by Jon Sutz
Introduction: “The rape jihad” and how the doctrine of political correctness helps to protect and spread it
Incidents of the rape jihad, and its PC enablers, in various Western nations:
Introduction: “The rape jihad,” and how the doctrine of political correctness helps to protect and spread it
Imagine for a moment that you became aware that a branch of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church was operating elementary schools in a particular area of one state.
Imagine further that these “schools” indoctrinated children that females who do not cover themselves from head to toe, and who do not believe in the WBC’s version of Baptist theology, are to be viewed as “whores,” and should be raped, or sexually enslaved.
Next, imagine that upon graduation, those who’d been indoctrinated in the WBC ideology were moving to other states – and were attacking women and girls due to what they believe is their divine duty. Imagine further that the rate of rape and sexual assault in these states – including yours – was exploding, and 98% plus of these crimes were being perpetrated by WBC graduates.
Would you help raise public awareness of this phenomenon?
Would you write letters to the editor, and donate to campaigns to provide outreach to the children who’d been subjected to this indoctrination?
Now, imagine if, instead of helping you, the news, governmental, educational and cultural institutions in your state refused to acknowledge any of these rapes to a particular ideology, and began uniformly calling anyone who exposes the reality a “Baptistphobe,” or a “hater,” or “anti-immigrant.”
Would you be outraged?
Would you insist that these institutions stop this madness, and begin working to root out and prosecute both perpetrators, and those who indoctrinate and incite them?
On the surface, to those not familiar with the data contained in this report, its very title may seem like an inflammatory allegation, stemming from intolerance, racism or “Islamophobia.” Yet the documentation to support this allegation is so overwhelming, so indisputable, and so consistent across Western nations, that it should be widely known.
The fact that this data is not widely known is a fruit of the doctrine of “political correctness,” which forbids data that contradicts accepted narratives to be spoken in public, unless one wishes to become the target of vicious smears, such as that he or she is a “racist” or is “intolerant.” The purpose of these smears is only to silence and intimidate the speaker, and thus quashes any attempt at reasoned debate, or merely seeking to publicize this data.
It is said that the reason one locks the doors of one’s home at night is not because they hate anyone, but rather, because they love who is inside, whom they are seeking to protect. This report is offered in that exact same spirit: tens of thousands of women and girls in Western nations have been sexually terrorized by Islamist males, sometimes with the support of Islamist females.
It is the hope of SaveTheWest that by publishing this information, we will make a contribution to preventing any more females from meeting this fate.
most news organizations and governments are too afraid to say a word (see the Rotherham scandal, below). While most refugees may pose no threat to us, as we learned in Facts 1 and 2, the vast majority of refugees are from neither Syria nor Iraq. Many are from more fundamentalist Muslim countries, which are major exporters of violent Islamism (jihadists).
Given this reality, it is urgent that all Americans – especially women and girls – be made aware of these facts, starting with the “rape jihad” concept.
Sweden used to be one of the safest, most serene of European countries.
Then, a few decades ago, it began accepting a practically unlimited number of immigrants from Muslim-majority nations. Since then, it has become the “rape capital of the West.” The Swedish government now estimates that 25% of women there will be raped — not sexually assaulted, or harassed, but full-on raped.
As research in neighboring Norway confirms, almost all of these rapes there are being perpetrated by immigrants from Muslim nations. And according to an October 2015 report, Sweden is rapidly heading towards collapse, as the cost and crime associated with immigration from Muslim nations continues to grow exponentially.
Young Muslims Threaten Nudist Bathers With ‘Extermination’, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart London, July 26, 2016.
A group of young Muslim men threatened men, women, and children at a swimming pool in Germany because they were offended by the fact the bathers were nude.
A swimming pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany is home to bathers who prefer a more “natural” form of swimming. Nudists at the pool were verbally abused by a group of young Muslim men who threatened them because they consider swimming in the nude ‘indecent behaviour’. The group of Muslims not only threatened the male bathers but also spat upon them and several women and children, reports Junge Freiheit.
A total of six Muslim men were involved in the incident and are described by witnesses as being in their mid 20’s, all with full Islamic-style beards. The men insulted and threatened the nudists in both German and Arabic, yelling “Allahu akbar” at the bathers along with other Arabic insults.
Refugee host school bans revealing clothes, A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym; The Local (Germany), June 26, 2015. Excerpts (emphasis added):
A week ago emergency accommodation for 200 Syrian refugees was erected right next to the gym of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking, Bavaria, Die Welt reports. The gym has been closed as a result, and PE lessons have been relocated to a nearby primary school, but the school is still worried about the refugees interacting with students.
