The following is a partial list of HuffPost’s major advertisers, as of 2016-2018
AppNexus (ad placement service, on behalf of major corporations)
United States Postal Service (USPS)
US Department of Defense (Army recruitment)
Verizon (HuffPost’s parent company)
Allianz Global Investors
Contact info
Douglas Eu
Chief Executive Officer
Allianz Global Investors of America, LP
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Contact page here
AllianzGI on Twitter
Special notes
About: “Allianz Global Investors, or AllianzGI, is one of the world’s leading active investment managers. Employing more than 2,700 people across 25 locations, AllianzGI manages over $520* billion in assets for individuals, families and institutions around the world.
AllianzGI’s advertising on HuffPost
Contact info
Jeffrey P. Bezos, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
Amazon.com, Inc.
410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, WA, 98109 United States
Amazon on Facebook and Twitter
Contact us page here
Investor relations contacts here
Special notes
Amazon’s vision statement is: “Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” (source)
“Amazon has always been, and always will be, committed to tolerance and diversity.” (source)
In 2017, 2017, Amazon was named #1 in corporate reputation in a Harris Poll. (source)
Read about Amazon In The Community here
About Amazon’s advertising at HuffPost
On March 4, 2018, Amazon’s ad appeared to be visibly endorsing and legitimizing HuffPost’s perpetual efforts to ignore, downplay or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests –while at the same time, inciting worldwide hatred against others, based on demonstrably false claims. See the case study here:
(54) HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim couple in Texas who were convicted and sent to prison for lying to the FBI, denying that they knew their sons joined ISIS, and traveled to Syria to engage in the group’s terrorism
American Express
Ameritrade Financial
Contact information
Brian O’Kelley, CEO
AppNexus, Inc.
28 W. 23rd Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Their “Contact Us” page is here.
Special notes
Read AppNexus’s “Diversity and Inclusion Statement” here.
On July 3, 2015, AppNexus recently established a ten-year partnership with HuffPost’s corporate parent, AOL.
On November 23, 2016, AppNexus announced that it would no longer allow Breitbart.com — one of HuffPost’s chief rivals — to sell ad space via its platform:
“after determining that the site had broken its code on hate speech and incitement to violence”
Joshua Zeitz, AppNexus spokesman, told the BBC:
“We think that all ad tech companies should have rules governing hate speech,” said Mr Zeitz. “We’re not in a position to tell them how to make their decisions. But [the rules] should be consistently enforced.”
Will AppNexus now enforce its code against HuffPost, and no longer allow it to sell ads via its exchange, given the documentation in this report? Also see “HUFFPOST’S GREATEST HITS.”
Contact info
Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
1 Medimmune Way
Gaithersburg, MD, 20878
Contact form is here
Shareholder contact form here
Special notes
AstraZeneca’s ethics statement summary is here:
“We have worked hard to position ourselves as a global leader in the pharmaceutical industry. As a leader, we have a responsibility to hold ourselves to high ethical standards and to demonstrate ethical business practices that other organisations can emulate. We strive for high levels of integrity in everything we do, whether it’s our approach to bioethics, including the use of animals in science, the way we treat the participants in our clinical trials or the scrutiny of our supply chain to ensure our suppliers meet our high standards.”
About its advertising on HuffPost
On February 11, 2018, an ad for AstraZeneca’s product Farxiga appeared atop this story page at HuffPost:
As documented in the following detailed case study, HuffPost falsely depicted the College Republicans at the University of Washington in Seattle as having caused these “clashes” — when in fact this group had reserved space for this rally, and it was radical leftists, some affiliated with the notorious radical leftist anarchist group ANTIFA, who violently attacked them. HuffPost’s own “story” page acknowledged this reality, in videos taken by participants:
(1.21) February 2018, Seattle, WA: Radical leftists violently assaulted a group of College Republicans at the University of Washington who held a conservative rally
This deliberate deception was part of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of flipping reality on its head, in order to falsely depict victims, whom it doesn’t like, as perpetrators — while exonerating or whitewashing the actual perpetrators. HuffPost is notorious for doing this exact thing in regards to Israel’s efforts to defend itself against Islamist terrorism, which it did, again, the day before, here.
Contact info
Randall L. Stephenson, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
AT&T Inc.
208 S Akard St
Dallas, TX, 75202
Contact us page here
Investors contact email: investr@att.com
Special notes
AT&T claims it is committed to:
“Encourage honest and ethical conduct.”
AT&T claims it is committed to supporting the U.S. military:
“We believe it is our duty to honor those who serve by ensuring there are jobs for them on the home front and by supporting their families while they are away.”y.
About AT&T’s advertising on HuffPost
On March 23, 2018, AT&T’s ad, for which it paid top dollar, appeared to visibly enable and legitimize its vicious libel against former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, whom President Trump named the day before as his new National Security Advisor. This libel (article here) was actually a scathing editorial, disguised as “news,” which was based on the views of (a) a far-left political analyst in New Zealand, and a far-left scholar at a private college in California.
HuffPost completely ignore the rousing support that Bolton’s appointment received from conservative and centrist figures who recognize that the Trump administration was handed the problem of how to deal with a North Korea with nuclear weapons, the result of decades of failed policies implemented by previous administrations, of both parties.
By financially enabling HuffPost to viciously libel President Trump’s new National Security Advisor, AT&T is undermining its own stated mission to support the U.S. military (above), because their lives are indirectly dependent on the advice given by the NSA, who has given a lifetime of service to American national security. And while there is certainly room for a healthy civic debate on what national security policies should be pursued going forward, particularly regarding Iran and North Korea, HuffPost serves to poison our ability to have that discussion, by publishing such vicious, lopsided smears — which its senior management has repeatedly claimed (presumably also to its advertisers) that it absolutely does not engage in:
“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric, don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”
– Arianna Huffington
“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards, to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
– HuffPost executive editors
“At HuffPost, there are guidelines that have to be followed — and they include a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims.”
– Arianna Huffington
Rather than being an isolated incident of cherry-picking obscure, often dishonest figures to create such incendiary, libelous headlines, below is a particularly vile act of anti-Semitic incident from 2014 that was so extreme, the Simon Wiesenthal Center blasted HuffPost as “taking the art of lying to new depths”:
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, one of the largest and most respected Jewish civil rights organizations, blasted this headline story, and the entire premise behind it, as an outrageous anti-Semitic lie:
Wiesenthal Center: Huffington Post Headline on Gaza ‘Takes Art of Lying to New Depths’, by Joshua Levitt, The Algemeiner, July 24, 2014. Excerpt:
Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper on Thursday slammed the Huffington Post and reporter Sophie Jones, its Middle East correspondent, for the sensationalist headline, “‘They Just Wanted to Kill as Many People as Possible.”’ Cooper said the headline, accusing Israel of targeting civilians in its current war against Hamas in Gaza, and Jones’s reporting, “takes the art of lying and self-delusion to new depths.” […]
“Israel made a commitment unmatched by any other country in wartime to use technology to minimize civilian casualties,” he said. “Is it perfect, of course not. But Gazans know the truth – Hamas, who they voted into power, has turned them into human shields, their enemy Israel has tried to help them survive.”
Jones’s own reporting contradicted the article’s headline, as several of her “dozens of interviews” described how they and their families safely left their homes after the IDF warned as many as people as possible in their neighborhood.
This was just one of dozens of incidents of HuffPost’s incessant anti-Semitism, as documented on this page:
HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (68 case studies)
HuffPost employed the same dishonest tactic in another incident, which was designed to help lie and bully the U.S. Senate into allowing President Obama’s fraudulent Iran nuclear “deal” to pass:
On December 19, 2013, HuffPost published this splash headline as a “news” story on its front page:
This article was written by two HuffPost “journalists”: Joshua Hersh (whom we exposed in Section 5.1 for writing this discredited article), and Ryan Grim, its “Washington bureau chief.” The article hinged on what HuffPost claimed was a “report” by the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which it depicted as follows (emphasis added; screencap):
Iran experts have decried the Senate’s attempts to impose new sanctions as a possible death blow to the first detente between the U.S. and Iran over its nuclear program.
“This would be a direct violation of the Geneva deal which would cause the collapse of the talks not due to Iranian sabotage, but American foul play,” said Trita Parsi, the president of the National Iranian American Council, which advocates better relations between Iran and the West.
