Home (6.4) HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (73 case studies)

(6.4) HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (73 case studies)


Part of our larger report, “The Huffington Post: Ground Zero of the Alt-Left’s Hate Speech, Incitement, Racism and Anti-Semitism”

By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

Quick take

  • HuffPost knew there were absolutely no facts to support this blood libel, yet it published this as a “news” story on its front page anyway — with this completely unrelated picture. See Case Study 3.4.

    For years, HuffPost has been using its global reach and influence to incite hatred against Jews and Israel, based on lies, deception, and classic anti-Semitic libels.

  • HuffPost consistently dehumanizes Jews who have been murdered and maimed as a result of hate crimes and terrorism that it helps to incite, and ignores those who grieve them — while at the same time, providing top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage to terrorists, convicted murderers, sad celebrities, and even animals.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly propagated the notion that Muslims are the top victims of hate crimes in America, when in fact they are among the least-likely victims.  In reality, Jews are the #1 victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes in the U.S. and throughout the world.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly claimed that most anti-Semitic hate and violence is being perpetrated by white right-wingers, when in fact domestically and internationally, radical Islamists and radical leftists are the #1 perpetrators, a fact that it consistently ignores.
  • HuffPost has repeatedly manipulated headline copy in order to whitewash Palestinian terrorism against Jews, to the point where the casual reader has no idea who attacked whom — and even to imply that Palestinians themselves were the victims.


(1) Definitions of anti-Semitism and incitement

(2) An overview of our core allegations against HuffPost

(3) Examples of HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement (71 case studies)

(1) Definitions of anti-Semitism and incitement

For thousands of years, anti-Semitism has been defined as the hatred of Jews. Since Jews were enabled, in 1948, to return to their ancestral homeland in Israel, however, the definition of anti-Semitism has broadened, to encompass the expanded manifestation of the hatred and discrimination its root. Many major organizations have now adopted some variation of The “Three Ds” Test for defining anti-Semitism, developed by the scholar and human rights activist Natan Sharansky:

  • Demonization: Vilifying Israel or Jews as a whole; bigoted smears versus legitimate criticism over factual issues
  • Double-standards: Applying standards of conduct to Jews or Israel that are applied to no other nation or group
  • Delegitimization: Denying Israel’s right to exist, or the fact that Jews have existed in Israel (and the “disputed territories”) for thousands of years — and at least 2,000 years prior to the advent of Islam

SaveTheWest contends there is also a fourth “D,” though, that pertains directly to the content of this report:

Dehumanization: The claim that Jews are not part of the human race, and therefore do not deserve the same status or considerations that human beings enjoy.

Just as slaveholders justified trading in black Africans on the basis that they are a sub-human species, akin to cattle, for thousands of years anti-Semites claimed that their attacks on Jews are justified, because they are akin to vermin, infesting the world.

See this slide show for examples of propaganda art that dehumanizes Jews, from the USSR and Nazi Germany to that which is now commonplace in the Palestinian territories.

(2) An overview of our core allegations against HuffPost

Despite HuffPost’s repeated public claims that it is an absolutely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization, that doesn’t engage in or allow any kind of hate speech, SaveTheWest has assembled an extensive array of documentation that shows it has engaged in a long-term, documented pattern of anti-Semitic bias and incitement.  The Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have also blasted HuffPost for its anti-Semitism.

Specifically, our documentation illustrates how HuffPost systematically:

  • Ignores documented hate crimes against Jews in  North America and W. Europe, yet…
  • Gives top-level, graphic, sympathetic coverage to allegations of insults and hate crimes against Muslims in these regions, even when they are based on nothing more than a social media post (and often turn out to be hoaxes)
  • Dehumanizes Jews who’ve been maimed and murdered — while at the same time showering sympathetic, personalized coverage on animals who meet misfortune.  In doing so, HuffPost has repeatedly advanced the notion that sub-human animal suffering is more newsworthy than the suffering of Jews.
  • Provides top-level, sympathetic, graphic depictions of Palestinians grieving over terrorists and rioters, while completely ignoring those who mourn the Jews who were murdered or maimed by them
  • Removes or blurs the distinction between terrorists who violently attack Jews, and their Jewish victims. This even includes rewriting headlines it obtains from wire services, to the point where the casual observer can’t tell who attacked whom.
  • Incites hatred against Jews and Israel, through demonstrable lies and deception, and hate speech.  This includes even reversing the known order of events in order to falsely depict Israel as the aggressor, during actions it takes to respond to Palestinian terrorism.
  • Ignores the threats and incitement against Israel and Jews, expressed by the “leaders” of terror groups.

This page contains a sampling of our documentation, and that which has been produced by other sources, contained on the following resource pages:

HuffPost’s use of anti-Semitic bias and incitement to help “sell” the Iran “deal” : Save The West (7 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017 (83 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)

(3) Examples of HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement

(3.1) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: STW documentary video: “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”

(3.2) INCITEMENT: “Fucking dick the fat Jew”

(3.3) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that at least Hitler “meant well, by eliminating Jews”

(3.4) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely alleged that “Israeli troops kill Palestinians, harvest organs” [But HuffPost gave no coverage to Islamists who actually are murdering black Africans and selling their organs]

(3.5) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed a “pack of Jews” chased Romney motorcade

(3.6) INCITEMENT: “This filthy Jewess is so done with alt-right bullshit”

(3.7) INCITEMENT: HuffPost spread the debunked lie that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Congress’s invitation to address it, before President Obama had been notified

(3.8) INCITEMENT: HuffPost used a Yiddish slang term to tell the world that Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was worthless — while consistently quoting Iran’s rulers accurately

(3.9) INCITEMENT: HuffPost justified Palestinian terrorism against Jews

(3.10) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost whitewashed the cause of Palestinian terrorism against Jews

(3.11) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas

(3.12) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that Israel is “fantasizing” about getting the U.S. to go to war against Iran

(3.13) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that “Unlike the rulers of Gaza, Israel’s upper classes thrive off war”

(3.14) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”

(3.15) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published on its two Arabic editions a story claiming that a Jewish woman murdered the Prophet Muhammad — then refusing (a) to even respond to letters of complaint from the ADL, or (b) to take the article down

(3.16) INCITEMENT: HuffPost depicted a Jewish U.S. Senator in blackface, as a means of humiliating him for not supporting its favored candidate

(3.17) BIAS: HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of an Iranian girl who needed surgery in America — but ignored an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist

(3.18) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: When Palestinians perpetrate terrorism, HuffPost rewrites the wire-provided headlines to claim it’s just nondescript “violence” — yet when Jews are merely accused of terrorism, its headlines claim “rampaging Jewish extremists” did it

(3.19) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost ignored the murder of an American rabbi and his wife in front of their four children, by Palestinian terrorists — but gave super-coverage to a Palestinian man who alleged he was wrongfully tazed by Israeli police

(3.20) BIAS: HuffPost produced a video that it says documents the history of car-ramming as a terror tactic — but it completely ignores its actual origin: as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews

(3.21) BIAS: HuffPost published a story that downplayed and whitewashed the fact that a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a Jewish family to death in their home — and depicted Palestinians as the actual victims — while giving top coverage to Kim Kardashian’s near-nudity

(3.22) BIAS: HuffPost ignored a Palestinian that mob was suspected of burning down Jewish school, during their “day of rage” activities — and instead gave top coverage to an actress who went nearly nude, and to a “hot convict”

(3.23) BIAS: HuffPost ignored imam captured on video during sermon at Davis, CA Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere — but gave top coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card

(3.24) BIAS: HuffPost ignored a California imam who was captured on video during a sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them, but gave top coverage to a sad story about a widowed wolf, in England

(3.25) BIAS: HuffPost ignored two Jewish children, including a 1-year-old, who were seriously injured by Palestinian rock-throwing terrorists — and instead gave top-level coverage to a celebrity who “thinks the moon is hollow”

(3.26) BIAS: HuffPost dehumanized and downplayed a Jewish family that was murdered in their home by Palestinian terrorists — yet gave seven straight days of top coverage to a graphic story about “Hitler’s private moments” with Eva Braun

(3.27) BIAS: Video: “The Huffington Post: Bias in Pictures”

(3.28) BIAS: HuffPost set up a comprehensive sub-site, “Islamophobia,” through which it publicizes and gives legitimacy to allegations of hate incidents against Muslims in America.  Yet it has not set up a similar sub-site to publicize hate crimes against Jews in America — even though they are 3-5 times more likely to be victims.

(3.29) BIAS: HuffPost has gone to extraordinary lengths to falsely legitimize fake hate crimes against Muslims — while consistently ignoring actual hate crimes against Jews, including those caught on video.

(3.30) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published an original story on its front page, “Hey America – Stop Being So Islamophobic” — while ignoring the fact that Jews are, by far, the #1 target of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America

(3.31) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost’s fetish for using its front page to visually “humanize” Adolf Hitler, and other anti-Semitic monsters — while consistently vilifying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in pictures

(3.32) BIAS: “Hadar’s Story”: HuffPost completely ignored a Jewish girl who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist — while at the same time, giving top coverage to sad stories about animals, and a vulgar girl band

(3.33) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored Elie Wiesel’s opposition to the Iran deal, and his urging of President Obama to meet with Netanyahu — while at the same time, whitewashing and giving top coverage to supporters of the deal — including a proven front group for Iran’s mullahs, and a convicted pedophile

(3.34) BIAS: HuffPost ignored two rabbis who were stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists, and the wife of one of the rabbis, who was laughed at and spat on by Arabs when she begged for help — while at the same time, giving four days of top, sympathetic coverage to a convicted murderer

(3.35) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: The Simon Weisenthal Center and the American Jewish Committee blasted HuffPost (again) for its anti-Semitism

(3.36) BIAS: HuffPost whitewashed, dehumanized and downplayed an American Jewish peace activist who’d been murdered by Palestinian terrorists, in part by rewriting wire service headlines — while at the same time giving top publicity to “a ‘heartbreaking’ story about a gorilla”

(3.37) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Jewish mother of six who was stabbed to death, in front of her children, by a Palestinian terrorist — while at the same time, giving top publicity to a “sad elephant,” convicted murderers, and “gay men who touch vaginas”

(3.38) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian terrorist attack on a female Israeli soldier — while at the same time giving top coverage to an assault by a (masked) “suspected Jewish extremist,” and “news” stories about “unicorn poop” and “X-rated drawings found in an abandoned house”

(3.39) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “barked” words that it found offensive — then retroactively manipulated its headline copy to try to cover its tracks

(3.40) BIAS: HuffPost buried, whitewashed and quickly removed the story about Palestinian terrorists murdering four Jews, including a pregnant mother of six — while at the same time, giving higher coverage to a PR piece it produced about the leader of Hamas, which took credit for the massacre

(3.41) BIAS: HuffPost rewrote the headline of, and omitted key copy from a Reuters story it published about America’s withdrawal from UNESCO, to make the U.S. appear to be the bad guy, for Israel’s benefit

(3.42) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed at the top of its front page that “Israeli Police Fire Tear Gas And Stun Grenades On Palestinian Protestors,” implying that the police initiated the violence, when it knew that they were responding to violent attacks by these “protesters” [UPDATED]

(3.43) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian migrant who violently attacked a Jewish grocery store in Amsterdam, with a Palestinian flag — on video — yet gives top coverage to completely unsubstantiated allegations of Jews’ wrongdoing, in the U.S. and elsewhere

(3.44) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored more than a dozen firebombs thrown at synagogue in Gothenberg, Sweden as Jewish students were inside — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian “journalist” who alleged she was harassed by Israeli police

(3.45) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian terrorist attack on five American Jewish students — but gave three straight days of front page sympathy to a man who had a lonely bachelor party

(3.46) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several Trump supporters in CA who insulted three Palestinian anti-Trump activists — yet completely ignored hundreds of Palestinians in NYC who openly chanted death threats against Jews [UPDATED: Hannukah events canceled in German cities because of same threats]

(3.47) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored an imam in New Jersey who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere — and his mosque’s decision to only send him to “retraining” — yet gives top coverage to its explicit condemnations of Christians who voice opposition to same-sex marriage [UPDATED]

(3.48) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the video of a Palestinian suicide bomber who stabbed an IDF soldier, and was shot before he could detonate his bomb vest — but gave top graphic coverage to an accusation that a masked person who punched another was a Jew

(3.49) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored an Islamist terrorist attack on an Israel-supporting Ohio restaurant — but gave top, graphic coverage to a fake allegation that a “pack of Jews” chased Gov. Romney’s motorcade, and a fake hate crime against a Muslim boy

(3.50) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the sentencing of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist to 28 years in prison for the conspiracy to behead a Jewish blogger in America — yet gave top, sustained coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she had a green card in a U.S. restaurant

(3.51) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered — yet gave top coverage to its condemnation of several people who said a Palestinian family “look like terrorists”

(3.52) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a complaint by Jews about a hotel manager in Los Angeles who wears swastika-themed shirts at work, and harassed them — and that the owners decided to keep him on staff — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian filmmaker who alleged he was detained at LAX for 60 minutes

(3.53) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a wave of genocidal, threatening hate mail sent to synagogues throughout Canada — yet gave top, sustained coverage to one Canadian Muslim politician who reported receiving a hateful letter

(3.54) BIAS: January 2018, Samaria, Israel: HuffPost completely ignored (a) a rabbi who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists, leaving behind a wife and six children, and (b) the U.S.-backed Fatah openly celebrating and glorifying the attack — yet gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which HuffPost failed to report]

(3.55) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely depicted illegal aliens who entered Israel as “migrants,” then claimed Israel unfairly told them to get out or go to jail — while completely ignoring the toll these “migrants” have wreaked on law-abiding Israeli Jews

(3.56) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost surgically sanitized a source article from the NY Times about one of the world’s leading terrorists, to depict him only as a “leader,” and a victim of unprovoked Israeli aggression

(3.57) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost surgically sanitized a source article from the AP about a notorious Palestinian terrorist, to depict him only as a “leader” imprisoned by Israel

(3.58) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored Holocaust Remembrance Day — but gave five straight days of front-page coverage to random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what the Nazis perpetrated on their victims

(3.59) BIAS: HuffPost ignores, downplays or whitewashes Muslims’ and Palestinians’ incitement and violence against American Jews — but gave front page coverage to an original, sad story about a Palestinian green card holder who’d been ordered deported since 2009

(3.60) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the story of an 8-year-old Jewish boy in France who was beaten by three assailants, an act that was condemned by the President Macron — yet gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which HuffPost failed to report]

(3.61) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a rabbi who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist, on VIDEO, leaving behind a wife and four children — and Hamas celebrating the attack — but gave front-page coverage to an original, graphic, sympathetic story about “Molly,” a pig that was adopted from a Canadian animal shelter, then eaten, and a “standoff” between Scottish police and a stuffed tiger

(3.62) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely depicted Israel as the aggressor in a cross-border shooting incident, in which an Iranian military drone invaded its air space, which it shot down — long after it was known that Israel was responding to a threat, not creating one

(3.63) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored a top Palestinian official publicly telling U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley to “shut up” — but constructed a front page splash headline that falsely claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “barked” an insult, at a speech

(3.64) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top coverage to sympathizing with a Palestinian “journalist” who claimed she was detained and “interrogated” (but was able to live-Tweet it) — yet completely ignores multiple reports of how the Palestinian “government” uses police-state tactics to violently repress any journalist who dares to say anything critical of the regime

(3.65) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a victimology-based essay by an American Muslim, who decried bias and suspicion against Muslims — yet has completely ignored the fact that Jews are at least four times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims, that imams across North America have been caught on video inciting such crimes, and the fact that many are perpetrated by Muslims

(3.66) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic bias and incitement rant by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a Muslim woman who was asked if she has a green card

(3.67) BIAS: HuffPost gave top publicity to a report about alleged hate crimes against Muslims, in Germany — yet continues to ignore actual, documented hate crimes against Jews, including murder, including those perpetrated by Muslims, in America and Western Europe

(3.68) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that a senior Democratic Congressman openly admitted that he admires Louis Farrakhan as “an outstanding human being,” and has had long-term relations with him [UPDATE: Now seven senior Congressional Democrats are identified as having direct, long-term ties with Farrakhan]

(3.69) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to falsely smearing Amb. John Bolton as being “an anti-Muslim hater,” and “a raging Islamophobe” — yet has completely ignored the venomous, violence-inciting racist and anti-Semitic rants of Louis Farrakhan

(3.70) March 2018, Cincinnati, OH: BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored news that a Muslim immigrant asked patrons in a restaurant if anyone was Jewish, and when one answered he was, savagely beat him, fracturing his eye socket — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist

(3.71) March-April 2018: BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top coverage to, whitewashed and legitimized Hamas-led violent protests against Israel at its border — while completely ignoring evidence that exposed the reality — and instead, gave top coverage for three straight days to an editorial that claimed Israel is trying to “massacre hope” for peace with the Palestinians, and a woman in Spain who allows her husband to use a sex robot

(3.72) May 2018: BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas claiming that Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves — and have no connection to Israel — yet gave three days of top coverage to an original “investigation” into “fish sex”

(3.73) May 2018: BIAS: HufPost completely ignored an Israeli diplomat who was reportedly thrown out of an UBER car by a radical Islamist, onto a Chicago freeway — because he is Jewish — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian filmmaker who was briefly detained by security officials at a U.S. airport

(3.1) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: STW documentary video: “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”

On March 1, 2016, SaveTheWest released its debut documentary video, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada” (44 minutes).  The 2-minute trailer is here; a 2-minute accolades video, featuring noted British journalist and author Melanie Phillips, is here.

Specifically, the purpose of this video was to examine how HuffPost covered the first ten weeks of Palestinians’ wave of terrorist attacks on Jews between September 13, 2015 and November 30, 2015, known as the Third Intifada, This reign of anti-Semitic terror left 22 Jews dead – including three American Jews – and more than 200 injured, 21 seriously.

SaveTheWest’s examination revealed five key facts:

11-17-2015 FPHL 10-18 - lost 3 eared cat
HuffPost completely ignored the story of an Israeli rabbi and his son who were murdered in front of their family, by Palestinian terrorists. Instead, in the following days, it wrote and published an original story on its front page, about this sad, three-eared cat in England.

(1) Of the 105 Palestinian terror attacks during this period, HuffPost ignored 94 of them (90%), meaning they never appeared on either its front page or World page, its two highest-traffic pages that deal with international news.

(2) Of the 11 stories concerning attacks that HuffPost did cover – all of which were wire service reports from the AP or Reuters – in 9 cases it manipulated either (a) the provided headline copy, to blur the distinction between Palestinian terrorists and their Jewish victims, or (b) the headline imagery, to evoke sympathy for Palestinians. In one case, it falsely implied that Israel was the aggressor. In another, it insinuated that Israeli Jews are murderous racists.

(3) Instead of reporting about the Jews who’d been murdered or injured, or their grieving loved ones, in the days after these attacks, HuffPost gave sympathetic, picture-rich coverage on its front page to stories of abused animals, sad celebrities, and an array of freakish, tabloid-style “news” items.

(4) The only sympathetic, personal pictures that HuffPost inserted into stories that appeared on its top pages about Palestinian terror attacks were of Palestinian rioters, terrorists or their grieving loved ones. (The lone exception was a picture of an African migrant who’d been mistaken for a terrorist.)

(5) In several incidents, HuffPost gave top, sustained coverage to editorials that whitewashed and legitimized the Palestinian narrative, and at least one that explicitly justified their terrorist attacks against Jews.

On December 21, 2015, SaveTheWest.com sent an inquiry to HuffPost’s media relations department regarding our key allegations. We received no reply.

Below is the full documentary; the script and resource page, containing our source documentation, is here.

(3.2) INCITEMENT: “Fucking dick the fat Jew”


(3.3) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that at least Hitler “meant well, by eliminating Jews”

H/T to the Little Green Footballs blog, which broke this story, and which framed it as follows:

At the Huffington Post, your one-stop shop for leftist vitriol and deranged hatred, former Washington Post sportswriter and Seinfeld co-producer Peter Mehlman says the Bush administration is far worse than the world’s worst fascist dictators. At least the dictators meant well.

The editorial to which LGF refers, quoted verbatim:

At Least They Didn’t Mean Well…., by Peter Mehlman, Huffington Post, June 20, 2007. Excerpt:

So now we’re six and a half years into Bush and everyone from Helen Thomas on down is declaring him the worst president ever. What no one is saying is the one overarching reason he’s the worst: the Bush administration is the first that doesn’t even mean well. […]

You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by… eliminating Jews

As of December 5, 2016, the editorial was still live at HuffPost — nine years after it was first published — and the deranged writer is still one of its official bloggers.

(3.4) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely alleged that “Israeli troops kill Palestinians, harvest organs” [But HuffPost gave no coverage to Islamists who actually are murdering black Africans and selling their organs]

harvest-organsJust one tiny problem with this “news” story that HuffPost put on its front page: HuffPost knew, before it published this classic anti-Semitic blood libel, that the “journalist” who wrote this “story” openly admitted — in the story itself — that he had “no idea, no clue” if the allegation is true or not:

Interviewed on Israel Radio on Wednesday, [Donald] Bostrom said he was worried by the allegations he reported but could not vouch for their accuracy. “It concerns me, to the extent that I want it to be investigated, that’s true. But whether it’s true or not – I have no idea, I have no clue,” he told the station.

Also, this picture was completely unrelated to the original story. HuffPost sought out one that would incite the most hatred against Jews.

The original article, which appeared on Sweden’s notorious smear paper, Aftonebet, included several pictures — none of which HuffPost chose to use.  Instead, HuffPost’s editors opted to search for a picture that would add that last bit of anti-Semitic incitement to the “story.” In this case, they found and used one that shows grinning IDF soldiers marching towards the camera, presumably gleeful over having murdered more Palestinians and stealing their organs — and another, which it used to promote this “story” atop its other top story pages of the day, showing an IDF soldier praying next to a tank:


Soon after HuffPost published this “story,” physicians from around the world debunked the medical aspects of it as “impossible,” and the Palestinian family cited in the story claimed they never made this allegation. More debunking here.

HuffPost never published an update to the “story,” nor did it apologize to its readers, to Jews, or to Israel and the IDF. Instead, by the time this SaveTheWest report was written, HuffPost had simply removed it, apparently deciding that its ongoing work to defame Jews — and help incite and justify Palestinian terrorist attacks on them — had already achieved its purpose.

UPDATE December 9, 2017: But HuffPost gave no coverage to Islamists who actually are murdering black Africans and selling their organs

Starting in mid-November 2017, news broke that Libyan Islamists are capturing black Africans and selling them into slavery.  On November 29, however, the story took a ghoulish new turn:

African migrants being sold as slaves by Libyan human traffickers ‘have their organs harvested, bodies mutilated and roasted like kebabs’ claims Nigerian ex-minister, by Bill Bond and Sara Malm, Daily Mail (UK),November 29, 2017. Excerpt:

A former Nigerian government minister has claimed that migrants from his country are having their organs harvested after being sold into slavery in Libya.

Femi Fani-Kayode, a onetime aviation minister in Nigeria, claimed that 75 per cent of slaves who have their organs harvested in North Africa are from his country.

The Cambridge University-educated lawyer added that the victims have their ‘bodies mutilated’ and are ‘roasted like suya [shish kebabs]’.

He went on: ‘Roasted alive! This is what Libyans do to sub-Saharan Africans who are looking for a transit point to Europe.

‘They sell them into slavery and either murder, mutilate, torture or work them to death.’   

Newsweek provided more graphic coverage:

Nigerian Slaves Have Organs Harvested, Bodies Mutilated and Are Set on Fire, Horrifying Pictures Claim, by Beatrice Dupuy, Newsweek, December 1, 2017. Excerpt:

A burned corpse hanging upside down. Three men standing side by side with scars covering the wounds from their stolen internal organs. Human beings for sale.

Those are the searing images of the modern-day slavery taking place across Libya, posted by a former Nigerian minister after a CNN investigation revealed that Nigerian migrants were being sold into slavery by smugglers for $200.

“Roasted alive,” tweeted former Nigerian aviation minister Femi Fani-Kayode. “This is what Libyans do to sub-Saharan Africans who are looking for a transit point to Europe. They sell them into slavery and either murder, mutilate, torture or work them to death.”

Over the following ten days, other major news media reported on this organ-harvesting and -murder aspect of the Libyan Islamist slave trade, including The Sun (UK), The International Business Times, and others.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 9, 2017 search — ten days after the story broke — using the string “Libyan African slaves organ harvested” returned zero relevant results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to run on its front page, instead?

Here’s a sampling:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 1, 2017.

John Oliver Fanboying Over ‘Real Life Royalty’ Beyoncé Is A True Delight

Photos Of Meghan Markle’s Style, Before And After She Met Prince Harry

Donald Trump Is Literally A Talking Head In This ‘Once In A Lifetime’ Mashup

Stephen Colbert Burns Donald Trump Jr. With One Simple Question

Why would HuffPost give front page coverage to an allegation that it knew was false, about Jews murdering Palestinians to “harvest their organs” — and aggravate this act by inserting a completely unrelated picture that could only inflame the anti-Semitic hatred it would incite — yet completely ignore this story, of Muslim supremacists who actually are murdering people and harvesting their organs?  And why would it decide to give such prominent coverage to nonsensical “news” stories on its front page, instead?

Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer these questions.

(3.5) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that a “pack of Jew”s chased Romney motorcade

08aug-fphl-romney-chased-by-pack-of-jews-callout2Anyone who follows HuffPost knows that if it ever caught a conservative publication referring to Muslims as chasing anything in a “pack,” it would go ballistic with condemnations about racism, Islamophobia and bigotry, and might have gone on one of its notorious “headline jihads” against the perpetrator.  (In fact, HuffPost set up an entire sub-site dedicated to chronicling every allegation of unkindness against Muslims in America — while not setting up a similar sub-site, to document the fact that there are 3-5 times as many hate crimes against Jews.)

There was one tiny problem with this “news” story, which HuffPost published on its front page: it knew, or should have known, that the “journalist” who wrote, Sam Stein, it was either lying, or grossly incorrect.  Specifically, because as the NY Times exposed, this “pack” of Jews was chasing Romney because they were fans, and wanted to get their pictures taken with him.

And although HuffPost eventually rewrote the headline to remove the anti-Semitic slur, as of December 4, 2016 (four years later), it allowed its embedded slide show to continue advancing the lie that the Jewish wedding party had “chased off” Romney:


(3.6) INCITEMENT: “This filthy Jewess is so done with alt-right bullshit”

On November 14, 2016, HuffPost featured on its front page an article about what it alleges is hate speech by Breitbart.com.  One example of the hate speech HuffPost cited is an editorial that Breitbart published, written by a conservative Jew, with the phrase “renegade Jew” in its headline.

If this is the standard by which HuffPost claims hate speech against Jews should be judged, it is not curious to note how it had no problem featuring this incendiary headline near the top of its front page — while claiming it does not engage in, or allow any form of hate speech?

This Filthy Jewess Is Done With ‘Alt-Right’ Bullsh*t


(3.7) INCITEMENT: HuffPost spread the debunked lie that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Congress’s invitation to address it, before President Obama had been notified

The following is excerpted from our broader report: “The Rhodes To HuffPost”: The Huffington Post’s use of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement in order to help “sell” the Iran deal

At 7:50am on March 2, 2015, a few hours before Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, HuffPost published this splash headline story. Note that the headline copy put incendiary words into Netanyahu’s mouth, clearly implying that he had done something to insult President Obama:

02Mar BAD BIBI SPLASH - NO OFFENSE BARRYThe story page to which this incendiary headline led contained this passage (emphasis added):

HUFFPOLLSTER: Netanyahu Visit Polarizes Americans, by Mark Blumenthal, Ariel Edwards-Levy and Janie Velencia, The Huffington Post, March 2, 2015 7:50 am ET.

“Nearly half of American voters — 48 percent — say that congressional Republicans should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on Tuesday without first notifying President Barack Obama, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”

This incendiary allegation originated in a story in the New York Times, that simply repeated an allegation by White House operatives that President Obama had not been notified in advance about Netanyahu’s acceptance of Speaker Boehner’s invitation to address Congress.

In reality, as HuffPost knew or should have known, the New York Times had corrected that false story more than a month earlier, on January 30, publishing this notation at the end of the article:

“An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.”

Omri Ceren of the Israel Project was the first to have caught the correction, and began publicizing this fact the same day, January 30, after which it went viral among those who supported Netanyahu speaking to Congress:

01Feb - NYT ADMITS WH LIED - HP NothingEd Lasky at American Thinker publicized the NYT’s correction, and the fact that this was a lie that originated in the Obama administration, on January 31.

Further, according to a February 17 story by Bloomberg, a CNN-ORC survey revealed that nearly twice as many Americans said they wanted Netanyahu to speak to Congress, as those who didn’t (even though many assumed the White House false narrative was correct, about its not being informed in advance).

HuffPost has built one of the largest news rooms in America, with hundreds of journalists, researchers and editors.  Is it possible that HuffPost was really unaware of the reality surrounding Netanyahu’s speech? Or, did it continue perpetuating this lie in order to discredit Netanyahu, and protect Rhodes’s “war room”?

As shown in this screencap from May 28, 2016, HuffPost never corrected its story.  It also never published a retraction on either its front page or World page.

(3.8) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost used a Yiddish slang term to tell the world that Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was worthless — while consistently quoting Iran’s rulers accurately

On March 3, 2015, the day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, HuffPost published this editorial screed as a splash “news” headline:


For those unfamiliar with the term “bupkis,” according to the Oxford Dictionary, it is Yiddish slang, defined as:

bupkis; n (bo͝opkis); Origin: Yiddish

Definition: Nothing at all: “You know bupkis about fundraising.”

You can read the transcript of Netanyahu’s speech here, and watch the entire video below, to enable you to judge whether:

  • What he had to say was devoid of meaning
  • He deserved to be attacked so viciously by HuffPost, which insists it is a “nonpartisan” newspaper – using Yiddish slang, no less

Contrast how HuffPost treated Netanyahu to its accurate, respectful depiction of statements by Iran’s rulers

It is only in this context that one can grasp the significance of how HuffPost consistently produced headlines that quoted Iran’s rulers accurately (and below, has even published articles that may as well have come from their PR agency).

For example, on March 12, 2015, only 9 days after it smeared Netanyahu, HuffPost devoted the following splash headline story to Iran’s “Supreme Leader,” Ayatollah Khomenei. Note how it summarized his statement accurately, without any editorializing:

03Mar BIBI SMEAR SPLASH - vs SUPLDR VERBATIMKeep in mind the following facts about Khamenei:

  • He oversees Iran’s internal and global terrorism operations, including its chronic murder of homosexuals, for the “crime” of being homosexuals.

    hanging gays
    Homosexuals executed in Tehran public square, for the “crime” of being gay.
  • He has openly claimed his mission is to destroy America and Israel.
  • Under his “leadership,” Iran has broken nearly every agreement it signed with the international community concerning its weapons programs, and other key issues.

HuffPost, however, has published no information about, or quotes by Khamenei or other Iranian “leaders,” regarding any of those things during the “negotiations” over the Iran deal. Instead, as documented below, HuffPost bent over backwards to present only positive depictions of what even the U.S. government identifies, year after year, as the world’s #1 terror state (a fact that it also ignores).

(3.9) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost justified Palestinian terrorism against Jews

In the fall of 2015, the Palestinians mounted their latest terror campaign against Jewish civilians in Israel.   Palestinians from age 11 and over were stabbing, shooting and running over Jews on a near-daily basis, and ultimately killed 26 people, including five Americans.

As part of HuffPost’s bias and incitement campaign against Jews during this period, on October 16, 2015, it published this editorial at the top of its World page, the headline of which explicitly justifies Palestinian terrorist attacks on Jews. And Huffpost left it there for six straight days.


(3.10) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost whitewashed the cause of Palestinian terrorism against Jews

On October 19, HuffPost published this “story” as the splash headline on its World page, which it matched with this sympathetic picture of an apparently exhausted Palestinian rioter, or terrorist:

19Oct --- WHAT PAL YOUTH REALLY WANT splash --- callout2

In this editorial, the “journalist” compared Palestinian teenagers to those she encountered as a “teacher” in America, and in the West Bank, as being:

“[n]ormal kids who wanted normal lives… [T]hey wanted to sleep through the night without the fear of soldiers raiding their house, turning it upside down, or stationing themselves on the roof… [T]oday’s stabbings… are cries of despair and hopelessness…”


Just one tiny problem: one of the architects of the Third Intifada, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, confirmed that “despair and hopelessness” are not the cause of the terror campaign:

“This intifada is not the result of despair. This intifada is a jihad, a holy war fought by the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Only a holy war will drive the occupier out of Palestine.”

HuffPost chose to completely ignore that refutation, and identical other ones, by both the perpetrators and inciters of the Third Intifada.  Instead, as documented here, HuffPost chose to publish “news” items such as these on its front page:

“Lost Erotica Of Spain Reveals An Overlooked Feminist History (NSFW)”

“Here’s What Happened When These Gay Men Touched A Vagina For The First Time”

“Newly Discovered Trench In Loch Ness Is Just The Right Size For A Monster”

(3.11) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas

This splash headline news story appeared at HuffPost on July 23 (see top of screencap below) and July 24, 2014:


The Simon Wiesenthal Center, one of the largest and most respected Jewish civil rights organizations, blasted this headline story, and the entire premise behind it, as an outrageous anti-Semitic lie:

Wiesenthal Center: Huffington Post Headline on Gaza ‘Takes Art of Lying to New Depths’, by Joshua Levitt, The Algemeiner, July 24, 2014. Excerpt:

Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper on Thursday slammed the Huffington Post and reporter Sophie Jones, its Middle East correspondent, for the sensationalist headline, “‘They Just Wanted to Kill as Many People as Possible.”’ Cooper said the headline, accusing Israel of targeting civilians in its current war against Hamas in Gaza, and Jones’s reporting, “takes the art of lying and self-delusion to new depths.” […]

“Israel made a commitment unmatched by any other country in wartime to use technology to minimize civilian casualties,” he said. “Is it perfect, of course not. But Gazans know the truth – Hamas, who they voted into power, has turned them into human shields, their enemy Israel has tried to help them survive.”

Jones’s own reporting contradicted the article’s headline, as several of her “dozens of interviews” described how they and their families safely left their homes after the IDF warned as many as people as possible in their neighborhood.

(3.12) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed Israel is “fantasizing” about getting the U.S. to go to war against Iran

One does not need to examine this screed beyond the first sentence, to realize how unhinged and anti-Semitic it is.  HuffPost left this at or near the top of its World page for three straight days.

03-17-2015 FPHL 09-46 - IRAN US HEAVENS GATE day2Iran and America at Heaven’s Gate?, by Michael Brenner, Huffington Post, March 16, 2015. Excerpt (emphasis added):

If Israel fails to get Washington to go to war with Iran, it will have lost a very big bet. More fantasizing will not get it out of that hole. […] There also is the possibility of Israeli attack aircraft being shot out of the sky by the United States as they overfly Iraq or even approach Iran from a circuitous route via Saudi Arabia. It strikes me that a compelling case can be made for the United States to do just that.

(3.13) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed, “Unlike the rulers of Gaza, Israel’s upper classes thrive off war”

HuffPost published this incendiary editorial, written by the notorious, deranged anti-Israel propagandist Max Blumenthal, on its front page on July 16, 2015, several weeks before the final climax of the debate over the Iran deal:

The Fire Next Time, by Max Blumenthal, Huffington Post, July 16, 2015.

Even before [Israel’s] assault was launched, Gaza was a warehouse for surplus humanity — a 360-square-kilometer ghetto of Palestinian refugees expelled by and excluded from the self-proclaimed Jewish state. […]

IS [Ed.: ISIS] in Gaza has established an alliance of convenience with the Israeli military, with each relying on the other to tighten the vise on Hamas.

Unlike the rulers of Gaza, Israel’s upper classes thrive off war.

Is it even possible that HuffPost, which runs one of the largest news rooms in America, is unaware of the lies in this article?  That for example, Hamas’s rulers have stolen billions of dollars in foreign aid and tax revenue from the people of Gaza, and enjoy lives of uber-luxury, while the Palestinians they “govern” live in poverty?  Just one example — from one year earlier, in July 2014:

Hamas got rich as Gaza was plunged into poverty, by Doron Peskin, YNetNews.com, July 15, 2014. Excerpt:

With multi-million-dollar land deals, luxury villas and black market fuel from Egypt, Gaza’s rulers made billions while the rest of the population struggled with 38-percent poverty and 40-percent unemployment.

While the fighting is only expected to worsen the distress of the residents of Gaza, the Strip’s economic outlook for the Strip was never good. The unemployment rate in Gaza stood at approximately 40% before the latest conflict, with a similar proportion being classed as living under the poverty line.

But while most of the Gaza population tries to deal with the difficulties of daily life, it seems that one sector at least has had few worries about their livelihoods – Hamas leaders and their associates.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah, right, aboard one of the terror group’s private jets.

