mentioned the fact that the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, which explicitly advocate violence, and the overthrow of the U.S. government, to usher in a Stalinist-Maoist communist totalitarian system, endorsed Hillary Clinton. HuffPost never mentioned this, nor the fact that these groups represent and advocate an ideology that is responsible for the deaths of nearly 100 million people in the 20th century, and the oppression and terrorizing of untold millions more.
The core charges
HuffPost repeatedly incited and justified violence against Republicans and Trump supporters
HuffPost continuously incited hatred against non-leftist presidential candidates, during the and egregiously biased “reporting” that propagates incendiary falsehoods
March 11: HuffPost alleged widespread white conspiracy to “steal elections.”
March 12, Chicago, IL: Two leftist Jewish students at Northwestern University were arrested after surveillance cameras recorded them vandalizing a church with swastikas, anti-black graffiti, and the word “Trump.”
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 10-12, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
May 24, Albuquerque, NM: Anti-Trump rioters attack two police officers.
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 10-12, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
June 3, San Jose, CA: A Trump supporter was beaten bloody, on video.
June 8: HuffPost published an editorial near the top of its front page that explicitly legitimizes the use of violence to oppose Republicans and Trump.
August 1: HuffPost published a front-page story that referred to Melania Trump as a “slut.” It positioned this item just above an one that depicted Michelle Obama as beautiful and good.
Anyone who has paid even scant attention to HuffPost over the last few years knows that if another publication had done these things to Mrs. Obama, Hillary Clinton, or any incoming Democratic president’s wife, HuffPost would have led the charge to excoriate that publication.
This is not the first time that HuffPost exhibited such incitement and bias against top Republican females. In 2008, HuffPost ran a front-page “news” story in which it explicitly called Cindy McCain, the wife of presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, a “dick” (via its “Dickipedia” sub-site). At the same time, and for the next eight years, it consistently depicted Michelle Obama as a glamorous angelic figure.
Adapt from:
September 28, Hillsborough County, FL: Signs put up saying, “Kill White People,” and “BLM.” Excerpt, from the local ABC affiliate:
Deputies found graffiti in Hillsborough County at two different locations. One wall was hit along Gornto Lake Road in Brandon, with the phrase “kill white people” spray painted. Other tags read “black lives matter” and “BLM.”
HuffPost ignored the article. Instead, it published on its front page “news” items including A, B, C.
October 12: HuffPost published an incendiary, front-page headline alleging an Islamophobic attack on a child in North Carolina, as if it had been proven to have actually occurred — then never updated the headline to reveal that the evidence indicates it was all a hoax.
See the details of this false report, and HuffPost’s betrayal of basic journalistic principles concerning it, here.
November 7: According to a blog article by former Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams, a treasure trove of stolen documents show how HuffPost-affiliated billionaire George Soros has devoted hundreds of millions of dollars to fund:
“often-secret efforts to… push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.”
HuffPost ignored the article. Instead, it published on its front page “news” items including A, B, C.
November 8, Redwood City, CA: A 14-year girl, Jade Armenio, was beaten up at her California high school — on video — for posting her support for Trump on her social media.
November 9: HuffPost published an editorial near the top of its front page that claimed, “The Klan won last night.” Excerpt:
And it wasn’t just Donald Trump who won last night—it was his supporters too. The Klan won last night.
Note: Approximately one week later, HuffPost selectively edited the above line out of its version of the editorial, but it remains at its original source, Vanity Faire. Apparently, HuffPost determined that this line had done its job, and it had nothing to lose by removing the line, after-the-fact.
November 9: HuffPost published an editorial on its front page that explicitly urged others to view Trump’s victory with “rage.” Excerpt:
Trump’s election means many more Americans than expected hate your gender, your religion, your culture. You.
November 9, Oakland, CA: Someone spray-painted “KILL TRUMP” on a storefront.
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 10-12, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 9, Oakland, CA: Three police officers were injured after leftist rioters attacked them, thirty of whom were arrested.
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 10-12, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 9, Oakland, CA: A war photojournalist, Kyle Ludowitz, was severely beaten by anti-Trump protesters and had to be hospitalized during the same riot. Excerpt:
A photojournalist who spent years covering conflicts in the Middle East was brutally attacked while covering an anti-Trump protest in Oakland, California. Kyle Ludowitz was left with a fractured cheekbone and abrasions when four men attacked him on Wednesday night as he took photos of protesters wreaking havoc across the city.
The 27-year-old was hospitalized and had both his cameras, which were worth $5,000, destroyed in the violent attack. ‘I was mostly being punched in the face until I fell to the ground. I tried to protect my gear and they started kicking,’ Mr Ludowitz told
As of November 19 – ten days after the attack – HuffPost has completely ignored this story. Instead, in the following three days, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 9, New York, NY: Radical leftists severely beat a man’s dog, because they suspected he was a Trump supporter. HuffPost featured nothing about this incident. (Note: In March 2016, another anti-Trump rioter, in Missouri, beat a police horse, and was charged with the crime.
As of November 17, HuffPost has still featured nothing about this incident. Instead, between November 10-12, it featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
Curiously, in March 2016, HuffPost devoted three straight days of graphic, front-page coverage to a story about a swan — in Eastern Europe — that was dragged out of a lake.
November 10: HuffPost published a racist editorial at the very top of its front page that claimed, “White people… ruined America.”
November 10, Chicago, IL: A black mob dragged a white driver from a car and severely beat him — on video — while screaming, “You voted Trump? You gonna pay for that shit!”
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 11-13, HuffPost featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 10, Portland, OR: A pregnant woman who was trying to drive to a hospital was stopped and attacked by a mob — on video.
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 11-13, HuffPost featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 10, Houston, TX: An eleven-year-old boy, on crutches, was beaten by classmates for voicing his support for Trump.
HuffPost ignored this story. Instead, between November 11-13, HuffPost featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 11: HuffPost published a headline on its front page, “Muslim Women Across America Face Attacks In The Wake Of Donald Trump’s Win.” The story page, however, refers only to allegations of physical attacks in Champaign, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico, two of which were reported by the complainants only on Twitter. The third, who reported her allegations to the Lafayette, LA police, retracted her complaint the next day, admitting that she made the whole story up.
HuffPost never featured a headline that indicated this fact, and as of November 16 at 2:30pm, never inserted an addendum to correct the record. Instead, between November 12-16, HuffPost featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
November 11: The Daily Caller reported, “A left-wing charity organization with unknown sources of money is providing the funding for protests around the country — some of which have turned into violent riots — that have threatened a divided nation’s ability to unify after a contentious presidential election.”
HuffPost ignored this story. This stands in sharp contrast to the splash-headline treatment it employs whenever it attacks “dark money” in conservative activism.
November 11, New York, NY: A Trump-hating anti-bullying advocate(!) was arrested after she assaulted an elderly man after they argued over the results of the election.
HuffPost ignored the story. Instead, it featured on its front page A, B, C.
November 11, Hollywood, CA: Fox News reported that actress Lea DeLaria said on Instagram that she wants to ‘take out’ Trump supporters with baseball bat:
“Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f–king republican and independent I see.”
HuffPost ignored the story. Instead, it featured on its front page A, B, C.
November 12, Portland, OR: Nineteen rioters were arrested, and two charged with attempted murder, over a shooting during an anti-Trump riot.
HuffPost ignored the story.
November 13: The CEO of an American technology security company openly threatened to assassinate Trump, and described specifically how he planned to do it. HuffPost completely ignored the story. Instead, it featured on its front page A, B, C.
November 13: HuffPost published a front-page story that claimed allegations of hate crimes against Muslims are growing at a faster rate than at any point since the 9/11 attacks. What HuffPost did not mention, however, is that Muslims are among the smallest group of hate-crimes victims, in contrast to Jews, who have a similar population in the U.S., yet against whom 3-5 times more hate crimes are perpetrated each year. Further, HuffPost made no mention, in June 2016, of the fact that violent anti-Semitic assaults spiked 50% in the last year – or the fact that many of these hate crimes are being perpetrated by Muslims.
November 13, New York, NY: An anti-Trump protester held up a sign in front of Trump’s Intercontinental Hotel that read, “RAPE MELANIA” (note: this was not a Photoshop manipulation, as it was caught captured from multiple angles):
HuffPost completely ignored this story — which it may have helped to incite, one day earlier, by calling Melanie Trump a “slut” in a front-page story. Instead, in the hours and days after this incident, HuffPost posted “news” items on its front page including A, B, C.
