Numerous influential “news” entities have also failed to provide complete, balanced information to the general public about recent issues involving police officers… […]
[H]uffPost, however has been going farther than any other alleged “news” entity, in terms of pouring gasoline on this fire. Specifically, since the Michael Brown shooting in August, HuffPost has been consistently producing “news” stories that could only serve to whip up hatred against, and endanger police officers across America, through three primary means:
Incitement: HuffPost has repeatedly published incendiary, editorialized “news” headlines that paint the worst possible perception of police officers, up to and including calling them murderers. One headline (documented below) even asked, “Can the cops be stopped before they kill again?”
Selective editing: HuffPost has consistently excluded essential facts that are necessary to provide accurate context to its headlines (which would often also serve to undermine them).
Ignoring terrorist threats: HuffPost has pathologically ignored the progressively-worsening terroristic threats that have been made against police officers across America, both by “lone wolves” as and organized groups. This deliberate omission has served two purposes: to undermine the threats that every police officer across America faces, and to give tacit “free pass” and approval to these terrorist groups, especially when considering HuffPost’s overt calls for purportedly defensive actions against police officers.
Were the Huffington Post just another website, these shameful practices would have little impact. As the #1 most-read online “newspaper” in the world, however, what HuffPost does carries weight, and has impact.
Particularly in regards to the acts of anti-police incitement that are documented in Section 1, it is worth recalling how much each of these incidents contradict HuffPost’s repeated public claims of journalistic integrity, and especially, its supposed prohibition of “conspiracy theories and inflammatory claims”:
“[At HuffPost] there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims. […] of what the great historian Richard Hofstadter called ‘the paranoid style in American politics,’ which he defined as angry minds that traffic in ‘heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,’ and that see ‘the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms… always manning the barricades of civilization’.”
(1.8) April 2015: “Re-Thinking Non-Violent Resistance”
(1.9) December 2015: HuffPost smeared the vast majority of American police officers as being corrupt — but said smearing refugees from terror-prone countries, for the actions of a few, is wrong
(1.10) June 2016: Violence is “logical”; “Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change”
(1.11) November 2016: “I will do my best to fuck up any bigot who fucks with you”
(1.12) March 2017: “Cops Fire Into Stolen Car, Killing 16-Year-Old Pregnant Teen”
(1.13) June 2017: HuffPost top-of-the-front-page “news” article: “There Is No Justice For Black People Killed By Cops”
(1.14) June 2017: HuffPost again falsely accused police officers of murdering black Americans, while omitting all essential context, such as the fact that juries — which included black members — exonerated the vast majority of them, and some of the cops were black
(1.15) August 2014, St. Paul, MN (belated discovery): “Police Allegedly Use Stun Gun On Black Father Waiting For His Kids”
(1.16) March 2016 (belated discovery): HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
(1.17) July 2017: HuffPost published a front-page “news” story that falsely implied a police officer shot and killed a black “WalMart shopper,” without reason, but won’t be charged; HuffPost knew the truth, but chose to bury it
(1.18) September 2017: In the hours after the acquittal of a St. Louis, MO police officer of killing a black drug suspect, HuffPost published on its front page a “news” story containing only a self-produced “news video” that presented black people who were killed by police officers, insinuating that they were all shot for no reason other than their race
(1.19) September 2017: HuffPost falsely claimed that “riot police suppressed a peaceful demonstration” — when in fact its own “story” debunked this deceptive, inflammatory headline [UPDATED: PROTESTERS BARGE INTO HOTEL, TERRORIZE GUESTS]
(1.20) August 2017 [belated discovery]: HuffPost published a front-page “news” story that claimed “police killed at least 233 black Americans” in the past year — and omitted all context for how these killings occurred
(1.21) October 2017: HuffPost published a front-page story that claimed “U.S. Government Drastically Undercounted The Number Of Civilians Killed By Cops In 2015” — with zero context, and no accounting for how many police officers were killed by such “civilians”
(1.22) March 2018: HuffPost depicted an illegal alien who was arrested for running a human trafficking operation as a victim of wrongful, cruel police action
(1.23) December 2014: HuffPost published an incendiary, front-page headline that claimed a police officer shot and killed a black teenager in St. Louis, MO
(1.24) April 2018: HuffPost gave top coverage to its depiction of four NYPD officers as racist murderers, on what it knew was a false and grossly decontextualized basis, then ignored, downplayed and whitewashed information that exonerated them
(1.1) August 2014: “Arrest him!” (Officer Darren Wilson)
On August 18, 2014, HuffPost published this as its front-page splash headline:
The headline urged someone to arrest Officer Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, MO police officer whom Michael Brown had attacked. Keep in mind that at the time HuffPost published this headline, it knew (or should have known) that all of the available evidence showed that Officer Wilson was telling the truth — and that the narrative that had been spun around Michael Brown was a lie.
(1.2) September 2014: “Caught on tape: Cops gun down man at WalMart”
The following is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On September 24, 2014 HuffPost published this story as its incendiary splash headline, insinuating that police officers just ran into a Wal-Mart and gunned down a (black) man, for no reason:
HuffPost knew the truth – but failed to even hint at it in the headline. In reality, as its own version of the story (and a more responsible one in the Washington Post) showed:
Police officers responded to a call that a man was walking around the store with a rifle, pointing it at people
The officers ordered the gunman, John Crawford III, to drop the rifle, but he refused to do so, after which they shot him
(1.3) November 2014: “They’re murdering our kids and getting away with it”
The following is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On November 26, 2014, HuffPost ran this story on its front page:
The Huff-Watch blog documented the endemic problems with this article, which could only serve to help incite hatred of, and violence against police officers:
Any honest, first-year journalism student would be able to look at the individual cases cited, and realize how egregiously HuffPost used selective editing to omit inconvenient yet crucial facts, such as how many of these individuals were killed after having been observed committing crimes, or refusing to comply with police orders – or were pointing weapons at officers. Another inconvenient fact: the median age of the six “kids” profiled is 23.5 years old.
Regarding HuffPost’s use of the term “murder,” see attorney Ben Shapiro’s demolition of this lie in Section 1.4.
HuffPost has also never published any of the scholarly reports, that challenge this incendiary narrative:
A report by a black Harvard economics professor, that demonstrated the reality is the exact opposite of its incendiary allegations; specifically that police officers are actually less likely to shoot a black suspect than a white one
A report that documents how the “news” media is playing a key role in inciting racial hatred in America, based on false allegations such as these
A report by a scholar that demonstrates that most of the narrative employed by Black Lives Matter is pure propaganda
Through these acts and omissions, HuffPost not only served to help incite hatred against police officers by propagating incendiary falsehoods, it also contributed to advancing racial hatred in general.
(1.4) December 2014: “How to get away with murder”
The following is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On December 4, 2014, HuffPost ran this story as a “news” headline – an overt accusation that police officers “murdered” Eric Garner and other supposedly innocent people, and got away with it.
Attorney Ben Shapiro demolished HuffPost’s incendiary lie –
First off, whatever you think of the case of Eric Garner, it would be extraordinarily difficult to sustain a murder finding against him. To murder someone, you must have intent to murder; not only isn’t that present in the Garner video, there is no evidence of such intent. As former prosecutor Andy McCarthy put it at National Review today, “Officer Pantaleo plainly did not intend to kill Mr. Garner; he applied force he judged necessary to take Garner down to the ground so Garner could be cuffed. That this ended up killing Garner was unexpected and tragic, not intentional or willful.”
Second, only the most cynically exploitative journalistic outlet would lump together the cases of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Brown robbed a convenience store, then attacked a police officer, attempted to take his gun, then charged the officer before being shot. Garner yelled at officers and waved his arms about before he was put in a submission hold by an officer and died of a suffocation brought on by combination of heart disease and asthma, not directly by the hold itself.
Third, the Huffington Post suggests that all officers “get away with murder. That conveniently ignores another police shooting today with a very different outcome: in South Carolina, a grand jury indicted a white police chief for shooting a 54-year-old unarmed black man. But that wouldn’t flatter the pattern Huffington Post attempted to build of uncaring white juries everywhere excusing police aggression against black folks. That would also explain why the Huffington Post suggested that the shooters of Grant and Zongo and Stanley-Jones “got away with murder,” when in fact, Grant’s shooter, Officer Johannes Mehserle, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter; Zongo’s shooter, Officer Bryan Conroy, was convicted of criminally negligent homicide; and Stanley-Jones’ shooter, Officer Joseph Weekly, was indicted on involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun (two trials ended in mistrial).
(1.5) December 2014: “Rabbis Arrested After Reciting Kaddish For Eric Garner”
The following is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
For two consecutive days, on December 6 and 7, 2014, HuffPost ran this inflammatory allegation as a “news” headline on its front page, alleging that rabbis were arrested after saying a prayer (kaddish) for Eric Garner:
Is that really what happened? Were these rabbis really arrested just for saying a prayer? Of course not.
As HuffPost knew, these rabbis were standing in a busy New York street intersection, and refused to move when ordered to by police. HuffPost’s original “news” story, however, mentioned none of that.
(The fact that HuffPost attempted to whitewash what really happened concerning these rabbis is laughable, given its pathological incitement of hatred against Jews and Israel. Who can forget its lie-filled “news” story, that Mitt Romney was chased away from a wedding by a “pack of Jews”?)
(1.6) December 2014: “Can The Cops Be Stopped Before They Kill Again?”
The following is adapted from and article at the Huff-Watch blog.
On December 6, 2014 HuffPost positioned this inflammatory editorial screed, not on the left margin, where its opinion pieces go — but rather as a “news” item. How could any reasonable person view this as anything other than a call for direct action, if not violence, against police officers, everywhere?
This case study is adapted from an article at the Huff-Watch blog.
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 27, 2015:
According to HuffPost, a police officer threw a rock at a presumably peaceful protester, presumably without provocation, and as a result, Baltimore was burning.
But is that really what happened? Of course not.
HuffPost knew it at the time its “journalist” constructed this “story.” For as shown in the headline on its story page headline, these police officers were throwing rocks back at protesters. And given the broader context — and the video of this incident (below) — it is certainly understandable:
Baltimore police officers targeted by rock-throwing protesters on Monday appeared to hurl projectiles toward crowds on at least two occasions.
One photo shows a projectile, possibly a rock or piece of concrete, leaving an officer’s hand. Video taken from a helicopter appears to show another officer hurling objects toward protesters, including many who appeared to be teenagers.
At least 15 officers were injured Monday as protesters launched rocks, bricks and other objects at police. Some of the projectiles were reportedly heavy enough to break police riot shields. Baltimore police Capt. Eric Kowalczyk said two of the officers had been hospitalized, and that injuries included “broken bones.”
The Daily Mail(UK), had much more detail about the incident (emphasis added):
Violent protesters in Baltimore, Maryland injured several police officers on Monday, throwing bricks and rocks at the overwhelmed cops hiding behind riot armor. While most of the cops tried not to engage with the protesters, at least one officer was seen throwing the rocks right back at the mostly-young groups of rioters even as the nation watched on live TV. A photo taken by photographer Patrick Semansky captures the moment one police officer threw a rock back at protesters while his fellow cops looked on. […]
Fifteen police officers were injured Monday – two seriously – in the clashes with angry mobs rioting over the death of Freddie Gray.
And here’s the video of the incident — notice the police being pummeled with rocks before, and especially after a lone officer picked up one of the rocks and threw it back at the rioters:
This is the same model HuffPost has been using for years: knowingly, falsely depicting violent attackers as victims, and their victims as the perpetrators. It has also used this deception-and-incitement model with particularly great effect in regards to depicting the Israel-Palestinian conflict, whenever the Jewish state is forced to respond to terrorist attacks; see SaveTheWest’s recent documentary about this issue here.
(1.8) April 2015: “Re-Thinking Non-Violent Resistance”
On April 29, 2015, HuffPost positioned this editorial mid-way down its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Re-Thinking Non-Violent Resistance, by Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, Executive Religion Editor, The Huffington Post, April 29, 2015. Excerpt:
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and now we add Freddie Gray to the names of unarmed black Americans who have died at the hands of police. [STW: Notice that this implies the police officers decided to murder each of these individuals — without reference to the facts of the issues, which as shown elsewhere on this page, HuffPost systematically ignored, or dismissed.]
Despite requests for peace from Freddie Gray’s family, Baltimore erupted in anger on Monday after the young man’s funeral. In moments of serious unrest, the reflex for politicians, media and religious leaders is to call for an end to violence. But, in the face of the systematic racism of America’s policing and prison system as well as crippling poverty that disproportionally affects the black community, how does non-violence work to actually solve the root of the problem? Or does it work at all?
Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote an impassioned piece in The Atlantic called “Non-Violence as Compliance” — in it he writes:
When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is “correct” or “wise,” any more than a forest fire can be “correct” or “wise.” Wisdom isn’t the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the community. […]
In sum, this editorial was HuffPost’s attempt to justify the violence that was resulting, at least in part, from its incessant lies and incitement about racial and police matters across America. It was but a preface, however, to another editorial it put on its front page, barely a year later, that explicitly advocated and justified the use of violence against political opponents; details here.
It should also be noted that the term “resistance” is used by numerous terrorist groups, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah and others, as a code-word for their murderous acts. HuffPost didn’t bother to mention that fact, perhaps because for years it has been the unofficial voicepiece of Hamas, which claims that by raining rockets down on Israeli cities and murdering Jews, it is practicing “resistance.”
(1.9) December 2015: HuffPost smeared the vast majority of American police officers as being corrupt — but said smearing refugees from terror-prone countries, for the actions of a few, is wrong
In these two front-page articles, HuffPost demonstrated another of its double-jointed beliefs on vital national security matters.
In the first case, it applauded a video blogger (“vlogger”) who claimed that because a minority of police officers are bad, we should “replace the system.” Yet in the second instance, it explicitly claimed that just because a minority of Syrian refugees are or may be terrorists or terror supporters, it should not dissuade America from taking them in. Further, it falsely claims that America employs rigorous screening procedures — a claim that it knew, or should have known, is false, as our top national security officials have testified, in many or most cases, this is impossible to do.
In the video, Kirk draws the parallel between police brutality and clean water. “If I live in a house where the water is coming out dirty sometimes I don’t just say ‘well, it’s not always dirty, so nothing is wrong.’ No, I need to replace the system,” he says.
Donald Trump Jr. used a bowl of Skittles to claim that admitting Syrian refugees poses a threat to the United States, perpetuating an unfounded fear. The son of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted a graphic on Monday that warned of the danger of accepting Syrian refugees because some could be terrorists. […]
The comparison grossly overstates the proportion of refugees who have had ties to terrorist groups, and generalizes the process by which refugees and other types of immigrants come to the U.S.
For reference, see sections 4 and 8 in this research report, produced by, that demonstrates a sizable portion of refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern nations (including on U.S. soil) believe in the radical Islamist ideology, and support ISIS.
Also, see this December 2015 video by devout Muslim Raheel Raza, as she obliterates the notion that it is only a tiny minority of Middle-Eastern and North African Muslims who support sharia, the most oppressive, often violent fundamentalist beliefs, and who are seeking to emigrate to America:
More: See this video by attorney Ben Shapiro further dissect the myth that it is only a “tiny minority” of Muslims from around the world who believe in sharia, including the most violent forms of it.
The fact is, the vast majority of police officers whom HuffPost vilifies, and depicts as “bad,” end up being exonerated in courts of law, because they did nothing wrong.
Yet it advocates replacing our entire law enforcement system, because of a micro-minority of bad cops. Yet in contrast, when a demonstrable, sizable minority of Syrian refugees are found to be radicalized, HuffPost attacks those who point out this reality.
(1.10) June 2016: Violence is “logical”; “Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change”
Prior to June 6, 2016, HuffPost had systematically incited hatred against its enemies, through lies, deception and bias. Then, when violence was perpetrated against these enemies, it generally either ignored it, or put the perpetrators and the victims on the same moral playing field — if not expressed sympathy only for the former.
As shown in Section 1.8, HuffPost went one step further on April 29, 2015 — before Trump even announced his run for the presidency — when it publishing an editorial on its front page that questioned whether non-violent resistance should be “rethought.”
Then, on June 6, 2016, HuffPost removed all pretense of its supposed commitment to civility, when it published this explicit call for political violence and domestic terrorism on its front page:
Amidst the hot takes and denunciations from liberals, they all seem to miss a few key points. First, they misplace the blame[…] they ignore the history of successful violent insurrection in the US, instead favoring the elementary school version of history in which nonviolence is the only means of struggle that’s ever achieved a thing.
Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change. It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer.
Although this editorial does not incite violence against police officers, specifically, given (a) HuffPost’s previous, deliberate efforts to incite hatred against them, and (b) its ignoring or whitewashing the attacks on them from this date forward, it becomes clear that given its reach and influence, this editorial likely played at least some role in the physical attacks on police officers since then.
It should be noted that this editorial is a direct violation of HuffPost’s publicly-stated terms and conditions:
HuffPost prohibits materials that are… hateful, unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening… encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate.
(1.11) November 2016: “I will do my best to fuck up any bigot who fucks with you”
Writer and editor Margaret Killjoy is selling 1″ buttons that “help you make clear your intention to, you know, fuck up bigots.” They look like this. […]
“A friend of mine posted [online], ‘I don’t care if you wear a safety pin or not. I just want you to fuck up bigots.’ I wholeheartedly agreed,” Killjoy told The Huffington Post.
Although this “news” story does not incite violence against police officers, specifically, given HuffPost’s previous, deliberate efforts to incite hatred against them, particularly through the editorial contained in Section 1.8, it is clear that all American police officers fit into its “bigot” category:
unarmed black Americans… have died at the hands of police… [and] the systematic racism of America’s policing system…
Thus, while there may be no direct, conclusive line to this front-page item, and the ones cited in Sections 1.8 and 1.10, causing the rash of violence to America’s police officers — which HuffPost generally ignored — it is clear that items such as these could only help to pave the way for such attacks.
(1.12) March 2017: “Cops Fire Into Stolen Car, Killing 16-Year-Old Pregnant Teen”
On March 17, 2017, HuffPost published this story on its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Police in Northern California fired into a stolen car on Tuesday, killing a pregnant teenager who was in the vehicle.
Elena Mondragon, 16, was fatally shot while in the vehicle with three others. The car, which was reported stolen, had been connected to armed robberies in the Bay Area, KTVU reported.
Officers with the Fremont Police Department cornered the car in an apartment complex and attempted to stop it. That’s when the male driver of the vehicle rammed into police cars, injuring two detectives, authorities told the press. During the incident, the two detectives fired at the car, hitting and killing Elena. She was in her first trimester, according to the coroner.
“The female suffering from the gunshot wounds and was treated by the Hayward Fire Department at the scene and transported to a near-by trauma center where she succumbed to her injuries,” the Fremont Police Department said in a statement.
Why did HuffPost not give indication of the real reasons the police officers shot at the car, and the fact that two of them were injured, in its headline?
(1.13) June 2017: HuffPost top-of-the-front-page “news” article: “There Is No Justice For Black People Killed By Cops”
On June 16, 2017, a jury in Minnesota, comprised of ten white and two black people, found Officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty in the 2016 shooting death of Philando Castile. The local paper, the St. Paul Star Tribune, covered the story here.
That evening, HuffPost published this “news” story at the top of the front page — asserting, as fact, that “There is no justice for black people killed by cops”:
Starting with that inflammatory, incendiary, opinionated premise, HuffPost opens its “news” story by catering to the “journalist’s” personal feelings on the matter:
I have to write about Philando Castile, the 32-year-old black man who was shot and killed by a Minnesota police officer last July. I have to compose myself, sit at this laptop and write something profound about another black life taken by a police officer, another officer found not guilty for killing a black person.
