As noted here, HuffPost has a de facto policy of dividing people into two distinct castes, or groups, and using this division to decide whether or not to report alleged hate crimes (defined here) against them:
Favored Groups: Democrats, leftists (including leftist terrorists), left-leaning African-, Hispanic- and Muslim-Americans (including Islamist terrorists), and illegal aliens
Worthless Groups: Republicans, conservatives, active-duty and retired U.S. military and law enforcement personnel (and even the animals in their care), white people, President Trump and his family, presidential electors, any entertainer who intended to perform for Trump’s inauguration, Jews (especially Israelis), and right-leaning African-, Hispanic- and Muslim-Americans
This page contains documentation of:
- How HuffPost consistently showers top-level, sympathetic, often sustained coverage to allegations of hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups
- How HuffPost ignores hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups when they are perpetrated by other members of their Favored Groups (eg Muslim v Muslim), but gives top-level coverage when they are allegedly perpetrated by white people; example: the June 30, 2017 acid attack in London, England
Examples of HuffPost ignoring hate crimes against people it views as Worthless
Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups
Preface 1: HuffPost set up a comprehensive sub-site dedicated to tracking “Islamophobia” incidents — even though Jews are 4-6 times more likely to be victims of (actual) hate crimes
Preface 2: HuffPost’s active and passive efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups
(1) Articles regarding alleged hate crimes against Muslim Americans (72)
(2) Articles regarding alleged hate crimes against black Americans (3)
(3) Articles regarding other alleged hate incidents against people in HuffPost’s Favored Groups (1)
(4) Examples of HuffPost ignoring hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups when they are perpetrated by other members of their Favored Groups
Preface 1: HuffPost set up a comprehensive sub-site dedicated to tracking “Islamophobia” incidents — even though Jews are 4-6 times more likely to be victims of (actual) hate crimes
On February 4, 2016, HuffPost launched a sub-site that was completely dedicated to tracking “Islamophobic incidents,” which it defines as anything from alleged violence to unkind words:
According to HuffPost:
It might be impossible to create a comprehensive list of discriminatory acts against American Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim, but The Huffington Post will document this deplorable wave of hate for all of 2016 using news reports and firsthand accounts. The breadth and severity of Islamophobia in America can no longer go unnoticed. Enough is enough.
The entries on HuffPost’s “Islamophobia timeline” range from verbal insults to actual hate crimes.
HuffPost seeks donations to support the site, and has accepted funds from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), one of the most notorious Islamist front groups in America:
January 24, 2017 update: HuffPost has now removed the Islamophobia site, and put its contents behind a registration wall:
HuffPost has not set up a similar site to track anti-Semitic hate crimes, which are far more prevalent, as a recent SaveTheWest report shows
While there are similar numbers of Jews and Muslims in America, according to consistent annual FBI data, Jews are three to five times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims. SaveTheWest compiled this data into a short infographic slide show:
“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
Several other independent blogs have been documenting HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incitement as well.
Preface 2: HuffPost’s active and passive efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups
If one only got their got their news from HuffPost’s front page from mid-2015 through today, they would believe that America is endemically racist, Islamophobic, bigoted and violent, and that all hate crimes are perpetrated against people in its Favored Groups.
The reality, as HuffPost knows, or should have known, is the exact opposite:
(1) Since late 2015, many if not most of the alleged hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups were soon confirmed to be fakes, either having never taken place, or which were perpetrated by the alleged victim(s). This should have caused HuffPost to exercise special, additional safeguards before rushing such items to its front page, and depicting them as having actually taken place, instead of as mere allegations. Instead, HuffPost did the exact opposite. See our detailed analysis of more than 50 case studies here:
(2) HuffPost actively propagated and legitimized a number of these fake hate crimes. It did this by taking proof-less allegations of horrific hate crimes, writing original, sympathetic stories about them (as opposed to merely publishing a wire service story), then rushing these stories to its front page, replete with shock headlines. Then, after these hate crimes were revealed as fakes, sometimes in as little as 24 hours, it took the stories down off its front page, and updated (or replaced) the copy on the story pages, but never posted new headlines on its front page to indicate to readers that they had been misled.
Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups
Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against Muslims (10 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against black Americans (3 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against others in its Favored Groups (3 case studies)
(3) HuffPost steadfastly ignores actual hate crimes against people in the groups it views as Worthless. See our detailed roster of more than 140 detailed case studies here:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring hate crimes against people it views as Worthless (147 case studies)
(4) HuffPost steadfastly ignores actual hate crimes and incidents against Jews. Specifically regarding Jews and Jewish installations, between 2014 and September 2017, HuffPost ignored at least 78 hate crimes and incidents against Jews:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017 (59 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)
These facts are vital to be aware of, in considering the fervency and prominence with which HuffPost rushed seemingly every allegation of a hate crime against people in its Favored Groups to its front page, even when it knew there is no evidence to confirm any of them actually happened.
(1) Articles regarding alleged hate crimes against Muslim Americans
The following is a partial list of:
- Recent articles that HuffPost published, mostly on its front page, about alleged anti-Muslim hate crimes and “Islamophobic” incidents in America, culled from HuffPost’s master directory
- Items it published in this realm, but later removed, because they were proven to be hoaxes
Special case studies:
(1.67) June 2017: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to Muslim victims of an acid attack in England, allegedly by a white male — while ignoring similar hate crimes against Jews, and other Muslims, who are victims of such attacks by Muslims
(1.68) October 2017: HuffPost again accused America of being “Islamophobic,” and gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to an effort to humanize Muslims in America — while continuing to ignore hate crimes against Jews, the #1 target of hate crimes
(1.1) A Running List Of Shameful Islamophobic Acts Since The Paris Attacks; This is not OK, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 20, 2015.