The fact is that for anyone who chooses to study the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is a well-known fact that Hamas’s leaders indeed “thrive” as a result of it, using stolen “humanitarian aid” money to live in the lap of luxury, while Gaza’s residents exist on the brink of poverty.

Yet HuffPost chose to publish this incendiary cauldron of lies on its front page, courtesy of Max Blumenthal, whose hyperbolic anti-Semitic, anti-Israel propaganda is so deranged that even fellow far-left Israel critic Erik Alterman of The Nation, has lambasted him.  According to Alterman, Blumenthal’s recent book, Goliath, reads like:

“a propaganda tract” that “could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club (if it existed) without a single word change once it’s translated into Arabic.”

Further, Blumenthal is so disturbed that, hours after legendary Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Elie Wiesel died, Blumenthal was Tweeting vicious, lie-filled attacks against him.  A continuation of his long, long history of lying.

Despite that history, for years HuffPost has:

  • 15July15 Hawking MB book - calloutEnabled Blumenthal to blog on its front page
  • Promotes the sale of his books with active links, something it does for few other authors (screencap at right is from his article, “The Fire Next Time,” described at top of this section)

(3.14) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”

The following is summarized from an article at Huffington Post Monitor and Huff-Watch.

To place today’s events into recent context:

  • HuffPost recently published and heavily promoted a fawning interview that its Middle East correspondent conducted with a top Hamas terrorist.

Then, on September 15, 2010, HuffPost featured this “news” story at the top of its World page:

“Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”

hpm-israelstrikesgazaJudging from this top “news” headline, Israel maliciously attacked Gaza as “leaders” met to try to achieve peace.

But is this really what happened?  No.  And HuffPost knew it at the time.

In summary, after Hamas instigated another war with Israel, HuffPost published the above teaser at the top of its story pages, which was written by the AP, but carried a very different headline:

The story made it very clear that Israel was responding to attacks by Hamas in Gaza — yet HuffPost reversed the sequence of events to falsely make it appear as if Israel was initiating attacks on Gaza:

Israeli warplanes responded [to the mortar and rocket attacks by Hamas] by bombing a smuggling tunnel along the Gaza-Egypt border, the military said.

[George Mitchell, the U.S. envoy for Mideast peace efforts] made no mention of the mortar shells fired into Israel by Palestinian militants in Gaza or of Israel’s retaliatory air strike on Gaza […]

Later the same day, however, HuffPost revised the copy to read as follows:

fphl-6pm-calloutOnce again, however, HuffPost left the casual reader with the false impression that this was a tit-for-tat, that the Israelis and Hamas decided to fire at each other, for no particular reason, when it either knew, or should have known, that it was Hamas that had broken this cease fire and was attacking Israel, which was forced to respond.

(3.15) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published on its two Arabic editions a story claiming that a Jewish woman murdered the Prophet Muhammad — then refused (a) to even respond to letters of complaint from the ADL, or (b) to take the article down

Huffpost Arabic refuses to remove post claiming a Jew poisoned Muhammad; Rebuffing ADL request to take down ‘anti-Semitic screed,’ website instead rephrases headline as a question, by JTA (via Times of London), January 13, 2017. Excerpt:

The Anti-Defamation League called on the Huffington Post’s Arabic-language edition to remove a blog post claiming a Jewish woman poisoned the Prophet Muhammad with arsenic.

The ADL has been urging the site to take down the article since shortly after it was published Nov. 29, the organization said in a press release on Thursday.

“It is troubling that an anti-Semitic screed cleared The Huffington Post’s editorial review process and that our concerns so far have been ignored,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. “We call on The Huffington Post to immediately remove this offensive entry and to ensure that the proper safeguards are in place so that the Arabic site is free of anti-Semitism and incitement against Jews.”

And from the Jewish News Service (JNS) on January 13, 2017:

The [HuffPost] blog, originally published Nov. 29, stated outright in its title that a Jewish woman used arsenic to poison Mohammed, while the text included that claim and other anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. The ADL initially reached out to the editor of the Huffington Post Arabic website Dec.7, but never received a response.

(3.16) INCITEMENT: HuffPost depicted a Jewish U.S. Senator in blackface, as a means of humiliating him for not supporting its favored candidate


This racist, anti-Semitic screed was written by flame-throwing blogger Jane Hamsher, into which HuffPost allowed her to  insert this Photoshop-altered image of Sen. Joseph Lieberman to appear in blackface, to assail him because she alleged he was being disloyal to the Democratic Party.  (The reader must figure out how disloyalty equates with being a fake black person, and if this relates to HuffPost’s lily-white executive staff.)

Although HuffPost later removed this anti-Semitic image, after a public firestorm, it has allowed the article to remain posted, and Hamsher to remain an active blogger.

(3.17) BIAS: HuffPost provided prominent, sympathetic, graphic coverage of an Iranian girl who needed surgery in America — but ignored an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist

On February 8, 2017, HuffPost published on its front page a sympathetic, personalized, graphic story of an Iranian girl in need of heart surgery, whose trip to an Oregon hospital had been delayed, due to the Trump administration putting a temporary pause on entry visas from seven nations, including Iran.  This was an original, in-depth photo-story that HuffPost wrote.

Iranian Baby Barred By Travel Ban Enters U.S. For Lifesaving Surgery; Doctors treating the girl in Oregon say they’re hopeful they can successfully manage her heart condition, by Nina Golgowski, The Huffington Post, February 8, 2017. Excerpt:

An Iranian baby girl denied entry to the U.S. for lifesaving surgery under President Donald Trump’s travel ban has arrived in America for treatment.

Fatemeh Reshad was admitted at Oregon Health & Science University’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland on Tuesday, doctors confirmed. Her arrival ended a terrifying ordeal for the 4-month-old child’s family, after authorities had told them they’d have to wait 90 days to apply for a U.S. Visa.

Contrast how HuffPost treated this Iranian girl, to how it treated an American Jewish girl who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist — and Hamas openly celebrating this attack

This top, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provided to tell this Iranian girl’s story stands in sharp contrast to the fact that it essentially ignored a three-month-old American Jewish girl, Chaya Zissel Braun, who had been murdered by a Palestinian terrorist on October 22, 2014:

Three-month-old American Jewish girl Chaya Zissel Braun

The story of Chaya’s murder was initially covered by Jewish publications throughout the U.S. and Israel, including the Jerusalem Post, the Algemeiner, and others.

The Daily Caller (a publication that HuffPost follows and cites when it can attack its founder, Tucker Carlson) was the first U.S. mainstream publication to report the story on October 22:

Palestinian Terror Attack Kills American Baby, Wounds 7 Others In Israel, by Sarah Hurtubise, The Daily Caller, October 22, 2014, 11:25pm.  Excerpt:

A Palestinian driver with a history of anti-Israel violence crashed into a crowded train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday in an apparent terrorist attack, killing a three-month old baby American girl and wounding eight Israelis. […]

“We look at this incident as a terrorist attack,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. The driver, who lived in east Jerusalem in Silwan, appeared to deliberately strike those waiting at the train station. He “has served time in Israeli prison for terrorism.” He is in serious condition.

The infant, Chaya Zissel Braun, died later of her injuries, according to Haaretz. Her parents, both American citizens, were also injured in the attack.

Within hours, Hamas celebrated and justified the attack that killed Chaya:

Baby girl killed in Jerusalem is an American, US official says, by Ben Hartman & Michael Wilner, The Jerusalem Post, October 23, 2014. Excerpt:

[Chaya] flew 10-20 meters in the air before landing headfirst on the pavement, Shimshon Halperin said Wednesday night.  Standing outside Hadassah University Medical Center on Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus, after Chaya had died of intracranial bleeding Halperin explained how the driver from Silwan rammed a row of pedestrians, hitting Chaya’s stroller and sending her flying.

“This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran said in response to the attack.

The Post story also described an added aspect of this tragedy:

[…] Chaya had been born after her parents had tried for years to have a baby to no avail, said Halperin, adding that her parents were in shock, having just learned of her death.

Also, early the next day (October 23), the U.S. Department of State issued a press release condemning the attack, and indicating that Chaya was indeed a U.S. citizen:

U.S. condemns Jerusalem terror attack that killed infant, by JTA, October 23, 2014 6:45am. Excerpt:

The United States condemned as “despicable” a terror attack in Jerusalem that claimed the life of a 3-month-old girl.  Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral late Wednesday night in Jerusalem for Chaya Zissel Braun, who is reported to be an American citizen. […]

Hours after the attack, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement, “The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who was killed in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured. We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident.”

Soon after, the NY Daily News, another publication that HuffPost regularly cites, ran a story about Chaya’s murder, confirming that she was an American citizen:

HuffPost completely ignored Chaya’s murder — and Hamas celebrating this attack — with the exception of an op-ed blog that it buried beyond casual public view

A search of the string “Chaya Zissel Braun” returns one result: an op-ed piece:

No Child Should Be Expendable, by Harry Leibowitz, World of Children Award Co-Founder & Board Chair, The Huffington Post, October 24, 2014.

Yet neither this item, nor anything about Chaya’s murder, or Hamas celebrating it, appeared on HuffPost’s front page from October 23-26, as proven by screencaps provided by the Internet Archive:

23Oct14 830p

24Oct14 9pm

25Oct14 10pm

26Oct14 1030p

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page during this period, instead of anything about Chaya’s murder, her family’s grief, or Hamas celebrating its murderous act?  Here is a sampling:

HuffPost decided on October 24 that sympathetic pictures of aging dogs was worthy of being on its front page — for two straight days, October 24-25 — but nothing about Chaya and her family:

LOOK: Photo Series Captures The Dignity Of Aging Dogs

And that Kim Kardashian’s “daring” dress and birthday were more front page-worthy — for two straight days (October 25-26) — than the fact that Chaya would never be able to celebrate her first birthday:

Kim Kardashian Dons A Daring White Dress For Her Birthday Bash

And HuffPost scoured the world and found this inane “news” story, which it posted on its front page for two straight days — October 25-26:

These Awkward Animal Couples Really Suck At Making Out

Here are some more of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided were worthy of being on its front page from October 23-26, instead of anything about Chaya:

Blake Lively Looks Amazing

Kate Hudson’s Matthew McConaughey Impression Is Spot On

WATCH: Howie Mandel Refuses To Leave HuffPost Live

‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Canceled By TLC

Bet You Can’t Ace This ‘Sex And The City’ Quiz

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.18) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: When Palestinians perpetrate terrorism, HuffPost rewrites the wire-provided headlines to claim it’s just nondescript “violence” —  yet when Jews are merely accused of terrorism, its headlines claim “rampaging Jewish extremists” did it

As part of SaveTheWest’s documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada,” we showcased HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias in the context of its coverage of a Palestinian terrorist’s murder of Jewish American high school student Ezra Schwartz.  Specifically, in addition to dehumanizing Ezra and downplaying his murder, HuffPost rewrote the headline that was provided by Reuters, to remove the fact that this was a Palestinian terrorist attack:

The Israeli news media gave heavy coverage to this latest Palestinian murder spree, and to the fact that one of the victims was an American. NBC made Ezra’s picture the centerpiece of its November 19, 2015 story about these attacks:


On November 19, Reuters published the following story, the opening paragraphs of which mentioned Ezra, and the fact that he was an American.

“Five dead in Palestinian attacks in Tel Aviv, West Bank – Israel”

Reuters source article - PALESTINIAN ATTACKS

The next day, November 20, HuffPost published the Reuters story both on its front page and World page. However, note how it rewrote the headline, to now read:

“American Teen Among 5 Killed In Israel Attacks”

11-20-2015 FPHL 05-52 - Am teen killed - by whom - no namesWhy did HuffPost remove the part of the Reuters headline that clearly stated that Palestinian terrorists perpetrated these attacks? And why did it also insert the words “in Israel attacks,” as if to imply that Israel itself was responsible for them? If one only gets their news from HuffPost, what other conclusion could they reasonably come to – especially given its virtual blackout on the near-daily Palestinian terrorist attacks on Jews that had been occurring for the previous two months?

Even though HuffPost included Ezra’s name in the story page URL

20Nov AM KILLED IN ISRAEL - storypage callout3

… its story page included no pictures of Ezra, and nothing about him, personally:

11-20-2015 FPHL 05-49

HuffPost also ignored the fact that shortly after Ezra was murdered, a Hamas spokesman called the attack “an act of bravery.”

Contrast HuffPost’s treatment of Ezra’s murder, to the top-line, graphic treatment it gave to accusations against Jewish civilians of harming Palestinians

Notice that in these headlines, however, HuffPost identifies the alleged perpetrators as Jewish or Israeli, and explicitly holds them to account for what they are accused of doing, by using loaded, inflammatory terms, such as “rampage,” “extremist,” etc.  Also note that in each of these cases, HuffPost uses pictures of the victims in the headlines, something it never does when Jews are the victims.

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.19) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost ignored the murder of an American rabbi and his wife in front of their four children, by Palestinian terrorists — but gave super-coverage to a Palestinian man who alleged he was wrongfully tazed by Israeli police

This short video is an excerpt of SaveTheWest’s first major documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.” The complete documentation for this case study is here.

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.20) BIAS: HuffPost produced a video that it says documents the history of car-ramming as a terror tactic — but it completely ignores its actual origin: as a means by which Palestinians murder Jews

On June 19, 2017, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline led to this page:

How Vehicles Have Become Deadly Tools Of Terror

The contents of the page only consist of this short video, produced by HuffPost — which completely omits the fact that it was Palestinians who pioneered the use of car-ramming to murder Jews, and glorify this practice via social media:

The fact thatt car-ramming as a terror-tactic was pioneered by Palestinians is not secret. Six months earlier, on January 13, 2017, Newsweek — one of HuffPost’s content partners — published this report:

Experts Say ISIS Ramming Attacks Were Inspired by Palestinians, Not Vice-Versa, by Jack Moore, Newsweek, January 13, 2017.  Excerpt:

“If at all, ISIS emulates the Palestinian militants, not the other way around,” says Yossi Mekelberg, associate fellow at the London-based international affairs think tank Chatham House. “Netanyahu is mainly a PR person and in the last year, two and a half years, he tried to connect the global war on terror with what happens [in Israel], because he thinks by that he can get more sympathy and more support.”

Jihadist groups have viewed vehicle attacks in the same vein as Palestinians: they are an easy and reliable method to target their enemies. In 2013, Al-Qaeda had called on supporters to “use a pickup truck as a mowing machine” and to “mow down the enemies of Allah.” ISIS has made similar calls since its rise in 2014.

Palestinians have been using vehicle attacks in the months and years before Nice and Berlin, and even before ISIS became a global phenomenon, not least because of the security barrier Israel constructed in 2003, effectively diminishing the ability for Palestinian militants to perpetrate suicide bomb attacks against Israelis altogether. In 2009, a Palestinian man rammed a bulldozer into a police car in Jerusalem, injuring two policemen; in 2013, another rammed a tractor into the gate of an army base, entering before Israeli soldiers shot him dead. According to The Jerusalem Post, there were at least five vehicle attacks by Palestinians between 2008 and 2011, including a truck attack.

And an entire year before HuffPost produced this video, NBC News also exposed the key role of Palestinians in pioneering the use of vehicle-ramming as terror tactic:

A Short History of Vehicles Being Used as Deadly Weapons, by Alex Johnson, NBC News, July 15 2016.  Excerpt:

Oct. 11, 2014 — Jerusalem

Abdel-Rahman Shaloudi, 21, swerves off the road, accelerates and slams into a crowd of people at a light rail stop in Jerusalem, killing a 3-month-old American-born girl and a 22-year-old Ecuadorian tourist. Seven other people are injured, and Shaloudi is shot and killed after a police pursuit.

Fatah — the Palestinian National Liberation Movement — and the military wing of the Palestinian group Hamas both claim Shaloudi as a martyr, and Fatah prints posters of him to use for recruitinIronically, g purposes. Authorities later disclose that Shaloudi was a nephew of Mohiyedine Sharif, a bomb-maker for Hamas who was known as “The Electrician.”

Ironically, the 3-month-old American girl who was murdered in the above footage, Chaya Zissel Braun, was yet another victim of HuffPost’s  endemic anti-Semitic bias: as documented in Case Study 3.17, it completely ignored her murder, and the fact that the Palestinians were celebrating her murderer’s “heroic act.”

(3.21) BIAS: HuffPost published a story that downplayed and whitewashed the fact that a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a Jewish family to death in their home — and depicted Palestinians as the actual victims — while giving top coverage to Kim Kardashian’s near-nudity

On July 14, 2017, three Palestinian terrorists murdered two Israeli policemen at the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. The attack was caught on video.

Master Sgt. Kamil Shnaan, left, and Master Sgt. Haiel Sitawe, murdered by Palestinian terrorists on July 14, 2017.

A September 7, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Kamil Shnaan Haiel Sitawe” returned zero results, proving that it completely ignored these two victims.

In the following days, Israel beefed up its security at the site, to include metal detectors.  The Palestinians objected, and began daily, escalating violent riots, during which dozens of Israelis and others were hurt.

Then, on July 21, 2017, a Jewish family was having sabbath dinner in their home, when a Palestinian terrorist burst in, and hacked them to death. Here is how the Times of Israel carried the story:

Israeli father, son and daughter stabbed to death in West Bank home; Mother in serious condition after Palestinian terrorist sneaks into settlement of Halamish, stabs family at Shabbat dinner as young children hide; killer shot and wounded by IDF soldier on leave, by Jacob Magid and TOI staff, Times of Israel, July 21, 2017.

Soon after, the Israeli police released this picture of the murder scene, and one of the victims, all from the Salomon family:

(L-R) Yosef, Elad and Chaya Salomon, who were stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist on July 21, 2017.  Source: Times of Israel.

HuffPost published nothing on its front page about this massacre until approximately 5:30pm, at which time it posted this, mid-way down, beneath other “news” stories (screencap taken at 11:00pm EST on July 21, 2017, from the Wayback Machine, here).

That headline led to this story page, the first few paragraphs of which are pasted below.  Notice that HuffPost/Reuters flips the responsibility for this massacre squarely on Israelis.  And notice that rather than featuring a picture of the murder scene, it used a picture of angry Palestinians:

At Least Six Dead In Worst Israeli-Palestinian Bloodshed For Years; The bloodiest spate of Israeli-Palestinian violence for years was prompted by new security Israeli measures at Jerusalem’s holiest site, by Luke Baker and Ori Lewis, Reuters (via HuffPost), July 21, 2017, 3:54pm EST.

Six people were killed on Friday in the bloodiest spate of Israeli-Palestinian violence for years, prompted by new security Israeli measures at Jerusalem’s holiest site.

“Three Israelis were stabbed to death in a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, hours after three Palestinians were killed in violence prompted by Israel’s installation of metal detectors at entry points to the Noble Sanctuary-Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem’s walled Old City.”

Note first that the story that HuffPost chose to run placed the Salomons on the same moral plane as the Palestinian rioters who were violently attacking and attempting to murder Israeli police officers, and had been shot in the process.  Not also that HuffPost included not a single picture of the Salomons, or their names, or the pictures of the murder scene, on its story page To the contrary, every single picture in HuffPost’s story is of Palestinians, including rioters.  A sampling: a Palestinian rioter being arrested by Israeli police:

Israeli security forces detain a Palestinian protester during clashes following prayers outside Jerusalem’s Old City on July 21, 2017. (Photo: Ahmad Gharabli via Getty Images)

A September 7, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Yosef Elad Chaya Salomon” returned zero results, proving that it completely ignored these victims.

HuffPost also ignored the fact that the Palestinian terrorist who murdered the Salomons wrote an incitement-based, anti-Semitic suicide note on Facebook:

19 Year-Old Terrorist Who Murdered 3 Jews Eating Shabbat Meal, Leaves Suicide Note on Facebook, Jewish Breaking News, July 21, 2017. Excerpt:

The  19-year-old terrorist, Omar al-Abed who murdered 3 Israelis as they were eating Shabbat dinner, left a morbid homicide/suicide note on his Facebook wall. […]

All I have is a small knife and it will respond to Al-Aqsa’s call.

You sons of pigs and monkeys, (referring to Israelis) I am sure that if you open the gates of al-Aqsa they will come after you with an iron fist – I warn you.

A September 7, 2017 search at HuffPost using the string “Omar al-Abed Facebook note” returned zero relevant results.

HuffPost also ignored the fact that both Fatah and Hamas were openly celebrating the massacre:

Hamas welcomes Samaria terrorist attack; Hamas says attack in Halamish was justified in wake of Israel’s action at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, by Ben Ariel, Israel National News, July 22, 2017. Excerpt:

The Hamas terrorist organization welcomed Friday evening’s terrorist attack in the Shomron community of Halamish, in which three Israelis were murdered in the middle of their Shabbat dinner.

The organization said in a statement said that “the heroic attack came in the wake of Israel’s violation of the rights of our people in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Contrast how HuffPost ignored, dehumanized, whitewashed and buried the story of the Salomons’ murders, to the top-level, graphic, sympathetic treatment it gives to Palestinians in grief — even over terrorists:

HuffPost put these pictures of a sad, young Palestinian girl from Gaza on its front page and World page, holding a picture of her father, after Israel was accused of abducting him.


HuffPost included this “victim’s” name right in the headline of its story page:


HuffPost knew from copy of this story, from the AP, that this man, Dirar Abu Sisi, was suspected of being a senior member of the Hamas terror group:

Dirar-Abu-Sisi-story---speculationLater, he openly admitted to an Israeli court that he indeed was a senior terrorist with Hamas, that he planned the murders of Jews, and used his engineering education to dramatically advance the technology of the rockets that Hamas fires into Israeli cities. He was sentenced to 21 years in prison. HuffPost’s search engine, however, proves that it completely ignored all of those parts of this supposed “victim’s” story.

Dirar-Abu-Sisi-conviction-search-nothingIn another incident, from August 2015, when a Palestinian was killed during violent clashes with Israeli police, HuffPost published the picture and sympathetic, personal story of a wailing relative of the deceased on both its front page and World page, for three straight days (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):

08-02-2015 FPHL 08-58 - Palestinian killed woman cryingAlso contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost feature in the top part of its front page, on July 21-22, 2017, instead of any of the pictures of the Salomons, or the murder scene, or Hamas celebrating their murders? 

Here is a sampling of what appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page at 11:00pm EST on July 21, 2017 — all of which is confirmable via this screencap from Wayback Machine:

Stephen Colbert Just Rented Out Trump’s Alleged ‘Pee Pee Tape’ Suite In Moscow

Scuba Diver Captures Humpback Whale Getting Some Magnificent Air

Blogger Praises K-Beauty While Calling Asians ‘Ching Chongs’ In ‘Funny Clothes’

More, slightly further down the front page — but above the story of the nondescript “violence” in Israel — including a “news” story about Kim Kardashian’s near-nude outfit (lower right):

Kim K. Pairs A Crop Top With A Sheer Skirt, Because Of Course

And by the next day, July 22, 2o17, the story about the nondescript “violence” in Israel had been removed from HuffPost’s front page altogether (see Wayback Machine screencap here).

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.22) BIAS: HuffPost ignored a Palestinian that mob was suspected of burning down Jewish school, during their “day of rage” activities — and instead gave top coverage to an actress who went nearly nude, and to a “hot convict”

On May 22, 2017, during a series of “Day of Rage” protests and riots ordered by the Palestinian government, a mob of Palestinian civilians was reportedly witnessed setting fire to a Jewish school in Samaria, also known as part of The West Bank.  From the JNS (Jewish News Service) News Bureau, one of the largest wire services for Jewish news, on May 24:

Palestinian arsonists burn down Jewish school in Samaria, by JNS.org staff, May 24, 2017. Excerpt:

(JNS.org) Palestinian arsonists burned down a Jewish religious school in Israel’s northern Samaria hills Monday, during a “Day of Rage” in support of an ongoing hunger strike by Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons.

The former Jewish community of Homesh, which was evacuated in 2005 as part of the Israeli government’s disengagement from Gaza and four communities in Judea and Samaria. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The arsonists entered the area surrounding Homesh Yeshiva and set the building alight. No injuries were reported. Officials from the school said they expect the IDF to bring the arsonists “to justice,” and vowed to build a larger structure at the same site to replace the destroyed building.

Jewish residents of Homesh were evicted and had their homes demolished in 2005 as part of the Israeli government’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza as well as four communities in Judea and Samaria.

And from the Jewish Press, this picture of the school emerged, also on May 24:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.

A May 28, 2017 search using the string string “Homesh Yeshiva Palestinian arson” returned zero results.  Instead of publishing anything about this story, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost published on its front page, during the three days after this story broke, from May 25-28:

Did You Hear The One About Al Franken in 2020?

Ina Garten’s New Show Airs This Weekend, And We’re So Freaking Excited

Mom Draws The Trials And Tribulations Of Parenting In Hilarious Cartoons

Contrast HuffPost’s policy of ignoring of this story, to the top-line, graphic treatment it gave to accusations against Jewish civilians for harming Palestinians

Notice that in these headlines, however, HuffPost identifies the suspected perpetrators as being Jewish or Israeli, and explicitly holds them to account for what they are accused of doing, by using loaded, inflammatory terms, such as “rampage,” “extremist,” etc.  Also note that in each of these cases, HuffPost uses pictures of the victims in the headlines, something it never does when Jews are the victims.

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.23) BIAS: HuffPost ignored imam captured on video during sermon at Davis, CA Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere — but gave top coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card

On July 21, 2017, a video emerged of Sheikh Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis, CA, preaching that Jews must be annihilated — all of them. The transcription, courtesy of the research firm MEMRI:

“Oh Allah, support the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the rest of the Muslim lands. Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews. Oh Allah, destroy those who closed the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Oh Allah, show us the black day that You inflict upon them, and the wonders of Your ability. Oh Allah, count them one by one and annihilate them down to the very last one. Do not spare any of them. […] Oh Allah, make this happen by our hands. Let us play a part in this.”

On July 24, 2017, Israel National News (one of the most widely-read Israeli news sites) reported the story, along with a number of U.S. and European outlets:

California Friday Sermon: Imam prays ‘Annihilate Jews, liberate Al-Aqsa from their filth’; ‘Annihilate them down to the very last one…not sparing any of them. Oh Allah, make this happen by our hands. Let us play a part in this, by Mordechai Sones, Israel National News, July 24, 2017. Excerpt:

Last week, Egyptian-born American preacher Ammar Shahin delivered a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis, northern California, where he serves as Imam MEMRI reported.

In it he cited a hadith, according to which the Muslims would fight the Jews on Judgment Day, and prayed to Allah to “liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews” and to “annihilate them down to the very last one,” not sparing any of them. “Oh Allah, make this happen by our hands. Let us play a part in this,” he prayed in the sermon, which was posted on the Davis Masjid YouTube channel.

Imam Shahin, who had earned a B.A. in Islamic studies in Egypt, traveled in 1999 to the U.S., where he obtained a degree in computer engineering. He is listed as an instructor of the Zidni Islamic Institute, a California-based organization that teaches Sunni Islam in the West.

Then, on July 25, the Algemeiner, America’s most-read Jewish news site, ran the story, which also noted that Shahin’s mostque is located only blocks away from the UC-Davis

Local Rabbi Condemns California Imam’s Comments ‘Inciting Hatred, Violence Against Jews, by Rachel Frommer, The Algemeiner, July 25, 2017. Excerpt:

The director of the Chabad center serving the University of California-Davis told The Algemeiner on Tuesday that he was “taking seriously” a Friday sermon made by the imam of the local mosque that some have called antisemitic.

Rabbi Shmary Brownstein said the comments from Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis — which sits blocks away from Chabad of Davis — had “unacceptably advocated and incited hatred and violence against Jews” by praying that god would “liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews.” […]

“As Jews, we are sensitive to this sort of rhetoric because we know what’s come of such talk in past times,” said Brownstein, who added that he had contacted the authorities and would be considering increased security measures.

Brownstein noted that Shahin’s is the only mosque in the town of Davis and that, during the academic year, the center has substantial student attendance.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.

A July 26, 2017 search using the string string “Ammar Shahin Oh Allah, count them one by one and annihilate them down to the very last one. Do not spare any of them” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page in the three days after this story broke, from July 25-27:

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on July 26, 2017.

You’ll Cry-Laugh At This Mom’s Post About Her Kid Catching Her Having Sex

You Can’t Unsee Alex Jones And Spencer Pratt On Vacation

Violent Video Of Boat Dragging Shark Sparks Outrage

11 Gorgeous Illustrations That Capture The Sensual Side Of Love

Chrissy Teigen Spent 10 Minutes Looking At A Car Seat Photo Before Posting

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this story, to the fact that it gave top-level coverage to a story about a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card

On February 1, 2017, HuffPost positioned this story near the top of its front page:

Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card, “Do you have a green card, by the way? Yeah, you look, are you even — ”; by Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.

Notice that this man has no influence, does not preach to hundreds or thousands of people, and did not call for a genocide of all 1.7 billion Muslims.  Yet HuffPost decided that this story, as repulsive as it is, deserved top coverage — while completely ignoring the videotape of the Davis, CA imam, as well as a similar incident from California (Case Study 24), and three more in Canada (here, here, here).

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.24) BIAS: HuffPost ignored a California imam who was captured on video during a sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them, but gave top coverage to a sad story about a widowed wolf, in England

As reported on July 26, 2017 in Legal Insurrection, one of the most popular conservative blog, run by Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson, based on a July 21, 2017 article and video at MEMRI:

Not just one, but TWO California Imams pray for annihilation of Jews over al-Aqsa Mosque, by William A. Jacobson, Legal Insurrection, July 26, 2017. Excerpt:

Once again, MEMRI reports, California Imam Mahmoud Harmoush Prays for Allah to Destroy the Jews: They Are After Mecca and Medina […]

“Allah wants us to have jihad in our lives, no matter what and where we are,” said Sheikh Harmoush. “Wake up, it is time to be a Muslim. Prayer is not the only thing,” he said. Sheikh Harmoush holds educational and leadership positions at several institutions in Southern California, teaches Arabic at UCLA San Bernardino, and is a member of the leadership council of the Syrian American Council. The mosque at the Islamic Center of Riverside was attended by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the shooters in the 2015 San Bernardino terror attack, in which 14 people were killed.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.

A July 27, 2017 search using the string string “Sheikh Mahmoud Harmoush Allah wants us to have jihad in our lives, no matter what and where we are” returned zero results.

Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page in the three days after this story broke, from July 27-29 — starting with this personalized, graphic, sympathetic story on July 29, that one of its “journalists” wrote about a traumatized wolf — in England:

Single Wolf Dad Cares For Pups Alone After Mother Shot In Zoo Escape, by Hilary Hanson, Huffington Post, July 29, 2017.  Excerpt:

A male wolf at a zoo in England is caring for his pups alone after their mother was tragically shot last week.

Ember, a female Eurasian wolf at Cotswold Wildlife Park in Bradwell Grove, Oxfordshire, was spotted outside the perimeter fence on July 21, the BBC reported Monday. The zoo said at the time that staff shot Ember as a matter of public safety because they were unable to tranquilize her.

More “news” stories during this period:

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on July 29, 2017.

Charlie Sheen Thinks The Moon Is Hollow, According To Rob Lowe

Here’s Why You Need To Know About The 1917 Silent Parade

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Learns Why You Should Never Ever Wear Green On TV

90s Kids Can Relax, Kenan And Kel Are Friends Again

Report: Oprah Reveals Mindy Kaling Is 5 Months Along In Pregnancy

For more case studies of HuffPost’s bias against Jews and Israel, please see:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in its favored groups

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its favored groups

(3.25) BIAS: HuffPost ignored two Jewish children, including a 1-year-old, who were seriously injured by Palestinian rock-throwing terrorists — and instead gave top-level coverage to a celebrity who “thinks the moon is hollow”

Jewish baby injured in stone-throwing attack on Israeli bus; Arab terrorists hurl rocks at Israeli bus south of Jerusalem, injuring one-year-old boy, by David Rosenberg, Israel National News, August 6, 2017.

A one-year-old Israeli child was injured Sunday when Arab stone-throwers attacked a passenger bus driving through Judea, south of Jerusalem.

The terrorists attacked several Israeli vehicles near the Jewish town of Karmei Tzur, off Route 60 at the southern edge of the Gush Etzion bloc.

One of the vehicles targeted was a Gush Etzion Regional Council bus, in which the one-year-old boy and his family were travelling.

A rock thrown by one of the terrorists smashed through one of the bus’ windows and struck the child, injuring him. Emergency medical responders treated the boy at the scene, then evacuated him to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. He is listed in light condition.

Soon after, this follow-up story emerged:

Stone-throwers ambush bus filled with children; Media ignores attack on civilian bus filled with children. One 10-year old victim still hospitalized after suffering head injuries; by Shimon Cohen, Israel National News, August 6, 2017. Excerpt:

Shmuel-David in the hospital (photograph used with permission of family)

Stone-throwing terrorists ambushed a civilian bus full of children leaving a protest rally on the ruins of the town of Sa-Nur in northern Samaria Thursday.

Arutz Sheva spoke with Rochel, the mother of 10 year old Shmuel-David, who was struck in the head by a large rock when the bus was attacked. Shmuel-David remains in the hospital for further treatment following the discovery of minor internal bleeding in his head.

“We were on our way to the center of the country. When we left Sa-Nur we passed an [Arab] village, and at the entrance to the village we saw that Arabs were burning tires, and we saw youths standing with rocks in their hands by the side of the road,” Rochel said. “The driver told us before we left that it was a very hostile village and we were going to be attacked by rock-throwers, so we knew what it was going to be like.” […]

The rioters then began to pelt the bus with large rocks. “It was very frightening. We heard rocks hitting the bus from all directions. We immediately calmed the children who could not stand and who were sitting. We thought that the missiles would not penetrate a protected bus.”

However, one rock did break through the reinforced glass windows and struck Rochel’s 10-year old son in the head.  “Suddenly there was a loud boom. It was terrifying. We realized that something had happened, and immediately my son screamed. Most of the people on the bus were small children.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story.

An August 8, 2017 search using the string string “Karmei Tzur Gush Etzion Regional Council bus Shmuel-David” returned zero results. Instead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page in the three days after this story broke, from July 27-29:

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on July 29, 2017.

Charlie Sheen Thinks The Moon Is Hollow, According To Rob Lowe

Here’s Why You Need To Know About The 1917 Silent Parade

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Learns Why You Should Never Ever Wear Green On TV

90s Kids Can Relax, Kenan And Kel Are Friends Again

Report: Oprah Reveals Mindy Kaling Is 5 Months Along In Pregnancy

Also contrast how HuffPost ignored these attacks to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

(3.26) BIAS: HuffPost dehumanized and downplayed a Jewish family that was murdered in their home by Palestinian terrorists — yet gave seven straight days of top coverage to a graphic story about “Hitler’s private moments” with Eva Braun

The following is a condensed version of detailed report produced by Huff-Watch.

On March 11, 2011, two Palestinian terrorists stabbed to death five members of a Jewish family, the Fogels, in their home (Wikipedia entry here):

The Fogel family, clockwise, from top left: Ruth, 34; Udi, 36; Yoav, 11; Elad, 4; Hadas, 3 months.

The Fogels’ 12-year-old daughter, Tamar, discovered the bodies of her family, amid the blood-splattered floors and walls of her home. See a video of Tamar talking about her parents and family, one week later, here.

The following crime scene photos were taken by the Israeli police, of the victims as they were found (photo montage by Huff-Watch)

The extent and savagery of this mass murder quickly made headlines around the world:

Itamar massacre: Fogel family butchered while sleeping, by Yair Altman, YNet News, March 11, 2011.

Fogel family identified as victims of Itamar terror attack, by Ben Hartman, Jerusalem Post, March 12, 2011.

Brutal West Bank killings shock Israel, stir fears of renewed violence; Ambulance workers describe a scene of ‘incomprehensible horror’ where five Jewish settlers, including an infant, were stabbed to death. The killings send shockwaves through Israel, by Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times, March 13, 2011.

Israelis and Palestinians in shock after Fogel family massacre, by Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian (UK), March 14, 2011.

The Israeli police arrested two Palestinian cousins, Amjad and Hakim Awad, ages 18 and 19, who proudly admitted that they murdered the Fogels, and said they’d do it again.

Cousins Hakim Maazan Niad Awad, 18 (left), and Amjad Mahmed Fauzi Awad, 19, proudly confessed to massacring the Fogel family.

Fogel murderers provide account of Itamar massacre, by Yaakov Lappin, Jerusalem Post, April 18, 2011. Excerpt:

The suspects planned the stabbings days ahead, and made unsuccessful attempts to obtain firearms from a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine representative in their village. […]

They entered a home adjacent to the Fogel residence, but no one was there. They stole an M-16 rifle from the home, as well as ammunition and body armor, and walked down the street.

The terrorists then saw the Fogel residence, and spotted children sleeping through the window, security forces said.

Immediately after entering the home, the youths set their knives on two brothers sleeping in their beds, four-year-old Elad, and 11-year-old Yoav, killing them both.

They then entered the parents’ bedroom, where they launched a knife attack on Ehud and Ruth Fogel. The parents fought back. During the struggle, one of the suspects used the stolen M-16 to shoot Ruth Fogel dead. Ehud died of his stab wounds during the fight.

