Home Jon Sutz Who benefits from the lies being spread about the “caravans”?

Who benefits from the lies being spread about the “caravans”?



By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

UPDATE 1: Listen to some radio interviews with Jon Sutz, author of this report, here.

UPDATE 2: Watch investigative journalist Ami Horitowitz’s on-site video from within the “caravans,” which supports many of this report’s allegations, here.

UPDATE 3: Relevant news items that emerged since this report was published, here.

UPDATE 4: This report has been updated with a new section: “Fentanyl smuggling: The little-known but potentially catastrophic component of transnational terrorist activity at the U.S. border.” Click here.

Some of the most influential “news” organs, politicians, social activists and celebrities are lying to, and about Americans, regarding the “caravans” of foreign citizens marching towards the U.S. border.

In general, these lies revolve around three false claims:

  • That there are no legitimate reasons to be concerned about the “caravan” marchers’ identities, backgrounds, affiliations or intentions
  • That the marchers are all peaceful, law-abiding victims of bad situations, many if not most of whom are women and children, and they share and will abide by American laws and customs
  • That the only people who doubt these claims are racists, xenophobes, and/or neo-Nazis, and who, like President Trump, are using lies to “gin up” hate against “brown people”

See a sampling of the specific wording of these lies, the imagery used to peddle them, and learn who is doing it, here:

The Lies

One particularly pernicious, ugly lie we’ve been told is that many if not most of the “caravan” marchers are women and children. Photographic and eyewitness evidence, however, compiled in the following slide show, obliterates this myth:

Is it true that many of the marchers in the “caravans” are women & children?

In reality, there is an abundance of evidence to demonstrate legitimate, verifiable reasons to be deeply concerned about:

  • The “caravan” marchers
  • The potential negative consequences should they sneak into, or be allowed to enter America without adequate vetting — which is all but impossible when 14,000 or more unknown people are attempting to swarm our border at one time
(Photo by Orlando Estrada – Getty Images)

Unfortunately, neither President Trump, nor anyone in either of America’s major political parties, have competently explained these specific concerns, or presented credible evidence to support their contentions.

The purpose of this special report by SaveTheWest is to not just expose the lies that are being told to, and about the American people, using an abundance of carefully-curated and -organized evidence — but to answer a vital question that no one else is asking:

Who benefits from the lies being told about he “caravans”?

For example, we’ve been repeatedly told that the “caravan” marchers are desperate to get away from bad situations  in their home countries — allegedly Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. If that were the case,why are they not seeking amnesty or to emigrate to one of their neighboring nations? The following slide show explores this question further, in significant graphic detail:

An analogy to football

Returning now to our core question — who benefits from the lies being told about he “caravans”? — let us use an analogy to a football game.

The objective of the game is to score as many points by getting the ball into the opposing team’s end zone. To achieve this, the Quarterback transfers the ball to a Receiver (or running back), who attempts to run it into the end zone. The players who run alongside the receivers, and protect them from being tackled by opposing team members, are called Offensive Guards.

Offensive Guard #54 is preventing #30 from tackling the Receiver.

Returning now to the “caravan” marchers, and the situation at the U.S. border, those who manufacture and/or help spread the lies concerning them — particularly the “news” media — can be considered “Offensive Guards.”

But who are they protecting? Or, put another way, who are the beneficiaries of their lying about, and to the American people, and of their efforts to prevent the American public from discovering essential facts?

So who are the beneficiaries of the lies being spread about the “caravans”?

The answer is four-fold:

(1) Previously-deported criminal illegal aliens

(2) Islamist terrorists

(3) Woman & child sex traffickers

(4) Violent criminal gang members

Click the following titles to go to dedicated pages that contain extensive evidence that supports each contention.

(1) Previously-deported criminal illegal aliens

Thanks to “politically correct” ideologies at the highest levels of our government, illegal aliens who have been deported after having committed horrific crimes against U.S. citizens have been have been able to penetrate the U.S. border once, twice, and up to twenty or more times. And thanks to “sanctuary city” policies, even when they are detected, federal authorities are stymied in their efforts to remove them, before they can commit more crimes.  Unfortunately, the mainstream national “news” media has enacted an almost complete blackout on all such incidents, and the victims who pay the price. Examples include:

♦ Lennox Lake, a four-year old California boy who suffered severe traumatic brain injury after the car in which he was riding was struck by a drunken illegal alien who’d been been deported at least 15 times.

♦ A 13-year-old Kansas girl who was raped by an illegal alien who had been deported 19 times

♦ Six-year-old Grace Aguilar, who was killed by a drunken illegal alien who had been deported twice before for DUIs.

Read the entire report here.