So worried in fact that the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures. […]
The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation:
“The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”
The letter has not been met favourably by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told Die Welt the move was “absolutely necessary”.
“When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis,” he said.
“These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing.
Germany: The Terrifying Power of Muslim Interpreters, by Stefan Frank, The Gatestone Institute,
Summary: The testimonies of Muslim women and girls in Germany who have been raped by other Muslims are being deliberately mistranslated by Muslim interpreters, for the explicit purpose of intimidating and silencing them, based on Islamist doctrine.
** “Everything I told you then is true. … But the interpreter there told me that a faithful woman must not use words like sex and rape. Words like that would dishonor my husband and our family. She also said that I was a blasphemer, because I went to the police. No woman should report her own husband. The husband must be honored.” — “Sali” in an apparent suicide note to her lawyer, Alexander Stevens.
** “I am aware of statements in which interpreters have pressed and supposedly said to Christians on the way to the police or beforehand: If you complain, you can forget your application for asylum. I often noticed that statements were retracted because Christians were threatened.” — Paulus Kurt, Central Committee of Eastern Christians in Germany (ZOCD).
** “The interpreters are neither employed by the Federal Agency, nor are they in any way sworn in to the legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ultimately, examination of the asylum application is left solely to these interpreters… In our view, a decision-making process such as this, which is practiced on a massive scale, is not in keeping with due process.” — Open letter from employees of Germany’s Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees.
8-year-old girl fighting for life in France after Muslim refugee stabs her for being ‘scantily dressed,’ by Richard Wheatstone, The Daily Mirror (UK), July 19, 2016. Excerpt:
An eight-year-old girl is fighting for her life after a mum and her three daughters were reportedly stabbed in a French holiday resort for being ‘scantily dressed’. [… she] was airlifted to hospital in nearby Grenoble with a punctured lung and is in a critical condition. […]
The 37-year-old man, who is said to be of Moroccan origin, has since been arrested following the incident.
Report: French Gov Suppressed Evidence of ‘Gruesome Torture’ During Paris Attacks, by Alex Griswold, MediaIte, July 15th, 2016. Excerpt:
According to testimony before a French government committee, the perpetrators of the November Paris terrorist attacks engaged in “gruesome torture,” a fact that government prosecutors went to great lengths to deny.
According to a translation provided by Heat Street, the victims in the Bataclan theater were found beheaded, with their eyes gouged out, castrated, and with their genitals shoved into their mouths. Some of the female victims were reportedly “sexually tortured” and found with multiple lacerations to their genitals. The scene was bad enough that officers on the scene had to leave to vomit. […]
But when prosecutors were questioned on the victims’ injuries, they insisted that it was possible they were caused by gunfire and explosions. They point to the fact that no sharp knives were found on the scene, making mutilation and beheading difficult.
ISIS knifemen ‘forced French priest to kneel and filmed themselves slitting his throat in horror church attack’, by Martin Fricker, Tom Parry, Sophie Evans, The Mirror (UK), July 26, 2016.
It also earlier emerged that one of the attackers was a convicted terrorist who was meant to be living with his parents with an electronic tag on his ankle. The 19-year-old, known as Adel K, had been previously caught trying to get into Syria to join ISIS. He was subject to a curfew which only allowed him to leave his parents’ house in the morning – the time of the church attack.
The astonishing revelation – made by security sources to the French TV news channel I-Tele – has likely caused further outrage in a country devastated by constant security failings. The terrorists’ identities were already known to the authorities before they carried out this morning’s killing at the church.
Radical Islamist immigrants claim Canadian law means nothing; that 9-year-old girls are considered “adults” for marriage, sex
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/R5FusvRbFk4?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some of the most notable imams (spiritual leaders) throughout the world claim that Muslim males are divinely entitled to capture and sexually abuse “infidel” women and girls. Referred to as the “rape jihad,” Islamists including ISIS use rape as a means of demoralizing and terrorizing cultures into submission.
These imams (and perpetrators) claim that because these women and girls are “unbelievers,” and were not veiled, they were, as one Australian imam said, like “uncovered meat,” asking to be ravaged. More of the supposed divine authorization for Muslim male to engage in rape here.