The two men left the house, but then they heard three-month-old Hadas crying. Awoken by the attack, the baby lay in her crib in her parents’ bedroom.

“They went back into the house and stabbed the baby to death,” a security source said.

Two other children were in the home, but were spared because Akim and Amjad did not know they were there.

Amjad later told interrogators that he would have killed them, too, had he known that they were in the house.

Soon after the Fogel family murders, pictures emerged from the Gaza Strip and West Bank, of Palestinians openly celebrating the “heroic act” (photos courtesy IsraellyCool, via AFP and Huff-Watch):

HuffPost at first ignored, then dehumanized and downplayed the Fogel family massacre

As the Huff-Watch blog documented in great detail at the time, HuffPost went to extraordinary lengths to:

  • Ignore, then dehumanize and downplay the slaughter of the Fogel family, and who was responsible for it
  • Super-humanize Adolf Hitler, for seven straight days

Specifically, as the following sections document:

(1) HuffPost completely ignored the story of the Fogel family slaughter for more than seventeen hours after the AP, its primary source of news, first reported it.

(2) Finally, seventeen-plus hours later, HuffPost posted one wire story about the Fogel family slaughter — mid-way down on a secondary page, with only one picture: of a military Jeep in front of buildings.

(3) HuffPost never published a single story or mention on its front page about the Fogel family massacre, from March 11-15, 2011.

(4) HuffPost never published a single news article containing the Fogels’ names, pictures or stories — as it routinely does for Palestinian Muslims who are upset, or grieving, about anything.

(5) HuffPost completely ignored news reports that (a) Hamas and Gazans were celebrating the Fogel slaughter — and (b) that part of Fatah, the militant wing of Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, claimed responsibility for the attack.

(6) HuffPost ran a story that claimed Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority — and one of its bloggers —  condemned the slaughter of the Fogel family. But it completely ignored documentation that showed how Abbas’s PA had incited, celebrated and rewarded Islamist violence against Jewish civilians, in the days and weeks leading up to the slaughter of the Fogel family.

(7) Instead of publishing anything substantive about the Fogel family slaughter and related issues, HuffPost gave at least seven straight days of coverage to a pictorial about the “private moments” between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

(8) HuffPost completely ignored the story and photos of the Fogel family funeral, which was attended by an estimated 20,000 people — the exact opposite of the splash treatment it gives to funerals of Islamist terrorists, and Muslims.

(9) By 8:30pm on March 14, HuffPost removed all mention of the Fogel family slaughter from its World page.  So what kinds of “news” did HuffPost decide were more deserving of placement on its front page and World page, instead?

(10) HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish numerous user comments containing egregious anti-Semitic hatred, both mocking the Fogels’ murders, and accusing them of being to blame.

(1) HuffPost completely ignored the story of the Fogel family slaughter for more than seventeen hours after the AP, its primary source of news, first reported it. 

The AP published its breaking version of the story at 7:43pm EST on March 11, 2011, and it appeared at the New York Times minutes later.  FoxNews.com published its first version of the story on its front page at around 8:30pm.

As this video documents, however, as of 12:30pm EST on March 12, 2011, HuffPost had still not published anything on its front page about the Fogel family massacre:

(2) Finally, seventeen-plus hours later, HuffPost posted one wire story about the Fogel family slaughter — mid-way down on a secondary page, with only one picture: of a military Jeep in front of buildings.

This is the only news story that HuffPost published about the Fogel family massacre — mid-way down its World page — at 12:52pm on March 12, 2011:

This news story was an initial version, written by Reuters.  HuffPost included no pictures of the Fogels, which were readily available at that time:

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank, by Rami Amichai, Reuters, March 11, 2011. Excerpt:

A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Israeli troops set up roadblocks and were searching the area around the Jewish religious settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, for the killer or killers.

In a televised speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed shock that the parents and three of their children — including a baby — were “brutally murdered on Sabbath eve while sleeping.’’

(3) HuffPost never published a single story or mention on its front page about the Fogel family massacre, from March 11-15, 2011 — or ever. 

This can be confirmed via screencaps taken of HuffPost’s front page from the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive):

11Mar11 Fogel family day 1 nothing on front page

12Mar11 Fogel family day 2 nothing on front page

13Mar11 Fogel family day 3 nothing on front page

14Mar11 Fogel family day 4 nothing on front page

15Mar11 Fogel family day 5 nothing on front page

(4) HuffPost never published a single news article containing the Fogels’ names, pictures or stories — as it routinely does for Palestinian terrorists, or Palestinians in general, who are upset or grieving, about anything.

HuffPost avoided telling even a shred of the “human” aspect of the Fogel family slaughter, or who did it to them, in the days after the attack, or at any time since — even though all this information and media was readily available.

This is provable using HuffPost’s own search engine.  A September 10, 2017 search using the string “Udi Ruth Fogel,” the husband and wife, returned only two results — both of which were blog articles (editorials), neither of which appeared on HuffPost’s front page:

Reclaiming Zionism, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Huffington Post, July 8, 2013.

A Funeral for the State of Israel, by Bradley Burston, Huffington Post, Mar 17, 2011 (copied from the original article at Haaretz).

Contrast this complete blackout on the Fogels to the top-level, graphic, sympathetic coverage that HuffPost showers on Palestinian terrorists and Palestinians in general, who are grieving or met any kind of misfortune:

Also contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to Islamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

(5) HuffPost completely ignored news reports that (a) Hamas and Gazans were celebrating the Fogel slaughter — and (b) that part of Fatah, the militant wing of Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, claimed responsibility for the attack. 

As Huff-Watch noted:

On March 14, Big Peace documented the fact that in an English-version statement, Hamas declared that “harming children is not part of Hamas’ policy, nor is it the policy of the resistance factions.” Yet in the Arabic portion of its website, Hamas praised the murderer, called him a mujahad (warrior), and denounced the Fogel family as “usurpers”:

“Our correspondent in Nablus reported that a Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers. Zionist media sources said that “A Palestinian broke into the usurper (settlement) between the hours of 9:30 – 11:00 PM, and killed five usurpers from one family while they were sleeping.”

Yet HuffPost published nothing about this.  Instead, as Huff-Watch also noted, several months earlier, HuffPost published a fawning portrayal of Hamas’s chief terrorist, written by its “Middle East correspondent,” a notorious anti-Israel propagandist.

Hamas Chief Weighs in On Eve Of Peace Talks, by Sharmine Narwani, Huffington Post, August 31, 2010.

(6) HuffPost ran a story that claimed Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority — and one of its bloggers —  condemned the slaughter of the Fogel family. But it completely ignored documentation that showed how Abbas’s PA had incited, celebrated and rewarded Islamist violence against Jewish civilians, in the days and weeks leading up to the slaughter of the Fogel family.

On March 14, 2011, HuffPost published this story mid-way down its World page, which enabled Mahmoud Abbas, one of its bloggers, to express his alleged shock and outrage over the murders of “a Jewish settler couple and three of their children” (note that HuffPost included no names or pictures of the victims):

Abbas Calls Israel Settler Murders ‘Inhuman’, Huffington Post (via Reuters), March 14, 2011. Excerpt:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday the killing of a Jewish settler couple and three of their children was “inhuman,” telling Israel he was determined to help catch those responsible.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had complained that Abbas’s administration insufficiently condemned the attack and even encouraged such bloodshed through “incitement” in official Palestinian forums.

“This was inhuman and immoral. We deplore this incident, without a doubt. It is an abomination,” Abbas told Israel Radio.

What HuffPost completely ignored, however, was the fact that Abbas and his “government” had, in the weeks and months prior to the Fogel family massacre, been actively inciting, justifying, glorifying and financially rewarding terrorism against Jews — and using U.S. and W. European taxpayer money to do so.  As reported one day earlier, on March 13, 2011, in Israel National News:

Fogel Family Slaughter Deliberately Incited by PA; The Palestinian Authority government deliberately incited its population to terrorism prior to the slaughter of the Fogel family on the Sabbath, by Chana Ya’ar, Israel National News, March 13, 2011. Excerpt:

The Palestinian Authority government deliberately incited its population to terrorism long before the Sabbath slaughter of the Fogel family in the Samaria Jewish community of Itamar this past Friday night.

“Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority, “noted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a statement issued  by his media adviser following the murder. “These anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic messages are regularly heard in both the private and official media and in mosque sermons, and are studied in school textbooks. Terrorists are given honored status and become models for emulation in Palestinian society, both in the media and via ceremonies held by institutions affiliated with the PA.”

“Institutionalized and systematic incitement against Israel has never ceased in the PA, even during the height of the diplomatic process in the 1990s,” the PMO noted.

Recent Examples of PA Incitement
Praising numerous attacks by terrorists, the PA government has made special efforts to encourage the murder of Israelis – and has not shied away from praising those who kill children, despite protestations to the contrary.

On the day before the brutal slaying of the Fogel family, Sabri Saidam, adviser to Abbas and under-secretary of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, told PA Arabs in a speech that “the weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel] and that internal differences of opinion must be set aside.” Saidam denounced the low monthly stipends to families of terrorists who murder Israelis. He also called for the naming of another public square in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, the bloodthirsty terrorist who led the 1978 Coastal Road massacre that left dozens of Israelis dead, including 13 children.

On March 6, the Al Hayat Al Jadida newspaper advertised the naming of a “youth” tournament for 19 year olds honoring the memory of “shahida” (Martyr) Wafa Idris – the first female PA Arab suicide bomber. As a Red Crescent ambulance volunteer, she was able to bypass Israeli security and enter Jerusalem, where she murdered one person and wounded more than 150 others in January 2002.

One week prior to the brutal attack on the Fogel family, the Fatah faction led by Abbas held a ceremony at the Deheisheh neighborhood of Bethlehem, honoring those of its homegrown terrorists who were killed during the PA’s terrorist campaign against Israel in the years 2002-2005. Those “honored” included suicide bomber Muhammad Daraghmeh, who murdered nine Israelis in Jerusalem, as well as Saed Saud Abu Amar, Jad Mahmoud Atallah, Issa Zakri Faraj and Ayyat Al-Akhras – who at age 17 was the youngest female suicide bomber, having murdered two Israelis in her suicide bombing of March 2002.

As the Huff-Watch blog asked at the time:

Might HuffPost’s protective treatment of Abbas have something to do with the fact that he is also one of its official bloggers?

(7) Instead of publishing anything substantive about the Fogel family slaughter and related issues, HuffPost gave at least seven straight days of coverage to a pictorial about the “private moments” between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. 

Continuing its fetish for publishing stories that “humanize” Adolf Hitler (see more examples in Case Study 3.31), on March 9, 2011 HuffPost published this “news” story on its World page — and left it there until at least March 15 — seven straight days:

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler’s Private Moments, Huffington Post, March 9, 2011.

This detailed article also included a picture of Hitler with his dogs (Eva Braun is in background):

(8) HuffPost completely ignored the story and photos of the Fogel family funeral, which was attended by an estimated 20,000 people — the exact opposite of the splash treatment it gives to funerals of Islamist terrorists, and Muslims.

As the Huff-Watch blog noted:

These were but some of the photos that were available via the Israeli media hours after the funeral, on March 13, 2011:

HuffPost ignored all of these photos, and ran not a single reference to the funeral even occurring.

This stands in stark contrast to the fact that HuffPost routinely provides wall-to-wall spread coverage of funerals for Muslims who are killed in the course of perpetrating violence against Jews, or during attempted arrests. For example, here’s a HuffPost slide show tribute to Sami Sirhan, a Palestinian Muslim who was killed while attempting to murder an Israeli security guard:

And here is the front page pictorial treatment that HuffPost gave on October 4, 2010, to the funeral for a Palestinian Muslim who was killed while trying to sneak into Israel:

(9) By 8:30pm on March 14, HuffPost removed all mention of the Fogel family slaughter from its World page.  So what kinds of “news” did HuffPost decide were more deserving of placement on its front page and World page, instead?

A sampling:

Here are videos taken of HuffPost’s front page on March 13 and 14, 2011, to show some other examples of the “news” that its editors decided was more important than anything regarding the Fogel family slaughter, and related issues:

(10) HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish numerous user comments containing egregious anti-Semitic hatred, both mocking the Fogels’ murders, and accusing them of being to blame.

As we Huff-Watch documented here, the only user comments that appear anywhere on HuffPost are those that it has reviewed, approved and decided to publish (“pre-moderation”). And as shown below, soon after HuffPost published the story of the Fogel family slaughter, it was reviewing 185 user comments (“pending”) and deciding which of them to publish —- and which to reject:

Here is a sampling of comments that HuffPost approved and published, submitted by its users and even its moderators.  They are among the many that explicitly justified the massacre of the Fogel family, on exactly the same basis that Hamas and other Islamist terrorists did:

(3.27) BIAS: Video: “The Huffington Post: Bias in Pictures”

This short video was produced in 2011 by an independent HuffPost watchdog site, Huffington Post Monitor:

(3.28) BIAS: HuffPost set up a comprehensive sub-site, “Islamophobia,” through which it publicizes and gives legitimacy to allegations of hate incidents against Muslims in America.  Yet it has not set up a similar sub-site to publicize hate crimes against Jews in America — even though they are 3-5 times more likely to be victims.

An extensive amount of research and documentation was devoted to preparing this section, which is broken down into the following sections:

(1) HuffPost’s “Islamophobia” sub-site

(2) HuffPost has not, however, set up a similar site to track anti-Semitic hate crimes, which are far more prevalent, as a recent SaveTheWest report shows

(3) Both on its “Islamophobia” sub-site, and on its main site, HuffPost publicizes and gives legitimacy to allegations of hate incidents against Muslims in America, regardless of whether they are based on evidence or just social media posts.

(4) 75 case studies that document how HuffPost consistently ignores actual, documented hate crimes against Jews

(1) HuffPost’s “Islamophobia” sub-site

On February 4, 2016, HuffPost launched a sub-site, “ISLAMOPHOBIA,” that was completely dedicated to tracking “Islamophobic incidents,” which it defines as anything from alleged violence to unkind words:

According to HuffPost:

It might be impossible to create a comprehensive list of discriminatory acts against American Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim, but The Huffington Post will document this deplorable wave of hate for all of 2016 using news reports and firsthand accounts. The breadth and severity of Islamophobia in America can no longer go unnoticed. Enough is enough.

The entries on HuffPost’s “Islamophobia timeline” range from verbal insults to actual hate crimes.

HuffPost seeks donations to support the site, and has accepted funds from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), one of the most notorious Islamist front groups in America:

(2) HuffPost has not, however, set up a similar site to track allegations of hate crimes against Jews in America, which are far more prevalent, as a recent SaveTheWest report shows

While there are similar numbers of Jews and Muslims in America, according to consistent annual FBI data, Jews are three to five times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims. SaveTheWest compiled this data into a short infographic slide show:

This omission takes on special significance when one considers the fact that for many years, HuffPost has been inciting worldwide hatred of Jews and Israel, while whitewashing or ignoring those who are attacking them. An array of examples are showcased in SaveTheWest’s recent documentary:

“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”

Several other independent blogs have been documenting HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incitement as well.

(3) Both on its “Islamophobia” sub-site, and on its main site, HuffPost publicizes and gives legitimacy to allegations of hate incidents against Muslims in America, regardless of whether they are based on evidence or just social media posts.

The following is a partial list of some of the articles that HuffPost has published on its front page, or on its “Islamophobia” sub-site, about alleged anti-Muslim hate crimes and incidents in America and beyond:

HuffPost articles regarding alleged hate crimes against Muslim Americans

(4) 75 case studies that document how HuffPost consistently ignores actual, documented hate crimes against Jews

Contrary to the consistent, top-level, graphic, sympathetic coverage that HuffPost gives to seemingly every allegation of a hate crime or incident against Muslims, it does the exact opposite regarding actual hate crimes and incidents against Jews — including those that were captured on video.  The following are 74 case studies that SaveTheWest has documented of HuffPost’s pattern of anti-Semitic bias and omissions in this regard:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017 (56 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)

(3.29) BIAS: HuffPost has gone to extraordinary lengths to falsely legitimize fake hate crimes against Muslims — while consistently ignoring actual hate crimes against Jews, including those caught on video.

On a repeated basis, HuffPost perpetrated one or more of the following acts or omissions, in order to falsely legitimize fake hate crimes against Muslims (and people in the other identity groups that it favors):

  • It publicized allegations of hate crimes when there were clearly reasons for suspicion, or substantive indications that they were fake. HuffPost gave detailed, front-page, enduring coverage to allegations of hate crimes against members of its favored groups — particularly Muslims and black Americans — in cases when it knew there was no supporting evidence, and/or the victim(s) had not filed a police report, or school complaint. It did this despite the proliferation of well-documented fake hate crimes against these favored groups in recent years.
  • It did not alert its readers that they’d been deceived. Upon learning that a hate crime it promoted as being legitimate had never happened, was a hoax, or was perpetrated by the alleged victim, HuffPost posted no new headline on its front page that indicated this reality. In doing so, HuffPost deliberately left its readers, and the publications around the world that ran its original story, with the false impression that the story was legitimate.
  • It attempted to conceal its deception. It replaced the headline and copy on the original allegation page with new content, that reflected the reality – but made no effort to alert the public that this was the case. In doing so, anyone who searches “Huffington Post” and the content of the story would only find that it appeared to report the story accurately, at the time, as a fake hate crime — when documentary evidence on this page shows it did not.

Through these acts and omissions, and given its claimed 200 million monthly readers around the world, HuffPost:

  • Has been, deliberately, maliciously smearing America on the world stage, as a rampantly Islamophobic, bigoted, violent culture, all the way down to first-graders.
  • Has continued feeding the false narrative that Muslims are at disproportionately high risk of being victims of hate crimes in America — when it knows, or should know, that in reality, Muslims are the least-likely victims of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America. Further, as our documentation shows, HuffPost has ignored virtually all of the actual, documented hate crimes against Jews, against whom 4-6 times as many hate crimes are perpetrated than against Muslims, despite having similar population sizes in America.

The following is a partial list of the extent to which HuffPost went to falsely legitimize what it either knew, or should have suspected were fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, almost all of which it publicized on its front page — right up to the point that they were exposed as hoaxes, at which time they disappeared:

Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against Muslims (10 case studies)

In contrast, HuffPost consistently ignores actual hate crimes and incidents against Jews — including those that were captured on video.  The following are 75 case studies that SaveTheWest has documented of HuffPost’s pattern of anti-Semitic bias and omissions in this regard:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2017 (56 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)

This is an especially notable contrast, given the fact that while there are similar numbers of Jews and Muslims in America, according to consistent annual FBI data, Jews are three to five times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims. SaveTheWest compiled this data into a short infographic slide show:

This omission takes on special significance when one considers the fact that for many years, HuffPost has been inciting worldwide hatred of Jews and Israel, while whitewashing or ignoring those who are attacking them. An array of examples are showcased in SaveTheWest’s recent documentary:

“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”

Several other independent blogs have been documenting HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incitement as well.

(3.30) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost published an original story on its front page, “Hey America – Stop Being So Islamophobic” — while ignoring the fact that Jews are, by far, the #1 target of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America

This is a continuation of Case Study 3.28 and 3.29 — but due to its particular features, merited its own analysis.

On March 15, 2016, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page — an explicit attack on America, as a whole, for being “Islamophobic”:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to HuffPost’s deceptive “Islamophobia” sub-site, which we examined, and debunked, in Case Study 3.28.

Were HuffPost genuinely interested in championing the cause of victims of hate crimes in America, it would be consistently standing up for Jews, because while there are similar numbers of Jews and Muslims in America, according to consistent annual FBI data, Jews are three to five times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims. SaveTheWest compiled this data into a short infographic slide show:

STW Hate Crimes Report

Further, as has been known for years, and was again confirmed in a 2017 study out of Oslo, Norway, the main perpetrators of hate crimes against Jews are radical Islamists, and radical leftists — two groups that HuffPost consistently protects, and propagandizes on behalf of, no matter what they do.

Lastly, it should be noted that since in recent years, while there have been many allegations of hate crimes against Muslims (and other minority groups in America), in nearly two dozen cases, they turned out to be hoaxes (fake hate crimes).  Specifically, in each of these incidents, :

  • The alleged hate crime never happened
  • The alleged victim(s), or a Muslim perpetrated the hate crime, as in the cases of injuries and vandalism

Here is a partial listing that SaveTheWest produced of recent fake hate crimes against Muslims in America:

Recent incidents of fake hate crimes against Muslims in America (23 case studies)

Clearly, this phenomenon only makes it harder for actual victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes to come forward, and to be believed.  Yet HuffPost has never given top publicity to any of those fake hate crimes.

To the contrary, SaveTheWest also documented ten incidents in which HuffPost gave false legitimacy to what turned out to be fake hate crimes against Muslims, often based not on evidence, but rather, on the alleged victim’s posts on social media:

Examples of HuffPost legitimizing fake hate crimes against Muslims (10 case studies)

With all these facts in mind, one can begin to grasp the extreme bias, and malicious hatred for America and its readers, that HuffPost employed in order to justify publishing such a lie-filled headline on its front page.

Further, HuffPost either knew or should have known the following facts, before it published this hate-filled headline:

  • As Zuhdi Jasser, MD, president of the reformist American Islamic Forum for Democracy has said often, Muslims are freer to peacefully practice their faith, in their own way, in America, than anywhere else on Earth.
  • Muslims’ anti-Western hatred is not limited to those who reside in America.  As documented in this recent short film hosted by Raheel Raza, a devout Muslim, the phenomenon is widespread — and growing:

Yet HuffPost consistently, myopically ignores all of these facts and context — to the point of publishing articles that claim, in their headline, “Muslims Are Not Terrorists,” and “Muslims Are The True Feminists” (despite the proliferation of Islamist violence against females who perpetrate “honor crimes”).

Further, as documented elsewhere in this report, HuffPost has even ignored repeated incidents of imams explicitly preaching violence against homosexuals — including one sermon, given in Orlando, FL, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre.  And even after the Pulse massacre, perpetrated by an Orlando Islamist who openly admitted to 911 operators and the FBI in recorded calls that he was murdering gays because of his faith, HuffPost ran a headline 24 hours later that claimed “Religion had nothing to do with it”:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring Islamist hate and incitement against members of the LGBT community : Save The West

Presumably, this consistent whitewashing and denial of Islam is why HuffPost felt it was safe to make such an unfair, bigoted, hateful accusation against America, accusing it, en masse, of being “Islamophobic,” while so many Muslims from around the world are seeking, and finding refuge here.

(3.31) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost’s fetish for using its front page to visually “humanize” Adolf Hitler and other anti-Semitic monsters — while consistently vilifying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in pictures

This case study presents a sampling of how HuffPost visually depicts the following:

(1) Adolf Hitler

(2) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (former president of Iran)

(3) Other Iranian leaders

(4) Khaleed Meshaal (head of Hamas terrorist group)

(5) Kim Jong Il (who had worked with Iran to develop its nuclear weapons and missile technology)

(6) Benjamin Netanyahu

We contend there is no way to dismiss this stark contrast in HuffPost’s depiction of monsters as grinning, “human” leaders, while consistently depicting Netanyahu as a monster, as mere coincidence.  Rather, we contend that this is another facet of HuffPost’s long-term anti-Semitic operational DNA.

(1) Adolf Hitler

Hitler secretly wanted to be a Mouseketeer

On September 14, 2010, HuffPost featured this “news” story on its front page:

6 Brutal Leaders And Their Ridiculous Secret Hobbies, Huffington Post, September 14, 2010.  Excerpt:

Everybody needs a hobby, but people find release in many surprising ways. A mechanic might unwind by knitting, a ballet dancer might take up boxing. But what do you do to unwind after, say, a long day at the genocide factory? Just ask these guys…

Hitler’s “private moments” with Eva Braun (seven straight days)

As documented in Case Study 3.26, HuffPost published this “news” story on its front page on March 9, 2011, and left it there for at least seven straight days, until at least March 15, 2011.  At the same time, it never published a single story, anywhere on its site, that contained the pictures, names or stories of the Fogels, a Jewish family that had been slaughtered in their home by two Palestinian terrorists.

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler’s Private Moments, Huffington Post, March 9, 2011.

This detailed article also included this picture of Hitler with his dogs (Eva Braun is in background):

Hitler’s public and private photos

And this item, which appeared on HuffPost’s World page from August 27-30, 2010:

Adolf Hitler In Public And Private: Rare And Never-Seen Photos, Huffington Post, August 27, 2010.

Hitler and Nazis during Christmas (which HuffPost published for two straight days — during Christmas)

HuffPost even devoted space at the very top of its World page to “humanize” Hitler on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 2010:

RARE Photos From A Nazi Christmas Party, Huffington Post, December 24, 2010.

(2) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (former president of Iran)

For those who are unfamiliar with it, since the early 1980s, Iran has been the world’s #1 state sponsor of terrorism, particularly against the U.S., Israel, and the LGBT community.  Details here.  And according to a 2011 federal court ruling, Iran also played a material role in assisting Al Qaeda to perpetrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Iran’s terrorism dramatically accelerated during the reign of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

June 3, 2009: Consider the thinking that went in to matching this picture, with the monstrous lie in the headline — and the fact that he was at the same time threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.  As shown in the next screencap, HuffPost promoted this story at the top of its feature pages.

August 10, 2010: As above, HuffPost depicts this monster grinning, while threatening the mass murder of U.S. soldiers, and heavily promoting it atop its story pages:

June 16, 2009: Depicting Ahmadinejad as a grinning, conquering hero, for blasting the U.S.

June 9, 2010: One of the world’s most notorious anti-Semitic fanatics, depicted by HuffPost, again as a grinning statesman:

(3) Other Iranian leaders

June 2013: HuffPost published this splash headline that falsely claimed that Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, is a “moderate.” At the time, he was a well-documented anti-American and anti-Semitic extremist. In the three years since he was elected, Rouhani’s extremism has become more pronounced, ranging from Iran’s violations of international accords, to its dramatically increased rate of executing gays, to its funding of terror groups. HuffPost has ignored all of these stories, and instead has published only favorable depictions of Rouhani, and Iran’s other rulers. Details here.

September 28, 2015: HuffPost depicts Rouhani as a kindly grandfather.  A kindly grandfather who happens to also be hanging gays in the streets of Tehran, for the “crime” of being gay, an issue about which HuffPost does not publish headlines.  Just as it avoids covering the Islamist roots of the Pulse nightclub massacre, and the fact that foreign imams were allowed to preach anti-gay hate and incitement in Orlando mosques on three separate incidents in 2016.  Details here.

August 2, 2013: HuffPost doing PR for Rouhani, in words and pictures, to whitewash his threats to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth: Throughout his (Khamenei-approved) campaign for the presidency in 2013, Hassan Rouhani and other Iranian “leaders” routinely threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, and gave moral and divine justification for doing so. Their statements are on the record, unchallenged, and unambiguous.  Iran is also well-known for arming, funding and providing training to many of the major Islamist terror groups that routinely attack Israel, including Hamas.  HuffPost has published none of these threats.

However, on August 2, 2013, HuffPost published the following “news” story on its front page, which was sourced from Iran’s official, notorious propaganda machine, Press TV.  Specifically, the “story” claims that Rouhani’s genocidal threats against Israel were somehow merely “controversial,” and mis-translated.

December 4, 2011 “Give peace a chance”: The only thing missing from this HuffPost headline is the John Lennon-Yoko Ono chant, to “Give Peace A Chance.” The only problem is that throughout the Iran nuclear “deal” negotiations, as SaveTheWest documented, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Mohammed Khatamei, was leading hundreds of thousands of Iranians in chants of “Death to America!,” and it was lying at every turn about its nuclear program and intentions — facts that HuffPost militantly suppressed at every turn.

July 12, 2015: The kindly, friendly face of Iran’s notorious, fanatical foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif:

(4) Khaleed Meshaal (head of Hamas terrorist group)

August 1, 2009: There were many pictures of Hamas’s chief terrorist, the notoriously corrupt, anti-Semitic fanatic Khaled Meshaal, from which HuffPost had to choose, to match with this headline.

It chose this one, which depicts him as Gaza’s George Clooney — a friendly, peace-seeking statesman:

(5) Kim Jong Il (who had worked with Iran to develop its nuclear weapons and missile technology)

January 17, 2008: There were many other pictures of this monster, Kim Jong Il, who oversaw North Korea’s 25 million slaves, that HuffPost could have chosen to match with this headline.

Yet it chose this one, to depict him as a kindly, friendly statesman.

(6) Benjamin Netanyahu

Contrast the long-term efforts that HuffPost has applied to “humanize” Adolf Hitler and all the other monsters, listed above, to how it just as consistently works to visually vilify and dehumanize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The following are but a few of the many examples that SaveTheWest and other blogs have documented of this phenomenon:

March 19, 2015: That split-second screencap in which the leader of the one free, tolerant nation in the entire Middle East can be visually depicted to the world as a psychopathic monster.

June 14, 2009: As documented in section 2, HuffPost consistently visually depicts the former Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as a “rock star.”  On this day, however, it juxtaposed his grinning face alongside that of Netanyahu, the contrast in editorial choices could not be more stark; Ahmadinejad, the genocide-threatening Islamist madman is depicted as a normal, joyous person — while Netanyahu is depicted as glowering.  And HuffPost promoted this juxtaposition atop the main stories of the day.

May 12, 2009: One month earlier, HuffPost did the exact same thing, but worse, when juxtaposing Netanyahu alongside President Obama.  HuffPost also promoted this contrast at the top if its major stories of the day:


March 2, 2015: As documented in Case Study 3.7, HuffPost knew or should have known that this headline was based on an incendiary lie that had been debunked more than a month earlier:


October 6, 2015: Netanyahu as an unfeeling, cruel monster, juxtaposed against a grieving Palestinian mother at her son’s funeral: In the Fall of 2015, Palestinians mounted their latest wave of terrorist attacks against Jews, known as the “Third Intifada.”  To learn more, please see: Israeli–Palestinian conflict (2015), Wikipedia; Palestinians: The Real Goal of the Intifada, The Gatestone Institute; The Hidden Hand behind the Palestinian Terror Wave, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; Ready or Not, the Third Intifada May Be Here, by Adam Chandler, The Atlantic, October 7, 2015.

Several weeks into this terror wave, during which nearly a dozen Jews had been killed and hundreds more injured, Palestinian rioters were violently attacking Israeli police on a daily basis with rocks, Moltov cocktails and other objects.  In one incident, the police shot and killed several rioters, who turned out to be teenagers.

As documented in SaveTheWest’s recent film, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada,”, HuffPost went to extraordinary lengths to turn the reality of the situation upside down, depict Palestinian terrorists as victims, and engage in some of its most vicious anti-Semitic propaganda to date.

On October 6, 2015, this extended into presenting an ultimate pictorial clash, in an article that depicted two pictures — of the wailing mother of one of the Palestinian rioters, at his funeral, directly below an apparently angry, malevolent Netanyahu.  Details here.

(3.32) BIAS: “Hadar’s Story”: HuffPost completely ignored a Jewish girl who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist — while at the same time, giving top coverage to sad stories about animals, and a vulgar girl band

In perhaps no other example on this page is HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias displayed in more stark relief than in the way it treated the murder of Hadar Buchris.  This 21-year-old Jewish girl was sitting on a bench, waiting for a bus, when without warning, a Palestinian stabbed her to death.  This murder, among the many other savage attacks during the Third Intifada, shocked Israel and received coverage in certain outlets throughout W. Europe and N. America.

As this video documents, however, HuffPost completely ignored Hadar.  Instead, it gave top, sympathetic, graphic coverage to an abused dog, a rhino that died, and Muslim refugees who are sewing their mouths shut.  Also, as the video shows, HuffPost has published dozens of top-of-the-page splash headlines about a vulgar Russian girl band, “Pussy Riot,” who were arrested after disrupting a church service, and whom this “newspaper” views as victims.

This video is excerpted from SaveTheWest’s larger documentary, ““The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”.  See the complete documentation of Hadar’s case study here, and the case studies of more than a dozen other victims of the Third Intifada, here.

(3.33) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored Elie Wiesel’s opposition to the Iran deal, and his urging of President Obama to meet with Netanyahu — while at the same time, whitewashing and giving top coverage to supporters of the deal — including a proven front group for Iran’s mullahs, and a convicted pedophile

As has been documented throughout SaveTheWest’s special report, “The Rhodes To HuffPost”: The Huffington Post’s use of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement in order to help “sell” the Iran deal, HuffPost gave top-line coverage to pretty much anyone who supported the Iran deal, including:

(a) A proven front group for Iran’s mullahs

(b) a discredited, convicted pedophile

The one person to whom HuffPost would give no coverage, top-line or otherwise, to voice his vehement opposition to the Iran deal, was Elie Wiesel, a man who was “the living prince of the Jewish people,” according to America’s most famous rabbi,” Shmuley Boteach, who said:

“There’s no personality more respected in the global Jewish community and few in the wider world than Elie Wiesel…. [H]e is the face of the murdered 6 million (Jews killed in the Holocaust).”

In early February 2015, Wiesel reportedly wrote to President Obama to urge him to meet with Netanyahu when he came to speak to Congress.  According to Rabbi Boteach:

“I think that his [Wiesel’s] view on the prime minister’s speech sounding the alarm as to the Iranian nuclear program carries a unique authority that transcends some of the political circus that has affected the speech.”

Obama refused Wiesel’s request.  Wiesel then took out full-page ads in the New York Times and the Washington Post, which ran on February 14 & 15, explaining his opposition to the deal, and urging U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives to attend Netanyahu’s March 3 speech:

Elie Wiesel ad large

HuffPost, however, completely ignored both Wiesel’s voice, and his ad.

02-16-2015 FPHL 06-22 SNL cue cardsInstead, here is a sampling of the “news” stories that HuffPost decided were more worthy of appearing on its front page in the three days following the second ad placement (February 16-18):


(3.34) BIAS: HuffPost ignored two rabbis who were stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists, and the wife of one of the rabbis, who was laughed at and spat on by Arabs when she begged for help — while at the same time, giving four days of top, sympathetic coverage to a convicted murderer

On October 3, 2015 a Palestinian terrorist stabbed Rabbi Aharon Bennett, 22, to death on the way to the Western Wall in the Old City on Saturday. Rabbi Bennett’s wife, Adele, and their two-year-old son were also stabbed.  Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, a father of seven, who came to the aid of the Bennett family, was also attacked and stabbed to death.

Rabbi Bennett, 22 (L), and Rabbi Lavi, 41.

From the Times of Israel:

The two Israeli men who were killed Saturday evening in a terror attack in Jerusalem’s Old City were named by police as Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon Banita [Bennett], 22.

The two died of their wounds shortly after being stabbed in Jerusalem’s Old City by a Palestinian terrorist.

Banita’s wife was in serious condition and their two-year-old baby was lightly wounded. She was taken to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and was undergoing surgery. The toddler was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center for treatment where he remained in stable condition.

Lavi, a Jerusalem resident, leaves behind a wife and seven children. A rabbi at the Old City’s Ateret Cohanim yeshiva who lived nearby, he had rushed to the scene when he heard screaming in the street.

From The Algemeiner [emphasis added]:

“I ran several meters with a knife stuck in my shoulder, covered in blood,” newly widowed Adele (Benita) Bennett told Israel’s Channel 2 on Sunday, from her hospital bed in Hadassah-Ein Kerem.

“And the Arabs watching applauded and spit at me, calling out, ‘You should die, too.’ The 22-year-old wife of murdered Aharon (Benita) Bennett, whose funeral she was unable to attend due to the critical injuries she sustained in the Jerusalem terror attack on Saturday night, recounted the terrifying ordeal, in which her two-year-old son was also stabbed. […]

Adele Bennet
Adele Bennett speaks to Prime Minister Netanyahu in the hospital where she and her 2-year-old son are recovering from the attack.

Many Arabs were around us watching what was happening. They simply laughed and smiled.  I really begged, ‘Help me, help me!

“He [the terrorist] pushed Aharon down to the ground and continued stabbing him. I tried to fight him, to get the knife out of his hand. I realized I wouldn’t be able to; I felt I was about to fall. I thought I had to alert security forces.”

From Israel National News, video of Prime Minister Netanyahu visiting Mrs. Bennett and her two-year-old son in the hospital, as they recovered from stab wounds [emphasis added]:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visited the bedside of Adele Bennett-Benita, whose husband Aharon Benita Bennett, 21, was murdered in the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday night. […]

“They had murder in their eyes,” she recalled [about the terrorists] “They were drinking coke meanwhile… laughed in my face… I ran and cried for help… you could see the hatred in their eyes! You could see that everything was planned, they knew how to do it…”

HuffPost’s own search engine proves it ignored the murders of Rabbis Bennett and Lavi. 

A September 13, 2017 search using the string “Nehemia Lavi Aharon Bennett” returned only one result: an editorial, published on October 22, 2015, that mentioned the rabbis’ names in the body copy, but not the headline:

Contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

So what kinds of “news” stories, then, did HuffPost’s editors decide were more worthy of appearing on its front page and World page, during the two days that followed these murders (October 4-5)?