November 14: HuffPost published a biased news story about an increase in “hate crimes” against Muslims during 2014-2015. HuffPost’s headline reads, “Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Up By 67 Percent In 2015, FBI Says.” In reality, what HuffPost failed to mention, is that this report said that there were only 257 total hate crimes reported against Muslims, out of an estimated 3.5 million in America, making the USA the most tolerant nation in the world in this regard. Further, HuffPost buried the fact according to the same report, Jews are by far the #1 target of hate crimes, and are 250% more likely to be victims than Muslims.
November 14, New York, NY: Anti-Israel marchers joined anti-Trump protesters, and called for a terrorist uprising (‘Intifada Revolution”) in America. The protest was captured on video.
HuffPost completely ignored the story. Instead, it featured on its front page A, B, C.
November 14, Idaho: The state’s four electors report harassment and intimidation from “an orchestrated barrage from the left,” demanding that they not cast their ballots for Trump. Excerpt, from the Spokesman-Review:
Idaho’s four presidential electors say they have been getting harassing phone calls, emails and Facebook messages urging them to become “faithless electors” and not cast their votes for Donald Trump in the electoral college. “A lot of ’em use bad, rough language,” said Layne Bangerter, one of the four electors. “Nothing I feel intimidated over. But we’re watching it very closely. They’ve got our home phone numbers, our cell numbers, our emails, our Facebook. We’re just getting an orchestrated barrage from the left.”
HuffPost completely ignored the story. Instead, it featured on its front page A, B, C.
November 15, Cleveland, OH: A man who posted the following on Twitter has been charged by the Secret Service with making a threat to a successor to the presidency:
“My life goal is to assassinate Trump.”
“Diplomacy. F***ing fools. I hate you all. I want to bomb every one of your voting booths and your general areas.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 15: Electors now report being harassed at their homes by leftists, demanding that they not vote to certify Trump’s election. Excerpt from an article by
Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have already gotten more than 4 million signatures on a petition asking the Electoral College to toss Donald Trump’s victory. But some, apparently, aren’t content to simply vent their frustrations online.
November 16: HuffPost published a front-page “news” story that explicitly justifies leftist violence against political opponents: “These Buttons Want You To ‘F**k Up’ Bigots.” Excerpt:
Writer and editor Margaret Killjoy is selling 1″ buttons that “help you make clear your intention to, you know, fuck up bigots.” They look like this:
November 16, Austin, TX: Police released the pictures and profiles of the revolutionary communists who assaulted them and other demonstrators at an anti-Trump demonstration. On their website, they explicitly advocate violence, and the overthrow of the U.S. government, to usher in a Stalinist-Maoist communist totalitarian system.
November 16, New York, NY: A Rutgers University professor was taken to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital for a mental health evaluation after the school filed a complaint with the police. School officials reported the professor, Kevin Allred, “made threats to kill white people” in person, and on social media, in response to Trump’s election. Specifically, he asked on Twitter:
“Will the 2nd amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting at random white people or no…?”
November 16, Rockville, MD: A mob of high school students who were protesting Trump severely beat a fellow student who was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. According to the police:
The group surrounded the teen, punching him repeatedly, then threw him to the ground and kicked him repeatedly in the ribs. It is not yet clear what led up to the incident, but Maj. Michael English with Rockville police said the victim was not the aggressor.“They jumped him and beat him up pretty bad,” Max Stucky, a bystander who witnessed the attack, told WTOP.
November 16, New York: According to the Forward, the president of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said “anti-Jewish hatred in America is worse than at any point since the 1930s.” Excerpt:
“The American Jewish community, our community, has not seen this level of anti-Semitism in mainstream political and public discourse since the 1930s,” Greenblatt said. “Sadly, it is only being matched with escalating levels of hate toward other minorities today.”
HuffPost ignored all of these November 16 stories. Instead, it published “news” stories on its front page including:
This Photo Of Young Joe Biden Is A Big F**king Deal
Naked Man Breaks Into Pizza Place, Shows Own Sausage And Meatballs
Scientists Find Evidence Of Massive Ocean Beneath Pluto’s Heart
November 17, San Antonio, TX: The AP reported that a high school teacher and two students have been “reprimanded” for putting on a skit in which the pretended to assassinate Trump. Excerpt:
The San Antonio Express-News reports the skit, titled “The Assassination of Donald Trump,” was performed last week at Marshall High School. One of the boys used a gunfire sound effect from a cellphone; the other boy, playing Trump, fell to the ground.
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 17, Chicago, IL: The Daily Caller reported, “Venezuelan Diplomat Joins Chicago Communists Plotting Trump Resistance.” Excerpt:
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 17, Michigan: The state’s electors are being subjected to direct threats by those who want them to de-certify Trump as having won the state’s 16 electoral votes. Excerpt, from an article in the Detroit News:
Michael Banerian wants to show that young adults still have faith in the political system, but he said his selection as one of Michigan’s 16 Electoral College voters has prompted emails urging him to vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and even threatening death.
On Dec. 19, the 22-year-old Banerian is scheduled to join 15 other Michiganians to cast their electoral votes for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. But Trump’s opponents have deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton, according to the Michigan Republican Party.
“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” he said. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 17, Dallas, TX: Texas electors are also being threatened with physical violence, or death, to change their votes to Hillary Clinton. According to
The 38 Texans who will vote are all Republicans, because Donald Trump won Texas, but they don’t have to vote for Trump. In Texas, unlike some other states, electors may change their mind, and it has Democrats from around the country urging them to do just that, said Alex Kim, an elector for Texas’ 24th Congressional District.
“At first everyone was kinda enchanted by it,” Kim said. “Now all the electors are starting to get beaten down. There are some electors who have been threatened with harm or with death.”
November 18: The law enforcement officer blog site published an article that described a study that indicates the depths to which the media is going to present an incitement-based depiction of police shootings in America. Excerpt:
Scientific Study Shows That News Agencies Are Inciting Race War, by Officer Blue,, November 18, 2016.
[B]y always reporting the race of white officers involved in shooting minority suspects, but not reporting the race of black officers, the news agencies leave the readers to assume the officer’s race may have been white and that the shooting was racially motivated. Time after time, we see these shootings where people on social media claim a white officer shot an unarmed black man, and the news media that is so quick to report on white officers involved in shootings, does not report the race of black officers. People then begin to believe the inaccurate reports on social media and no news agencies are countering the false information.
The study says:
But it could also mean that the media finds it less newsworthy to report cases where a black officer rather than a white officer shoots a suspect (either because of reporters’ reluctance or lack of interest on the part of readers). In gathering the race of police officers, most of the cases involving the race of black officers were obtained from sources other than media reports, e.g., by using photos from police departments. Most of the races of white officers were taken from media reports. This indicates that blacks may be underrepresented where we know the race of the officers and overrepresented in the unknown group. Whatever the racial composition of the unknown group, the coefficients are always approximately equal to, and insignificantly different from, the coefficient on white officers, which implies that black police officers do not kill black suspects at a lower rate than white officers.
The news media’s selective reporting on race in officer-involved shootings is giving people the impression that these shootings may be racially motivated. Now we have this new study, in addition to the Harvard study, which prove that police shootings are not racially motivated.
HuffPost completely ignored this story, as its own search engine proves. The title of this report is, “Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?,” by the Crime Prevention Research Center.
Using the search string, “Report Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?,” yields nothing – as proved in this screencap.
Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 19, Chicago, IL: Police have arrested and charged four adults and one female minor with the severe, videotaped beating of a white man, whom they alleged “deserved” it because they speculated he voted for Trump. Excerpt from the Independent Journal-Review:
Police have arrested and charged four suspects in the politically charged beating of a man in the middle of a Chicago street earlier this month. The suspects, 26-year-old Julian Christian, 21-year-old Rajane Lewis, 20-year-old Dejuan Collins and a 17-year-old girl who wasn’t identified, have all been charged with vehicular hijacking, The Associated Press reported.
More at the Chicago Tribune, including an interview with the victim.
HuffPost completely ignored this story — just as it did the original November 9 video of the beating, and associated stories. HuffPost’s own search engine proves this fact. On November 24, a search of the names of the accused yielded zero results. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 21, Washington, DC: A Trump supporter’s home was reportedly vandalized with a swastika.