(1.2) Student Felt ‘Criminalized’ After Campus Police Made Him Remove Palestinian Flag; His lawyer says the school could be in violation of the Civil Rights Act, by Jessica Schulberg, The Huffington Post, December 9, 2015. Excerpt:
Note: Curiously, HuffPost has a de facto policy of completely ignoring incidents in which Jewish students are discriminated against by university staffers, or they and their displays are physically attacked. Detail here. This matches the similar, blackout policy that it has established regarding hate crimes against Jews in general — except in cases of random vandalism on public items, when the perpetrator is not caught. Detail here.
(1.3) Muslim Women Say No One Intervened When Man Attacked Them; “I’m used to people looking at me on the street. But I don’t want to get used to people attacking me,” by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, March 8, 2016.
Note: Two days before the above article was published — on HuffPost’s front page, where it remained for two straight days — a beloved U.S. Army veteran and West Point graduate, Taylor Force, was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist, in Israel. HuffPost all but ignored that story, and never published a picture of him, yet it gave sympathetic, pictorial, front-page coverage to a remorseful American ISIS terrorist, and a swan that was abused… in Eastern Europe. See a documentary video that SaveTheWest.com produced about this incident: “HuffPost’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force.”
(1.4) Muslim And Hispanic Students In Kansas Allegedly Beaten By Man Yelling ‘Trump, Trump, Trump!’; The man reportedly called them “brown trash” and told them to “go home,” by Amanda Terkel Senior Political Reporter, The Huffington Post, March 14, 2016.
(1.5) Muslim Woman Slashed In Face By Man Who Called Her ‘Terrorist’ In NYC, by Peter Andrew Hart, Front Page Editor and Andy Campbell, Reporter, The Huffington Post, March 31, 2016.
Note: The above article, which HuffPost positioned near the top of its front page, was proven within 24 hours to be a fake hate crime. In reality, the woman confessed to slashing her own face, and blaming it on an Islamophobic man. Rather than putting up a new headline to alert readers that they had been duped, however, HuffPost instead just changed the story page headline to read, “Muslim Woman Lied About Being Slashed In Face And Called ‘Terrorist’ (UPDATE),” to falsely make it appear that that was the only story it published on the matter. See details in 1.4.
(1.6) The Man Planning To Desecrate A Quran At Armed Anti-Muslim Rally Is A Trump Supporter; Surprise, surprise, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, April 13, 2016.
(1.7) Women Claim They Were Kicked Out Of A Cafe For Being Muslim; “Beautiful location, mediocre boba, all served with a heaping dose of racism and sexism,” one woman wrote on Facebook, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, April 26, 2016.
(1.8) UCF Gun Scare Sparked By Rumors After Someone Reported A Muslim Woman In Library; Fifteen minutes of 911 recordings reveal virtually all the callers were reacting to stories they heard via text or on social media, by Tyler Kingkade, Senior Editor/Reporter, The Huffington Post, April 27, 2016.
(1.9) This Islamophobic Conspiracy Theorist Lectured Police Officers About Islamic Extremism; Ryan Mauro belongs to an organization that peddles fear and misinformation about Islam, Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, April 29, 2016.
(1.10) Police Are Looking For An Alleged Trump Supporter Who Attacked A Muslim Woman; The assailant allegedly called the woman a “terrorist,” by Christopher Mathias National Reporter, The Huffington Post, May 3, 2016.
(1.11) Muslim Student Called ‘Isis’ In Yearbook Says She’s Being Bullied For Speaking Out; In California, over half of Muslim students like Bayan Zehlif report being harassed over their faith, Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, May 10, 2016.
Note: In the above article, HuffPost cited a self-produced survey of 621 Muslim students in CA by CAIR, showing 55% felt they were discriminated against or harassed because of their faith. Yet HuffPost completely ignored a 2015 survey of more than 12,049 Jewish students at U.S. colleges, which revealed that 73% of them discriminated against because of their faith, and 33% reported being verbally harassed.
(1.12) Ice Cream Parlor Responds Perfectly To Anti-Muslim Bigotry; “You can give somebody else your business,” by Yasmin Nouh Blog Editor, The Huffington Post, May 26, 2016.
(1.13) Listen To A Trump Delegate Flip Out Over Church Sign Wishing Muslims A ‘Happy Ramadan’; Matthew Jansen said in a voicemail that he was “shocked” by the “despicable,” sign, adding that Islam is a “godless,” “pagan” religion, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, June 21, 2016.
(1.14) Syrian Refugee Family Living In Fear, Again, After Receiving Anti-Muslim Threat; “You are Muslim and not welcome,” the note read. But the family says the Tucson community has otherwise been warm and welcoming, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, June 24, 2016.
(1.15) Muslim Man Beaten Outside Florida Mosque Attended By Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen; There was disagreement on whether the attack was racially motivated, by Reuters (via HuffPost), July 2, 2016.
(1.16) ‘F**k Muzlim’ And ‘Terroist’ Spray-Painted On Muslim Man’s Car; The act of vandalism is the latest in a string of alleged anti-Muslim crimes during the final week of Ramadan, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, July 6, 2016.
(1.17) Someone Shot At A Texas Mosque In The Latest Attempt To Terrorize The Muslim Community; The shooting comes amid a frightening surge in anti-Muslim hate crimes in the U.S., by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, July 7, 2016.
(1.18) A Mosque In Rhode Island Was Vandalized After The Nice Attacks, Someone smashed the windows and painted “Muhammad Prophet of butchers” on the building, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, July 15, 2016.
(1.19) Muslim Teen Finds Note At Mosque Reading ‘F**k Islam’, The note, which also said “Muhammad was a rapist,” was reported to police, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, July 26, 2016.
