
Quote of the Week:


Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)


Nazi-saluting Hamas supporters waving Palestinian and Hamas flags, screaming “Death to Israel” and “Allahu Akbar,” and Iranian threats to harm the Israeli athletes participating in the Paris Olympics are being mostly ignored by the media, although the French authorities are providing extra security to the Israelis.

The French government and the media also refrained from identifying the saboteurs who, in well-coordinated attacks, undermined France’s high-speed rail network. According to Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, the attacks were “planned and executed under the influence of Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam”.

Throughout Europe, Islamic illegal migrants have been taking over small towns and big cities; many are overwhelmed by crime, especially against girls and women, and large numbers of mass-stabbing attacks. Muslim mayors and public officials already run many localities. Scotland even elected a Muslim, Pakistan-born Hamza Yousaf, as the leader of the “Scottish National Party and” First Minister (2023-2024). Incredibly, the United Kingdom did not prevent Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, a Shiite cleric, from buying a Scottish Island where he is now creating an “Islamic homeland” with “military-style training camps and is ready to build his own school, a hospital, and a mosque where it intends to practice sharia law”.

Muslims now represent 5-10% of most European countries. By the year 2100, they will likely represent 25-35% of most European countries. Why are the Christian countries of Europe giving in to multiculturalism, by pandering to the demands of Islamist minorities who refuse to integrate? As for external enemies such as Russia, why do European countries devote an average of only 2% of GDP for national defense, instead of a more realistic 3-5%?Muslims now represent 5%-10% of most European countries.

European countries spend an average of 2% of GDP on national defense, well below America’s 3% and far below Israel’s 7%. Within Europe, America provides 75% of NATO funding. Meanwhile, Russia has invaded Ukraine for 10 years and the war shows no sign of abating. Russia also continuously threatens to invade more of Europe, particularly the sparsely populated Baltic states. In the Middle East, Iran has promised to kill all the Jews in Israel and all the Christians in America and then all the Christians in Europe. Numerous cities, such as London, are already being run by Muslim mayors. In the Far East, China continuously threatens Europe’s allies such as Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.

So what’s going on here? Why are the Christian countries of Europe not defending themselves from their enemies, both foreign and domestic? Over the past 1,400 years, European and Near East Christian countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon were taken over by Muslims. Will Europe lose another half of its countries to Islamist invaders over the next 75 years? Why are European countries submitting to the Islamist migrants’ demands? Likewise, would  European countries submit to Russian demands?

There was some hope that fed-up European voters would choose new leaders who would insist on law and order for all, preserve European culture and traditions, and reject blatant antisemitism. Alas, most Europeans continue voting for the Left and far-Left parties and, appallingly, they support Hamas, Hizballah, and other radical Islamist groups.

The national security policies in European countries are delusional. Virtually all Prime Ministers should be fired during the next elections.

Will Europe lose another half of their countries to Islamist invaders over the next 75 years? Or will Russia re-invade Eastern Europe and recapture the countries within the former Soviet Union? Why are European countries so poorly managed? Will new leaders take over and save these European countries? Will European countries raise their national defense spending from 2% to 3% or 4% or 5%? Or will European countries simply surrender, as their ancestors did over the past 1,400 years?

So, what policies should be adopted to save Europe from its enemies, both foreign and domestic? We have a few suggestions:

1) Restructure the EU immigration policy to immediately close the border to illegal immigration.

2) Allow legal immigration to Europe of up to one million people annually, as in America.

3) Monitor the sermons of all mosques on Friday. Deport Imams who preach antisemitic and anti-Christian incitement. Similarly, deport teachers who preach genocide against non-Muslims.

4) Disallow any Muslims from public office, unless they publicly repudiate 7th century Sharia law in both Arabic and English.

5) Increase police presence in areas that were formerly allowed  no-go zones. Forbid public protests for the Hamas death cult and their agents. Pressure Qatar and Turkey to stop funding Muslim Brotherhood agents and mosques.

6) Double spending on both domestic security and defense from foreign aggression over the next five years, from 2% to 4% of GDP.

7) Protect all churches, synagogues, and schools from arsonists and other such attackers. Immediately deport any foreigner involved in such attacks.
8) Work more closely with America and NATO to defend Ukraine from Russia.

9) Work closely to defend both Israel and Europe from Iran and its proxies.

10) Work more closely with Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines to defend them from China.

11) Stand firm against a Palestinian terror state that would threaten Israel and Europe itself.

12) Work closely with key African countries to protect them and the European continent from the spread of al Qaeda, ISIS, and their Islamist offshoots.

13) Build more aircraft carriers and nuclear attack submarines.

14) Step up drilling for oil and natural gas.

15) Dramatically reduce reliance on China for rare earth elements, EV batteries, and pharmaceuticals.

16) Clean out universities from Communist and Islamist foreign agent professors.

17) Work with America and Israel to deploy a multi-layer missile defense shield to protect from a potential attack from Russia or Iran.

18) Harden the electric grid to protect it from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

If such drastic actions are taken sooner rather than later, European countries will be able to survive as Christian countries and part of Western Civilization. If not, European countries will be destroyed from within by Muslim invaders or from outside invaders such as Russia. Such actions could perhaps save half of European democracies by the year 2,100.

Today, the world’s population is divided into 2.2 billion Christians, 1.6 billion Muslims, and 1.2 billion Hindus, plus 1.4 billion Chinese atheists. By the year 2100, there could be 2 billion Muslims, 1 billion Christians, 1.6 billion Hindus, and 900 million Chinese atheists. The Christians in Europe must make their final stand for survival now! Tomorrow will be too late.
