Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week Time to Win America’s Multifront War – Ken’s Thought of the Week

Time to Win America’s Multifront War – Ken’s Thought of the Week



..By Ken Abramowitz.

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.


Americans are now fighting for our freedoms in a Multifront War. This war embodies fundamental aspects of some of the key wars in our history. It is an epic battle of We The People vs Tyranny. America’s future depends on the outcome. We fought and won several battles before: the Revolutionary War (We The People vs British tyranny), the Civil War (the anti-slavery Unionists who supported American democracy – mostly Republicans – vs the pro-slavery Confederates — who were mostly Democrats), World War I (Democracy vs the Dictatorships of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and their allies), World War II (Democracy vs. Dictatorships of the Nazis and the Japanese) and the Cold War (the cultural/economic battle between US vs Russia).

The multifaceted war we fighting now is more dangerous and more difficult to win. This war is to save and protect our unique freedoms and independence. It is the equivalent of World War III. The characteristics of this war are:

1) There is a war between dictatorships and authoritarianists (50% of world population) against Democracy. Will nations be governed by the will of the people or the will of their leaders?

2) More specifically, dictatorships and authoritarian groups can be divided almost equally between the Reds (China, North Korea, and Russia) and the Greens (Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, and terrorist groups, such as: the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda). Will democracies be taken over by dictatorships or will dictatorships fall to the will of the people?






3) In this global conflict, Western democracies are fighting eight forms of warfare: kinetic, biological, drug trafficking, cultural, economic, legal, demographic, and cyber. Can we become adept at fighting all eight forms of warfare?

4) Our enemies include global organizations, such as the United Nations (which is controlled by dictatorships), thousands of anti-America domestic and international NGOs, as well as Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) and Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) such as MS-13, Hezbollah, and Mexican cartels. International foundations also fund anti-American activities, including the Ford Foundation and the Open Societies Foundation funded by George Soros. Will the US be able to better challenge these global non-state actors?

5) Americans are also fighting a cultural war against the radical left-wing of the Democrat party, whose platform supports programs like the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and universal gun confiscation, which contradict the basic values of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Will the Democrat Party take over and convert the US into a socialist dictatorship?

6) US is also fighting a violent insurrection by Antifa anarchists and BLM Marxists, who serve, in effect, as the Democrat party’s “military wing”. Will the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI be able to finally learn how to cooperate and function in a coordinated fashion against this insurrection?

7) Americans are also fighting a culture war against internal enemies, including the mainstream media and social media giants, the elites of Hollywood, and the public educational system that has been taken over by the radical left. Will the federal government rein in the infected and anti-Constitutional corruption that permeates all of them?

8) America’s enemies (the Reds and the Greens) are financing, supporting, enabling, and encouraging our internal enemies. Will the US Treasury stop foreign and domestic anti-American financing of our domestic insurgents?

9) US external and domestic enemies play offense, while our government plays defense. Will the US Government be able to reorganize itself into a cooperative protective security juggernaut? Will the US Government directly and proactively confront our enemies?

10) Our government is not addressing our Multifront War with a centralized management structure, headed by a designated leader, as we did in World War II with General George Marshall. Will President Trump appoint Vice President Mike Pence or another key leader and put him in charge of tackling World War III?

To win this Multifront War, American policy makers must use a holistic, 360 degree approach, which takes into account all of our enemies, adversaries, and competitors, both foreign and domestic. Our security agencies must be re-organized to manage the challenge, with one person designated to be in charge.

The Whole-of-Government Covid-19 task force, headed by Vice President Pence, is a good model to replicate for addressing and defeating the worldwide enemies and adversaries that have put America in the crosshairs. This model was effective, it kept the American people informed, and it was successful. We should do it NOW. There is no time to lose!

Additional Reading:

Discover the Networks | Black Lives Matter (BLM) – DiscovertheNetworks.com

Armistice Day: World War I ends – History.com

World War II: Summary, Combatants & Facts – History.com

The World’s Red-Green Axis Has Come to Our Streets – Newsweek.com

Why black lives matter to philanthropy – FordFoundation.org

Human Rights Council calls on top UN rights official to take action on racist violence – news.un.org

American Revolution | Causes, Battles, Aftermath, & Facts – Britannica.com

Who are the Coronavirus Task Force members? – FoxNews.com

Ken`s new book The Multifront War is out! It is available in 190 countries via Amazon and in also on BNs in the US. Buy it now!


