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Tag: Trump

Administration Blunders on Southern Border and Withdrawal from Afghanistan – Ken’s...

After 20 years, American soldiers are leaving Afghanistan. But was it the right decision, and did we do it properly?

Op Ed: Will Biden’s Middle East Policy Fail like Previous...

The United States has a president who wants to reverse all Trump's important policies, He has thereby emboldened the Iranian terror regime to once again be more aggressive.

Western Civilization in Peril – Ken’s Thought of the Week

If America's status as a superpower is damaged, would it (or could it) still send out the 'cavalry' when it was needed or called?

Inexcusable Systemic Failures – Ken’s Thought of the Week

Fraudulent elections, an assault on Congress, malicious attacks on President Trump - all symptoms of a systemic failure of America's democratic system.

America Faces Huge Fork in the Road — Ken’s Thought of...

America is facing its greatest crisis ever - a divided country and increasing internal conflict. How will history judge us?

The Meddling in the U.S. 2020 Election – Ken’s Thought of...

Foreign interference in America's 2020 election played a big role in the outcome. Let's break it down.

Stop America from Becoming a Banana Republic – Ken’s Thought of...

The “Banana Republic” syndrome seems to have migrated from Latin America all the way to the United States of America. What can be done to stop it?

SOS: Call in the Cavalry – Ken’s Thought of the Week

There is a mountain if evidence that the 2020 election was compromised. Was President Trump's re-election undone by massive fraud?

Op Ed: “The Multifront War”: A Must Read

The nation barely knows that it is fighting for its life simultaneously on multiple fronts. "The Multifront War" is a must read for anyone who wishes to understand what the free world is currently dealing with.

Transition? Yes! But Transition to What? – Ken’s Thought of the...

As the investigations into voter fraud continue and lawsuits are prepared, Ken suggests ways the President can prepare his administration for his second term.