Police investigate swastika vandalism at Silver Spring Trump supporter’s home, by Jack Pointer, WTOP.COM (Washington, DC), November 21, 2016. Excerpt:
WASHINGTON — A supporter of President-elect Donald Trump found a swastika spray-painted on the front door of his Montgomery County, Maryland, home early Sunday morning and now police are investigating it as a possible case of “hate-biased” vandalism.
Thomas Roszkowski of the Four Corners area of Silver Spring, also reported to police an American flag that had been hanging from a tree in yard, had also been stolen. Roszkowski said he thinks the vandalism is connected to previous incidents, including the theft of a “Trump/Pence” election sign from his front yard late last month.
“First they stole my yard sign, then I got a bigger sign,” said the Vietnam veteran, 72.
HuffPost has not posted anything about this story, as its own search engine proves. As of Nov. 26, a search using the string “Thomas Roszkowski swastika” yielded zero results.
November 22, Austin, TX: One day after five police officers across America were shot in ambush-style attacks, two of whom died, Revolutionary Communists were caught on video at a protest, openly advocating for the murder of police officers:
“What’s Better Than 12 Dead Cops? 13 Dead Cops”
November 22, Washington, DC: An editor at the left-of-center Politico, Michael Hirsh, was forced to resign after he posted on Twitter an open call to initiate physical violence against members of the white supremacist group, National Policy Institute, and posting their home addresses. Excerpt:
National editor at Politico Michael Hirsh resigned after publishing the home addresses of alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer Tuesday morning and advocating for serious violence. Politico confirmed his resignation following requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Stop whining about Richard B. Spencer, Nazi, and exercise your rights as decent Americans,” Hirsh wrote in a public Facebook post. “Here are his two addresses.”
November 22, Los Angeles, CA: Police arrested a woman who was caught on surveillance camera defacing government buildings with anti-Trump graffiti. From the Los Angeles Times:
Police said Tuesday they had captured the blue-haired woman who scrawled anti-Donald Trump graffiti on four Los Angeles County buildings. Surveillance cameras filmed a woman Sunday as she used a can of blue spray paint to deface multiple walls in downtown L.A. with vulgarities about Trump and other writings about the president-elect, according to Deputy Kelvin Moody, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. […]
Officers arrested Victoria Jayne Bay, 37, on suspicion of felony vandalism.
HuffPost completely ignored all of the above November 22 news items. This is provable via its own search engine:
- Regarding the communists’ calls to murder police officers, here is the search, and the screencap of same.
- Regarding the Politico editor being forced to resign, here is the search, and here is the screencap of same.
Instead, the following is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost featured on its front page on November 22:
The Vulva Gallery Wants Women To Know That Body Diversity Is Beautiful
Politician Who Criticized Squirrels Gets Hospitalized By Squirrel
Hillary Clinton Spotted Buying Books In Peaceful Alternate Universe
Kate Wore A Sparkly Belt And All Felt Right For One Brief Moment
Biden Surprises Crowd Of Supporters At ‘Thank You, Uncle Joe’ Rally
How Billy Bob Thornton And Angelina Jolie Have Been Able To Remain Close Friends
Trump’s First 100 Days Will Be Horrible For The Planet
November 23, Harrisonville, MO: As reported by, a police officer’s home was set on fire — with his children inside:
Harrisonville police say a fire at one of its officers’s homes is being investigated as arson. Sgt. Geremy Pearce, was not home at the time. His significant other and children made it out of the house unharmed, officials said. The Harrisonville Police Department said the fire is “suspicious” and being investigated as an arson. Pearce and his family aren’t currently living in their home because of the fire.
[Ed. also reported this story, and the fact that a GoFundMe account to raise money for Sgt. Pearce’s family.]
HuffPost has not posted anything about this story, as its own search engine proves. As of Nov. 25, a search of Sgt. Pearce’s name yields zero results.
November 23, New York, NY: Four white Catholic high school girls have filed a police complaint, alleging that they were the targets of a racially-motivated violent hate crime on a New York public bus, and that the bus driver did nothing to stop it. From the NY Post:
Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls, by Shawn Cohen, Reuven Fenton and Linda Massarella, NY Post, November 23, 2016. Excerpt:
Four white 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl friends laughing and chatting on their usual bus ride home were targeted in an unprovoked, racial attack that left them bloody and bruised, the teens told The Post Wednesday.
“Oh, white girl got money!” a young black man sitting with a friend commented as the girls travelled on the BX8 bus around 3 p.m. Tuesday after dismissal from St. Catharine’s Academy in the Pelham Gardens section of The Bronx.
Before they knew it, the boys called up some female friends, who boarded a few stops away — and the girls said the group punched and kicked them while grabbing clumps of their hair. […] Before they knew it, six to eight young black girls got on the bus and all hell broke loose.
“All I remember is seeing the bus doors open and these girls have me by the ankles,” LT said. “One of the guys had me by my hair and punched me in the jaw.” The driver stopped the bus in the middle of the block and when she opened the door, the gang escaped with a backpack, which contained an iPad and some cash, LT said. […]
The girls called police and were taken to Jacobi Medical Center for minor cuts and bruises.
HuffPost completely ignored this story, and its own search engine proves this fact. On November 25, a search of the key words used in this story, “BX8 bus St. Catharine’s Academy Pelham Gardens” yielded zero results. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
November 23, Birmingham, AL: According the AP, two individuals have been arrested and charged with attempting to set up an ambush with which to shoot police officers:
An Alabama couple planted a fake bomb at a suburban elementary school hoping to shoot officers arriving at the scene or even rob a bank, police said Wednesday. Zachary Edwards, 35, and Raphel Dilligard, 34, of Birmingham face charges that include making terrorist threats, rendering a false alarm and possessing a hoax destructive device, said police Capt. Jeff Bridges of Trussville, Alabama. […]
Arrested afterward, the couple told investigators what they had planned, according to Bridges. The couple, who share an address, wanted to shoot officers at the school or rob a bank while police were busy dealing with the bogus bomb, he said.
This screencap shows that Fox News reported this story by 11:55pm on November 23:
HuffPost has not posted anything about this story, as its own search engine proves, by putting in the suspected perpetrators’ names:
In a follow-up to this article on at 8:13pm on November 23, police reported that the plot had a clear racial component:
Edwards claimed to be a member of the Black Panthers and the Black Mafia, but authorities have not yet confirmed his reported associations with any organized group. “My guys believe this individual to be a very dangerous person,” said Dave Hyche, ATF’s assistant special agent in charge in Alabama.
Once brought in for questioning, both gave confessions. Edwards admitted to planting the device, and said his plan was to get all police officers and first responders in one place so he could shoot them. “I guess he doesn’t like cops,” Bridges said. […]
“Probably because of the overwhelming response to the area,” Hyche said. “He wanted everybody in one place so he could kill cops. He made it clear to our guys he wanted to commit acts of violence. This arrest probably did stop something bad from happening.”
HuffPost has still not posted anything about this story as of 8:25am on November 24, as its own search engine proves, by putting in the suspected perpetrators’ names.
November 23, New York, NY: From the New York Daily News:
Queens man cuffed for trying to push straphanger onto Harlem subway tracks; yelled, ‘I hate white people’, by Graham Rayman, New York Daily News, November 23, 2016, 11:25am.
Cops busted a Queens man for trying to push a straphanger onto the subway tracks in Harlem and yelling, “I hate white people!” Police cuffed Gary Weeks, 51, of Wavecrest for the bizarre attack Monday at 2 p.m. at the 4-5-6 subway station at 125th St. and Lexington Ave., officials said.
The straphanger was waiting for a northbound train when Weeks walked up to him and tried to push him onto the tracks. The victim got away from Weeks, as other people started pointing and yelling at the attacker to simmer down.
He then began yelling about his hatred for whites.
HuffPost completely ignored this story, as its own search engine proves. By 12:15am on November 24 — more than 12 hours after this story was published — a search of the suspect’s name, and his quote, returns zero results.
November 24, Birmingham, AL: Continuing the story from Nov. 23, above, investigators discovered that the duo’s ultimate objective was to start a race war:
A convicted felon who claims he wanted to shoot cops is behind bars in connection with the explosives device planted outside of a Trussville elementary school. Authorities today announced state charges against 35-year-old Zachary Edwards and 34-year-old Raphel Dilligard, both of eastern Birmingham. They are charged with possession of a hoax destructive device, rendering false alarm and making terrorist threats, said Trussville police Capt. Jeff Bridges. […]
November 24, Chicago, IL: From the Daily Caller:
Black Lives Matter and other groups plan to block white-owned Chicago stores on Black Friday to bring awareness about police shootings, economic issues and alleged racism.
