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Ayoob Kara

Ayoob Kara
Ayoob Kara was born in the Israeli Druze town of Daliat el-Carmel in 1955. He completed his army service in the Israeli Defense Forces with the rank of major and studied business administration and public policy. He served in the Knesset from 1999 until 2006, and as Deputy Minister of Development of the Negev and the Galilee, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office for Special Functions, and as Israel’s Minister of Satellite Communications and Cyber. In 2015, Kara recognized an opportunity for bridging diplomatic relations between Israel, the Middle East, the Gulf countries and other Islamic states in the region, and he promoted a regional economic conference between the countries. After the election of President Donald Trump, Kara met with him, which led to the economic conference in Bahrain, which concluded that there is a need for a non political body to initiate and promote the economic initiatives for the region.

Can Middle Eastern Nations Stop a Nuclear Iran?

The time has come for the world to realize that a nuclear Iran is not only an Israeli problem, but a global threat which harms the entire free world. But what can be done?

Op-Ed: What Stands Behind the Recent Wave of Terror?

. By Ayoob Kara In recent days, Iran and Qatar have signed 14 memoranda of understanding in the fields of aviation, trade, media, electricity, education, and...

Op-Ed: Will Qatar join the Abraham Accords?

Qatar’s Foreign Minister ruled out normalization with Israel. But Qatar, more than any other country, needs the Abraham Accords agreement. What will they do?

Op-Ed: What Will the Countries in the Abraham Accords Do...

The Arab states and Israel understand that they need each other against a nuclear Iran. They see Iran as the enemy of all of them. This makes the Abraham Accords stronger.

Op-Ed: How can we get Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham...

Saudi Arabia and Israel share a common enemy in Iran, and so they have became our friends. So why won't the Saudis join the Abraham Accords?

Op-Ed: Why Don’t More Countries Join the Abraham Accords?

The Abraham Agreement was the brilliant creation of former former American President Donald Trump and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But it never grew beyond a few Middle Eastern states? Why?

Op-Ed: America’s Ignorance Stands Behind Biden’s Poor Policies

Too many Americans did not know key facts about their own country or about the rest of the world. The ignorance of most Americans causes American presidents to make horrific foreign policy decisions.

Op-Ed: Six Things This Present Israeli Governing Coalition Can’t Do

The current coalition government in Israel is dysfunctional and a threat to Israeli security. Here's why

Op-Ed: We Druze Believe In and Fight For Israel

"My family has always been supportive of the State of Israel....We Druze believe in and fight for Israel, as it is the only nation in the region that has granted us equal rights."

My Contribution to the Abraham Accords

Ayoob Kara’s unique and powerful plan for peace in the Middle East is unlike any that has been proposed before. It is well-worth a serious look.