(1.20) The Killing Of Khalid Jabara Is An American Tragedy; In a time of rising Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, a beloved Oklahoma man is gunned down, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, August 23, 2016.
Note: In the above article, HuffPost’s “journalist” claimed that the man who murdered the victim is a “monster”: “But five years ago, that dream turned into a nightmare. The monster in that nightmare is named Stanley Vernon Majors, a 61-year-old ex-convict from California who repeatedly harassed and threatened the Jabaras, largely because they were Arab-American… [I]f Majors is a monster, he’s an American one.”
Yet SaveTheWest’s research shows that HuffPost has never called any of the radical Islamists who murdered Americans, be they Christian, Jewish, gay or other, as “monsters.” To the contrary, on the rare occasions when it even reports on such incidents, it often omits or obscures their faith, or downplays or denies the religious linkage to their crimes. One recent example: the case of Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 gays in Orlando: HuffPost ran a headline that falsely claimed “religion had nothing to do with” his massacre, and ignored he imam who lectured there, two months earlier, and claimed it is every Muslim’s duty to murder gays, “out of compassion.”
(1.21) Someone Set Fire To The Orlando Shooter’s Mosque On One Of The Holiest Days Of The Year; The fire comes after multiple threats were made against the mosque this summer, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, September 12, 2016.
(1.22) Florida Mosque Arson Leads To Arrest Of Joseph Michael Schreiber; The suspect allegedly posted anti-Islamic material online, by Reuters (via HuffPost), September 14, 2016.
(1.23) Muslim Veteran Who Served In Iraq Finds ‘Terrorist’ Written On His Locker; Mohamed Abbas says he’s been targeted in the workplace many times for his religion, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, September 20, 2016.
(1.24) Islamophobia Just Drove This Boy And His Family Out Of America, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, October 12, 2016.
Note: The above article, which HuffPost positioned on its front page, was later proven to be a fake hate crime. Rather than putting up a new headline to alert readers that they had been duped, however, HuffPost instead just changed the story page headline to read, “N.C. Authorities: No Evidence To Support Father’s Claim Muslim Boy Was Assaulted On Bus (UPDATE)”, and changed the opening copy to indicate the reality — but left the URL the same. In doing so, to anyone who only gets their news from its front page, HuffPost deliberately perpetuated the false narrative behind this story, and the broader lie about rampant Islamophobia in America. See the details in 1.3.
(1.25) Right-Wing ‘Crusaders’ Militia Group Plotted Terror Attack On Muslim Immigrants, FBI Charges; The terrorist group reportedly had “sovereign citizen, anti-government, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrant extremist beliefs,” by Ryan J. Reilly, Senior Justice Reporter, and Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, October 14, 2016.
(1.26) New Jersey Muslim Center Defaced With ‘Donald Trump,’ Racist Graffiti; “F**k Allah” and “F**k Arabs” were among the messages spray-painted on Bayonne’s Muslim Community Miraj Center, by Christopher Mathias National Reporter, The Huffington Post, October 14, 2016.
(1.27) Two Arkansas Mosques Defaced With Racist, Islamophobic Graffiti; Police are looking for three men seen on surveillance footage spray-painting messages like “F**k Islam” and “F**k Allah,” by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, October 21, 2016.
(1.28) Lawyers Blame Alt-Right For Client’s Death Threats Against Muslims; Research shows they may have a point, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 5, 2016.
(1.29) Police Probe Attack On College Student Wearing Hijab By Man Wearing Trump Hat In Louisiana, by Carla Herreria, Senior Writer, The Huffington Post, November 10, 2016.
Note: Within 24 hours of HuffPost publishing that headline near the top of its front page, it was revealed to be a fake hate crime. Rather than putting up a new headline to alert readers that they had been duped, however, HuffPost instead just changed the story page headline to read, “Police Say Woman Made Up Story Of Attack By Two Men, One Wearing A Trump Hat (UPDATE),” to falsely make it appear that that was the only story it published on the matter.
(1.30) Women In Hijabs Attacked In Separate Trump-Related Attacks On U.S. College Campuses, by Jasmin Gray, Students Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 11, 2016.
Note: The above article cited two incidents in which Muslim women were allegedly attacked. Within 24 hours, one was revealed to be a fake hate crime. Rather than putting up a new headline to alert readers that they had been duped, however, HuffPost instead just changed the story page headline to read, “Muslim Student Attacked On US College Campus In ‘Trump-Related’ Incident,” and changed most of the copy to indicate only one incident — but the URL remains the same.
(1.31) Muslim Women Across America Face Attacks In The Wake Of Donald Trump’s Win; Just 48 hours after the election, multiple women wearing hijabs have been targeted, by Adam Hamze, Politics Intern, Huffington Post, November 11, 2016.
(1.32) Countless Acts Of Hate Have Been Carried Out Since Trump’s Win; This is just the beginning, by Lilly Workneh Black Voices Senior Editor, The Huffington Post, November 11, 2016.
(1.33) Here’s How To Support Minority Communities Right Now; “We can’t stand divided,” by Zahara Hill, Black Voices Editorial Fellow, The Huffington Post, November 14, 2016.
(1.34) Allies Form A Circle Of Protection Around Muslim Students Praying In Michigan; This is what solidarity looks like, by Carol Kuruvilla, Associate Religion Editor, The Huffington Post, November 16, 2016.
(1.35) Teacher Accused Of Harassing, Assaulting Muslim Student, by Huffington Post: Islamophobia, November 16, 2016.
(1.36) 13 Times Apparent Trump Supporters Attacked, Harassed Or Plotted To Kill Muslims; Where were they radicalized?, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 22, 2016.