And, you know, I have nothing much to say.
After beginning to address some of the facts of the case, albeit in a way that gives all credibility to Castile, HuffPost left out of its “news” story what was apparently one of the facts that caused the jury to render a not guilty verdict: as reported in the Star Tribune:
Defense attorneys argued that Castile was culpably negligent in the shooting because he volunteered that he possessed a gun without disclosing that he had a permit to carry it, that he reached for it instead of keeping his hands visible, and that he was high on marijuana, rendering him incapable of following Yanez’s order not to reach for the gun. Yanez testified last week that he fired because he feared for his life.
Here, however, is how HuffPost depicted this alleged fact:
Yanez pulled the car over. Things escalated. Yanez shot seven times into the vehicle. He thought Castile was reaching for his weapon, a gun that Castile was licensed to carry and that he had informed the officer about moments before. Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, says he was reaching for his wallet. She began filming on her phone. The resulting video, with Castile bleeding to death on camera as Reynolds calmly complies with the officer’s screamed instructions, is impossible to forget.
Notice that HuffPost selectively-edited the allegations in order to spin a one-sided narrative of the situation:
It insinuated that Castile had informed Officer Yanez about both his gun, and his permit to carry it — omitting the fact that the defense asserted that Castile never told Yanez that he had a carry permit.
It completely omitted the defense’s assertion that Castile was not following Officer Yanez’s commands, especially when instructed to not reach for his gun.
The rest of HuffPost’s “news” story contained more emotional appeals and opinions from its “journalist,” and more selective editing, that could be designed only to serve only one purpose: to whip up more hatred against American police officers, based on emotional appeals, half-truths and yellow journalism, and which, given HuffPost’s massive reach and influence, may well contribute to getting more police officers murdered.
UPDATE June 17: One juror came forward and explained that the two black jurors voted to acquit Officer Yanez
HuffPost’s egregiously biased editorial screed was published at 6:32pmon June 16. Nearly three hours earlier, however, at 3:50pm on June 16, the AP, HuffPost’s most often-cited news wire, reported:
3:50 p.m.
A member of the jury that acquitted a Minnesota police officer of manslaughter in the shooting of a black motorist called deliberations “very, very hard” and says he thinks the panel delivered the right verdict.
Dennis Ploussard says the jury was split 10-2 early this week in favor of acquittal for Officer Jeronimo Yanez, who was charged in the death of 32-year-old Philando Castile.
Ploussard says jurors spent a lot of time dissecting the “culpable negligence” requirement for conviction. He says the last two holdouts eventually agreed on acquittal.
Ploussard wouldn’t identify the two holdouts, but says they were not the jury’s only two black members.
HuffPost completely left this fact out of its story, as shown by this cached version of it taken at 8:40pm on June 17, more than 24 hours later. Furthermore, a cached version of HuffPost’s entire front page, also captured at 8:40pm on June 17, proves that it never put up a new story to reveal this reality.
Instead, as this screencap, taken at 8:40pm on June 17 shows, HuffPost maintained the original, biased, incomplete story at the top of its front page:
HuffPost’s bias-by-omission n this incident closely parallels another it perpetrated, on November 23, 2016. In summary, it published a splash headline alleging that “Trump tanked with black, Hispanic voters,” thus fueling the narrative that the election was “won by the Klan,” and that “white people ruined America.”
The reality was, as HuffPost knew, or should have known, is that according to multiple detailed surveys that had been published prior to its shocking headline — including by the New York Times — Trump received more votes from black and Hispanic Americans than Gov. Romney did, four years earlier. See the documentationhere.
Also note that in this case, HuffPost never corrected the record, but instead, dramatically escalated its efforts to incite racial hatred in America, based on what it knew or should have known were egregious, malicious lies.
(1.14) June 2017: HuffPost again falsely accused police officers of murdering black Americans, while omitting all essential context, such as the fact that juries — which included black members — exonerated the vast majority of them, and some of the cops were black
On June 23, 2017, HuffPost published this headline at the top of its front page:
That headline led to this story page, and the following opening sentences (screencap):
We’ve been here before. Right here, at this very specific moment of anguish. Each time, it’s as though the world freezes and a familiar jolt zips through our bodies. Our vision blurs.
Panicked, we look around to see if anyone else feels what we are feeling, to see if anyone else is in the grip of the same dismay.
On June 20, two Seattle police officers shot and killed Charleena Lyles, a 30-year-old pregnant mother of three. The following day, the former Milwaukee police officer who shot and killed 23-year-old Sylville Smith in 2016 was found not guilty of reckless murder.
By HuffPost’s wording, these police officers murdered the cited individuals without any reasons — but presumably, only because they were black. The facts show otherwise:
In regards to Charleena Lyles, here are excerpts of how the Seattle Times presented the shooting, on June 18, 2017 — five days before HuffPost published this story:
Just after 10 a.m. Sunday, Seattle police responded after the woman had called to report an attempted burglary at her Magnuson Park apartment. At some point, police said, she displayed a knife and two officers shot and killed her. Relatives identified the woman as Charleena Lyles.
Family members said she was several months pregnant and had been struggling with mental-health issues for the past year. They said she was concerned authorities would take her children, one of whom they said has Down syndrome. […]
Police Detective Mark Jamieson said officers were alerted to “hazard information” in the system after a previous encounter with the woman, which prompted a two-officer response Sunday morning when she called to report an attempted burglary in her fourth-floor unit at Brettler Family Place apartments.
“Officers were confronted by a 30-year-old woman armed with a knife,” the department wrote on its web blotter. “Both officers fired their duty weapons, striking the woman.”
HuffPost completely ignored all of that context — and instead decided to falsely depict Lyles’ death as a murder, perpetrated by racist Seattle police officers. Are there facts to be determined as to whether Lyles presented a clear and present danger to the officers? Clearly, yes. But that investigation has not been completed, and HuffPost knew it at the time it decided to smear the Seattle police officers as racist murderers.
Regarding the second incident, here are the facts, according to a compilation of local news sources, by
A 23-year-old black man armed with a stolen gun was fatally shot Saturday afternoon by police in Milwaukee during a foot pursuit, authorities say.
The man has been identified as Sylville Smith, police said. Smith was shot in the chest and arm, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said.
[Smith] fled from a car during a traffic stop Saturday about 2:30 p.m. in the Wisconsin city’s North Side, police said in a press release. […]
Mayor Tom Barrett said […] the officer ordered the man to drop his gun twice and then fired several times when he refused. Barrett said a photo from the body camera clearly shows Smith had the gun in his hand when he was killed.
Once again, HuffPost completely ignored all of those vital details, as to why Smith was shot. It also ignored another vital one: that as revealed, the police officer who ordered Smith to put his weapon down and surrender, Dominique Heaggan-Brown, who was acquitted over the shooting, is also black:
Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown, a six-year veteran of the Milwaukee Police Department, who was acquitted for shooting Sylvie Smith, after he refused the officer’s commands to put his handgun down and surrender.
Rather than an isolated incident, this article represents the latest installment of HuffPost’s pattern of consistently inciting hatred against police officers based on either lies or grossly decontexualized allegations, and increasingly, based on false accusations of racism.
To continue its race-based hate-propaganda, HuffPost also invited readers who are “always angry about politics” to join this “journalist’s” email list:
(1.15) August 2014, St. Paul, MN: “Police Allegedly Use Stun Gun On Black Father Waiting For His Kids”
Note: STW belatedly discovered this item.
On August 29, 2014, HuffPost published this inflammatory headline on its front page:
Did the police really use a stun gun on this man, just because he was waiting for his kids? No. And HuffPost knew it at the time it wrote and published this story, regarding an incident that occurred eight months earlier, on January 31, 2014. Here is the story page to which that headline led:
Chris Lollie says he was just sitting in front of a First National Bank in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, on Jan. 31, waiting to pick up his kids, when an employee from a nearby store approached him and asked him to move.[…]
The footage begins as he walks with a female officer, explaining to her that he had been sitting outside the bank for 10 minutes before he was asked to leave. He tells the officer he didn’t see signs saying he was on private property and didn’t think it was fair that he was being asked to move.
“The problem is I’m black,” he can be heard telling the officer. “That’s the problem. … I’m not sitting there with a group of people. I’m sitting there by myself. By myself, not causing a problem.”
Shortly after, a male officer walks up to them, and the exchange becomes heated. Lollie appears to drops his cell phone as he is presumably restrained by officers.
“Put your hands behind your back or you’re going to get tased,” a voice can be heard saying as Lollie frantically repeats that he hasn’t done anything wrong.
HuffPost also included the police statement regarding the incident:
Our officers were called by private security guards on a man who was trespassing in a private area. The guards reported that the man had on repeated occasions refused to leave a private “employees only” area in the First National Bank Building.
With no information on who the man was, what he might be doing or why he refused to leave the area, responding Saint Paul police officers tried to talk to him, asking him who he was. He refused to tell them or cooperate.
Our officers are called upon and required to respond to calls for assistance and to investigate the calls. At one point, the officers believed he might either run or fight with them. It was then that officers took steps to take him into custody. He pulled away and resisted officers’ lawful orders. They then used the force necessary to safely take him into custody.
The man was charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstruction of the legal process. Those charges were dismissed in July.
We have had a discussion with the man in the video and he was given information on how to file a formal complaint if that was his desire. At this time, no formal complaint has been filed.
Clearly, Lollie was not just “waiting for his kids.” He was on private property, was asked to move out of the bank’s employee parking lot, he refused, he did not provide police with his identification when requested, and when he refused to comply with the rest of the police officers’ requests, they threatened that if he continued to act in this way, they would take him into custody. HuffPost knew all that at the time it wrote this headline, which it knew was both untrue and incendiary, and could only result in inciting hatred of police officers on a false basis.
Further, Lollie came forward with this story eight months after it occurred — and yet, never filed a complaint against the police department, for alleged racial bias, harassment, or anything else. Instead, he went to social media.
It is also crucial to consider the timing of HuffPost’s incendiary headline: this was two weeks after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, which it helped to turn into an orgy of lies, hate and incitement.
As shown throughout this page, this is the exact same model that HuffPost has used in the past, to create headlines based on lies and half-truths, infused with incendiary allegations and sympathetic pictures, that could only result in the incitement of hatred against police officers. It has also used this exact same model in order to incite hate against Israeli police officers.
HuffPost left this false, incendiary headline on its front page for three straight days
HuffPost published this headline on August 29, 2014. As the following screencaps show, it left the story there, in its original, deceptive form, on August 29-30-31:
(1.16) March 2016: HuffPost published a front-page editorial that falsely claimed that local police took Dylan Roof, who murdered nine black church members in South Carolina, to Burger King for dinner after the shooting, as a symbol of American racism
On March 23, 2016, HuffPost published the following editorial mid-way down its front page:
The editorial incited racist hatred against, and mocked Otto Warmbier, the American college student whom North Korea accused of trying to steal a propaganda poster, and sentenced him to fifteen years of hard labor. See SaveTheWest’s analysis here.
In the same article, HuffPost also smeared the Shelby, NC police department with a provable lie, that could only be designed to further incite racist hatred against American police officers.
In summary, HuffPost falsely claimed that the police officers put Roof, a white supremacist, into a bulletproof vest and took him to dinner at Burger King — after it arrested him for murdering nine black church parishoners:
When you can watch a white man who entered a theatre and killed a dozen people come out unscathed, you start to believe you’re invincible. When you see a white man taken to Burger King in a bulletproof vest after he killed nine people in a church, you learn that the world will always protect you.
The writer’s link goes to this article at HuffPost, which claimed, accurately, that the Shelby, NC police bought food from Burger King for Roof — butit never put him in a bulletproof vest and took him to the restaurant.
HuffPost based its article on (and linked to) one in the Charlotte Observer, which reported the story accurately:
In Shelby, the FBI handled Roof’s initial questioning, Ledford said. Shelby police’s lone conversation with the mass-murder suspect was about food. Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.
Thus, HuffPost knew the reality at the time it published this article on its front page — yet it chose instead to project this incendiary lie about the Shelby, NC police department to be spread to the world, as being a racist department, and representative of racist police departments all across America. reached out to Shelby, NC Chief of Police Jeffrey Ledford on June 22, 2017, to ask him if what is in HuffPost’s editorial is accurate. Here is his official response:
“In response to your question: ‘Did police officers with the Shelby Police Department put Dylan Roof in a bulletproof vest, and bring him to Burger King for a meal, after he was arrested?’That is absolutely not true. Roof was never taken to any restaurant to eat. He was provided food while in our custody, which is our obligation to do, to meet the needs of the prisoner. On that day, we actually provided lunch from Burger King (we use different food sources, Burger King being only one of them) for several people, who were at our headquarters, one of whom was Roof. No food is held on site, so all food is brought in from outside sources, depending on when it is needed. Just as it was on this day.”
Yet as of June 22, 2017, HuffPost’s incendiary, false, racist allegation is still published:
(1.17) July 2017: HuffPost published a front-page “news” story that falsely implied a police officer shot and killed a black “WalMart shopper,” without reason, but won’t be charged; HuffPost knew the truth, but chose to bury it
On July 11, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story near the top of its front page:
Is that really what happened? A police officer (presumably white) was just bored, walked into a Walmart, and shot this black man to death? No. And HuffPost knew it, for months prior to publishing this headline.
That headline brought the reader to this story page:
An Ohio police officer who fatally shot a black Walmart shopper holding an air rifle did not violate federal civil rights laws, the Justice Department said Tuesday.
Beavercreek Police Officer Sean Williams, already cleared in a criminal investigation of the August 2014 shooting death of John Crawford III, will not be charged with any federal offenses, officials said in announcing the conclusion of their investigation.
“This investigation revealed that the evidence is insufficient to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Officer Williams violated federal civil rights laws,” the Justice Department and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District Ohio said in a statement. The offices “will not pursue federal criminal civil rights charges against Officer Williams.”
Crawford’s family has been notified of the decision, the statement said.
Crawford, 22, picked up a pellet gun while shopping in the Walmart toy section, prompting a 911 call from a customer who wrongly reported he was loading a rifle and pointing it at children.
Store surveillance video showed Crawford casually walking around the store with the toy gun in one hand while talking on his cell phone. A short time later, Crawford is seen being fatally shot by Williams.
HuffPost knew from two years earlier (see Case Study 1.2 on this page) that its headline this time around was also intentionally deceptive. Because as its own version of the story at the time confirmed, and a more responsible one in the Washington Post showed, the video showed that the officers ordered Crawford to drop the rifle, but he refused to do so, after which they shot him. Yet this is how HuffPost falsely depicted Crawford’s shooting in a splash headline:
Yet as in the above case (Case Study 1.2), none of those facts made it into HuffPost’s headline, or sub-head, or anywhere near them. Instead, one has to travel to the sixth and seventh paragraphs to discover even its partially-correct version of the story.
It is also worth noting that HuffPost decided to pull this stunt for a second time, only six days after a New York City police officer was murdered by a man who posted anti-police rants on social media that mimic HuffPost’s incendiary half-truths and lies about them. See Case Study 2.13 on this page.
(1.18) September 2017: In the hours after the acquittal of a St. Louis, MO police officer of killing a black drug suspect, HuffPost published on its front page a “news” story containing only a self-produced “news video” that presented black people who were killed by police officers, insinuating that they were all shot for no reason other than their race
On September 15, 2017 a judge acquitted former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, who was accused of murdering Anthony Lamar Smith.
For context on the events that led up to this acquittal, see this overview by
A former St. Louis police officer was found not guilty in the 2011 death of Anthony Lamar Smith, adding his name to a growing list of officers who have walked free after the shooting deaths of black men and women.
Note that HuffPost included the officer’s name in neither the headline, nor this body copy — but did include the name of the man whom he was accused of murdering. This subtle act of dehumanizing the officer is a continuation of HuffPost’s behavior in this regard — to super-humanize the alleged victims of police racism, but not the officers themselves, almost every one of which has been exonerated from that which the “nonpartisan” newspaper accused them of doing.
The video in HuffPost’s “story” page, however, is the biggest problem, because as in many of the previous 17 case studies on this page, it only lists the faces and names of the black people who were killed by American police officers in recent years, while making no mention whatsoever of:
The fact that the police officers who shot them were white, black and Hispanic — further indicating that they were not shot because of white racism
The circumstances of the shootings — which in almost all cases was because the person who was shot was either brandishing a weapon, or the police officer claimed to have reason to believe that they were a threat
Here is HuffPost’s “news video”:
Given these facts, HuffPost’s massive reach, and the fact that published this video at the top of its front page within several hours of the judge’s acquittal of former officer Stockley, could only have contributed to:
The anti-police hatred on the ground in St. Louis
The hate that led, hours after its video was released, to nine local police officers were assaulted, with two suffering serious injuries
[Details of police assaults from 9/15]
The next day, September 16: HuffPost continued ratcheting up the anti-police incitement, by falsely claiming — visually and verbally — that police violently attacked peaceful protesters
As NBC Newsreported at 12:48pm the next day, September 16:
“Nine city officers were injured”
“Officers were hurt by thrown bricks, police said, and they had to use tear gas and pepper balls on the crowd”
“Agitators have converged on Mayor Krewson’s house. Throwing rocks and breaking windows”
At 1:30pm on September 16, HuffPost’s front page contained not a single headline about the fact that nine police officers had been injured as a result of being attacked by rioters. Instead, HuffPost positioned this “news” story at the top of its front page:
Notice that even though HuffPost knew or should have known that nine police officers had been injured in violent attacks by rioters, in this headline, it:
Falsely implied that the police had initiated the violence, by attacking the demonstrators with tear gas and rubber bullets. (Note: This is the exact same tactic that HuffPost uses repeatedly to incite hatred against Israel, when it must defend itself against Palestinian terrorists; it refuses to report the preceding attacks on the Jewish state, then only depicts Israel as “attacking”; examples on this page.)
Visually depicted the police, in riot gear, standing off against a lone, seemingly peaceful black male — thus reinforcing the false notion that underlies both the lies in this story, as well as almost all its other stories about police shootings of black males; specifically, that they had done nothing wrong, and were merely shot because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were standing up to police misconduct
UPDATE: September 30, 2017:Blue Lives Matter exposes major falsehood in allegations against Officer Stockley; HuffPost ignores
On September 30, 2017, the Blue Lives Matter blog, run by current and former police officers, published this blockbuster refutation of one of the central allegations that drove the riots:
HuffPost, once again, completely ignored this story, as its own search engine proves. An October 2, 2017 search using the title of this article returned zero results:
(1.19) September 2017: HuffPost falsely claimed that “riot police suppressed a peaceful demonstration” — when in fact its own “story” debunked this deceptive, inflammatory headline
Continuing its pattern of inciting hatred against St. Louis, MO police officers, based on lies and deception, on September 21, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
And after police blocked demonstrators who were headed in the direction of a nearby highway, a St. Louis Metropolitan Police sergeant — who is a partner in a police tactical company and who helped lead the mass arrest of demonstrators and journalists in the downtown area on Sunday night ― declared the whole protest unlawful and threatened to lock up anyone who didn’t leave the area.
In an email, a spokesman for the St. Louis County Police Department explained:
“When they [were] ordered to leave the roadway, they went onto private property. The owner of that property did not want them on their property, so they [were] given the order to disperse.”
