Home Uncategorized BIDEN TO CEDE U.S. HEALTHCARE SOVEREIGNTY TO W.H.O. – Ken’s Thought of...




Quote of the Week:

Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section

The United Nations’ World Health Assembly (WHA) – the legislative body that governs the 194 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) – will be meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, between May 22- 28, 2022, to approve a new amendments proposed by the Biden administration. These were presented to WHO’s International Health Regulations (the IHR) in January 2022. Known as “provisional agenda item 16.2”, if approved, it will give “total authority over emergency operations in the United States if there is ever a public health emergency”.

Under this new authority, WHO’s Director-General, the Ethiopian public-health researcher Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, could unilaterally declare a health emergency in a targeted country and/or decide “there is a potential or possible threat to other nations”. He could make this decision based solely on his personal opinion. No second opinion is required.

Based on the Director General’s opinion, WHO could arbitrarily supersede that nation’s sovereignty, dictate actions as it sees fit, and threaten sanctions on any and all governments that would question or criticize the decision. WHO would be allowed “to deploy proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks.” Bye Bye free speech!

This proposal provokes numerous questions:

1) Why would the Biden administration propose a foreign globalist organization as the primary authority on U.S. healthcare policies and systems?

2) Why would the Biden administration trust WHO, which mismanaged the world’s response to COVID-19 so badly?

3) Why would the Biden administration trust Dr. Tedros, a known Ethiopian Marxist, who is closely affiliated with China’s Communist Party (CCP)?

4) Why would the Biden administration expect WHO to identify the origins of future pandemics after it deliberately failed to acknowledge the Chinese origins of COVID-19?

5) Why would the Biden administration propose a new health policy that contradicts the U.S. Constitution?

6) How could the Biden administration approve WHO’s proposal without submitting this so-called “health treaty” to the Senate for its necessary 2/3 approval?

7) Why did the Biden administration shorten the usual 18-month implementation cycle to only six months, which would be just after the November 8 mid-term elections, but before the newly elected members assume office in January?

8) Why did the Biden administration keep this process, which would cede U.S. sovereignty and healthcare policy to the United Nations, hidden from the American public for four months?

9) Who were the senior Administration officials involved in this unconstitutional process?

10) Who had managerial and legal oversight for the treacherous, anti-American proposal to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the CCP-controlled WHO?

We at Save The West propose several immediate remedial actions:

1) That all Senators and House members immediately reject this treacherous idea, which represents an existential threat to all Americans in every Congressional District.

2) That the Department of Justice immediately appoints a special prosecutor to determine the decision-making process behind this proposed policy change that would cede sovereignty over the U.S. healthcare system to the CCP-controlled, corrupt, and incompetent WHO.

3) That an FBI investigation identifies all members of the Biden administration involved in this proposal. Anyone suspected of doing so must be immediately removed from office. Those positively identified as direct or indirect Chinese agents should be tried for treason and punished accordingly.

If the government refuses to account its rogue behavior, “We the People” should hold them accountable on November 8!


Stop the Treaty: World Council for Health Law and Activism Committee, Coalition Partners Representations to the WHO – WorldCouncilforHealth.org

White Paper Consultation: Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience – WHO.int

Tucker: Biden administration is close to giving WHO power over every intimate aspect of your life – Fox News

White Paper Consultation: Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience – WHO.int

Stop the Treaty: World Council for Health Law and Activism Committee, Coalition Partners Representations to the WHO – WorldCouncilforHealth.org

Biden Moves To Cede Sovereignty to WHO – RealClearPolitics

Don’t reward Tedros’ contribution to the CCP’s global genocide – CenterforSecurityPolicy.org