Local churches, Black Lives Matter and the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression will block stores along Michigan Avenue and prevent customers from entering stores for the second year in a row, reports Crain’s Chicago Business.
A big part of the protest is to force on people that it’s important to shop at businesses that aren’t owned by white men, Kimberly Veal, a leader of Black Lives Matter, said. It’s not yet known who owns the businesses that will be targeted as part of this effort.
HuffPost completely ignored all of these stories. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that it posted on its front page on November 24-26:
Alicia Silverstone Isn’t Clueless — She’s Clothes-less!
Catherine Zeta-Jones Fires Back At Paparazzi With Sexy Bikini Pics
Hillary Clinton Met With A Heartwarming Surprise On Thanksgiving Day
Stop Everything And Watch This Baby Running Off With A Recording Phone
Fat Boy The Cat Finally Rescued After 9 Days Atop Power Pole
November 25, Lowell, MA: A school within the Harvard School System was vandalized with swastikas and other hate graffiti. Excerpt, from the Lowell Sun:
Police were notified Friday morning that a rock in front of The Bromfield School in Harvard was vandalized with swastikas and other offensive vandalism. Linda Dwight, superintendent of the Harvard Public Schools, sent out an email to students, parents and town members Friday afternoon. Dwight said the vandalism was found on the rock in front of the school.
“These symbols included multiple swastikas including one covering the Star of David, sexist and homo-phobic symbols, and racist terms,” Dwight’s email read. “We as the Harvard Public Schools condemn these heinous actions. We have documented this hate speech and have asked the police to conduct a criminal investigation.”
It’s not the only offensive graffiti reported in the area. Just last week, Billerica Police began investigating an incident of a swastika painted on the old Ditson School.
November 29, Plant City, FL: A Trump-supporting veteran’s home was set on fire, and anti-Trump graffiti was sprayed on it. From the local ABC affiliate, posted at 9:53am on November 29 – and from there, began to go viral:
Veteran’s home set on fire, vandalized, investigators find anti-Trump graffiti racial slurs on walls; Home ransacked, children’s beds set on fire, by Michael Paluska, (Tampa Bay, FL), November 29, 2016. Excerpt:
PLANT CITY, Fla. – The State Fire Marshall is investigating a suspicious fire at a Plant City home that started early Tuesday morning. Naval veteran Matthew Smith said he got the call just after 3 a.m. from his neighbor that fire trucks were across the street.
“Your heart kind of just sinks in your chest,” Smith said. “Definitely blessed to have not been here. It was pretty bad.” Smith said the family was staying with their grandparents when he got the call. His 8-year-old daughter’s bed was set on fire along with his 18-month-old son’s crib. Every single room in the remainder of the home also suffered fire damage.
[…] On the walls someone wrote in spray paint the words, “cracker, F- Trump, not my prez, and F- yo kids.” […] Smith said he made a lot of pro-Trump posts on Facebook, but never put any signs supporting Trump in his yard.
He couldn’t even begin to try and understand who would do something like this to his home. He felt that whoever destroyed his home were just copying other anti-Trump protesters from across the country.
“It’s been several months now where there’s protesters breaking the law, damaging property, destroying cities,” Smith said. “And, ‘oh just let them do it’ and that’s not how it should have gone down. If you are breaking the law you should go to jail. That’s it.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story. A December 1 search using the string “Matthew Smith fire Plant City FL burned” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that it posted on its front page, from 10:00pm on November 29 (12 hours after the story went viral) through December 1:
‘Walking Dead’ Star Basically Confirms His Character Is Gay
Nico Tortorella Now Says He’s Comfortable With Identifying As Bisexual
All The Greatest Turkey Pardons Ever
Motorist’s Head-To-Head Encounter With Hippo Didn’t End So Well
Heidi Klum Responds Perfectly To Being Called A ‘Cougar’
How I Ended Up Becoming ‘The Other Woman’
HuffPost’s pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic bias in reporting hate crimes
Summary: Whenever a Muslim alleges a “hate crime” of any kind, HuffPost rushes the story to its front page, often without any evidence to support the claim. It then either ignores the evidence that emerges that shows the claim was a hoax, or which indicates it never happened – or buries it beyond causal view, thus leaving the impression that the original story remains valid. HuffPost has even set up and widely promotes an entire sub-site, containing a day-by-day account of what it alleges are acts of “Islamophobia,” which includes items such as Americans saying anything unkind about Muslims, or exposing their leaders’ chronic incitements to violence, hatred, etc.
In contrast, HuffPost all but completely ignores reported hate crimes against Jews, who between 2002-2015 have suffered between two and six times more hate crimes than Muslims in America, even though they have similar populations.
Here are just a few recent examples, during the presidential campaign, to indicate the depth to which HuffPost practices this bias, which can only serve to create the false twin impression that there is rampant “Islamophobia” in America – and that there are little if any anti-Jewish hate crimes.
(1) HuffPost touted on its front page report indicating a dramatic rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes – but ignored another one that indicates a similarly dramatic rise in violent anti-Semitic assaults:
- On November 14: HuffPost published on its front page excerpts from a report from the FBI regarding hate crimes, framed with the headline, “Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Up By 67 Percent In 2015, FBI Says.” HuffPost buried near the bottom of the article this reality: “Though there was a steep increase in anti-Muslim crimes in 2015, anti-Semitic crimes continued to be the most frequent form of religious hate crime.”
- Yet HuffPost ignored a June 2016 report by the Anti-Defamation League that claimed violent anti-Semitic hate crimes grew by 50% between 2014-2015.
(2) On October 12, HuffPost published an incendiary, front-page headline alleging an Islamophobic attack on a child in North Carolina, as if it had been proven to have actually occurred — then never updated the headline to reveal that the evidence indicates it was a hoax.
HuffPost gave this “story” the headline, “Islamophobia Just Drove This Boy And His Family Out Of America.” The story page led with this account (emphasis added):
“I’m done with the U.S.,” Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani’s wife told him on Friday. Seeing her youngest son, just 7 years old, walk off the school bus bruised and battered that afternoon outside their apartment building in Cary, North Carolina, was the final straw.
Little Abdul Aziz, a first-grader and the youngest child of Usmani and Binish Bhagwanee, was traumatized. He told his parents a classmate had tried to force him to eat food that wasn’t halal. When Abdul Aziz refused, five of his classmates ganged up on him, making fun of his name. They punched him in the face, kicked him in the stomach, and twisted his arm while calling him “Muslim” again and again, Usmani said. […] He wants to be president of the United States of America,” Usmani told The Huffington Post on Tuesday, speaking over Skype from Pakistan.
HuffPost simply took the father’s word for all of this, without apparently asking for a copy of the police report, or the school complaint, or any documentation to support any of it.
As it turns out, all the evidence indicates that this was a complete hoax, from start to finish. And while HuffPost updated the story page four days later, it never published a new headline to reflect the facts contained in its update (emphasis added).
The Cary Police Dept. and the Wake County School System say they have not found any evidence to corroborate Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani’s claim that his son was assaulted aboard a school bus on Oct. 7. “Our police department has been coordinating with the school system to uncover details related to this matter,” Town Manager Sean Stegall said in a statement. “At this time, nothing has been found, and no police report has been filed.” In a letter to parents with children at Weatherstone Elementary School, Principal Tim Chadwick wrote that information from an investigation “does not support an altercation.” He added, “No students who were interviewed witnessed an altercation. The bus driver did not witness an altercation. The child did not report to the bus driver any injury.”
To anyone who causally scans HuffPost’s front page, and may have clicked through read the original, false story, they would have no reason to know: (a) that it was likely yet another phony case of a fake Islamophobia “hate crime,” nor (b) that HuffPost had acted so irresponsibly in not validating even the barest of facts, before publishing something so incendiary. This was just one of multiple incidents of HuffPost going all-out to publicize fake “hate crimes” against Muslims, while all but ignoring actual hate crimes – including murders – against Jews.
(3) On November 11, HuffPost published a headline on its front page, “Muslim Women Across America Face Attacks In The Wake Of Donald Trump’s Win.” The story page, however, refers only to allegations of physical attacks in Champaign, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico, two of which were reported by the complainants only on Twitter.