(1.37) Letters To California Mosques Praise Donald Trump, Promise Genocide; “You Muslims are a vile and filthy people,” by Andy Campbell, Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 26, 2016.
(1.38) More Mosques Receive Letter Threatening Genocide As Police Close In On Suspected Author; However, the handwritten hate speech may not be a crime, by Andy Campbell Reporter, The Huffington Post, November 29, 2016.
(1.39) Anti-Muslim Hate Group Brags About Influence In Trump’s White House; ACT for America’s Brigitte Gabriel says the group has a “direct line” to the president-elect. She’s not lying, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, December 14, 2016.
(1.40) Adam Saleh, YouTuber, Claims He Was Kicked Off Delta Flight For Speaking Arabic, by Mohamed Omar, Huffington Post, December 21, 2016.
(1.41) New Mexico Store Bans ‘Obama & Other Muslims’; We get it, you’re racist, by Sebastian Murdock, Reporter, The Huffington Post, January 2, 2017.
(1.42) Ted Cruz’s Attack On Islamic Boogeyman Could Destroy American Muslim Groups, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, January 13, 2017. [Note: Although this article isn’t focused specifically on alleged hate crimes against Muslims in America, it profiles and provides defense for the groups that are most responsible for creating the “Islamophobia” narrative.]
(1.43) Muslim Helplines Have Been Flooded With Calls Ahead Of Inauguration; And they’re expecting even more, by Carol Kuruvilla, Associate Religion Editor, The Huffington Post, January 19, 2017.
(1.44) Women’s March Organizer Targeted By Vicious Islamophobic Attacks Online; After Muslim activist Linda Sarsour was trolled, thousands showed support with #IMarchWithLinda, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, and Carol Kuruvilla, Associate Religion Editor, The Huffington Post, January 23, 2017.
(1.50) 6 Rules Of Islamophobia In America; The Huffington Post tracked Islamophobia in the U.S. throughout 2016. Here’s what we learned, by Christopher Mathias, National Reporter, The Huffington Post, January 23, 2017.
(1.51) Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card, “Do you have a green card, by the way? Yeah, you look, are you even — ”; by Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.
The above story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on February 1, 2017.
(1.52) Trump’s Disregard For Islamophobic Hate Crimes Shows He Cares Little About Muslim American Lives; Muslim Americans are Americans. And we are being targeted, by Dean Obeidallah, The Huffington Post, February 2, 2017.
The above story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on February 2, 2017.
(1.53) Montreal University Buildings Evacuated After Bomb Threats Target Muslim Students; These threats are the latest in a string of anti-Muslim events in Canada, By Antonia Blumberg, Huffington Post, March 1, 2017, 3:47pm.
The above story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on March 1, 2017.
Note: At 5:57am on March 2, 2017 — 14 hours later — Canadian authorities announced that this was a hoax terror threat. The man whom Canadian authorities charged with perpetrating this crime, Hisham Saadi, is an immigrant from Lebanon. Given that Hisham is a traditional Arabic Muslim name for males, it is safe to assume that Mr. Saadi is also a Muslim. See our complete directory of dozens of recent fake anti-Muslim hate crimes here:
Fake Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes – SaveTheWest
Sometime before 11:45pm on March 2, however, HuffPost completely removed this story from its front page, and put up no new story, to indicate to its readers that they had been duped. Further, it never updated the story page, as these two screencaps demonstrate. This is consistent with HuffPost’s deliberate acts and omissions in order to falsely legitimize other fake ant-Muslim hate crimes.
See the details of HuffPost’s role in helping to legitimize this fake hate crime here:
Curiously, HuffPost has consistently ignored recent incidents in Canada of high-profile imams urging Muslims to murder Jews – examples 1, 2, 3.
(1.54) Death Threats And Anti-Muslim Graffiti Greet Refugee At His U.S. Home, by Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, March 30, 2017.
This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on March 30.
(1.55) Islamophobia Thriving In Europe, New Report Says, by Akbar Shahid Ahmed, Huffington Post, March 31, 2017.
This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on March 31, 2017.
HuffPost also produced a custom, sympathetic video to supplement this story.
(1.56) Muslim Woman Attacked In Possible Hate Crime Thought She Was Going To Die, By Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, April 14, 2017.
This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on April 14, 2017. HuffPost interviewed the alleged victim and her lawyer.
(1.57) Someone Sent Prominent Muslim Group A Quran Page Covered In What Looks Like Feces, by Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, April 17, 2017.
This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on April 17, 2017. HuffPost interviewed CAIR for this story.
The day before, April 16, news broke about a Jewish synagogue keeper who was beaten and robbed in New York, on the sixth day of Passover, that resulted in his hospitalization for a broken nose and other bruises. HuffPost completely ignored this story.
(1.58) U.S. Senators Held A Hearing About Religious Hate Crimes, And Not One Muslim Was Included We can’t tackle Islamophobia without Muslims, by Rowaida Abdelaziz, Huffington Post, May 2, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story on its front page.
(1.59) This Politician Keeps Saying Linda Sarsour Supports Terror. But He Was In A Terror Group; Dov Hikind told HuffPost he’s “proud” of his time with the Jewish Defense League, and doesn’t deny once tossing a smoke bomb into a U.N. office, by Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, May 11, 2017.
(1) HuffPost published this story on its front page.
(2) Matthias generated a series of questions for the subject of this article, Dov Hikind, that probe his history with the JDL, its affiliations and terrorist attacks, etc.:
“Because there has been little public accounting of Hikind’s role in the organization, HuffPost sent the assemblyman a detailed list of questions this week about his relationship to the JDL.”