In contrast to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews, here’s a sampling of the “news” stories it decided to publish on its front page and World page in the hours and days after the murders of Rabbis Bennett and Lavi:

October 4: The fourth straight day that HuffPost sympathized, on its front page, with a convicted murderer:

10-04-2015 FPHL 07-01 - HP weeps for murderer day4 FP

October 4: HuffPost decided that “Slut Walk” celebrity trash talk was worthy of positioning as “news” on its front page; the Bennet and Lavi families’ tragedies, not:

10-04-2015 FPHL 21-41 Slutwalk trash talk

October 5: HuffPost cheered a dog’s courage:

10-05-2015 FPHL 10-04 HP cheers brave dog on FP

October 4: For the third straight day on its front page, HuffPost celebrated an actress who posed nude and makeup-free for a magazine:

10-04-2015 FPHL 07-01 - Demi Lovato nude day3 FP

October 4:Cats fight with their own shadows (front page):

10-04-2015 FPHL 21-41 cats in battles with shadows FP

(3.35) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: The Simon Weisenthal Center and the American Jewish Committee blasted HuffPost (again) for its anti-Semitism

Previously: The Simon Weisenthal Center slammed HuffPost’s anti-Semitism for “taking the art of lying” about Israel and Jews “to new depths.”

In Section 2.1 of SaveTheWest’s special report, “The Rhodes To HuffPost”: The Huffington Post’s use of lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement in order to help “sell” the Iran deal, we documented this incident through the prism of HuffPost’s use of deception to attack critics of the Iran deal.

In summary, on December 19, 2013, HuffPost published this shock headline as a splash “news” story on its front page.  The incendiary accusation it made against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) was based on a “report” from the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), a group that it knew, or should have known, consists of proven pro-Iran propagandists, but which it depicted only as nonpartisan “experts”:
19Dec13-FPHL-Sen-Menendez-SABOTEUR-WITH-AIPACNote that the podium at which Sen. Menendez was speaking bore the logo of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a chronic target by HuffPost and its select group of bloggers (more below).

19Dec13-FPHL-Sen-Menendez-SABOTEUR-WITH-AIPAC - callout

Given the lies atop which this headline was based, combined with the implication that this Jewish audience was only interested in getting the U.S. to go to war against Iran, the leaders of two major U.S. Jewish organizations publicly accused HuffPost of overt anti-Semitism.  As reported by The Algemeiner (emphasis added):

Jewish Group ‘Appalled’ by Huffington Post Article, SWC Says it Paints Jews as Warmongers,The Algemeiner, December 20, 2013. Excerpt:

Both the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) criticized the article, headlined “Saboteur Sen. Launching War Push,” which featured a picture of New Jersey’s Senator Robert Menendez addressing pro-Israel lobby the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

In the article, the publication attacked Senate leaders who backed a bill which calls for new sanctions against Iran in response to the country’s nuclear program. The bill threatens “to push the United States toward war with Iran,” the paper claimed.

Confident that the choice was a deliberate “editorial decision,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center sharply criticized the presentation as reminiscent of anti-Jewish tropes. “It goes back to the age old canard,” he told The Algemeiner, “that certain people have never seen a war that they can’t find a way to blame on the Jews.” “Conscious or subconscious it just screams out ‘there they go again,’ meaning Jews, ‘they are bringing the country to war,’” he added.

The AJC said it was “dismayed” and “appalled” by the article, and spoke out in defense of Senator Menendez.

The Huffington Post has launched a shameful, unjust assault on Senator Menendez,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Why this incendiary attack on a respected and experienced legislator, who has every right to express his viewpoints, without being depicted in such toxic terms?” Harris continued. “Senator Menendez believes, as do many of his Senate colleagues and a majority of the American people, that the best way to reach a diplomatic solution with Iran is through a hard-nosed, clear-eyed approach to a dangerous and wily adversary. So do we.”

(3.36) BIAS: HuffPost whitewashed, dehumanized and downplayed an American Jewish peace activist who’d been murdered by Palestinian terrorists, in part by rewriting wire service headlines — while at the same time giving top publicity to “a ‘heartbreaking’ story about a gorilla”

On October 13, 2015 two Palestinian terrorists boarded an Egged bus, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife.  American peace activist Richard Lakin, 76, was shot in the head and stabbed in the chest, and succumbed to his wounds on October 27.  Chaim Haviv, 78, was also killed in the attack; his wife, Shoshana, was severely wounded. Also killed was Alon Govberg, 51. Fifteen other Israeli Jews were wounded, several seriously. One terrorist was killed by police, the second was apprehended.

Richard Lakin
Richard Lakin, 76.

From the Boston Globe [emphasis added]:

[Lakin’s son, Micah Avni] said the attack on his father was especially jarring because of Lakin’s commitment to social justice.

Lakin participated in sit-ins and was active in the US civil rights movement as an undergraduate at Boston University and graduate student at the University of Michigan. Later, after moving with his family to Israel, he spent decades trying to foster tolerance and understanding among Israelis and Palestinians, Jews, Arabs, and Christians.

To the end, the banner on [Lakin’s] Facebook page was a photo of two boys — one wearing a kippah, or Jewish skullcap, the other a keffiyeh, or Arab headscarf — with their arms around each other, beneath the word “coexist,” the letters formed partly from different religious symbols.

“My father’s core message in life was teaching kindness and respect,” said Avni, who has adopted a Hebrew last name in Israel.

From the Jerusalem Post [emphasis added]:

Lakin and children
Lakin with his children.

American-Israeli Richard Lakin, 76, who was wounded in a brutal attack in the capital’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood two weeks ago, died on Tuesday morning.

Lakin, a former principal at Hopewell Elementary School in Glastonbury, Connecticut, underwent numerous emergency surgeries at Hadassah- University Medical Center in Ein Kerem after being shot in the head and stabbed multiple times.  On his Facebook page, one of Lakin’s sons praised the hospital’s staff for working “diligently around the clock” to save him, but said his wounds were too grave to be healed.

“Dad passed away this morning,” the posting said. “He was 76 years old, and had eight grandchildren. He was butchered by Muslim terrorists who shot him in the head and stabbed him multiple times during an attack on bus 78 in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood.” […]

“Dad was a kind, gentle loving person whose legacy is ‘acts of kindness,’” it continued.  “Dad’s basic views as expressed on his website were: ‘Every child is a miracle,’ ‘kindness and positivism are contagious,’ ‘empowerment frees people to realize their potential,’ ‘parenting and teaching are acts of love,’ and ‘schools must be caring learning communities where pluralism and opportunities for choice abound.’”

Lakin, who was raised in Newton, Massachusetts, made aliya with his wife, Karen, and two teenage sons 32 years ago, after a distinguished career as an educator and community activist from 1969 to 1984.

The Huffington Post ignored Mr. Lakin’s story, in part by whitewashing its source article’s headline

The Huffington Post ignored this story, meaning that the fact that Mr. Lakin, an American citizen, was attacked and murdered by Palestinian terrorists never appeared on its front page or World page. Thus, anyone who gets their news only from these top pages at HuffPost would have no idea of his identity or that he had been mortally wounded – or that the injuries he suffered were merely the latest in the string of murderous attacks by Palestinians on Jews (which HuffPost had all but ignored to this point).

13Oct -- 1st story ISRAEL PALESTINIAN UNREST -- near bottom - 1020pInstead, HuffPost published one wire article from Reuters on its front page, with the headline, “Worst unrest in years in Israel and Palestine,” but which mentioned none of the victims by name.

SaveTheWest’s investigation, however, reveals that HuffPost significantly altered the headline of the Reuters article, in a way that absolves Palestinian terrorists from their responsibility in the attacks on Jews, and blurs the distinction between terrorist and victim. Specifically:

Here is the wire story from Reuters about these attacks, which HuffPost chose to publish:

On October 13, Reuters published the following story:

“Palestinian ‘Day of Rage’ attacks kill three: Israeli police”

13Oct15 Reuters source story - video of Rabbi murder

The opening sentence of the Reuters story reads (emphasis added):

Palestinian men armed with knives and a gun killed at least three people and wounded several others in a string of attacks in Jerusalem and near Tel Aviv on Tuesday, police said, on a “Day of Rage” declared by Palestinian groups.

Clearly, HuffPost’s editors knew that this was Palestinian terrorists who were murdering and maiming Jews.

HuffPost rewrote the Reuters-provided headline to remove any indication of who was attacking whom.

HuffPost published the Reuters story, on both its front page and World page. Yet note how it fundamentally changed the copy of the headline, to remove any indication that Palestinian terrorists were murdering Jews – and imply instead that each side was attacking the other:

Israel and Palestine: Worst unrest in years”

10-13-2015 FPHL 22-06 - UNRESTNote also that instead of matching its altered headline with a picture of even one of the Jewish victims, or a crime scene, it instead chose to match it with a picture of a Palestinian rioter.

HuffPost clearly knew what this story was about – beyond Reuters’ accurate account – because it put the actual nature of it – in the URL – and the sub-headline:

13Oct -- 1st story ISRAEL PALESTINIAN UNREST storypage - callout

HuffPost then ratcheted up its betrayal of the truth, by creating a splash headline that explicitly implied that both sides were responsible for this “unrest”

Yet on the evening of October 13, long after the above stories were published (Israel is 7 hours ahead of EST), HuffPost ignored all of them, and instead published this splash headline at the top of its World page:


Note the wording HuffPost employed for the headline and sub-headlines:

“Unrest…” “Turmoil…” “Numerous Israelis and Palestinians have lost their lives in… attacks…”

If one only got their news from HuffPost, they would have absolutely no means of discerning from this headline who was killing whom, or why.  And they certainly would have had no reason to know that an American citizen, Richard Lakin, had been mortally wounded and was clinging to life for two weeks – or that he then died.

Contrast HuffPost’s actions in this case, to the ease with which it explicitly assigns blame to Jews, even when it knows (or should know) the accusations are untrue, or cannot be proven true — as shown in Case Study 3.35.

Also contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

(3) So what kinds of “news” items did Huffington Post publish on its front page and World page, instead of anything acknowledging the terror attack on Mr. Lakin – and his death?

Mr. Lakin was attacked on October 13, and died on October 27.  The following is a sampling of “news” stories that HuffPost’s editors decide were more worthy of appearing on its front page and World page, during the two days that followed the attack on him (October 14-15), and his death (October 28-29):

October 29: Miraculously, HuffPost was able to find a “heartbreaking” story about a gorilla, which it posted, with said gorilla’s picture, on its front page; a story about an American citizen who died from injuries sustained in a savage Palestinian terrorist attack… not:

10-28-2015 FPHL 23-05 - HP weeps for gorilla

October 14-15

October 15: HuffPost was able to find this odd story about a “transgender durga puja” in India, which it placed on its World page:

10-15-2015 WPHL 22-59 - transgender nonsense in india

October 15: Were you aware of “orgasm-inducing mushrooms”?  Neither were we.  But HuffPost was able to find this story, and gave it front-page coverage:

10-15-2015 FPHL 22-58 orgasm inducing mushrooms

October 14: HuffPost published on its World page this story, about some Cambodian families’ efforts to “cure” LGBT children:

10-14-2015 WPHL HP weeps for cambodia gays.
October 28-29

October 28: A “news” item, on HuffPost’s front page, about a teacher who drew a penis on her student’s assignment:

10-28-2015 FPHL 23-05 - teacher draws penis


October 28: While Richard Lakin’s family was arranging his funeral, HuffPost was busy ensuring that its front page contained information about the really important, timely issues – including this “news” story about (finally!) “clearing up the vagina vs. vulva debate, once and for all”:

10-29-2015 FPHL 23-28 vagina vs vulva debate

(3.37) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Jewish mother of six who was stabbed to death, in front of her children, by a Palestinian terrorist — while at the same time, giving top publicity to a “sad elephant,” convicted murderers, and “gay men who touch vaginas”

This is Dafna Meir, a Jewish mother of six, who lived in Israel:

On January 17, 2016, a fifteen-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed Dafna to death in front of her children.  The attack made headlines in Israel and the U.S. — especially her murderer’s proud confession of what he’d done, and how he’d killed her:

Dafna Meir Murder: Teen Arrested in Stabbing of Israeli Mom of Six, by F. Brinley Bruton and Lawahez Jabari, NBC News, January 19, 2016. Excerpt:

TEL AVIV, Israel — A 15-year-old Palestinian has been arrested on suspicion of fatally stabbing a Jewish mother of six in her West Bank home, Israeli security officials said on Tuesday.

The male was detained in a raid late on Monday, according to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.

Dafna Meir, 38,died after an attacker entered her residence in the Jewish settlement of Otniel on Sunday, according the Israeli Defense Forces. She was killed while three of her children were in the house, according to officials.

Dafna Meir fought back fiercely, her teen killer says; ‘I stabbed her until I could no longer pull the knife out of her body,’ recalls Palestinian who killed Israeli mother of six, by Tamar Pileggi, Times of Israel, June 19, 2016. Excerpt:

“She fought me,” 16-year-old Morad Bader Abdullah Adais said, according to quotes from his interrogation cleared for publication Sunday.

“I stabbed her until I could no longer pull the knife out of her body, and saw another woman approaching,” he said in his confession.

On the afternoon of January 17, Adais told Shin Bet investigators, he waited for Meir, 38, to come out of the front door of her Otniel home and then attacked her.

“I plunged the knife into her so deeply that most of it was inside her body,” he recalled.

“She started screaming, the children saw me and also started screaming, then I stabbed her in her upper body another three or four times. She tried to fight me and tried to take the knife from me. The two children who were there were still screaming, but she continued to resist, so I pushed her, and overpowered her.”

One day after Dafna was murdered, another Palestinian terrorist stabbed a pregnant Jewish woman nearly to death, south of Jerusalem.

The funeral for Dafna was attended by thousands of Israelis.  Here is a picture of her family, at the service:

Natan Meir, husband of Dafna Meir who was stabbed to death on Sunday, attends his wife’s funeral with the couple’s children on Monday in Jerusalem. (ABIR SULTAN / EPA)

There was also extnesive news coverage of Dafna’s funeral:

‘I lost a mother and a best friend,’ says daughter of terror victim; Some 1,500 people accompany Dafna Meir, murdered by a terrorist in her home, to her final resting place at Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem; her children wept as friends and colleagues eulogized their mother, by Elisha Ben Kimon and Yael Friedson, YNet News, January 18, 2016.  Excerpt:

Meir, 38, is survived by her husband Natan and their six children: Renana, 17, Akiva, 15, Ahava, 10, Noa, 11, Yair, six, and Yaniv, four. The four older children are Dafna and Natan’s biological children, and the two younger ones – Yaniv and Yair – are brothers that the couple adopted.

At their mother’s funeral, the children could not stop crying. “I didn’t just lose a mother, but also my best friend,” said Dafna’s eldest daughter Renana, 17, at her mother’s funeral. […]

“You left me with six treasures, I will keep them safe for you,” husband Natan said in a voice choked with tears.

“My Dafna is one in a million, who grew up in a house that wasn’t a home and still managed to rehabilitate. She decided to give back grace to the world, and she did,” Natan said of his wife, who grew up in foster homes since she was 13 years old.

“We met when we were soldiers, at the south Lebanon border. It only took us a moment to fall in love. My Dafna, thank you for every moment I had with you,” he continued. “Our love is too strong to be a passing thing.”

HuffPost’s own search engine proves it ignored Dafna’s murder, and funeral.

A September 14, 2017 search using the string “Dafna Meir” returned two results — both editorials, neither of which mentioned her name or murder in their headlines:

HuffPost never published a single news story about Dafna, her murder, or the grief of her surviving family members. Nor did it publish a single news story about the terrorist who did it, or the incitement machinery that was able to turn yet another Palestinian teenager into a terrorist who was capable of perpetratng this crime, but who proudly boasted of it.

Contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to publish on its front page and World page in the hours and days after Dafna’s murder, and funeral? 

Here’s a sampling:

January 17-18, 2016: HuffPost devoted at least two straight days of front-page coverage to this story, about a “sad elephant” — in South Africa.  Note that HuffPost featured the animal’s “sad” face in the headline.

Dog Helps Sad Baby Elephant See The Brighter Side Of Life

January 19, 2016: HuffPost gave front-page, graphic coverage to the sad story of stray cats — in Turkey — who were allowed to stay in a mosque.  (Curiously, HuffPost never publishes anything about the hatred and violence that fundamentalist Muslims perpetrate on dogs, because, they claim, their faith demands it, as shown in this video; CAUTION: Graphic and disturbing).  Notice that HuffPost featured these cats’ faces in the headline:
January 20-21, 2016: For at least twostraight days, HuffPost gave front-page, graphic, personalized, sympathetic coverage in an original news story to the brothers who were convicted of perpetrating one of the most savage mass-murders in U.S. history, in Wichita, KS.  Note that HuffPost featured these murderers’ faces in the headline.

‘Wichita Massacre’ Brothers Get Zero Sympathy From The Supreme Court

January 20-21, 2016: HuffPost gave twostraight days of coverage, at the top of its front page, to this “news” story:

What Happened When These Gay Men Touched A Vagina For The First Time

(3.38) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian terrorist attack on a female Israeli soldier — while at the same time giving top coverage to an assault by a (masked) “suspected Jewish extremist,” and “news” stories about “unicorn poop” and “X-rated drawings found in an abandoned house”
Dikla Mikdash, age 20.

On October 21, 2015 a Palestinian terrorist stabbed Cpl. Dikla Mikdash, 20, a female Israeli soldier in her neck, back and elsewhere, leaving her fighting for her life.  The terrorist was killed by one of Cpl. Dikla’s fellow female soldiers, Cpl. Lehi.

From The Algemeiner:

A 20-year-old female IDF soldier was mortally wounded in a stabbing attack at the Adam Junction, north of Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon, according to Israeli press services.

She was attacked by two terrorists. One was killed by a female soldier who witnessed the attack. The other was arrested.

According to reports two hours after the attack, the young woman is still fighting for her life on the operating table at Hadassah Medical Center on Mount Scopus.

Cpl Dikla w Cpl Lehi who saved her
Cpl. Lehi (L), with her friend Cpl. Mikdash.

From Jerusalem Online:

“The terrorist stabbed my friend in the throat and I immediately fired a number of bullets in his direction,” Corporal Lehi related following the elimination of the terrorist that stabbed and critically injured her friend Dikla Mikdash in Adam Square.   Last night, Hadassah Hospital at Ein Kerem in Jerusalem stated that that Dikla’s condition improved slightly and she is now defined in a stable but difficult condition.

The incident occurred during a foot patrol that was done in order to thwart stone-throwing attacks along Route 60.  “He advanced in my direction,” Lehi related.  “I continued to fire in order to eliminate the threat.”  Before the terrorist was eliminated, he had stabbed Corporal Dikla Mikdash in the throat and the back but thanks to the diligence of Corporal Lehi, he did not manage to hurt anyone else even though he tried to.  Following the incident, Corporal Dikla Mikdash underwent urgent surgery.

Cpl. Mikdash clung to life for quite some time after the Palestinian terrorist attack that nearly killed her.  Thanks to the diligent care of her medical team, she will eventually recover.


HuffPost’s own search engine proves it ignored Dafna’s murder, and funeral.

A December 8, 2015 search using the string “Dikla Mikdash” returned zero results.

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this attack to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

So what kinds of “news” items did Huffington Post publish on its front page and World page, instead of this one?

Here’s a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page and World page, during the two days that followed Cpl. Mikdash’s mortal wounding (October 22-23):

Oct. 23: HuffPost published on its front page and World page, simultaneously, a “news” story about a 1-minute video that it alleged depicted a suspected Jewish extremist attacking a human rights rabbi.  As documented here, however, there is no way to know if the “attacker” was Jewish, as he was wearing a ski mask; the “victim” was, at most, only slightly injured; and there is no way to know whether or not this was yet another case of staged “PallyWood” propaganda. Regardless, while HuffPost completely ignored the attack on Cpl. Mikdash, it left the “news” story of the “suspected Jewish extremist” on both its front page and World page for three straight days.

10-23-2015 FPHL 22-22 suspected jewish extremist callout

Oct. 23: HuffPost decided a “news” story about “unicorn poop” was worthy of publishing on its front page; Cpl. Mikdash’s mortal wounding… not:


Oct. 23: HuffPost was able to find a story about “mysterious x-rated drawings in an abandoned house,” and decided to put it on its front page – but decided Cpl. Dikla’s fight to survive a Palestinian terrorist attack was worth no mention, anywhere:

10-23-2015 FPHL 22-22 mysterious xrated drawings - FP

Oct. 22: A “bizarre pig-snouted turtle” that lived millions of years ago, to HuffPost, was worth positioning on its front page; the story of a 20-year-old girl who was fighting for her life as a result of a Palestinian terrorist attack… not:

10-23-2015 FPHL 14-47 - prehistoric turtle - FP

(3.39) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “barked” words that it found offensive — then retroactively manipulated its headline copy to try to cover its tracks

Adapted from a detailed articled at Huff-Watch.

On September 15, 2012, HuffPost published this as its front page splash headline:

Here is the story page to which that inflammatory headline initially led:

Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran Containment Strategy ‘A New Standard For Human Stupidity’, by Alana Horowitz, Huffington Post, September 15, 2012.

So what was it that Netanyahu did that caused HuffPost to dehumanize him, and liken him to a dog, who “barked” something offensive?  Did he really say that anyone who suggests “containing” Iran is stupid?

No.  And HuffPost knew it at the time.

Here is the salient excerpt from this “news” article, by HuffPost “journalist” Alana Horowitz:

He [Netanyahu] denounced the notion that going to war with Iran would be worse than a nuclear Iran.

I mean I heard some people suggest, David, I actually read this in the American press. They said, “Well, you know, if you take action, that’s a lot worse than having Iran with nuclear weapons.” Some have even said that Iran with nuclear weapons would stabilize the Middle East, stabilize the Middle East. I think the people who say this have set a new standard for human stupidity.

Is it unreasonable for anyone who has a basic grasp of Iran’s long history of being the world’s #1 state sponsor of terrorism to view its being in possession of nuclear weapons to be stupid?  For those who are unaware:

  • Iran’s “leaders” have repeatedly been caught on video, leading hundreds of thousands of fanatical citizens in chants of “Death to America!” — including, as in the following clip, while the Obama administration was negotiating a nuclear “deal” with the regime:

  • According to a December 2011 federal court ruling, Iran played a major role in helping Al Qaeda to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, and had been supporting the terror group for at least ten years prior to, and after the attack.
  • Iran’s “leaders” had repeatedly, publicly declared their intention to wipe both the U.S. (The “Great Satan”) and Israel (“The Little Satan”) off the face of the Earth.

These are not idle threats, or visions.  According to a report by the Middle East Forum think tank, achieving these objectives, along with the following, will be instrumental in bringing forth Islam’s version of the resurrection, known as the 12th Mahdi:

Ahmadinejad seeks an Islamic government in Iran that is free from democratic pretenses and devoid of modern concepts of human rights and the equality of the sexes; that seeks the acquisition of nuclear weapons, the elimination of Israel, the destruction of liberal democratic states and Western capitalism, and an end to the United States as a superpower, which is perceived as the greatest threat to the Islamic Republic’s survival and the main obstacle to the accomplishment of its objectives. The achievement of these preconditions, Ahmadinejad believes, will enable Shi‘i domination and the establishment of a world government.[31] When Ahmadinejad declares frequently that his government represents a return to Khomeini’s revolutionary ideals from which previous governments have allegedly deviated, he is suggesting that he believes it is time to return Mahdism—and the achievement of its precursor steps—to its rightful place among the Islamic Republic’s priorities.[32]

It is an attractive idea for the masses, nurtured on more than two decades of state-sponsored incitement. Khomeini, after all, called for the Islamic world to “rise up and destroy Israel,”[33] and said of the United States, “We will fight them with all our might until the last drop of our blood.”[34]

Given the above facts, is it really so unreasonable to view anyone who claims that these fanatics being in possession of nuclear weapons to be a “stabilizing force,” to be “a new level of human stupidity”?

HuffPost changed its story page headline — but not its front page headline

Apparently, someone informed HuffPost and its “journalist” who wrote this story about those facts, because it soon modified its story page headline, to read:

Yet HuffPost did not change its front page headline — presumably because the existing wording was having the intended effect, of inciting worldwide hatred against Netanyahu:

(3.40) BIAS: HuffPost buried, whitewashed and quickly removed the story about Palestinian terrorists murdering four Jew, including a pregnant mother of six — while at the same time, giving higher coverage to a PR piece it produced about the leader of Hamas, which took credit for the massacre

The following is a condensed version of detailed articles by Huffington Post Monitor and Huff-Watch.

Talya Ames, left, with Yitzhak Ames, and five of their six children – Daniel, 24, Ruth, 19, Ariel, 16, Hodaya, 9 (bottom), and Oz-David, 5.

On August 30, 2010, Yitzhak and Talya Ames were murdered, along with two other Jewish civilians, Kochava Even-Haim and Avishai Schindler, by Palestinian terrorists.  According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Yitzhak Ames was driving with his wife Talya and two other passengers when their vehicle was attacked by terrorists who sprayed the vehicle with gunfire. All four were hit by numerous shots from short range and pronounced dead at the scene.

Yitzhak and Talya Ames immigrated to Israel from Russia. Yitzhak was a tour guide who accompanied groups to the Temple Mount area every Wednesday.

A friend and neighbor of the family, Yehuda Glick, related: “They came to Israel, to Gush Etzion, in 1991, with a sense of national mission for the Jewish people… They were gentle, regal people… He was a man of letters, though he also worked with his hands, gardening and the like. In recent years, Yitzhak dedicated much time to the Temple Mount, studying by heart all the relevant works in the Mishna and the Rambam.” Sixteen-year-old Ariel related that his father would rummage in old book stores and come home with treasures.

Thirteen years ago, they decided to move to the small community of Beit Hagai in the Hebron hills, where they raised their six children. Talya and Yitzhak raised their children with joy and modesty,” residents of Beit Hagai said. “They had quit a few difficulties in their life, but they overcame it all.” Daniel, the eldest, was married and the father of the couple’s first grandchild.

Talya Ames was nine months pregnant when she was killed by the terrorists. The children had made their parents a surprise party just two weeks earlier to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

The AP (HuffPost’s most frequent source of wire news) and CBS News carried the story in a responsible manner.  This was the initial version of the story, published a few hours after the massacre happened, in which it was pointed out that it occurred hours before new Israeli-Paelstinian “peace talks” were to begin:

Palestinians Kill 4 Israelis on Peace Talks’ Eve, by CBSNewsAP, August 31, 2010. Excerpt:

Palestinian gunmen opened fire Tuesday on an Israeli car in the West Bank and killed four passengers on the eve of a new round of Mideast peace talks in Washington. The Islamic militant group Hamas claimed responsibility. Assailants firing from a passing car riddled the vehicle with bullets as it traveled near Hebron – a volatile city that has been a flash point of violence in the past. Some 500 ultranationalist Jewish settlers live in heavily fortified enclaves in the city amid more than 100,000 Palestinians.

One of the victims was pregnant, said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. Israel’s national rescue service said the victims were two men and two women, and Israeli media said everyone in the car was killed. […]

About 3,000 people joined a rally in Gaza to celebrate the attack. Hamas military wing spokesman Abu Obeida was among them and told The Associated Press: “The Qassam Brigades announces its full responsibility for the heroic operation in Hebron.”

This was what was left of the vehicle in which the Ameses and their two guests were riding:

Several days later, the Boston Globe journalist Jeff Jacoby produced this follow-up detail:

Victims on the road to ‘peace’, by Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe, September 5, 2010.  Excerpt:

The killers ambushed them as they were driving home Tuesday night, heading south on Highway 60 toward Beit Haggai in the Hebron Hills. With Talia and Yitzhak in the car when the killers opened fire were two other residents of Beit Haggai: Avishai Schindler, a newly-married yeshiva student, and Kochava Even-Haim, a nursery school teacher and the mother of an 8-year-old daughter. Kochava’s husband Maimon, an emergency-aid volunteer, was one of the first responders to arrive at the scene, unaware that he would find his wife among the dead.

All of the victims were shot repeatedly at close range, and the car was riddled with dozens of bullets.

HuffPost whitewashed, dehumanized and buried the story of this latest Hamas massacre, and removed the part about it having been perpetrated on the eve of peace talks

In regards to this latest Palestinian massacre of Jews, HuffPost continued its anti-Semitic, biased approach to covering such incidents:

HuffPost dehumanized the victims

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the names, faces and personal stories of the victims of this massacre, and their grieving survivors — not only when it happened, but ever since. A September 15, 2017 search of the Ames’s parents’ names “Yitzhak Talya Ames,” returned zero results:

Contrast how HuffPost ignored these victims’ names, faces and personal stories, to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

HuffPost published only one story about this massacre — not on the front page, but instead, mid-way down on a secondary page, beyond the view of the casual reader

As Huff-Watch documented, HuffPost published this headline at 3:45pm on August 31, deep on its World page, beyond view of the casual reader. This was the only news story that HuffPost ever published about this massacre.

HuffPost whitewashed the AP story it used, to remove the part about this occurring one the eve of peace talks — exactly the opposite of its false allegation that Israel did the same thing, 11 days later

That link led to a page containing the AP story that CBS News ran, above — but notice how HuffPost changed the headline, removing the part about Hamas doing this on the eve of peace talks:

Contrast this further to the fact that as shown in Case Study 3.14, on September 10, 2010 — less than two weeks after this massacre — HuffPost falsely accused Israel of using warplanes to “strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks.”  For as we documented in that case study, (a) HuffPost knew, at the time, or should have known, that it was Hamas that began firing rockets into Israel, as peace talks were about to convene, and Israel responded with precision strikes; and (b) Soon after, HuffPost changed the headline to indicate that the sides exchanged fire, but still refused to acknowledge the reality — that it was Hamas that broke the cease-fire, and Israel responded.

“Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”


HuffPost ignored the Palestinians’ open celebrations of this massacre of Jews

The AP’s initial story, which HuffPost ran, mentioned that Hamas and Palestinians were openly celebrating the terrorist attack, as a “heroic act.”  Here are some of the pictures of these celebrations that were available at the time, as documented by Huff-Watch:

On August 31, Hamas announced its delight with its “heroic operation in Hebron,” after which an estimated 3,000 Gaza Muslims — including children — were photographed openly celebrating the murder of Hodoya’s parents (and the two other Jewish civilians):

The photos were taken by Reuters, which HuffPost also routinely utilizes as a news source.

Yet HuffPost gave no coverage whatsoever to these celebrations. As if that weren’t bad enough, this case study in HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias gets worse.  Much worse.

HuffPost positioned this whitewashed, buried, dehumanized story beneath what amounted to an original PR piece for Hamas’s chief terrorist — by the “newspaper’s” own “Middle East correspondent” — after it knew Hamas had admitted to perpetrating this massacre.

As Huffington Post Monitor documented, via a series of screencaps (1, 2, 3), HuffPost published its lone story about this massacre directly below a glowing interview that its Middle East “correspondent,” a virulent anti-Israel propagandist, did with the head of Hamas.  This is a screencap of HPM’s sequential screencaps, marked up by SaveTheWest:

Here is the headline of HuffPost’s interview with the chief Hamas terrorist (the “Hamas Chief”):

Clicking on that headline led to this page.  Note the glowing way that HuffPost’s “Middle East correspondent” described Hamas’s chief terrorist, Khaled Meshaal, in the opening paragraphs — one day after his operatives massacred four Jews, which the group gleefully admitted to doing, and even led celebrations of the “heroic act.”  Note also that HuffPost has now removed the article from its archives:

Hamas chief Weighs In On Eve Of Peace Talks, by Sharmine Narwani, Huffington Post, August 31, 2010. Excerpt:

Khaled Meshaal, head of Hamas’ political bureau, is an unassuming man who sauntered into our interview room unattended and chatted with me in English while we awaited his staff. The young father of seven — three daughters and four sons, in that order — is grounded, smart and energetic.

We met at 1:00 a.m. when I was fading fast, and he was just getting started. There was a lot of ground to cover, but more than anything I wanted to leave the interview knowing what Hamas stood for. The resistance group, I felt, had left people confused in recent years.

By moderating their stances and altering their language to accommodate changing realities in the Middle East, Hamas had become a bit blurry at the edges.

What kind of a “newspaper” would:

  • Employ such a pro-Hamas “correspondent,” who was at the time notorious for her anti-Semitic bias and incitement (which helps to explain how she was able to get a one-on-one interview with Hamas’s chief terrorist)?
  • Enable her to call one of the world’s most notorious, anti-Semitic terror gangs a “resistance” group?
  • Publish such an other-worldly, lie-filled PR piece for one of– the day after Hamas admitted to, and celebrated massacring four Jews — including a mother of six who was nine months pregnant?
  • Position this fawning PR piece directly above a whitewashed, dehumanized story about the massacre this terror gang just carried out?

The answer to all these questions is: HuffPost.

And lest we forget, as documented in Huffington Post Monitor’s screencaps, above, here are some of the “news” stories that HuffPost positioned at the top of its World page.  Apparently, it decided they were more newsworthy than the Hamas’s massacre of the Jews — on the eve of “peace talks” — or the fact that the terror group and its supporters were openly celebrating this “heroic” act:

Istanbul’s Transsexual Brothels: A Look Inside, by Nicholas Dynan, Huffington Post, August 31, 2010.

Girl Throws Puppies In River (GRAPHIC VIDEO), by Curtis M. Wong, The Huffington Post, August 31, 2010.

But wait — there’s more.

HuffPost completely ignored the widely-attended funeral for the Ames parents, and Mr. Schindler, and Mrs. Even-Haim — but instead published “news” stories about (a, b, c)
Hodoya Ames, 9, crying at the funeral for her parents.

On September 1, hundreds of Jews were in attendance at the funerals for Mr. & Mrs. Ames, Mr. Schindler, and Mrs. Even-Haim.  As described in the Jerusalem Post:

‘Their love for Israel was so strong’; Hundreds gather to mourn 4 victims of Kiryat Arba terror attack; funerals held in Jerusalem, Ashdod, Petah Tikva, by Melanie Lidman, Jerusalem Post, September 1, 2010. Excerpt:

Hundreds of mourners gathered on the Mount of Olives on Wednesday afternoon to bury Talia and Yitzhak Ames, the parents of six children, who were killed in the shooting attack on Route 60 the previous night.

“I didn’t have a chance to tell you before you left us how much I love you both,” said Ruth Ames, 19, the victims’ second-oldest child.

“Mom, I promise you I will take care of the family; I promise I will take care of the children that will grow up without you. Dad, I promise that I will continue your work with the Temple Mount, I will make sure that families keep coming and they love it as much as you.”

Here are some pictures from the funerals:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the funeral.

A September 17, 2017 search using the string “Yitzhak Talia Ames funeral” returned zero results:

Contrast HuffPost’s decision to completely ignore this funeral, to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to grieving and upset Palestinians, Palestinian terrorists, animals and non-Jews.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more deserving of coverage on its front page than this funeral, and the grieving survivors of these victims, on September 1 and September 2?  Here’s a sampling:

Cobra, Mongoose Fight To The Death (VIDEO)

Ashton DENIES Cheating

HuffPost also completely ignored two identical follow-up attempted massacres by Hamas, in the following two days

As documented by Huff-Watch at the time:

The following day, Hamas attempted to murder two more Jews, using the same exact tactic.  From Haaretz, which HuffPost regularly uses — when it wants to:

The remains of the bullet-riddled vehicle from Hamas’s second ambush attack, which left two Jews injured.

Two Israelis were wounded, one seriously, on Wednesday night in a shooting attack in the West Bank, one day after a similar attack left four Israeli civilians dead.

The attack on Wednesday occurred at Rimonim Junction, near the Israeli settlement of Kochav Hashachar and east of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Around 11 p.m., there were reports of a shooting in the Rimonim Junction area, and a car was found overturned after police and emergency crews conducted sweeps of the area.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Palestinian gunmen ambushed the Israeli car, which was riddled with bullets, he said. Police are reported to have found 20 bullets, which were unloaded into the car which was attacked.

Preliminary reports said the attack was a drive-by shooting, executed in a similar fashion to Tuesday’s attack. IDF troops are continuing to scour the area for the assailants.

Hamas has claimed responsibility for both Tuesday and Wednesday’s attacks and have vowed that more attacks would come.  The group said in a short SMS message sent to reporters on Wednesday that its militants opened fire at an Israeli car and wounded two Israelis, one of them seriously.

“This attack is a message to those who promised that Hebron attack, which was carried out on Tuesday, won’t be repeated again,” said the group’s SMS message.


HuffPost’s own search engine proves it completely ignored this latest attack

A September 18, 2017 search using the string “Hamas This attack is a message to those who promised that Hebron attack, which was carried out on Tuesday, won’t be repeated again” returned zero results.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page on September 1 and 2, instead of this latest attack, or its preceding one?  Here’s a sampling:

PHOTOS: Demi Moore Shares Bikini Pics

Tennis Player COLLAPSES At U.S. Open

‘Housewife’ Teresa: How We Blew $11 Million

And what did HuffPost feature on its World page, instead of anything about Hamas’s latest attempt to massacre Jews?

