(x) HuffPost completely ignored reports of ongoing Muslim students’ hate speech and advocacy of violence against Jews
The following incidents are nothing new at HuffPost. They are, rather, part of a long-term, consistent pattern of either ignoring or downplaying the dramatically-rising level of hate crimes against Jews in the U.S., which, as SaveTheWest and other sources have documented, it is helping to incite.
Since 2015, the undercover documentarian group Canary Mission has been providing evidence of incitement of hatred against Jews and Israel on U.S. college campuses, which is being perpetrated primarily by radical Islamist student groups. The Algemeiner, America’s largest online Jewish newspaper, has published numerous articles about Canary Mission’s latest reports. HuffPost’s search engine proves it has ignored all of them, including one that emerged after the 2016 presidential election.
From November 2016:
Tennessee Students’ Calls to ‘Annihilate Jewish, Zionist Dogs’ Uncovered by Covert Campus Watchdog, by Lea Speyer, The Algemeiner, November 28, 2016. Excerpt:
Students at two Tennessee colleges have issued calls on social media to annihilate Jewish and Zionist “dogs,” a covert campus watchdog group revealed to The Algemeiner this week.
According to Canary Mission — a clandestine organization that monitors anti-American, anti-Israel and antisemitic activities on college campuses — current students at the University of Memphis (UM) and Middle State Tennessee University (MTSU) wrote and promoted posts threatening physical violence against Jews, cursing the Jewish people and demonizing the state of Israel.
The watchdog said in a statement that it decided to “[dig] deeper into the state,” following a similar investigation into the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), which, as The Algemeiner exclusively reported, uncovered a “cesspool” of antisemitism and racist behavior by a ring of students on campus.
And from August 2016:
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Cesspool’ of Antisemitic, Anti-Israel, Racist Behavior at U of Tennessee Uncovered by Covert Watchdog Group, by Lea Speyer, The Algemeiner, August 4, 2016.
A ring of anti-Israel students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) has created a “cesspool” of antisemitism and racist behavior, a campus watchdog group revealed to The Algemeiner on Thursday.
Canary Mission — a secretive group that monitors anti-American, anti-Israel and antisemitic activities on college campuses — said it has uncovered a “disturbing trend” of extreme Jew-hatred and other forms of bigotry at UTK. This, it says, is being spread by members of the school’s branches of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA).
“We know that SJP nationally has an antisemitic agenda to remove Israel from the river to the sea,” a Canary Mission representative, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Algemeiner. “However, they usually attempt to clothe their hatred with a thin veil of human rights. In the case of the University of Tennessee, there is no veil, just raw bigotry.”
Excerpts of the documentation contained in this report:
In 2014, in a series of tweets, Eyad Hijer [a 2016 graduate with ties to the Muslim Student Association] used foul language to attack a Jewish social media user.
In the same exchange, Hijr subsequently wrote, “…I already hate you. You dirty filthy Jew. All your people do is f***ed s*** up. Wish hitler was still around to show you guys.”
In 2015, UTK SJP [Students for Justice in Palestine] head Stori Nuri tweeted:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored these stories. A November 28 search using the string “Tennessee university Canary Mission” returned zero results.