Curiously, neither Matthias nor anyone at HuffPost has ever publicly submitted such a list to any American or refugee that is affiliated with any Islamist terrorist group. Most notably, HuffPost never even publicized the fact that two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre, a mosque in Orlando hosted a sermon by a notorious imam from Syria, who claimed that devout Muslims must murder homosexuals “out of compassion.” Nor has it published anything that gives credibility to Linda Sarsour’s critics, such as her Tweet in which she threatened to beat up women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and “take her vagina away”:
Instead, HuffPost has only published glowing articles about Sarsour, that could easily be confused for the wares of a public relations agency.
(1.60) Man Stabs Bystanders To Death When They Intervene To Stop His Anti-Muslim Rant, by Lee Moran and Andy Campbell, Huffington Post, May 27, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page.
(1.61) Portland Hate Killer Ranted About Stabbings And Muslims On Facebook Amid Rising U.S. Hate Crime, b
Note: HuffPost published this story on its front page.
(1.62) Weekend Brawl Has Columbus Neighborhood On Edge Amid Hate Crime Concerns, by Kim Bellware, Huffington Post, June 6, 2017.
In summary, this news story contains HuffPost’s semi-official allegations that this was an anti-Muslim hate crime, based on allegations from the Muslim “victim,” and Islamist propagandists Linda Sarsour and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
One day later, however, on June 7, the Daily Caller revealed that the Columbus Police Department flatly denied the claims by Sarsour and CAIR, that this was an anti-Muslim hate crime. As documented here, however, HuffPost never updated its original story, or posted a new story about this incident, to inform its readers of the truth.
(1.63) Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant: “If you don’t like this country, leave,” the man is heard telling the girls, who are all from Illinois, by Nina Golgowski, Huffington Post, June 7, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story on its front page.
Three stories in two days about the murder of a Muslim teenager; Once it turned out that the narrative HuffPost spun was revealed as not true, it spiked the stories off the front page
(1.64) Man Charged With Murder Of Muslim Teen Killed After Leaving Virginia Mosque, by Mary Papenfuss, Huffington Post, June 19, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page on June 19:
(1.65) Why Nabra’s Death Feels Terrifyingly Close To Muslim Women Of Color, by Carol Kuruvilla, Huffington Post, June 19, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page, also on June 19:
(1.66) When A Ramadan IHOP Ritual Leads To The Killing Of A Muslim American Teen; Nabra Hassanen’s death left many Muslim teenagers saying “This could have been us,” by Rowaida Abdelaziz, Huffington Post, June 20, 2017.
Note: HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page on June 20:
It was soon discovered, however, by the Daily Caller and the Washington Post, that the reality was not what HuffPost clearly implied in its headline narratives: that a white man committed an Islamophobic hate crime. Instead, it was a road rage incident, perpetrated by a Hispanic illegal alien from El Salvador — not because the victim was a Muslim, or a woman of color. Yet HuffPost never posted any new headlines that revealed this reality, presumably because it would have revealed its original narrative as completely false. And this omission perfectly fits with its attempts to falsely legitimize other anti-Muslim hate crimes that turned out to be false, or hoaxes.
Liberals Blamed White Supremacy For Muslim Teen Murdered By Illegal Immigrant From El Salvador, by Amber Athey, Daily Caller, June 20, 2017, 12:46pm EST.
Killing of Muslim teen near Va. mosque stemmed from road rage, police say, by Justin Jouvenal and Julie Zauzmer, Washington Post, June 20, 2017, 8:22pm EST.
To prove that HuffPost never put up new headlines to reveal this reality, see the following full-page screencaps from the Wayback Machine, on June 20-22:
(1.67) June 2017: HuffPost gave top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to Muslim victims of an acid attack in England, allegedly by a white male — while ignoring similar hate crimes against Jews, and other Muslims, who are victims of such attacks by Muslims
On June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this story page:
GRAPHIC: Muslim Victims Of Horrific Acid Attack Blast Police Response, by Sara C Nelson, Huffington Post, June 30, 2017. Excerpt:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims. It has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Today reported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
This phenomenon is also discussed in graphic detail in the recent documentary, “The Honor Diaries,” hosted by Muslim women:
Then, there is this accounting from FrontPageMag*, which chronicles the massively disproportionate use of acid attacks within the Muslim community in England (* Due to its inflammatory nature, we only cite FrontPageMag in cases in which it alone has uncovered verifiable information about important issues — such as in this incident):
The Acid Attacks of London’s Muslim No-Go Zones; A splash from the acid test of multiculturalism, by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag.com, July 17, 2017. Excerpt:
Newham is the London borough with the highest number of acid attacks. It also has the second highest percentage of Muslims in the UK. 398 acid attacks occurred in 5 years in the area named as “the most ethnically diverse district in England and Wales”. 33% of Newham consists of non-UK passport holders.
But surely that’s some sort of random coincidence.
Except that the place with the third highest number of acid attacks is Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets is a Muslim no-go zone. It has one of the smallest native British populations in the country. 35% of the population is Muslim. Most of those are Bangladeshis with a healthy sprinkling of Somalis.
There were 84 acid attacks in what has been dubbed “The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets”.
Also, entirely by coincidence, Bangladesh has the highest rate of acid attacks in the world. But if anyone suggests that these two statistics are related, the Met police will investigate them for hate crimes.
The second highest acid attack location in London was Barking and Dagenham, a growing Muslim enclave which elected its first Muslim mayor whose plans include holding an Islamic festival “for the whole community—regardless of religion”.
Yet HuffPost left all those facts completely out of its story — and never covers incidents of Muslims perpetrating acid attacks. Why?