Day 2 of its fawning “interview” (PR piece) of Hamas’s chief terrorist

Two articles about Nazis, and Hitler

In fact, by this point, as the following screencaps show, HuffPost had featured both of the stories about the Nazis on its World page for an entire week:

HuffPost also ignored a third Palestinian attack, on September 2 — this time, targeting a young Jewish girl

On September 2, 2010, Palestinian terrorists attacked a car with large rocks, that was being driven by a Jewish couple and their young daughter, the latter of whom  suffered a serious head injury as a result:

Israeli Girl Suffers Head Wound from Heavy Stone in Rock Attack; An Israeli girl suffered a head wound on Thursday night in a rock attack. Condition described as moderate, by Maayana Miskin and Elad Benari, Israel National News, September 2, 2010. Excerpt:

Terrorists wounded an Israeli girl, a resident of Har Bracha, on Thursday night in a rock attack near the Tapuach junction in Samaria.

According to reports, the girl was travelling with her parents in the family vehicle when Arabs threw stones towards the vehicle near Kfar Haras. The girl was hit in the head by a heavy stone in the attack. Her parents continued to drive until the Tapuach junction where she was given initial treatment.

The victim was taken to the Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah. Her condition was defined as moderate, meaning that doctors do not currently fear for her life but that there is a risk of permanent handicap.

A September 18, 2017 search using the string “Jewish girl injured head Palestinian rock attack Har Bracha Tapuach junction September 2010” returned zero results.

(3.41) BIAS: HuffPost rewrote the headline of, and omitted key copy from a Reuters story it published about America’s withdrawal from UNESCO, to make the U.S. appear to be the bad guy, for Israel’s benefit

At 6:16am on October 12, 2017, Reuters published a story that described America’s decision to withdraw from UNESCO:

U.S., Israel quit U.N. heritage agency citing bias, by  John Irish, Reuters, October 12, 2017. Excerpt:

PARIS (Reuters) – The United States and Israel announced on Thursday they were quitting the U.N.’s cultural agency UNESCO, after Washington accused it of anti-Israeli bias.

The withdrawal of the United States, which is meant to provide a fifth of UNESCO’s funding, is a major blow for the Paris-based organisation, founded after World War Two to help protect cultural and natural heritage around the world. […]

Soon after, Reuters then described one specific example of why the U.S. withdrew – and the fact that it began under President Obama:

Washington has already withheld its funding for UNESCO since 2011, when the body admitted Palestine as a full member. The United States and Israel were among just 14 of 194 members that voted against admitting the Palestinians. Washington’s arrears on its $80 million annual dues since then are now over $500 million.

Then, Reuters presented Israel’s reasons for following the U.S. in withdrawing:

Netanyahu told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly last month that UNESCO was promoting “fake history” after it designated Hebron and the two adjoined shrines at its heart – the Jewish Tomb of the Patriarchs and the Muslim Ibrahimi Mosque – as a “Palestinian World Heritage Site in Danger.”

Reuters omitted the fact that Hebron and the shrines are historic Jewish sites, as well as the fact that Judaism predates Islam by 2,400 years.  It did, however, present a factual, contextual basis for why both the U.S. and Israel withdrew.

Four hours later, HuffPost published the Reuters article, but selectively omitted all of the above context — and rewrote the headline

At 10:37am on October 12, HuffPost published its version of the Reuters story:

Notice first that HuffPost rewrote the Reuters headline to remove any indication of why the U.S. withdrew from UNESCO.  That, however, was just the start.  Notice, next, the modified sub-headline that HuffPost created to accompany this story:

“The withdrawal of the United States is a severe blow for the Paris-based organization which began work in 1946.”

Here is HuffPost’s version of Reuters story, as it appeared at 11:20pm on October 12 — more than twelve hours later:

U.S. Withdraws From UN’s Cultural And Educational Agency UNESCO; The withdrawal of the United States is a severe blow for the Paris-based organization which began work in 1946, by John Irish, Huffington Post (via Reuters), October 12, 2017.

HuffPost omitted all of the following from its version of the article:

  • The fact that the U.S. cut off funding to UNESCO in 2011, under President Obama
  • The specific reasons Israel cited as to why it was withdrawing

The only reference HuffPost placed in its article about Israel’s rationale was the following — which reduced it to mere “perception”:

The organization, which employs around 2,000 people worldwide, most of them based in Paris, has long been the object of criticism over its use of resources and resolutions that have been perceived by Israel and other countries as biased.

The bulk of the substance of HuffPost’s version of the Reuters article:

  • Sang the praises of UNESCO, without a hint of substantive reasons why it is so notoriously corrupt and anti-Semitic
  • Depicted the U.S. action as a bolt out of the blue from the Trump administration, to attack this “cultural and educational agency” without any justification, presumably on behalf of Israel

HuffPost’s acts and omissions could only serve to advance its consistent anti-Semitic bias and incitement, and feed into the narrative that Jews control the U.S. government, and pressure it to do bad things on its behalf.

(3.42) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed at the top of its front page that “Israeli Police Fire Tear Gas And Stun Grenades On Palestinian Protestors,” implying that the police initiated the violence, when it knew that they were responding to violent attacks by these “protesters” [UPDATED]

HuffPost published this headline at the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline led the reader to this page:

Israeli Police Clash With Palestinian Protestors After Trump Jerusalem Announcement; Thursday is the second of three days of rage called for by Palestinian leaders, by Willa Frej, Huffington Post, December 7, 2017.

Notice the difference between the front page headline, and the story page:

  • The front page headline made it sound as if the police were attacking presumably peaceful “protesters”
  • The story page indicated both sides were violent, as a “clash” occurred

Here are the opening seven paragraphs of HuffPost’s “story.” Notice the nebulous way in which whatever violence occurred is implied to have been initiated by Israeli police, to which previously peaceful Palestinian “protesters” responded:

Palestinians for a second day on Thursday faced off against Israeli police in protest of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and plans to move the U.S. embassy.

Protesters ran from tear gas and stun grenades in the West Bank cities of Ramallah and Bethlehem. A truck reportedly plowed into a group of Palestinians protesting in the town of Beit Jala.

In Jerusalem, Israeli police ordered a group of protesters near the Old City’s Damascus Gate to disperse. People burned American flags and photos of Trump.

At least 31 people were injured from being hit either by live or rubber bullets, Israeli medics said, including one person in critical condition.

Demonstrations also began Wednesday across Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan, with thousands of people gathering outside of U.S. embassies or consulates.

Palestinian leaders called for three days of rage after Trump’s announcement Wednesday. The president’s decision was harshly criticized by Arab and European leaders, who said it risked sparking violence and would make peace more elusive.

The president defended his decision as a mechanism to advance the peace process, arguing it should have been done years ago. The move signals “the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,” Trump said. “We cannot solve our problems by repeating the same failed strategies of the past.”

It isn’t until the end of HuffPost’s article that the reader sees this image, of one of the dozens of Palestinians attacking the Israeli police officers, which is what preceded their response:

As shown throughout this page, this deceitful way of flipping the perpetrators and victims is exactly the same model that HuffPost routinely has used to incite hatred against Israel, and falsely depict Palestinian terrorists and rioters as innocent victims (more here).  It is also the same exact model that HuffPost employs to incite hatred against American police officers.

Here is how other, responsible news organizations depicted what occurred in Jerusalem on this day:

A Palestinian rioter in the West Bank, Friday, Dec. 7, 2017. Photo: Reuters / Mohamad Torokman. (Courtesy: Algemeiner)

Arabs riot in eastern Jerusalem; Violent clashes taking place in area of Jerusalem’s Old City, Hevron, and the Gaza border, by Arutz Sheva (Israel National News), December 7, 2017.

Protests turn violent after Trump speech on Jerusalem, by Yaron Steinbuch, NY Post, December 7, 2017.

Palestinians, Muslims Worldwide Hold ‘Day of Rage’ Over Jerusalem Recognition, by Reuters and Algemeiner Staff, The Algemeiner, December 8, 2017.

UPDATE: Muslim Brotherhood media figure calls on Palestinians to burn Jerusalem; HuffPost completely ignores

On December 7, 2017, MEMRI reported:

Hisham Abdallah, Egyptian TV Host on Muslim Brotherhood Channel, calls on Muslims to Rage, Set Jerusalem “on Fire” following Trump’s Declaration, by MEMRI, December 07, 2017.

Egyptian actor and TV host Hisham Abdallah gave an angry address on December 6, following U.S. President Trump’s declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Speaking on the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Turkey-based Elsharq TV channel, Abdallah called for Muslims worldwide to rise and launch a “week of rage.” The proud Palestinian people and the resistance will set Jerusalem “on fire,” he said.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incitement to violence

A search at 12:45pm using the string “Hisham Abdallah set Jerusalem on fire” returned zero results:

(3.43) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian migrant who violently attacked a Jewish grocery store in Amsterdam, with a Palestinian flag — on video — yet gives top coverage to completely unsubstantiated allegations of Jews’ wrongdoing, in the U.S. and elsewhere

On December 7, 2017, the Jerusalem Post published the following story:

Man holding Palestinian flag smashes windows of kosher restaurant in Amsterdam, by JTA, Jerusalem Post, December 7, 2017. Excerpt:

Police are investigating the smashing of the windows of a kosher restaurant in a heavily-Jewish part of the Dutch capital by a man wearing a Palestinian flag.

The incident at HaCarmel restaurant occurred Thursday morning, hours after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The AT5 television station showed a video of the incident, in which a man holding a large stick while holding a Palestinian flag and wearing a Palestinian keffiyah, or shal, on his head proceeds to smash the window and kick down the restaurant’s doors as passersby and two police officers look on. The officers wait until he breaks into the restaurant. They pause as he returns out to the street from the restaurant’s interior holding an Israeli flag that he took from there. He throws it at their feet. They then overpower the man and arrest him.

Contacted by JTA, an employee at HaCarmel declined to comment on the circumstances of the incident, which the Federative Jewish Netherlands group reported online with a pictures of a Dutch police officer kneeling in front of a shattered glass window, with a Star of David hanging on the restaurant’s wall in the background.

Video by JerusalemOnline
The video soon gained increased coverage afetr it was published at the Daily Mail (UK) and elsewhere.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this incitement to violence

A December 10, 2017 search using the string “Amsterdam HaCarmel Palestinian attack” returned zero results:

Contrast HuffPost’s treatment of this attack, to the top-line, graphic treatment it gave to accusations against Jewish civilians of harming Palestinians

Notice that in these headlines, however, HuffPost identifies the alleged perpetrators as Jewish or Israeli, and explicitly holds them to account for what they are accused of doing, by using loaded, inflammatory terms, such as “rampage,” “extremist,” etc.  Also note that in each of these cases, HuffPost uses pictures of the victims in the headlines, something it never does when Jews are the victims.

(3.44) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored multiple firebombs thrown at synagogue in Gothenberg, Sweden as Jewish students were inside — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian “journalist” who alleged she was harassed by Israeli police [UPDATED]

On December 9, 2017, the Mirror (UK) reported:

Gang of 21 masked men throw Molotov cocktails at synagogue in Gothenburg as terrified Jewish students huddle inside; A group of youth holding a party in the venue had to be moved to the basement for their safety until security forces arrived, by Rachel Bishop, Mirror, December 9, 2017. Excerpt:

Twenty one masked men have thrown Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in Sweden tonight as terrified Jewish students huddled inside.

The group of youths, who were holding a party in the venue, had to be rushed to basement until security forces arrived.

The sickening attack has taken place in Gothenburg just days after US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

A mother whose daughter was inside the synagogue at the time of the attack, told Expressen GT that she received a text from her saying ‘Mum I’m getting scared.’

The group of youths, who were holding a party in the venue, had to be rushed to basement.

She said the youngsters were now “stuck” in the basement and that her daughter told her she could smell gas.

It’s not believed anyone has been injured.

Armed officers raced to the scene just 10pm local time (11pm GMT) and placed the area in lockdown after receiving reports of ‘several’ Molotov cocktails being thrown outside.

The story was also covered by the Times of Israel, YNet News, and other publications.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 11, 2017 search using the string “Gothenberg Sweden synagogue attack” returned zero results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to publish on its front page in the following days, instead of anything about this attack?

Here’s a sampling:

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 10, 2017.

Here’s What Sex Therapists Tell Women Who Have Trouble Orgasming

The ‘Star Wars’ Universe Expands With The Introduction Of These New Creatures

Second Man Comes Forward As Rabbit Rescuer In Famous Wildfire Video

Contrast HuffPost ignoring this story, to the top, sympathetic coverage it gives to Palestinians with grievances, and even Palestinian terrorists

A sampling, from here:

A Palestinian journalist who alleged she was detained and interrogated (but was able to live-Tweet it):


Female inmates in an Israeli jail who alleged (with no proof) that guards “humiliated” them:


UPDATE: HuffPost also completely ignored another firebombing against a Jewish target in Malmo, the next night, and an est. 200 marchers yelling “Shoot the Jews!”

See Case Studies 74 and 75 at:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America* in 2016-2017 (75 case studies)

(3.45) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Palestinian terrorist attack on five American Jewish students — but gave three straight days of front page sympathy to a man who had a lonely bachelor party

From the Associated Press on September 3, 2015:

American students attacked with firebomb in West Bank, Associated Press (via Fox News), September 3, 2015. Excerpt:

Israeli authorities say five American students escaped serious harm after their car was firebombed in the volatile West Bank city of Hebron.

Officials said the ultra-Orthodox seminary students were on their way to pray at a holy site when they took a wrong turn and accidentally entered a Palestinian neighborhood. The car was pelted with stones and a firebomb and went up in flames.

Police said the students got out of the vehicle and were rescued by a Palestinian resident who alerted Israeli authorities to evacuate them. Two students were lightly wounded.

The Jerusalem Post tweeted this picture of the remains of these students’ car:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A May 8, 2017 search using the first sentence of the AP story, “Israeli authorities say five American students escaped serious harm after their car was firebombed in the volatile West Bank city of Hebron,” returned zero results:

Yet for three straight days, during the same time period, HuffPost evoked sympathy on its front page for an American who had “the world’s loneliest bachelor party”

On September 5, 6 and 7, 2015 HuffPost featured this “news” story about another American, on its front page:

Guy Has World’s Loneliest Bachelor Party After Friends’ Flights Get Canceled

Contrast how HuffPost ignored the five rabbinical students, to the sympathetic, front-page coverage it routinely gives to:

Palestinian terrorists

Palestinians – general

(3.46) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to, and explicitly condemned several Trump supporters in CA who insulted three Palestinian anti-Trump activists — yet completely ignored hundreds of Palestinians in NYC who openly chanted death threats against Jews [UPDATED]

On December 13, 2017, HuffPost featured this headline near the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this original story, which describes several short videos that show several Trump supporters call Palestinian supporters “terrorists,” then drive away:

DISGUSTING: Video Shows Trump Supporters Saying 5-Year-Old Girl ‘Looks Like’ A Terrorist, by Kimberly Yam, Huffington Post, December 13, 2017.

Yet HuffPost completely ignored the fact three days earlier, thousands of Palestinian Muslims and Islamists gathered in Times Square, New York (near its editorial offices), and chanted a commonly-known refrain that calls for the murder of all Jews

As reported by The Tablet, a Jewish online newspaper:

The Times Square Intifada: Want to know what the BDS crowd is really into? Just listen to what they were saying this weekend in Manhattan, by Liel Leibovitz, The Tablet, December 11, 2017.  Excerpt:

Congregating this weekend in Manhattan’s Times Square, pro-Palestinian activists protesting Donald Trump’s Jerusalem declaration gave us a useful lesson in the true aims of their movement. On college campuses and in op-ed pages, the same crowd wraps itself snugly in the mantle of social justice, arguing that it wants nothing more than peace and equality for Palestine’s oppressed, but in the streets the picture’s sharper and more ghoulish: It’s all about violence against Jews.

A video reportedly capturing the demonstration shows a troubling progression from the hateful to the homicidal. It begins with the relatively benign cheer “We don’t want no two state, we want 48,” which, if you’re in a supremely forgiving kind of mood, you can interpret as merely a call to abolish the Jewish national homeland and replace it with a comity of Arabs and Jews. But what comes next leaves little room for the imagination.

“With spirit and blood we’ll redeem al Aqsa!” shout the hundreds huddled under the neon arch that is the 42nd Street subway entrance. “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution!” And then, to top off the frenzy of religious hatred and incitement: “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning.” Khaybar, to anyone not well-versed in Islamist eschatology, is an oasis not far from Medina where, in 628 CE, Muslim armies slaughtered and subdued the Jews. Finally, as the demonstration was reaching its peak, the crowd took simply to shouting “Intifada,” the name given to the Palestinian campaign of violence which has murdered thousands of Israelis in the last three decades.

If you still had any doubts about what the BDS crowd really wants, wonder no more. This is not a human rights campaign. This is not a movement interested in coexistence or committed to any of the values liberalism holds dear. And this is not a movement, as the Khaybar chants make clear, that bothers with any meaningful distinctions between Israelis and Jews. This is a movement fueled by rage and religion and dedicated to violence. And this weekend, it celebrated its bigotry in the open, in the heart of America’s most robust Jewish city:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completley ignored this story

A December 13, 2017 search using the key words in the chants uttered by the Palestinians, “With spirit and blood we’ll redeem al Aqsa There is only one solution, Intifada revolution Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,” returned zero results:

For further reading about the “Khaybar, Khaybar” chant, and what it means, see:

In Europe, They Call For Death To Jews. Again, by Abigail R. Esman, IPT News (Investigative Project on Terrorism), August 4, 2014.

Ramadan series ‘Khaybar’ is a battle cry against Jews; Morsi: “No peace with descendants of apes and pigs, by Ariel Ben Solomon, Jerusalem Post, July 11, 2013.

Muhammad’s Attack on Khaybar, by F. W. Burleigh, American Thinker, April 12, 2015.

UPDATE, December 14, 2017: All public Hannukah events in several German cities canceled after Arab migrants chant this threat against Jews

From the Legal Insurrection blog:

German City Cancels Hanukkah Festivities Due to ‘Security Concerns’, by Vijeta Uniyal, Legal Insurrection, December 14, 2017. Excerpt:

The city of Mülheim in northwestern Germany cancelled its official Hanukkah festivities, citing ‘security concerns,’ German newspaper Bild Zeitung reported. All the outdoor Hanukkah events due to take place in Mülheim and the adjoining region have also been cancelled, the head of the local Jewish community confirmed.

The German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, where Mülheim is located, has seen an upsurge of antisemitic attacks in the recent years. In the nearby city of Bochum, the Jewish community leaders have urged Jews to stop wearing kippah, the traditional Jewish skullcap that identifies them as Jews, in public. Last month, the local broadcaster Radio Bochum reported that Jews “routinely faced with insults on public streets when they are recognized as Jews.” The broadcaster identified the perpetrators as “Muslim youths.”

A study published by the Berlin branch of American Jewish Committee (AJC) today points to “widespread antisemitism among Arab refugees in Germany.”

“Until now, reports that many new arrivals in Germany espouse anti-Semitism have been largely anecdotal,” said AJC Berlin Director Deidre Berger. “But this new scientific analysis shows that the problem is widespread in the refugee communities from Syria and Iraq. Anti-Semitic attitudes, stereotypes, and conspiracy theories are common, as well as a categorical rejection by many of the State of Israel.” […]

The announcement comes just days after the antisemitic weekend demonstrations that took place in Berlin and other German cities. In Berlin, more than three thousand Muslim men were heard chanting Arabic slogans, shouting  “death to the Jews” and “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is coming again” — alluding to the annihilation of the Jewish population of Khaybar, an oasis in Saudi Arabia, at the hands of Muhammad and his conquering army.

“German city of Mülheim pulls the plug on its Hanukka festival below due to security concerns. My suggestion: make Aliyah (return to Israel),” tweeted Benjamin Weinthal, a noted political commentator on German affairs and Fellow for the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD).

(3.47) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored an imam in New Jersey who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere — and his mosque’s decision to only send him to “retraining” — yet gives top coverage to its explicit condemnations of Christians who voice opposition to same-sex marriage [UPDATED]

UPDATE, December 15, 2017: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), publicly condemned this imam and his “‘Repugnant’ Call for Killing of Jews”; HuffPost completely ignored him, just as it completely ignored this entire incident.

New Jersey imam Aymen Elkasaby delivers a sermon at the Islamic Center of Jersey City on December 8. Photo: courtesy of MEMRI. (Algemeiner)

On December 14, 2017, the Algemeiner, American’s largest online Jewish newspaper, published the following story, which quickly went viral in Jewish and conservative social media:

New Jersey Imam Who Called for Killing of Jews Will Be Sent for ‘Retraining,’ President of Jersey City Islamic Center Says, by Ben Cohen, The Algemeiner, December 14, 2017. Excerpt:

A New Jersey imam who delivered two violently antisemitic sermons over the last month is to be sent for “retraining,” the president of the Islamic center where he serves announced on Thursday.

Ahmed Shedeed said that Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, imam of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, would be meeting with “interfaith scholars” who would “consult with and retrain him,” following sermons in which Elkasaby called for the murder of Jews and attacked the west for having made Muslims the “tail-end of all nations.”

“This is like sending someone to rehab,” Shedeed, the Islamic Center’s president, told The Algemeiner when asked whether Elkasaby would be dismissed from the imam’s position. […]

In a December 8 sermon made available by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which monitors extremist groups, Elkasaby declared, “So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque remains a humiliated prisoner under the oppression of the Jews, this nation will never prevail.”

“Allah, wreak vengeance upon the plundering oppressors!” the imam continued. “Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one. Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth.”

Elkasaby also invoked a common Islamist trope about Jews in his December 8 sermon, describing the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City as being “under the feet of the apes and pigs.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completley ignored this story

A December 16, 2017 search using the string “Aymen Elkasaby,” returned zero results:

This willful ignorance is part of HuffPost’s blackout of all incidents of incitement of hate and violence by imams, against Jews — and the LGBT community

Rather than being an isolated incident, this is part of HuffPost’s continuing refusal to give any coverage to imams who incite hatred and violence against Jews, and the LGBT community, while standing on U.S. soil.

The following are examples from this page, which document how HuffPost consistently ignores radical imams who preach, on U.S. and Canadian soil, that their followers must attack Jews:

(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them

(76) December 2017, New Jersey: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(77) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered

(25) February 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video vilifying and inciting violence against Jews

(26) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a mosque that apologized for imam who openly preached that Jews should be murdered

(27) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that Ryerson University fired a Muslim teaching assistant who incited violence against Jews during prayer

(31) March 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video calling for Jews to be killed during sermon

(48) July 2017, Toronto, Canada: HuffPost completely ignored a legal complaint that was filed regarding an imam who openly called for “elimination of Jews and Israel”

Also, as documented on this page, HuffPost completely ignored the fact that three notorious foreign imams were able to obtain, under the Obama administration, visas to preach in Orlando, FL mosques in 2016, who explicitly incite hate and violence against the LGBT community — and that one gave a sermon two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre that Muslims have a duty to murder gays:

(2.2) HuffPost completley ignored the fact that two months before the Pulse massacre, a notoriously homophobic imam from England gave a sermon in Orlando, FL, where he claimed — on video — that Muslims must murder gays

(2.3) HuffPost completlely ignored the fact that another notoriously homophobic imam, from Syria, also preached in Central Florida, that Muslims must murder gays

(2.4) HuffPost ignored the fact that two other notoriously homophobic imams, from Iran, spoke in 2016 at mosques in Silicon Valley and England

Contrast HuffPost’s blackout on such incidents, to the top, graphic condemnations it routinely gives to Christians who merely voice disapproval of same-sex marriage (which imams also do — yet which it ignores)

As documented on this page:

(1) Background: HuffPost positions itself as an LGBT-friendly publication…

(1.1) … and claims those who stand up to homophobic preachers are “heroes”…

(1.2) … and eagerly attacks anyone who utters homophobic comments, or incitements to violence…

(1.3) … and even falsely alleged in a front page “news” story that a U.S. citizen who stands for traditional marriage “is an enemy of LGBTQ people, always has been, always will be”

(3.7) HuffPost has published 24 articles condemning one anti-gay Baptist American pastor alone

(3.48) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the video of a Palestinian suicide bomber who stabbed an IDF soldier, and was shot before he could detonate his bomb vest — but gave top graphic coverage to an accusation that a masked person who punched another was a Jew
Palestinian terrorist Mohammed Aqal, 29, after he was shot while attempting to detonate his suicide vest.

On December 15, 2017, video emerged of a Palestinian terrorist stabbing an IDF soldier, then being shot before he could detonate his suicide vest.

Palestinian with suicide bomb belt stabs border guard during protest, is shot; Stabber’s apparent explosives don’t go off; soldier moderately wounded in attack near West Bank city of Ramallah; assailant dies of wounds, by Judah Ari Gross, Times of Israel, December 15, 2017.

The story and video were picked up soon after by the NY Post:

Palestinian terrorist shot before he could detonate suicide belt, by Yaron Steinbuch, NY Post, December 15, 2017, 11:03am. Excerpt:

Four Palestinians were killed – including one who stabbed an Israeli police officer — and about 250 others were wounded in clashes with security forces as the fallout continued Friday over President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital.

Thousands of Palestinians took part in violent protests across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and on the Gaza border, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Mohammed Aqal, 29, who stabbed the Border Police officer in Ramallah, was evacuated by the Red Crescent and died later Friday, the Times of Israel reported.

A photograph of Aqal showed him wearing what looked like an explosive vest. When officers noticed the ominous-looking belt, they shot him again, fearing he would detonate it, police said.


HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 16, 2017 search using the string “Palestinian stab officer suicide vest shot” returned zero results:

Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this attack to the top, graphic coverage it gave to what may have been a completely staged, “Pallywood”-style accusation that a masked person who punched another was a Jew

The following is adapted from an article that SaveTheWest produced to support our 2016 documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”

On October 23, 2015, news broke that a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and attempted to murder an IDF soldier, and in another incident, Palestinian terrorists attacked an Israeli Jewish couple and their three children with a firebomb as they drove their car.  Three of the children, including their 4-year-old girl, were wounded.

HuffPost ignored those stories – just as it ignored almost all of the Jews who’d been murdered and maimed by Palestinian terrorists in recent weeks.  Instead of those stories, on October 23 HuffPost published on its front page “news” items about “unicorn poop,” Prince Harry growing a beard, and anonymous X-rated drawings found in an abandoned house.

The only item that HuffPost published about violence in Israel on both its front page, and near the top of its World page was this one:

Suspected Jewish Extremist Attacks Human Rights Rabbi On Video

10-23-2015 FPHL 22-22 suspected jewish extremist callout

An except from this story, written by a HuffPost “reporter” (the only original story we’re aware of that it generated during the Third Intifada):

A masked assailant attacked the leader of a Jewish human rights organization during a Palestinian olive harvest near a Jewish West Bank settlement on Friday in an incident caught on camera. The victim told local media he believed the attacker was a Jewish extremist.

The video shows a masked man throwing a rock and jabbing a knife at Rabbi Arik Ascherman, president of the Jerusalem-based group Rabbis for Human Rights.

Here is the video, which HuffPost featured on its story page – the only video of an “attack” that we’re aware it published in the course of the entire Third Intifada:

So what do we actually know, after seeing that video?  Practically nothing – except that this “rabbi” is a member of the notorious “Rabbis for Human Rights,” a particularly execrable, anti-Israel nonprofit.  At the time this “story” was published:

  • No one knew the identity of the masked man.
  • HuffPost only inserted “suspected Jewish extremist” into the headline because that’s what the “victim” asserted.
  • No one knows if this was a staged “attack,” part of the Pallywood propaganda machine, which has been exposed over and over and over again for producing phony, staged videos and photographs to smear Israel and Jews, and incite Islamists to murder them.
  • 2001-a-space-odyssey-dawn-of-man-apesFor all we know, this could be another Pallywood fake event, with acting tips possibly inspired by the dramatic opening sequence (monkey conflict) from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

Regardless of the shoddiness of this “journalism,” HuffPost left this “news” story published on its front page for three consecutive days – and on its World page for four straight days.

This is the only incident we’re aware of in which HuffPost used the term “extremist” to describe any person perpetrating an attack, throughout the Third Intifada.

(3.49) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored an Islamist terrorist attack on an Israel-supporting Ohio restaurant — but gave top, graphic coverage to a fake allegation that a “pack of Jews” chased Gov. Romney’s motorcade, and a fake hate crime against a Muslim boy

On February 11, 2016, a radical Islamist immigrant entered an Ohio restaurant that displayed an Israeli flag, then returned with a machete and began hacking the customers, inuring four, one seriously.  From the NY Daily News, on February 12:

Man who attacked Ohio restaurant with machete gunned down by police after injuring four; possible ‘lone wolf’ terrorist, by Laurie Hanna and Tobias Salinger, NY Daily News, February 12, 2016. Excerpt:

A machete-wielding man was shot and killed by police after hurting four people in a busy Ohio restaurant.

Eyewitnesses said the man attacked the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli in Columbus before fleeing in a car Thursday night.

The FBI is investigating Somali-born assailant Mohamed Barry, 30, as a possible “lone wolf” terrorist and his attack as a potential hate crime, a law enforcement source told CNN. Barry has a criminal record that includes past drug charges.

Restaurant owner Hany Baransi is an Israeli Arab immigrant and a Christian, The Columbus Distpatch reported.

“Obviously we were targeted because there’s a whole bunch of businesses around here. I’m the only foreigner,” Baransi said. “I am the minor, minor, minor of the minority. So nobody likes me.”

About the assailant, Mohamed Barry — and his motive behind the attack

Soon after the attack, the following was discovered about Barry:

In fear of another Islamist terrorist attack because of his love of Israel, one week later, Baransi said he was considering leaving America for his safety:

Nazareth restaurant owner says he’s scared, considering leaving the country, by Katelyn Murphy, ABC6 News (Columbus), February 19, 2016. Excerpt:

Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther is saying he hopes to convince the owner of Nazareth Restaurant & Deli to stay in Ohio.

Hany Baransi, owner of Nazareth Restaurant & Dei, tells ABC 6/FOX 28 that he is contemplating moving back to Israel after the machete attack that took place in his restaurant last week.

Baransi says he does not feel safe in the United States after this attack.

“I love America and I love the America I came to in 1983,” Baransi said. “I am still American in my heart. I love this country, but what’s going on now is not right.”

Andrew Ginther, mayor of Columbus, spoke with ABC 6/FOX 28 about Baransi’s plan to move back to Israel.

Three months later, Baransi publicly rededicated himself to advocating for Israel

Rather than cowering in fear of another Islamist terror attack, Baransi doubled down and publicly declared himself a pro-Israel activist:

Hany Baransi (left) visits Bill Foley in hospital. Foley was seriously injured in a machete attack on Baransi’s restaurant in Columbus, Ohio on February 11, 2016. (Photo courtesy Hany Baransi)

Terror attack turns Arab Ohio restaurant owner into fighter for Israel; Certain he was target of Islamic terrorism, Christian Haifa native Hany Baransi feels called to ‘educate’ others about the Jewish state, by Renee Ghert-Zand, Times of Israel, May 7, 2016.

After not visiting Israel for nine years, Hany Baransi, the owner of the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli in Columbus, Ohio, needed to be home in Haifa surrounded by family who would understand what he’s been going through lately — terrorism.

On February 11, Baransi’s popular restaurant was attacked by a machete-wielding assailant. The attacker, 30-year-old Mohamed Bary, was chased and killed by police after he allegedly lunged at them with a weapon. According to news reports, Bary, a Muslim from Guinea in West Africa, had previously come to the FBI’s attention with his radical Islamist statements.

Four were injured in the attack; one victim, musician Bill Foley, was critically hurt. Foley and the other victims have now recovered and he is even back performing at the Nazareth Restaurant.

While in northern Israel this week, Baransi told The Times of Israel by phone that he is sure the attack was a targeted assassination, although he was not at the restaurant at the time of the attack and had not received any threats. He said his staff told him that about half an hour before the attack, Bary had entered the restaurant asking about the owner’s national background. After staff members told Bary that Baransi was from Israel, he left. He soon returned wielding a machete and began hacking at customers and staff.

‘I am sure it was an assassination attempt. Mine is the only restaurant that displays an Israeli flag.’

“I am sure it was an assassination attempt. I was the target. Why else would the Nazareth have been targeted? It wasn’t a random attack. Mine is the only restaurant in Columbus that displays an Israeli flag,” said Baransi.

Baransi, a 50-year-old Christian Arab who has lived in the United States since 1983, has always been proudly open about his Israeli nationality.

“I’m an American Israeli Christian Arab. My being Israeli comes first,” he said.

May 2016: Baransi closed his restaurant, in fear and bankruptcy

Israeli’s Ohio restaurant closes doors in aftermath of machete attack; Blaming government’s refusal to label attack as terrorism and compensate him, Hany Baransi files for bankruptcy, by Renee Ghert-Zand, Times of Israel, May 30, 2016. Excerpt:

Hany Baransi, the Christian Israeli Arab whose Columbus, Ohio, restaurant was attacked in February by a machete-wielding assailant, has announced he will soon file for bankruptcy and close his restaurant.

Only months ago, Baransi triumphantly reopened the Nazareth Restaurant & Deli, wielding his signature baseball in front of Israeli flags, only weeks after the attack by Mohamed Bary, a West African Muslim with a history of making radical Islamist statements. […]

Baransi blamed his financial woes on not receiving any compensation from local, state or federal governments following the attack. He said he personally footed the bill for the expensive cleanup.

“I fell $12,000 behind on payroll and tried to work out a deal with my employees so I could keep the doors open, but it didn’t work out,” the restaurateur told The Times of Israel by phone Sunday, only three weeks after returning to Columbus from a vacation in his native Haifa.

Baransi, who proudly displayed an Israeli flag at his Middle Eastern-style restaurant, is convinced he was Bary’s intended target and has consistently asserted the attack was terrorism. […]

“People can’t expect me to react to what happened as though I don’t know what I know and don’t have the life experience I have,” Baransi said in defense of his pro-Israel stance.

“When Obama preaches about Muslims and puts down Israel, it pisses me off. People just don’t understand. If I were from Syria, Iran, Iraq or Jordan, I wouldn’t mention it. I am ashamed of those places. But I am Israeli and I am sick and tired of all of this cutting Israel out and boycotting us. Israel is the safest place in the world for me as a Christian Arab,” he continued.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 15, 2017 search — more than 22 months after the attack — using the string “Nazareth Restaurant and Deli” returned zero results:

Similarly, a December 15, 2017 search using the string “Hany Baransi” also returned zero results:

Contrast this blackout on any information regarding this attack, and Mr. Baransi’s plight, to the claim that newly-installed HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 25, 2017, the subhead of which claimed:

We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this attack, and Mr. Baransi’s plight, to the top-level, in-depth, global coverage it gave to a fake allegation that a “pack of Jews” chased Gov. Romney’s motorcade…

See the full details in Case Study 3.5 on this page. In summary:


There was one tiny problem with this “news” story, which HuffPost published on its front page: it knew, or should have known, that the “journalist” who wrote, Sam Stein, it was either lying, or grossly incorrect.  Specifically, because as the NY Times exposed, this “pack” of Jews was chasing Romney because they were fans, and wanted to get their pictures taken with him.

… and a fake hate crime against a Muslim boy in America

And on the subject of minority people who are allegedly driven out of America in fear of terrorism targeting them, consider this “news” story that HuffPost published on its front page for two straight days, and heavily promoted on social media:

In summary:

  • On October 12, 2016, HuffPost broke an in-depth, original story on its front page, in which it alleged that a 7-year-old Muslim boy, Abdul Aziz Usmani, was beaten by his fellow classmates on a North Carolina school bus to the point where he had a severely injured arm, because he is a Muslim, and no one did anything to help him.
  • The entire allegation was based on a Facebook post by Abdul’s father; no police report or school complaint was filed.  HuffPost wrote an extensive, original story about the alleged attack, interviewing the father via Skype from Pakistan, and assumed everything he said was true.
  • An investigation by the school and local police quickly confirmed that the attack and harassment had never taken place; that the entire story was false.
  • HuffPost never published a new headline on its front page, to alert its readers that it had misled them, and that this was, in fact, another fake anti-Muslim hate crime (many of which it helps to promote, and more it ignores).  Instead,  HuffPost merely updated the story page to indicate the results of the investigation — but those who were duped by the original story would have no idea that it turned out to be fake.
  • By this time, the fake story of this boy’s alleged harassment, etc., had been picked up by thousands of blogs and news sources around the world, particularly in the Muslim world, falsely depicting America as a racist, Islamophobic nation.