In America, such a notion is almost beyond comprehension. As is the notion that a devout Muslim woman from Kuwait, who sought counsel on the issue from Saudi imams, could justify and even smile about the prospect of helping a male Muslim to acquire Christian sex slaves – yet here it is, on video:
(10.2) Data from years preceding the current refugee crisis
Here is a sampling of reports from the European nations that have accepted the most Middle Eastern refugees in recent years:
- The rape jihad has now engulfed Germany: A detailed report by a noted terrorism analyst provides a glimpse into the massive wave of rapes occurring in Germany, almost all of which are being perpetrated by Muslim refugees – and the fact that government officials and the news media are very reluctant to say anything publicly about it (similar to the Rotherham, England scandal, below). Summing up the report, the analyst noted, “The raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace.”
- Rotherham, England pedophile rape jihad: It was recently discovered that over a fifteen-year period, gangs of Muslim pedophiles – mostly Pakistani immigrants – were allowed to rape and terrorize a minimum of 1,400 British girls, most between 11-16 years old, because police and social service officials refused to help them. The reason these authorities cited for refusing to prosecute the perpetrators: they were afraid of being smeared as “racists” or “Islamophobes.”
(10.3) A sampling of recent news items from European nations that have welcomed refugees
- In Belgium, refugees riot and clash with police, to protest having to live in a temporary camp. The riots only ended after Belgians agreed to give room in their homes (or their homes altogether) to refugees. Video of the riots:
- Muslim refugees in Germany are forcing women and girls into sex acts – for as little as $10 per session:
- Roundup of anti-Christian terrorism by Muslim refugees from throughout the world: In a special report for The Gatestone Institute, scholar Raymond Ibrahim reveals dozens of documented incidents of anti-Christian violence and intimidation by Muslim refugees, from Denmark to New Zealand, and Germany to the USA.
- German police union chief complains that Muslim refugees “don’t respect our laws”; police are “overwhelmed” as they tackle sectarian conflict and “extreme criminal offences.” Excerpt from this story: “The chief of the German police union has said that the migrant influx – forecast to hit 1.5 million by the end of the year – has left the nation’s police forces ‘overwhelmed’ as they tackle sectarian conflict and ‘extreme criminal offences.’ Rainer Wendt said new arrivals lacked respect for and knowledge of German law, which was insufficient to prosecute asylum seekers, and called for extra protection for women, children and Christians.”
- Muslim refugees sexually assaulted a German cleaning woman for ten days straight: According to the news story, “A migrant centre in the German town of Kitzingen is now only employing male cleaning staff after a female cleaner was sexually assaulted there every day for ten days. Two migrants aged 38 and 52 are now in police custody for assaulting the woman between 1 and 10 October before she finally found the courage to come forward, the local Bayerischer Rundfunk reports.”
- Swedish government admits Muslim refugees now dominate 55 “no-go zones,” where even the police refuse to go, because of violent attacks on them.
- In Greece, thousands of refugees from Syria and Afghanistan are regularly rioting – as more arrive daily. Note: We posted the video of this incident with local residents’ commentary, but it has since been taken down. See the raw news story here.
- Refugees in Sweden rioted for five days straight, burning cars and threatening citizens: In addition to what is shown in this story, and the below video, both resident and refugee Muslims are accused of painting graffiti on various public venues, ordering Christians to “convert or die!”
- Various European countries are allowing Syrian Muslim men to emigrate with the young girls who were forced to marry them – some as young as 12, and pregnant – and their governments are forcing these girls to remain with them, even if they are pregnant: An excerpt from the Sunday Express (UK):
CHILD brides as young as 12 have been ordered to stay with the men they were forced to marry after European officials agreed to recognise the partnerships. It comes amid fears of a paedophilia epidemic inside European refugee camps after a pregnant 14-year-old girl went missing from a Dutch centre. Fatema Alkasem disappeared along with her 24-year-old husband in August and police are concerned the Syrian girl needs medical care. The Netherlands is facing an issue of providing asylum to young girls who are married in their homeland but are below the Dutch age of consent. Dutch asylum centres are reportedly housing 20 child brides aged between 13 and 15, while three a week on average are arriving to the country. The brides were granted legal permission to join their older partners after the country recognised marriages involving young teenagers if they are officially registered in their home country.
- Gay Muslim refugees who reveal their orientation in Germany are being beaten and harassed by other Muslim refugees: An excerpt from a recent article in the Washington Post:
“I decided to tell the truth, that it is the flag for gay people like me,” Ktifan said. “I thought, I am in Europe now. In Germany, I should not have to hide anymore.” What followed over the next several weeks, though, was abuse — both verbal and physical — from other refugees, including an attempt to burn Ktifan’s feet in the middle of the night. The harassment ultimately became so severe that he and two other openly gay asylum seekers were removed from the refugee center with the aid of a local gay activist group and placed in separate accommodations across town.