HuffPost even featured a picture of the police blocking what it admitted was the “demonstrators'” intent to march down a roadway, towards the St. Louis Galleria shopping mall — the caption of which reads:
Riot police block Brentwood Boulevard by the St. Louis Galleria in Clayton, Missouri, as protesters attempt to march down the road Wednesday.
Note the similarity between the lie that undergirded this case study’s incendiary headline, and the lie that HuffPost told in Case Study 1.5, in which its headline alleged, “Rabbis Arrested After Reciting Kaddish For Eric Garner” — without mentioning that the rabbis were blocking a New York City street, and were only arrested after they refused police instructions to get out of the street.
On September 21, 2017, the Gateway Pundit blog posted the following:
HuffPost completely ignored all of this data, as shown in this screencap of its front page, taken at 12:00pm on September 22, by the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive).
(1.20) August 2017 [belated discovery]: HuffPost published a front-page “news” story that claimed “police killed at least 233 black Americans” in the past year — and omitted all context for how these killings occurred
On August 24, 2017, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page:
Police and law enforcement officials killed at least 223 black Americans in the year after Kaepernick first began to protest, according to a HuffPost analysis of data compiled by The Washington Post and The Guardian. […]
Two days after Kaepernick’s initial protest, police in Los Angeles shot and killed 18-year-old Kenney Watkins, a black teenager who, according to officers, was armed with a gun.
Over the next 365 days, as numerous NFL players joined Kaepernick, police across the United States killed at least 222 other black Americans ― culminating with the death, on Aug. 13 of this year, of Patrick Harmon, a 50-year-old black man shot and killed by police in Salt Lake City.
Throughout the article, the general theme that HuffPost presented was that:
All or most of these black Americans were killed by police officers without justification
Or, as in the case of Kenney Watkins, because “according to officers” there was justification — not actual, factual, documented justification
We’ve addressed the means by which HuffPost maliciously deceived the public in this regard in the previous 19 case studies on this page. But in the case of Patrick Harmon, even after video evidence emerged as to why he posed such a threat to police officers who shot him, HuffPost once again completely ignored it.
Specifically, on October 5, 2017, BlueLivesMatter, a website run by current and former police officers, published the following story:
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill has determined that the officer-involved shooting of Patrick Harmon, 50, on August 13 was legally justified. Body camera footage of the shooting has been released (multiple videos below.)
“Activists” are now leaving out the details of the shooting and spreading low-quality body camera footage from the worst angle in an effort to convince people that the shooting was unjustified. Activism writer Shaun King called the shooting a “brutal execution.”
Before the investigation was complete, KUTV 2 news reported that Harmon was a “victim” of a police shooting.
Blue Lives Matter described the key bodycam video as follows:
You can see the body camera footage from the shooting below. There are multiple videos, so keep scrolling to see the different angles. The first video provides a better angle of the encounter and is not the video that the activists are showing. After you see the video, please share this article and help spread the truth about what happened. WARNING: Graphic footage.
The Blue Lives Matter story was sourced from one at the Salt Lake Tribune (UT):
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill has cleared a Salt Lake City police officer who fatally shot a man on Aug. 13, after the man allegedly pulled a knife and threatened to injure officers trying to arrest him.
Patrick Harmon, 50, whose most recent address, according to court records from November 2016, was the Road Home shelter, was shot about 10:20 p.m. at 1002 S. State St. […]
Harmon pleaded with the officers to not take him to jail, an officer told investigators, and as police put the man’s hands behind his back to handcuff him, Harmon “bolted and ran.” As the three officers pursued him, the man “turned quickly” back toward them.
The officer who originally contacted Harmon drew his stun gun, and another, Officer Clinton Fox, drew his gun. All three officers reported hearing Harmon threaten to cut them. They saw him reach toward his right pants pocket and that he had something in his hand, the report said.
Fox later told investigators he saw a knife in Harmon’s hand with the blade exposed. He believed another officer was dangerously close to Harmon, he said.
In the footage, Fox shouts, “I‘ll f—— shoot you!” before firing three rounds at Harmon. Simultaneously, the other officer fires his stun gun.
Fox felt “terrified by how close Mr. Harmon was to the officers,” he told investigators. “Fox said that in ten years of law enforcement and two military deployments, it was the scariest situation he had ever been in,” according to the report.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this development
(1.21) October 2017: HuffPost published a front-page story that claimed “U.S. Government Drastically Undercounted The Number Of Civilians Killed By Cops In 2015” — with zero context, and no accounting for how many police officers were killed by such “civilians” [UPDATE: Less than 24 hours after this story went live, a New Orleans police officer was ambushed and shot to death]
On October 12, 2017, HuffPost published this story on its front page:
That headline led to this story page. Several things to note: As in the front page headline, HuffPost matched this incendiary allegation, which contains zero context, with a picture of a black person with their hands in the air, and “Don’t Shoot” written on them — continuing to spread the completely discredited allegation that Michael Brown was begging for his life, and said that, before he was shot:
U.S. police killed 1,166 people – more than three a day – in 2015, but an official government count missed a majority of the deaths, a new study shows.
The Guardian, a U.K.-based newspaper and media company with U.S. and international editions, counted 93 percent of the U.S. police-related deaths, while the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics counted only 45 percent, the report in PLOS Medicine found.
“It is kind of absurd that a British newspaper is able to do a better job counting the number of killings by police than the CDC or the Department of Justice,” said lead author Justin M. Feldman, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
“If we as a society want to improve policing and have fewer deaths, we need better data about the circumstances of these deaths to improve training, policies and to hold police departments accountable,” he said in a phone interview.
Notice that neither HuffPost nor the Guardian — a notorious, far-left British newspaper that has been caught repeatedly propagating anti-Semitic libels — provided any context for why police officers killed even one of these civilians. The way the article is framed, as in the previous 20 case studies on this page, is that police officers are indiscriminately murdering “civilians” (as opposed to… whom?).
The net effect of this article, matched with the inflammatory, lie-based image that HuffPost chose to run with it, can only be to incite more worldwide hatred against American police officers, by depicting them as murderers — and governments at all levels trying to conceal their murder sprees of “civilians.”
UPDATE 1: Less than 24 hours after this story went live, a New Orleans police officer was ambushed and shot to death
On October 13 at 4:41am, the Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) published the following story:
A New Orleans police officer was shot and killed early Friday (Oct. 13) in the 6800 block of Cindy Place in New Orleans East, according to the NOPD.
The shooting took place near an apartment complex about 12:14 a.m., said Superintendent Michael Harrison. Four officers were on routine patrol when they were fired upon and one of the officers collapsed, he said.
The officers returned fire and the suspect, who was struck, fled to an apartment, Harrison said. The officer who was hit was taken to University Medical Center, where he died, he said.
UPDATE 2: HuffPost completely ignored both the murder, and the officer’s identity; see Case Study 2.23
(1.22) March 2018: HuffPost depicted an illegal alien who was arrested for running a human trafficking operation as a victim of wrongful, cruel police action
Border Patrol officials in Southern California are defending their actions after a dramatic video of agents arresting an undocumented mother as her daughters watched on went viral this week.
The video, filmed last Saturday, shows agents pulling 36-year-old Perla Morales-Luna away from her crying daughters on a street corner in National City, California. The agents drive off quickly after placing Morales-Luna in the backseat of a Border Patrol vehicle, and her daughters appear to be left on the street confused.
Judith Castro-Rangel, who identifies herself as a teacher of one of Morales-Luna’s daughters, posted the video on Thursday to Facebook, where it has been viewed more than 10 million times.
The violent and insensitive nature of the arrest has outraged human rights and immigration activists.
But is that really what happened? Did the agents of the U.S. Border Patrol really do anything wrong here?
Judge for yourself — here’s the actual story, from the local CBS affiliate, which was published on March 9 — one day before HufffPost published its “story”:
An emotional video of a woman getting shoved into a border patrol vehicle as her children look on helplessly has gone viral, but authorities say the woman is part of a criminal organization.
The video of the woman being apprehended by Customs and Border Protection agents in National City near San Diego was posted to Facebook Thursday morning. […]
Despite the emotional response to the video, Customs and Border Protection officials said the woman is an organizer for major, “transnational criminal smuggling organization,” and that she was arrested for being in the United States without legal documentation.
In a tweet, they identified the woman as Perla Morales-Luna.
Perla Morales-Luna was identified as an organizer for a transnational criminal smuggling organization operating in East County, San Diego. She was arrested as a result of a targeted operation on March 3, 2018, in National City for being in the country illegally.
The arrest of Perla Morales-Luna on March 3 in San Diego is an absolute nonscandal.
Yes, at first glance the video looks a little concerning. It shows a mother being separated from her screaming family as Customs and Border Patrol officers struggle to put her in the back of a vehicle.
But only at first glance. Because if you watch again you’ll see that the CBP officers use proportionate force and good efficiency in getting Morales-Luna off the street and into custody. That’s the best way to ensure no one is harmed and the situation isn’t escalated unnecessarily. Moreover, the CBP wasn’t simply detaining Morales-Luna because she was just a random illegal immigrant.
As the CBP notes:
More — also from March 9, which HuffPost included near the end of its article, prefaced by this copy passage:
Border Patrol spokesman Theron Francisco told the Los Angeles Times that Morales-Luna was being held on suspicion of being in the country illegally.
Just one tiny problem: that is only a small part of what the CBP actually said, in the Tweet that HuffPost itself cited. The rest stated:
“Perla Morales-Luna was identified as a human smuggling facilitator who recruited drivers to transport illegal aliens from a remote border area in eastern San Diego County to a stash house in National City as part of a larger transnational criminal organization. Other individuals associated with this criminal organization were arrested shortly after a smuggling event transpired in January of 2018 near Boulevard, California.
“Ms. Morales-Luna eluded arrest at that time, and despite direct phone conversations between her and U.S. Border Patrol agents, she refused to self-surrender to authorities.”
“The video clearly shows the arresting agents carried out their duties appropriately, even when faced with a barrage of insults and confrontational agitators.”
More — from March 8, two days before HuffPost’s article:
Facebook videos showing Border Patrol agents arresting a woman in San Diego went viral Thursday, with immigrant-rights activists saying they show a woman being torn from her children — but the agency said she was actually an “organizer” for a major smuggling operation.
Activists seized on the videos as evidence of overbearing enforcement.
But the Border Patrol said the woman was a justified target, given her involvement with a smuggling operation and her unauthorized status here in the U.S. […]
At the end of one video, a man insults the Border Patrol agents by referring to them with a homophobic slur.
Knowing all that, let’s review the headline that HuffPost chose to construct for this “story”:
“Border Patrol Rips Undocumented Mom From Daughters In Emotional Video; Officers in California tore a mother from her crying daughters in broad daylight”
Notice certain things about this “news” headline:
HuffPost refers to the woman not as an illegal alien, which according to the federal government’s code since the 1950s, she is.
HuffPost completely ignored the reason that it knew, or should have known, why the Border Patrol arrested her.
HuffPost implied that the Border Patrol officers used excessive, unnecessary force in arresting the woman; what were they to do, if she refused to comply with their orders?
Instead, HuffPost turned the accused perpetrator into the victim, and the Border Patrol officers into the position of the bad guys — which is part of its long-term pattern of such reality-inversion “journalism,” as documented in the more than 60 case studies on this page.
(1.23) December 2014: HuffPost published an incendiary, front-page headline that claimed a police officer shot and killed a black teenager in St. Louis, MO
On December 24, 2014, HuffPost published this headline on its front page. This screencap was taken at 6:46am:
Notice that HuffPost’s headline provided no context; why was the black teen fatally shot? Given the previous case studies on this page of HuffPost’s relentless incitement against police officers, and its chronic racist bias and incitement, one might assume that this was another alleged incident of a police officer shooting a black person for no reason.
The reality is that HuffPost knew exactly why he was shot, at the time it published this incendiary headline — but decided to remove that essential context.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page. Note that in the second paragraph, HuffPost admitted why police say the man was shot:
A black teen was fatally shot by an officer on Tuesday night just two miles from Ferguson, Missouri, police said.
Antonio Martin, 18, who police say pointed a gun at the officer, was shot late Tuesday night at a Mobil gas station in Berkeley, Missouri, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. The alleged victim’s mother, Toni Martin, confirmed to the Post-Dispatch that her son had been shot by police.
Further, HuffPost included video footage of the incident — at the bottom of its “story” page:
The St. Louis County Police released some video footage Wednesday from the gas station’s security cameras of the police officer arriving on the scene and the movements leading up to the shooting:
Several hours later, the Guardian (UK) sprovided actual reporting on the incident, backing up the police officers’ account of what happened, and why they were forced to shoot the teen. Note the fundamentally different, accurate headline that the Guardian chose to employ:
♦ Police say teenager was shot dead after drawing a gun in Berkeley, Missouri
♦ Video footage appears to back police version of events
♦ Angry protesters clashed with police at the scene
♦ Four arrested for assaulting police officer
♦ Antonio Martin named locally as man shot dead
HuffPost’s pivotal role in inciting racist hate and violence on the ground where this shooting occurred
(1.24) April 2018: HuffPost gave top coverage to its depiction of four NYPD officers as racist murderers, on what it knew was a false and grossly decontextualized basis, then ignored, downplayed and whitewashed information that exonerated them
HuffPost published a front page splash headline that claimed NYPD officers “Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Man On Brooklyn Street.”
HuffPost knew at the time that he was shot only because numerous people called 911 to report he was pointing a gun in people’s faces, then when confronted by NYPD officers, assume a “shooting stance,” pointing what appeared to be a gun at them, at which point they opened fire.
Soon after the NYPD released surveillance video of what preceded the 911 calls, which confirmed what witnesses and police reported — but HuffPost did not publish a new headline to indicate this for another 30 hours. Instead, it continued depicting the man as a victim of white police officers’ racism, and gave top coverage to his family calling the officers “murderers.”
Other information emerged about the man, as having had nearly twenty years of severe mental illness, resulting in bizarre, violent criminal behavior, in which he threatened to attack his mother, and laid in the street, eating rocks. HuffPost completely ignored all of this information
APRIL 4, 10:00pm ET: HuffPost published original splash headline regarding this incident
At approximately 10:00pm on April 4, 2018, HuffPost published this as its splash headline:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this “story” page — an original item written by one of its “journalists” (as opposed to publishing a wire story). Notice the inflammatory wording of this headline:
“New York Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Man On Brooklyn Street”
What conclusion could the uninformed reader who stumbles across this headline reasonably come to, except that several white racist police officers with the NYPD were driving around, bored, looking for a black person to shoot, and then murdered this poor, unarmed victim?
Just one tiny problem: HuffPost’s own story proves it knew that this headline was grossly decontextualized, and could only result in the incitement of racial hatred against the NYPD on false grounds, before it hit the “publish” button.
Here are the facts, cited from HuffPost’s own story. Note that the following copy is validated via the screencap pasted below it, which was taken at 11:32pm on April 4:
NYPD received several 911 calls of a man described as a male black, wearing a brown jacket, pointing what is described as a silver firearm to people on the street,” Monahan said.
When officers arrived, they saw a man matching that description.
“The suspect then took a two-handed shooting stance and pointed an object at the approaching officers,” the police chief said.
Four officers, three in plainclothes and one in uniform, fired 10 rounds among them, striking the man.
APRIL 5, 12:16AM EST: SaveTheWest editor exposed HuffPost’s decontextualized headline and racist anti-police incitement on Twitter; Soon after, it slightly modified its sub-headline to reflect some of the reality
At 12:16am EST (9:16 PST), Jon Sutz, SaveTheWest’s consulting editor, posted the following Tweets, the first of which contained a HuffPost tag, to expose its naked effort to incite racist hatred against the NYPD:
Apparently, @HuffPost is on a new jihad to get police officers killed, based on lies and raw incitement. Is this true?
It ought to be, it’s the front page splash headline. See the answer in the reply comment.
Well no, it’s not exactly true. From HuffPosts own “news” story:
“[T]he NYPD received several 911 calls of a man described as a male black, wearing a brown jacket, pointing what is described as a silver firearm to people on the street,”
“When officers arrived, they saw a man matching that description. The suspect then took a two-handed shooting stance and pointed an object at the approaching officers,” the police chief said.
“Four officers, three in plainclothes and one in uniform, fired 10 rounds among them, striking the man. The officers then called for an ambulance, Monahan said, and the man was taken to Kings County Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.”
Soon after these Tweets, HuffPost edited the sub-headline of its story, from “The shooting comes just two weeks after the killing of Stephon Clark by police in California” (documented earlier, and here), to provide some reality-based context:
Sub-headline: “The shooting comes just two weeks after the killing of Stephon Clark by police in California”
Sub-headline: “The man was pointing a pipe at people that police and 911 callers mistook for a gun”
Note that Tax Act appears to be visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s deliberate, continuing pattern of turning reality on its head in order to incite racist hatred, and hatred against police officers. If, after reading the rest of this case study, you’d like to let its senior executives know your thoughts on this matter, click on the link. Please be polite and concise.
Soon after, the perpetrator was identified as a Muslim man
Saheed Vassell
The perpetrator was identified by family members as Saheed Vassell. According to severalMuslim websites, his first name, “Saheed,” means “lucky, blissful.”
APRIL 5, 11:45AM: HuffPost published a new story that was similarly deceptive, and made the NYPD officers look both incompetent and racist
At 11:45am on April 5, HuffPost published the following story, mid-way down its front page. Notice that it still was denying the NYPD’s description of what happened, and actually made it worse, by implying that Vassell had done nothing wrong, was just “holding a pipe when he was fatally shot”:
Clicking on that headline led to the following story page. Notice that HuffPost falsely depicted both the witnesses’ and police officers’ claims, by claiming Vassell “was possibly holding a gun” — instead of the fact that both articulated a clear belief that (a) he was holding a gun, and (b) he was pointing it at various people and threatening them:
The New York attorney general’s office is opening an investigation into the police killing of a black man in Brooklyn that occurred Wednesday afternoon.
Four New York City Police Department officers confronted the man, 34-year-old Saheed Vassell, after receiving 911 calls about a man possibly holding a gun. It was later found he was holding only a pipe.
After officers arrived, “the suspect then took a two-handed shooting stance and pointed an object at the approaching officers,” Police Chief Terence A. Monahan said in a news briefing Wednesday.
HuffPost then depicted Vassell as a benevolent victim who had done nothing wrong:
Vassell’s father, Eric, told NY1 that his son had bipolar disorder and was a “kind” person.
“He’s polite, nice, he’s kind. He just comes and he goes,” Vassell told NY1.
He told The New York Times that his son would “just walk around the neighborhood and help people.”
Slightly more than two hours later, however, the NYPD released surveillance videos that showed this “polite, nice, kind” person doing exactly what its officers and witnesses alleged — which HuffPost completely ignored for the next 31 hours.
APRIL 5, 2:00PM EST: The NYPD released surveillance videos that clearly show the legitimacy of the reasons why citizens called 911, and why officers were in fear for their lives — which HuffPost completely ignored for the next 31 hours
At approximately 2:00pm on Thursday, April 5, the NYPD released surveillance videos from nearby stores that clearly show Vassell doing exactly what witnesses described, and which caused them to call 911 about a man with an apparent gun, pointing it at and threatening people.
This screencap, taken of a Google search at 9:50pm on April 6, using the string “nypd release video shooting,” shows how many (responsible} news organizations published these videos at the time:
CBS News, for example, published this story at 2:11pm on April 5:
In a somewhat unusual move Thursday, the New York City Police Department released surveillance video and partial 911 calls related to the fatal police shooting of Brooklyn man believed to be mentally ill. Saheed Vassell, 34, was shot by police after they received multiple reports of a man pointing what appeared to be a gun at people in the Crown Heights neighborhood around 4 p.m Wednesday.
APRIL 5, 8:17PM: HuffPost published a new story about the shooting, which included the surveillance videos — but its headline only said “protesters demand justice for … unarmed black man shot by cops; ‘They murdered my son’….”
At 8:17pm on April 5, HuffPost published this story on its front page:Note that HuffPost published this headline six hours after it knew that the surveillance videos and 911 call transcripts had been released.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page. Notice that there is a video at the top of the page, which HuffPost produced for this story (that is its distinct typeface and underlining style):
Hundreds of people rallied in New York City on Thursday evening to call for justice for Saheed Vassell, an unarmed black man who was shot by police the day before.
Activists gathered in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, where New York City police shot at the 34-year-old father 10 times and killed him on Wednesday.
Police were responding to reports of a man wielding a gun, but later determined that the object Vassell had allegedly pointed at them was “a pipe with some sort of knob on the end of it.”
Standing on the corner where her son, who had bipolar disorder, had been killed the day before, Vassell’s mother, Lorna, gave an emotional address to the crowd.
“He did not deserve [for] a piece of iron in his hand for a cop to kill him,” she said, adding that her son came from a good family and was well loved by all who knew him. “It’s unjustified, and I want justice. They murdered my son, and I want justice for him.”
Notice what is missing entirely from this headline and opening copy, all of which depicts Vassell as a pure victim of racist, murderous NYPD officers: any mention of the fact that surveillance videos emerged that confirmed both eyewitnesses’ and NYPD officers’ accounts: that Vassell was pointing what clearly appeared to be a gun directly at people.
Was HuffPost really unaware of the surveillance videos? No. We know this because HuffPost inserted clips from them into the video it produced for this story — the following screencap is from the 00:19 second mark:
Here is HuffPost’s own video, which it produced sometime between 2:00pm and 8:17pm on April 5; look at the portion from 00:15 – 00:22 seconds:
Thus, if one only casually read the headline of this story, and had been getting their “news” only from HuffPost’s front page, they would have absolutely no idea that these videos or 911 call transcripts emerged. They would only have the impression that Vassell was a victim of racist, murderous NYPD officers, for which his family and protesters were now demanding “justice.”
This impression was planted in their minds deliberately by HuffPost, to conceal the reality of what happened to Vassell — and why.
APRIL 5, 10:40PM: The NY Post published a detailed account of Vassell’s 19-year history of severe mental disturbance and violence, including against NYPD officers — which HuffPost completely ignored
At 10:40pm on April 5, two hours after HuffPost published its video, the NY Post published the following article, indicating how deeply disturbed and violent Vassell had been, for nearly 20 years, including against police officers:
Vassell was taken in for psychiatric treatment following that episode, which took place in 2008 and began when he was spotted running through traffic on Brooklyn’s Atlantic Avenue clad in a pair of boxer shorts, a high-ranking NYPD source said.
Vassell later lay down in the street, banging his head on the pavement and eating rocks, the source said.
He was also hospitalized in 2011 when EMS responded to a 911 call from Vassell’s mom, who said he hadn’t taken his medication and was violent and irrational, the source said. […]
Vassell’s rap sheet lists 28 arrests and dates to 1999, when he was busted on a charge of first-degree gang assault.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored these facts
Note that American Express and SonaBank appear to be visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s deliberate, continuing pattern of turning reality on its head in order to incite racist hatred, and hatred against police officers. If, after reading the rest of this case study, you’d like to let their senior executives know your thoughts on this matter, click on the links. Please be polite and concise.
APRIL 6, 8:00PM (est.): HuffPost published on its front page a sidebar item with a headline claiming the NYPD had released surveillance video of “Saheed Vassell’s Final Moments” — but nothing to indicate why he was shot
The following screencap was taken of HuffPost’s front page at 11:15pm on Friday, April 6; the arrow indicates this story (we’ll discuss the other stories indicated with solid lines, that HuffPost decided deserved higher positioning than this one, in a moment):
Note that the headline copy says nothing about why Vassell was shot, and the picture is too small to make anything out; he almost looks as if he is dancing on a sidewalk:
“NYPD Releases 911 Transcripts, Footage Of Saheed Vassell’s Final Moments”
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page, which HuffPost claims was published at 7:14pm:
Keep in mind, however, that such items normally do not immediately appear on HuffPost’s front page; there are reportedly several editorial reviews, and the front page editor must manually insert it into a specific position — whether as a sidebar item, or a feature item, which are placed along the center columns. It is for this reason that we estimate this item did not appear on HuffPost’s front page until 8:00pm, if not after.
The bottom line is that even though HuffPost knew at 2:00pm the previous day that the NYPD had released these videos, and that they showed what really happened, it refused to publish a story with that headline, until 30 hours later — at est. 8:00pm on a Friday night — long after its original, false narrative had become ingrained in its readers’ minds.
And even now, nothing in its headline or sub-headline indicated in any way that HuffPost had, once again, deliberately misled its readers, into believing that this was a case of racist white police officers who “murdered” an unarmed black man on a street, with no reason whatsoever.
It should also be noted that it is not until the end of the article that HuffPost bothered to mention any of Vassell’s mental health history:
The victim’s father, Eric Vassell, told NY1 on Wednesday that his son had bipolar disorder and had been “sick for a long time.” Neighbors and local police officers also said they knew Vassell to be mentally ill and to drink heavily. Vassell had been taken to the hospital several times in recent years for mental health treatment, according to The New York Times.
This acknowledgement begs the questions:
Why was he not an impatient in an appropriate facility?
Who was buying him the alcohol he was consuming so “heavily”?
Did these combined factors lead to him pointing what any reasonable person, or police officer, would believe is a gun at them?
HuffPost asked none of these questions. This jaw-dropping omission is almost identical to the fact that HuffPost also never gave top publicity to the fact that numerous mental health professionals in Parkland, FL had warned about Nikolas Cruz’s deteriorating condition, and many others had warned law enforcement personnel at both the local and federal level of his escalating threats, including that he was going to “become a school shooter.” Instead, HuffPost was on another one of its “propaganda jihads” to blame entire massacre on the NRA, which it depicted as “a terrorist organization” for two straight days at the top of its front page:
February 16, 2018: At the top of the front page
February 17, 2018: The splash headline
The above became a consistent theme at HuffPost in the following days and weeks: That the primary villains in the Parkland school shooting were (a) The NRA, (b) The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Similarly, in the case of Saheed Vassell, HuffPost constructed another false narrative: that the villains were the police officers who fired their weapons at a man who was pointing a gun directly at them.
So what kinds of news stories did HuffPost decide deserved higher placement on its front page than its headline about the surveillance videos that revealed the reality of the Vassell shooting?
APRIL 7, 1:40PM: HuffPost moved the story of the video footage release down to middle of page
The following screencap was taken at 1:40pm on April 7, containing the exact same headline wording in its story page — putting all the blame for Vassell’s shooting on the police officers, clearly intent on inciting racist hatred against them based on this false allegation:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to position higher on its front page, at the same time — with big, clear pictures to accompany them?
Here’s a sampling; the following screencaps were taken from this full-page screencap, captured at 1:15pm on April 7 by the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive), moving down the front page:
APRIL 8: HuffPost removed the Vassell story from its front page — and put up an op-ed that made more explicit inflammatory, racist claims about police officers — based on what it knew was a false basis
The following screencap is from this full-page screencap by the Wayback Machine, taken at 8:15pm on April 8, which shows that the Vassell story had been removed, but this one was posted:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Notice how all context is absent from HuffPost’s headline and sub-headline, as to how and why these shootings occurred. With the facts that provide that context not present –after having been deliberately downplayed, if not suppressed altogether — HuffPost actually compares these police shootings, to roving gangs of corrupt white police officers in the Deep South during the early part of the 20th century, lynching black Americans due exclusively to racist hatred, and would conjure up historical imagery such as:
Notice also that HuffPost claimed the police officers in these recent shootings were white. Yet as HuffPost’s own stories regarding the Vassell shooting show, police have not released the racial makeup of the police officers who shot him. See for yourself:
So why would HuffPost publish such an incendiary, false editorial on its front page, after it had already stoked such anti-NYPD racist hatred — if not to continue turning up the heat, the hatred, and the potential for anti-police violence, across America, based on lies and egregious distortions?
That’s a question that only HuffPost’s senior management can answer. You can ask them here.
(2) Ignoring hate crimes, violence, threats and incitement against police officers (and police animals)
HuffPost has steadfastly avoided publishing any of the hate crimes and terroristic threats that were leveled against police officers, across America, which one can only presume, based on Section 1, it helped to incite.
(2.1) November 2014: Notorious hate preacher Louis Farrakhan told followers — on video — that if black protesters’ demands are not met, they should “tear this goddamned country apart, and instructed parents to teach their children to throw Moltov cocktails
(2.2) December 2014: New York City police reported that a domestic terrorist group threatened to begin murdering its uniformed officers
Revolutionary communists armed with assault rifles in Austin, TX chanting about how they want more police officers to be murdered. HuffPost ignored them. A nationwide shooting spree against police officers erupted two days later. Details here.
(2.3) December 2014: At a rally that HuffPost blogger Al Sharpton helped to incite, hundreds of demonstrators were captured on video, screaming “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”; Seven days later, two NYPD officers were assassinated
(2.4) March 2016, Kansas City, MO: An anti-Trump protester arrested for assaulting police horse
(2.5) November 2016, Austin, TX: Revolutionary communists, armed with assault rifles, openly call for police officers to be murdered; “What’s better than 12 dead cops? 13 dead cops!!”
(2.6) November 2016, Birmingham, AL: Two individuals were arrested and charged with attempting to set up an ambush with which to shoot police officers; later it was discovered their motive was to incite a broader, race-based series of attacks on police
(2.7) December 2016, Compton, CA: Black Lives Matter chapter defended barista who allegedly spit in police officer’s coffee
(2.8) November 2016, Harrisonville, MO: A police officer’s home was set on fire — with his children inside — in what police suspect was arson
(2.9) January 2017, Baltimore, MD: Anti-Trump protester arrested after spitting in police officer’s face
(2.10) May 2017, Portland, OR, and Seattle & Olympia, WA: Radical leftist anarchists rioted, attacked and injured at least 14 police officers
(2.11) May 2017, Littleton, CO: Motorist emerges from vehicle and attacks police officer, without provocation
(2.12) June 2017, Harrisburg, PA: Radical leftist protester arrested for beating a police horse with a flagpole
(2.13) July 2017, New York, NY: An NYPD officer was assassinated as she sat in her vehicle, by a man who posted anti-police sentiments on social media [UPDATED: HuffPost ignored officer’s mother thanking President Trump for raising awareness of her murder]
(2.14) December 2014, Portland, OR (belated discovery): Black Lives Matter supporters captured on video, chanting “Deck the Halls With Rows of Dead Cops”
(2.15) July 2017, Boone County, MO: A journalist falsely claimed he was “almost shot” by white police officers, because he was black and was displaying leftist bumper stickers, during a traffic stop; The dashcam video proved he was lying, then he was suspended without pay
(2.16) August 2017, Estill, SC: A black police officer was shot four times by a black suspect, on video, and survived
(2.17) September 2015, Minneapolis, MN (belated discovery): Black Lives Matter marchers chant incitement to murder police officers
(2.18) August 2017, Kissimmee, FL: Two police officers were assassinated by a black nationalist, as a terrorist act
(2.19) August 2017, Sacramento, CA: Pregnant woman claimed police officer threw her down onto her stomach; Police then released video of incident, after which she recanted her story
(2.20) October 2016*, Toronto, Ontario, CA [*belated discovery]: Anti-police anarchist conspired with others to videotape her slapping a police horse, with hope it will buck officer off, injuring him; instead it kicks her to the ground, after which she was arrested and charged with assaulting the horse
(2.21) September 2017, Madison, WI: UW-Madison students produce video of them beheading “pig” police officers
(2.22) September 2017, Austin, TX: Radical leftist rioters attacked police, chanted for “dead cops,” leading to multiple arrests
(2.23) October 2017, New Orleans, LA: A police officer was ambushed and murdered — less than 24 hours after HuffPost published another libelous article against American police officers on its front page [UPDATED: HuffPost also ignored the New Orleans Saints disrespecting the fallen officer]
(2.24) November 2017, Washington, DC: A black Ethiopian immigrant in Dallas, TX announced that he was going to go to Washington, DC to “kill all white police officers” in the White House, and President Trump; Secret Service arrested him at White House
(2.25) January 2018, North Little Rock, AR: Brother of black teenager who was shot and killed by police officers allege he had done nothing wrong; Police then release video showing the suspect pulled a gun on them, which is why they shot him
(2.26) January 2018, Harker Heights, TX: A black woman alleged that white police officers dragged her from a car, banged her face into the concrete, and falsely accused her of driving while drunk; Her own attorney dropped the case days later after discovering that she made it all up
(2.27) January 2018, Sacramento, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who claimed he is going to break out of jail and kill more police officers [UPDATED]
(2.28) February 2018: HuffPost downplayed, and only ran a wire story about two beloved Ohio police officers who were murdered in an ambush — but gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to an original “news” story it wrote about a man in Australia who’s happily married to a whore [UPDATES: HuffPost completely ignored the identity of the suspected murderer, then quickly removed the story from its front page]
(2.29) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored communists in St. Louis who posted open threats to business owners to take down flags supporting police, or they/their businesses will “go down”
(2.1) November 2014: Notorious hate preacher Louis Farrakhan told followers — on video — that if black protesters’ demands are not met, they should “tear this goddamned country apart,” and instructed parents to teach their children to throw Moltov cocktails
On November 29, 2014, Nation of Islam leader Rev. Louis Farrakhan told an audience at Morgan State University that if black protesters’ demands aren’t met, that they need to “tear this goddamned country apart!!!”:
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”
Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”
“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.
He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A March 25, 2017 search using the string “Farrakhan we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page over the next three days, from November 30 – December 2, 2014:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 1, 2014.
A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.
Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said.
The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system.
Members swear allegiance for life and sport “BGF” tattoos, as well as ink depicting a dragon surrounding a prison tower, according to
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A March 25, 2017 search using the string “Black Guerrilla Family threat NYPD” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page over the next three days, from December 7-9, 2014:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 7, 2014.
(2.3) December 2014: At a rally that HuffPost blogger Al Sharpton helped to incite, hundreds of demonstrators were captured on video, screaming “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”; Seven days later, two NYPD officers were assassinated
On December 8,2014, HuffPost allowed its notorious resident racial inciter, Al Sharpton, to announce anti-police rallies he was helping to organize in Washington, DC and New York for December 13.
HuffPost gave extensive, glowing coverage to the rally that Sharpton led in Washington.
But HuffPost completely ignored the fact that at the New York rally – which occurred less than two miles from its headquarters – several hundred “demonstrators” were caught on video, screaming:
“What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”
NBC News covered these chants at the New York march. The Daily Beastcovered it. Real Clear Politics covered it.
Further, as shown at the bottom, HuffPost continued giving credibility to what it knew or should have known was a malicious lie, that Michael Brown allegedly was executed by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, MO, after pleading, “Hands up, don’t shoot!”
A search using HuffPost’s own search engine proves that it never covered the chant in the future, either
HuffPost continued to ignore these chants — while enabling Sharpton to incite more marches — until a week later, when two NYPD officers were assassinated
On December 15, HuffPost published yet another front-pageeditorial by Al Sharpton, in which he boasted about the “success” of the marches on December 13, and encouraged more.
NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were murdered in Brooklyn (photo NY Daily News).
Then, on December 20, two NYPD officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, were assassinated by a black “activist,” Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who openly claimed on social media that he did it in revenge for alleged police brutality:
“I’m putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours … let’s take 2 of theirs… this may be my final post … I’m putting pigs in a blanket.”
Several hours later, Brinsley assassinated these officers.
Did HuffPost’s relentless incitement against police officers contribute to these assassinations, and the rash of additional murders of police officers that followed? No one can tell for certain. But one thing is absolutely certain: the cauldron of hate, lies and deception that HuffPost cultivated, given its reach and influence, could only have helped create a rage-filled environment, which was poised to boil over at any time.
(2.4) March 2016, Kansas City, MO: An anti-Trump protester arrested for assaulting police horse
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A woman in the midst of the protests outside the rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump on March 12 was arrested on Friday for abuse of a police service animal. […] After police verbally instructed the protesters back onto the sidewalk, the crowd continued moving forward and mounted officers moved into position to block the crowd.
Police said that’s when the suspect, April J. Foster, 29, approached an officer and his horse, Dan, and began screaming in the horse’s face in an attempt to scare him. When that did not work, Foster reportedly slapped the horse in the face with an open hand. […]
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 1, 2016 search using the string “April J. Foster assault horse Kansas City Trump” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page over the next three days, from March 20-22:
(2.5) November 2016, Austin, TX: Revolutionary communists, armed with assault rifles, openly call for police officers to be murdered; “What’s better than 12 dead cops? 13 dead cops!!”
Members of the Revolutionary Communists USA, chanting for dead police officers — while carrying assault rifles. Over the next three days, five police officers were gunned down across the USA. HuffPost completely ignored these “protesters” — and the fact that they endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
Between November 19-20, 2016 fivepoliceofficers from across America were shot in ambush-style attacks, two of whom died.
On November 17, 2016 — two days before this shooting spree began — members of the the Revolutionary Communist Party USA in Austin, TX were captured on video, bearing assault weapons, openly advocating for the murder of police officers.
As means of background, the RCP-USA explicitly advocatesviolence, and the overthrow of the U.S. government, to usher in a Stalinist-Maoist communist totalitarian system. The RCP-USA also endorsed Hillary Clinton (another fact that HuffPost ignored).
On November 22, 2016, Blue Lives Matter, a blog operated by current and former police officers, posted this report about the RCP-USA’s demonstration in Austin, TX on November 17 — with video:
A few days before 4 officers were shot within a 24 hour period, Austin protesters thought it would be cute to chant about cops dying.
A video has been circulating social medial websites the past few days showing a group of children throwing a temper tantrum about god knows what, while chanting about police dying.
The video starts off with one misled young man shrieking his frustrations about law enforcement with the always original phrase “fuck the police.”
[It continues with] “What’s better than 12 dead cops? 13 dead cops!!”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A December 12, 2016 search using the string “Austin protest communists dead cops” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from November 22-24:
(2.6) November 2016, Birmingham, AL: Two individuals were arrested and charged with attempting to set up an ambush with which to shoot police officers; later it was discovered their motive was to incite a broader, race-based series of attacks on police
This story was posted by Fox News at 11:55pm on November 23, 2016.
According the AP, two individuals were arrested in late November, and charged with attempting to set up an ambush with which to shoot police officers:
An Alabama couple planted a fake bomb at a suburban elementary school hoping to shoot officers arriving at the scene or even rob a bank, police said Wednesday. Zachary Edwards, 35, and Raphel Dilligard, 34, of Birmingham face charges that include making terrorist threats, rendering a false alarm and possessing a hoax destructive device, said police Capt. Jeff Bridges of Trussville, Alabama. […]
Arrested afterward, the couple told investigators what they had planned, according to Bridges. The couple, who share an address, wanted to shoot officers at the school or rob a bank while police were busy dealing with the bogus bomb, he said.
On November 24, police reported that the plot had a clear racial component:
Edwards claimed to be a member of the Black Panthers and the Black Mafia, but authorities have not yet confirmed his reported associations with any organized group. “My guys believe this individual to be a very dangerous person,” said Dave Hyche, ATF’s assistant special agent in charge in Alabama.
Once brought in for questioning, both gave confessions. Edwards admitted to planting the device, and said his plan was to get all police officers and first responders in one place so he could shoot them. “I guess he doesn’t like cops,” Bridges said. […]
“Probably because of the overwhelming response to the area,” Hyche said. “He wanted everybody in one place so he could kill cops. He made it clear to our guys he wanted to commit acts of violence. This arrest probably did stop something bad from happening.”
Soon after, police discovered that the duo’s ultimate objective was to start a race war:
Edwards also talked of using the incident as a diversion so he could commit crimes elsewhere – such as robbing a bank – while the police were tied up at the elementary school, but backed out of that plan.
“Probably because of the overwhelming response to the area,” Hyche said. “He wanted everybody in one place so he could kill cops. He made it clear to our guys he wanted to commit acts of violence. This arrest probably did stop something bad from happening.”
He discussed starting a race war, but authorities didn’t elaborate on what he said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A March 22, 2017 search using the string “Zachary Edwards Raphel Dilligard” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from November 24-26, 2016:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on November 25, 2016.
(2.7) December 2016, Compton, CA: Black Lives Matter chapter defended barista who allegedly spit in police officer’s coffee
The Sacramento, CA Fox News affiliate reported on December 29 that the Compton, CA chapter of Black Lives Matter was standing by a Starbucks barista who boasted on Facebook that he’d spit in local police officer’s coffee. From there, the story was given national attention by the Daily Caller on December 30:
A Black Lives Matter chapter publicly praised a barista for spitting in an officer’s coffee at a local California coffee shop Wednesday night.
The Facebook page “Stockton Police Department, Corruption Reporting Page” posted a photo of the officer and his family, reports Fox 40.
“We are happy to report that today this officer from the Stockton Police Department got to have coffee … served with a side of spit,” the caption alleged.
Black Lives Matter Stockton contended that an anonymous barista spit in the coffee because they were unhappy with how the officer had treated a family member. The barista was also displeased with how the department did not take a race related complaint seriously.
“It really happened … we gave you all the proof we could without throwing someone under the bus,” the chapter wrote.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A March 22, 2017 search using the string “Compton CA barista spit in police coffee” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from December 31, 2016 – January 2, 2017:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on January 1, 2017.
Harrisonville police say a fire at one of its officers’s homes is being investigated as arson.
Sgt. Geremy Pearce, was not home at the time. His significant other and children made it out of the house unharmed, officials said. The Harrisonville Police Department said the fire is “suspicious” and being investigated as an arson. Pearce and his family aren’t currently living in their home because of the fire.
[Ed. also reported this story, and the fact that a GoFundMe account to raise money for Sgt. Pearce’s family.]
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A March 22, 2017 search using the string “Sgt. Geremy Pearce home arson” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from November 22-24, 2016:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on November 24, 2016.
In the midst of a clash between a few dozen anti-Trump protesters and police in downtown Cleveland on Friday, one protester started elbowing and shoving an officer before spitting in the officer’s face. The incident was captured on video by Fox News 8.
The protesters were walking along East 9th Street at Superior Avenue; some Cleveland Division of Police bike patrol officers rode beside them. One man repeatedly elbowed and shoved one of the officers, then spit in his face. The man was arrested for assault of a police officer and aggravated disorderly conduct.
Video below: (Caution: strong language)
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
Portland police say 25 people were arrested late Monday in a May day riot, including three juveniles. […]
Prior to the permitted march beginning, officers took possession of numerous sticks, poles, and homemade shields from participants arriving at Shemanski Park in Southwest Portland.
Early in the march, which was scheduled to travel through Downtown Portland and return to Shemanksi Park, rocks and projectiles were being launched at police officers and paramedics, including a full Pepsi can that struck a Portland Fire & Rescue paramedic assigned to assist the Portland Police Bureau’s Rapid Response Team (RRT).
Shortly after that, the situation devolved into a full-scale riot with random acts of vandalism to Downtown businesses, cars, and public and private property. Various fires were set in the street and in garbage cans, a police car was spray-painted and vandalized, and there were attempts to set at least one business on fire. Numerous projectiles were thrown at or launched at police and firefighters including rocks, bottles, ball bearings, fireworks, smoke bombs, and road flares.
Some of the leftist anarchists arrested by Portland police
At least nine protesters were arrested and five police officers injured during May Day clashes in Seattle where flares, bricks and Molotov cocktails were thrown, authorities said. […]
One officer was struck by a rock, one was hit by a Molotov and a third was bitten, the Seattle Police Department said. The nature of the injuries to the other two officers was not immediately known.
May Day festivities turned violent in Olympia as a group of 75 protesters clashed with police, throwing rocks and bottles, and breaking windows. Olympia police said nine of its officers were injured by thrown rocks and nine people have been arrested.
“This is a riot,” Olympia police tweeted as the melee escalated just before 7:30 p.m.
A group wearing masks first lit fireworks and smoke devices at 4th and Jefferson around 7 p.m.. The confrontation escalated into protesters throwing rocks, bottles, using slings to shoot rocks at officers and pepper spraying officers, according to police.
Nine officers were hit in the head by projectiles, according to Olympia Police Chief Ronnie Roberts, but none were seriously injured, thanks to their helmets.
“Once they initiated an assault on our officers, we made the order to disperse the crowd,” said Olympia Police Chief Ronnie Roberts. Officers then used pepper balls, blast balls and flash grenades to disperse the crowd, Roberts said.
Proof that HuffPost ignored the injuries inflicted on police officers by these radical leftist anarchists
This is the only story concerning the May Day riots that HuffPost published on its front page on May 1. Note that the first four paragraphs contain no mention of any of the police officers who were injured by the radical leftist anarchists who participated in these events:
Workers in cities from coast to coast took the day off Monday to hit the streets and protest the Donald Trump administration for what organizers hoped would be the largest May Day demonstration in the U.S. in years.
The mass protest ― coordinated by labor, immigration and other progressive groups ― served as another early test of the grassroots momentum against the new White House and its right-wing policies. It came on the heels of a climate march that drew tens of thousands to Washington, D.C., on Saturday.
Backers of the May 1 protests saw the day as an ideal opportunity to challenge the Trump administration over its immigration crackdown. The president has promised to ramp up deportations of undocumented workers, strip federal funding from so-called sanctuary cities, and build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.
Zeferina Perez, a 59-year-old who came from Mexico two decades ago, said she wanted to show that American businesses cannot function without immigrant labor. She said it stung to see her community vilified on the national stage when immigrants were working hard for meager wages and often exploited to begin with.
Further, a search on this page using the term “injur”, to cover both “injured” and “injuries” shows that HuffPost included neither word in the entire article:
So what kinds of sympathetic “news” stories did HuffPost publish on its front page, in the 24 hours after these riots, instead of anything about the conditions of these injured police officers?
Here is a sampling:
This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on May 2, 2017.
(2.11) May 2017, Littleton, CO: Motorist emerges from vehicle and attacks police officer, without provocation
On Wednesday, May 17, a Littleton, CO Sheriff’s Deputy stopped to offer assistance to what appeared to be a stranded driver on the side of a road. Without provocation, the driver emerged from the vehicle with an assault weapon and began being the deputy. The deputy shot the attacker once in the arm. The entire incident was captured on video:
The Denver Post published the story at 5:18pm on May 17:
A Douglas County sheriff’s deputy had a split second to react Friday when he suddenly came face to face with a man holding an assault rifle near an SUV stopped along a suburban roadway.
The sheriff’s office on Wednesday released video of Deputy Brad Proux, a six-year veteran, approaching the vehicle and suddenly encountering the driver, who stood with an assault rifle in his hands.
Proux shot Deyon Marcus Rivas-Maestas, 25, who has been charged with first-degree assault of a peace officer, said Littleton Police Department Chief Doug Stephens.
Investigators do not know why Rivas-Maestas stepped out of the SUV with the rifle in his hands, or why he was stopped on the roadside. The gun was not loaded, Stephens said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A May 18, 2017 search using the string “Deyon Marcus Rivas-Maestas shot Colorado” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from May 18-20, 2017:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on May 18, 2017.
(2.12) June 2017, Harrisburg, PA: Radical leftist protester arrested for beating a police horse with a flagpole
On June 12, 2017, news broke in Harrisburg, PA that a radical leftist woman had assaulted a police horse, during a counter-protest against the “March Against Shariah” rally:
A woman has been charged with assaulting a police horse in Harrisburg. Police say Lisa Simon struck the horse with a flag pole on Saturday during the “Act for America” rally at the state capitol. Simon is charged with aggravated assault of police, taunting police animals and resisting arrest.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A June 12, 2017 search using the string “Lisa Simon assault police horse Harrisburg PA” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, from June 12-14:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on June 12, 2017.
(2.13) July 2017, New York, NY: An NYPD officer was assassinated as she sat in her vehicle, by a man who posted anti-police sentiments on social media [UPDATED: HuffPost ignored officer’s mother thanking President Trump for raising awareness of her murder]
Officer Miosotis Familia, 48, mother of three
In the wee hours of July 5, 2017, Officer Miosotis Familia, a 12-year veteran of the NY Police Department, mother of three and Red Cross volunteer, was sitting in her NYPD vehicle, when a man shot and killed her, without any kind of provocation.
The story was first published by the NY Postat 1:06am on July 5. Note that it included Officer Familia’s face in the headline of the story:
At 8:37am, Fox News Channel posted the story with Officer Familia’s face, at the top of its front page:
It was soon discovered that the man who murdered Officer Familia, Alexander Bonds, 34, was a homophobic career criminal who posted incendiary anti-police rants on social media. An excerpt, from the NY Daily News:
“Police is faggots, and this ain’t no gimmick,” he said at the top of the 11-minute video.
“Don’t think every brother, cousin or uncle you got that get (unintelligible) in jail is because of a Blood or Crip,” he said. “Police be killing and saying an inmate killed them.”
“I wasn’t a bitch in jail and I’m not gonna be a bitch in these streets,” he continued the rant. “They don’t fuck with me, and I damn sure don’t fuck with them.”
He later charged: “That’s where your taxpayer money be going, to pay off your own people being murdered.”
Alexander Bonds, 34, shot and killed by police after he murdered Officer Familia
Then, at 10:46am, the NY Daily News posted audio of the desperate radio call for assistance, placed by Officer Familia’s partner, immediately after she’d been shot:
“Shots fired!” he can be heard saying before repeatedly yelling the code for an officer down. “I need a fucking bus! 10-85 10-85! My partner’s shot! My partner’s shot! Hurry up central!”
HuffPost whitewashed and downplayed the story of Officer Familia’s murder — and who did it, and why
The following screencap was taken of HuffPost’s front page at 10:58am — ten hours after Officer Familia had been identified as the victim, and the NY Post published her picture. Notice that instead of showing Officer Familia’s face, or name, it merely shows a generic photo of a NYPD vehicle. Also notice that it gives zero indication of what had been known for hours about her — and her murderer:
Notice also that HuffPost put this story near the bottom of its front page:
That headline led to this original story that one of its journalists wrote about this incident. The following is a full-page screencap that was taken by the Wayback Machine, at 11:00am — ten hours after the story first broke:
Notice also that this HuffPost’s story featured no pictures of Officer Familia — and nothing about Bonds’ anti-police rants on social media, which sound almost identical to its own rants, as documented in Section 1 on this page.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost put at the top of its front page, at the same time — and which featured the subjects’ pictures?
Here are two of the “news” stories that HuffPost positioned near the top of its front page, at 11:06am (screencaps 1, 2):
HuffPost removed the story of Officer Familia’s murder from its front page less than 18 hours after posting it — and never posted a picture of her, or a story about her murderer (and his hate speech)
By 12:00pm on July 6, the day after Officer Familia’s murder, all reference to it was removed from HuffPost’s front page. You can validate this via the following full-page screencap from the Wayback Machine, taken at 12:00pm EST on July 6:
Further, as you can see in this screencap, there is no other story that HuffPost published about this incident — or the fact that the man who murdered her, Alexander Bonds, had posted extensive anti-police screeds on social media (that mimicked many of HuffPost’s). This is provable by a search at HuffPost’s own search engine, using the string “Alexander Bonds shot Familia,” which returns only one result: the lone, original story that HuffPost published (and quickly removed) on July 5:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to publish on its front page, as being more important for its global audience to be aware of, than anything regarding the murder of Officer Familia? A sampling – from the very top of the front page:
And still, HuffPost never published a single picture of Officer Familia, or anything about the curious similarities between the bombastic, libelous accusations it has made for years against police officers, and the verbiage that her murderer used on social media, just prior to him killing her.
Quite a contrast from the public promise by AOL, HuffPost’s parent company, that it covers news “from every perspective”:
And most recently, the public promise from HuffPost’s new Executive Editor, ten weeks earlier, that its main mission is:
“We’ve got a new… mission – to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation”
Contrast how HuffPost whitewashed and downplayed Officer Familia’s murder, and dehumanized her — to the graphic, sympathetic coverage it gives to others whom it views as “victims” (humans and animals) on its front page:
On April 19, 2017, HuffPost featured on its front page an original story that one of its “journalists” wrote, about “Patrick,” an elderly wombat, whom it discovered had tragically died as a virgin.
The top-of-the-front page splash headline that HuffPost gave to a Palestinian film maker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:
On February 8, 2013, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page, and its World page, where it remained for two and five days, respectively:
On May 23, 2016, HuffPost published this story on its front page:
President Trump consoled the 90-year-old mother of New York City police officer who died in the line of duty last year after she was fatally shot by a deranged individual.
Trump gave the officer’s mother, Adrianna Valoy, a long hug, kissing her on the cheek and forehead and asking the audience for more applause, after an impromptu invitation for Detective Miosotis Familia’s relatives to join him on stage at a memorial service for slain police.
‘We must end the attacks on our police and we must end them right now,’ he said in remarks at the Capitol Hill event. ‘We believe, criminals who kill our police should get the death penalty. Bring it forth.’ […]
Trump, who led a law and order campaign, railed against ‘ambush attacks’ on police at the event, calling the development ‘one of the most alarming crimes.’
He told attendees of the event that coincided with National Police Week, ‘We must show appreciation and gratitude and respect for those who police our streets and patrol our communities.’
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost put at the top of its front page, at the same time — and which featured the subjects’ pictures?
Contrast HuffPost ignoring this story, to the way it visually glorifies President Obama, no matter what he does
A sampling of items that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page — even more than a year into Trump’s presidency:
Contrast all of the above acts and omissions to HuffPost’s supposed mission
Specifically, the public promise from HuffPost’s new Executive Editor states:
“We’ve got a new… mission – to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation”
(2.14) December 2014, Portland, OR (belated discovery): Black Lives Matter supporters captured on video, chanting “Deck the Halls With Rows of Dead Cops”
Note: We belatedly discovered this incident.
On December 26, 2014, anti-police protesters in Portland, OR were caught on video openly inciting the murder of police officers. From the Gateway Pundit:
The brave Portland #Ferguson demonstrators were back at it again Saturday evening, as they blocked the busy intersection of SE 39th and Belmont as a way of stickin’ it to the man.
They blocked buses and cars, and got into arguments and physical altercations with several people, including: elderly drivers, disabled bus passengers, a black woman who was trying to pick up her son, and anyone else who dared voice their dissent.
After about 20 minutes of tying up the intersection, the protest moved to nearby Peacock Lane, which is well known for its rows of large Christmas displays. The demonstrators sang parody Christmas carols, which included a brief rendition of “Deck the halls with rows of dead cops.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A July 8, 2017 search using the string “Portland Deck The Halls With Rows Of Dead Cops” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following the publication of this video (December 28) at Gateway Pundit and beyond, December 29-31, 2014:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 30, 2014.
(2.15) July 2017, Boone County, MO: A journalist falsely claimed he was “almost shot” by white police officers, because he was black and was displaying leftist bumper stickers, during a traffic stop; The dashcam video proved he was lying, then he was suspended without pay
From the BlueLivesMatter blog, which is edited by active-duty and former police officers, on July 5, 2017:
When Columbia Daily Tribune columnist Bill Clark wrote a piece attacking the Boone County Sheriff’s office, claiming “I’m lucky I didn’t get shot,” on a traffic stop, Sheriff Dwayne Carey released video of the traffic stop which shows the truth (video below.)
Bill Clark wrote the piece for the Columbia Daily Tribune, and the newspaper editors apparently approved it. In addition to claiming that he’s lucky he didn’t get shot, he claimed that he now knows, “how minority motorists feel,” and that he was subjected to “official arrogance.”
The reason for the stop was because Clark hadn’t used his turn signal. However, Clark suggests that the real reason for the stop was because he had an old car with a lot of liberal bumper stickers and a dent.
In the article, he claimed that he pulled over to yield to the police car, assuming it would pass. When he realized that he was being stopped, he took off in order to avoid blocking the road, prompting the “arrogant” deputy to ask him not to drive off during a traffic stop.
Bill Clark even finished off his article by saying:
“I’ve just come to appreciate even more the words of those minorities when they speak of harassment and police arrogance. I had a good dose of arrogance on this evening and, in my rear view mirror, the image of the second officer out of the car, his hands ready in case I made the wrong move. My life seemed to be in danger.
I fully understand how a person can lose their respect for law officers. When you are in the shoes of the minority, you learn a lot more about their journey.”
Just one problem with Clark’s story: the entire incident was captured on the police officer’s dashcam video, and it completely refutes the incendiary lies Clark told in this editorial:
On July 5 at 11:56am, Boone County Sheriff Dwayne Carey issued the following statement on Facebook, with the video, refuting Clark’s allegations:
I am refuting a June 30, 2017 column by Bill Clark of the Columbia Daily Tribune where he wrote that during a recent traffic stop near Grace Lane and St. Charles Road he was issued a summons for failing to signal a right turn and was in fear of being “shot” and subjected to “arrogance” by Boone County sheriff’s deputies.
I also found it interesting that Mr. Clark suggested he was pulled over because his vehicle is older with “a rear bumper full of liberal bumper stickers” and that our deputies surmised he was “an aging hippie with a weed habit.” Mr. Clark, who is white and 84 years old, also stated he felt he was “in the shoes of the minority.”
I am encouraging the news media and the citizens of Boone County to read Mr. Clark’s column through a link on the Sheriff’s Department website,, where they can also find the complete VIDEO (also posted below) of the June 20, 2017 traffic stop in question and my full response to his column.
I would be happy to further discuss this matter and I can be reached at (573) 876-6119.
The New York Post published the story and video on July 7, 2017:
(2.16) August 2017, Estill, SC: A black police officer was shot four times by a black suspect, on video, and survived
On August 10, 2017, the Daily Mail (UK) published the following video of a black police officer in South Carolina, ordering a suspect to stop walking and take his hand out of his pocket. The suspect then fired at the officer eight times, hitting him with four bullets:
The story that the Daily Mail published goes into detail about the incident, the officer, and the sentencing of the criminal:
A police officer’s camera glasses captured the heart-stopping moment the official was shot four times but amazingly survived.
Malcolm Antwan Orr, 29, fired eight bullets at Quincy Smith, striking the official four times on New Year’s Day last year in Estill, South Carolina.
Orr had continued to talk on the phone while unloading his gun into Smith, who sustained a life-threatening neck wound and two broken arms in the shocking attack.
The officer’s camera glasses, which he bought off Amazon, captured the moment he was hit and his desperate plea to an emergency dispatcher, asking them to tell his family that he loved them, as he lay bloody waiting for help.
The footage was used in the trial against Orr and he was handed a 35-year prison sentence on Wednesday.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
An August 12, 2017 search using the string “Malcolm Antwan Orr” returned zero results.
(2.17) September 2015, Minneapolis, MN: Black Lives Matter marchers chant incitement to murder police officers
On September 28, 2015, Minnesota TV station WCCO published the following story, in which (official) Black Lives Matter protesters chanted that police officers (pigs) should be “fried like bacon.” Note that this chant came amid a rash of violent assaults on, and murders of police officers.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it never ran a news story in which it mentioned this event in the headline.
(2.18) August 2017, Kissimmee, FL: Two police officers were assassinated by a black nationalist, as a terrorist act
On August 18, 2017, two police officers in Kissimmee, FL responded to a disturbance call. Upon arriving at the scene, they were shot to death by Everett Glenn Miller, who is also known as Malik Mohammad Ali.
According to numerous reports, Miller was a radical black nationalist and anti-white racist, who murdered these two officers, Sgt. Sam Howard and Officer Matthew Baxter, after expressing hatred of police officers in online posts.
Everett Glenn Miller, aka Malik Mohammad Ali
News reports began emerging in the morning of August 19, detailing what happened, as well as Miller/Ali’s history of hatred against police officers, and white people:
“Cops are not Racist..that was 50 years..we treat n****** good. We let them play sports. Fuck bastards,” he wrote. Notably, Howard, the police officer Miller allegedly killed, is black.
Miller also described himself as a Moor, a member of the Moorish Nation, a sovereign citizen group with black nationalist roots. Miller claimed to be a Moor in a post claiming that he needed “a warrior Queen to help me rule my castle.” “I am a moor..I need a Warrior Queen becuse [sic]..I am a King of know person..i am a King of Myself. I am A Moor!” he wrote above a picture of Black Panther activist Angela Davis.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it downplayed, and whitewashed this story.
A search the same day using only the string “Everett Glenn Miller” returned zero relevant results:
A search the same day using only the officers’ names — “Sam Howard Matthew Baxter” — returned one result: a story that HuffPost published mid-way down its front page on August 19, without a picture of the fallen officers:
Notice that the article including none of the details that emerged about the murderer, his motive, or even a single picture of the fallen officers. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided to publish on its front page in the three following days, August 19-21:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on August 20, 2017.
Contrast HuffPost’s deliberate dehumanization of Sgt. Howard and Officer Baxter, to the top-of-the-front page splash headline that it gave to a Palestinian filmmaker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:
And, to an original story it wrote, and positioned on its front page, about “Patrick,” an elderly wombat, whom it discovered had tragically died as a virgin — in Australia:
(2.19) August 2017, Sacramento, CA: Pregnant woman claimed police officer threw her down onto her stomach; Police then released video of incident, after which she recanted her story
On July 11, 2017, AOL (HuffPost’s parent company) released the following news story:
With her sleeping 18-month-old behind closed doors just a few feet away, a pregnant Zityrua Abraham says she endured the scare of her life at the hands of Sacramento police.
“And I told them. I have high risk. I could lose my kid. They didn’t care about that. They still was doing what they were doing,” said Abraham said.
What Abraham says armed officers were doing as she sat outside her apartment with family on Lampasas Avenue Sunday, was incorrectly charging into her home — unit number three — when they were really after someone in unit 2 in an adjacent building.
As she rushed forward and tried to warn them her sleeping toddler was inside, she says they showed no regard for the baby she’s been carrying for seven months, grabbing her arm and throwing her down on her stomach.
“The doctor said the way that I landed, my body twisted the wrong way ’cause my left side hurts, and I landed all right here on my right side,” she said.
Then, however, the Sacramento Police Department released the video of the incident, and provided a statement on the background of why they were on scene in the first place. As reported by Blue Lives Matter, a website run by current and former law enforcement officers:
They were pursuing the correct suspect, Abraham’s boyfriend, who ran into her house upon seeing them arrive
She failed to follow their commands, so one officer took her by the wrist to hold her still while the other officer attempted to gain entry to the home; while still resisting, she lost her balance and fell to the ground
Sacramento Police Department released video that doesn’t support the claim by a pregnant woman that police threw her to the ground while trying to gain entrance to her home. (Video below)
Once the video was released, the woman changed her story about how she ended up on the ground, according to differing accounts reported by the media.
Police were looking for a suspect in an auto theft on July 9 when they came in contract with Zityrua Abraham, who says that was pregnant. Abraham’s boyfriend was a suspect and when police approached and identified themselves, the boyfriend ran inside her residence and locked the door.
The video shows that Abraham yelled that her child was in the house and said, “Hold on! Wait a minute” and then stood in the front of the doorway while police were trying to gain entrance.
The video shows an officer take hold of Abraham with both hands on her right wrist as the pregnant woman moves past the officer. She was still standing when she gets past the officer and was still holding on to a Pepsi cup.
When Abraham was told the video doesn’t support her being thrown to the ground by the officer, she changed her story.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
An August 21, 2017 search using the string “Zityrua Abraham” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days after Blue Lives Matter (and police-supporting blogs) exposed the reality of what happened, from August 19-21:
These “news” stories appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on August 21, 2017.
(2.20) October 2016*, Toronto, Ontario, CA [*belated discovery]: Anti-police anarchist conspired with others to videotape her slapping a police horse, with hope it will buck officer off, injuring him; instead it kicks her to the ground, after which she was arrested and charged with assaulting the horse
A Canadian woman was filmed by her collaborators slapping a police horse, in what is presumed to be an attempt to cause the animal to panic, and throw its police officer off. It didn’t go quite as she planned, as covered by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which also featured a Tweet by the Kingston, ON police department that the same horse, Murney, had been assaulted three times that day:
An Algonquin College student from Ottawa is one of three people charged with slapping a Kingston police horse in separate incidents during Queen’s University homecoming events on Saturday, and now faces stiff penalties under a new law aimed at protecting law enforcement animals.
Kingston police say all three incidents happened within an hour of each other between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. ET.
The three — a female Queen’s student, the male Algonquin student and another man from the Cobourg, Ont., area — are each facing a charge of injuring a law enforcement animal. […]
A brief video making the rounds on social media shows a young woman approaching a police horse from the side and touching or slapping the animal’s hip. The horse then kicks the woman, who falls to the ground before running back across the street holding a hand to her face.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A September 16, 2017 search using the string “Woman Kingston Ontario assault police horse” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following the CBC’s publication of this incident (October 19-21, 2016):
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on October 20, 2016.
The video shows a police officer hanging a black man with an American flag. Then the video shows two police officers in pig’s masks beheaded.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
A September 25, 2017 search using the string “University of Wisconsin Madison student behead cop police pig video” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following this report (September 23-25):
(2.22) September 2017, Austin, TX: Radical leftist rioters attacked police, chanted for “dead cops,” leading to multiple arrests
On September 23, 2017, radical leftists with the domestic terror group ANTIFA, along with the Democratic Socialists of America and Revolutionary Communists organized a demonstration in Austin, TX, to counter another event, the Dixie Freedom Rally. Many showed up in masks and carrying weapons.
Later the same day, Blue Lives Matter, Gateway Pundit, Circa and other blogs publicized the documentation of the rioting that these groups perpetrated, and the arrests that were made by the Austin Police Department and Texas State Troopers:
Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page in the three days following the reporting on this incident (September 24-26):
(2.23) October 2017, New Orleans, LA: A police officer was ambushed and murdered — less than 24 hours after HuffPost published another libelous article against American police officers on its front page [UPDATED: HuffPost also ignored the New Orleans Saints disrespecting the fallen officer]
As documented in Case Study 1.21 on this page, on October 12, 2017 HuffPost published another anti-police incitement article on its front page.
At 1:10am CT on October 13, 2017, news broke that a New Orleans police officer was ambushed and murdered:
A New Orleans Police officer was shot to death on patrol early Friday in New Orleans East, according to authorities.
The man suspected of killing him was wounded and taken to the hospital for treatment, Chief Michael Harrison and Mayor Mitch Landrieu said during an overnight news conference.
At 10:00am CT on October 13, the officer was identified:
The New Orleans Police Department has identified the officer killed in New Orleans East early Friday morning (Oct. 13) as Marcus McNeil.
McNeil, 29, was hired by the department in August 2014 and sworn in as an officer April 2, 2015, according to police records. He was assigned to the Seventh District, which covers New Orleans East, and had worked there since July of 2015.
McNeil is survived by his wife and two children, ages 5 and 2, according to NOPD. He graduated from St. Augustine High School, where he played tuba in the band, in 2006. He later graduated from Dillard University with a major in accounting, said his uncle, Joseph Gilyot, 53.
Gilyot said his nephew “loved every minute” of his time with the police department. “It was almost like he felt like a superhero,” he said. “He wanted to go out and save the city. He truly loved his job.”
Officer Marcus McNeil, 29, husband and father of two, murdered in an ambush.
At 12:05pm ET on October 13, NBC News published the story:
A New Orleans police officer was fatally shot while on routine patrol early Friday, authorities said.
Marcus McNeil, 29, was among four officers who were shot at around midnight local time (1 a.m. ET), New Orleans Police Chief Michael Harrison told reporters.
Officer Marcus McNeil, 29, was a three-year veteran of the New Orleans Police Department. New Orleans Police Department
“One, possibly two officers, returned fire, perhaps striking the subject, and our officer collapsed right there on the scene,” Harrison said.
The suspect was detained after a standoff in a nearby apartment. He was being treated for gunshot wounds at a local hospital early Friday.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
UPDATE October 15: HuffPost’s search engine proves it ignored the arrest of the the perpetrator who murdered Officer McNeil, as well as the New Orleans Saints football team disrespecting a moment of silence for him
On October 14 at 1:27pm, the Times-Picayune reported the identity of the criminal who murdered Officer McNeil:
Darren Bridges, the 30-year-old New Orleans man authorities say shot and killed NOPD officer Marcus McNeil Friday (Oct. 13), has been booked with first-degree murder of a police officer and other charges stemming from that shooting, according to NOPD’s booking log. Bridges, who was injured after being shot by officers, was still in the hospital Saturday afternoon, according to an Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office official. *
Authorities say Bridges shot McNeil, 29, and a three-year veteran of the police force, while officers were investigating a suspicious incident shortly after midnight near Cindy Place and Interstate 10 Service Road in New Orleans East.
Darren Bridges
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
HuffPost also completely ignored the fact that the New Orleans Saints were booed by their own local fans after they “took a knee” during a moment of silence for Officer McNeil:
Fans booed New Orleans Saints players who knelt before the presentation of the American flag and the singing of the national anthem Sunday at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
The boos rang down during a moment of silence for fallen NOPD officer Marcus McNeil, who was killed in the line of duty Friday.
The fans cheered when the players stood before the anthem, which was performed by former Saintsation Deri Tucker.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page, instead of anything about Officer McNeil, the pain of his family and colleagues, and the New Orleans Saints disrespecting them?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page on October 15:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on October 15, 2017.
(2.24) November 2017, Washington, DC: A black Ethiopian immigrant in Dallas, TX announced that he was going to go to Washington, DC to “kill all white police officers” in the White House, and President Trump; Secret Service arrested him at White House
On November 6, 2017, the Dallas Morning News reported:
A Dallas man was arrested near the White House on Monday after authorities say he traveled to Washington with the intent of killing “all white police” at the Executive Mansion.
Police in Montgomery County, Md., had alerted authorities Monday afternoon to look for 37-year-old Michael Arega, the Secret Service said.
Secret Service officers spotted Arega on Pennsylvania Avenue, near Lafayette Park. He was detained and arrested without incident.
A Facebook page that appears to be Arega’s showed him checking in to the White House on Monday afternoon. He previously posted that he was going there to “kill all white police” and said that President Donald Trump should be put in jail.
Arega also openly advocated that someone assassinate President Trump, as shown in these screencaps of his Facebook page, obtained by the Daily Mail (UK):
Other parts of Arega’s Facebook page indicate that he emigrated to the U.S. from Ethiopia in recent years.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.
(2.25) January 2018, North Little Rock, AR: Brother of black teenager who was shot and killed by police officers allege he had done nothing wrong; Police then release video showing the suspect pulled a gun on them, which is why they shot him
C.J. Smith, 17
On January 8, 2018, the ABC affiliate in Little Rock, AR reported:
When Juwaun Jordan was riding in the car with his younger brother C.J. Smith and a friend Sunday morning, they were pulled over by North Little Rock Police at 52nd and Camp Robinson.
Jordan says everyone was asked to get out of the car. “Everything was going smooth until they got to C.J.,” said Jordan.
Jordan says there were multiple officers at the scene and Smith was searched.
“All three of them grabbed him,” said Jordan. “They say he resisted, but he wasn’t moving. He was talking. He wasn’t doing [anything].” […]
“They were tussling him to the ground,” said Jordan. “When they were on the ground, one of them jumped up off of him, one shot went off, and he was like ‘he got a gun.'”
At that point, Jordan says he heard the gunshots.
“He just shot him five times,” said Jordan. “He couldn’t move, he couldn’t do nothing. He had three officers on top of him, so how was he moving?”
Two days later, however, police released video of the incident, that showed Smith refusing to be searched, then firing a gun at police, after which they shot him — which was covered by police blogs and conservative media
As reported by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on January 10:
Police Chief Mike Davis said during a news conference that the release of dashboard-camera video footage from the scene was deemed necessary after a “great deal of misinformation” spread on social media.
“I fear that misinformation gets out that says the subject wasn’t armed, that the subject didn’t shoot,” he said, adding “that is not the case.”
On Sunday, officers initiated a traffic stop shortly after 1 a.m. near the intersection of 52nd Street and Camp Robinson Road, according to police.
The vehicle had been traveling an an “excessive speed” and had a headlight that wasn’t functioning properly, Davis said.
The chief said responding officers expressed concern over the “nervousness” of the driver while speaking with him. Three people inside the car, including its driver, were asked to step out in the minutes that followed, the footage shows.
Authorities said a gun and a small bag containing marijuana was found on one of the occupants — 17-year-old Charles Smith Jr. — during a pat-down search. A stolen firearm was also later found on the driver’s-side floorboard.
“As officers continued to pat him down, Smith attempted to gain control of a handgun and flee, at which time he was taken to the ground,” Davis said.
Officers tried to subdue Smith using a stun gun but were unsuccessful, said Sgt. Brian Dedrick, a Police Department spokesman. He did not say how many attempts were made.
A struggle ensued around 1:15 a.m., and Smith eventually pulled out the weapon from his waistband and fired one shot that almost struck the other two occupants nearby outside, according to police.
“[Smith] is then observed engaging the slide back on the gun and again firing at officers, almost striking one officer in the face,” the chief said.
That resulted in three officers firing shots at Smith less than a minute later, the video showed. Smith was pronounced dead at the scene.
Caution: Graphic footage:
The discovery that the perpetrator’s brother lied, and that the police were completley justified in shooting this teen, was covered by police blogs and conservative media:
As documented in Section 1 of this page, HuffPost chronically incites hatred against American police officers, individually and en masse, based on lies and egregious distortions. And, as documented in the previous 24 instances in Section 2, HuffPost refused to grant the North Arkansas Police Department, and these specific officers, the humanity to acknowledge the indipsutable facts that:
A serious allegation was leveled against them of a racially biased, unjustified shooting of a black teenager
The video, and police officer testimony, proved the black teenager left them with no choice but to shoot him
Through this willful omission, HuffPost helped to perpetuate the notion that American police officers are operating according to a racist bias, and will shoot black people for no reason.
(2.26) January 2018, Harker Heights, TX: A black woman alleged that white police officers dragged her from a car, banged her face into the concrete, and falsely accused her of driving while drunk; Her own attorney dropped the case days later after discovering that she made it all up
Leah Dure, who alleged a white Texas police officer beat her without reason, leaving her with the injuries at right — which resulted in death threats against him; it was all a lie
On January 6, 2018, local media in Kileen, TX reported that a black woman alleged she was beaten by a white police officer because of her race, on false grounds, and retained a notorious “social justice” attorney from Pennsylvania to represent her:
A Harker Heights Police Department officer is accused of police brutality after a recent arrest.
On New Year’s Eve, according to posts on various Facebook pages, a woman identified as Leah was asleep in the passenger seat of a friend’s car. A Heights police officer allegedly removed her from the car by force, accusing her of driving under the influence.
The officer allegedly beat Leah, leaving her with bruises and other injuries, according to a Facebook post.
Leah does not have a driver’s license, nor does she know how the drive, the post reads.
A separate Facebook post by attorney Lee Merritt added more detail. Leah was supposedly in the car outside a local emergency room after her boyfriend’s eye was injured at a New Year’s Eve party in Killeen. Leah had been drinking, and had fallen asleep in the car.
The Heights officer allegedly roughly dragged Leah from the car. She was taken to jail, and “further physically assaulted,” Merritt’s Facebook post reads.
Leah was eventually charged with public intoxication, according to Merritt.
It should be noted that the attorney, S. Lee Merritt,openly admits on his law firm profile that he:
is a social justice activist and attorney barred to practice law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the State of New Jersey, federally in Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, and US District Court of the Northern District of Texas.
The accusation against Officer Wood, and the Harker Heights Police Department, went viral, and resulted in death threats against him and his family
A Google search using the string “Harker Heights Police Department beat black woman” demonstrates that thanks to the social media posts by Merritt, other news organizations picked up on his allegations, then many others shared his and other posts on their own social media, until the allegations went viral. A sampling:
On January 10, 2018, however, local media reported that Merritt withdrew all claims against the Harker Heights Police Department, upon his discovery that she made the whole thing up
The attorney representing a Central Texas woman in an alleged police brutality case announced early Wednesday on Facebook that he’s no longer pursuing a civil rights claim.
S. Lee Merritt posted the announcement at around 3 a.m. Wednesday, about 12 hours after Harker Heights police Chief Mike Gentry categorically disputed claims that an officer “physically assaulted” a woman found asleep in the backseat of a car parked outside a hospital emergency room.
Leah Dure was arrested at around 5:20 a.m. on New Year’s Day for public intoxication after Officer Joshua Wood was sent to Seton Medical Center Harker Heights in a response to a call from a Killeen police officer who spotted the running vehicle in which Dure was sitting blocking the ambulance bay while at the hospital on an unrelated matter.
In the post early Wednesday, Merritt said that while the videos that police released Tuesday failed to show the moment Dure was pulled from the vehicle, “The absence of circumstantial evidence that a violent attack occurred during this missing period of recording, coupled with significant evidence that Ms. Dure suffered serious injury to her face prior to her arrest, makes further pursuit of a civil rights claim untenable.”
Allegations against the department and the officer were circulated on social media after an earlier Facebook post in which the Philadelphia-based civil rights attorney claimed that Wood dragged Dure from the parked car, banged her face into the concrete while accusing her of drunken driving.
Merritt’s early-morning post Wednesday came after the attorney representing the officer demanded a retraction and that the viral post be deleted.
“It enlisted a very hate-filled response from the community from certain community members and it actually put Officer Wood and his family in danger and other officers in danger” McCabe said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
As documented in Section 1 of this page, HuffPost chronically incites hatred against American police officers, individually and en masse, based on lies and egregious distortions. And, as documented in the previous 25 instances in Section 2, HuffPost refused to grant Officer Wood and his family, and other officers with whom he works, the humanity to acknowledge the indipsutable facts that:
A serious allegation was leveled against him of a racially biased, unjustified beating of a black woman
Her own attorney dropped her as a client and withdraw all claims, after he discovered she’d lied
Through this willful omission, HuffPost helped to perpetuate the notion that American police officers are operating according to a racist bias, and will black people for no reason.
(2.27) January 2018, Sacramento, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who claimed he is going to break out of jail and kill more police officers [UPDATED]
See updates at end; After completely ignoring this illegal alien’s outburst and threats in the courtroom, and completely ignoring the names of his victims, on January 21, 2018 HuffPost rose to his defense, referring to him as an “undocumented immigrant” whom President Trump was using as an illustration of why Democrats should stop opposing a border wall and enforcement of our immigration laws.
Deputy Danny Oliver, left, and Deputy Michael Davis Jr.
On October 24, 2014, in Sacramento, CA, repeatedly-deported illegal alien Luis Bracamontemurdered two sheriff’s deputies, Deputy Danny Oliver and Deputy Scott Brown, and shot a third, who survived.
On January 15, 2018, Bracamonte was recorded on video, laughing about the deputies he murdered and their families, and claimed he will break out of jail and go murder some more “coward” police officers. Local news media began reporting the story on the morning of January 16. One example, from the San Francisco Chronicle:
A man who was arrested in the 2014 killings of two Northern California deputies appeared in court Tuesday, laughing, smiling and shouting out that a deputy was a coward as the prosecution laid out the timeline of the crime spree that spanned Sacramento and Placer counties.
Luis Bracamontes, who was in the country illegally after having previously been deported twice to Mexico, is on trial in the shooting deaths of Sacramento County sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County sheriff’s Detective Mike Davis. […]
Bracamontes blurted out in court, calling the deputy a coward and smiled.
Later on during the opening statement, Bracamontes again shouted out. “I wish I could have killed more of those motherf—ers” Bracamontes said. “I will break out soon, and I will kill more.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
A search on January 20, 2018 using the string “Luis Bracamontes” returned zero relevant results (beyond an initial story about the murders, from three years earlier):
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored the victims in this case, to the worldwide sympathy it evokes for convicted murderers, sad animals, and others, as documented at the end of Case Study 4.1 on this page.
UPDATE: January 21, 2018: HuffPost rose to Bracamontes’s defense, decrying President Trump for using his picture in an ad about the need for Democrats to stop opposing a border wall and enforcement of our immigration laws — but ignored his name, and referred to him as an “undocumented immigrant,” instead of an illegal alien
On January 21, 2018, this was HuffPost’s splash front page headline:
Note the photo of Luis Bracamontes at right.
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page — note HuffPost falsely used the term “immigrant” to describe this illegal alien:
It only took a government shutdown for President Donald Trump to return to his original campaign message: Undocumented immigrants are dangerous and out to get Americans.
Trump’s campaign released an ad on Saturday that pinned murders committed by undocumented immigrants directly on Democrats who are pushing for relief for so-called Dreamers, young people who came to the U.S. as children.
“President Trump is right: Build the wall. Deport criminals. Stop illegal immigration now,” a voiceover says. “Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants.”
The ad shows House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) before cutting to video of an undocumented immigrant on trial for killing two police officers.
All three lawmakers are advocates of immigration reform and oppose Trump’s border wall, but they aren’t open borders advocates or defenders of murder; the bills they’ve pushed exempt violent criminals from protections and include border security measures. Schumer even said he offered Trump funding for his wall on Friday, but that the president declined the deal.
Note that nowhere in HuffPost’s article does it name Luis Bracamontes, Deputy Oliver, or Deputy Brown. Instead, the link behind the phrase, “on trial for killing two police officers,” leads to the Sacramento Bee, which has covered the trial and history of Bracamontes — and which has repeatedly defined him as an illegal immigrant:
Why would HuffPost rise to the defense of a monster like Luis Bracamontes, by:
Refusing to give any coverage to his courtroom outburst?
Falsely claiming that he is an “immigrant” or “undocumented immigrant,” instead of the the fact that he is an illegal alien?
Refusing to mention that he was able to re-enter America after being deported twice for his criminal behavior — and that had a secure wall been erected at the U.S. southern border, Deputies Oliver and Brown might be alive today?
Continuing to refuse to even acknowledge the names, faces and humanity of Deputies Oliver and Brown, to place the entire issue into a rational context?
Further, how can rational Americans arrive at informed opinions on the issue of illegal entry into the U.S., and the human costs thereof, if HuffPost consistently refuses to provide coverage the issue?
Lennox Lake, age 6, before he suffered traumatic brain injury, by a drunken illegal alien who’d been deported from the U.S. fifteen times. HuffPost has completely ignored him.
As one more example of this, see another SaveTheWest case study, focusing on how HuffPost completely ignored the plight of Lennox Lake, a six-year-old California boy who suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of the car in which he was riding being hit by a drunken illegal alien who had been deported fifteen times:
Lennox after the first round of surgeries to safe his life, left in a coma (WSVN image)
See the complete details of how HuffPost ultimately spit in Lennox’s face, and that of his family, here.
Lastly, why would HuffPost do all these things, given that on April 25, 2017, newly-installed HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, the subhead of which claimed:
We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.
Why does HuffPost decide to leave the victims of illegal alien criminals — including police officers, children such as Lennox Lake, and their grieving family members — “out of the conversation”?
Only HuffPost’s executive management can answer those questions. Here’s how to contact them.
(2.28) February 2018: HuffPost downplayed, and only ran a wire story about two beloved Ohio police officers who were murdered in an ambush — but gave top-of-the-front-page coverage to an original “news” story it wrote about a man in Australia who’s happily married to a whore [UPDATE: HuffPost completely ignored the identity of the suspected murderer]
Officer Anthony Morelli (left), and Officer Eric Joering
On February 10 at 5:00pm, news broke that two Ohio police officers were murdered in an ambush:
WESTERVILLE, Ohio — Two police officers were fatally shot responding to a potential domestic situation in Ohio on Saturday afternoon, authorities said. The shooting suspect was wounded in the incident and taken to a nearby hospital.
The shooting took place around 11:30 a.m. Saturday on Crosswind Drive. Officers were responding to a 911 call at the address, and were fired upon when they arrived at the scene.
The victims were later identified as 54-year-old officer Anthony Morelli and 39-year-old officer Eric Joering, Westerville Police Chief Joe Morbitzer announced during a press briefing Saturday.
Joering, a 16-year veteran, was killed at the scene. Morelli, a 29-year veteran, died in surgery at Ohio State University Medical Center, Morbitzer said.
“The officers gave their lives in defense of others,” Morbitzer said during a news conference Saturday as he fought back tears. He went on to call them “true American heroes.”
HuffPost first ignored, then downplayed this story
HuffPost’s own search engine proves it completely ignored this sotry on February 10, the date that news of this tragedy broke. A February 12 search at 7:55am using the string “Anthony Morelli Eric Joering” returned only one result — to a story that was published 16 hours earlier:
Yet as a front-page screencap taken at 11:30pm on February 11 by the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) demonstrates, HuffPost did not publish the story on its front page. The first time this story appeared on HuffPost’s front page was on the morning of February 12, mid-way down the page, as a sidebar item.
HuffPost did not assign it to have the prominence that it did for these “news” stories — at the same time:
HuffPost decided to not write one original word about this tragedy:
Yet HuffPost writes innumerable original, sympathetic stories — to which it gives top coverage — about the plight of terrorists, murderers, animals, and “Pussy Riot”
As one example, HuffPost repeatedly published original, graphic, sympathetic stories about members of an all-girl Russian punk band, after they were arrested for barging into a famed orthodox church in Moscow, during services, then singing a vulgar song. HuffPost essentially went apoplectic over the plight of the band, Pussy Riot, and began a multi-year stream of more than a hundred sympathetic stories about these “victims,” including top-of-the-page splash headlines:
On one day alone, HuffPost had nine separate stories on its World page about Pussy Riot – at the same time:
In fact, a search of the term “pussy riot” returns 133,000 entries.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of positioning at the top of its front page, than this one?
Here’s one example — from the same time on February 12: An original story about a man in Australia who is happily married to a whore — an editorial decision that is apparently supported by Chevrolet, which paid to have its ad appear at the top of the front page, on this day:
Clicking on that headline led to this story page — written by one of HuffPost’s “journalists”:
For Eva Sless, sex isn’t just something she enjoys — it’s a job. The 40-year-old Aussie is a sex columnist, a sex educator and a sex worker who engages in consensual sex for money.
She’s also married. Sless’ husband, Justin, 43, is completely supportive of her work, though they’re both aware it’s an unconventional life.
To contact Chevrolet
If you’d like to let the management of Chevrolet (owned by GM) know your thoughts on this matter, and on its choice to financially enable and legitimize HuffPost, go here.
UPDATE 1: The suspect in these murders was identified — but HuffPost completely ignored this development, possibly because of racial bias
At aproximately 7:15pm on on February 11, 2018, the ABC TV affiliate in Ohio reported that the suspect in these murders has been identified:
COLUMBUS, Ohio — 6 On Your Side has been digging into the police history at the home where the two officers were shot as well as the suspect’s criminal background.
According to Westerville police records, a domestic violence call brought officers out to the same 312 Cross Wind Drive address after Quentin Lamar Smith’s wife called the police.
In the report, Smith’s wife tells police the two are separated and she wanted him to leave. She stated he was moving out but he was drunk in her garage and doing something to her car. […]
The woman explained how she and Smith weren’t getting along and how she just found out she had an STD. She also stated Smith forced himself on her one night. The woman expressed how when she threatens to leave, Smith says he’s going to kill her, their daughter and himself. She added Smith has a gun that he keeps close. A gun he isn’t supposed to have since he’s a convicted felon but a friend bought it for Smith.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the suspect being identified
A search at 11:15am on February 12 — sixteen hours later — using the string “Quentin Lamar Smith” returned zero relevant results:
Contrast HuffPost’s decision to completely ignore the suspect in these murders, to how it put the face of the suspected attacker of a Muslim — in England — on its front page
For example, on June 30, 2017, HuffPost published this headline near the top of its front page:That headline led to this original story, written by a HuffPost journalist:
Police are hunting a man after a young woman and her cousin had acid sprayed in their faces as they sat in their car.
Resham Khan, 21, and Jameel Mukhtar, 37, suffered serious burns after they were both doused in sulphuric acid as they waited in traffic in east London on 21 June.
Detectives are looking for John Tomlin, 24, who has distinctive tattoos on his face, who they would like to speak to in connection with the attack.
The first thing that is notable about HuffPost’s coverage of this story is that it covered it at all — because it has enacted a virtual blackout of all acid attacks on Muslims in England, and anywhere else in the world. Perhaps this is because, as in so many other instances, it chronically either ignores or whitewashes Islamist terror attacks and hate crimes — while at the same time, falsely legitimizing fake hate crimes against U.S. Muslims. It has also chronically ignored the fact that acid attacks are a common means employed by fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere, to punish women and girls who commit “honor crimes,” such as disobeying the males in the family, or dating someone of whom they disapprove.
As USA Todayreported only weeks earlier, in April 2017:
“It’s a growing problem, there’s no question,” said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London charity that supports victims, predominantly in South Asia, where acid attacks are more common.
Shah said acid attacks in other countries usually involve men targeting females. The reasons are often over spurned marriage proposals or sexual advances.
So why did HuffPost give this story top, graphic, sympathetic coverage, but first downplayed the story of these police officers’ murders — then completely ignored the identified suspect? Is it because he is black, and they were white?
If so, this would fit in with HuffPost’s long-term pattern of racist bias and incitement, as documented in nearly two dozen case studies on this page:
UPDATE 2: HuffPost removed the story about these murders from its front page less than 12 hours after posting the tiny sidebar reference to it
This screencap of HuffPost’s front page was taken at 12:50pm on February 12, 2018, showing that all references to “police” had been removed:
(2.29) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored communists in St. Louis who posted open threats to business owners to take down flags supporting police, or they/their businesses will “go down”
(3) Ignoring or whitewashing those who attack police officers
(3.1) April 2015: HuffPost re-labeled a convicted cop killer as an “activist,” and evoked sympathy for him
(3.2) July 2017: HuffPost ignored the fact that a man who assassinated a NY police officer had been ranting against police on social media, using almost identical verbiage to that which it employs in its shock headlines
(3.3) September 2017: HuffPost posted not one headline that acknowledged or humanized the eleven St. Louis police officers who were injured by radical leftist rioters from ANTIFA and BLM, who protested the outcome of a trial; instead, it referred to the incident only as “disorderly” conduct
(3.4) October 2017: After alleging in August 2017 that a Utah police officer killed a black man — without any context — HuffPost completely ignored bodycam video footage that emerged that showed the suspect threatening police officers with a knife
(3.5) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored two Seattle police officers who were ambushed and shot at by a felon
(3.6) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas police officer who was murdered in an ambush
(3.7) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the attempted assassinations of multiple Pennsylvania police officers, in several locations, on the same day, by a man “with Middle East connections”
(3.8) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who laughed at his victims and their families, at his trial
(3.9) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a New York City police officer who was injured as a result of a notorious “bicycle mob” attacking drivers on 7th Avenue; Instead, it gave front-page coverage to a sympathetic “news” story: “My Parents Know All About My Sex Life, And It’s Awkward”
(3.10) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored news that a notorious NFL player publicly endorsed, donated to, and is aiding a fundraiser for a convicted murderer of a police officer
(3.1) April 2015: HuffPost re-labeled a convicted cop killer as an “activist,” and evoked sympathy for him
The following is summarized from the Huff-Watch blog.
On April 15, 2015, HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page:
So who is this man, whom HuffPost described as an “activist”? His name is Mumia Abu-Jamal, a militant founding member of the Black Panthers, who was convicted of murdering police officer Daniel Faulkner. From DiscoverTheNetworks:
Officer Daniel Faulkner, whom this “activist” was convicted of murdering.
[T]he event that decisively catapulted Abu-Jamal into the public eye occurred shortly after 3:55 a.m. on December 9, 1981, when a 25-year-old white Philadelphia police officer named Daniel Faulkner made a traffic stop of William Cook, Abu-Jamal’s brother, who was driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Faulkner pulled behind Cook’s car, radioed for police backup, approached Cook’s vehicle, and ordered the driver to get out of his car.
While Faulkner handcuffed the driver, Abu-Jamal, who was employed at that time as a cab driver, was parked across the street in his taxi. He suddenly got out of his vehicle, ran toward Faulkner, and shot him in the back. As the officer fell, he drew his own gun and managed to shoot Abu-Jamal in the chest, wounding but not killing him. The gun-wielding cabdriver then fired repeatedly at Faulkner, finally dispatching him from close range with a bullet between his eyes. Abu Jamal’s presence near the scene of the roadside stop at that particular moment has led to serious speculation that William Cook had intentionally led Faulkner into an ambush—one that had all the earmarks of other Black Panther provocations in places like Newark and Oakland.
The body of evidence placing Abu-Jamal at the scene of Faulkner’s killing was overwhelming. When the arresting officers arrived at the scene, Abu-Jamal was sitting on a curb near Faulkner’s corpse, with a fresh gunshot wound incurred from the young officer’s weapon.
Not only did five witnesses see Abu-Jamal shoot Faulkner, but the bullets that were later pulled from Faulkner’s chest and brain were matched to the .38 caliber handgun that was registered to Abu-Jamal and which was sitting at his feet when the police arrived at the murder scene. Moreover, the gun had five empty cartridges when investigators found it.
Next, did this teacher really only ask students to write to Al-Jamal, as HuffPost claimed? No. As HuffPost knew, or should have known, this was no suggestion: it was a class assignment, as NewsDayreported by four days before HuffPost published its “story”:
HuffPost eventually changed its story page headline to more closely approximate reality, while taking a morally neutral stance on the notion of a teacher assigning students to write get-well cards to a convicted murderer:
However, as of December 6, 2016, HuffPost’s story page still insists that the teacher only “asked” her students to write get-well cards to Abu-Jamal:
(3.2) July 2017: HuffPost ignored the fact that a man who assassinated a NY police officer had been ranting against police on social media, using almost identical verbiage to that which it employs in its shock headlines
See the details in Case Study 2.13. In summary, a man who had been ranting against police officers on social media using words and phrases that mimicked that which HuffPost has employed in its bombastic, libelous headlines against police for years. Yet while it proves it can find the most obscure stories of sad animals, criminals and terrorists from around the world, and give them top publicity, HuffPost never published a single news story that identified the motivation for this man to murder this police officer, without provocation of any kind — or the role that such incendiary ‘news” headlines may play in inciting such attacks.
(3.3) September 2017: HuffPost posted not one headline that acknowledged or humanized the eleven St. Louis police officers who were injured by radical leftist rioters from ANTIFA and BLM, who protested the outcome of a trial; instead, it referred to the incident only as “disorderly” conduct
See Case Study 1.18 for background on the events that led up to the riots in St. Louis, MO in mid-September, 2017, and its efforts to use deception in order to whip up hatred against police officers, and racial hatred in general.
On September 18, 2017, HuffPost published the following headline at the top of its front page:
A few questions, based on the way HuffPost worded this headline:
Was what happened in St. Louis the previous night really just “disorderly”? Does that mean that the “people” didn’t observe a curfew? Or did they start using vulgar words in their protest songs?
Was it just a “demonstration” that the poilce “broke up,” once again implying that (as in Case Study #1.18) the police instigated violence against peaceful, benevolent “demonstrators”?
The answer to both of these questions is “no” — and HuffPost knew it at the time. Here’s what really happened — and what HuffPost chose to omit from this healdine:
On September 16-17, 2017 (the evening before), the St. Louis Police Department issued official statements describing the escalating violence being used by protesters on its officers. Highlights, from the Daily Caller:
One 26-year-old female rookie officer suffered a broken jaw after protester threw a brick at her face.
A 25-year-old officer with only two years on the force was also injured after a brick hit her in the head.
A 29-year-old officer with six years of service received facial injuries from a thrown brick.
A 25-year veteran of the department suffered from a head injury after a bottle hit him.
An officer with 11 years of service had his shoulder dislocated after a brick smashed into it.
Officers were also attacked with, and several were injured by an unknown chemical liquid thrown at them, requiring that they all undergo decontamination.
Here is a sampling of the St. Louis Police Department’s Tweets:
Officers confiscate bottles with unknown chemicals used to against police tonight in downtown
One local reporter captured on video a police officer being assaulted with a rock, and falling from his or her injuries:
JUST IN: our cameras captured agitators hurling a brick toward a line of police, striking an officer & knocking them down.
In all, the St. Louis Police Department made more than 100 arrests over September 16-17.
Yet to read HuffPost’s headline, it was the police who were the aggressors, against peaceful (but disorderly) “demonstrators,” and not one of the officers suffered any kind of injury.
HuffPost ignored the eleven injured police officers, but look at the “victims” to whom it gives top coverage
Contrast HuffPost’s whitewashing of what happened in St. Louis over the previous 48 hours, and the injured officers, to how it gives top-level, graphic, sympathetic, personalized treatment to people and animals whom it views as genuine “victims” — including:
The incident in Case Study 1.7, in which HuffPost devoted this splash headline to falsely accusing a police officer of “throwing a rock at a protester.” In reality, HuffPost knew at the time that, as the video it featured in its “news” story showed, the police officers were being pummeled by hundreds of rocks being thrown by rioters, when one police officer picked up one rock and threw it in the direction of the rioters:
HuffPost gave front-page coverage to “Patrick,” an elderly wombat in Australia, who died a virgin:
HuffPost gave two side-by-side, graphic stories to evoke sympathy for convicted murderers — who perpetrated some of the most heinous crimes imaginable:
See many more of the “victims” to whom HuffPost gives top, graphic, sympathetic coverage, at:
(3.4) October 2017: After alleging in August 2017 that a Utah police officer killed a black man — without any context — HuffPost completely ignored bodycam video footage that emerged that showed the suspect threatening police officers with a knife
See Case Study 1.20, in which we document how HuffPost incited hatred against Utah police officers, insinuating that they shot a black man to death without any justification — then ignored the bodycam video footage that emerged that documented the justification.
Further, HuffPost completely ignored the fact that the district attorney in the area cleared the officers of any wrongdoing.
Thus, in the context of this resource page, in addition to inciting hatred against police officers, HuffPost’s acts and omissions resulted in the casual reader never knowing that the man who was shot, Patrick Harmon, was clearly not the innocent victim that it implied he was.
(3.5) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored two Seattle police officers who were ambushed and shot at by a felon
On November 29, 2017 news broke that a felon ambushed and shot at two police officers in Hillyard, WA, a suburb of Seattle:
Two Spokane police officers escaped a hail of gunfire Tuesday night as they sat in their patrol car in Hillyard. They were able to return fire and killed a violent felon.
Neither officer was injured. The suspect was a man in his 50s with an extensive criminal history, according to Spokane Police Chief Craig Meidl.
The shooting occurred about 90 minutes after police were first called to the home in the 2900 block of East Rowan Avenue around 6:30 p.m. for a dispute between roommates, one of whom had a gun.
When the reporting roommate called 911, police said, the dispatcher could hear gunshots in the background from the roommate. The suspect fled from the house on foot before police arrived.
Around 8 p.m., the suspect returned to the home and began firing at the officers who were sitting in their patrol car finishing investigative work, Meidl said. The officers returned fire, hitting the man multiple times. They then performed first aid as emergency crews arrived to take the shooting suspect to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Later on November 29, the shooter was identified as Jim Danforth:
The man shot by Spokane Police responding to a domestic violence call has been identified as Jim Danforth by a woman who said she called 911 after he fired a weapon inside her home.
Theresa Fletcher said Danforth had been crashing on her couch for the last month and was drinking heavily hours before the deadly encounter with police.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
The San Marcos police officer shot and killed Monday afternoon has been identified as 58-year-old Kenneth Copeland, in what has become the first officer killed in the line of duty in that police department’s history.
Copeland, who had a wife and four children, was working on what would have been his day off, serving an arrest warrant for a violent crime around 2:23 p.m., Chief of Police Chase Stapp said in an emotional news conference Monday evening.
Shortly after the officers arrived in the El Camino Real subdivision, the male suspect — who has not been identified — began firing at the officers, “much like in an ambush type of situation,” Chief Stapp said. Copeland was wearing a protective vest, but was shot multiple times.
Another officer rushed Copeland to the Central Texas Medical Center in San Marcos, where medical staff worked to save his life. The officer was pronounced dead at 3:50 p.m.
The suspect, who surrendered to police following a standoff with the San Marcos/Hays County SWAT team, was found to have been shot and taken to South Austin Medical Center where he’s being guarded.
Other Texas and national news organizations covered the murder of Officer Copeland, including My San Antonio,Fox News, CNN and others.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
(3.7) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the attempted assassinations of multiple Pennsylvania police officers, in several locations, on the same day, by a man “with Middle East connections”
Note: Although this is not a confirmed Islamist terrorist attack, it bears all the hallmarks of one. Even without that element, the fact that a man attempted to assassinate multiple police officers would be newsworthy to most actual “news” organizations. HuffPost, however, completely ignored the incident, which is why we are posting this case study here, and also, on our page, “Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests.”
Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty
Shortly after 1:00am on December 23, 2017, ABC News broke the following story:
Federal authorities are investigating after a Pennsylvania man with ties to the Middle East opened fire on police officers in three different locations in the state’s capital on Friday afternoon. Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said it remains under investigation whether the shootings were acts of terror.
One officer was injured in the spate of shootings, but her injuries are considered non-life-threatening, police said.
Police identified the alleged shooter as Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, and Marsico said he recently returned from a trip to the Middle East.
The FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are involved in the investigation. […]
When asked about specific ties to terrorism, Marsico said an investigation would reveal that information and cautioned, “We don’t want people to run wild with speculation.”
Soon after this story broke, the NY Daily News released its version of the story, which featured this video report from the local ABC affiliate:
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
(3.8) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who laughed at his victims and their families, at his trial
Deputy Danny Oliver, left, and Deputy Michael Davis Jr.
On October 24, 2014, in Sacramento, CA, repeatedly-deported illegal alien Luis Bracamontemurdered two sheriff’s deputies, Deputy Danny Oliver and Deputy Scott Brown, and shot a third, who survived.
On January 15, 2018, Bracamonte was recorded on video, laughing about the deputies he murdered and their families, and claimed he will break out of jail and go murder some more “coward” police officers. Local news media began reporting the story on the morning of January 16. One example, from the San Francisco Chronicle:
A man who was arrested in the 2014 killings of two Northern California deputies appeared in court Tuesday, laughing, smiling and shouting out that a deputy was a coward as the prosecution laid out the timeline of the crime spree that spanned Sacramento and Placer counties.
Luis Bracamontes, who was in the country illegally after having previously been deported twice to Mexico, is on trial in the shooting deaths of Sacramento County sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County sheriff’s Detective Mike Davis. […]
Bracamontes blurted out in court, calling the deputy a coward and smiled.
The judge then ordered Bracamontes to remain quiet and not blurt out again.
Later on during the opening statement, Bracamontes again shouted out. “I wish I could have killed more of those motherf—ers” Bracamontes said. “I will break out soon, and I will kill more.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
A search on January 20, 2018 using the string “Luis Bracamontes” returned zero relevant results (beyond an initial story about the murders, from three years earlier):
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored the victims in this case, to the worldwide sympathy it evokes for convicted murderers, sad animals, and others, as documented at the end of Case Study 4.1 on this page.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?
Here’s a sampling — starting with HuffPost evoking sympathy for a celebrity:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on January 17, 2018.
(3.9) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a New York City police officer who was injured as a result of a notorious “bicycle mob” attacking drivers on 7th Avenue; Instead, it gave front-page coverage to a sympathetic “news” story: “My Parents Know All About My Sex Life, And It’s Awkward”
At 6:25pm on February 3, 2018, the NBC affiliate in New York City broke this story:
A mob of dozens of bicyclists roamed through the streets of Manhattan against traffic and attacked drivers who confronted them, witnesses say, and police say an officer was injured after being hit by a driver trying to chase down the unruly group.
Some of the cyclists were wearing masks as they zig-zagged through cars on Seventh Avenue in Chelsea on Saturday evening and clashed with drivers. Cell phone video shows the group rolling through the streets between cars.
Witnesses say they heard screaming and breaking glass as several drivers confronted the bicyclists near West 23rd Street around 4 p.m.
One of the drivers, Timothy Lanley, said the cyclists surrounded his car and then attacked when he rolled down his window to confront them.
“They mobbed the car. And then when I got out the car to tell them not to do what they was doing to the car, they attacked me,” he said.
Lanley said the cyclists punched him in the head and also smashed the back windshield of his car in two places.
At one point, a driver who had been assaulted by a bicyclist made a U-turn against the flow of traffic in an attempt to chase down the group. That’s when he or she hit an NYPD officer, injuring the officer’s leg and hand, law enforcement sources said.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
Further, a search of HuffPost’s front page at 6:50 pm, using the terms “cop” and “police” — more than 24 hours after the story borke — returned no relevant results:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?
Here’s a sampling — starting with a sexual voyeurism expose’ journal:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on February 4, 2018.
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this bicycle mob, and the price that a NY police officer paid for it, to the sympathy it evokes for others on its front page — including animals
December 2014: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a two-faced cat that died
September 2015: HuffPost created a front-page splash headline to evoke sympathy for “the boy with 46DD breasts”
April 2017: HuffPost evoked sympathy on its front page for a woman who got her hand stuck in a toilet
April 2016: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a sad elephant, in Thailand
A Palestinian journalist who alleged she was detained and interrogated (but was able to live-Tweet it):
Female inmates in an Israeli jail who alleged (with no proof) that guards “humiliated” them:
HuffPost devoted a top-of-the-front page splash headline to a Palestinian film maker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:
(3.10) February 2018: HuffPost completely ignored news that a notorious NFL player publicly endorsed, donated to, and is aiding a fundraiser for a convicted murderer of a police officer
Assata Shakur, convicted of being an accomplice in the murder of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster
On February 4, 2018, the Washington Times broke the following story:
Colin Kaepernick said Friday he has raised $20,000 for Assata’s Daughters, named after convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur, through matching donations from his celebrity friends as part of his Million Dollar Pledge. […]
A “direct action” advocacy group, Assata’s Daughters drew its name from Assata Shakur, formerly Joanne Chesimard, a Black Liberation Army member convicted in the 1977 shooting death of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster.
After escaping from prison in 1979, she fled to Cuba and was granted asylum. The FBI has placed her on its “most wanted terrorists” list.
Trooper Foerster was killed in a shootout with three BLA activists on the New Jersey Turnpike that resulted in the death of BLA actvist Zayd Shakur and bullet wounds to Assata Shakur and state trooper James Harper.
A third activist, Sundiata Acoli, was found guilty of firing the shots that killed the officer, while Assata Shakur was convicted as an accomplice. Both were found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
(4) Ignoring/dehumanizing heroic police officers, the fallen, and their grieving loved ones
(4.1) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the woman who had “wedding photos” taken of her, alone, on the day she was supposed to marry a police officer who was murdered while on duty
(4.2) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who laughed at his victims and their families, at his trial
(4.3) March 2018: HuffPost ignored the celebrated heroism of a school resource officer who shot and killed a teenage gunman who was attacking students at a Maryland high school
(4.1) November 2017: HuffPost completely ignored the woman who had “wedding photos” taken of her, alone, on the day she was supposed to marry a police officer who was murdered while on duty
On November 15, 2017, the following appeared in Women’s Health magazine:
Taking wedding photos is supposed to be part of one of the happiest days of your life. But for Nikki Salgot, it was anything but.
Just a week before the day of her wedding last year, Nikki’s fiance, Collin Rose, was shot and killed while working as a Wayne State University police officer.
Although she was devastated, Nikki didn’t cancel her wedding photo shoot. Instead, she decided to do it on her own, to show friends and family (and herself) that she isn’t broken.
She recently shared the pictures on social media with this message:
“These are images that still vividly show the pain left behind; images that show I am still able to laugh, smile and be me; images that show this loss has not and will not destroy me; and my favorite, images that show I am still just as fierce as ever and refuse to let this define me. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I will not be broken by this. It is a chapter in my book, a very tough one. One I certainly wish I didn’t have and would never wish upon anyone else”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
A November 26, 2017 search using the string “Nikki Salgot” returned zero results:
Contrast how HuffPost ignored Nikki’s story, to the sympathy it evokes for others on its front page — including animals
December 2014: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a two-faced cat that died
September 2015: HuffPost created a front-page splash headline to evoke sympathy for “the boy with 46DD breasts”
April 2017: HuffPost evoked sympathy on its front page for a woman who got her hand stuck in a toilet
April 2016: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a sad elephant, in Thailand
A Palestinian journalist who alleged she was detained and interrogated (but was able to live-Tweet it):
Female inmates in an Israeli jail who alleged (with no proof) that guards “humiliated” them:
HuffPost devoted a top-of-the-front page splash headline to a Palestinian film maker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:
(4.2) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a multiple-deported illegal alien, on trial for murdering two police officers, who laughed at his victims and their families, at his trial
Deputy Danny Oliver, left, and Deputy Michael Davis Jr.
On October 24, 2014, in Sacramento, CA, repeatedly-deported illegal alien Luis Bracamontemurdered two sheriff’s deputies, Deputy Danny Oliver and Deputy Scott Brown, and shot a third, who survived.
On January 15, 2018, Bracamonte was recorded on video, laughing about the deputies he murdered and their families, and claimed he will break out of jail and go murder some more “coward” police officers. Local news media began reporting the story on the morning of January 16. One example, from the San Francisco Chronicle:
A man who was arrested in the 2014 killings of two Northern California deputies appeared in court Tuesday, laughing, smiling and shouting out that a deputy was a coward as the prosecution laid out the timeline of the crime spree that spanned Sacramento and Placer counties.
Luis Bracamontes, who was in the country illegally after having previously been deported twice to Mexico, is on trial in the shooting deaths of Sacramento County sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County sheriff’s Detective Mike Davis. […]
Bracamontes blurted out in court, calling the deputy a coward and smiled.
The judge then ordered Bracamontes to remain quiet and not blurt out again.
Later on during the opening statement, Bracamontes again shouted out. “I wish I could have killed more of those motherf—ers” Bracamontes said. “I will break out soon, and I will kill more.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incident
A search on January 20, 2018 using the string “Luis Bracamontes” returned zero relevant results (beyond an initial story about the murders, from three years earlier):
Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored the victims in this case, to the worldwide sympathy it evokes for convicted murderers, sad animals, and others, as documented at the end of Case Study 4.1 on this page.
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?
Here’s a sampling — starting with HuffPost evoking sympathy for a celebrity:
This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on January 17, 2018.
(4.3) March 2018: HuffPost ignored the celebrated heroism of a school resource officer who shot and killed a teenage gunman who was attacking students at a Maryland high school
Deputy Blaine Gaskill
On March 20, 2018, at 12:12pm the Maryland Fox News affiliate published the following headline, which was partially sourced through CNN:
A shooting was reported Tuesday morning at a high school in Maryland.
The shooting happened at 7:45 a.m. in a hallway at Great Mills High School in St. Mary’s County. Great Mills is about 60 miles southeast of Washington, D.C.
According to WJLA, at least three students have been injured, including the shooter, who used a handgun.
St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron said a school resource officer engaged the shooter and ended the threat, and the shooter was pronounced dead. A male student is in stable condition and a female student is in critical condition, he said.
The school resource officer fired a round at the shooter, and the shooter fired a round as well, but the officer was not injured.
Soon after, numerous national news organizations provided more detailed reports of this courageous school resource officer:
A student gunman opened fire Tuesday at a high school in southern Maryland, injuring two students before an armed school resources officer intervened, authorities said.
The gunman, identified as Austin Wyatt Rollins, 17, was killed, but St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron said it was not immediately clear whether the school officer fired the fatal shot or whether the gunman killed himself.
The attack began shortly before classes were scheduled to start at Great Mills High, a 1,500-student school 65 miles south of Washington, D.C. Cameron said Rollins was armed with a Glock, semiautomatic handgun when he shot a 16-year-old female student in a hallway. A 14-year-old male student also was shot.
“Our school resource officer was alerted to the events,” Cameron said. “He engaged the shooter and fired a round; subsequently the shooter fired a round as well.”
Cameron said it was not clear whether the gunman shot himself or fired at the resource officer, identified as Deputy First Class Blaine Gaskill.
By 5:03pm, the NY Post had published a detailed account of Deputy Gaskill’s heroism:
The officer who confronted the Maryland school shooter Tuesday was identified as 34-year-old Blaine Gaskill, a veteran sheriff’s deputy with SWAT training.
A six-year St. Mary’s County sheriff’s deputy, Gaskill worked as a school resource officer at Great Mills High School since August.
He’s credited with stopping gunman Austin Wyatt Rollins, who shot a 16-year-old female student he’d had a prior relationship with, authorities said. A 14-year-old male student also was injured.
Gaskill and Rollins, 17, fired a shot at exactly the same time – and it’s unclear whether Rollins committed suicide or died from Gaskill’s bullet.
Rollins later died at a hospital.
Sheriff Tim Cameron said there was “no question” that the deputy’s quick response helped prevent further deaths or injuries.
“He had to cover significant ground,” Cameron said. “The premise is simple: You go to the sound of gunfire.”
By 7:05pm ET, the Baltimore Sun provided more detailed insight into Deputy Gaskill:
As school systems across the country debate arming staff, state and local officials praised the actions of the school resource officer who fired at a gunman at Great Mills High School.
“He responded exactly as we train our personnel to respond,” said St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron of school resource officer Deputy First Class Blaine Gaskill. Police said Austin Rollins, 17, shot at two other students who were injured. Gaskill fired at Rollins, who almost simultaneously fired his handgun, Cameron said. Investigators are still trying to determine which bullets struck which individuals.
Rollins died at a hospital.
Gaskill was not injured during the incident, which unfolded in less than a minute.
“While it’s still tragic, he may have saved other people’s lives,” Gov. Larry Hogan said of Gaskill.
And by 7:12 am on March 21, CNN had published a story and video about Deputy Gaskill’s heroism:
The school shooting was over in seconds. But it could have dragged on longer and proven deadlier were it not for the rapid response of a school resource officer.
When a 17-year-old gunman walked into Maryland’s Great Mills High School on Tuesday, the swift action of the school’s sole resource officer, Blaine Gaskill, was instrumental in bringing the incident to a quick end.
Gaskill’s response was hailed as an example of exactly what a resource officer is supposed to do in such a circumstance, particularly when contrasted to the actions of the security officer in last month’s shooting in Parkland, Florida. (In the incident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, the armed school resource deputy waited outside the school building as the shooter gunned down students inside.)
“He responded exactly how we train our personnel to respond,” St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron told reporters.
HuffPost downplayed this story, and ignored Deputy Gaskill
HuffPost published a total of one story about this shooting, the headline of which mentioned nothing about Deputy Gaskill — and which only causally mentioned him deep in the article.
This is provable through HuffPost’s own search engine:
(1) Search for info on Blaine Gaskill: A March 21, 2018 search at 7:45pm using the string “Blaine Gaskill” — more than 24 hours after his heroism was recognized by other news organizations — HuffPost had only one reference to him, but not in the headline:
(2) Search for info on the Great Mills High School shooting: A March 21, 2018 search at 8:00pm using the string “Great Mills High School Maryland shooting” returned one result — the same story as above:
Here is how HuffPost positioned this lone story at 1:00pm on March 20 — note that it barely edged out a story about “potty” (right margin):
By 7:45pm, HuffPost had moved the story down to the middle of the front page:
By 11:55pm, HuffPost had moved the story down to the bottom of the front page:
And by the morning of March 21, 2018, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page:
So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being on its front page than anything about Deputy Gaskill — and the fact that unlike the Parkland, FL massacre, this attack was stopped within one minute, thanks to his heroism?
Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost put on its front page on March 20 and 21, instead of anything about Deputy Gaskill — starting with an expert analysis of actor Ben Affleck’s back tattoos, for twostraight days, at the top of its front page:
Compare HuffPost’s dehumanization of Deputy Gaskill to its personal profiles of other people, whom it feels deserve public recognition and understanding — including terrorists, prostitutes, and a “heroic” little girl who stood up to a homophobic preacher
So what was HuffPost’s motivation to dehumanize Deputy Gaskill, and ignore his heroism?
The answer is that, contrary to HuffPost’s and its parent companies’ proclamations that it is a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization, that is dedicated only to “rooting out the truth, consequences be damned,” and enabling its readers to “know what’s real,” it has been completely devoted to the false narratives that it conjured up, and has been relentlessly pushing — while ignoring or vilifying anyone who offers a different, substantive viewpoint. Specifically:
That guns have no place in schools, and anyone who believes they do is stupid, evil or both
That the Parkland, FL school massacre was caused primarily by a lack of gun control, instead of the massive negligence by the local police and school system, and the FBI
That American police officers are, by and large, racists and murderers