The third, who reported her allegations to the Lafayette, LA police, retracted her complaint the next day, admitting that she made the whole story up.
HuffPost never featured a headline that indicated this fact, and as of November 16 at 2:30pm, never inserted an addendum to correct the record.
Instead, between November 12-16, HuffPost featured “news” stories on its front page including A, B, C.
Rather than being an isolated phenomenon, HuffPost’s pro-Islamist, anti-Semitic bias has been documented in detail in numerous other reports.
HuffPost published innumerable stories that claimed there was an explosion of hate crimes being perpetrated by Trump supporters erupted after the election — then ignored reports that many if not most of these stories were false, or hoaxes
Here is but one example of the breathless headlines HuffPost published in the three days after the election. It had no idea whether incidents such as this were actually done by racists, or Trump supporters — or by radical leftists, who have been caught dozens of times in recent years, perpetrating a series of fake “hate crimes,” presumably on the speculation that irresponsible “newspapers” like HuffPost would do exactly what it did: give them top-level coverage, as if they were confirmed to have been perpetrated by Trump supporters — then, later, publish nothing about how they’d been proven to have been perpetrated by anti-Trump anarchists.
Here are but a few examples of HuffPost eagerly playing this role, of deliberately inciting hatred based on flimsy or zero evidence, then ignoring or burying the reality:
(1) On November 11, HuffPost published the above splash headline, which led to this story page, that claimed Trump supporters had committed “countless” acts of hate, in the two days since the election. It did this even though it knew, or should have known, that none of them had been proven, and the evidence strongly suggested they never occurred — and that in a sizable number of these cases, the “hate crimes” were perpetrated by the complainants [see (2)]. Further, in nearly every article it wrote about this incendiary allegation, it cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, a repeatedly discredited, radical leftist smear group whose vitriol is so incendiary that it helped to inspire a terrorist act. Excerpts:
Countless Acts Of Hate Have Been Carried Out Since Trump’s Win: This is just the beginning, by Lilly Workneh, Huffington Post, November 11, 2016.
Day one of Donald Trump’s America came with countless acts of hate that were carried out by his supporters against several of the country’s most marginalized groups.
Day two was no different, nor the days following.
Since Election Day, there have been more than 200 acts of election-related intimidation and harassment across the U.S., according to a survey by the Southern Poverty Law Center. People from all types of communities ― black, Latino, Muslim, Jewish, Asian, queer people, women ― have been physically harmed, slandered with hate speech or been the targets of racist graffiti.
The same day, however (November 11), a detailed report emerged at that exposed the fact that a significant number of these alleged “hate crimes” were actually hoaxes, or were perpetrated by the complainant:
There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in ‘Trump’s America’: Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror, by Elizabeth Nolan Brown,, November 11, 2016. Excerpt:
[A] Muslim female student at the University of Louisiana… claimed to have had her hijab ripped off and her wallet stolen the day after Trump’s election by two white men wearing Trump hats. But on Thursday, local police announced that the young woman had admitted she fabricated the story. “This incident is no longer under investigation,” the Lafayette Police Department said in a press release.
In another incident, this one in San Diego, a young Muslim woman’s purse and car were stolen by one white male and one Hispanic male. While the men allegedly made negative comments about Muslims, it seems car stealing was more their motivation than harassment or intimidation—which is obviously shitty, but not necessarily a Trump-inspired act of bigotry.
And an alleged incident of a gay man named Chris Ball getting beaten up by Trump supporters in Santa Monica on election night seems to have not happened the way it was initially recounted, if the incident even happened at all. The Santa Monica Police Department posted a message to Facebook Thursday saying that neither the department nor city officials had “received any information indicating this crime occurred in the City of Santa Monica” and “a check of local hospitals revealed there was no victim of any such incident admitted or treated.”
Other instances of “Trump inspired” violence and vandalism have also turned out to be hoaxes or misinterpretations. An alleged Ku Klux Klan rally in honor of Trump’s victory turned out to be an old photo of conservatives carrying U.S., Gadsden, and Christian flags that were billowing out in a manner mistaken in a grainy photo for Klan robes. There were no Southern Illinois University students posting blackface selfies to social media after Trump’s win.
And in a follow-up report, exposed even more cases of fake hate crimes in the wake of the election:
Hate Crimes, Hoaxes, and Hyperbole: A reality check for all sides, by Elizabeth Nolan Brown,, November 18, 2016. Excerpt:
Swastikas spray-painted on softball dugouts. Steve Bannon getting appointed to the White House. There’s been lots of spooky stuff going down in America since Donald Trump was elected president. When I reported last Friday that there had been “no violent hate-crimewave” happening—emphasis on the word violent—it was to dispel widespread rumors of a post-election surge in physical attacks on gay, transgender, and non-white Americans by emboldened and bigoted Trump supporters. Thankfully, this still holds true. While the public expression of nativist, racist, sexist, or anti-LGBT sentiments may have experienced a post-election upswing, incidents of actual altercations or attacks have still been very rare. […]
Regarding the rash of hateful graffiti and signs popping up this week: while some was certainly meant to offend or inspire terror, other times it has turned out to be the work of anti-Trump forces who intended it as commentary on how they perceive “Trump’s America.” For instance, the message scrawled on an Elon University whiteboard post-election—”Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista“—was actually “written by a Latino student who was upset about the results of the election and wrote the message as a satirical commentary,” according the school’s vice president for student life. The same for a Nazi flag that went up over a house in San Francisco last week.
In Pittsburg, California, a sign reading “You can hang a n****r from a tree / Equal rights he will never see!” was posted aside a house, and shared in a photo on Twitter November 12 by a man who wrote: “My sister texted this to me 10 minutes ago. Our democracy is being tested even in California.” This post was retweeted more than 4,200 times. But it turns out the sign was posted by a black man, on his own house, long before last week in protest of a grievance the man has with the court system. “Police said they planned to cite the man for the banner’s message,” reported the East Bay Times, “but upon further review Monday discovered that they already did so last week.”
HuffPost consistently ignored videos and police reports of leftist anarchists attacking Trump supporters, and whites whom the attackers presumed were voting for Trump, or were simply conservative. A small sampling of such incidents:
This is nothing new. HuffPost also ignored incidents of pro-Obama vandalism prior to the 2012 election. Examples:
Obama Supporter Vandalizes AMA Pennsylvania Office—AGAIN!
Democrats Gone Wild: Obama supporters ‘key’ cars displaying pro-Romney bumper stickers
HuffPost ignored reports that radical leftists are threatening and intimidating electors across America to not cast their ballots for Trump — then published an editorial that support this view
Starting soon after the election, radical leftists have been contacting, threatening and intimidating electors, including at their homes and businesses, and over the phone and email, to break their commitment to cast their states’ ballots the way that the outcome of the election dictates, and instead, to vote to elect Hillary Clinton. Numerous local news stories confirm these incidents:
November 14, Idaho: The state’s four electors report harassment and intimidation from “an orchestrated barrage from the left,” demanding that they not cast their ballots for Trump. Excerpt, from the Spokesman-Review:
Idaho’s four presidential electors say they have been getting harassing phone calls, emails and Facebook messages urging them to become “faithless electors” and not cast their votes for Donald Trump in the electoral college. “A lot of ’em use bad, rough language,” said Layne Bangerter, one of the four electors. “Nothing I feel intimidated over. But we’re watching it very closely. They’ve got our home phone numbers, our cell numbers, our emails, our Facebook. We’re just getting an orchestrated barrage from the left.“
November 15: Electors now report being harassed at their homes by leftists, demanding that they not vote to certify Trump’s election. Excerpt from an article by
Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have already gotten more than 4 million signatures on a petition asking the Electoral College to toss Donald Trump’s victory. But some, apparently, aren’t content to simply vent their frustrations online.
November 17, Michigan: The state’s electors are being subjected to direct threats by those who want them to de-certify Trump as having won the state’s 16 electoral votes. Excerpt, from an article in the Detroit News:
Michael Banerian wants to show that young adults still have faith in the political system, but he said his selection as one of Michigan’s 16 Electoral College voters has prompted emails urging him to vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and even threatening death.
On Dec. 19, the 22-year-old Banerian is scheduled to join 15 other Michiganians to cast their electoral votes for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. But Trump’s opponents have deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton, according to the Michigan Republican Party.
“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” he said. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
HuffPost has published none of these or any other news stories on its front page about this campaign of threats and intimidation. Instead, between November 14-19, HuffPost published on its front page “news” items including: 1, 2, 3.
