Home Rachel Avraham Op-Ed: How Did Normal Israelis React to Iran’s Attack Upon Israel?

Op-Ed: How Did Normal Israelis React to Iran’s Attack Upon Israel?



By Rachel Avraham

On April 14, when Iran attacked the State of Israel, I was in a total state of shock. I got an alert on my cellphone that Iranian missiles were heading towards Israel and I was very scared. I was so worried that I might not make it through the night and had no clue where the missiles were going to hit. After tossing and turning restlessly in bed, I decided to send my parents a loving email with my last wishes in case I perished and then took a sleeping pill to fall asleep, as I could not take the anticipation any longer.

But when I woke up, I was relieved that none of the Iranian rockets landed in Netanya and that only one Bedouin child was injured and one IDF base in Southern Israel was damaged. I then called my family in America to tell them that Israel did an amazing job with its missile defense system and I am very proud of Israel for working with America, England, France, and other countries to block the Iranian missiles from landing in Israel. What happened on April 14 made me proud to be Israeli. It showed we had good cooperation with other countries and a great missile defense system.

Following April 14, I asked five other Israelis from different areas of the country how they reacted to the Iranian attack. Some were very supportive of the government, while others believed otherwise.

Jonathan Benedek, a resident of Jerusalem, related the following about the Iranian attack: “We ran downstairs to the bomb shelter at 1:45am. It was intimidating to get these alarms and hear these really loud bangs, which were stronger than Hamas rockets being taken down. We had a very good missile defense system. I believe in the people of Israel more than the leadership, although the leadership did a good job. I think the Israeli people will be the ones to bring victory, not the government.”

Pnina Suissa, a resent of Nahariyya, was in Jerusalem at a wedding when the Iranian attack occurred: “I was not scared at all. There were rockets the night before. We saw them from the window. I do not believe in the army or anyone. I did not believe it was real at all. It was just a show. That is how I felt.

Also the people around me do not believe it was real. It was just a show that shows Israel as strong, but it was just a show. The fact that Iran attacked was all a lie. There are a lot of people that lie to us in the government. I do not believe in the security establishment and the government. There is no security for there are people in the government not really with us. I don’t believe a word that they have to say.”

Dr. Dana Barnett, a resident of Even Yehuda, related the following about the Iranian attack: “I was not panicked. I arranged the safe room. I put some food in pans and water in it. And I went to bed in my bed as usual. I left my phone nearby in case the alarm was set off, I could go to safe room. I then woke up in the morning and heard what happened in the night. I was fine. I did not panic. I think the government responded ok. I expected them to respond in some way and they did. I expected the US to pressure Israel not to retaliate too severely, which they did. I was not hoping for a big response because then, it would never end. I was glad that it ended this way. I do not know what the future lies. So far, it seems like it was the right response.”

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a resident of Ra’anana, proclaimed: “I knew that Israel would do something. I behaved normally for there was no alarm and no siren. Nothing. I think Israel did what the America and the world wanted Israel to do. I think that Israel restricted itself to what the Americans wanted Israel to do. There are all kinds of rumors what Israel did. This information is somehow unknown on a wide scale. I am sure that Israel did only what America agreed to. Those who made the decision know what best to do. They spoke to the Americans and know what they would agree to and acted accordingly. I think the government and IDF did what they can. They have the information. I don’t.”

David Bedein, a resident of Jerusalem, declared: “At 1:45am, I woke up to the Iranian attack. This was a clear tactic in psychological warfare. My grandchildren will be frightened for the rest of their lives. This is a brilliant job of Iranian intelligence. Israel has not responded yet. Right now, I have no confidence in the IDF and Israel. I think the corporate interest in Israel right now is dominant and that prevents action. This encourages Iranian terror and also Hamas. Hamas is still part of the PA coalition and still control the PA parliament, which is why there are no elections for Hamas will win. Israel focuses only on what happened on October 7 and that is a mistake. UNRWA is preparing summer camps this summer and 400 Israeli corporations are involved, even though they are dominated by Hamas.”


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Rachel Avraham
Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working for the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights, which is run by Mendi Safadi, a former Likud Candidate for the Knesset and a former chief of staff of former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara. Since 2012, she has been working as an Israel-based journalist and writer, covering Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and other developments in the greater Islamic world. Her articles have appeared in the Washington Times, the Hill, Front Page Magazine, the Daily Wire, the Christian Post, the Baltimore Jewish Times, the Jerusalem Post, Israel Hayom, Ahval and many other publications across the globe. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben-Gurion University. She got her BA in Government and Politics with minors in Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park.