Title: US taxpayer money used to create & promote Muslim pro-Biden campaign video, featuring notorious Islamist propagandists
Excerpt: Taxes deducted from Americans’ paychecks funded a Muslim get-out-the-vote campaign video for former VP Joe Biden, featuring several of America’s most notorious anti-US & anti-Semitic propagandists. By Jon Sutz.
What white supremacy is to the Caucasian race, what Aryan supremacy was to the German people, Islamism — Muslim supremacy — is to Islam.
Americans may be shocked to discover that in July 2020, money deducted from their paychecks was used to enable the taxpayer-funded Voice Of America to create and distribute a pro-Biden get-out-the-vote campaign video, that:
- Targets Muslims throughout the world
- Features three of America’s most notorious Islamist public figures
Several notable articles exposing this travesty, and the fact that VOA took down the video, appeared in the weeks following:
Deleted Biden video sets off a crisis at Voice of America – POLITICO
Voice Of America Promoted A Pro-Biden Muslim Political Campaign Ad, Then Removed It – Sara A. Carter
While both of these stories provide useful information on this shocking incident, neither included detailed information that revealed:
- The depths of Biden’s lies in this video
- The fact that he mouthed the very words that Islamist terrorists claim justifies their murderous acts
- The anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-freedom propaganda of the three notorious Islamists featured in the video
Additional Reading
Home Page | Voice of America – English
Deleted Biden video sets off a crisis at Voice of America – POLITICO
Voice Of America Promoted A Pro-Biden Muslim Political Campaign Ad, Then Removed It – Sara A. Carter