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Can Middle Eastern Nations Stop a Nuclear Iran?



By Ayoob Kara

I think that Israel, the Turkic countries, and the Persian Gulf countries alongside anyone else who supports the Abraham Accords should cooperate more in the struggle against Iranian hegemony. Iran is the number one enemy of Western civilization, who routinely chants “death to America” and “death to Israel.” They spread terrorism across the globe, from Yemen to Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, and Gaza, trying to establish a Shia Crescent to serve as a destabilizing force that threatens our very existence. And this destabilizing force becomes much more dangerous if they obtain nuclear weapons.

In an interview with Israel Today, Ahmad Obali, who founded Gunaz TV, an Iranian Azerbaijani Channel, stated: “The reality is that everybody knows that Iran is on the path to a nuclear
weapon. They are speeding it up right now. They want to have enough material to hide, but they want nuclear weapons. The regime’s survival is based on nuclear weapons. The people are fed
up with the regime. The international community does not like what they do. So, they are going the North Korean route.”

Obali claimed that it is highly unlikely that Iran will attack Israel directly if they get nuclear weapons, but they are likely to attack Israel via proxies: “Maybe Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc. They just need one target. Israel is a small country with a concentrated population in some areas. They don’t even need a nuclear bomb. Just nuclear material. Israel needs to treat this as an existential threat. They should not just talk. They should do something.”

The time has come for the world to realize that a nuclear Iran is not only an Israeli problem, but a global threat which harms the entire free world. While it is encouraging that it appears that the nuclear deal may not come into fruition, much more action is needed to ensure that Iran doesn’t go nuclear, in addition to just refraining from giving this horrific regime financial aid in the form of sanctions relief in exchange for promises that won’t be kept.

Applying more sanctions is very important for stopping Iran. We have to stop all free countries from buying anything from Iran. If the world lifts sanctions on Iran, then they will wage war and
occupy other states, like they did already in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, etc. They destroy all of the states they can. They use all of their money to support this terror. For this reason, there should be a movement to always apply more sanctions against Iran.

As former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Iran’s regime is not merely a Jewish problem; any more than the Nazi regime was merely a Jewish problem. So, too, Iran’s regime poses a grave threat, not only to Israel but also the peace of the entire world”.

The best way to address this threat is to create a coalition of states who will unite against a nuclear Iran. This coalition can include Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Morocco, and also Turkic countries, like Azerbaijan, which serves as a natural buffer against Iranian aggression. All of the Middle Eastern countries should form a NATO-like alliance and unite to form a buffer against Iranian aggression.

However, the Turkic countries in particular have a special role to play in such an alliance. Historically, it was the Turkic nations who fought against the Persians in the past, so they have a role to play in stopping the expansion of the Shia Crescent. When I visited Azerbaijan’s border with Iran, as a means to counter Soleimani’s visit to the Lebanese-Israeli border, I showed them
that we don’t care and we have the power to help states like Azerbaijan that hate the extremism.

Aside from applying more sanctions and creating an anti-Iranian coalition of states, we Israelis should do everything to encourage an alliance between all of the ethnic minorities of Iran, so they can successfully secede and break off from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

We should support an independent South Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Baluchistan, and Ahwaz state. Once this happens, it will be easier for the secular Iranian Persians to protest and overthrow the mullahs from what remains of Iran. And even if the pro-democracy protesters don’t succeed, a smaller Iran is less of a threat to the State of Israel, the United States and the entire free world than a larger Iran. For this reason, we should support the independence movement of every ethnic minority group who lives in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as they are our boots on the ground and the best weapon we have to use against a nuclear Iran.

If increased sanctions lead to the initiation of strong secessionist movements and riots on the streets of Iran, and all of the Turkic states, Persian Gulf states, Israel, and other countries in the Abraham Accords form a strategic NATO-like alliance, then a nuclear Iran can be deterred. I want to remind everyone that the only time Iran ever gave up their nuclear program was when
former President Bush invaded Iraq and the Iranians thought they would be next. Thus, these factors combined with a credible military threat from the US will keep the Iranians on their knees
to the point that they may give up their nuclear program, till the people succeed in toppling this horrific regime once and for all.

Appeasement and Obama-like deals won’t solve the Iranian nuclear problem, but rather will make it harder to solve it. The sooner the free world recognizes this, the better.

Ayoob Kara was born in the Israeli Druze town of Daliat el-Carmel in 1955. He completed his army service in the Israeli Defense Forces with the rank of major and studied business administration and public policy. He served in the Knesset from 1999 until 2006, and as Deputy Minister of Development of the Negev and the Galilee, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office for Special Functions, and as Israel’s Minister of Satellite Communications and Cyber.

In 2015, Kara recognized an opportunity for bridging diplomatic relations between Israel, the Middle East, the Gulf countries and other Islamic states in the region, and he promoted a regional economic conference between the countries. After the election of President Donald Trump, Kara met with him, which led to the economic conference in Bahrain, which concluded that there is a need for a non political body to initiate and promote the economic initiatives for the region.

Ken`s new book The Multifront War is now available in 190 countries via Amazon and also on BNs in the US. Buy it now!





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Ayoob Kara
Ayoob Kara was born in the Israeli Druze town of Daliat el-Carmel in 1955. He completed his army service in the Israeli Defense Forces with the rank of major and studied business administration and public policy. He served in the Knesset from 1999 until 2006, and as Deputy Minister of Development of the Negev and the Galilee, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office for Special Functions, and as Israel’s Minister of Satellite Communications and Cyber. In 2015, Kara recognized an opportunity for bridging diplomatic relations between Israel, the Middle East, the Gulf countries and other Islamic states in the region, and he promoted a regional economic conference between the countries. After the election of President Donald Trump, Kara met with him, which led to the economic conference in Bahrain, which concluded that there is a need for a non political body to initiate and promote the economic initiatives for the region.