Home Rachel Avraham OP-ED: The Transformation of Democrats into Pagans

OP-ED: The Transformation of Democrats into Pagans


By Rachel Avraham

In the past, the Democratic Party was the party of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who brought us the New Deal that brought America out of the Great Depression and led America in the struggle against Nazism during the Second World War. Back in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the Democratic Party prided itself on great economic reforms that benefited all of American society and its great leadership in the struggle against one of the gravest threats to world civilization, the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler in Germany and its allies, Italy and Japan.

However, today, under the leadership of Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party is something else. It is a party that champions abortion so that women who have one night stand’s will not have to face the consequences of their actions. It is the party of gay pride, liberal sexuality, and anarchy, which stands opposed to traditionalism, Christian values, law, order and the pursuit of happiness as envisioned by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. All of these values make the Democratic Party the party of the pagans.

Indeed, it was the god Molech who supported the sacrifices of children, just as the Democrats support abortion in order to protect individuals who are sexually promiscuous. It is Ishtar who was the patron of prostitutes and encouraged anarchy over the loss of her lover Tammuz. The ancient pagans also promoted homosexuality as a way of life. Indeed, the values promoted by the Democratic Party are the values promoted by the pagans.

Interestingly, most Democrats today, while willing to have one-night stands, shun the sanctity of marriage and parenthood. According to the Survey on American Life, 26 percent of Democrats have never been married, up 9 percentage points since 1999. Unmarried Americans make up a much smaller part of the Republican Party; 14 percent of Republicans today report never having been married. In contrast, 58 percent of Republicans are currently married. Relatedly, fewer members of the Democratic Party are parents who have children under age 18. Fewer than one in four (24 percent) Democrats are parents today.

In 1998, more than one in three (35 percent) Democrats were parents with children under age 18.The Democrats’ shunning of marriage and parenthood corresponds with a boycott of the Christian faith.Today, the Survey on American Life reported that less than half (45 percent) of Democrats report being a member of a church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious congregation.

In the late 1990s, more than seven in 10 (71 percent) Democrats reported that they belonged to a church or other place of worship. Only 43 percent of Democrats today say religion is a very important part of their lives—a roughly 20 percentage point drop from the late 1990s. In 1998, nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Democrats said religion was very personally important to them. The drop in religious salience among Democrats stands in marked contrast to Republicans, whose views of religion have not changed over the past two decades.

From 1998 to 2021, at least six in 10 Republicans have reported that religion is very important to them. Today, 65 percent of Republicans say that religion is very relevant in their lives. By boycotting Christianity, the Democrats are able to usher in the pagan gods, who have replaced a strong belief in the Trinity of Christ.

This is why the average Democrat does not attend church, refuses to get married and have children, and at the same time, supports abortion so that they won’t face consequences for having one-night stands, supports Gay Pride Parades, which is reminiscent of a pagan procession, and supports anti-Israel anarchist protests on college campuses, which led to vandalism, hate speech against Jews, and other acts of violence. These same individuals are also opposed to allowing the police to function properly, for they support anarchy over the rule of law, just like the pagan gods do,as they seek to topple Christian civilization, the same culture that rooted them out of power in antiquity. And thus, by doing all of this, the Democrats today are the party of the pagans.

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Rachel Avraham
Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working for the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights, which is run by Mendi Safadi, a former Likud Candidate for the Knesset and a former chief of staff of former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara. Since 2012, she has been working as an Israel-based journalist and writer, covering Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and other developments in the greater Islamic world. Her articles have appeared in the Washington Times, the Hill, Front Page Magazine, the Daily Wire, the Christian Post, the Baltimore Jewish Times, the Jerusalem Post, Israel Hayom, Ahval and many other publications across the globe. She received her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Ben-Gurion University. She got her BA in Government and Politics with minors in Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Maryland at College Park.