Home Rachel Ehrenfeld OP-ED: Biden Applies Soros’ Open-Border Policy**

OP-ED: Biden Applies Soros’ Open-Border Policy**


By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, Author of THE SOROS AGENDA

If you wonder what’s behind the Biden administration’s enablement of millions of so-called “asylum seekers” from some 160 countries to flow through what used to be the U.S.-Mexico border and hundreds of thousands more through the northern border, thus diminishing the nation’s sovereignty, start with George Soros, who dedicated the last three decades and tens of billions of dollars to reshaping America to his vision, craftily termed “Open Society.”

Soros began challenging the United States’ national sovereignty in 1996. As Soros tells it, he became enraged by new federal laws signed by President Bill Clinton.

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act “required state professional and occupational licenses to be withheld from undocumented immigrants,” thus, restricting food stamps and Supplemental Security Income Benefits to non-citizens. Soros declared this was “a clear-cut case of injustice”.

This was followed by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), which aimed to reduce the surge of illegal immigration to the US. The IIRIRA “increased penalties on immigrants who had violated U.S. law in some way (whether they were unauthorized immigrants who’d violated immigration law or legal immigrants who’d committed other crimes)” and required their detention and fast-tracking deportation. The Lazarus Fund, created through Soros’s Open Society Institute, believed that this kind of “open hostility” (against lawbreakers, mind you) was “antithetical to the values of an open society”.

The first U.S. naturalizing law of 1790 required that the applicant be a “free white person” with a “good moral character” who resided in the country for two years. In 1870, the law was amended to include applicants of African origin. According to the PEW Research Center, “Starting in 1875, a series of restrictions on immigration were enacted. They included bans on criminals, people with contagious diseases, polygamists, anarchists, beggars, and importers of prostitutes.” In 1965, “the landmark Immigration and Nationality Act created a new system favoring family reunification and skilled immigrants”.

By 1986, lax controls of the Mexican and Canadian borders allowed six million unauthorized immigrants, mostly from Latin America, to cross the border. To better control the flow of immigrants to the country, the Reagan administration enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which offered — with some stipulations — legalization to the illegals who applied, strictly penalizing employers who hired illegals and tightening security on the borders. Only three million of the six million illegals applied and received legal status. Also, “the strict sanctions on employers were stripped out of the bill”, and the borders remained porous, incentivizing millions more to cross into the country illegally.

So, when the Clinton administration decided to tighten the immigration laws, globalism activist/philosopher/billionaire George Soros allocated $50 million to the aforementioned new fund, the Emma Lazarus Fund, whose mission was to provide legal defense to immigrants, helping them to stay in the country. . .and stay on welfare, too.

Soros’s naming of his pro-migration organization after Emma Lazarus — whose poem “The New Colossus” welcoming immigrants, was etched in bronze and mounted on the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal in 1903, is typical of Soros’s use of Orwellian doublespeak.

The organization was said to have folded into his Open Society Foundations (OSF). But the 2016 publication of OSF correspondence by DCLeaks revealed that Emma II, directly and indirectly, funded many other groups supporting illegal immigration into the U.S. and Europe.

The constant theme in the “Soros Doctrine”, as he calls it, is the need to end America as the world’s preeminent power. He has been coveting the day when a weakened United States can be at the mercy of international institutions.

One sure way to achieve that was to weaken and eventually destroy its borders.

At the State Department Open Forum in September 2003, Soros proposed a “modification of the concept of sovereignty, because” he opined, “sovereignty is basically somewhat anachronistic.” Soros — who in October 1998 told the Washington Post: “I consider myself a citizen of the world”, explained — “an open society transcends national sovereignty”.

The millions of illegal migrants relabeled as “refugees” crossing the borders to the U.S. come from countries where democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and individual rights, including the rights of women and LGBTQA+, are rejected, forbidden, and severely punished. Most of these illegal migrants do not know English, are semi-literate or illiterate, and have no money or skills for jobs other than manual work. Many are afflicted with contagious diseases that have long been eradicated in the U.S., such as TB (tuberculosis) and polio, and many are unfamiliar with basic hygiene practices. Settling such people in the U.S. imposes a huge financial burden on the economy and endangers the public’s health and safety.

None of these considerations seems to deter the Biden administration from increasing the number of illegal migrants they allow into the U.S. On the contrary, Biden ordered an additional 1,500 active-duty troops to the southern border, not to stop the unlawful invasion but to accelerate it.

In his October 2009 long-winded article, “The People’s Sovereignty,” George Soros declared: “Sovereignty is an anachronistic concept . . . [because] the principle of sovereignty stands in the way of outside intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states.” The U.S. is not there yet, but Biden’s appointment of Neera Tanden, former director of the Center for American Progress, of which Soros has been a major funder from the beginning, as director of the United States Domestic Policy Council, all but guarantees the remaking of America, adding another feather to Soros’s cap.


*Rachel Ehrenfeld is the Director of the American Center for Democracy and author of The Soros Agenda, now available on Amazon U.S.; Barnes & Noble; Target; Bookshop.org; Amazon UK; Fishpond.com.au

**This article was first published on American Thinker on May 11, 2023.


Find out what is Soros’s Agenda. Get The Soros Agenda on Amazon U.S.; Amazon UKTargetBarnes & NobleBookshop.orgFishpond.com.au


Rachel Ehrenfeld is the director of the American Center for Democracy and author of several books, including The Soros Agenda (forthcoming).