Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week U.S. Progressives Reject The 10 Commandments – Ken’s Thought of the Week

U.S. Progressives Reject The 10 Commandments – Ken’s Thought of the Week



Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

Quote of the Week:

Today’s leaders of the United States Democrat Party include socialists, communists, statists, and revolutionaries masquerading as ‘Progressives’. They pretend to seek improvement by extending the government’s benefits and offering free services for all. But since nothing is for free, the the recipients pay with their loss of rights and higher inflation, and their children and grandchildren will pay with higher taxes and lower benefits.

We at Save The West see through the ‘Progressives’’ mask and call them ‘Regressives’. Why? Because they seek to replace the 3,800-year experiment in democracy that began with Abraham, by regressing 3,800 years back into time, before Abraham, when tyrant, idol-worshiping kings controlled all the lands, and individual human rights were universally ignored.

So, it is time to review the Ten Commandments, as Jews were recently reminded about this subject in the Torah chapter of “Yitro”:

1) “I am the Lord your G-d.” But the ‘progressives’ believe that the Government has replaced G-d. They think that only the government can determine right from wrong, and only the government can reliably fulfill the needs of the voters.

2) “Thou shall have no other G-d before me”. But ‘progressives’, who deny G-d, are inventing false narratives that the public is supposed to worship instead, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender transition policies, social justice, and global warming. These are today’s modern idols that the progressives insist we must worship.

3) “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your G‑d in vain.” But ‘progressives’ constantly lie through fake narratives, as they vow to uproot systemic racism and stop global warming, both figments of their imagination.

4) “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.” But ‘progressives’ see no need to reserve one day per week for resting from work and devoting the day to study the Bible that they reject. For them, every day is equally suitable for work, play, shopping, or partying.

5) “Honor thy father and mother.” But ‘progressives’ do not believe in the nuclear family and do not respect the wisdom of parents. They do not cherish the accomplishments of the past. They want to ignore the lessons of history, because history shows the follies of their theories.

6) “Thou shall not murder.” But ‘progressives’ see nothing wrong with wrong with the abortion/murder of more than 600,000 babies every year. They are happy to impose their false narratives of communism and socialism, no matter what the human cost.

7) “Thou shall not commit adultery.” But ‘progressives’ do not believe in monogamous marriages and heterosexual relationships. Everyone should simply behave according to how they feel on a daily basis.

8) “Thou shall not steal.” But ‘progressives’ open our borders to human traffickers who sell kidnapped children to be used and abused by adults. Kidnapping is fine, if it leads to more illegal migrants today and then more Democrat voters in the future.

9) “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” But ‘progressives’ do not seek the truth. Instead, they encourage falsehood and praise witnesses who lie to hinder the careers of Conservative men and women of all races. Lying is fine if it leads to the future monopoly of ‘progressive’ power.

10) “Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his man-servant, his maid-servant, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” But ‘progressives’ love to steal from the rich, to buy the votes of the poor. Stealing isn’t directed only at the rich. The ‘progressives’ are stealing from the middle and working classes by imposing higher taxes and higher prices. Their businesses and their livelihoods are being destroyed by lock-downs that have been proven to be ineffective and harmful by a major study done at Johns Hopkins University.


As you see, the so-called ‘progressives’ are truly ‘regressive’. They want us to forget and ignore 3,800 years of progress since the Old Testament, 2,000 years of progress since the New Testament, and nearly 250 years of progress since the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They want the Democrat Party to control all the power, just as in the days of absolute monarchs.

The ‘progressive’ Democrats want to control all of us, deprive all of us – rich and poor – of our rights, destroy the middle class, and rob the rich in the name of equality and justice. They also use false contradicting narratives, invent new gods to believe in, to obliterate the concept of right and wrong.

“We the People” must rise to defend our rights and expose such hypocrisies in every possible way.



