Home Rachel Avraham OP-ED: Are the Democrats an Existential Threat to Western Civilization ?

OP-ED: Are the Democrats an Existential Threat to Western Civilization ?


By Rachel Avraham

After the largest pogrom experienced by the Jewish people since the holocaust, the Hamas attack on October 7, instead of America being filled with pro-Israeli and anti-Hamas demonstrations, a stream of demonstrations against Israel began. What is strange is that already on October 8, crowds went out to demonstrate in favor of the Hamas death cult! The day after the massacre! It is difficult to accept and internalize this when you know what horrors the Israelis living in southern Israel experienced on October 7, not only Jews but also Arab citizens of the State of Israel, not only fighters in military bases but innocent citizens sleeping in their beds on the morning of a holiday.

The question that arises when one understands the magnitude of the protests and demonstrations against Israel that began after the Hamas attack, is who are these people demonstrating against Israel? Who are these people who justify the brutal murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping of citizens from the age of 8 months to 90? What the absolute majority of the protesters against Israel, against the West, have in common are that they are the Democratic Party voters. Do they pose a threat to Western civilization ?

First, it should be noted that apparently, the voters of the Democratic Party do not think about this explicitly, that is, they did not set themselves the goal of overthrowing Western civilization. It is not that they are explicitly against the West, except for specific groups that have admitted it.

The point is that their pity for those they see as weaker in the battle against Israel and the Western forces outweighs their understanding of reality as it really happens. In terms of their perception of reality, because the State of Israel has means that the Palestinians do not have, such as money, weapons, international relations, and a real governmental system, then the State of Israel should consider the Palestinians and not react harshly to their terrorist action.

Basically, they look at Israel as the big brother who should give up on his little brother, because he is big and strong and his brother is small and weak. What they forgot is that first of all, Israel gave in to the Palestinians at the very beginning, on November 29, 1947. The State of Israel agreed to the UN partition plan, the main thing is that the Jews will have a state, even if it is very small and without territorial continuity between its territories. The Jews compromised with the Palestinians, but the Palestinians went to war.

After the Oslo Accords, in which Israel relinquished control over large areas of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians embarked on an intifada. After the peace talks of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, in which Barak offered the Palestinians a state with East Jerusalem as its capital, the Palestinians carried out the lynching in Ramallah and continued the intifada.

The Israelis over the years have not stopped giving in to the Palestinians, and on the other hand, the Palestinians do not stop looking for new ways to physically and mentally harm the Israelis. Another thing that the Democrats have forgotten is that in reality the weak is not always right, because sometimes the weak are given the privilege to act against international law and after that, they will justify it because they are weak.

The concern for the weak no matter what he thinks and what he does, creates somewhat funny but stressful situations. For example, the phenomenon of “Queers For Palestine”. Those people who go out to shout the cry of the Palestinians, do not understand that not only the Palestinians, but the absolute majority of the Arabs and the Muslims think that those who  follow their queer way of life have no right to exist, and that the Queers also have to pay for their sins. Apparently, because of the projection they make of the struggle of the LGBT community to the Palestinian struggle, which are two struggles that are related neither in their ideology nor in the righteousness of their way, they fail to see the reality.

But those who go out to demonstrate are not only the queers, but many young Americans who come out to demonstrate for a people that half of them hate them and think they are the source of all the evil in the world. We can only hope that their eyes will open at some point and they will realize their mistake, which not only hurts other people, who have suffered many traumas in its history, the Jewish people of course, but also encourages radical Islamism in other strongholds of the West.

What happens in America usually affects public opinion in the world, at least in the Western world, so the demonstrations of the American students do not stay within the borders of America and arrive as a personal import to Europe. Europe, although it already knows the differences between Western and Arab cultures, has not yet fully internalized who the Arabs are. Still in Europe, they accept the Arab way of doing things, which is based on religion and without an ounce of Western thinking. Despite everything that is happening in Europe, there are still many Europeans who do not understand that what happened in Israel could happen to them as well. If Arab riots break out in Europe, maybe they will start against the Jewish population, but very quickly they will go to the Christians, to the modern crusaders, as the radical Muslims consider the Europeans. When this happens, will the West side with the West or with the Palestinians? I very much hope that we will not have to reach the day when there will be an answer to this question, but if so, I fear that the West will justify the Palestinians and not itself.

The Democrats themselves do not threaten Western civilization. It is impossible to say about Joe Biden that he is not pro-Israeli, in light of his great public support for the people of Israel in the days after the October 7 massacre. Kamala Harris similarly has a Jewish husband and plans to put a mezuzah on the White House. But, Democratic voters are promoting very dangerous agendas, for the entire Western world. The whole thing of having to embrace and contain the weak can no longer continue. Hamas took advantage of the fact that it was supposedly “weak” and committed crimes against humanity against Jews and non-Jewish Israelis, but in the West, this barbaric behavior is excused as “legitimate resistance to the occupation”. How can you argue with such an argument with a person who fails to perceive reality as it is? We need to pray that more and more people in the West will open their eyes and realize that the weak can commit war
crimes and they do not deserve any sympathy when they do.

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Rachel Avraham
Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working for the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights, which is run by Mendi Safadi, a former Likud Candidate for the Knesset and a former chief of staff of former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara. Since 2012, she has been working as an Israel-based journalist and writer, covering Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and other developments in the greater Islamic world. Her articles have appeared in the Washington Times, the Hill, Front Page Magazine, the Daily Wire, the Christian Post, the Baltimore Jewish Times, the Jerusalem Post, Israel Hayom, Ahval and many other publications across the globe. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben-Gurion University. She got her BA in Government and Politics with minors in Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park.