Just one problem: These presumably nonpartisan “experts” are actually shills for the Iranian tyrants, a fact that was proven in a lawsuit they filed against an Iranian dissident who made this claim — and whom the judge forced these “experts” to pay, as part of his dismissal of their claims. Read the details of this incident here:
The Simon Wiesenthal Center and the American Jewish Committee both blasted HuffPost for this act of anti-Semitism:
Jewish Group ‘Appalled’ by Huffington Post Article, SWC Says it Paints Jews as Warmongers, The Algemeiner, December 20, 2013. Excerpt:
Confident that the choice was a deliberate “editorial decision,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center sharply criticized the presentation as reminiscent of anti-Jewish tropes.
“It goes back to the age old canard,” he told The Algemeiner, “that certain people have never seen a war that they can’t find a way to blame on the Jews.”
“Conscious or subconscious it just screams out ‘there they go again,’ meaning Jews, ‘they are bringing the country to war,’” he added.
The AJC (American Jewish Committee) said it was “dismayed” and “appalled” by the article, and spoke out in defense of Senator Menendez.
“The Huffington Post has launched a shameful, unjust assault on Senator Menendez,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris.
“Why this incendiary attack on a respected and experienced legislator, who has every right to express his viewpoints, without being depicted in such toxic terms?” Harris continued. “Senator Menendez believes, as do many of his Senate colleagues and a majority of the American people, that the best way to reach a diplomatic solution with Iran is through a hard-nosed, clear-eyed approach to a dangerous and wily adversary. So do we.”
Do AT&T’s senior executives and shareholders really believe that its reputation and business interests are advanced by enabling HuffPost’s efforts to torpedo Americans’ civic discourse, through such dishonest, incendiary, anti-Semitic “journalism”?
If so, AT&T is free to continue enabling the self-proclaimed “nonpartisan” newspaper. But with the publication of this report, it will no longer be able to tell anyone, with any credibility, that it is not fully aware of this fact.
Audi USA
Contact info
Scott Keogh, President
Audi of America, LLC
2200 Ferdinand Porsche Dr
Herndon, VA, 20171 United States
Contact form here
Jeri Ward, Senior Vice President & Chief Communications Officer
On Facebook
On Twitter
Special notes
On Audi business partnerships:
“If you’re only as good as the company you keep, then the company we keep is exceptional. Discover the innovative businesses that we partner with to help keep our vehicles miles ahead of the rest.”
Audi’s history as a pioneering automaker here
About its advertising on HuffPost
On February 15, 2018, less than 24 hours after the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, FL, Audi’s ad appeared directly atop one of the most inflammatory headlines HuffPost ever produced — in which a teenager in Florida held up a sign that read, “NRA IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION”:
The special significance, and insidiousness of HuffPost’s decision to elevate this teenager’s incendiary allegation, against a civic organization with zero ties whatsoever to the Parkland, FL high school murders, is that:
(1) In the wake of Islamist terror attacks on U.S. soil and beyond, HuffPost consistently refuses to acknowledge the ties to actual terrorist organizations, or terror-inciting imams (and viciously attacks anyone who proves these links, as “Islamophobes,” “racists” and “bigots”). SaveTheWest has documented more than 50 case studies of this journalistic corruption on this page:
(2) Furthermore, even after it was irrefutably documented that the Pulse nightclub massacre was perpetrated by a devout Muslim, two months after a foreign imam was able to give a sermon in an Orlando mosque in which he claimed that Muslims must murder gays, “out of compassion,” HuffPost not only never reported this, it ran a headline that read, in part, “Religion had nothing to do with it,” and an editorial that blamed “Christian bigotry” for the killings. This is but one of dozens of example of how HuffPost consistently undermines and endangers the LGBT community, by refusing to highlight and document relevant connections, as documented, as documented here:
(3) HuffPost also does the exact same thing in regards to the Jewish community of North America; despite a nearly a dozen cases of radical imams being caught — on video — preaching in mosques that Muslims have a holy obligation to attack and murder Jews, HuffPost has never reported a single incident. Examples include:
(25) February 2017, Montreal, CA: Imam caught on video vilifying and inciting violence against Jews
(26) February 2017, Toronto, CA: Mosque apologizes for imam who openly preached that Jews should be murdered
(27) February 2017, Toronto, CA: Ryerson University fires teaching assistant who incited violence against Jews during prayer
(31) March 2017, Montreal, CA: Imam caught on video calling for Jews to be killed during sermon
(48) July 2017, Toronto, Canada: Legal complaint filed re imam who openly called for “elimination of Jews and Israel”
(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: Imam captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere
(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: Imam captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them
On a related note, as an outgrowth of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement, HuffPost also consistently ignores terrorist acts and hate crimes perpetrated against Jews, by Muslims and others groups that fall into groups that it protects from exposure, at all costs. SaveTheWest has documented more than 100 case studies of HuffPost’s protective bias in this regard, on the following pages:
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2018 (86 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)
Another act of HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incident, that bears striking resemblance to this FL teenager’s sign, was so raw and demonstrably irrational that the legendary Simon Wiesenthal Center publicly blasted HuffPost for “taking the art of lying to new depths”. Specifically, it gave front-page splash headline coverage to a statement by lone Palestinian, containing thoroughly-debunked anti-Semitic lies and incitement, which could only result in the global spread of anti-Semitic hatred and bias. This was but one of more than a dozen incidents of HuffPost effectively acting as a free PR service for Islamist terrorist organizations, which SaveTheWest thoroughly documented on this page:
This is why HuffPost isolating and giving top coverage to such a headline as that above, when there is absolutely no basis whatsoever in its allegation, is so insidious. Yet to anyone looking at HuffPost’s front page, at that time, it visibly appeared that Audi USA made the decision to financially enable and legitimize this grossly irresponsible, blatant incitement, incendiary rhetoric, and the long history of anti-Semitic bias that undergirds it.
UPDATE, February 17, 2018: HuffPost now made this incendiary smear the splash headline on its front page:
Contact info
Bernhard Kuhnt, President and Chief Executive Officer
BMW of North America, LLC
300 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Woodcliff Lake, NJ, 07677
Contact page here
Thomas Plucinsky
Manager, BMW Corporate Communications
Tel: 201-307-3701
Email: Thomas.Plucinsky@bmwna.com
Special notes
Corporate history here
About BMW’s advertising on HuffPost
On March 1, 2018, BMW’s ad appeared to be endorsing and legitimizing the latest in HuffPost’s consistent pattern of racial bias and incitement; see the following case study:
(3.29) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely smeared an array of conservative public figures as “white supremacists,” at the top of its front page
Brooks Brothers
Contact info
Claudio Del Vecchio
Brooks Brothers Group, Inc.
346 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10017 United States
Contact us page here
Special notes
Brooks Brothers’ social purpose statement:
“Our mission is to enhance the lives both within and beyond the communities we serve. We do this by partnering with select local, national and international non-profit organizations related to men’s, women’s and children’s health issues as well as education and the arts.”
Below: Brooks Brothers’ ad appeared, in one instance, on the search page that proves HuffPost gave zero coverage to a February 2017 anti-Jewish hate speech by notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan — just as it never covers sermons by radical Islamist imams in North America who incite hate and violence against Jews. In contrast, it gives top coverage to, and viciously attacks Christians who merely voice support for traditional marriage. See this case study here.
Contact info
(Buick is owned by General Motors):
Mary T. Barra, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
General Motors Company
300 Renaissance Ctr L1
Detroit, MI, 48243 United States
Buick contacts
Stuart Fowle
Manager, Buick Brand
Samuel C. Russell, Jr.
Marketing Director
On Twitter: @Buick
Customer contact line: 1-800-521-7300
Learn more about GM’s, and presumably Buick’s corporate values here.
Central Intelligence Agency
Contact info
Mike Pompeo, Director (bio)
Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505
Contact form here.
About its advertising on HuffPost
(1) HuffPost is one of the West’s largest largest online inciters of hatred against the U.S. military and law enforcement personnel
The CIA cannot discriminate where it advertises based on political viewpoint, or pull its advertising just because HuffPost chronically attacks, smears and lies about President Trump (as documented in this four-minute video).
It is SaveTheWest’s position, however, that HuffPost’s fundamental, consistent dishonesty, and its pattern of smearing and dehumanizing America’s military and police forces, should cause the CIA to take a second look at whether it should be devoting taxpayer money to advertising on, and thus financially enabling this subversive, hate-filled tabloid.