Given the documented, scorched-Earth, libelous way that HuffPost has attacked non-leftist politicians and activist groups, it is reasonable to presume that were the situation reversed, had Hillary Clinton won the election, and these were radical right-wingers doing these things, it would be on a veritable “jihad” to raise awareness of, and condemn them.
November 17: HuffPost published a front-page editorial by celebrity Ani DiFranco, in which she claimed:
Donald Trump is a criminal and a sociopath who fans the flames of racism and xenophobia with hateful rhetoric and divisive speech. He attacks his critics, admits no fault, and is willing to forgo any process or protocol in the pursuit of unlimited power. He has a vision of women as sexual objects and reproductive slaves and he plans to literally and figuratively build a wall around us to shut out the interaction and influence of a discerning world community. Like all sociopaths, he is charming and charismatic and has lulled a certain percentage of our population (not the majority by any stretch) into a comforting and inspiring vision of their own superiority.
One need not be a Trump fan to recognize that this screed is filled with lies and half-truths, and according to HuffPost’s own editorial standards, should never have been published:
- “If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric, don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.” (source)
- “[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims.” (source)
HuffPost applied an egregiously malevolent double-standard to the health status of presidential candidates, depending on their political orientation
In 2008, HuffPost consistently demanded that Sen. McCain release his medical records, to prove he was fit to serve as president.
One of HuffPost’s allegedly core principles is
suppressed legitimate inquiries into Hillary Clinton’s health status, fired the journalist who exposed them, and removed his entire article archive
HuffPost’s jihad against Steve Bannon — and its selective use of Jewish “leaders”
November 13: HuffPost published a splash headline which accused Steve Bannon, whom Trump appointed to act as his chief strategist, of being an “anti-Semite.” (The story page to which this incendiary headline led, however, labeled Bannon a “white nationalist.” More on that in a moment.) This accusation was based not on proof, but on one, unproven allegation from Bannon’s ex-wife, twenty years ago, in a divorce proceeding.
November 14: HuffPost published another splash headline against Bannon, this time accusing him of being a “white nationalist.” This accusation was based on a libelous, proof-less claim by the notorious Southern Poverty Law Center, a repeatedly discredited, radical leftist smear group whose vitriol is so incendiary that it helped to inspire a terrorist act. (This incident is reminiscent of one in 2015, in which HuffPost published a splash headline accusing a U.S. Senator of being a “saboteur” in regards to the Iran deal, based on a supposed nonpartisan “group of experts” – without disclosing to its readers the fact that this group was proven in court to be a front group for Iran’s mullahs.)
November 14: HuffPost published a splash headline that contained a false quote, which it attributed to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, in which he allegedly said that “Bannon can’t be anti-Semitic,” because “he worked in finance.” Just one problem: Gingrich never said this, and HuffPost’s own story page proves it. What Gingrich actually said was, that in response to the broad accusations against Bannon – not specifically that he is an anti-Semite – “(He) was “a naval officer, a managing partner of Goldman Sachs a Hollywood movie producer.” Yet HuffPost twisted these words to claim he said something he had not, in order to dishonestly insinuate that Gingrich, himself, is an anti-Semite, defending a fellow one because he “worked in finance.”
November 15-17: Three prominent American Jews published articles that defended Bannon from charges of anti-Semitism, and more:
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “America’s Rabbi,” has had dozens of editorials published at HuffPost — but apparently, as in this instance, only when they agree with his view (contrary to its policy “All voices are welcome”). The Hill published an editorial by Boteach, in which he defended Bannon against charges that he is an anti-Semite, etc. The editorial took the form of an open letter to ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt, who a few days ago issued an official statement excoriating Bannon as an anti-Semite. Excerpt:
If you have issues with Mr. Bannon, focus them squarely on pronouncements attributed to him. I am aware that in a contentious divorce proceeding he is said to have uttered something about his daughter not being with Jewish students. I have no idea about the veracity of the statement and as a marriage counselor, I know that in a divorce, harsh things are often alleged. Aside from that, I don’t think even the most hostile media can point to a single reason to consider him anti-Semitic.
Prof. Alan Dershowitz, a another long-term HuffPost blogger, blasted the notion that Bannon is an anti-Semite, in an interview with Excerpts:
The evidence certainly suggests that Mr. Bannon has very good relationships with individual Jews.[…] I haven’t seen any evidence of personal anti-Semitism on the part of Bannon. […] I don’t think anybody should be called or accused of being anti-Semitic unless the evidence is overwhelming. […] It is not legitimate to call somebody an anti-Semite because you might disagree with their policies. Or because in one instance, like in the Bannon case, an aggrieved wife in a divorce may have said something which he himself has denied having said.
Dershowitz also wrote an editorial for The Algemeiner, which punctuated these points:
There are many reasons for opposing the appointment of Bannon, but antisemitism is not one of them. I do not support the Bannon appointment, but neither do I support accusing him of being an antisemite, based on the evidence I have seen. […]
Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are prevalent both on the hard-Right and on the hard-Left. The Trump election has brought hard-right antisemitism into public view, but the bigotry of the hard-Left is far more prevalent and influential on many university campuses, both in the United States and in Europe.
Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Association of America, issued a press release that defended Bannon from all of the allegations that HuffPost employed. Excerpt:
As pro-Israel writer (and orthodox Jew) Joel B. Pollak wrote, Mr. Bannon is “an American patriot who defends Israel & has deep empathy for the Jewish people.” ZOA’s own experience and analysis of Breitbart articles confirms Mr. Bannon’s and Breitbart’s friendship and fair-mindedness towards Israel and the Jewish people. To accuse Mr. Bannon and Breitbart of anti-Semitism is Orwellian. In fact, Breitbart bravely fights against anti-Semitism. Here are a few of the many examples:
HuffPost completely ignored all of these Jewish leaders’ views, as proven by searches in HuffPost’s own internal search engine, of Boteach’s and Dershowitz’s, and Klein’s editorial archives and mentions. This is a repeat of the same sanitized, one-sided depictions of information that HuffPost engaged in regarding the debate over the Irean nuclear deal. Instead of honoring its publicly-stated editorial policy, that “all voices are welcome at HuffPost,” the “nonpartisan” newspaper continued continued libeling Bannon, with nothing more than proof-less accusations.
Between November 15-17, HuffPost did, however, discover and post interesting “news” stories near the top of its front page, including: “The Day My Lover’s Wife Confronted Me About Sleeping With Her Husband.”
HuffPost’s continuing anti-Semitic bias
November 19: HuffPost ignored a friend’s public claim that a Jew is betraying his faith by supporting Trump — while it excoriated for claiming another was doing so for opposing him
On November 14, HuffPost claimed an article at that alleged William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, was a “renegade Jew” for not supporting Trump, was “disgusting” proof that the website is anti-Semitic.
Yet on November 19, the Daily Beast featured an article containing a far more serious, mirror-opposite attack on another Jew, by Rob Reiner, a close personal friend of Arianna Huffington. Reiner accused Jared Kushner, Trump’s orthodox Jewish son-in-law, of betraying his faith — for money — by remaining part of the family, and supporting his father-in-law’s campaign:
“I don’t understand Jared Kushner at all. What is he doing? He’s turning his back on his religion and his heritage just so he can make money? I don’t get it. I just can’t wrap my mind around it.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, in the hours and days after, it featured “news” stories on its front page, including A, B, C.
This incident is reminiscent of an explicitly anti-Semitic attack that HuffPost itself launched against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in which it falsely claimed that he said, “No disrespect, Barry,” in reference to President Obama, alleging that Netanyahu had not advised the White House in advance of his acceptance of Speaker Boehner’s invitation to speak before Congress. The fact is that as HuffPost knew, or should have known, one month earlier the New York Times debunked its own account of this story, which was fabricated by the White House, and admitted that Obama had, in fact, been advised of Netanyahu’s acceptance. HuffPost never issued a correction or retraction of its false, incendiary, anti-Semitic attack on Netanyahu.
It also reveals HuffPost’s double-standards when it comes to presidential advisers. In 2013, former Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke heaped public praise on the notorious anti-Semitic propagandist Max Blumenthal, a HuffPost blogger, and son of long-term Clinton adviser Sid Blumenthal, who praised Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, and smeared legendary Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel after his death. In public, and recently-released Wikileaks emails, however, Hillary Clinton has praised Max Blumethal on numerous occasions, and while Secretary of State, ordered that his articles be printed and distributed within the government agency. Yet HuffPost has run not a single news story about the fact that both Clinton and Duke praised the same anti-Semitic propagandist, or openly demanded that Clinton disavow any relationship with him.
