Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week NO TIME TO NEGOTIATE WITH IRAN – Ken’s Thought of the Week

NO TIME TO NEGOTIATE WITH IRAN – Ken’s Thought of the Week



Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War”

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)



At a recent press conference, President Trump indicated a willingness to negotiate a deal with Iran. He considers a diplomatic negotiated deal far preferable to military action. Trump’s statement was welcomed by Britain, France, and Germany’s governments, which had already begun formal talks with Iran on January 13.Once again, Western governments are repeating the existential mistake of thinking that a deal with Iran is doable and implementable. These governments are mistaken to think that negotiating with Iran is no different from making deals with Western-style democracies. Within the democracies of Western Civilization, deals are achievable because their cultures are similar, and they respect the rule of law. Compromise is the norm, and win-win negotiations can produce respectable results.

However, negotiating with dictatorships guarantees failure. Why? Because Democratic governments are transitional and short-term oriented because of the pressure of upcoming elections. Time is of the essence. Dictatorships always use the time factor to their advantage, and therefore generally get their way at the negotiating table.

Western Democracies should therefore refrain from negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) because:

1) The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) is a Death Cult theocracy, as demonstrated by its proxy Hamas, which gladly committed genocide against 1,200 Israelis on October 7, 2023, before the IDF stopped them. Given the opportunity, they would have killed the entire 10 million people living in Israel, including 2 million Arabs and 200,000 Christians.

On October 8, 2023, Hamas’ murderous attack from Gaza was followed almost immediately by an attack by Hezbollah, Iran’s largest proxy, from Lebanon, who attacked the Jewish State with more than 10,000 rockets, aiming to destroy Israel and kill its people.

These unprovoked attacks are logical to the crazed leaders of Iran, as they continue their quest to take over first the Middle East, on their way to taking over the world. They aim to kill all Jews, Christians, and all other “infidels”, including Muslims who do not adhere to the Iranian’s Shiite version of Islam.

2) Iran has gotten away with murder for 46 years, and no Western Government has challenged them militarily, except Israel in 2024. Therefore, they do not take seriously any Western threats against them, except from Israel.

3) Since their 1979 coup against the Shah of Iran, the autocratic Iranian Shiite Islamic Revolutionary government has squandered the country’s resources, in order to build the largest worldwide terror organization in the history of the world.Today, Iran controls three distinct active terror organizations made of numerous proxy groups with hundreds of thousands of terrorists throughout the Middle East, Africa, and South America. In addition to physical terror (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi), they include narco-terror organizations often working with international criminal organizations, as well as cultural terror organizations operating from mosques, schools, media, social media, radio, and TV, spreading their Death Cult, Shiite Jihadist narrative.

4) Iran will use all negotiations to delay Western military actions against them so they can create as many nuclear warheads and long-range ballistic missiles as possible. Nuclear weapons are crucial for Iran’s dictatorial government to save themselves and fulfill their ambitions to take over the world.
If the U.S. and Europe persist in negotiating with the Iranian Death Cult, they should make the following demands:

1) The nuclear program and the long-range ballistic missile program must be dismantled entirely within one month.

2) The Iranians must apologize for preaching “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” for the last 46 years.3) The Iranian Theocratic leadership must be immediately replaced by a civilian government that allows freedom of all religions.

4) The new civilian government must pay reparations to the families of the more than 1,000 citizens executed annually by the autocratic regime. The government must also pay reparations to more than 2,000 Israelis killed by Hamas and Hezbollah since October 7, 2023.

5) The new civilian government must accept the territorial integrity of its neighbors.

Since Iran’s theocratic leadership will not negotiate such terms, the only way to remove its threat from the world is a military solution. The sooner it is taken, the safer the Middle East and the rest of the world will be.