See more than a hundred documented case studies of HuffPost’s lying, deception and subversion regarding those who wear America’s uniforms — while whitewashing, or even legitimizing those who attack them — on the following pages:
Also, see the documentary SaveTheWest produced about Capt. Taylor Force, a decorated Army officer, and how HuffPost effectively spit in his face, and those of his family members and the entire U.S. military, after he was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. Here is the trailer:
Is this really the kind of publication that the CIA should be devoting taxpayer money to advertise on, visibly legitimize, and financially enable? If your answer is, “No!,” then we encourage you to reach out to the CIA’s Public Affairs office.
(2) CIA ad appears to support a “news” story that claimed President Trump is a “fascist”
On February 8, 2018, an ad for the CIA appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page — directly above what the “objective, nonpartisan” news site claimed is one of its “top news stories” that claimed, “Don’t Worry About Trump The Fascist. Trump The Inept Will Save Us”:
(3) CIA ad appears to support a HuffPost “news” story that claimed Americans don’t need to read the House Intelligence Committee memo on collusion between the FBI, Dept. of Justice and DNC — because the “objective” newspaper says it’s nothing
On February 2, 2018, an ad for the CIA appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page — directly next to an Orwellian editorial — disguised as “news” — regarding the memo released earlier in the day, by the Congressional committee investigating the collusion by senior members of the FBI, Department of Justice, the DNC and the Clinton campaign, to subvert our Constitution (continued below):
Contact info
(Chevrolet is owned by General Motors):
Mary T. Barra, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
General Motors Company
300 Renaissance Ctr L1
Detroit, MI, 48243 United States
Special notes
Today’s GM is built on the strength of its diverse workforce, and recognizes the value of incorporating diverse backgrounds in our global workforce. Watch a video of GM’s Chief Executive Officer, Mary Barra, as she talks about GM’s long-standing commitment to diversity. Learn More
General Motors has been a supporter and ally of Veterans for more than 100 years. Watch as several Veterans discuss why General Motors is a great fit after the military. Learn More
Diversity at GM Leads to Amazing Accomplishments. Learn More
About its advertising at HuffPost
GM/Chevrolet have been advertising at HuffPost for years.
On February 9, 2018, HuffPost published another item of fake news, and Chevrolet appears to have financially enabled and legitimized it. To wit:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on February 9, 2018:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
Here is the “story page”:
Mike Pence Left Out In Cold At Winter Olympics VIP Reception; The vice president didn’t get a seat because he was late, by Ron Dicker, Huffington Post, February 9, 2018.
Vice President Mike Pence didn’t get the VIP treatment at a VIP reception before the Winter Olympics opening ceremony on Friday. He found himself without a seat after showing up late, after the dinner started, The Washington Post’s Anna Fifield reported.
Just one problem – the Post link that HuffPost cited indicates that the error was not necessarily Pence’s, but rather, was the responsibility of whoever organized the event and directed Pence as to where he was supposed to have dinner (and not at this location). Next, HuffPost actually claimed that Pence “snubbed” the sister of Kim Jong Un, by not shaking her hand; nevermind the fact that she is there representing a nation that has enslaved, and is starving 24 million people — and that this “snub… likely created a bit of tension”:
Pence greeted or shook hands with everyone around a table of dignitaries, except North Korea’s ceremonial head of state, Kim Yong Nam, the Post noted. Kim was seated between United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres and International Olympic Committee Chairman Thomas Bach, so the apparent snub likely created a bit of tension.
Note that this is not the first time that HuffPost effectively did PR for murderous dictators, terrorists and criminals. See documented examples at:
HuffPost acted as a volunteer PR agency for Iran’s rulers throughout the debate over the Iran deal
Examples of HuffPost sympathizing with/whitewashing terrorists, cop killers and mass-murderers
And as the Shame Project revealed:
“HuffPo has been caught pushing positive PR for foreign dictators. The New York Times reported that in 2009 HuffPo published a short article accompanied by a “fashion slide show” titled “Asma al-Assad: Syria’s First Lady and All-Natural Beauty” not long after the Assad family began using Western PR firms to “shape her image.” [Ed. Curiously, while HuffPost has allowed the write who published this “piece,” Nour Akkad to remain active, it scrubbed her archive to remove the listing for this item.]

Contact info
(Chrysler and Dodge are subsidiaries of FCA LLC)
Sergio Marchionne, CEO (bio)
1000 Chrysler Dr
Auburn Hills, MI, 48326 United States
Chrysler on Facebook and Twitter
Steven Beahm, Head of Dodge North America
Dodge email contact form here
Special notes
Chrysler’s Code of Conduct summary is here (full document is here):
“To act with integrity means that you are always seeking to do what is morally and ethically right.”
About its advertising at HuffPost
Background: As we documented here, HuffPost has engaged in a long pattern or racist bias and incitement. Specifically, when HuffPost discovers even evidence-less allegations of unkind words being said to, or hate crimes being perpetrated against people in its Favored Groups — which includes people of color, Muslims, leftists and members of the LBGT community* — it constructs graphic, sympathetic, original stories, and rushes them to its front page. (*The consistent exception being when it is Muslims who incite or perpetrate violence against the LGBT community, in which case HuffPost ignores or whitewashes these incidents, as documented here.) Yet when anyone in its Favored Groups is proven to have violently attacked people whom it considers Worthless, including white people — even on video — HuffPost completely ignores such incidents, as documented in nearly 200 case studies, here and here.
With that knowledge in mind:
On February 21, 2018, news broke that a white 12-year-old boy, Joey Messina, had been continuously harassed and violently attacked by gangs of black students at a Philadelphia school, but the administrators refused to act to protect him. Then, the day after he filed a complaint with the school and local police, his family’s home was vandalized with racist graffiti, including death threats.
HuffPost completely ignored this boy’s story — as we proved using HuffPost’s own search engine. Dodge’s ad, however, appears on the search screen. This screencap indicates that Dodge is publicly legitimizing and profiting from HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement, in addition to providing it with the financial means to engage in this behavior:
See the documentation of this case study here.
Contact info
Michael Corbat, CEO
Citigroup Inc.
388 Greenwich St
New York, NY, 10013
Contact us form here
Investor relations inquiries here
CitiBank on Facebook and Twitter
Special notes
On March 22, 2018, CitiBank announced that it was imposing restrictions on the terms under which firearms sellers will be able to do business with the banking giant, for the purpose of “keeping our children and grandchildren safe”:
Will rivals follow Citi in clamping down on gun sellers?, by Kristin Broughton and Andy Peters, American Banker, March 22, 2018. Excerpt, quoting CEO Michael Corbat:
“I know that some will find our policy too strict while others will find it too lenient. We don’t have the perfect solution to supporting our Constitution while keeping our children and grandchildren safe. Best practices are going to continue to change, and we understand the limitations of our efforts. But we shouldn’t let that stop us from doing our part.”
This appears to be an extension of CitiBank’s Value Proposition, which reads, in part:
“We strive to earn and maintain the public’s trust by constantly adhering to the highest ethical standards.”
Further, CitiBank’s CEO committed to the following, as part of its statement on how it views Corporate Citizenship:
“While we don’t have all the answers and can’t solve every problem, we can and do stand for progress and will continue to do our part to conceive of and contribute to solutions that address some of society’s most daunting challenges.”
— Michael L. Corbat, Chief Executive Officer
About CitiBank’s advertising on HuffPost
If CitiBank is truly interested in “keeping our children and grandchildren safe,” it should consider how this mission is advanced by using its shareholder money to pay top dollar to have its ads appear to be visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost decision to publish, on its front page: (a) explicit, X-rated pornography, (b) demeaning, misogynistic imagery featuring nude women in submissive situations, chained to their “masters,” and (c) various vulgarity, without age restrictions of any kind. See extensive, graphic documentation of such incidents in Section 1 of:
Further, as documented on this page, HuffPost has a long history of inciting and justifying political violence, including an incident in which it enabled one of its senior “editors” openly advocate stalking Republican Congressional representatives and Senators, and their families, even at their homes — while at the time, conservatives were being violently attacked and threatened across America, all of which HuffPost ignored. Also, consider that HuffPost has been inciting racist hatred and violence in America and beyond — including one incident so egregious that the executive editor of its South Africa edition was forced to resign — as well as hatred against American police officers and soldiers, as well as Jews and Israel,
Against that backdrop, one can appreciate the significance of the fact that an ad for CitiBank visibly enabled and legitimized HuffPost’s publication of an article by one of its “journalists” that openly advocated executing President Trump:
Clorox Company
Contact info
Benno Dorer, CEO
The Clorox Company
1221 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Contact form here
Special notes
According to Clorox’s Code of Conduct:
Clorox is strongly committed to doing business ethically. In many instances, our Code commits us to follow a higher standard of ethical conduct than what is required by law.