See the detailed documentation of this case study in Case Study 2.2 on this page:

Examples of HuffPost’s efforts to legitimize fake hate crimes against people in its Favored Groups

(3.50) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the sentencing of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist to 28 years in prison for the conspiracy to behead a Jewish blogger in America — yet gave top, sustained coverage to a man who asked a Muslim woman if she had a green card in a U.S. restaurant

On December 19, 2017, one of three Islamist terrorists who pleaded guilty for his role in a conspiracy to behead Jewish American blogger Pamela Geller was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

ISIS supporter who plotted to behead Pamela Geller sentenced to 28 years in prison, by Fox News, December 19, 2017. Excerpt:

A supporter of the Islamic State who was convicted of plotting to behead conservative blogger Pamela Geller was sentenced Tuesday to 28 years behind bars.

David Wright, 28, cried in a Boston federal courthouse as he apologized to Gellar, law enforcement and his family. He also denounced ISIS, which Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie Siegmann said during the trial Wright “was committed” to.

“Nothing I can say can fix the hurt I caused,” Wright said in court Tuesday. “I sincerely hope that I can be given the opportunity to help others avoid the mistakes I made.”

Prosecutors said Wright, his uncle and a third man conspired to kill Geller because they were upset she organized a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas in 2015.

During the contest, two other men opened fire outside and wounded a security guard before they were killed in a shootout with law enforcement assigned to guard the event.

Jewish blogger Pamela Geller, and David Wright, who confessed to being part of a plot to behead her, on behalf of ISIS.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 21, 2017 search using the string “David Wright ISIS behead Pamela Geller” returned zero results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?

Here’s a sampling:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on December 20, 2017.

2017 Was A Stellar Year For Queer Cinema. Here Were Some Of The Best.

Ring In 2018 With These New Year’s Eve Dresses Under $100

Prince William Actually Galloped Like A Horse On TV And The Crowd Loved It

Student Finishes College Final Exam While In Labor

This James Corden Supercut May Be The Happiest Thing To Come Out Of 2017

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this story, to the fact that it gave top-level coverage to a story about a man who asked a Muslim woman if she has a green card

On February 1, 2017, HuffPost positioned this story near the top of its front page:

Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card, “Do you have a green card, by the way? Yeah, you look, are you even — ”; by Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.

Notice that this man has no influence, does not preach to hundreds or thousands of people, and did not call for a genocide of all 1.7 billion Muslims.  Yet HuffPost decided that this story, as repulsive as it is, deserved top coverage — while completely ignoring the videotape of the Davis, CA imam, as well as a similar incident from California (Case Study 24), and three more in Canada (here, here, here).

(3.51) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered — yet gave top coverage to its condemnation of several people who said a Palestinian family “look like terrorists”

On December 20, 2017, the Algemeiner, America’s largest online Jewish newspaper, broke this story of another U.S. imam who openly incited violence and murder against Jews:

Texas Imam: Judgment Day Won’t Start ‘Until Muslims Fight the Jews in Palestine’, by Shiri Moshe, The Algemeiner, December 20, 2017.  Excerpt:

The founder of an Islamic institute in Houston, Texas claimed that Judgment Day “will not start until Muslims fight the Jews … in Palestine,” during a sermon condemning the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital earlier this month.

Sheikh Raed Saleh Al-Rousan of the Tajweed Institute suggested on Dec. 8th that Jews “killed the prophets and the messengers of Allah,” according to a video recording translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Al-Rousan cast doubt on claims that Jews “lived in Palestine for thousands of years,” alleging instead that Britain “brought Jewish [people] from different countries to live in Palestine. So do not tell me Palestine is the country of Jewish [people].” […]

Al-Rousan — who studied in the Islamic University of Al-Madina in Saudia Arabia, and later received a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana — also cited a saying attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, which claims that “Judgment day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews.”

“The Muslims will kill the Jews,” the imam preached in Arabic, “and the Jews will hide behind the stones and the trees, and the stones and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him, except for the Gharqad tree, which is one of their trees.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 21, 2017 search using the string “Sheikh Raed Saleh Al-Rousan Tajweed Institute” returned zero results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?

Here’s a sampling:

This “news” story appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page for two straight days, on December 20-21, 2017.

Khloé Kardashian Reveals Her Pregnancy In Emotional Instagram

All Hail The Bearded Lady, The Real Star Of ‘The Greatest Showman’

How These Drug Users Are Taking A Unique Measure To Protect Each Other

Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this incident, to the top, graphic coverage it gave to its condemnation of several people who said a Palestinian family “look like terrorists”

On December 13, 2017, HuffPost featured this headline near the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this original story, which describes several short videos that show several Trump supporters call Palestinian supporters “terrorists,” then drive away:

DISGUSTING: Video Shows Trump Supporters Saying 5-Year-Old Girl ‘Looks Like’ A Terrorist, by Kimberly Yam, Huffington Post, December 13, 2017.

(3.52) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a complaint by Jews about a hotel manager in Los Angeles who wears swastika-themed shirts at work, and harassed them — and that the owners decided to keep him on staff — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian filmmaker who alleged he was detained at LAX for 60 minutes

On December 16, 2017, the Jerusalem Post broke the following story:

LA hotel owners refuse to fire manager for wearing Nazi shirt, by Tamara Zieve, Jerusalem Post, December 16, 2017. Excerpt:

A petition against a Los Angeles hotel manager who has been seen wearing a Nazi T-shirt has been rejected by the hotel’s owners.

The petition was started earlier this month by two residents of the Soto Hotel, Jeff and Dan, under the hashtag #justiceforjeffanddan.

The tenants complained that manager Antonio Ortega has worn a shirt in hallways and the entrance of the hotel depicting Hitler saluting a swastika.

The two roommates, one of whom identified himself as Jewish and the other as gay, also accused Ortega of threatening to use a gun and of shining a flashlight in a resident’s face.

“There’s no place for hate symbols in Los Angeles or California or the USA in 2017 nearly 2018,” reads their petition.

“It’s time the owners of Soto Hotel to fire him and evict him from the building with a restraining order.” […]

“The owners of Soto Hotel have asked that I reach out to you to acknowledge your valid concern earlier this week about the inappropriate attire Antonio Ortega wore,” read a message sent by manager Leo Valle to Dan.

“They too found the Hitler shirt offensive and will not tolerate such behavior,” he continued.

“In fact, the owners found it so serious, that one of the principals flew down to LA this week to meet directly with both Antonio and I regarding the offense. It was decided by the owners that in recognition of Antonio’s otherwise excellent performance as manager for the family for many, many years, as well as that of his mother and grandmother for now close to 40 years, he be reprimanded and warned that no such shirt is allowed. Again, please direct any valid concerns to me as your manager point person and we will continue to address them in a timely and professional manner.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 21, 2017 search using the string “Antonio Ortega Soto Hotel Jeff Dan Hitler swastika shirt” returned zero results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?

Here’s a sampling:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page for two days straight, starting on December 18, 2017.

Christina Aguilera Skips A Shirt Under Her Suit For Holiday Party

We’re Wigging Out Over These Art Projects Made With Real Human Hair

Rose McGowan Rips Meryl Streep For Black-Dress Protest At Golden Globes

Tommy Wiseau Is About To Star In Another Weird Movie. Here’s What To Expect.

Andy Cohen And Anderson Cooper Reveal Whose ‘Freak Number’ Is Higher

Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored this incident, to the top coverage it gave to a Palestinian filmmaker who alleged he was detained at LAX for 60 minutes

Not just a news story, but an original, top-of-the-front page splash headline:

20Feb13 FPHL HP weeps for pal director

(3.53) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a wave of genocidal, threatening hate mail sent to synagogues throughout Canada — yet gave top, sustained coverage to one Canadian Muslim politician who reported receiving a hateful letter

Note: This is one more example of not just HuffPost’s anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim bias, but of its pattern of giving top coverage to animals who meet misfortune, over Jews who are threatened, injured or murdered, because they are Jews.  For detailed information, see our recent documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.”

One of the hate letters sent to synagogues throughout Canada

On December 19, 2017, news broke that genocidal, anti-Semitic hate mail had been sent to synagogues in four Canadian provinces:

Canadian synagogues targeted with ‘Jewry must perish’ hate mail; Police open investigation into identical swastika pictures sent to Jewish houses of worship in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton and Edmonton, Times of Israel, December 19, 2017.  Excerpt:

Canadian police have opened an investigation into a spate of anti-Semitic hate mail sent to several synagogues in Canada over the weekend.

B’nai Brith Canada said synagogues in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton and Edmonton received identical letters featuring a swastika inside inside a bleeding Star of David with the phrase “Jewry must perish.”

“It’s scary. It’s obviously a hate letter,” Julian Lewin, executive director of Shaare Zedek in Montreal, told Radio-Canada on Sunday.

Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada, warned of the resurgence of anti-Semitic vandalism across the country.

“Sadly, we’ve seen the swastika make something of a comeback this year, defacing the walls of high schools, university campuses, and public property,” Mostyn said in a statement. “Today, it is more imperative than ever that we condemn this symbol of racism and hatred.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A December 23, 2017 search using the string “Jewry must perish letters Canada synagogues” returned zero results:

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this incident, to the front-page, sustained coverage it gave to one Canadian Muslim politician who reported receiving a hateful letter

On February 17, 2017, HuffPost published the following story on its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:

‘Get Out Of My Country’: Canadian Politician Reads Her Hate Mail In The House Of Commons, by Jesselyn Cook, Huffington Post, February 17, 2017.  Excerpt:

Canadian politician Iqra Khalid stood before the House of Commons this week to remind her colleagues of something she knows all too well: “Islamophobia is real.”

Khalid, a Liberal member of Parliament who is Pakistani-Canadian, has received a spate of vicious and sometimes threatening hate mail since introducing a motion to “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination” in December. Two months earlier, the House unanimously vowed to “actively fight” and denounce Islamophobia in “all of its forms.”

HuffPost left the story on its front page throughout February 17, and February 18.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?

Here’s a sampling:

This story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on December 20, 2017.

(3.54) BIAS: January 2018, Samaria, Israel: HuffPost completely ignored (a) a rabbi who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists, leaving behind a wife and six children, and (b) the U.S.-backed Fatah openly celebrating and glorifying the attack — yet gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which HuffPost failed to report]

Rabbi Raziel Shevach, father of six, murdered by Palestinian terrorists — and completely ignored by HuffPost (photo: Times of Israel, via victim’s family)

On January 9, 2018 at 1:00pm EST, the following story broke:

Jew murdered in terror attack near Havat Gilad in Samaria; Rabbi Raziel Shevach dies of wounds after shooting attack near Samaria community. Security forces set up roadblocks around Shechem, by Ido ben Porat, Israel National News, January 9, 2018, 20:13p, (1:13pm EST). Excerpt:

Rabbi Raziel Shevach, a 35-year-old father of six, has died of his wounds following a shooting attack near Havat Gilad in Samaria this evening.

Rabbi Shevach was a mohel and volunteered with Magen David Adom. About a year ago, he finished studies for the rabbinate, and was currently in the midst of studies to be a rabbinical arbiter.

The rabbi leaves behind a wife, 4 daughters and 2 sons, the younger of which is an 8-month-old baby. Details for the funeral have not yet been set.

Medics who rushed to the scene provided aid to the rabbi and evacuated him to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where doctors fought to save his life, but were ultimately forced to confirm his death.

The hospital said that “The wounded man arrived to the hospital without pulse, not breathing, and without vital signs. He was brought to the trauma room, where advanced resuscitation efforts were employed. Unfortunately, despite the efforts, his death was confirmed.”

And from the Times of Israel, less than two hours later:

Terror victim Raziel Shevach remembered as unique, kindhearted man; Father of 6 was a central figure in the settlement community, friends say. ‘All who knew him loved him, and loved him deeply’, by Times of Israel staff, January 9, 2018, 9:51 pm (2:51pm EST). Excerpt:

Rabbi Raziel Shevach, slain in a West Bank terror attack Tuesday night, was remembered by friends and acquaintances as a goodhearted family man who was a central figure in the local settlement community and in his home of Havat Gilad.

“He was a very special person,” said friend Yehuda Hass, who volunteered with Shevach as a medic in Magen David Adom. “Just recently he received a citation for his work in the organization. He was the unofficial rabbi of Havat Gilad.”

The 35-year-old father of six was also a rabbi in a yeshiva and a mohel.

“He was a very well known mohel here…in the area, entirely as a volunteer,” Hass told the Ynet news site. “He was a great man with a great heart.”

Shevach was shot dead Tuesday while driving down a highway near his home in the outpost outside Nablus. Israeli security forces were searching for the perpetrators.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A January 12, 2018 search at 5:00 pm EST — more than 72 hours after the story broke — using the string “Rabbi Raziel Shevach” returned zero results:

HuffPost also completely ignored the fact that Fatah, the US-funded “political” organization, openly celebrated and justified the murder of Rabbi Shevach

Less than 24 hours after the murder of Rabbi Shevach, Fatah, the Palestinian “political” party behind Mahmoud Abbas, which is funded by U.S. taxpayers, publicly celebrated the attack. The U.S. Ambassador to Israel condemned Fatah, as reported by the Algemeniner, Amercan’s largest online Jewish newspaper:

Israel Slams Abbas’ Fatah Faction for Praise of Deadly West Bank Shooting, by Algemeiner Staff, January 10, 2018, 3:12 pm EST. Excerpt:

A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction on Wednesday for its praise of the deadly West Bank shooting attack the previous night in which Rabbi Raziel Shevach was slain.

And the U.S. Ambassador to Israel also condemned Fatah:

Then, on January 11, 2018, the Algemeiner published an editorial by terrorism analyst Steve Emerson that highlighted more ways that Fatah was celebrtating and glorifying the murder of Rabbi Shevach:

‘Moderate’ Palestinian Factions Praise Rabbi’s Murder as an ‘Operation’, by Steven Emerson, The Algemeiner, January 11, 2018. Excerpt:

Fatah glorified the attack as a professional assassination from “skilled and experienced” Palestinian.

“The Nablus operation in numbers: The full duration of the operation: 30 seconds. The distance between the cars: 20 meters. The number of bullets that were fired: 22. The one who carried out the operation was skilled and experienced, and escaped the site. The result: a killed settler,” read a post on Fatah’s official Facebook account.

The official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, also ran an article referring to the attack as a “shooting operation,” making it sound like military activity, instead of what the incident really was — the murder of an Israeli civilian.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored these stories about Fatah glorifying the murder of Rabbi Shevach

A January 12, 2018 search at 5:30 pm EST — more than 48 hours after the first of these stories broke — using the string “Fatah” returned zero results:

HuffPost did feature two stories on its front page about news in Israel — both designed to incite hatred against it and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu

On January 10, 2018, HuffPost published two negative, original “news” stories on its front page about Israel — one of which it deliberately manipulated to incite worldwide hatred against the Jewish state, based on incendiary lies:

(1) “Israel Gives African Migrants An Ultimatum: Plane Ticket Home Or Jail”

(2) “Netanyahu’s Son Under Fire Over Salacious Strip Club Audio Recording”

(1) “Israel Gives African Migrants An Ultimatum: Plane Ticket Home Or Jail”

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on January 10, 2018:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this “story” page — which consisted of a HuffPost-produced video, that was based on a lie: the people to whom it refers are, according to its own video, not “migrants” (people who travel from one nation to another, legally), but illegal aliens, who unlawfully entered and have remained in Israel, in violation of the law:

Although Africans have migrated to Israel legally serve with honor in its military, police and civilian sector, those who arrived illegally have been largely engaged in a massive crime wave, possess few job skills, and their cultural traits and religious beliefs often clash with Israel and other first-world Western nations in Europe.  Given these facts, as a sovereign nation, Israel has every legitimate right to send these illegal aliens back home, in a civilized way — in this case, as acknowledged in HuffPost’s own video, with $3,500 in their pockets, a small fortune in the impoverished African nations from which they originate.

Yet HuffPost mentioned none of that in its headline, instead deciding to make it appear that Israel was kicking out “migrants,” who, by definition, entered the country legally?

Here is HuffPost’s self-produced video, in its entirety:

(2) “Netanyahu’s Son Under Fire Over Salacious Strip Club Audio Recording”

The second original story to appear on HuffPost’s front page on January 10, 2018 focused on an alleged audio recording of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son — from 2015 — written by one of its “journalists”:

Yet on January 12, 2018, HuffPost gave top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada

For two straight days, on January 12 and 13, 2018, HuffPost featured this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:

11-Year-Old Canadian Girl Says Attacker Cut Her Hijab With Scissors; “I felt confused, scared, terrified,” Khawlah Noman said, Huffington Post, January 12, 2018.

Notice that HuffPost included the girl’s face and name in both the front page teaser, and the story page, along with her personal feelings about the alleged “attack” on her — during which she suffered not so much as a paper cut or bruise of any kind:

Further, as HuffPost’s own story page confirms, there is not a shred of evidence that any of this girl’s allegation is true — no eyewitnesses, no surveillance camera footage.  Which is not to say that this “attack” did not happen, but given the pattern of more than two dozen recent fake hate crimes against Muslims, documented here — and ten instances in which HuffPost helped to falsely legitimize them — we contend it is reasonable to ask:

  • Why would HuffPost completely ignore the murder of Rabbi Shevach, and the U.S.-funded Fatah celebrating and glorifying it — but give top, graphic coverage to a claim by a Muslim girl in Canada about an alleged hate crime against her, for which there is absolutely no evidence?
  • Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented, violent attacks on Jews throughout the world?
  • Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented sermons by imams in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, explicitly inciting and justifying violent attacks on Jews?

Only HuffPost’s management can answer these questions.

UPDATE January 15, 2018: Three days later, police announced that their investigation revealed the attack on this girl “did not happen”; HuffPost ignored this discovery

On January 15, 2018 at 10:53am, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) announced:

Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl ‘did not happen,’ Toronto police say; Police previously said they were treating case as a possible hate crime, CBC New, January 15, 2018 10:53 AM ET. Excerpt:

An 11-year-old girl’s report last week that a man tried to cut off her hijab as she walked to school didn’t occur, Toronto police said Monday.

“After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen,” police said in a release.  “The investigation is concluded.” […]

Her story captured national attention and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.

“These allegations were extremely serious and not surprisingly, they received national and international attention,” police spokesman Mark Pugash said in an interview.

Police told CBC News that a team of investigators conducted numerous interviews throughout the probe, adding that the girl who reported the incident will not face any legal consequences.

HuffPost’s complicity in perpetuating the notion that this was an actual hate crime

A January 15, 2018 search at 6:15p using the string “Khawlah Noman” reveals that HuffPost published only one story using her name: the original allegation:

(3.55) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely depicted illegal aliens who entered Israel as “migrants,” then claimed Israel unfairly told them to get out or go to jail — while completely ignoring the toll these “migrants” have wreaked on law-abiding Israeli Jews

A continuation of Case Study 54.

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on January 10, 2018:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this “story” page — which consisted of a HuffPost-produced video, that was based on a lie: the people to whom it refers are, according to its own video, not “migrants” (people who travel from one nation to another, legally), but illegal aliens, who unlawfully entered and have remained in Israel, in violation of the law:

Although Africans have migrated to Israel legally serve with honor in its military, police and civilian sector, those who arrived illegally have been largely engaged in a massive crime wave, possess few job skills, and their cultural traits and religious beliefs often clash with Israel and other first-world Western nations in Europe.  Given these facts, as a sovereign nation, Israel has every legitimate right to send these illegal aliens back home, in a civilized way — in this case, as acknowledged in HuffPost’s own video, with $3,500 in their pockets, a small fortune in the impoverished African nations from which they originate.

Yet HuffPost mentioned none of that in its headline, instead deciding to make it appear that Israel was kicking out “migrants,” who, by definition, entered the country legally?

Here is HuffPost’s self-produced video, in its entirety:

Rather than being an isolated incident, as shown in the previous 54 case studies on this page, it is part of HuffPost’s continuing, global pattern of incitement of racial hatred, based on lies.

Yet HuffPost has completely ignored the toll that these “migrants” have wreaked on law-abiding Israeli Jews

From the Israeli news site MIDA:

The Women of South Tel Aviv Speakout: “The Infiltrators have Destroyed our Lives”; Residents of the south Tel Aviv neighborhoods talk about life in the shadow of the illegal migrants, the fear on the streets and the hope that the situation will improve. “We live in hell,” by Amir Levi, MIDA, February 26, 2018. Excerpt:

While the disingenuous campaign to keep the illegal infiltrators in Israel is gaining momentum from various media outlets, the voice of the people whose daily lives are most effected by the situation, has received almost no attention at all.

The residents of the neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv have been those most affected by the phenomenon of illegal infiltration since it started ten years ago. They pay the steepest price for life next to the infiltrators, while all proposed solutions are stuck in a legal quagmire.

One of these women is Sophie Menashe. She made Aliyah from India at the beginning of the fifties and moved to Levinsky Street next to the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station in 1979.

“The neighborhood was a normal neighborhood, many families lived here. I had three young children and they would roam the neighborhood without problem, even at night,” she said in a conversation with Mida about those days, that seem very far away as compared to the neighborhood’s current state.

According to Menashe, Neve Sha’anan was never an upscale neighborhood and there was always crime and poverty. However, when the large numbers of infiltrators arrived to the area, the character of neighborhood began to change.

“As the years passed, the adults died and the children left, the apartment owners started renting them to the Africans.” In the building where Sophie lives today, there are only two older Israeli women. Infiltrators live in the rest of the apartments, all of which are illegally divided into a number of living spaces.

“They simply split every apartment into a number of rooms with different entrances. In every room, four or five people live. I turned to the municipality and they told me that it is impossible to do anything because the original plans for the building were lost,” she said.

Sophie’s building. (Photo – Amir Levi, via MIDA)

At the very entrance to the building, a club for foreigners operates without license. The municipality closes the club every few weeks and then it reopens.

The building itself is neglected and dirty, trash gathers in the stairwell. It seems that the foreign residents of the building do not care. “They simply throw their trash into the courtyard from the balcony, they go to the bathroom everywhere. There are a few infiltrators who live on the roof. Periodically, an official comes to give fines due to the accumulating trash. Because there is no official address for anyone in order to receive a fine, he issues the fines in my name.”

In the building next door to Sophie’s home, a church for foreigners has been operating for a number of years including mass prayers every Shabbat morning. “Every Shabbat there are many people. They play loud music on big speaker systems that shake the walls of my house. I feel like I’m in hell – for this I made Aliyah? To the Jewish country?”

“Am I not a Human Being?”

Another woman who expresses hope mixed with concern is Elisheva Gideon, a resident of the Hatikva neighborhood. “I very much hope that the government will not give in to the pressure to change their decision to remove the infiltrators. This is a completely legal decision, and I expect that in a state of law it will be upheld,” she said to Mida.

Elisheva experienced the worst part of the infiltration phenomenon when she was physically assaulted by an infiltrator from Eritrea two and a half years ago. Her voice begins to tremble as she reconstructs the painful event that traumatizes her even today. “A group of several women and I came to clear things from a friend’s house. We stood waiting in the street next to the garbage we had removed and there were foreign children who were running and playing nearby. I asked a boy not to approach the planks so that he would not get hurt, and then suddenly his mother attacked us and began beating us with a large board.”

Although the attack was fully documented, the lawsuit against the infiltrator was dragged on for months with the women’s lawyers using various pretexts. The lawyers worked on behalf of a radical leftist organization. Finally, the court ruled that Elisheva was entitled to financial compensation, but the assailant was smuggled out of the country by her helpers and is now apparently living in Sweden.

Here is the video of one of Elisheva being violently assaulted by the “migrants,” as HuffPost refers to them:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it has completely ignored this story

A February 26, 2018 search using the string “Sophie Menashe Elisheva Gideon Israel migrants” returned zero results:

(3.56) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost surgically sanitized a source article from the NY Times about one of the world’s leading terrorists, to depict him only as a “leader,” and a victim of unprovoked Israeli aggression


  • HuffPost published an article on its front page, based on one in the New York Times, that claimed Israel “tried really hard” to assassinate a Palestinian “leader.”
  • HuffPost removed everything from the NY Times’s article that referenced why Israel wanted to eliminate that “leader”: because he was responsible for the murders of thousands of Jewish civilians, and was one of the world’s leading terrorists.
  • HuffPost omitted what the NY Times acknowledged: that time and again, when Israel had him in its crosshairs, it decided to not pull the trigger, because of the loss of innocent life that would or might result.
  • In doing so, HuffPost continued its long history of inciting hatred against Israel and Jews, based on lies and egregious distortions, while whitewashing and even legitimizing Palestinian terrorists.

On January 23, 2018, the New York Times published the following story:

How Arafat Eluded Israel’s Assassination Machine; The nation’s security forces tried for decades to kill the P.L.O. leader. Now, former officials tell the story of how they failed — and how far they almost went to succeed, by Ronen Bergman, New York Times, January 23, 2018.

By any rational measure, Yasser Arafat was an Islamist terrorist, who had the blood of thousands of Israeli civilians on his hands.  Among them, Danny and Einat Haran.  As described in the following passage from the NYT article, a PLO-affiliated terrorist kidnapped Danny Haran and his four-year-old daughter, Einat.  Realizing he was cornered, the terrorist, Samir Kuntar, shot Danny to death in front of his daugther, as he later said, “To make sure it was the last thing she ever saw,” then crushed her skull with the butt of his rifle.

By 1979, Israel and the P.L.O. had settled into a rote and seemingly endless pattern of strikes and counterstrikes. And then a horrifying murder raised the tension even higher. On April 22, 1979, a terror squad from the Palestine Liberation Front, a P.L.O.-affiliated group, landed in a rubber dinghy on the beach at Nahariya, an Israeli city six miles south of the Lebanese border. One of its four members was Samir Kuntar, then 16 years old.

After trying to break into a house and being frightened away by gunfire, and after killing a policeman who tried to arrest them, the men broke into a family’s apartment and took Danny Haran, and his daughter Einat, 4, as hostages. They dragged them to the beach, where soldiers and police had already deployed, and a firefight ensued. Kuntar shot Danny, killing him, and then smashed Einat’s head with the butt of his rifle until she was dead.

Danny’s wife, Smadar, hid in a crawl space in their apartment with their 2-year-old daughter, Yael. Smadar covered the toddler’s mouth with her hand, to keep her from crying out and allowing the attackers to find them. In her panic, she smothered her child.

In the wake of the Nahariya atrocity, Raful Eitan, the I.D.F. general, gave the regional commander Avigdor Ben-Gal a simple order: “Kill them all,” meaning all members of the P.L.O. and anyone connected to the organization in Lebanon.

Read more about Kuntar, the people he’s murdered, and his affiliation with the PLO, and later Hezbollah, at:

Samir Kuntar Murders Israeli Family, by IsraCast, April 22, 2017.

Notorious Lebanese militant reported killed in airstrike near Syrian capital, by Ruth Eglash and Hugh Naylor, Washington Post, December 20, 2015.

The World Should Know What He Did to My Family, by Smadar Haran Kaiser, Washington Post, May 18, 2003.

Read more about Arafat, and the thousands of Jews whom he was directly or indirectly responsible for murdering, here:

The Father of Modern Terrorism; The True Legacy of Yasser Arafat; The true legacy of Yasser Arafat, by Andrew C. McCarthey, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, November 12, 2004.

Yasser Arafat profile at Jewish Virtual Library

It was against Arafat, the “leader” of the PLO terror group, that Israel decided to act, in the hopes of stopping similar future attacks.  Yet as the NY Times article shows, time and again when Israel has Arafat in its sights and could have easily eliminated him, it decided not to, because the collateral damage and suffering would have been too great.

HuffPost published a “story” based on the NY Times article — but it surgically removed all mentions of Palestinian terrorism, to the point where it depicted Arafat as a victim of unprovoked Israeli aggression

On January 24, 2018, HuffPost published this version of the NY Times’s story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page, followed by the entirety of the story pasted below:

Israel Tried Really Hard To Assassinate Yasser Arafat, Considered Downing Passenger Plane; Some of the plots to kill the Palestinian Liberation Organization leader sound like action-movie scenes, by Nick Visser, Huffington Post, January 24, 2018.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was so intent on assassinating Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat in the 1980s that he considered downing commercial passenger planes, according to a New York Times Magazine article published Tuesday.

Writer Ronen Bergman detailed years of Israeli attempts to kill Arafat ― none successful. The PLO leader evaded bombings and military operations ― either through clandestine means or because the Israeli military called the attempts off, citing the possibility of heavy civilian casualties. Arafat finally died in 2004 at age 75.

The attempts to kill him often verged on the cinematic, according to the Times.

In one instance, Bergman reports that Sharon ordered Israeli agents to plant a “massive set of bombs” under a VIP area at a stadium in Beirut, where the PLO was set to hold a celebration. The explosives were in place, and “with the push of one button, they would achieve the destruction of the entire Palestinian leadership.”

But the plan was called off after senior officials voiced their concerns to then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

In another instance, Sharon considered downing commercial flights that Arafat was scheduled to be aboard, according to the article, citing three Israeli officers familiar with the planning:

“When Mossad reported that Arafat was flying more commercial flights, with the PLO often buying the entire first-class or business-class cabin for him and his aides, Sharon decided that such flights would be legitimate targets. The plane would have to be shot down over the open sea, far from the coast, so that it would take investigators a long time to find the wreckage and establish whether it had been hit by a missile or had crashed because of engine failure.

“Deep water would be preferable, to make recovery even more difficult.”

In 1982, Sharon, then defense minister, ordered a military operation to shoot down an aircraft he believed Arafat was aboard. The air force, acting on information from the Mossad intelligence service, hesitated and soon realized the plane was not carrying Arafat, but his younger brother, Fathi. The passengers also included 30 injured Palestinian children.

“Since World War II, Israel has used assassination and targeted-killing more than any other country in the West, in many cases endangering the lives of civilians,” Bergman wrote. He also said he “discovered a long history of profound ― and often rancorous ― internal debates over how the state should be preserved.”

“Can a nation use the methods of terrorism? Can it harm innocent civilians in the process? What are the costs? Where is the line?”

Notice that at no point in HuffPost’s article did it even remotely indicate who and what Arafat really was, or did, or why Israel was so intent on assassinating him.  Instead, it surgically removed all of those elements, and any indication whatsoever that Arafat was anything other than a nondescript political “leader,” and ultimately, as an innocent victim of Israeli aggression.

This was not the first time HuffPsot engaged in this kind of selective editing, and whitewashing of Palestinian terrorism.  For another example, see Case Study 3.57 on this page, and SaveTheWest’s recent documentary video, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.”

(3.57) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost surgically sanitized a source article from the AP about a notorious Palestinian terrorist, to depict him only as a “leader” imprisoned by Israel

 The following is a summary of a post by Huff-Watch.

HuffPost published this story teaser near the top of its World page:

This was the entirety of the story that HuffPost published about this man whom it calls a jailed Palestinian “leader,” Marwah Barghouti.   Note the last line, which follows a nebulous statement about how he “led an armed uprising against Israel”:

“He is serving five life terms for his role in the conflict.”

Curiously, HuffPost says nothing about specifically what he was sentenced to five life times for doing.

Turns out, the copy that HuffPost published was a selectively edited version of a much longer AP article, which contained just a few more details about this “leader”:

Barghouti, convicted on murder charges in 2002, is serving five life sentences for his role in fatal Palestinian attacks. […] Barghouti, 51, was a leader of a Palestinian uprising that began in 2000, during which a wave of suicide bombings rocked Israeli cities and killed more than 1,000 civilians. 

Here are some of the additional details that HuffPost refused to ferret out for its readers (in direction violation of Arianna Huffington’s adage that “[T]he highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned”):

“(Barghouti is) the founder of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades which has carried out a large number of deadly terrorist attacks killing scores of Israelis and wounding hundreds… (H)e received large amounts of funds from different sources both inside and outside Israel… (which he used) to finance… dozens of attacks, including a large number of suicide bombings within Israel. (Examples include):

  • Jun 12, 2001 – The murder of a Greek Orthodox monk on the road to Ma’ale Adumim.
  • The bloody handiwork of HuffPost’s “jailed Palestinian leader.”

    Jan 17, 2002 – The shooting attack during a bat mitzva celebration.. (s)ix Israelis were killed in this attack, 26 were injured. (UK Telegraph account here; BBC’s account here; Wikipedia entry here)

  • Jan 22, 2002 – The shooting spree on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem. Two Israelis were killed, 37 wounded.
  • Feb 25, 2002 – The shooting attack in the Jerusalem residential neighborhood of Neve Ya’acov. One Israeli policewoman was killed, 9 Israelis were wounded.
  • Feb 27, 2002 – The murder of an Israeli at a coffee factory in the Atarot industrial zone of Jerusalem.
  • Feb 27, 2002 – The suicide attack perpetrated by Daryan Abu Aysha at the Maccabim checkpoint in which two policeman were injured.
  • Mar 5, 2002 – The shooting spree at the Tel Aviv Seafood restaurant. Three Israelis were killed, 31 wounded.
  • Mar 8, 2002 – A suicide terrorist was killed in Daheat el Barid as he was on his way to carry out an attack in Jerusalem.
And over at the Investigative Project on Terrorism, we find this:

In the negotiations for (Gilad) Shalit’s freedom, Hamas officials are demanding that Israel release leading terrorists including… Marwan Barghouti, a senior Fatah member.

Curiously, as of December 6, 2016, HuffPost has removed the page in its entirety — as if this whole episode never occurred:

“There is an objective reality, and it is the media’s job to present it unequivocally.”

Arianna Huffington

“[Arianna Huffington] is offended and bewildered by the suggestion that other news outlets think she’s getting a free ride. She sees herself as the future of journalism, not the end of it.”

Time magazine

(3.58) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored Holocaust Remembrance Day — but gave five straight days of front-page coverage to random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what the Nazis perpetrated on their victims

January 27, 2018 was International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  As it has in years past, HuffPost completely ignored this event.  A search using the string “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” at 6:48pm on January 28, 2018 returned zero relevant results:

Note that Tax Act appears to be supporting this anti-Semitic omission. To make your voice known to its senior management, go here.

During this same period, HuffPost gave four straight days of front-page coverage to random accusations that an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) check of identity papers on a bus is comparable to what occurred in Nazi Germany

On January 25, 2018, HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:

Woman’s Shocking Detainment Is Drawing Comparisons To Crackdowns In Nazi Germany

The page only features a video window, with the following copy on the sidebar:

At least one woman was allegedly detained after passengers aboard a Greyhound bus were reportedly asked to show proof of citizenship simply for riding the bus.

The video, custom produced by HuffPost regarding this specific incident, describes a woman on a bus in Florida who was determined by ICE agents to be in the U.S. illegally, and she was detained for further processing.  The video also visually compares this process to what the Nazis did to Jews and other persecuted minorities during World War II:

Note that Lending Tree and Esurance appear to be supporting this anti-Semitic omission. To make your voice known to their senior management, go to our detailed contact listings for Lending Tree and Esurance.

Here is HuffPost’s video, in its entirety:


HuffPost’s entire shock headline was based on Tweets by two individuals, whom we speculate (a) the vast majority of Americans have probably never heard of — and (b) a sizable majority of would find deeply offensive, in the context of their views on this matter:



Memo to HuffPost (and its advertisers): Here is what the Nazis actually did to their victims

The moments before Nazi soldiers murdered civilians — including this toddler, and a mother and her child:

And the grand result of the Nazis’ efforts to exterminate the Jews:

And here is one of many quality documentaries that depict what the Nazis actually did, and why:

For HuffPost to compare what these ICE officers did, under the laws of the U.S., to what the Nazis did, is simultaneously (a) outrageous, (b) anti-Semitic, and (c) mass incitement of hatred against American law enforcement officers at all levels, based on lies and egregious distortions (which HuffPost routinely does)

SaveTheWest submitted this case study to [AUTHORITY ON ANTI-SEMITIC BIAS], whose reaction was:


Further, as we documented in dozens of case studies, HuffPost routinely incites hatred against America’s law enforcement officers and agencies based on lies and egregious distortions, dehumanizes them, and whitewashing and glorifying their attackers:

Examples of HuffPost inciting hate against police officers — then ignoring hate crimes against them

It actually gets worse: HuffPost left this outrageous, anti-Semitic, incitement-based “story” on its front page for five straight days — right through International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which it completely ignored

The following are screencaps from HuffPost’s front page on January 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, 2018, proving this assertion:

(3.59) BIAS: HuffPost ignores, downplays or whitewashes Muslims’ and Palestinians’ incitement and violence against American Jews — but gave front page coverage to an original, sad story about a Palestinian green card holder who’d been ordered deported since 2009

HuffPost consistently ignores, downplays or whitewashes the plights of Jewish U.S. citizens who are (a) murdered by Palestinians, and (b) threatened by radical imams who preach, on U.S. and Canadian soil, that their followers must attack them.