And after consistently refusing to give any coverage to the proliferation of acid attacks on Muslim women, by Muslim males, and increasingly on Western soil by fundamentalist Muslim refugees and immigrants, what was so different about this particular story that caused HuffPost to position it near the top of its front page, on June 30?
The only self-evident, distinguishing characteristic of this story was that it was a white, non-Muslim male who was suspected of having perpetrated the attack. And this fits in perfectly with HuffPost’s incessant incitement of hatred against white people, based on their skin color — which it has been doing for a very long time, as documented here:
Examples of HuffPost inciting racial hatred
Further, it should be noted that HuffPost consistently ignores hate crimes against Jews in W. Europe, America and Israel, no matter the suffering of the victims and their families — just as in this case. Instead, in the days after these attacks, it showers sympathetic coverage on sad stories about farm animals, sad celebrities, and other various oddities.
See 50 documented case studies from 2016-2017 at:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017
See 19 documented case studies from 2014-2015 at:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015
Also, see SaveTheWest’s recent documentary about this phenomenon (44 minutes; 2016):
Given all the above facts, we believe it is reasonable to speculate that the reasons that HuffPost decided to give this particular acid attack top publicity are:
- The alleged perpetrator is white
- The victims are Muslims
- By giving top publicity to this incident, it helps to fuel HuffPost’s global incitement campaign against white people, and particularly white males (documentation here)
(1.68) October 2017: HuffPost again accused America of being “Islamophobic,” and gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to an effort to humanize Muslims in America — while continuing to ignore hate crimes against Jews, the #1 target of hate crimes
On October 10, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story near the top of its front page:
That headline led to this story page; note the sub-headline: “It’s harder to demonize someone or think they’re monolithic when you actually get to know them”:
In Face Of Islamophobia, This Group Hosts ‘Meet A Muslim’ Events In Kansas,By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, Huffington Post, October 10, 2017. Excerpt:
After President Donald Trump’s election and a corresponding spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes, one small group in the Kansas City area started organizing monthly “Meet a Muslim” events ― an effort to show community members who Muslims really are in real life, as opposed to the negative stereotypes they might see in the news.
The events were an idea from the nonprofit Crescent Peace Society, which has been seeking to raise awareness and improve understanding of Muslim cultures through interfaith events and dialogue since its founding in 1996.
The volunteer-run group was started by a handful of Muslim parents after the Oklahoma City bombing, when some of their kids were afraid to return to school because classmates said they were responsible for the attack.
Since then, the group has been organizing annual interfaith dinners, local “visit a mosque” events, and a yearly iftar to break the Ramadan fast ― all with non-Muslim community members so they can get to know Muslims face-to-face and counter misconceptions.
Note, however, that in the weeks leading up to this “news” story, HuffPost consistently ignored every one of the anti-Semitic hate crimes that occurred in America, as well as allegations that the Alameda, CA school district had not taken substantive action against students who were terrorizing a 14-year-old Jewish girl. See our full documentation at:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017
(1.69) November 2017: HuffPost gave top coverage to a sympathetic story about anonymous threats against a NJ mosque, after a NJ-based jihadist murdered 8 people in Manhattan
On November 3, 2017, this story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Muslims Once Again Are Being Targeted For An Attack They Had Nothing To Do With; Mosques in New Jersey are receiving terrifying voicemails, including death threats, by Rowaida Abdelaziz, Huffington Post, November 3, 2017:
“We’re going to burn your mosque down,” a voice said angrily in a voicemail left on the mosque’s phone. “We’re coming to kill you,” another said.
This was just one of eight terrifying voicemails left at the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) in New Jersey less than 24 hours after a driver plowed a Home Depot rental truck into a bike path in lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring 12 others. Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, has been charged in the killings.
One caller left three voicemails, saying he was angry and wanted revenge, even though this Muslim community had no relation to or contact with Saipov. He just happened to share the same faith as the congregants at ICPC.
Omar Awad, the president of ICPC, called police. The Paterson Police Department, the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office and federal authorities, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, are working with the mosque to try to trace the threatening calls.
Unfortunately for this community, and for many other Muslims, this isn’t the first time they have dealt with such hostile backlash. In fact, it’s a routine that’s all too common and will likely continue.
“People are saddened that they have to deal with another heinous act like this again and the consequences of it,” Awad told HuffPost. “The community feels like they need to carry on the shoulders a response and justify a response, to say we are not like the attacker.”
If these allegations are accurate, and the threats legitimate, this is certainly a story that deserves publicity. However, does anyone know if those phone messages were real, or hoaxes? This is a highly relevant question, given the following facts:
- There have been a minimum of 23 fake hate crimes against Muslims in the past several years
- HuffPost actively or passively helped to falsely legitimize ten of these fake hate anti-Muslim crimes, even after it discovered they were not legitimate
HuffPost then provided a detailed background of alleged Islamophobia in America, a completely debunked allegation, given the fact that while Jews and Muslims have similar population sizes, Jews are 3-6 times more likely to be the victims of hate crimes
Further, it is notable that while HuffPost contacted the mosque in question to interview the imam, it:
- Completely ignored the fact that an imam in Australia notified NY mayor Bill de Blasio about a network of mosques in the NY-NJ area that are radicalizing Muslims, but that de Blasio never even responded
EXCLUSIVE: ‘We could have prevented a terror attack in New York’: Australian Imam wrote to New York mayor after witnessing ‘alarming rise in Islamic extremism’ in the city before latest attack – but claims he was ignored, by Kate Darvall, Daily Mail Australia, November 2, 2017. Excerpt:
An Australian Muslim leader who repeatedly warned the mayor of New York his city was a breeding ground for terrorists, claims he was completely ignored.
Adelaide’s Imam Mohammad Tawhidi sent two letters to Mayor Bill de Blasio warning him about the ‘alarming rate of radicalisation’ in his city but they went unanswered.
