Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week THE ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR HAS MANY NAMES – Ken’s Thought of the Week



Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)


The brutal, unprovoked attack against Israel by the Islamist terror organization, Hamas, will go down in history as another “Day of Infamy”, reminiscent of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that led to World War II in 1941. So far, this attack killed over 1,200 Israeli citizens and nearly 400 IDF soldiers, and 240 citizens were kidnapped and kept hostage in Gaza. Hamas’s unprecedented carnage of civilians – babies, young and old women and men – in southern Israel was so horrific that numerous names can be used to describe it.

1) “The Shabbat Massacre War”  The massacre began at 6 am on Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, the Jewish sabbath.


2) “The Simchat Torah War”  October 7 was also the holiday of Simchat Torah, the celebration of completing the annual cycle of Torah reading that would be celebrated on that day.

3) “The 2nd 1973 Yom Kippur War”  The original Yom Kippur War was the first war that took Israel by surprise. But Israel did not learn its lesson. It did not internalize and codify that war into a policy of never-ending vigilance

4) “Israel’s 9/11”  This was the equivalent of 40,000 United States citizens being massacred, adjusting for the equivalent size of America’s population.

5) “Israel’s Pearl Harbor” Israeli intelligence failed to detect their enemy’s preparations to attack.

6) “The Beginning of World War III”  Just like the First and the Second World Wars, this local conflict quickly evolved to include every major country, taking sides – with Israel or against Israel, directly and indirectly. 7) “Israel’s 2nd War for Independence” The first such war was fought in 1948, which Israel thought had ended.

8) “The 3rd Oslo War”  Israel signed the Oslo Agreement in 1993 and then suffered through two insurrections before this one.

9) “The 2nd Israel/Iran Proxies War”  This war actually started in 1979 when the unelected theocracy in Iran seized power and immediately declared “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”. Israel finally and belatedly realized that it has been in a full state of war ever since.

10) ”The One Millionth Jihadi War”  This war began around the year 620 during the time of Mohamed, and has continued for 1,400 years unabated. From their base in Saudi Arabia, the Jihadists brutally took over 55 mostly Christian countries and one Jewish country, as Muslims spread around the world.

11) “The 150th Amalekite War”   Jews have been under attack during every generation since the biblical Amalekites attacked the early Israelites, who were wandering in the desert under the leadership of Moses.

12) “A continuation of Israel’s World War I”  In fact, Jews have been under attack for 3,400 years, ever since receiving the rule of law. The Ten Commandments were delivered to them by Moses, about 3,400 years ago.

This war is a sad combination of all twelve wars cited above. These wars continue, perhaps because Israel never concluded them with the enemies’ unconditional surrender, as dictated by G-d in the Torah. It was the US in 1945, that ended WWII with the decisive defeat of its enemies. This time, we hope, Israel will defeat Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran, and other Sunni and Shiite Jihadists and their ideologies so decisively that these allied Death Cults will never recover. Only then can Israel and the rest of the world be able to live in peace and prosperity.