Do the Right Thing
The long-term health of the company depends on our integrity, on the way we treat the
environment and on always making decisions that uphold the high standards and ethics
that are the foundation of our culture.
General Business Ethics
We exercise honesty and fairness in everything we do. Regardless of the situation, each of us — employees and directors — is expected to make decisions with honesty and integrity in everything we do. We should not make misleading statements or omissions of any kind. Any unethical or deceitful business practices will not be tolerated.
Relationships with Business Partners (including Distributors, Suppliers, Consultants and Others)
We engage in fair and ethical dealings.Our commitment to treating people with dignity, respect and equal opportunity extends to our business partners. We conduct our business with honesty and integrity, and we expect our business partners’ values and business practices to mirror ours regarding compliance with the law, product quality, safety, human rights, treatment of employees and environmental compliance.
We require all suppliers that do business with Clorox to comply with the principles in our Business Partner Code of Conduct. Our Business Partner Code of Conduct outlines our expectations that suppliers share our commitments in the areas of human rights, labor, health and safety, the environment, and business conduct and ethics. In addition, these principles and standards of conduct apply to each one of us.
Moreover, we should report any violations of our Business Partner Code of Conduct by any supplier or other business partner as set out in the Business Partner Code of Conduct. Our Business Code of Conduct can be found here.
Human Rights
We recognize and promote human rights on a global basis.
We prohibit the use of forced or otherwise illegal labor and human trafficking. We do not condone the exploitation, physical punishment, abuse, trafficking or involuntary servitude of children or others. We require our business partners to exhibit respect for fundamental human rights and human dignity and respect for the equal rights of men and women while doing business with us. Our expectation of business partners on these issues is explicitly outlined in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.
About Clorox’s advertising on HuffPost
Clorox owns the Hidden Valley foods brand
On March 19, 2018, an ad for Hidden Valley Ranch appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, opposite a “news” headline that read, “John Kelly Sure Seems Like A Jerk.”
Note that Gen. Kelly is a highly-decorated, 46-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, who now serves as President Trump’s Chief of Staff.
Clorox and HuffPost’s RYOT Made a 360-Degree Video About Clean Drinking Water: Explaining waterborne illnesses and killing bacteria, By Marty Swant, ADWEEK, December 5, 2016.
Fake news:
Contact info
Brian L. Roberts, Chairman & CEO (bio)
Comcast Corporation
1701 JFK Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA, 19103 United States
Customer contact page here.
Corporate blog is here.
Email the Comcast Board of Directors here.
Connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Special notes
Read Comcast’s “Our Values” statement here. Excerpts:
♦ “We are at our best when we are using our collective strength to make the world a better place”
♦ “Whether it’s raising funds for children in need or encouraging adoption of pets from shelters, we use our far-reaching storytelling platform to educate, entertain, and expand the way our viewers see the world. And whether it’s community crises turned national news or celebrations of diversity and acceptance on-screen, we believe in the power of media to touch audiences and create tangible impact. We’re committed to using that power to bring to the forefront the moments and issues that matter most to our audiences. Because when people are informed and represented, they’re empowered to have important conversations and to create positive change in their communities, nations, and lives.”
♦ Military engagement: “Our tradition of hiring and supporting the military community began with our founder, World War II U.S. Navy veteran Ralph Roberts, and has continued to today. Whether you’re a member of the military community member starting beginning your civilian career, a veteran entrepreneur accelerating your business, or an organization working on behalf of local military initiatives, we hope you’ll join us in supporting those who have dedicated their lives to service.”
♦ “Integrity”: “We believe that everyone at our Company has a responsibility to promote the highest ethical standards and comply with the law. We are committed to creating and fostering a work environment that promotes integrity and ensures compliance with international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations in our interactions with customers and all other business relationships. Our Compliance Program has established processes to help prevent, detect and resolve instances of potential unethical behavior and noncompliance.”
About its advertising at HuffPost
On the afternoon of February 2, 2018, Comcast’s ad appeared directly beneath a “news” article about the release of the Congressional Intelligence Subcommittee memo on the assault on our Constitution by senior members of the FBI, Department of Justice, Democratic National Committee and the campaign of Hillary Clinton.
HuffPost has repeatedly claimed to be a completely “nonpartisan, objective” newspaper, and it has presumably sold advertising to Comcast on that basis. In fact, its parent company, “Oath,” openly claims in its advertising pitch that HuffPost is the destination to “know what’s real”:
Question: Since when was a “newspaper’s” mandate to tell us what to think, at the top of its front page, as “news,” instead of to provide us with relevant information, so that we can think for ourselves?
Do Comcast’s corporate leaders really know what they are enabling, but devoting such a significant amount of shareholder dollars to enabling a “news” site to dictate what its readers should think — as “news”?
Discover Card
Dignity Health
Contact info
(Chrysler and Dodge are subsidiaries of FCA LLC)
Steven Beahm, Head of Dodge North America
Dodge email contact form here
Sergio Marchionne, CEO (bio)
1000 Chrysler Dr
Auburn Hills, MI, 48326 United States
Chrysler on Facebook and Twitter
Special notes
Chrysler’s Code of Conduct summary is here (full document is here):
“To act with integrity means that you are always seeking to do what is morally and ethically right.”
About its advertising at HuffPost
HuffPost has been engaged in a long-term pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement, as documented here.
On February 24, 2018, Dodge appeared to be sponsoring, legitimizing and profiting from HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement, when its ads appeared in the documentation of this case study:
(3.61) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a rabbi who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist, on VIDEO, leaving behind a wife and four children — and Hamas celebrating the attack — but gave front-page coverage to an original, graphic, sympathetic story about “Molly,” a pig that was adopted from a Canadian animal shelter, then eaten, and a “standoff” between Scottish police and a stuffed tiger
Duracell (Berkshire Hathaway)
Contact information
G. Wade Lewis, CFO
Duracell International, Inc.
14 Research Drive
Berkshire Corporate Park
Bethel, CT 06801
Special notes
Duracell is a division of:
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.
3555 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68131
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics:
“The Company is proud of the values with which it conducts business. It has and will continue to uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all types of transactions and interactions.”
Eddie Bauer
Contact info
Jonathan Adkisson, President
Esurance Insurance Services, Inc.
650 Davis St
San Francisco, CA, 94111 United States
Contact us page here.
Special notes
According to Esurance’s About Us page, “Esurance is owned by Allstate Insurance Company.” Allstate is another HuffPost advertiser.
According to Esurance’s “Community” page, “At Esurance, doing good comes naturally,” which includes the following statements about special interest groups that it claims to support (the following is cut-and-pasted, verbatim):
As a longtime supporter of Pride events around the country, Esurance is one of the few car insurance companies to offer the married rate — a significant savings opportunity — to domestic partners in nearly every state where we do business.
We’ve also helped raise awareness for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) issues through donation campaigns that have benefited The Trevor Project, GLAAD, and PFLAG.
In 2014, we launched our ePride Employee Resource Group made up of LGBT associates and their allies. The group uses community outreach and workplace collaboration to increase awareness of LGBT issues. Members of the group have also represented Esurance at local Pride events.
Supporting our veterans
The Esurance Veterans Engagement Team and Supporters (EVETS) program brings together veterans and family/friends of veterans within our company to offer one another support and help recruit former military personnel to Esurance. The group also partners with community outreach programs serving military members and their families.
Women’s Innovation Network (WIN)
WIN is an Employee Resource Group dedicated to supporting women in the workplace. The group provides leadership development opportunities for the women at Esurance and champions work/life balance initiatives for all associates.
Regarding its advertising on HuffPost
On February 9, 2018, Esurance’s ad appeared in the search (below) that proved HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of a radical Islamist in Minnesota who attempted to burn down a college and its day care center, where 33 children were in attendance, in the name of her faith, and threatened, “You guys are lucky that I don’t know how to build a bomb because I would have done that.” Rather than being an isolated incident, this was one of more than 50 documented case studies, on this page, which demonstrate that HuffPost consistently ignores, downplays or whitewashes radical Islamist terrorism arrests, threats and plots — while at the same time, giving top, graphic, detailed coverage to terror and crime perpetrated by non-Muslims. See the documentation of this case study here:
On January 28, 2018, Esurance’s ad appeared beside a video that HuffPost produced, that claimed random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what the Nazis perpetrated on their victims:
HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page for five straight days — from January 25-29 — yet completely ignored Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27.
See the documentation of this incident here.
Rather than being an anomaly, this incident is a continuation of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of bias and incitement against Jews and Israel, which has been condemned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other prominent watchdog organizations. See our documentation at:
HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (61 case studies)
Then, on February 6, 2018, Esurance’s ad appeared beside a flamethrowing “news” story at the top of HuffPost’s front page, that accused President Trump of being a “fascist” and “inept”:
Contrast this action to HuffPost’s publicly-stated “standards and practices”:
“If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric … don’t bother coming to the Huffington Post.”
– Arianna Huffington
“The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards… to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
-John Montorio, Executive Features Editor
– Katie Nelson, National Editor
– Danny Shea, Executive Producer, Special Projects
– Whitney Snyder, Executive News Editor
See the sources of these quotes and many others at:
HuffPost’s repeated public claims of nonpartisan journalistic principles
Examples of HuffPost ignoring Islamist hate and incitement against members of the LGBT community
(2.11) May 2014: HuffPost completely ignored the firebombing of a gay nightclub in Seattle, WA, by an Islamist who reportedly claimed that homosexuals “should be exterminated,” and was convicted of the crime
Farmer’s Insurance
Examples of HuffPost ignoring Islamist hate and incitement against members of the LGBT community
(2.10) June 2014-present day: HuffPost completely ignored the Islamist who murdered two gay men in Seattle, and another man in New Jersey, in the cause of jihad
GM (General Motors Company)
Contact info
Mary T. Barra, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
General Motors Company
300 Renaissance Ctr L1
Detroit, MI, 48243 United States
Special notes
Today’s GM is built on the strength of its diverse workforce, and recognizes the value of incorporating diverse backgrounds in our global workforce. Watch a video of GM’s Chief Executive Officer, Mary Barra, as she talks about GM’s long-standing commitment to diversity. Learn More
General Motors has been a supporter and ally of Veterans for more than 100 years. Watch as several Veterans discuss why General Motors is a great fit after the military. Learn More
Diversity at GM Leads to Amazing Accomplishments. Learn More
About its advertising at HuffPost
GM and its subsidiary Chevrolet have been advertising at HuffPost for years.
On February 9, 2018, HuffPost published another item of fake news, and Chevrolet appears to have financially enabled and legitimized it. To wit:
This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on February 9, 2018:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
Here is the “story page”:
Mike Pence Left Out In Cold At Winter Olympics VIP Reception; The vice president didn’t get a seat because he was late, by Ron Dicker, Huffington Post, February 9, 2018.
Vice President Mike Pence didn’t get the VIP treatment at a VIP reception before the Winter Olympics opening ceremony on Friday. He found himself without a seat after showing up late, after the dinner started, The Washington Post’s Anna Fifield reported.
Just one problem – the Post link that HuffPost cited indicates that the error was not necessarily Pence’s, but rather, was the responsibility of whoever organized the event and directed Pence as to where he was supposed to have dinner (and not at this location). Next, HuffPost actually claimed that Pence “snubbed” the sister of Kim Jong Un, by not shaking her hand; nevermind the fact that she is there representing a nation that has enslaved, and is starving 24 million people — and that this “snub… likely created a bit of tension”:
Pence greeted or shook hands with everyone around a table of dignitaries, except North Korea’s ceremonial head of state, Kim Yong Nam, the Post noted. Kim was seated between United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres and International Olympic Committee Chairman Thomas Bach, so the apparent snub likely created a bit of tension.
Note that this is not the first time that HuffPost effectively did PR for murderous dictators, terrorists and criminals. See documented examples at:
HuffPost acted as a volunteer PR agency for Iran’s rulers throughout the debate over the Iran deal
Examples of HuffPost sympathizing with/whitewashing terrorists, cop killers and mass-murderers
And as the Shame Project revealed:
“HuffPo has been caught pushing positive PR for foreign dictators. The New York Times reported that in 2009 HuffPo published a short article accompanied by a “fashion slide show” titled “Asma al-Assad: Syria’s First Lady and All-Natural Beauty” not long after the Assad family began using Western PR firms to “shape her image.” [Ed. Curiously, while HuffPost has allowed the write who published this “piece,” Nour Akkad to remain active, it scrubbed her archive to remove the listing for this item.]

Goldman Sachs
Contact info
D.G. Macpherson, Chairman of the Board
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
100 Grainger Parkway
Lake Forest, IL 60045-5201
1-800-GRAINGER (472-4643)
Tweets by grainger
Corporate Social Responsibility
Grainger is committed to building safe and productive communities and environments—especially where our team members and customers live and work.
About Grainger’s advertising on HuffPost
On December 5, 2018, Grainger’s ad appeared directly beneath this libelous shock “news” headline:
Contact info
Dion Weisler President & CEO (bio)
HP Inc.
1501 Page Mill Rd
Palo Alto, CA, 94304
Contact page is here.
Connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Special notes
HP’s “core values”:
“Trust and respect for individuals: We work together to create a culture of inclusion built on trust, respect and dignity for all.”
“Uncompromising integrity: We are open, honest and direct in our dealings.”
About HP’s advertising on HuffPost
On April 30, 2018, a “caravan” of citizens of Honduras and El Salvador — the most violent and gang-laden nations in the Western hemisphere, home to the notorious MS-13 — arrived at the U.S. border, demanding political asylum, after having walked 1,000 miles through Mexico. International law dictates that asylum-seekers must apply in the first nation they enter that is outside their home state. Instead, Mexico was violating its own laws on illegal aliens and amnesty-seekers, and facilitated hundreds that constituted this “caravan” to walk throughout the country, for the purpose of arriving at the U.S. border, then demanding to be let in, thanks to coaching by left-wing activists as to what to say to U.S. Border Patrol, basically to game our system for criminal purposes.
Against that backdrop, here is how HuffPost depicted the story, effectively taking the side of aspiring criminal illegal aliens, against U.S. laws, and the executive in charge of enforcing them, the President of the United States. And, an ad for HP appeared directly beneath it — the most expensive ad available, which made it appear as if this legendary computer maker was enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s anti-U.S. propaganda.
On February 7, 2018, HP’s ad appeared on the sidebar of the following obscure “news” story, about an incident in Scotland (see below for context):
The relevance of this story is that HuffPost was able to find such an obscure story from overseas, and decided to position it near the top of its front page — while it was completely ignoring the fact that a rabbi in Israel had been stabbed to death — on video — by a Palestinian terrorist, two days earlier. See the documentation of this incident here.
The broader relevance of this incident is that as SaveTheWest proved in a recent documentary video, HuffPost consistently ignores Jews who are attacked by Islamist terrorists, and the grief of their families and loved ones — while at the same time, giving top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to terrorists, sad celebrities, convicted criminals, and animals who are sad, or meet misfortune. See the trailer of our documentary below; watch the entire film here.
Further, HuffPost has repeatedly worked to legitimize the terrorists’ narratives, based on lies — a fact that was noted by a number of respected analysts and watchdogs, who publicly expressed high praise for our film:
By advertising at HuffPost, HP is both financially and visibly enabling and legitimizing its vehement anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist bias.
Hidden Valley Ranch
Note: Hidden Valley Ranch is owned by The Clorox Company.
But if you’d like to communicate with the management of this brand:
Hidden Valley on Facebook, and Twitter.
Contact form here
Company history here
About Hidden Valley’s advertising on HuffPost
On March 19, 2018, an ad for Hidden Valley Ranch appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, opposite a “news” headline that read, “John Kelly Sure Seems Like A Jerk.”
Note that Gen. Kelly is a highly-decorated, 46-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, who now serves as President Trump’s Chief of Staff.
Home Depot
Kaiser Permanente
Contact information
Bernard J. Tyson, Chairman and CEO
Kaiser Permanente Health Care
Company Information
1200 Discovery Dr
Bakersfield, CA, 93309
Contact form here.
Special notes
MISSION: “Kaiser Permanente exists to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.”
OUR VISION: “We are trusted partners in total health, collaborating with people to help them thrive and creating communities that are among the healthiest in the nation.”
Kimberly Clark
Contact info
Thomas J. Falk, Chairman and CEO (bio)
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
351 Phelps Ddrive
Irving, TX, 75038-6507
Contact page here
Kimberly-Clark on Facebook and Twitter
Special notes
Kimberly-Clark’s statement on Social Compliance reads, in part:
At Kimberly-Clark, leading the world in essentials for a better life is our business. We believe that the way we do our business is as important as the business we do. Simply stated, operating with integrity and with high ethical standards is the Kimberly-Clark way of doing business.
Kimberly-Clark’s Values statement reads as follows (complete; emphasis added):
While our products may evolve, our values remain timeless.
For more than 140 years, our values have been woven throughout the fabric of our company. The values of authentic, accountable, innovative and caring describe how we work with and are judged by our consumers, business partners, investors and each other.
Authentic: Our heritage is one of honesty, integrity and courageously doing the right thing.
Accountable: We take ownership for our business and our future.Innovative:
Our commitment is to new ideas that add value.
Caring: We respect each other and care for the communities where we live and work.
About Kimberly-Clark’s advertising on HuffPost
On March 26, 2018, an ad for VIVA paper towels, a Kimberly-Clark brand, appeared on HuffPost’s search engine, in the context of searching for any references to Mirelle Kanol, the 85-year-old Jewish Holocaust survivor who was brutally murdered and desecrated, in her home in Paris, by a Muslim neighbor, about whom she complained and of whom she was in fear.
See our complete case study of this incident here:
(88) March 2018, Paris, France: HuffPost completely ignored the brutal murder and desecration of an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, in her home, allegedly by a Muslim neighbor
The significance of this search is that just as in more than a hundred other documented case studies (here and here), when Jews are the targets of hate crimes, threats and terrorism, HuffPost consistently ignores or whitewashes their plight — while at the same time, inciting worldwide anti-Semitic hatred. Often, instead of even giving a single mention to these Jewish victims — who are the #1 target of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America and the world — it gives top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to sad stories about animals, Islamist terrorists, sad celebrities, etc.
Also see:
HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (68 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost’s incitement of hatred against Jews and Israel (14 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2018 (88 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against Muslims (11 case studies)
Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in favored groups
Lending Tree
Contact info
Douglas Lebda, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and Founder (bio)
Lendingtree LLC
11115 Rushmore Dr
Charlotte, NC, 28277 United States
Contact form here
Investor Relations
Special notes
Read Lending Tree’s Code of Conduct and Ethics here.
Regarding its advertising on HuffPost
On January 28, 2018, Lending Tree’s ad appeared atop a video that HuffPost produced, that claimed random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what the Nazis perpetrated on their victims:
HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page for five straight days — from January 25-29 — yet completely ignored Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27.
See the documentation of this incident here.
Rather than being an anomaly, this incident is a continuation of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of bias and incitement against Jews and Israel, which has been condemned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other prominent watchdog organizations. See our documentatoin at:
HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (58 case studies)
Levi Strauss
Contact info
Masamichi Kogai, CEO
Mazda Motor of America, Inc.
200 Spectrum Center Dr Ste 100
Irvine, CA, 92618 United States
Special notes
Mazda says one of its core values is “to enrich people’s lives as well as society”
Examples of HuffPost inciting hate against police officers — then ignoring hate crimes against them
December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas police officer who was murdered in an ambush
Contact information
Mark Stoever, CEO
Monster Worldwide, Inc.
133 Boston Post Road
Weston, MA 02493
Phone: (978) 461-8000
Special notes
Monster values: “We seek to improve the company, the communities where we operate, and ourselves.”
New York Life
Contact info
Theodore A. Mathas, CEO
New York Life Insurance Company
51 Madison Ave
New York, NY, 10010 United States
Contact form here
Email page here
Special notes
Corporate profile here
Contact info
Denis Le Vot, Senior Vice President, Chairman of Management Committee
Nissan North America Inc. (bio)
1 Nissan Way
Franklin, TN, 37067 United States
Nissan NA on Facebook and Twitter
Contact form here
Jonathan Adashek
Global Vice President of Communications and Chief Communications Officer, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
Office: +81 45 523-5603
Dan Bedore
Director, Nissan Division U.S. Communications
Office: 615-725-5238
Special notes
Read about Nissan’s views on its Corporate Social Responsibility.
About Nissan’s advertising on HuffPost
Nissan’s ads have appeared alongside content on HuffPost that indicate it visibly enables and legitimizes its racist bias and incitement, and its bias, incitement and dehumanization against members of the U.S. military. See the following case studies:
From this page: HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement (31 case studies)
(3.31) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black man who was charged with murdering six white people in Kansas City, and who publicly claimed, “Kill all white people!” — yet consistently gives top, detailed coverage to its false, racist smears against white conservatives
From this page: Examples of HuffPost’s propaganda jihad against the U.S. military – and for America’s enemies (62 case studies)
(2.21) August 2017: After routinely giving top publicity to allegations of sexual abuse in the U.S. military, HuffPost completely ignored a U.S. Army officer whose career was destroyed by a false rape allegation — and who won an $8.4 million judgment against his false accuser
Northwestern University
Contact info
J. Landis Martin, Chair of Northwestern University Board of Trustees (bio)
Morton O. Schapiro, President
Northwestern University
633 Clark Street
Evanston, IL 60208
Northwestern on Facebook and Twitter
Contact form here
Alan K. Cubbage
Vice President for University Relations
Special notes
Northwestern has two locations in Illinois (Chicago, Evanston), one in Doha, Qatar, and branches in San Francisco, New York City, Washington, DC and Miami, FL (source)
Northwestern defines its mission as:
“Northwestern is committed to excellent teaching, innovative research and the personal and intellectual growth of its students in a diverse academic community.”
About Northwestern’s advertising on HuffPost
Northwestern’s ads appeared alongside content on HuffPost that makes it appear that it visibly enables and legitimizes its (a) racist bias and incitement, and (b) pro-Islamist terror bias. See the following case study:
From this page: HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement (31 case studies)
(3.31) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black man who was charged with murdering six white people in Kansas City, and who publicly claimed, “Kill all white people!” — yet consistently gives top, detailed coverage to its false, racist smears against white conservatives
From this page: Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests (56 case studies)
(56) Feburary 2018, Buffalo, NY: HuffPost completely ignored the guilty plea of an ISIS supporter to federal terrorism charges
Olive Garden
Oprah Winfrey Network
Contact info
Scott W. Wine, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
Polaris Industries Inc.
2100 Highway 55
Medina, MN, 55340 United States
Contact us page here
Polaris on Facebook and Twitter
Special notes
About Polaris here
Polaris’s Code of Conduct here:
“At Polaris we are committed to promoting and practicing ethical and legal business conduct. These core values are the foundation of our success and reputation. They define our way of doing business and our relationships with fellow employees, associates, customers, competitors, suppliers and communities around the world.”
About Polaris’s advertising at HuffPost
On March 4, 2018, Polaris’s ad appeared to be visibly endorsing and legitimizing HuffPost’s perpetual efforts to ignore, downplay or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests –while at the same time, inciting worldwide hatred against others, based on demonstrably false claims. See the case study here:
(54) HuffPost completely ignored a Muslim couple in Texas who were convicted and sent to prison for lying to the FBI, denying that they knew their sons joined ISIS, and traveled to Syria to engage in the group’s terrorism
Proctor & Gamble
Contact info
David S. Taylor, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
The Procter & Gamble Company
1 P&G Place
Cincinnati, OH, 45202-3393
Contact us page here
Shareholder contacts here
Other contacts:
Marc S. Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer
Carolyn Tastad, Group President, North America, Selling & Market Operations and Executive Sponsor, Gender Equality
Special notes
As part of P&G’s proclaimed commitment to being a good corporate citizen, it claims its central mission is: “Enabling & Inspiring Positive Impact” (screencap obtained July 10, 2018):
About Proctor & Gamble’s advertising on HuffPost
On July 10, 2018, P&G’s ad for Pampers appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page, directly beneath a headline that urged people to “KILL THE (Supreme) COURT”:
This is closely akin to an earlier splash headline, in which HuffPost urged people to “KILL BILL (O’Reilly),” which appeared to be visibly enabled and legitimized by BlackRock Financial:
These incitement-based headlines are nothing new at HuffPost, as shown in this video (after the 2:09 mark), and as documented here:
Quaker Oats Company
Contact info
Becky Frankiewicz, General Manager
The Quaker Oats Company
555 W Monroe St.
Chicago, IL, 60661
Contact us page here
Special notes
Quaker Oats’ 140 year history here
Quaker Oats was acquired by PepsiCo in 2001
PepsiCo’s “guiding principles” include: “Caring for the world we live in… respect others… win with diversity and engagement…”
About Quaker Oats’ advertising on HuffPost
On multiple instances, Quaker Oats’ ads have appeared on pages that prove HuffPost’s (a) racist bias and incitement, and (b) suppression of news regarding Islamist terror acts, plots and arrests on U.S. soil — while giving top publicity to allegations against white nationalists for terror-related offenses. Please refer to these case studies:
(3.28) HuffPost completely ignored students at a publicly-funded Texas university who launched a magazine called “No Whites Allowed”
Part of our resource page, (6.3) HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement (29 case studies)
(41) January 2018: HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of an alleged ISIS-supporting Muslim convert in Virginia — but gave top publicity to the arrest of a white supremacist in Missouri on terror charges
Part of our resource page, Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests (54 case studies)
Contact info
Thomas A. Kennedy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (bio)
Raytheon Company
870 Winter St.
Waltham, MA, 02451-1449
Contact us page here
Ethics concerns contact here
Investor relations contact here
Special notes
From Raytheon’s Corporate Responsibility page — note the heavy commitment to the American military:
“STRATEGY: CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY: We designed our reporting strategy to describe clearly and transparently what Raytheon is doing to engineer a safer world.”
“MILITARY FAMILIES AND VETERANS: Raytheon invests in leading-edge technologies and programs that give veterans and military families new educational and career paths.”
“APPLY FOR A GRANT OR SCHOLARSHIP: Raytheon supports communities and individuals through a variety of grants and scholarships. We are especially committed to helping military families, veterans and active-duty military personnel succeed.”
Examples of HuffPost inciting hate against police officers — then ignoring hate crimes against them
December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas police officer who was murdered in an ambush
Contact info
Jim Goodnight, CEO (bio)
SAS Institute Inc.
100 SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513-2414
Fax: 919-677-4444
Email contact form here
Special notes
Corporate social responsibility statement here
About its advertising at HuffPost
On February 2, 2018, SAS’s ad appeared on HuffPost’s front page, directly beneath one of its most lie-filled headlines (the Google Cache of the “story” page to which this headline led is here).
Context: it was on this day that the Intelligence & Government Oversight Committee was set to release the memo produced by the Republican majority, that purportedly outlined the depth and variety of efforts by top officials at the FBI and Department of Justice to derail the campaign of Donald Trump, including by using what they knew was a fake “dossier” as a pretext upon which to obtain a FISA warrant. If found guilty of this alone, they could be prosecuted for felonies, and serve prison time.
Since the eruption of this scandal, HuffPost has failed to report nearly every major development. Instead, the only times it published anything on its front page were recycled equivocations and deceptions produced by the DNC and its propagandists. SaveTheWest has detailed documentation of this fact.
On this day, however, HuffPost decided to falsely claim, in its “story” page, that “The Key Players In Trump’s ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Theory Are All Republicans.” Specifically, that those who perpetrated all these alleged acts, and who are trying to protect them, are Republicans.
While there were, at the time, concerns expressed by Republicans — including President Trump’s appointed director of the FBI — at no time did he or any other member of the GOP refer to them as part of the “deep state.” HuffPost conjured this up out of thin air, in a last-gasp effort to vilify the members of Congress who have been relentlessly working against the obstruction of the Democrats, and major “news” organs such as HuffPost, to reveal to the American people what was done under the auspices of “law enforcement” to subvert their electoral choice.
Additional reading:
Fusion GPS Paid Top DOJ Official’s Wife To Dig Up Dirt On Trump (The Federalist)
8 Worst Defenses Of FBI Agent’s Anti-Trump ‘Insurance Policy’ Texts (The Federalist)
VIDEO: Gowdy: Strzok And Page Need To Explain Anti-Trump “Secret Society” Texts (RealClearPolitics)
Sleep Number
State Farm
Contact info
Michael L. Tipsord, Chairman, President and CEO
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
1 State Farm Plz
Bloomington, IL, 61710 United States
Contact form is here.
Special notes
State Farm’s company history is here. State Farm’s “Code of Conduct” reads as follows:
“Our mission at State Farm is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams. We have thousands of opportunities to build confidence with customers and State Farm associates every day. We have built a trusted brand by living our values and keeping our promises. Our customers expect us to do the right thing. We depend on each other to do the right thing.”
State Farm’s “Diversity and Inclusion” statement is here.
About its advertising at HuffPost
On April 26, 2018, this “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page: Notice the photoshopped hat on President Trump’s head, akin to how adolescents vandalize posters of people they don’t like. As a reminder, HuffPost’s top editors publicly stated, “The Huffington Post has in place rigorous editorial policies and standards, to ensure that we maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity.”
Notice that a huge ad for State Farm appeared directly next to this “news” story, appearing to visibly enable and legitimize this juvenile attack on the president:
On February 9, 2018, State Farm’s ad appeared in the search (below) that proved HuffPost completely ignored the arrest of a radical Islamist in Minnesota who attempted to burn down a college and its day care center, where 33 children were in attendance, in the name of her faith, and threatened, “You guys are lucky that I don’t know how to build a bomb because I would have done that.” Rather than being an isolated incident, this was one of more than 50 documented case studies, on this page, which demonstrate that HuffPost consistently ignores, downplays or whitewashes radical Islamist terrorism arrests, threats and plots — while at the same time, giving top, graphic, detailed coverage to terror and crime perpetrated by non-Muslims. See the documentation of this case study here:
February 2018: State Farm ad appeared beside another one of HuffPost’s “news” articles that incites racial hatred:
On February 7, 2018, State Farm’s ad appeared beside this “news” story, near the top of HuffPost’s front page. As the headline indicates, this article was designed from the ground up to do nothing but incite racial hatred, based on people’s skin color. For those who may disagree with this assessment, consider: How would you react if the headline read, “COMPLICIT: Black Women Who Enable Obama Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt”? Also, how do you think HuffPost (and State Farm) would react if it discovered that headline at an advertiser-supported, right-wing website?
See the documentation of this incident at:
(3.19) RACIST INCITEMENT: HuffPost published a “news” story near the top of its front page that claimed, “White Women Who Enable Trump Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt”
Note: This is but the latest incident of HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement; see many more case studies at:
Examples of HuffPost inciting racial hatred
(6.3) HuffPost’s racist bias and incitement (18 case studies)
February 2018: State Farm ad appears on search screen demonstrating HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist bias
Examples of HuffPost’s propaganda jihad against the U.S. military – and for America’s enemies
(2.21) August 2017: After routinely giving top publicity to allegations of sexual abuse in the U.S. military, HuffPost completely ignored a U.S. Army officer whose career was destroyed by a false rape allegation — and who won an $8.4 million judgment against his false accuser
Contact info
Brian Cornell
Board Chairman and CEO
Target Corporation
1000 Nicolet Mall
Minneapolis, MN, 55403-2542
Target on Facebook
Target on Twitter
Contact page here
Investor relations: 612-696-3400
Special notes
Corporate responsibility: “Safety & Preparedness: By working hand in hand with public safety partners, we’re making our stores and communities safer for our team members and guests.”
Target’s advertising on HuffPost
November 28, 2018:
CNN pundit: Palestine from the river to the sea – Israel National News
CNN Fires Marc Lamont Hill After Calling for Israel’s Destruction in UN Speech
November 30:
CNN Fired Marc Lamont Hill For Saying Palestinians Deserve Equal Rights, by Yousef Munayyer, Huffinton Post, November 30, 2018. Excerpt:
Marc Lamont Hill, a professor at Temple University and a fierce advocate for equality, was perhaps the strongest, most articulate and most passionate voice against racism and bigotry among CNN’s regular contributors. Today, CNN fired him because he believes Palestinians, too, fit into a vision where all people deserve equal rights. For CNN, that was just too much.
Marc was targeted by what can only be described as an organized campaign to silence his principled and consistent advocacy against racism and for the equal treatment of all people, including Palestinians. Wednesday, as part of a Special Meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in observance of the United Nations International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People at U.N. headquarters in New York, Marc was invited as a member of civil society to provide a statement to the forum. He did so having just returned from the Palestinian territories, and he made clear that his experience as a black American and the history of struggle against slavery and Jim Crow in the United States inform his solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Tax Act
Contact information
Sanjay Baskaran, President
TaxAct Inc.
1425 60th Street NE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Shaunna Morgan, TaxAct Public Relations
Special notes
Company description (from here): “TaxAct is a leading provider of affordable digital and downloadable tax software for individuals, business owners and tax professionals. The company’s mission is to empower people to navigate the complexities of tax and finance with ease and accuracy – at a clear, transparent and fair price.”
Regarding its advertising on HuffPost
On January 28, 2018, TaxAct’s ad appeared in a search that proves HuffPost completely ignored Holocaust Remembrance Day — while instead giving four straight days of front-page coverage to random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what occurred in Nazi Germany. See the documentation of this incident here.
