Home The specific reasons why mainstream corporations say they stop advertising in certain media

The specific reasons why mainstream corporations say they stop advertising in certain media


Advertisers and exchanges began severing contracts with Breitbart on November 23, 2016

This exodus began nine days after HuffPost published a compilation of some of Breitbart’s most offensive story headlines.

Breitbart news site blocked by ad exchange, by Leo Kelion, BBC.com (UK), November 23, 2016.

AppNexus said it would no longer allow Breitbart to sell ad space via its platform, after determining that the site had broken its code on hate speech and incitement to violence. 

Breitbart responded saying it “has always and continues to condemn racism and bigotry in any form”. AppNexus has not given examples.

But a spokesman said a “human audit” of Breitbart had flagged several articles that had caused it concern because of the language they had featured.

Kellogg Pulls Ads From Breitbart Amid Hate-Speech Concerns, by Craig Giammona and Gerry Smith, Bloomberg, November 29, 2016.

“We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as a company,” said Kris Charles, a spokeswoman for Kellogg, which also makes Frosted Flakes and Special K cereal. “We recently reviewed the list of sites where our ads can be placed and decided to discontinue advertising on Breitbart.com. We are working to remove our ads from that site.”


Why Twitter’s CEO instituted a permanent ban on Milo Yiannopoulos

“[N]o one deserves to be subjected to targeted abuse online, and our rules prohibit inciting or engaging in the targeted abuse or harassment of others.”

– Jack Dorsey, CEO, Twitter

Why Google severed ties with an anti-Semitic YouTube star

YouTube Cancels PewDiePie Show, Pulls Channel from Ad Program | Variety

Last month PewDiePie, YouTube’s most-subscribed channel with more than 53 million followers, posted several videos detailing a stunt in which he paid two shirtless Indian men to make a video holding up a sign that said “Death to All Jews.” He also paid a guy dressed as Jesus Christ to say, “Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.”

PewDiePie, whose actual name is Felix Kjellberg, has insisted that his point was to critique of the absurdity of an internet service (in this case, he used Tel Aviv-based Fiverr) that enables someone to say or do something so outrageous for just $5. More than a month later, Maker and YouTube now have decided that he was out of bounds.

In a statement early Tuesday, a YouTube spokesperson said, “We’ve decided to cancel the release of ‘Scare PewDiePie’ season 2 and we’re removing the PewDiePie channel from Google Preferred.” Google Preferred is the internet giant’s advertising program for selling popular “brand-safe content” on YouTube.