(2) Islamist terrorists

U.S. authorities have known since soon after the 9/11 attacks that the world’s largest state sponsor of Islamist terrorism, Iran, and many other terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, ISIS and others, had been infiltrating Central and South America. Even the now far-left MSNBC reported on this phenomenon in 2007.  These groups’ main purposes are to generate revenues through drug trafficking, and immerse their operatives in Hispanic language, culture and mannerisms, so that even if they are caught trying to sneak (or emigrate) into America, our law enforcement agencies will be unlikely to accurately identify who or what they really are. Evidence supporting these contentions includes:

♦ The Guatemalan president’s October 2018 announcement that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists were captured within his nation’s borders.

♦ The August 2018 indictment of a Jordanian man for smuggling six citizens from Yemen—an Al Qaeda hotbed—into the U.S. through Mexico.

♦ The 2017 discovery that the Venezuelan government had issued passports to nearly 200 Middle Eastern operatives, many of whom are known or suspected to be Hezbollah terrorist operatives.

Read the entire report here.

UPDATE: See an excellent introduction to this issue here:

Terrorist Infiltration Threat at the Southwest Border; The national security gap in America’s immigration enforcement debate, by Todd Bensman, Center for Immigration Studies, August 13, 2018.

(3) Woman & child sex traffickers

For those who are unfamiliar with the term “sex trafficking,” it means small or large gangs, run almost exclusively by males, who force women and girls into prostitution. This has become a particularly huge industry in Mexico, Central and South America, and many traffickers seek to bring their veritable slaves across the U.S. border, to enter this much more lucrative “market.” Due to “political correctness,” however, this is among the most-often avoided subjects of public discussion, regarding the threats facing Americans from Central and South America. Those who have studied this issue — and who’ve been victimized by it — know the grim reality.  This section contains deeply-detailed reports about the threat facing Americans at our southern border, as well as personal accounts of the victims. Examples include:

♦ The August 2018 discovery that a Guatemalan man who claimed he was trying to enter the U.S. with his seven-year-old daughter was lying; that in fact she was not related to him, he had been repeatedly raping her, likely to prepare her for sex slavery on U.S. soil.

♦ The discovery by U.S. Border Protection officers that so many adults migrants are traveling with children who are not related to them, that they’ve begun doing DNA tests to determine family lineage — and more quickly identify sex traffickers.

♦ The May 2018 indictments of four Mexican citizens who were engaged in a widespread sex trafficking operation, and who reportedly “forced their victims to service johns between 20 to 40 times a day after luring and coercing them with false promises and threats.”

Read the entire report here.

(4) Violent criminal gang members

Many Americans have heard of the notorious, ultra-violent MS-13 gang, whose motto is “Kill, rape, control.”  MS-13, however, is not the only violent criminal gang to emerge from Mexico, Central and South America — many of whom are engaged in drug and sex trafficking. Many of these gangs seek to penetrate the porous U.S. southern border, a phenomenon that spiked during 2014-2016, when young Central & South American gang members presented themselves to U.S. officials as “refugees,” and were admitted under President Obama’s “DACA” program.  The following is a small sampling of the evidence to show the proliferation of violent gang members’ continued penetration of the U.S. southern border — and the crimes they commit once here:

♦ According to an October 2018 statement by the U.S. Border Patrol, arrests of MS-13 at the border grew by 50% in recent months.

♦ In September 2018, video emerged from a private ranch in Arizona of heavily armed gang members (or possibly terrorists) walking right into the U.S. through a breach in the border fence.

♦ In June 2018, a special-needs 13-year-old girl in Alabama was beheaded by illegal alien, after she witnessed grandmother murdered, in suspected drug trafficking conflict.

Read the entire report here.


It can be assumed that many of the “caravan” marchers are indeed peaceful and law-abiding, seeking to flee misfortune and poverty, brought about largely by the endemic socialism that rules Central and South America.

As this report documents, however, the American people have been told so many lies, over so long a period of time about those seeking to enter the U.S., and the porousness of our southern border, that it is almost impossible to tell who is who, when facing 10,000 or more unknown persons at one time, demanding entrance.  The “caravans,” as currently constituted  — deliberately created by unseen hands “behind the curtain” — can be likened to a fire hose, that contains fresh water, but also physical objects that pose a clear and present danger to anyone at whom it is aimed:

What is most urgently needed in this messy situation is essential facts, responsibly presented and comprehensively validated, so that Americans can have an honest, reality-based public discussion about these issues, for our physical security and social harmony.

The purpose of this report is to help bring about, and support this discussion.

Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com, November 3, 2018

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If you have any feedback on this report, please email info@savethewest.com.

Ami Horitowitz’s investigative, on-site video from within the “caravans”

News items that emerged since this report was published

December 8, 2018

Rouhani forecasts ‘deluge’ of drugs, refugees, attacks if sanctions hurt Iran, by Reuters, December 8, 2018.

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that there could be a “deluge” of drugs, refugees and attacks on the West if reimposed sanctions by the United States weaken Iran’s ability to contain these issues.