Then, on February 2, 2018, Tax Act’s ad appeared on a search screen that proved HuffPost completely ignored the recorded video of a notorious California high school teacher who smeared — during class — the entire U.S. military as “dumb shits, the lowest of the low.” See the documentation of this case study here (continues below):
The story went viral within the military and military-supporting communities, and was covered by the Washington Post, Fox News, and other major media. Yet as we’ve documented on this page, HuffPost consistently both smears the U.S. military, then ignores or whitewashes those who attack them. And whether it knows it or not, Tax Act is financially enabling all of HuffPost’s anti-military acts and omissions, through its advertising.
United Healthcare
United States Postal Service (USPS)
Contact info
Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer
United States Postal Service
Customer service: 1-800-ASK-USPS
Email here
USPS Office of the Consumer Advocate
475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW
Room 4012
Washington, DC 20260-2200
Special notes
The USPS defines its means of serving the community as:
“Helping Communities. Serving America.: When it comes to serving our communities we deliver more than just mail. Our various community minded programs help foster community spirit, while educating and supporting worthwhile causes. See how you can get involved.”
About the USPS’s advertising at HuffPost
On May 7, 2018, the USPS’s ad appeared atop a story page that contained HuffPost’s repeated libel of a career CIA officer, which it began two months earlier. See this case study, and particularly, Update 3. This was just one incident of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of inciting hatred against, and dehumanizing members of the U.S. military and intelligence services.
Also on May 7, 2018, the USPS’s ad appeared on a search page, revealing HuffPost completely ignored the discovery that an Israeli diplomat had been kicked out of an UBER cab by a radical Islamist, onto a freeway in Chicago, because he is Jewish. See the case study here. Rather than being an isolated incident, this was part of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of ignoring hate crimes against Jews, while giving top, sustained coverage to allegations of hate crimes against Muslims, even when there is no proof whatsoever to support them (not to mention its efforts to falsely legitimize fake hate crimes against Muslims):
US Cellular
US Department of Defense (Army recruitment)
Contact info
Stuart Parker, CEO (bio)
United Services Automobile Association (USAA)
9800 Fredericksburg Rd
San Antonio, TX, 78288 United States
Contact form is here.
Special notes
From USAA’s “Corporate Responsibility” statement:
“Our purpose: To lead and inspire actions that improve lives in the military and our local communities. Nearly a century ago, 25 Army officers founded USAA in an effort to support and look out for one another. Like our founders, USAA’s more than 30,000 employees today know we are stronger when we are united for a common purpose. As a business, USAA exists to serve the military community and facilitate the financial security of our members. Our corporate responsibility program pursues a common purpose. We prioritize USAA’s philanthropic investments to:
♦ Support military family resiliency nationwide.
♦ Improve the quality of living in the communities where we work and live.”
About its advertising on HuffPost
The overarching reason that USAA should be concerned about its advertising on HuffPost is the fact that according to our analysis, it is the West’s largest online, advertiser-supported inciter of hatred against two of its biggest customer bases: the U.S. military, and police officers — all while insisting it is a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” site. Further, in both cases, it actively dehumanizes soldiers and police officers and their families, while in a number of cases, whitewashing and legitimizing those who attack them.
See our detailed documentation pages that validate these claims below:
HuffPost is also a notoriously anti-Semitic website, and on February 7, 2018, USAA’s ad appeared tp support this egregious bias. Specifically, its add appeared on the sidebar of the following obscure “news” story, about an incident in Scotland (see below for context):
The relevance of this story is that HuffPost was able to find such an obscure story from overseas, and decided to position it near the top of its front page — while it was completely ignoring the fact that a rabbi in Israel had been stabbed to death — on video — by a Palestinian terrorist, two days earlier. See the documentation of this incident here.
The broader relevance of this incident is that as SaveTheWest proved in a recent documentary video, HuffPost consistently ignores Jews who are attacked by Islamist terrorists, and the grief of their families and loved ones — while at the same time, giving top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to terrorists, sad celebrities, convicted criminals, and animals who are sad, or meet misfortune. See the trailer of our documentary below; watch the entire film here.
Further, HuffPost has repeatedly worked to legitimize the terrorists’ narratives, based on lies — a fact that was noted by a number of respected analysts and watchdogs, who publicly expressed high praise for our film:
By advertising at HuffPost, USAA is both financially and visibly enabling and legitimizing its vehement anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist bias.
Verizon (HuffPost’s parent company)
HuffPost is owned by AOL, which in turn is owned by Verizon.
Contact information
Verizon Communications, Inc.
1095 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, NY, 10036
Lowell C. McAdam (bio)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Special notes
Verizon’s Office of Ethics and Business Conduct
Contact page description: “This website may be used to… ask questions, express concerns or report suspected violations of Verizon’s Code of Conduct [or] corporate policies.”
Contact info
Chris Gheysens, President and Chief Executive Officer
Wawa, Inc.
260 W Baltimore Pike
Meddia, PA, 19063-5620
Contact form here
Special notes
Wawa’s history, back to 1803, here
Wawa’s Core Values include: “Value People, Do the Right Thing”
About Wawa’s advertising on HuffPost
On April 2, 2018, Wawa visibly appeared to be enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s long-term pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement. See the documentation of this incident here:
(89) March 2018, Cincinnati, OH: HuffPost completely ignored news that a Muslim immigrant asked patrons in a restaurant if anyone was Jewish, and when one answered he was, savagely beat him, fracturing his eye socket — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist
Contact info
Niraj Shah, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Chairman and Co-Founder
Wayfair Inc.
4 Copely Plaza, Floor 7
Boston, MA, 02116-6504
Contact page here
Wayfair on Facebook and Twitter
Special notes
Wayfair’s Social Responsibility statement is here
About Wayfair’s advertising at HuffPost
On April 2, 2018, Wayfair visibly appeared to be enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s long-term pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement. See the documentation of this incident here:
(89) March 2018, Cincinnati, OH: HuffPost completely ignored news that a Muslim immigrant asked patrons in a restaurant if anyone was Jewish, and when one answered he was, savagely beat him, fracturing his eye socket — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist
Contact info
(Note: XFinity is owned by Comcast)
Brian L. Roberts, Chairman & CEO (bio)
Comcast Corporation
1701 JFK Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA, 19103 United States
Customer contact page here.
Corporate blog is here.
Email the Comcast Board of Directors here.
Connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Special notes
Read Comcast’s “Our Values” statement here. Excerpts:
♦ “We are at our best when we are using our collective strength to make the world a better place”
♦ “Whether it’s raising funds for children in need or encouraging adoption of pets from shelters, we use our far-reaching storytelling platform to educate, entertain, and expand the way our viewers see the world. And whether it’s community crises turned national news or celebrations of diversity and acceptance on-screen, we believe in the power of media to touch audiences and create tangible impact. We’re committed to using that power to bring to the forefront the moments and issues that matter most to our audiences. Because when people are informed and represented, they’re empowered to have important conversations and to create positive change in their communities, nations, and lives.”
♦ Military engagement: “Our tradition of hiring and supporting the military community began with our founder, World War II U.S. Navy veteran Ralph Roberts, and has continued to today. Whether you’re a member of the military community member starting beginning your civilian career, a veteran entrepreneur accelerating your business, or an organization working on behalf of local military initiatives, we hope you’ll join us in supporting those who have dedicated their lives to service.”
♦ “Integrity”: “We believe that everyone at our Company has a responsibility to promote the highest ethical standards and comply with the law. We are committed to creating and fostering a work environment that promotes integrity and ensures compliance with international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations in our interactions with customers and all other business relationships. Our Compliance Program has established processes to help prevent, detect and resolve instances of potential unethical behavior and noncompliance.”
About its advertising at HuffPost
On the afternoon of February 2, 2018, Comcast’s ad appeared directly beneath a “news” article about the release of the Congressional Intelligence Subcommittee memo on the assault on our Constitution by senior members of the FBI, Department of Justice, Democratic National Committee and the campaign of Hillary Clinton.
HuffPost has repeatedly claimed to be a completely “nonpartisan, objective” newspaper, and it has presumably sold advertising to Comcast on that basis. In fact, its parent company, “Oath,” openly claims in its advertising pitch that HuffPost is the destination to “know what’s real”:
Question: Since when was a “newspaper’s” mandate to tell us what to think, at the top of its front page, as “news,” instead of to provide us with relevant information, so that we can think for ourselves?
Do Comcast’s corporate leaders really know what they are enabling, but devoting such a significant amount of shareholder dollars to enabling a “news” site to dictate what its readers should think — as “news”?