Eight people were killed and 11 more injured when Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, allegedly pledged his allegiance to ISIS and mowed down innocent people on the streets of New York on Tuesday.
‘I truly believe we could have prevented the terror attack in New York if the mayor gave me just 10 minutes of his time,’ Imam Tawhidi told MailOnline on Thursday.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story. A November 3, 2017 search using the string “Imam Mohammad Tawhidi” returned zero results:
So on the one hand, HuffPost is giving top publicity to allegations of death threats that may or may not be real, given the recent history of fake hate crimes against Muslims (which it will not publicize), but it will give zero coverage to a freedom-oriented imam who is trying to warn the government in the region HuffPost focuses on of the escalating radicalization in mosques.
(1.70) Iranian Ph.D. Candidate Kicked Off Greyhound Bus Despite Having Ticket; “It was a very scary situation,” University of Texas student Mohammad Reza said, by David Moye, Huffington Post, November 21, 2017.
HuffPost published this original, in-depth story on November 21, and positioned it on its front page on November 22 & 23.
(1.71) 69-Year-Old Man Accused Of Plotting Mass Shooting At Florida Islamic Center, by David Lohr, Huffington Post, December 5, 2017, 12:36 pm.
On December 5, 2017, HuffPost positioned this story at the top of its front page:
Yet as shown in Case Studies 70 & 71 on this page, HuffPost completely ignored the arrest, and sentencing, one week earlier, on November 28, 2017, of a recent Islamic convert for his plot to execute a massive, ISIS-style shooting and bombing attack against a FL synagogue.
(1.72) HuffPost gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which it failed to report]
For two straight days, on January 12 and 13, 2018, HuffPost featured this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
11-Year-Old Canadian Girl Says Attacker Cut Her Hijab With Scissors; “I felt confused, scared, terrified,” Khawlah Noman said, Huffington Post, January 12, 2018.
Notice that HuffPost included the girl’s face and name in both the front page teaser, and the story page, along with her personal feelings about the alleged “attack” on her — during which she suffered not so much as a paper cut or bruise of any kind:
Further, as HuffPost’s own story page confirms, there is not a shred of evidence that any of this girl’s allegation is true — no eyewitnesses, no surveillance camera footage. Which is not to say that this “attack” did not happen, but given the pattern of more than two dozen recent fake hate crimes against Muslims, documented here — and ten instances in which HuffPost helped to falsely legitimize them — we contend it is reasonable to ask:
- Why would HuffPost completely ignore the murder of Rabbi Shevach, and the U.S.-funded Fatah celebrating and glorifying it — but give top, graphic coverage to a claim by a Muslim girl in Canada about an alleged hate crime against her, for which there is absolutely no evidence?
- Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented, violent attacks on Jews throughout the world?
- Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented sermons by imams in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, explicitly inciting and justifying violent attacks on Jews?
Only HuffPost’s management can answer these questions.
UPDATE January 15, 2018: Three days later, police announced that their investigation revealed the attack on this girl “did not happen”; HuffPost ignored this discovery
On January 15, 2018 at 10:53am, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) announced:
Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl ‘did not happen,’ Toronto police say; Police previously said they were treating case as a possible hate crime, CBC New, January 15, 2018 10:53 AM ET. Excerpt:
An 11-year-old girl’s report last week that a man tried to cut off her hijab as she walked to school didn’t occur, Toronto police said Monday.
“After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen,” police said in a release. “The investigation is concluded.” […]
Her story captured national attention and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.
“These allegations were extremely serious and not surprisingly, they received national and international attention,” police spokesman Mark Pugash said in an interview.
Police told CBC News that a team of investigators conducted numerous interviews throughout the probe, adding that the girl who reported the incident will not face any legal consequences.
HuffPost’s complicity in perpetuating the notion that this was an actual hate crime
A January 15, 2018 search at 6:15p using the string “Khawlah Noman” reveals that HuffPost published only one story using her name: the original allegation:
(2) Articles regarding alleged hate crimes against black Americans
(2.1) Vandals Put Death Threat, Racial Slur On Door Of Black Church; Evansville police are investigating the case as a hate crime, by Taryn Finley, The Huffington Post, December 1, 2016.
The above story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 1, 2016.
(2.2) American University’s Black Students Targeted With Bananas Hanging From Nooses; Bigotry hits the university again just after students elected their first black female president, by Andy Campbell, Huffington Post, May 2, 2017.
The above story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on May 2, 2017.
(2.3) Black Congressman Who Wants To Impeach Trump Now Receiving Lynching Threats, by Kate Abbey-Lambertz, Huffington Post, May 21, 2017.
The above story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on May 21, 2017.
(3) Articles regarding other alleged hate incidents against people in HuffPost’s Favored Groups
(3.1) November 2013, Bridgewater, NJ: A lesbian waitress (falsely) alleged that homophobic customers left her no tip, and an anti-gay note
(3.1) November 2013, Bridgewater, NJ: A lesbian waitress (falsely) alleged that homophobic customers left her no tip, and an anti-gay note
On November 14, 2013 HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page — note the fact that HuffPost put the alleged “victim’s” name right in the headline, claimed she was a Marine, and stated that this incident had, in fact, happened:
An excerpt from this “story” — which HuffPost just assumed was true:
Dayna Morales, Waitress And Marine, Denied Tip Because Of Her ‘Gay Lifestyle’, by Cavan Sieczkowski, The Huffington Post, November 14, 2013. Excerpt:
A waitress in New Jersey who previously served in the Marines received an offensive note from a family who denied her a tip because of her “gay lifestyle.” Now, she is speaking out against those very people whose freedom she once defended.