For example, in 2015, HuffPost almost buried and quickly removed the story of an American rabbi and his wife, Eitam and Na’ama Henkin, who were murdered, in front of their small children, by Palestinian terrorists.  The following is an excerpt from SaveTheWest’s recent documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada,” that documents how HuffPost effectively spit in the faces of the Henkins — and all American Jews:

Further, the following are examples from this page:, that document how HuffPost consistently ignores radical imams who preach, on U.S. and Canadian soil, that their followers must attack Jews:

(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them

(76) December 2017, New Jersey: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(77) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered

(25) February 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video vilifying and inciting violence against Jews

(26) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a mosque that apologized for imam who openly preached that Jews should be murdered

(27) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that Ryerson University fired a Muslim teaching assistant who incited violence against Jews during prayer

(31) March 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video calling for Jews to be killed during sermon

(48) July 2017, Toronto, Canada: HuffPost completely ignored a legal complaint that was filed regarding an imam who openly called for “elimination of Jews and Israel”

Yet on January 30, 2018, gave front page coverage to an original, sad story about a Palestinian green card holder who’d been ordered deported since 2009

This item appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on the afternoon of January 30, 2018:

Clicking on that headline led to this story page:

ICE Deports Palestinian Man Living In The U.S. For Almost 40 Years Despite Outcry, by Willa Frej, Huffington Post, January 30, 2018.  Excerpt:

Othman Adi, who arrived in the U.S. 39 years ago and whose wife and three daughters are all U.S. citizens, had his green card revoked after authorities accused him of marriage fraud. He was never granted a day in court to fight the charge, despite his ex-wife signing an affidavit confirming that the marriage was indeed legitimate and claiming that authorities had pressured her to previously say the marriage had been fake. He and his current wife, Fidaa Musleh, have been fighting the charge for years without success.

Facing a deport order since 2009, he was spared under President Barack Obama’s administration, thanks to a “private bill” passed in the House of Representatives.

President Donald Trump did away with that provision, and in September, Othman Adi attended what he thought was a regular ICE check-in meeting. Instead, agents placed an ankle bracelet on him and told him he had until Jan. 7 to exit the country. He and his wife sold their house in Youngstown, Ohio, and purchased plane tickets to Amman, Jordan ― where he is a citizen. Early this year, he was told that the deportation had been called off.

Whatever the merits of Mr. Adi’s case, he was not a U.S. citizen, yet HuffPost chose to champion his cause on its front page — while it completely ignores the plights of Jewish U.S. citizens who are terrorized and murdered by radical Islamists and Palestinian terrorists.

(3.60) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the story of an 8-year-old Jewish boy in France who was beaten by three assailants, an act that was condemned by the President Macron — yet gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which HuffPost failed to report]

On January 31, 2018, the Times of Israel reported:

Macron condemns anti-Semitic attack on Jewish boy, 8, near Paris; In second assault against local Jews in 3 weeks, kippa-wearing child beaten in Sarcelles, by AFP and TOI staff, Times of Israel, January 31, 2018, 12:23 pm. Excerpt:

An 8-year-old Jewish boy wearing a kippa was attacked on Tuesday in the suburb of Sarcelles near Paris, in the second assault on Jewish children in the area in three weeks.

Local prosecutors told AFP on Tuesday that it was treating the incident as an anti-Semitic crime.

Prosecutors said the two youths attacked the boy while he was on his way to after-school tutoring on Tuesday, pushing him to the ground and then beating him. According to the victim, the assailants were about 15 years old.

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the incident Tuesday evening, saying that any attack on a citizen over their religious identity constitutes an attack on the whole Republic.

“An 8-year-old boy was attacked today in Sarcelles. Because he was wearing a kippa. Every time a citizen is attacked because of his age, his appearance or his religion, the whole country is being attacked,” the French leader wrote on his Twitter account.

“And it is the whole country that stands, especially today, alongside the French Jews to fight each of these despicable acts, with them and for them,” he added. […]

On January 10, a 15-year-old girl had her faced slashed by an unidentified assailant, also in Sarcelles.

She was wearing the uniform of her private Jewish school, Merkaz-Hatorah, when the attack happened during lunch break. She was able to walk home and arrived bleeding and “shocked,” her mother told Le Parisien.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 2, 2018 search using the string “Sarcelles France 8 year old Jewish boy assault” returned zero results:

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, in the following hours and days?

Here’s a sampling — starting with an overseas “news” story that HuffPost was able to find, and to which it decided to give top publicity:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on February 2, 2018.

Meghan Markle Deals With Awards Ceremony Snafu In Royally Endearing Way

James Corden’s Dad Rapping With Daddy Yankee At Grammys Is Everything

Stoners Loving Donald Trump Jr.’s ‘Democracy Dies In Dankness’ Tweet

Seth Meyers And Kelly Clarkson Get Daytime Drunk, Take Trump’s Cognitive Test

Christian Blogger: Yoga Was Designed To Cause A ‘Demonic Trance’

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this story, to the fact that it gave two straight days of top, graphic coverage to an evidence-less allegation that a man cut a Muslim girl’s hijab in Canada [which was soon proven to be a fake hate crime — and which it failed to report]

For two straight days, on January 12 and 13, 2018, HuffPost featured this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:

11-Year-Old Canadian Girl Says Attacker Cut Her Hijab With Scissors; “I felt confused, scared, terrified,” Khawlah Noman said, Huffington Post, January 12, 2018.

Notice that HuffPost included the girl’s face and name in both the front page teaser, and the story page, along with her personal feelings about the alleged “attack” on her — during which she suffered not so much as a paper cut or bruise of any kind:

Further, as HuffPost’s own story page confirms, there is not a shred of evidence that any of this girl’s allegation is true — no eyewitnesses, no surveillance camera footage.  Which is not to say that this “attack” did not happen, but given the pattern of more than two dozen recent fake hate crimes against Muslims, documented here — and ten instances in which HuffPost helped to falsely legitimize them — we contend it is reasonable to ask:

  • Why would HuffPost completely ignore the murder of Rabbi Shevach, and the U.S.-funded Fatah celebrating and glorifying it — but give top, graphic coverage to a claim by a Muslim girl in Canada about an alleged hate crime against her, for which there is absolutely no evidence?
  • Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented, violent attacks on Jews throughout the world?
  • Why, as documented on this page, does HuffPost refuse to report on the actual, documented sermons by imams in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere, explicitly inciting and justifying violent attacks on Jews?

Only HuffPost’s management can answer these questions.

UPDATE January 15, 2018: Three days later, police announced that their investigation revealed the attack on this girl “did not happen”; HuffPost ignored this discovery

On January 15, 2018 at 10:53am, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) announced:

Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl ‘did not happen,’ Toronto police say; Police previously said they were treating case as a possible hate crime, CBC New, January 15, 2018 10:53 AM ET. Excerpt:

An 11-year-old girl’s report last week that a man tried to cut off her hijab as she walked to school didn’t occur, Toronto police said Monday.

“After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen,” police said in a release.  “The investigation is concluded.” […]

Her story captured national attention and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.

“These allegations were extremely serious and not surprisingly, they received national and international attention,” police spokesman Mark Pugash said in an interview.

Police told CBC News that a team of investigators conducted numerous interviews throughout the probe, adding that the girl who reported the incident will not face any legal consequences.

HuffPost’s complicity in perpetuating the notion that this was an actual hate crime

A January 15, 2018 search at 6:15p using the string “Khawlah Noman” reveals that HuffPost published only one story using her name: the original allegation:

(3.61) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a rabbi who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist, on VIDEO, leaving behind a wife and four children — and Hamas celebrating the attack — but gave front-page coverage to an original, graphic, sympathetic story about “Molly,” a pig that was adopted from a Canadian animal shelter, then eaten, and a “standoff” between Scottish police and a stuffed tiger

At approximately 8:00am ET on February 5, 2018, news broke that a 29-year-old rabbi in Israel was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist:

Israeli killed in terror stabbing attack in West Bank, by TOI staff and Jacob Magid, Times of Israel, February 5, 2018, 3:11 pm (8:11am ET). Excerpt:

An Israeli man was killed on Monday afternoon after he was stabbed in the chest in a terror attack outside the West Bank settlement of Ariel, the army and medics said.

He was identified as Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, 29, a father of four from the nearby settlement of Har Bracha.

Video from the scene showed the Palestinian attacker crossing a road toward Ben-Gal, who was standing in front of a bus stop, and stabbing him.

Ben-Gal then fled across the street with the stabber in pursuit.

The military said an IDF officer identified the terrorist and pursued him, hitting with his vehicle, but he managed to flee. “IDF troops are searching the area,” the army said.

The following is video of the first part of the attack on Rabbi Ben Gal; the terrorist pursued him off camera and completed stabbing him to death:


Hamas celebrated the attack

Hours after the attack, Hamas openly celebrated and justified it.  As the Times of Israel reported:

The Hamas terror group said a stabbing attack that killed 29-year-old Itamar Ben-Gal in the northern West Bank on Monday was an act of resistance to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“Hamas welcomes such successful operations,” the terror group’s spokesman Abdel Latif Qanu said in a statement.”We wish the perpetrators and the resistance men in the West Bank all safety.”

Rabbi Ben Gal’s funeral was attended by thousands

Rabbi Ben Gal was buried on February 6.

Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal laid to rest in West Bank settlement of Har Bracha;  “How will we continue without your smile?,” by Tovah Lazaroff, Jerusalem Post, February 6, 2018. Excerpt:

“I wish I had died in instead of you,” a tearful Daniel Ben-Gal said on Tuesday as he eulogized his 29-year-old son, a father of four slain by a terrorist the previous day.

“We have no idea how we will continue without you, without your smile and your good face that was always radiant,” Daniel said as he looked at the shroud-covered body of his son, Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, laid out on a gurney outside the Har Bracha yeshiva. […]

Daniel Ben-Gal said that the moments he spent studying with his son were among the most cherished in his life.  His son put everything he had into teaching the next generation and worried how he could best serve them, Daniel said. […]

“What are you doing here [laid out on the gurney]? You should be in class,” said Shraga Fruchter, who heads the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Givat Shmuel where Ben-Gal had started teaching this year alongside his work in Yeshivat Har Bracha.

“What will I tell your pupils? They are asking me ‘Why? How did this happen?’” Fruchter said to the body of the popular teacher in his school.  “People cried into the night and the morning over your death,” Fruchter said.

Rabbi Ben Gal’s widow, Miriam, being consoled by a friend at his funeral.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 24, 2018 search using the string “Itamar Ben Gal” returned zero results:

Notice that Dodge appears to be sponsoring, legitimizing and profiting from HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incitement. Click the following links if you’d like to make your voice known on this matter to Dodge and/or its parent company, Chrysler.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of coverage on its front page, instead of this one?

Here’s a sampling — starting with an original, sympathetic story about “Molly,” a pig that a Canadian couple adopted from an animal shelter — then ate:

This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on February 24, 2018.

Couple Adopts Pet Pig From Animal Shelter Only To Kill And Eat Her

The above incident occurred two weeks after Rabbi Ben Gal was buried.

In the hours and days after news broke of his murder, HuffPost published a nonsensical “news” story from Scotland, about police officers who were engaged in a “standoff” against what turned to be a stuffed tiger.  HuffPost was able to find this story, and decided to publish it near the top of its front page on February 7 — but gave no coverage whatsoever to Rabbi Ben Gal’s murder, and the grief of his loved ones:

45-Minute Farm Standoff Ends When Cops Realize Tiger Is Stuffed

Kylie Jenner Named Her Baby Stormi And People Have Thoughts

Contrast this blackout on Rabbi Ben Gal’s murder, to the claim that newly-installed HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen wrote in an editorial on April 24, 2017 about HuffPost’s “new mission”:

We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.

Apparently, that’s true — so long as the “people” are not Jews.

Contrast how HuffPost completely ignored Rabbi Ben Gal’s murder, and the grief of his family and loved ones, to the sympathy it evokes for others on its front page — including animals

December 2014: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a two-faced cat that died

September 2015: HuffPost created a front-page splash headline to evoke sympathy for “the boy with 46DD breasts”

April 2017: HuffPost evoked sympathy on its front page for a woman who got her hand stuck in a toilet

April 2016: HuffPost gave front-page coverage to a sad elephant, in Thailand

A Palestinian journalist who alleged she was detained and interrogated (but was able to live-Tweet it):


Female inmates in an Israeli jail who alleged (with no proof) that guards “humiliated” them:


HuffPost devoted a top-of-the-front page splash headline to a Palestinian film maker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes at a U.S. airport:

20Feb13 FPHL HP weeps for pal director

Also contrast how HuffPost ignored these murders to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that HuffPost provides to PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

(3.62) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely depicted Israel as the aggressor in a cross-border shooting incident, in which an Iranian military drone invaded its air space, which it shot down — long after it was known that Israel was responding to a threat, not creating one


Israel has repeatedly warned Syria, Iran and the international community that it was taking Iran’s threats — that it has a divine mission to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth — seriously, and that it would do whatever is necessary to protect its state, and its people.

HuffPost has provided zero reporting on the Iranian threats to Israel, nor its construction of military facilities in Syria, near the Israeli border, with which to execute them.  To the contrary, as documented in the preceding case studies on this page, and in SaveTheWest’s report on how HuffPost employed anti-Semitic bias and incitement, and pro-Iran propaganda, to whip up global hatred against Israel, as an aggressor nation:

5.4: HuffPost’s use of anti-Semitic bias and incitement to help “sell” the Iran “deal”

This incident

At approximately 4:00am EST (11:00am Israel time) on February 10, 2018, news broke that an Israeli fighter jet shot down an Iranian military drone that had entered it air space, which was launched from one of the numerous military installations that Iran has been building just over the Israeli-Syrian border. In the process, of shooting down this drone, and attacking the base from which it was launched, one Israeli fighter jet was shot down by Syrian/Iranian missiles, but landed in Israeli territory.  Both the pilot and co-pilot were able to eject, though one suffered serious injuries.

Here is the video of the Iranian drone being shot down by an Israeli aircraft, which was first published by Newsweek, below, at 5:03am EST:

The Times of Israel reported the story accurately, at 11:05am Israel time (4:05am EST):

Newsweek accurately reported the story — and included video of the Iranian drone being shot down — at 5:03am EST (1:03pm Israeli time):

The New York Times reported the story fairly accurately (note the part about the nebulous “jet crashes,” when both sides acknowledged hours earlier that it had been shot down), at 10:30am EST (5:30pm Israel time):

HuffPost, however, chose to publish one, false account of this incident– all day long –despite the facts that it knew, or should have known, obliterated this narrative

At 9:51am EST, HuffPost published the following headline on its front page, based on an erroneous report by Reuters — whose systemic anti-Israel bias has been well-documented for years — that falsely depicted Israel as the aggressor, while mentioning nothing about the Iranian drone entering Israeli airspace, and being shot down:

And HuffPost kept this erroneous headline on its front page throughout the day:



And at 10:20pm on February 10, note that HuffPost still had not updated its sole, dishonest account of this incident — an omission that was apparently supported and legitimized by Lending Tree:

Note that Lending Tree appears to be supporting this anti-Semitic bias and incitement. To make your voice known to its senior management, go here: Lending Tree.

UPDATE, February 10, 2018: HuffPost completely ignored a detailed analysis by a former spokesman of the IDF, as to the real nature of this cross-border provocation by Iran

Lt. Colonel (retired) Peter Lerner is described by the Jewish Daily Forward (“The Forward”), a left-leaning U.S. website that HuffPost cites when it advances its agenda, as “a Communications and Strategy Consultant, Israel Advocate, and a former IDF Spokesperson.”

On February 10, 2018, the Forward published this story by Lt.Col. Lerner:

Did Iran Just Start A War With Israel?, by Peter Lerner, The Forward, February 10, 2018. Excerpt:

In the early hours of Saturday, for the first time, Iran infiltrated Israel with a drone.

The drone, an advanced model with stealth capabilities, penetrated into Israel through the border from Jordan. It was intercepted after about a minute and a half in Israeli territory by an Apache attack helicopter.

In the immediate aftermath, the IAF conducted a targeted strike and destroyed the mobile command vehicle that guided the drone. On their way home, an F16 fighter jet was attacked by a massive barrage of Syrian air defense.

The plane was hit and crashed inside Israel. The pilots ejected, one was injured severely the other lightly wounded. They are both in the Rambam Hospital.

Following the event, the Air Force conducted a widespread strike against 12 targets, including three aerial defense batteries, and 4 Iranian positions.

The Iranians are famous for being long-term strategists, so the drone was clearly a planned provocation. Iran wants to dictate new red lines from Syria’s perspective, by dictating a message that Israel no longer has a free pass to operate unhindered in Syria.

What we can learn from this event is that the IDF has exceptional intelligence on the Iranian operation and its entrenchment in Syria. The Air Force has outstanding striking capabilities in quality and quantity of Iranian and Assad’s targets.

The question that needs to be asked is, did Iran accurately anticipate such a widespread counter strike of 12 targets, including four Iranian assets? […]

The question remains, will this be the first move of the game of chess in what will later be known as the first Israel-Iran War?

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 15, 2018 search using the string Peter Lerner Did Iran Just Start A War With Israel? Forward” returned zero relevant results:

Contrast this blackout on Lt.Col. Lerner’s informed insights into this matter, to the claim that newly-installed HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen wrote an editorial that appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 25, 2017, the subhead of which claimed:

We’ve got a new name, look and mission ― to tell the stories of people who have been left out of the conversation.

As the dozens of case studies on this page document, however, that standard only applies to people other than Jews, and Israelis, who dare to challenge or oppose the narrative that HuffPost conjures up, and sticks with, to ensure it continues spreading its anti-Semitic, anti-Israel propaganda and hatred around the world.  As further evidenced by the next section in this case study.

Some of the innumerable other incidents of HuffPost deliberately reversing the order of events, to falsely depict Israel as the aggressor, when in fact it was responding to Islamist terrorism

As documented in case studies on this page:

(3.14) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that “Israeli jets strike Gaza as leaders convene peace talks”

(3.11) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas

(3.18) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: When Palestinians perpetrate terrorism, HuffPost rewrites the wire-provided headlines to claim it’s just nondescript “violence” — yet when Jews are merely accused of terrorism, its headlines claim “rampaging Jewish extremists” did it

(3.42) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed at the top of its front page that “Israeli Police Fire Tear Gas And Stun Grenades On Palestinian Protestors,” implying that the police initiated the violence, when it knew that they were responding to violent attacks by these “protesters” [UPDATED]

And from the Huff-Watch blog:

HuffPost works hard to protect Hamas, vilify Israel – again

Why militant Islamists love HuffPost: 6/10/11 Temple Mount riots edition

Ignoring Hamas outrages, HuffPost breaks own rules to allow hate-fest against Ariel Sharon

HuffPost’s anti-Semitic, pro-jihadist bias — Christmas edition

HuffPost: Hitler as a Mouseketeer? “Put it on the front page!!!” Hamas rocket attacks and threats against Jews? “Pass…”

Is HuffPost even more anti-Israel than Al-Jazeera? Yes

(3.63) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored a top Palestinian official publicly telling U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley to “shut up” — but constructed a front page splash headline that falsely claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “barked” an insult, at a speech

On February 3, 2018, senior Palestinian Authority official Saeb Erekat publicly told Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. to “shut up.”  As reported by the Times of Israel and the Washington Free Beacon:

Palestinian Official: ‘Nikki Haley Needs to Shut Up’, by Charles Russell, Washington Free Beacon, February 4, 2018. Excerpt:

Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat sharply criticized United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Saturday, calling her “impudent” and saying she should “shut up.”

The comments made by Erekat, who is the Palestine Liberation Organization’s secretary general, came in reaction to a recent speech Haley gave to the U.N. in which he claimed Haley called for the “overthrowing” of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, the Times of Israel reports.

“She called for overthrowing the democratically elected Palestinian president,” Erekat said in an interview with the Palestinian Al-Watan Voice news website.

“This is the president [Abbas] who led the peace process and promoted the principle of the two-state solution,” Erekat said, “Now this [US] ambassador is accusing him of lacking courage, and is calling for replacing him.” […]

“Nikki Haley needs to shut up and realize that the Palestinian leadership is not the problem,” Erekat said. “Instead, the problem is the Israeli occupation and the policies it continues to pursue. I’m not saying that we don’t make mistakes; every society and every government makes mistakes.”

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 11, 2018 search — an entire week later — using the string “Saeb Erekat Nikki Haley shut up” returned zero results:

Note that CenturyLink and SAS appear to be supporting this anti-Semitic omission. To make your voice known to their senior management, go to our detailed contact listings for CenturyLink and SAS.

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this incendiary statement against Amb. Haley, to how HuffPost gave top coverage to a lie it manufactured about Benjamin Netanyahu

Excerpted from Case Study 39 on this page:

On September 15, 2012, HuffPost published this as its front page splash headline:

Here is the story page to which that inflammatory headline initially led:

Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran Containment Strategy ‘A New Standard For Human Stupidity’, by Alana Horowitz, Huffington Post, September 15, 2012.

So what was it that Netanyahu did that caused HuffPost to dehumanize him, and liken him to a dog, who “barked” something offensive?  Did he really say that anyone who suggests “containing” Iran is stupid?

No.  And HuffPost knew it at the time.

Here is the salient excerpt from this “news” article, by HuffPost “journalist” Alana Horowitz:

He [Netanyahu] denounced the notion that going to war with Iran would be worse than a nuclear Iran.

I mean I heard some people suggest, David, I actually read this in the American press. They said, “Well, you know, if you take action, that’s a lot worse than having Iran with nuclear weapons.” Some have even said that Iran with nuclear weapons would stabilize the Middle East, stabilize the Middle East. I think the people who say this have set a new standard for human stupidity.

Continue reading in Case Study 39 — including how HuffPost later edited this attack to try to whitewash what it had done, which would have worked, except for the fact that at least one blog was keeping track of it.

Why would HuffPost completely ignore the actual rant of a Palestinian official — then make one up about a rational statement that Netanyahu made?

Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer that question.  Ask them here.

But it is also worthwhile to note that this was not an isolated act of anti-Semitic, pro-Islamist bias at HuffPost; to the contrary, it was merely the latest in a long pattern of such behavior, as documented on this page:

(3.7) INCITEMENT: HuffPost spread the debunked lie that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Congress’s invitation to address it, before President Obama had been notified

(3.11) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas

(3.12) INCITEMENT: HuffPost claimed that Israel is “fantasizing” about getting the U.S. to go to war against Iran

And another compilation of such incidents, from our report on how HuffPost used anti-Semitic bias and incitement to effectively act as a volunteer PR agency for the brutal rulers of Iran, to help ensure passage of the nuclear “deal”:

(4) Ignoring and whitewashing Iranian leaders’ threats to destroy Israel – while consistently lying about and distorting statements by Israeli leaders

(3.64) HuffPost gave top coverage to sympathizing with a Palestinian “journalist” who claimed she was detained and “interrogated” (but was able to live-Tweet it) — yet completely ignores multiple reports of how the Palestinian “government” uses police-state tactics to violently repress any journalist who dares to say anything critical of the regime

As part of HuffPost’s long-term pattern of showering sympathy on PalestiniansPalestinian terrorists and Islamist terrorists:

HuffPost gave front-page, personalized, graphic coverage to a Palestinian journalist who alleged she was detained and interrogated by Israelis (but was able to live-Tweet it):


Contrast this top-level coverage HuffPost gave to this “journalist,” to how it completely ignores all reports of the Palestinian “government’s” brutal repression of journalists

Here is one example, from the Gatestone Institute, which has been leading the charge in this realm:

Palestinians: Silencing and Intimidating Journalists, by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, January 26, 2018. Excerpt:

  • The five journalists were arrested shortly after Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas signed the controversial cyber-crime law in June 2017. Critics say the new law is aimed at silencing and intimidating journalists and political opponents of the PA and its president.
  • Ammar Dweik, head of the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights, said the new law is “one of the worst” since the PA was established in 1994.
  • The Palestinian Authority claims it does not tolerate “incitement.” The “incitement” it is referring to, however, is criticism of Abbas and his cronies. In fact, the PA tolerates incitement quite well, and has spent decades driving such incitement — when it is directed against Israel and the US. Indeed, Palestinians are free to incite against Israel and the US day and night.

Palestinians: This is How We Intimidate Journalists, by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, April 27, 2017. Excerpt:

  • In the world of the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership, a journalist’s loyalty to his leaders and their cause supersedes his loyalty to the truth. In a word, it is the truth vs. Abbas’s security forces.
  • As the international media relies heavily on Palestinian journalists and “media assistants” in covering Palestinian affairs, this intimidation of Palestinian journalists heavily colors the reporting of Western journalists. The stories Palestinian journalists tell their Western colleagues are limited to ones that will not endanger their own lives. This censorship, whether by the Abbas’s security forces or self-imposed, explains why one rarely reads or sees a story in Western mainstream media about negative things happening in the PA-controlled territories.
  • Even when their Palestinian colleagues are beaten and arrested by Abbas’s security forces, these “journalists” fail to report such incidents. This makes some sense: should they open their mouths with the truth, Abbas and his cohorts might indeed stop inviting them to press conferences and banquets in the fancy restaurants of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho.

From Human Rights Watch:

Palestine: Crackdown on Journalists, Activists: Chilling Effect on Free Expression, Human Rights Watch, August 29, 2016.

Even the notorious Al Jazeera featured an article on the issue:

Palestinian journalists decry intimidation, by Patrick Strickland, Al Jazeera, March 14, 2014.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 11, 2018 search using the string “Palestinain Authority journalist intimidation” returned zero results:

Note that Showtime (Viacom) and XFinity appear to be supporting this anti-Semitic omission. To make your voice known to their senior management, go to our detailed contact listings for Showtime and XFinity.

Might the fact that Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas is a HuffPost blogger , and it enables him to publish whitewashed, falsehood-riddled depictions of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, have any influence on its decision to completely ignore his repression of journalists?

Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer that question.  Ask them here.

(3.65) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to a victimology-based essay by an American Muslim, who decried bias and suspicion against Muslims — yet has completely ignored the fact that Jews are at least four times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims, that imams across North America have been caught on video inciting such crimes, and the fact that many are perpetrated by Muslims

On February 21, 2018, HuffPost published this item at the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:

Muslims In America Are Just As American As Everyone Else — And We’re Afraid Too. by Bisma Parvez, Huffington Post, February 21, 2018. Excerpt:

When I look in the mirror, I see short dark hair, brown skin, big eyes and probably a leather jacket. I’m pretty impressed with that woman.

But you know what a lot of other people see? A terrorist. Someone to be feared. Someone uneducated. Someone oppressed. Someone who can’t be trusted.

They see … a Muslim.

The rest of the article complains about how Muslims are treated so unfairly in America, while completely ignoring any of the legitimate reasons why Americans might feel apprehension:

  • The fact that while Muslims constitute only about 1% of the U.S. population, and most are peaceful, Muslims are dozens of times more likely to be involved in terrorism than non-Muslims.  Further, when Muslims perpetrate terror acts, or are arrested or indicted for such plots, HuffPost systematically either ignores, downplays, or whitewashes these incidents, as documented here:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring, downplaying or whitewashing Islamist terror attacks, plots and arrests (54 case studies)

  • The fact that across North America, more than a dozen imams have been captured on video openly advocating hate and violence against non-Muslims, most often Jews and members of the LGBT community (including one incident in Orlando, two months before the Pulse nightclub massacre) — all of which HuffPost completely ignores.  Examples:

(49) July 2017, Davis, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at Islamic center, calling for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(50) July 2017, Riverside, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was captured on video during sermon at an Islamic center — which was attended by jihadists who murdered 14 in San Bernadino in 2015 — calling on Muslims to wage jihad against Jews, to help Allah destroy them

(76) December 2017, New Jersey: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught preaching for the murder of all Jews, everywhere

(77) December 2017: HuffPost completely ignored a Texas imam who proclaimed, on video, that Jews must be murdered

(25) February 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video vilifying and inciting violence against Jews

(26) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored a mosque that apologized for imam who openly preached that Jews should be murdered

(27) February 2017, Toronto, CA: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that Ryerson University fired a Muslim teaching assistant who incited violence against Jews during prayer

(31) March 2017, Montreal, CA: HuffPost completely ignored an imam who was caught on video calling for Jews to be killed during sermon

(48) July 2017, Toronto, Canada: HuffPost completely ignored a legal complaint that was filed regarding an imam who openly called for “elimination of Jews and Israel”

  • The fact that there has been an explosion of fake hate crimes reported against Muslims in recent years, which are often given top publicity at HuffPost, and in mainstream national news sources — but when they’re discovered to be  hoaxes, are quietly removed from such venues.  Here are 26 recent examples:

Fake anti-Muslim hate crimes roster (26 incidents)

Contrast HuffPost giving top publicity to this sympathy-evoking,biased editorial, to the fact that it systematically ignores hate crimes against Jews — and the fact that Jews in America are at least four times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims

As documented in SaveTheWest’s recent report, even though Jews and Muslims have similar population sizes in America, Jews are between 4-6 times more likely to be targets of religiously-motivated hate crimes than Muslims:

Furthermore, in America and beyond, of the anti-Semitic hate crimes for which the perpetrators were identified and their motivations determined, the vast majority of these crimes are perpetrated by (a) radical Islamists, and (b) radical leftists.

If HuffPost applied one, consistent standard to covering religiously-motivated hate crimes, it would be publicizing the fact these facts.  To the contrary, HuffPost has established a veritable blockade against reported hate crimes targeting Jews, as documented in more than 100 case studies on the following pages:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2018 (86 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)

On top of this, HuffPost has become one of the West’s largest and most virulent online inciters of hatred against Jews and Israel, and whitewasher of those who attack them, as documented in SaveTheWest’s recent video:

Here are more than a dozen documented examples of this phenomenon:

Examples of HuffPost’s incitement of hatred against Jews and Israel (14 case studies)

It is only within this context that one can fully appreciate the significance of HuffPost publishing yet another editorial designed to evoke sympathy for Muslims, while not just ignoring the hate and violence being perpetrated against Jews, often by Muslims, but by actively engaging in this cauldron of hate-incitement itself — while publicly claiming to be a completely nonpartisan, professional “news” organization:

HuffPost’s repeated public claims of nonpartisan journalistic principles

(3.66) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic bias and incitement rant by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a Muslim woman who was asked if she has a green card

Louis Farrakhan: ‘Jews are my enemy,’ ‘white folks are going down’, by Katelyn Caralle, Washington Examiner, February 28, 2018. Excerpt:

Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours’ Day 2018 Address on Sunday in which he declared that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” and “white folks are going down.”

The Chicago speech went widely unnoticed at first, but garnered more traction on Wednesday when excerpts were tweeted out. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, for example, tweeted out a thread of the keynote speech with some of his quotes, and said Farrakhan was more dangerous than other “alt-reich” leaders because he “has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly.”

“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men,” Farrakhan said in his keynote speech.

“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said towards the end of his speech.

At 8:44am on February 28, 2018 CNN star Jake Tapper posted the following Tweet:

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A February 28, 2018 search using the string “Louis Farrakhan” returned zero relevant results:

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring Farrakhan’s incitement of hate and violence — again — to the top publicity it gave to a Muslim woman who was asked if she has a green card

On February 1, 2o17, HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page:

Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card, “Do you have a green card, by the way? Yeah, you look, are you even — ”; by Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.

The woman was not touched or harmed in any way, yet HuffPost decided this story deserved positioning near the top of its front page.

More examples of the lengths to which HuffPost will go to protect Farrakhan — while inciting worldwide hatred against others, often based on lies or egregious distortions:

(3.18) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a videotaped speech by Louis Farrakhan, the notoriously racist and anti-Semitic black leader of the Nation of Islam, in which he called for 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and murder white people — yet it consistently gives top coverage to its smearing and vilifying white Christians who support traditional marriage, and one who voiced opposition to yoga

(3.21) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed coverage to those whom it accuses of being white nationalists/anti-Semites who are running for Congress

(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol [UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”]

(3.30) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed, original coverage to a previously unknown teacher in FL who allegedly operates a white supremacist Internet radio show

(3.67) BIAS: HuffPost gave top publicity to a report about alleged hate crimes against Muslims, in Germany — yet continues to ignore actual, documented hate crimes against Jews, including murder, including those perpetrated by Muslims, in America and Western Europe

On March 2, 2018, HuffPost published this story on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page, containing a wire story by Reuters — and apparently supported by Lending Tree and Audi:

Report: Muslims Were Attacked At Least 950 Times In Germany In 2017; The ministry said 33 people were injured in the attacks, of which 60 were directed against mosques, by Reuters (via HuffPost), March 2, 2018. Excerpt:

German authorities registered at least 950 attacks on Muslims and Muslim institutions such as mosques in 2017, the Neue Osnabrueckner Zeitung reported in Saturday editions, citing data provided to lawmakers by the Interior Ministry.

The ministry said 33 people were injured in the attacks, of which 60 were directed against mosques, some involving pig’s blood, the newspaper reported.

No data were available for comparisons since the ministry only began separately collecting data about anti-Islamic attacks – as opposed to anti-migrant attacks – in 2017.

HuffPost rewrote the Reuters headline to remove the word “reported” — thus continuing its efforts to legitimize the wave of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes

Here is the actual source Reuters story, with the headline that was provided to HuffPost:

Although this may seem like a minor change, in the larger scope of HuffPost’s long pattern of bias, it takes on high significance:

  • HuffPost has consistently refused to provide front-page coverage to the wave of alleged hate crimes against Muslims in America, and beyond, which are soon proven to be hoaxes.  SaveTheWest documented 26 such incidents here.
  • HuffPost has consistently given top, graphic, sympathetic coverage to what it either knew, or should have suspected were fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, being that they all were based on zero evidence, often only social media posts, and were not reported to police. Then, when they were discovered to he hoaxes, in every instance, HuffPost simply removed the stories from its front page, and never replaced them with new front page headlines, to alert readers that they had been deceived.  Through this consistent pattern of acts and omissions, HuffPost gave false legitimacy to fake anti-Muslim hate crimes in America and beyond. See 11 case studies of this here.
  • HuffPost consistently gives top publicity to, and mocks people whom it considers Worthless, usually white people, who are exposed for reporting fake hate crimes against them.  See 3 examples here.


  • Since 2014 HuffPost has ignored more than 100 hate incidents against Jews in America and beyond — while at the same time, giving top, sympathetic, graphic coverage to alleged hate incidents against Muslims, and Muslim grievances.  See the documentation on the following pages to support this allegation:

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2016-2018 (86 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost ignoring anti-Semitic hate incidents in America in 2014-2015 (19 case studies)

Examples of HuffPost giving top coverage to alleged hate crimes against people in favored groups (89 case studies)

HuffPost’s extreme bias in reporting hate crimes, based on the race, religion or political orientation of the victim

  • HuffPost has completely ignored the fact that in America, Jews are 4-6 times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims.  See our report on this issue here.
  • HuffPost has completely ignored the fact that the #1 and #2 groups responsible for hate crimes against Jews throughout the world are, respectively, radical Islamists and radical leftists (with white nationalists & neo-Nazis third):

Islamists Are Biggest Perpetrators of Antisemitic Violence: New Study | Clarion Project Clarion Project

Non-Shocker: Most Anti-Semitism Coming From Leftists/Muslims | Daily Wire

HuffPost has completely ignored the cause of some of the resentment among German citizens as to what is being done to their culture, by Muslim migrants — including mass rapes, the refusal to assimilate to German culture, most migrants being on welfare, and as Angele Merkel finally admitted, the establishment of “no-go zones,” in Muslim areas:

Angela Merkel – German chancellor admits no-go zone areas are reality after refugee crisis

Germany: Migrant Sex Crimes Double in One Year

Berlin New Year’s Eve party to have ‘safe space’ for women

Germany: 80% of Turkish Muslims claim welfare payments

German City Cancels Hanukkah Due to ‘Security Concerns’

Germany, Austria: Imams Warn Muslims Not to Integrate

Berlin mayor rebuked over Imam’s call to kill Jews and stone women

  • HuffPost has consistently ignored, downplayed or whitewashed Islamist terror acts, plots and arrests.  We’ve documented 54 case studies of this phenomenon here.

Not only has HuffPost completely ignored all of these news items, it viciously attacks anyone who dares to expose it.

While SaveTheWest acknowledges that there are no shortage of grossly irresponsible, right-wing and neo-Nazi people and organizations that express hate and incitement in reaction to these facts, there are also responsible, legitimate sources of news and analysis about these issues.  HuffPost ignores all at best, or attacks them, at worst.

Through all these acts and omissions, HuffPost has deliberately, maliciously and consistently subverted the public’s understanding of issues and data concerning Muslim affairs, particularly pertaining to Muslim migration into non-Muslim countries — while at the same time, ignoring or vilifying their victims.  Ironically, it is this exactly double-jointed double standard that gives rise to the very resentment that HuffPost professes to condemn, and the pretext upon which it evokes worldwide sympathy for Muslims and Islamists.

In early 2018, the Gatestone Institute published a two-part report that examines this toxic mixture of leftist advocacy and denial, with special focus on Islamist issues:

How the Left Became its Own Worst Enemy – Part I

How the Left Became its Own Worst Enemy – Part II

(3.68) BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored the fact that a senior Democratic Congressman openly admitted that he admires Louis Farrakhan as “an outstanding human being,” and has had long-term relations with him [UPDATE: Now seven senior Congressional Democrats are identified as having direct, long-term ties with Farrakhan]

Previously: See Case Study 3.66

On February 5, 2018, the Daily Caller reported:

Democratic Congressman Claims Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan Is An ‘Outstanding Human Being’, by Peter Hasson, Daily Caller, February 5, 2018. Excerpt:

Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny Davis defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being” on Monday.