In terms of exposing the double-standards HuffPost employs regarding holding political activists to public account for what it considers offensive actions, consider how the fact that HuffPost gave three straight days of front-page, pictorial coverage to a “news” story it wrote, denigrating a conservative blogger in Chicago for criticizing what she contended was biased information being distributed at the Brookfield Zoo. HuffPost mocked and ridiculed this woman, with pictures of her face.
Yet after hundreds of incidents of violence being perpetrated by anti-conservative rioters before and after the election, HuffPost has featured not a single story about any of them, personally. Nor did it feature a front-page story about the Muslim student who filed a false police report, alleging that Trump supporters assaulted her because due to her faith.
November 14: The former press secretary to Sen. Bernie Sanders openly mocked the white people who are being beaten by anti-Trump rioters, on CNN, and explicitly justified the violence. The woman, Symone Sanders, reacted to a video of a white man being dragged out of a car by a black mob and being brutally beaten because they alleged he voted for Trump, by saying, “”Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please… […] We can’t call for people to be peaceful when the rhetoric that has been used is not peaceful, when people don’t feel peaceful in their home.”
HuffPost featured nothing about this incident. Instead, it featured on its front page “news” stories about A, B, C.
HuffPost gave top-line coverage to momentary, negative stock market reaction to Trump’s victory – but ignored the fact that it soon reached record highs, and had numerous other positive impacts
In the hours after the election was decided, HuffPost published this item near the top of its front page (see cursor position at right):
Donald Trump’s Strong Performance Tanks Overnight Markets: Investors were apparently expecting Hillary Clinton would win, by Daniel Marans, Huffington Post, November 9, 2016.
Which HuffPost followed up with a quip here from its de facto resident economic guru, Paul Krugman:
And The New York Times’ Paul Krugman warned of the dire global consequences of Trump’s election in an opinion piece, titled The Economic Fallout. “So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight,” he wrote.
Yet sometime before midnight on November 8, the New York Times published the reality, which HuffPost deliberately ignored:
Why Stock Markets, Initially Shaken, Went Up After Trump’s Victory, by Landon Thomas, New York Times, November 8, 2016.
From November 9 on, until the present day, the markets not only recovered, they began steadily zooming to new highs. Rather than putting this news prominently on its front page, with the same prominence as the initial market decline, HuffPost buried this positive news – and several search engines prove it.
Below is a screencap of the results of a November 21 search, using HuffPost’s own search engine, of the words “Trump markets recover,” showing no results. Search this term for yourself here:
Another search, using the words “Trump dow record” yields this page, from November 9, which HuffPost claims it published at 5:34pm:
U.S. Stocks Rise Sharply As Wall Street Embraces Trump Victory, Reuters, November 9, 2016.
HuffPost merely pulled this story from Reuters’ wire feed, however (red line), and only briefly published it at the very, very bottom of its front page. This is provable through the Internet Archive (, which captures web pages 24-7 for permanent archives.
Here is HuffPost’s front page from 1:14am on November 10, showing the story at the absolute bottom of the page – and the word-search function on the page shows that this is the only instance of the word “stock”
Here are some additional reports that documented the stunning rise, to unprecedented levels, of the stock markets, the dollar exchange ratio, and more:
Dollar at highest since 2003; oil falls in choppy trade, by Rodrigo Campos, Reuters (YahooNews), November 16, 2016. Excerpt:
The U.S. dollar index touched a near 14-year high on Wednesday, while oil prices fell in a volatile session as traders were caught between a build in U.S. stockpiles and the chance of an agreement on an output cut. On Wall Street, declines in bank stocks more than offset gains in the technology sector. The S&P 500 had ended on Tuesday at a 10-week high while the Dow industrials set a record close, fueled by a post-U.S. election rally.
And by November 20, they had shattered their previous highs:
U.S. Stocks Hit Highs as Oil Jumps, by Rita Nazareth and Lu Wang, Bloomberg, November 20, 2016. Excerpt:
All four major U.S. equity benchmarks climbed to record highs as oil jumped on optimism OPEC will agree to cut output. The yen rose as markets digested reports of a tsunami warning in the Fukushima region. The S&P 500 Index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq Composite Index and the Russell 2000 Index rallied together to their all-time peaks for the first time since 1999.
By November 22, the Dow exceeded 19,000 for the first time:
Dow closes above 19,000 for first time ever, by Nikita Vladimirov, The Hill, November 22, 2016. Excerpt:
The Dow Jones industrial average on Tuesday closed at a record high, shattering the 19,000 mark for the first time in its 120-year history. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index likewise rose by 0.2 percent, closing at a record high of 2202.94 points, according to USA Today.
Nasdaq also reached an all-time closing high of 5386.35, while Russell 2000 rose by 0.9 percent.
HuffPost reported none of these staggering gains, least of all in chart form, on its front page. This is all verifiable through a search of archives at the Here, for example, is a screencap with word-search for “dow” at 7:50am on November 23, showing that HuffPost’s front page has absolutely no news about the Dow reaching an unprecedented height. Note that the search yields only one result — which has nothing to do with the Dow Jones stock market:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more important to publish on its front page, than any of the above? Here is a sampling:
Naked Man Breaks Into Pizza Place, Shows Own Sausage And Meatballs
Scientists Find Evidence Of Massive Ocean Beneath Pluto’s Heart
4 Ways Real Brides Re-Wore Their Wedding Dresses After the Big Day
The Most Stylish Older Women On Instagram
Critics Blast People For Celebrating Trump’s Win
Take A Look At The Most Epic Map Blunders Throughout The Ages
Suze Orman Says The Sweetest Things About Her Wife And ‘Soulmate’
CNN’s Van Jones Is Fed Up With Trump Supporters
14 Characteristics Of A Sexually Confident Woman
‘Stranger Things’ Lego Remake Will Make You Crave For Season 2
HuffPost published only positive items about Rep. Keith Ellison’s campaign to become head of the DNC — but ignored a torrent of exposes about his relationships with Islamist groups, and how he incites anti-Semitic hatred
According to AOL (HuffPost’s parent company), corporations should advertise at HuffPost, in part because:
“The Huffington Post covers the world’s stories from every viewpoint.”
In contrast to its jihad against Steve Bannon, for several weeks in early November, HuffPost engaged in an ongoing haiography about Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), burnishing his campaign to become the head of the embattled DNC. The story below, featured on HuffPost’s front page, is just one of such items:
A sampling of these supportive articles:
Harry Reid Endorses Keith Ellison For DNC Chair
Elizabeth Warren Endorses Keith Ellison For Next Democratic Party Chair
Progressive Congressman Eyes Chair Seat In Potential Major Shift For DNC
Congressman Keith Ellison Wants To Run The DNC
HuffPost ignored all dissenting voices, that exposed Ellison for what he really is
Arianna Huffington has repeatedly insisted to the public, and presumably her advertisers, that HuffPost operates according to no political bias, and that “all voices are welcome at HuffPost.”
“What we’re doing is two things. We do news. I don’t believe news is left wing or right wing. And then we do the group blog, which is going to be a dialogue from all viewpoints.”
“The editorial stance of the Huffington Post is to debunk the right-left way of thinking, which has become completely obsolete.”
In contrast to these and many other public statements about its supposed nonpartisan journalistic and editorial policy, HuffPost has suppressed every one of the dozens of reports, articles and editorials that oppose Ellison — including by some of America’s most prominent Democrats — that expose him for his deep, long ties to radical Islamist groups and figures, including even Louis Farrakhan and his notorious Nation of Islam. As a reminder, here is a recent video of Farrakhan obliquely calling for 10,000 men to murder whites, in retaliation for what he claims are whites’ murdering of blacks.
Even one of HuffPost’s long-term bloggers, famed Democratic law professor Alan Dershowitz, did an interview on November 15 with MSNBC, which was reported by RealClearPolitics, in which he said, in part:
Dershowitz: The Hard Left Is Very Anti-Semitic; Keith Ellison, Black Lives Matter Inspire Anti-Semitism, by Ian Schwartz,, November 15, 2016.
“What was seen in this country was a very dangerous development on both sides […] We are seeing the Republicans move right and the Democrats move hard left. I have to tell you, the only thing the hard left and the hard right have in common, they hate Israel and America.”
Dershowitz also said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), a Muslim who is seeking the chairmanship of the DNC, has many supporters who hate Jews. Dershowitz said Ellison would be cheered by Hamas. “Many of his supporters hate Jews. Many people who applaud his nomination,” he said of Ellison.
HuffPost completely ignored Dershowitz – as its own search engine proves. Dershowitz is but one of many prominent critics, including Jewish Americans and Democrats, who have come out against Ellison’s nomination, based on hard substance:
The Ellison angle, by Scott Johnson,, November 19, 2016. Excerpt:
Ellison’s public agitation on behalf of the Nation of Islam extends back to his days as a law student at the University of Minnesota Law School through his first attempt to secure the Democratic endorsement for a state legislative seat. Over the years Ellison agitated on behalf of the Nation of Islam he operated under names including Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad. I summarized this aspect of Ellison’s rise in the Weekly Standard article “Louis Farrakhan’s first Congressman” and the companion Power Line post “Keith Ellison for dummies.”
Ellison’s freedom from media scrutiny has served him well so far. Apart from an extremely misleading letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council in 2006, Ellison has never had to account, explain or apologize for his long-time membership in and advocacy of the Nation of Islam. Rather, Ellison has lied about it, minimized it and suppressed it. In his own memoir Ellison rewrites his past, presenting himself as a critic of the Nation of Islam for its bigotry and hatred. He does not confide in readers that the source of his knowledge is personal and that it comes from the inside. I don’t think much of the Democratic Party or its leaders, but I have to ask whether Democrats really know what they are buying with Ellison.
UPDATE: I just heard a radio news report indicating that Ellison denies he was ever a member of the Nation of Islam. This is a bald-faced lie for which I have the ocular proof in “Keith Ellison for dummies.”
More articles that expose the real Keith Ellison — none of which HuffPost published (most recent at top):
Keith Ellison’s Life as NIAC Cheerleader: The would-be head of the DNC has a long, cozy history with the Tehran lobby, by Armin Rosen, The Tower, December 7, 2016. [Ed.: See SaveTheWest’s research on the NIAC here, and how HuffPost whitewashes and enables it here.]
Keith Ellison 2010: Israel “has mobilized its Diaspora in America to do its bidding”, by William A. Jacobson, Legal Insurrection, December 5, 2016.
What Keith Ellison Really Said, by Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary, December 5, 2016.
Haim Saban: Keith Ellison is an anti-Semite, Israel-hater: Israeli-American media mogul and Democratic donor warns Ellison as DNC chair would be a ‘disaster’ for relations with Jewish community, by David Rosenberg, Israel National News, December 4, 2016.
The ADL’s Praise of Keith Ellison Betrays Its Mission to Combat Antisemitism, by Morton A. Klein, The Algemeiner, November 23, 2016.
Ellison’s extremism wrong for the DNC, by Oren Litwin, Washington Examiner, November 23, 2016.
Keith Ellison Supported the BDS Movement and Admired Louis Farrakhan. So Why Are Jewish Democrats Supporting Him for Chairman of the DNC? The Minnesota congressman has long ties to the Nation of Islam. [Updated], by Jeff Ballabon, Tablet, November 21, 2016.
Pro-Israel Jewish Democrats Oppose Keith Ellison’s DNC Bid, by Rafael Medoff, The Jewish Press, November 18, 2016.
ZOA: Don’t Appoint Israel-Basher Cong. Keith Ellison Chair of the Democratic National Committee, by the Zionist Organization of America, November 18, 2016.
Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison’s Anti-Semitic Past And Ties To Radical Islam, by Joel Mowbray, The Daily Caller, November 17, 2016.
Jewish opposition grows to Keith Ellison’s bid to head Democratic National Committee, by Rafael Medoff, Jewish News Service, November 17, 2016.
Jewish Leaders Question Chuck Schumer’s Endorsement of Keith Ellison, by Brent Scher, The Washington Free-Beacon, November 16, 2016.
Hypocrisy Watch: Networks Pound Bannon, But Ignore Democrat Ellison’s Radicalism, by Rich Noyes,, November 16, 2016.
RJC Releases Scathing Ad Against Keith Ellison, by Jack Heretik, Washington Free-Beacon, June 29, 2016.
Even the prominent American Muslim reformer, cardiologist Zuhdi Jasser, MD, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, exposed Ellison for his Islamist connections and sympathies, in this Internet radio show podcast:
HuffPost ignored all of these stories that exposed the other side of Rep. Ellison — and its own search engine proves it. Here is a search of HuffPost’s archives, using the string “Keith Ellison chair DNC” — which returns only favorable results.
Instead, it published “news” stories on its front page from
In doing all these things, HuffPost has consistently, intentionally and maliciously betrayed even the faintest pretense of “journalism,” and has, instead, been using the money that you and other advertisers give it to engage in efforts to incite hatred. Hatred, between Americans, between races, and between ethnicities.
UPDATE DEC. 4: After ignoring the dozens of substantive exposes about Ellison, HuffPost rose again to his defense, with a blistering attack on other journalists. Beyond the surface irony — of HuffPost calling out anyone else for running a “smear campaign” — it falsely claimed that NBC and Washington Post journalists are “doing politicians’ bidding,” and cited Ellison’s support for the Iran nuclear deal as a reason why he should be appointed as head of the DNC. As SaveTheWest recently documented, the Iran deal was a fraud and a hoax from the start, and HuffPost was instrumental in helping to trick and bully Americans and their elected representatives into supporting it, through a multi-year campaign of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement:
Journalists Are Enabling A Smear Campaign Against Keith Ellison, by Daniel Marans, Huffington Post, December 4, 2016.
Rather than provide measured, reporting-based commentary, [Chuck] Todd and [Ruth] Marcus exemplify how journalists are capable of doing politicians’ bidding. Intentionally or not, they are boosting the conservative forces in the Democratic Party who want to block Ellison because of his strong stance against the Israeli occupation, for the Iran nuclear deal and other progressive Middle East policies.
HuffPost ignored all of these stories. Instead, it exclusively posted only pictures and allegations of Trump supporters doing bad things, including against Muslims – most of which there was no evidence whatsoever. And in some cases, when these bad things were later determined to be complete hoaxes, HuffPost did not notify the public of that fact, or at best only put a note at the very end of the article, as in this case, where no casual reader would ever know that the story that was promoted with blaring headlines was completely untrue. this is nothing new; in recent months and years there has been a steady volume of hate crimes reported against certain minority groups, including Muslims, that turn out to be hoaxes, or were perpetrated by the complainants themselves. Which HuffPost either does not give coverage to, or buries, far beyond the view of the readers who were incited to hatred, or even violence, by the original, false headlines it ran.
Some basic facts about HuffPost:
- In 2009, and again in 2016, HuffPost’s senior management showcased — in pictures — their virtually all-white senior staff
- Since its founding in 2005, HuffPost’s senior management has told the public, and presumably advertisers such as yourself, that it absolutely prohibits any kind of hate speech, inflammatory claims and conspiracy theories
My questions for you:
Would you knowingly advertise in any publication or media outlet that explicitly said that attacked one race of people, and claimed that they had ruined an entire nation? If not, then how can you continue financially enabling HuffPost to engage in this kind of lie-filled racial hatred and bigotry?
We at assume you were unaware of the fact that by advertising at HuffPost, you have been enabling its global incitement of hatred and violence. Now that you have been provided with abundant evidence of this fact, are you going to continue enabling HuffPost?
HuffPost publishing articles alleging “Islamophobic” hate crimes, without any evidence — then burying the revelations that they were hoaxes
HuffPost routinely ignores documented Muslims’ incitements to perpetrate actual hate crimes, including murder
HuffPost ignored Louis Farrakhan’s call on 10,000 of his followers to stalk and murder white Americans
On August 13, 2015, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was captured on video saying:
- “White people deserve to die. And they know it!”
- “Stalk them, and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
- That he is seeking “10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.”
HuffPost completely ignored this story.
HuffPost ignored an imam’s call in Orlando, FL for Muslims to murder gays — two months before Pulse gay nightclub massacre
Two months before the June 11, 2016 massacre at the Orlando gay nightclub, the Pulse, an imam spoke at a nearby mosque, and said that devout Muslims must murder gays “out of compassion”:
HuffPost completely ignored this story.