Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week THE MESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST – Ken’s Thought of the Week

THE MESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST – Ken’s Thought of the Week





THE MESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST – Ken’s Thought of the Week

By Ken Abramowitz

Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War”

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)


People are mystified by the growing chaos in the Middle East. It is truly a mess, but it has been in the making for a long time.

1) By the time of his death in the year 632, Muhammed had taken the tribes in Saudi Arabia by the sword. His followers declared war on neighboring countries of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and others, and proceeded to spread Islam by force, conquering approximately 55 counties in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, and ruling over nearly half of the then-known world for 900 years.

2) In 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood was established by Sunni Muslims in Egypt. Their stated goal then and now was to take over all Muslim countries and then the rest of the world.

3) In 1979, the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) was established after a coup against the Shah. The new theocracy promptly announced their goal similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood. It vowed to export the Islamic revolution, kill all the Jews and eliminate Israel first (Death to Israel), then take over America and kill the Christians and other infidels there (Death to America).

4) Since 1979, Iran has built up the largest terror organization in the world with several hundred thousand operatives (Iranians and proxies) around the world.

5) On October 7, 2023, Iran, through its 40 thousand Hamas proxy terrorists in Gaza, launched a genocide against Israel. On October 8, Iran ordered its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, with more than 100,000 operatives, to attack Israel from Lebanon. On October 17, Iran ordered 100 thousand of its Shiite militia agents to attack American bases in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria. On November 19, Iran ordered 50,000 Yemenite Houthis to attack Israeli and America ships in the Red Sea.

6) On April 13, 2024, Iran directly attacked Israel with 350 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones, of which 99% were shot down by Israel and allied nations.

7) On August 25, 2024. Iran ordered a massive Hezbollah attack against Israel at 5 a.m. with about some 5,000 rockets and drones from over 100 locations in Lebanon. Israel learned of this plan and at 4:45 a.m. pre-emptively attacked Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and destroyed most of the rockets before they were fired.8) Evidently Iran made the decision to engage Israel in a full-scale war before the US 2024 Presidential election in November. It seems to assume that their odds of success are higher under President Biden or the anointed Democrat Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, than under President Trump.


Israel, with its small population of 10 million people, cannot fight a continuous war of attrition. Its army of 150 thousand drafted soldiers and 300 thousand reserves is a people’s army, who want to return to school or work. It cannot fight forever at such a feverish pace.

What could happen during the next 12 months, under a presumed Trump administration?

1) Israel could destroy the remnants of Hamas in Gaza during the next three months.2) The US and Israel could neutralize the Houthis in Yemen over the next three to six months.

3) Israel could neutralize and intimidate Hezbollah in Lebanon over the next nine months.

4) The US could neutralize and intimidate the Shiite militia in Iraq over the next nine months.

5) The US and Israel could neutralize and intimidate Iran over the next 12 months, perhaps leading to Regime change.

6) The four member countries of the Abraham Accord could expand to 10, once the Muslim countries feel safe from the radical Shiite Iranian Death Cult.

We at Save the West believe that it is high time for Israel and the US to reclaim their proper roles as leaders of Judeo-Christian culture and the free world. Such bold leadership could also keep at least half of Europe’s countries free from Islamic control.