“I warn those who impose sanctions that if Iran’s ability to fight drugs and terrorism are affected … you will not be safe from a deluge of drugs, asylum seekers, bombs and terrorism,” Rouhani said in a speech carried live on state television.

He also called U.S. sanctions “economic terrorism”.

December 7, 2018

Hezbollah tunnel-terrorist in Lebanon, viral video star, reportedly trained with cartels in Mexico, by J.E. Dyer, Liberty Unyielding, December 7, 2018. Excerpt:

A video went viral this week of a Hezbollah operative entering a tunnel at the border of Lebanon with Israel during Israel’s Operation Northern Shield.  Northern Shield is an effort to destroy the tunnel network being created by Hezbollah and Iran to infiltrate and attack Israel from Lebanon.  In the video, the Hezbollah terrorist clambers confidently toward a camera placed in the tunnel until he sees something, peers at it closely, and realizes what it is.  He whirls around and takes off as fast as he can go.

He also spent time training with the drug cartels in Mexico, polishing up his tunnel-building skills. […]

But we’ve actually known for some years that Hezbollah is not only in Mexico, and not only working with the cartels, but is training in tunneling with the cartels.

In a review for the Wall Street Journal in October 2013, Michael J. Totten, the highly-regarded independent defense correspondent, cited research done by Matthew Levitt for Levitt’s book Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon’s Party of God (emphasis added):

The Party of God [Hezbollah] is particularly active in South America’s tri-border region, where Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil converge. Its base of operations there is Paraguay’s Ciudad del Este, a lawless and corrupt counterfeiting capital. Hezbollah has also been active in northern Latin America, forging ideologically promiscuous ties with Colombia’s right-wing paramilitary groups and communist guerrillas and digging tunnels for drug cartels on the Mexican-American border—the same kinds of tunnel networks it has spent years perfecting along the geographically similar Lebanese-Israeli border.

December 4, 2018

MS-13 member from Mexico arrested in Arizona during immigration stop, CBP says, by Nicole Darrah, Fox News, December 4, 2018. Excerpt:

An MS-13 gang member was arrested Thursday in Arizona during an immigration stop by Border Patrol agents, officials said Monday. Manuel Lopez-Gomez, 28, from Mexico, was taken into custody by agents from the Yuma sector of the border after he was stopped on Route 93 near Wikieup, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced in a news release.

November 28, 2018

Migrant caravan mostly standard illegal immigrants, not asylum seekers, by Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times, November 28, 2018. Excerpt:

The Central Americans surging into the U.S. and claiming asylum look a lot more like regular illegal immigrants, eager for better jobs or to reunite with families, than traditional refugees fleeing persecution or violence back home, according to a new report Wednesday that challenges conventional wisdom on the migrants’ motives.

And while they are often referred to as asylum-seekers, few of the migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — the chief sending countries — are likely to end up winning asylum in the U.S., according to the study by academics at the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) at the University of Southern California, and the Institute for Defense Analyses.

Adults are most likely to come for better jobs, the researchers said. They can improve their incomes by 1,200 percent in moving from Central America to the U.S. Children, meanwhile, are coming for economic opportunities but also to reunite with family already in the U.S., they concluded.

November 26, 2018

Belated discovery: The Center for Immigration Studies produced an excellent introductory report on this issue in August 2018:

Terrorist Infiltration Threat at the Southwest Border; The national security gap in America’s immigration enforcement debate, by Todd Bensman, Center for Immigration Studies, August 13, 2018.

Border Agents: Rock-Throwing Migrants Pushed Women And Children To Front Of Horde, by Amber Athey, Daily Caller, November 26, 2018. Excerpt:

Border Patrol agents revealed in interviews that the migrants storming the U.S.-Mexico border over the weekend were using women and children as human shields as they launched rocks at agents.

Border Patrol unleashed tear gas and pepper balls to disperse the crowd of migrants trying to cross the border in Tijuana, Mexico on Sunday. According to San Diego Chief Border Patrol Agent Rodney Scott, agents did not use dispersion techniques until after migrants had struck several agents with projectiles.

November 14, 2018

Video emerges from San Deigo, CA, showing “caravan” migrants attempting to enter the USA illegally.

November 16, 2018

‘It’s Your Right to Go to the US’: What I Saw When I Visited the Migrant Caravan, by Nolan Peterson, The Daily Signal. Excerpt:

MEXICO CITY—The migrant caravan has its own de facto government, and on this night the travelers from Central America gathered at the behest of a few leaders to discuss issues of the day as well as the big picture—such as what route to take to the U.S. border.

“It’s your right to go to the U.S.,” Milton Benitez, a political analyst and sociologist who hosts the Honduran TV show “El Perro Amarillo,” implored the impassioned crowd.

In a scene not unlike when a coach rallies his players before a big game, the Honduran media figure pressed the encircling migrants on the night of Nov. 7 not to give up on their “mission” to achieve the U.S. border.