Farrakhan is known for embracing radically anti-Semitic and anti-white views, as even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center has acknowledged. Farrakhan’s history of racially extreme comments includes blaming Jews for the September 11 attacks, saying white people “deserve to die” and praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.”

bombshell new photo emerged last week, showing former President Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) meeting in 2005. The journalist who took the photo said he suppressed its publication to protect Obama’s presidential aspirations.

Davis, who has been in Congress since 1997, defended Obama for meeting Farrakhan and was open about his own ties to the hate group leader in an interview with The Daily Caller on Monday. […]

“I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people,” he emphasized later.

On March 5, 2018, the Washington Free Beacon reported:

Dem Rep Confirms Relationship With Louis Farrakhan, Dismisses ‘The Jewish Question’, by Alex Griswold, Washington Free Beacon, March 5, 2018.  Excerpt:

A Democratic congressman confirmed Sunday that he has an ongoing personal relationship with Louis Farrakhan and said that he is not concerned about the Nation of Islam leader’s anti-Semitic beliefs.

Illinois Rep. Danny Davis (D.) told the Daily Caller earlier this month that Farrakhan is an “outstanding human being,” adding that he has met with the controversial imam on multiple occasions.

“I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything; I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate. And he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people,” Davis said at the time. […]

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A March 6, 2018 search — four weeks after this story first broke — using the string “Louis Farrakhan” returned zero relevant results:

Note that on the search page, it appears that State Farm and AstraZeneca (maker of Zyrtec) are visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement.

If you’d like to let the senior management of these corporations know your thoughts on this matter, click State Farm and AstraZeneca. Please be polite and concise.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide were more important to put on its front page in the following days?

Here’s a sampling, starting with this “news” story, which appeared at the top of HuffPost’s front page on March 6, 2018:

More “news” stories at the top of HuffPost’s front page, also on March 6:

Note that on the above page, it appears that Esurance (owned by Allstate) is visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement.

If you’d like to let the senior management of Esurance know your thoughts on this matter, click Esurance. Please be polite and concise.

Contrast HuffPost completely ignoring this story, to the top publicity it consistently gives to others whom it alleges committed unacceptable acts against people within its Favored Groups

For details on HuffPost’s segregation of people into its Favored Groups, and those whom it deems as Worthless, see here.

In terms of HuffPost’s eagerness to give top level coverage to its allegations of racist and anti-Semitic behavior by political figures — even when based on demonstrable lies — consider this splash headline from November 13 and 14, 2016.  Regardless of what one may think of former White House strategist Steve Bannon, and his offensive statements in the past, unlike Farrakhan, there is no evidence that he ever (a) denigrated or incited hatred against Jews, or (b) explicitly called on his followers to rise up and murder those of another race.  HuffPost knew or should have known these facts at the time it constructed and decided to publish these splash headlines:

On February 1, 2o17, HuffPost published this story near the top of its front page:

Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Woman, Asking If She Has A Green Card, “Do you have a green card, by the way? Yeah, you look, are you even — ”; by Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.

The woman was not touched or harmed in any way, yet HuffPost decided this story deserved positioning near the top of its front page.

Below are more examples of the lengths to which HuffPost will go to protect Farrakhan — while inciting worldwide hatred against others, often based on lies or egregious distortions:

(3.18) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a videotaped speech by Louis Farrakhan, the notoriously racist and anti-Semitic black leader of the Nation of Islam, in which he called for 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and murder white people — yet it consistently gives top coverage to its smearing and vilifying white Christians who support traditional marriage, and one who voiced opposition to yoga

(3.21) RACIST INCITEMENT AND BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed coverage to those whom it accuses of being white nationalists/anti-Semites who are running for Congress

(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol [UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”]

(3.30) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost gave top, detailed, original coverage to a previously unknown teacher in FL who allegedly operates a white supremacist Internet radio show

Key questions
  • Why has HuffPost completely ignore this story?
  • Is it because Farrakhan and Davis are black, and Farrakhan is America’s most notorious black Muslim racist and anti-Semite?
  • Why does HuffPost apply such a different standard to reporting what it alleges is hate speech — and those who align themselves with those who utter it?

Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer these questions.  You can ask them here.

UPDATE, March 5, 2018: Now seven senior Congressional Democrats are identified as having direct, long-term ties with Farrakhan

Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [Farrakhan; VIDEO], by Peter Hasson, Daily Caller, March 5, 2018. Excerpt:

At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

More, December 2017: Farrakhan denouncing women who feed their children non-home cooked meals:

(3.69) BIAS: HuffPost gave top coverage to falsely smearing Amb. John Bolton as being “an anti-Muslim hater,” and “a raging Islamophobe” — yet has completely ignored the venomous, violence-inciting racist and anti-Semitic rants of Louis Farrakhan

On March 23, 2018, HuffPost published this headline at the top of its front page:

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:

John Bolton’s Anti-Muslim Hate; Trump’s new pick for national security adviser is close with some of the most unhinged anti-Muslim groups in America, by Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post, March 23, 2018. Excerpt:

John Bolton is a raging Islamophobe, and on April 9, he’s set to become President Donald Trump’s national security adviser. […]

Since 2013, Bolton has served as chairman of the Gatestone Institute, an anti-Muslim think tank. Under his leadership, Gatestone has published fearmongering articles with headlines like “Islam’s ‘Quiet Conquest’ of Europe” and “Refugees of an Occupation Army?” Other posts have depicted Muslim refugees as rapists and hosts of “highly infectious diseases.”

Gatestone has trafficked in paranoid and debunked conspiracy theories about American Muslims secretly working to undermine the U.S. government and implement Sharia, or Islamic law. The group has also been a proponent of the “no-go zone” myth, the false claim that certain neighborhoods in various European and American cities are off-limits to non-Muslims.

HuffPost’s claims, on the surface, are jarring.  It is only when one digs beneath the surface, and looks at the actual links HuffPost included in this screed, does one realize how shoddy its “reporting” is.

For example, on the issue of claiming that Gatestone Institute falsely claimed there are Muslim-dominated “no-go zones” in Europe, in reality, Gatestone has done meticulous research on this issue.  HuffPost’s “journalist” either knew, or should have known, that weeks before he wrote this article, German Chancellor Angele Merkel admitted there are indeed “no-go zones” in her nation, which are dominated by radical Islamists, and Gatestone has done in-depth research with French law-enforcement agencies on the ground, and documented the no-go zones in France.  To support its libelous allegations, however, HuffPost’s “journalist” cited a slanted 2015 article in the notorious Snopes, a debunked left-wing “watchdog” site.

In fact, the problem in Germany is so severe that Hamburg recently canceled its traditional Hannukah celebration, “due to security concerns,” which predominantly come from the millions of Muslim migrants and drefugees who have been allowed to enter the country since 2014.

Whatever else is disputable about Bolton’s statements and work, any objective analysis makes one fact crystal clear: his rhetoric does not even amount to a small fraction of what Louis Farrakhan has spewed in recent months and years, which explicitly incites hatred against Jews and white people, and violence, as documented in Case Study 18 — all of which HuffPost has completely ignored.

Also see:

(3.27) RACIST BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored the latest anti-Semitic and racist incitement speech by Rev. Louis Farrakhan — yet gave top publicity to a racist smear against Rev. Billy Graham, as he lay in state at the U.S. Capitol [UPDATED: HuffPost rose to Khloe Kardashian’s defense against unfair “shaming”]

Angela Merkel – German chancellor admits no-go zone areas are reality after refugee crisis

Germany: Migrant Sex Crimes Double in One Year

Berlin New Year’s Eve party to have ‘safe space’ for women

Germany: 80% of Turkish Muslims claim welfare payments

German City Cancels Hanukkah Due to ‘Security Concerns’

Germany, Austria: Imams Warn Muslims Not to Integrate

Berlin mayor rebuked over Imam’s call to kill Jews and stone women


Why would HuffPost so viciously libel Amb.  John Bolton, one of the premier defenders of Jews and Israel, while completely ignore the anti-Semitic hate and incitement of Louis Farrakhan?

Further, why would HuffPost itself engage in such consistent anti-Semitic bias and incitement, as documented on this page, yet position itself as a defender of Muslims, one of the leading perpetrators of anti-Semitic hate and violence in the world?

Only HuffPost’s senior management can answer these questions.  Ask them here.

(3.70) March 2018, Cincinnati, OH: HuffPost completely ignored news that a Muslim immigrant asked patrons in a restaurant if anyone was Jewish, and when one answered he was, savagely beat him, fracturing his eye socket — and instead gave top coverage to one of its “editors” waxing nostalgic about “all the casual sex” she found on Craigslist

On March 21, 2018, the following news broke in Cincinnati, OH media, and by the Department of Justice:

Huber Heights man accused in federal hate crime case,Dayton Daily News, March 21, 2018. Excerpt:

A 32-year-old Huber Heights man was arrested Wednesday on a charge accusing him of committing a hate crime when federal authorities said he attacked a man outside a Cincinnati restaurant because the man identified himself as Jewish.

Izmir Koch — also under indictment in Montgomery County involving a June 2016 fight on Valley Street in Dayton — remains in federal custody following his arrest on one count of committing a hate crime under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Koch already has appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie Bowman, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio. […]

According to a federal indictment unsealed Wednesday, Koch was outside a restaurant with others on Feb. 4, 2017, when he allegedly yelled out asking if anyone outside the restaurant was Jewish.

A victim responded that he was Jewish and it is alleged that Koch then ran to the man and punched him in the head. When the victim fell to the ground, Koch and others continued hitting and kicking him.

The victim suffered injuries from the attack, including rib contusions and a fracture of his orbital floor – the bottom portion of an eye socket.

“Physically attacking someone because you think he’s Jewish or Christian or Muslim or any other religion is a federal crime,” U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman said in the prepared statement. “This office prosecutes hate crimes.”

Read the federal indictment of Koch here.

Koch’s national origin, religion, and history of violent crimes in the U.S.

According to a 2014 article about the Koch family, they emigrated from Turkey to the U.S. some years earlier.

Accordding to one website that discusses the origins and meanings of names, the name “Izmir” means:

“glory of religion, derived from Arabic عزّ (izz) glory, power and دين (din) religion”

Izmir Koch (and his family) has an extensive history of violent crimes in the U.S., including:

  • A conviction for a beating assault in Cincinnati in 2016

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

An April 2, 2018 search — two weeks after this story broke — using the string “Izmir Koch” returned zero results:

Contrast how HuffPost ignored this attack, the latest in a string of anti-Semitic violent attacks in France, to the top-level, sympathetic, graphic coverage that it provides to Muslims, PalestiniansPalestinian terroristsIslamist terrorists, convicted murderers, animals and non-Jews.

Note that WAWA and Wayfair appear to be enabling and legitimizing this latest example of HuffPost’s anti-Semitism.  If you’d like to learn how to let their senior executives know your thoughts on this matter, please click on the links.

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost publish on its front page instead of anything about this attack, in the following hours and days?

Here is a sampling — starting with a “news” story in which a HuffPost “editor” waxed nostalgic about “all the casual sexual” she obtained through Craigslist:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on March 23, 2018.

A Eulogy For Craigslist’s Casual Encounters, And All The Sex I Found There

Matt Damon Responds To Ben Affleck’s Back Tattoo Like A True BFF (day four of this “news” story near the top of the front page)

Ex-Playmate ‘Absolutely’ Feels Threatened For Disclosing Alleged Trump Affair

Artist Who Carried Mattress Across Campus Explores Asian-American Identity In New Exhibit

What Do ‘A.M.’ And ‘P.M.’ Stand For Anyway?

(3.71) March-April 2018: BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost gave top coverage to, whitewashed and legitimized Hamas-led violent protests against Israel at its border — while completely ignoring evidence that exposed the reality — and instead, gave top coverage for three straight days to an editorial that claimed Israel is trying to “massacre hope” for peace with the Palestinians, and a woman in Spain who allows her husband to use a sex robot


See SaveTheWest’s 44-minute documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada” in Case Study 3.1.  Trailer here.  Also:

(3.9) INCITEMENT: HuffPost justified Palestinian terrorism against Jews

(3.10) BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost whitewashed the cause of Palestinian terrorism against Jews

(3.11) INCITEMENT: HuffPost falsely claimed that Israel “just wanted to kill as many people as possible” during its defensive actions against Hamas

Preface to this case study

Some case studies on this page and elsewhere in this report are simple to document, and very concise.  Others, like this one, was a fast-developing story, with competing narratives emerging at a rapid pace.  The evidence, however, shows that only one side was telling the most reality-oriented version, and it was not Palestinian “officials” (who are indistinguishable from Hamas, in the Gaza Strip).  HuffPost, however, continued its long history of legitimizing and amplifying the Hamas narrative, while ignoring or downplaying Israel’s — and while selling advertisements to the biggest U.S. corporations on the basis of its claims that it is a completely nonpartisan, objective, professional “news” organization.

It is for this reason that this case study is far longer and more detailed than most others in this report.  For those who review it in detail, the evidence will affirm that HuffPost pulled out all the stops in order to once again turn reality on its head, depict Israel as an irredeemable villain, and Palestinians — including Hamas terrorists — as the unwitting, peaceful victims of Israeli aggression and murder.

MARCH 30, 2018, 12:26pm ET: HuffPost gave top coverage to a story that alleged “Israeli Forces Kill At Least 16 Palestinian Protesters”

On March 30, 2018, HuffPost published this story at the top of its front page:

Note the wording of this headline:

“Israeli Forces Kill At Least 16 Palestinian Protesters Along Gaza Border: Officials”

Did Israel really “kill Palestinian protesters,” who were merely doing what “protesters” do — defined by Merriam-Webster as:

♦ The act of objecting or a gesture of disapproval; resigned in protest; especially : a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval

♦ A complaint, objection, or display of unwillingness usually to an idea or a course of action went under protest

♦ An objection made to an official or a governing body of a sport

No.  As we will soon see, both within and beyond HuffPost’s story, the Palestinians who were shot, and those who were injured, were not merely “protesters”: they were either directing or participating in violence directed at Israeli soldiers, or Israel’s security barrier — and using a blinding barrage of toxic black smoke from burning tires in an attempt to obscure their actions and identities.

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page, containing a wire story from Reuters — which may be reasonably accurate regarding many issues, but has a long history of pro-Palestinian, anti-Semitic bias:

Israeli Forces Kill At Least 16 Palestinian Protesters Along Gaza Border: Officials; Gaza officials said at least 400 people were wounded by gunfire, while others were struck by rubber bullets or tear gas, by Nidal al-Mughrabi, Reuters (via Huffington Post), March 30, 2018.


The first thing to know about this headline is that it is not the one that Reuters provided for this story; as HuffPost has done repeatedly in prior cases, it rewrote the headline to play up certain aspects that served to advance its anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian bias. In this case, the headline that Reuters provided read:

“Israeli forces kill 16 Palestinians in Gaza border protests: Gaza medics”

Why did HuffPost change “Palestinians” to “Palestinian Protesters,” and “Gaza medics” to “Officials”?

We contend that the reasons are:

(1) To remove the ambiguity of mere “Palestinians” (who may have been Hamas terrorists), to “Palestinian protesters” strongly implies that those killed were purely civilians — which, as we’re about to see, most were not.

(2) To change “Gaza medics” to “Officials” inserts an element of impartial, outside authority to the claim in the headline; to leave it merely as “Gaza medics” leaves open the question as to whether or not this is a fabricated claim by medical workers, all of whom answer to Hamas.

Now, let’s examine how Reuters approached the story — which helps to explain why HuffPost uses it almost exclusively in regards to Israel-Palestinian issues.

Starting at the beginning of the story, note the use of the word “demonstrations” to describe those who were quickly known to be Hamas members who were violently attempting to infiltrate Israeli territory, by blowing up or cutting through the security fence separating it from the Gaza Strip.

At least 16 Palestinians were killed and hundreds injured by Israeli security forces confronting one of the largest Palestinian demonstrations along the Israel-Gaza border in recent years, Gaza medical officials said.

In a moment, we’ll see how HuffPost’s own story verified that these were not “demonstrators,” suggesting peaceful people carrying signs and speaking out.  As Merriam-Webster defines “demonstrator”:

a person who engages in a public demonstration (which M-W defines as “a public display of group feelings toward a person or cause”)

In reality, as HuffPost’s own story revealed, these “demonstrators” were engaged in violence and low-level terrorism against Israeli soldiers, while Hamas’s hard-core, well-known terrorists were attempting to breach the security barrier.  And regarding the phrase, “Gaza medical officials,” there is no dividing line between Hamas and every “medical official” that the terror gang allows to work in the Gaza Strip.  Furthermore, such “officials” are notorious for doing Hamas’s anti-Semitic PR for it, including via “Pallywood” propaganda.

Next, note the use of the term “refugees” — even though the overwhelming majority of Palestinians were born outside of the disputed land — while keeping in mind that Hamas’s charter openly calls for the complete destruction of Israel, and eventually, all Jews, everywhere:

Tens of thousands of Palestinians, pressing for a right of return for refugees to what is now Israel, gathered along the fenced 65-km (40-mile) frontier where tents were erected for a planned six-week protest, local officials said. The Israeli military estimate was 30,000.

Now, the story explicitly states — falsely — that the violence in which “Palestinian youth” engaged in (as oppose to Hamas terrorists) was over the objections of Hamas itself:

Families brought their children to the encampments just a few hundred meters from the Israeli security barrier with the Hamas Islamist-run enclave, and football fields were marked in the sand and scout bands played.

But as the day wore on, hundreds of Palestinian youths ignored calls from the organizers and the Israeli military to stay away from the frontier, where Israeli soldiers across the border kept watch from dirt mound embankments.

On what basis could Reuters (and HuffPost) possibly make that determination, except via claims from Hamas itself — which is known to pathologically lie to advance its narrative?

Simply put, those who know the region and the Gaza Strip know that nothing is done there without the express or tacit approval of Hamas.  There is no rogue element of Palestinian teens who openly and violently defy Hamas’s directives, without knowing that they are risking their lives in doing so.

Finally, HuffPost’s story included the IDF’s statement that it only fired on those who were presenting a direct threat to its and its soldiers’ security:

The military said its troops had used live fire only against people trying to sabotage the border security fence, some of them rolling burning tires and throwing rocks, and that at least two of the dead were Hamas operatives.

This one-sided, pro-Hamas narrative set the stage for everything HuffPost was about to do — and suppress — over the next eleven days, regarding this dramatic escalation of anti-Israel violence, propaganda and incitement.

MARCH 31, 2018: HuffPost published a new Reuters front page story — and again changed its headline to advance its narrative that these were merely peaceful “protests” — while featuring a picture from a funeral for a Hamas terrorist, without disclosing it as such

On March 31, 2018 at 11:38am, HuffPost published this headline mid-way down its front page:

About this picture (part 1)

  • As noted in SaveTheWest’s major documentary on HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias and incitement, and via the preceding dozens of case studies, HuffPost never features pictures of crying Jews at funerals for those murdered by Palestinian terrorists; the only grieving faces HuffPost features are those of Palestinians.
  • These women were grieving for a fallen Hamas terrorist — one of the “protesters” who were shot by Israeli soldiers, while engaging in terrorism during the peaceful “demonstrations.”
  • This picture was not included with the Reuters wire story that HuffPost published; HuffPost found it from another story, and inserted it here, to advance its distorted, anti-Semitic narrative.

This continues HuffPost’s long practice of evoking sympathy for Palestinian terrorists who are killed, even referring to them simply as “Palestinians,” implying they were merely civilians engaged in non-violent behavior.

The story

Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:

Israeli Troops Wound 13 On Gaza Border, One Day After Deadly Protest; Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared Saturday a national day of mourning, by Reuters (via Huffington Post), March 31, 2018.

Yet once again, HuffPost changed the headline from the one provided by Reuters for this story, which read:

Israeli troops wound dozens on Gaza border as Palestinians bury dead from earlier violence”

Reuters/HuffPost’s story begins:

Israeli troops fired warning shots toward Palestinian youths gathered at the Gaza-Israel border on Saturday, wounding 13 people, health officials said.

Tension remained high in the area a day after deadly violence broke out in one of the biggest Palestinian demonstrations there in years.

An Israeli military spokesman said he was checking the details of Saturday’s unrest.

On Friday at least 15 Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces confronting protesters, some of whom the military said had opened fire, rolled burning tires and hurled rocks and fire bombs toward troops across the border.

Notice that as before, the Israeli military said it was firing its weapons in response to Palestinians firing weapons and throwing fire bombs at them. Yet HuffPost’s (and Reuters’) headlines falsely claim that it was Israel that instigated this violence, depicting it as opening fire on innocent “demonstrators” engaged in a peaceful “protest.”  Curiously, while HuffPost has demonstrated its willingness to change wire service headlines to advance its anti-Israel bias, it mentioned none of those facts in its modified headline for this story.

Next, once again, Reuters claimed that the “protesters” who engaged in low-level terrorism against Israel were merely rogue youth, who acted against the instructions of Hamas:

Families brought their children to the encampments just a few hundred meters (yards) from the Israeli security barrier with the Islamist Hamas-run enclave. But hundreds of Palestinian youths ignored calls from the organizers and the Israeli military to stay away from the frontier and violence broke out.

The above facts support our contention that one of the reasons that HuffPost usually chooses to only run Reuters stories about Israeli-Palestinian issues is because the stories and headlines almost invariably whitewash Palestinian terrorism against Jews, while claiming or implying that Israel had initiated the violence.  And yet, even Reuters’ raw material is often not extreme enough for HuffPost, which as we’ve shown further twists the knife by rewriting headlines to whip up anti-Israel perceptions.

About this picture (part 2)

This is exactly what HuffPost did, again, in regards to the picture it chose to run with this story.  The Reuters source story did not feature it.  So what is it — and what does it represent?

Using Google Reverse Image Search, we discovered that this picture was indeed related to the recent Palestinian terrorism on Israel’s border, specifically, it was of women crying at the funeral for a Hamas terrorist who had been shot by Israeli soldiers.

Relatives of Palestinian Hamdan Abu Amshah, who was killed along Israel border with Gaza, mourn during his funeral in Beit Hanoun town, in the northern Gaza Strip March 31, 2018. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

The terrorist’s name, as indicated in the caption above (provided by Google Images) was Hamdan Abu Amshah. 

Within hours, Israel revealed that Amshah was a Hamas terrorist — an assertion that Hamas itself confirmed soon after:

IDF: At least 10 of the 15 killed at Gaza border were members of terror groups; Army publishes list of names, positions of men shot dead during violence at the security fence; Hamas acknowledges that five of them were gunmen from its military wing, by Judah Ari Gross, Times of Israel, March 31, 2018, 3:44pm EST (10:44 pm Israel time). Excerpt:

The Israeli military on Saturday night identified 10 of the 15 people reported killed during violent protests along the Gaza security fence as members of Palestinian terrorist groups, and published a list of their names and positions in the organizations.

On Friday, some 30,000 Palestinians took part in demonstrations along the Gaza border, during which rioters threw rocks and firebombs at Israeli troops on the other side of the fence, burned tires and scrap wood, sought to breach and damage the security fence, and in one case opened fire at Israeli soldiers.

The army said that its sharpshooters targeted only those taking explicit violent action against Israeli troops or trying to break through or damage the security fence. Video footage showed that in one case a rioter, whom the army included in its list of Hamas members, appeared to be shot while running away from the border. The army in response accused Hamas of editing and/or fabricating its videos.

According to the Israel Defense Forces (Arabic link), eight of the men killed were members of Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. One served in the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and another was affiliated with “global jihad,” it said, apparently referring to one of the Salafist groups in Gaza.

Note that Hamdan Abu Amshah (name spelled slightly differently) is depicted in the top row, farthest left, with a description of his affiliation with Hamas:

Fatalities from the March 30 violence on the Israel-Gaza border identified by Israel as members of terror groups. (Israel Defense Forces)

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

An April 12, 2018 search using the string “IDF Gaza protest terrorists Hamas Hamdan Abu” returned zero results:

HuffPost also didn’t disclose the fact that this picture was taken by a long-term Reuters “stringer” who is one of the only photographers that Hamas has allowed to operate in the Gaza Strip — since 2001

The terrorists of Hamas maintain an iron-fisted control over all media in the Gaza Strip.  The only “journalists” and “photojournalists” whom it allows to operate there are those who have agreed, either explicitly or implicitly, to only “report” on what Hamas allows or directs them to.  If they violate this agreement in any way, they face brutal punishment from Hamas, just as they do in the “Palestinian territories” in the West Bank, etc.  Within journalist communities, these approved operatives are called “stringers.”

One “photojournalist” whom Hamas has allowed to operate in the Gaza Strip since 2001 is Suhaib Salem, who also took this picture.

As the watchdog group CAMERA has documented in great detail, Salem has quite a history of visually depicting exactly what Hamas wants — which Reuters then broadcasts to the world, as objective, verified “news.”  One example, from 2001:

Reuters Photos the Picture of Bias, by Ricki Hollander, CAMERA, April 3, 2001. Excerpt:

On February 16, 2001, Reuters distributed a photograph by Suhaib Salem showing a Palestinian woman tossing dozens of bullet shells in the air. The caption read:

“A Palestinian woman displays empty Israeli bullet shells inside her house in the Rafah refugee camp between Egypt and the southern Gaza Strip, February 16, 2001. Five Palestinian families said this week that they are homeless after Israeli army forces demolished their houses in Rafah in southern Gaza.”

CAMERA, however, debunked this photo, and the caption:

Reuters here suggested that the Palestinian woman was displaying evidence of Israel’s attempt to destroy her home. Of course, the caption is contradictory – bullet shell casings are ejected from the weapon of the shooter, they are generally not found near the target of the shooter. The fact that the Palestinian woman was displaying numerous bullet shell casings inside her house would suggest that her home was being used as a shooting base, most likely by Palestinian gunmen shooting at Israeli targets.

When challenged on this matter, however, Reuters again declared that it was “standing by the caption”. When pressed about the meaning of “Israeli” bullet shells inside a home in a Palestinian refugee camp, Reuters Global Editor-in-Chief Stephen Jukes speculated that Israeli soldiers had entered the home of this Palestinian woman and had used it as a shooting base. He did not explain why an Israeli soldier would risk his life by entering a hostile refugee camp rather than shoot from behind a fortified position, or how Israeli soldiers managed to penetrate into the heart of Area A – Palestinian controlled territory – with nary a mention from the world press, UN, and Arab countries. The IDF spokesman denied that soldiers entered a house in the Palestinian refugee camp, dismissing Reuters’ explanation as preposterous. Reuters, however, refuses to correct the error.

Yet Reuters has stuck with Suhaib Salem ever since, and has been a willing accomplice in enabling Hamas to project its propaganda to the world, as “news” — including Hamas’s claims that Israel is using “spy dolphins” to threaten its terrorist enclave:

Dolphin spy is jailbait! Hamas naval commandos suspect mammal of spying for Israel, by Ashley Lewis, NY Daily News, August 19, 2015. Excerpt:

Underwater naval commandos for Hamas have captured a dolphin spy suspected of working for Israel off the coast of the Gaza Strip, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Palestinian officials claimed the 007 dolphin was equipped with surveillance cameras and armed with a dart gun that could have wounded or killed Hamas militia, according to Al-Quds, a Palestinian newspaper.

Palestinian officials found the dolphin equipped with surveillance cameras and armed with a dart gun. (SUHAIB SALEM/REUTERS)

Combined with Reuters’ long pattern of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian terrorist bias (as documented earlier), photos such as Salem’s help to present only one narrative to the world: that of the terror groups who allow them into the sealed enclaves over which they rule with brutal authority.

All this evidence gives indication as to why HuffPost almost exclusively relies upon Reuters for its Israeli-Palestinian “news,” and virtually never features stories from other sources, including the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel or the Algemeiner.

April 1-11, 2018: Some of the actual news concerning the Gaza riots and terrorism that HuffPost completely ignored

Report: 80% of Palestinians killed in Gaza border crisis were ‘terrorists’; A report by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center said that 26 of the 32 Palestinians killed were connected to terror organizations, by Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post, April 11, 2018.

On video, a Gaza leader admits riots are about destroying Israel – and calls for “the blood of women and children”:

[More to come]

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page from April 1-11, instead of anything that would correct the misconceptions and anti-Israel incitement it spread since March 30?

Here is a sampling of the “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page from March 31 – April 4 — stories that demonstrated its (a) ability to find the most obscure items from around the world, and (b) willingness pay its “journalists” to write original stories about:

(1) Israel is trying to “massacre hope” for peace with the Palestinians

For three straight days, April 2, 3 and 4, HuffPost positioned at the top of its front page to a bombastic editorial that claimed Israel is trying to “massacre hope” for peace with the Palestinians:

(2) From Catalona, Spain: Not in the mood for sex when your husband wants it?  Let him get a sex robot!

On April 10, 2018, HuffPost published this original “news” story it wrote, about a couple in Catalona, Spain, mid-way down its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this “news” page — replete with a graphic video:

Robot Sex Doll Inventor Claims It Has Improved His Marriage; But that’s the female doll. Sergi Santos is a little worried about what will happen when they’ve built a male robot, by David Moye, Huffington Post, April 10, 2018.  Excerpt:

Want to keep the passion in a relationship? Try adding a robotic sex doll.

That’s the recommendation of Spanish inventor Sergi Santos, who created a sex doll equipped with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. “Samantha” is designed to respond to gentle seduction.

As a result, the 39-year-old electrical engineer said the bosomy bot allows him to get sexual release when his partner of 16 years, Maritsa Kissamitaki, isn’t in the mood.

A screencap of the explicit video featured in HuffPost’s “news” story.

Note that rather than being an aberration, this is part of HuffPost’s history of advocacy and glamorization of cheating one one’s spouse or partner — but this is the first time it’s openly suggested such behavior with a non-human actor.

(2) Pictorial obscurities

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on April 9, 2018.

27 Awe-Inspiring Photos Of Average-Sized Humans Next To Huge Machines, By Damon Dahlen, Huffington Post, April 9, 2018.

(3.72) May 2018: BIAS AND INCITEMENT: HuffPost completely ignored Palestinian Authority “president” Mahmoud Abbas claiming that Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves — and have no connection to Israel — and instead gave three days of top coverage to an original “investigation” into “fish sex”


For many years, HuffPost has relentlessly given top coverage to what it contends are outrageous statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  For example, as documented in Case Study 3.39 on this page, HuffPost claimed in a splash headline that Netanyahu “barked” a statement — continuing its trend of dehumanizing Jews, just as Nazis and radical Islamists do — then retroactively manipulated its headline copy to try to cover its tracks:

This incident

On May 1, 2018, the Algemeiner — America’s largest Jewish newspaper — reported that Palestinian Authority “president”(*) Mahmoud Abbas publicly said that the Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves, and that they have no connection to their ancestral homeland in Israel:

In Official Speech, Abbas Advances Blood Libels, Calls Israel ‘a Colonial Project That Has Nothing to Do With Judaism’, by The Algemeiner (via JNS), May 1, 2018. Excerpt:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas utilized a rare meeting of the Palestinian National Council to give a long speech arguing against Jewish history in the Land of Israel and blaming Jewish “social behavior” for the Holocaust.

Abbas quoted the controversial “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler, which claims that Askenazi Jews are not real Jews, but descendants of the Khazars. He called Israel “a colonial project that has nothing to do with Judaism” and said “those who sought a Jewish state weren’t Jews.”

He stated that the Holocaust was not a result of antisemitism, but the fault of Jewish “social behavior,” and “[charging] interest, and financial matters,” and asserted that Adolf Hitler had actually facilitated the immigration of Jews to Israel.

This closely followed an almost identical Abbas blood libel against Jews, from January 2018:

PA President Abbas: ‘Israel a colonial project, has nothing to do with Jews’, by Elior Levy, YNet, January 14, 2018.

* Abbas was elected in 2005 to serve a four-year term, which ended in 2009.  He refused to hold another election since then, or to rescind his power; thus he is an unelected, autocratic “leader,” with no legitimate power — yet Western leaders continue to treat him as if he were the legitimate, elected president of the Palestinian people.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Abbas’s latest blood libels against Jews

A May 4, 2018 search using the string “Abbas Holocaust Jews social behavior” returned no relevant results:

Notice ads from McDonalds and HP.

Similarly, a May 4, 2018 search using the string “Abbas Israel colonial project” returned no relevant results:

Notice the ads for Nissan and NewChic.

The first article listed at top is actually an editorial that mimics Abbas’s blood libel, by a Muslim “scholar from Doha, Qatar:

Why Kushner’s Middle East Visit Is Set For Failure, by Ibrahim Fraihat, HuffPost, August 23, 2017.  Excerpt:

Palestinians should not waste their time by expecting concrete results from this administration. This is not to suggest that they should boycott Trump’s envoys and not talk to them. They should work with this delegation as if they are really going to make a peace deal, but they should also develop national strategies to end the occupation as if there is no American intervention in the first place. The status quo is in favor of Israel’s colonial project and every day that passes with Israeli occupation in place is making it a little bit harder to build a viable Palestinian state in the future.

And who is the “journalist,” whom HuffPost gave such prominence — an who mimicked Abbas’s blood libels, on its own site?  He is described on HuffPost as an:

“international conflict resolution professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies”

So what kinds of “news” stories did HuffPost decide to put on its front page, instead?

Here’s a sampling — starting with an original, in-depth HuffPost “investigation” about “fish sex.”  This “news” story first appeared on HuffPost’s front page on May 1, the same day that Abbas’s latest anti-Semitic smear was reported:

Why Is Fish Sex So Hot Right Now? An Investigation, by Claire Fallon, Huffington Post, May 1, 2018.

By May 4, HuffPost made this “news” story its splash headline (h/t Daily Wire):

Soon after, HuffPost slightly demote it, to just beneath to the very top of its front page:

Note that it appears Hyundai and Whole Foods paid to be visibly enabling and legitimizing HuffPost’s endemic anti-Semitic bias and incitement.  Do their top executives really aware of what they are doing to their brands by using their shareholder money to purchase top-level ads at HuffPost?  You might ask them, by clicking on their name links, above.

Here are some of the other “news” stories that appeared on HuffPost’s front page from May 2-4, instead of anything about Abbas’s latest blood libel against Jews:

This “news” story appeared near the top of HuffPost’s front page on May 4, 2018.

Colton Haynes And Jeff Leatham Reportedly Split After 6 Months Of Marriage

Queer Aussie Men Strip Down For Intimate Indie Magazine Pictorial

Priyanka Chopra Nails Why Uproar Over ‘The Simpsons’ Apu Is Justified

Who Is Malia Obama’s Incredibly Rich Boyfriend?

Jada Pinkett Smith And Gabrielle Union End Feud After 17 Years

(3.73) May 2018: BIAS: HufPost completely ignored an Israeli diplomat who was reportedly thrown out of an UBER car by a radical Islamist, onto a Chicago freeway — because he is Jewish — yet gave top coverage to a Palestinian filmmaker who was briefly detained by security officials at a U.S. airport

At 9:50pm CST, CBS Chicago reported the story:

Deputy Consul General Of Israel Allegedly Forced Out Of Uber Ride For Speaking Hebrew On Phone, by Chicago.CBSLocal.com, May 3, 2018. 9:50 pm:

The Deputy Consul General of Israel to the Midwest, Itay Milner, says he was ten minutes into his Uber ride on Lower Wacker Drive Thursday night when he was thrown out by the driver.

Milner wrote in a Facebook post, “I just had the worst experience of my life. I was just thrown out of an Uber in the middle of the highway only because I answered my phone in my mother tongue.”

He adds, “Ten minutes into my ride with no prior interaction between the driver and myself, it took only two words in Hebrew to get my driver [to] start yelling at me ‘Get the $#@* out of my car!’”

He continued: “It did not help when I told him that I can’t go out in the middle of the highway. It was like I wasn’t a person for him anymore. When I asked him if it’s because I’m speaking Hebrew he said yes and kept yelling at me to get out. I am not easily intimidated, but that scared me and I ran out of there, walking in the middle of the road.

“I never thought something like this could happen in America, such awful racism. This cannot be tolerated!”

The following is Mr. Milner’s Facebook post (link here):

Soon after, the story was picked up by the Times of Israel, the NY Post and other news organizations.

HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story

A May 6, 2018 search — three days after this story broke — using the string “Itay Milner” returned zero results:

Note the ads from the New York Times an the United States Postal Service.

Contrast HuffPost ignoring this story, to the top coverage it routinely gives to Muslims who allege they were the victims of discrimination in America — or otherwise meet misfortune, anywhere in the world

Here are four examples of this phenomenon:

(1) HuffPost devoted a top-of-the-front page splash headline to a Palestinian filmmaker who alleged he was detained for 60 minutes by security officials, at a U.S. airport:

20Feb13 FPHL HP weeps for pal director

(2) HuffPost published this story on its front page:, in which it evoked sympathy for this radical Islamist “strongman,” who is notorious for his anti-LGBT actions, because he was missing his cat: