Rachel Avraham
Op-Ed: How should America and Israel deal with Qatar?
Qatar acts as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, but at the same time, provides massive financial support for Hamas. How should Israel and the U.S. deal with Qatar?
How to prevent “America’s race riots” from spreading further in Israel...
Are the violent riots in the US a forecast of what we can expect in Israel? How to avoid it? Here are 9 ways that may make a difference.
Why Palestinian Terrorism Continues to Plague Us Amid the Pandemic —...
STW contributor Rachel Avraham examines how Palestinian terror gangs are exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to perpetrate more terrorist attacks, and undermine any chance for peace with Israel.
How America and Israel should respond to Sultan Erdogan – Rachel...
STW contributor Rachel Avraham analyzes the threats posed to the U.S., Israel and the Middle East by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey, and presents strategies for mitigating these dangers.
How can Israel best fight the cultural war? – Rachel Avraham
STW contributor Rachel Avraham analyzes the multi-faceted threats facing Israel, and the urgent need for its leaders to create a Cultural Defense Minister position in the new government.
How to best defeat Israel’s enemies, while minimizing physical war –...
STW contributor Rachel Avraham presents non-lethal means that Israel can employ to undermine, and ultimately defeat, those who are sworn to its destruction.
Who can lead Israel better: Likud, or Blue and White?
New STW contributor Rachel Avraham analyzes tomorrow's Israeli election, the candidates, and why she supports re-electing Benjamin Netanyahu.