Dayna Morales, a server at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, N.J., wrote an email to gay-friendly blog “Have A Gay Day” about her recent experience with homophobia while serving a family of diners, reports Gay Star News. When Morales introduced herself to the couple and their two children, the mother was allegedly shocked by Morales’ short hair.
“Oh I thought you were gonna say your name is Dan,” she allegedly said. “You sure surprised us!”
At the end of the meal, Morales was left with no tip on the $93.55 bill. Instead, she found a note on the receipt, reading: “I’m sorry but I cannot tip because I don’t agree with your lifestyle & how you live your life.”
As HuffPost reported, Morales then implicitly threatened the customers, in a post she put up on a gay website (emphasis added):
Morales expressed her disgust over the incident in her email to Have A Gay Day. The email, later posted to the site’s Facebook page, read:
I am THOROUGHLY offended mad pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free. Sorry lady but I don’t agree with YOUR lifestyle and the way you’re raising your kids but you didn’t see me throwing that in your face and giving you shitty service. Keep your damn mouth shut and pray we never cross paths again.
Thanks to HuffPost giving her “story” top-level, worldwide coverage, Morales set up a PayPal account so those who sympathized with her could send her monetary donations:
The purported incident created a media firestorm, with well-wishers sending Morales at least $3,000 in donations through a PayPal account.
There was just one tiny problem with the “story”: it was a hoax — and Morales was soon fired by the restaurant at which this fake hate incident occurred. As reported by NBC-New York:
Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn’t Leave Note, by Brynn Gingras, NBC New York, November 26, 2013. Excerpt:
After a gay server at a New Jersey restaurant said a customer denied her a tip and wrote her a hateful note on the receipt, a local family contacted NBC 4 New York and said their receipt shows they paid a tip and didn’t write any such note. […]
But a family contacted NBC 4 New York claiming their receipt from the restaurant shows they did leave a tip, and provided what they said was a credit card statement as proof. […]
They also provided a document they said was a Visa bill, which appears to indicate their card was charged for the meal plus the tip, for a total of $111.55.
The couple told NBC 4 New York that they believed their receipt was used for a hoax. The wife says she is left-handed and could not have made the slash in the tip line, which she said looks to be drawn from the right.
“We’ve never not left a tip when someone gave good service, and we would never leave a note like that,” the wife said.
The husband said he and his wife have both worked in restaurants and believe in the value of tipping, and noted that he didn’t vote for Gov. Chris Christie because the governor doesn’t support gay marriage.
Further research revealed that Morales had been dishonorably discharged from the Marines:
Waitress in Anti-Gay Note Dispute Was Dishonorably Discharged From Marines: Source; Dayna Morales just stopped showing up for drills, a Pentagon source said, by Brynn Gingras, NBC-New York, December 2, 2013. Excerpt:
The New Jersey waitress whose story has been questioned after she claimed she received an anti-gay note instead of a tip on a restaurant bill was discharged under dishonorable terms from the Marines last spring after she stopped showing up, NBC 4 New York has learned.
And those who knew and worked with Morales publicly claimed she was a compulsive liar:
Lesbian waitress in ‘anti-gay’ receipt flap fired, by Kate Briquelet, NY Post, December 7, 2013. Excerpt:
Acquaintances say Morales — who was dishonorably discharged from the military — has a history of fibbing and at one point pretended she had terminal cancer.
“She exaggerated every story,” former coworker Julie Howat told The Post. “I knew [the receipt] was fake. When the articles came out, everyone at my job laughed.”
Yet HuffPost’s own search engine proves it ignored these developments. A March 11, 2017 search using the string “Dayna Morales receipt tip” returned no relevant results:
(4) Examples of HuffPost ignoring hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups when they are perpetrated by other members of their Favored Groups
(4.1) July 2017, London, England: HuffPost completely ignored the rape and “honor killing” of a Muslim teenager, by other Muslims, apparently because she began a sexual relationship with a man of whom they disapproved
(4.2) July 2017, Liverpool, England: Three Muslim men violently attacked white people on a street, at random, after confirming the victims were not Muslims
(4.1) July 2017, London, England: HuffPost completely ignored the rape and “honor killing” of a Muslim teenager, by other Muslims, apparently because she began a sexual relationship with a man of whom they disapproved
On July 25, 2017, stories emerged in several British newspapers about the fact that a 19-year-old Muslim girl in London had been kidnapped, raped and murdered in an apparent “honor crime.”

Indian Muslim woman ‘raped and murdered in honour killing’ after starting relationship with Arab man; Celine Dookhran, 19, was found with her throat slit at a house in south-west London, by Chris Baynes, The Independent (UK),July 25, 2017. Excerpt:
An Indian Muslim teenager involved in a relationship with an Arab man was kidnapped, raped and murdered in a suspected “honour killing” in London, a court has heard.
The body of Celine Dookhran, 19, was found stuffed in a fridge with her throat slit after a second woman who was also attacked raised the alarm from her hospital bed.
The two women were said to have been bound, gagged and kidnapped by masked men on Wednesday. They were taken to a house in Kingston-upon-Thames, south-west London, where they were both raped and Ms Dookhran was killed.
Mujahid Arshid, 33, of no fixed address, appeared before Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday charged with the murder, attempted murder, and two counts of rape and kidnap.
HuffPost’s own search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A July 27, 2017 search using the string “Celine Dookhran” returned zero results.
Yet one month earlier, HuffPost gave front-page coverage to another hate crime in England — but with a different perpetrator category
Contrast HuffPost’s ignoring of this hate crime, to the fact that it gave sustained, front-page coverage just one month earlier, in June 2017, to another hate crime against Muslim females in England — the difference being that it was a white man who was accused of attacking them.