Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week US REPEATING WORLD WAR II MISTAKES – Ken’s Thought of the Week




Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

The United States is already in World War III.

What led the U.S. to World War III? When did it begin? Who attacked us? How did they attack us? Why did they attack us? Do Americans know that we are already in World War III? Who are our allies? How can we win?Let’s first go back to examine how we got into World War II and then how we got out of World War II:

1) For the US, World War II began on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese Imperial Navy attacked American forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing nearly 2,500 sailors, soldiers, and civilians. A day later,  America declared war on Germany and Japan.

2) For Europe, World War II began in 1933 when democratically elected Hitler took over the German government.

3) Hitler quickly reneged on the World War I Versailles Treaty and started to dramatically rebuild the German military. At roughly the same time, the Japanese rapidly developed their military. By the mid-1930’s, the Japanese Imperial Army was terrorizing neighboring China and Korea. By the late 1930’s, Germany was also bullying and terrorizing its neighbors.

4) During the 1930’s, the US watched the German and Japanese aggression towards their neighbors, without doing much except selling or leasing some weapons.

5) The mostly isolationist American public put no pressure on the government to intervene in these wars (democracies do not vote for wars, until they are directly attacked).

6) The U.S. entered World War II after the Pearl Harbor attack and fought for victory for four years. During this period, 60 million people died, including 400,000 Americans.Today, the US finds itself in World War III, because it has repeated the mistakes it made in World War II.

1) World War III began in 2014, when Russia invaded the Ukraine, claiming to protect the Russian-speaking population in Eastern Ukraine. Russia quickly found itself fighting the NATO countries, who provide Ukraine with weapons. At the same time, China, Iran, and North Korea joined in support of Russia, greatly expanding the battlefield of World War III.

2) World War III expanded on October 7, 2023, when Iran’s proxy army, Hamas, attacked Israel, killing 1,200 Israeli civilians, and kidnapping more than 250 hostages.  The next day, October 8, Iran’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, joined the war, attacking Israel with rockets, missiles, and armed drones. On October 19, they were joined by the Houthis, Iran’s Yemenite proxy, who launched missiles and armed drones on Israel, as well as on Israeli and other merchant vessels, and American warships in the Red Sea. On April 13, 2024, Iran directly attacked Israel with some 300 missiles and drones, and on October 1, 2024, Iran attacked Israel, again, with 181 ballistic missiles.

3) During the past 10 years, China has dramatically expanded its military to the point where it is nearly as strong as the US. With this newly acquired power, China is now threatening to take over America’s ally Taiwan, and threatens other US allies as well, including the Japanese, the Philippines, and other’s territories in the Pacific.

4) Since every major country is now causing or being threatened with hostilities, we call this situation WW3.

5) World War I and World War II could have been far less destructive had the US entered the war 5-10 years earlier, before the dictatorial enemies gained so much strength. But democracies are reactive entities and generally only react to a crisis.

So, what happens next? How do we win?

How do we win without killing millions of people? And how do we win when the US public does not even know that we are already in World War III?

Here is Save The West’s forecast for the next 1-2 years, assuming President Trump wins the November 5 election:

1) The US will seek to pressure Russia and Ukraine to reach a ceasefire that neither will like, but both will reluctantly accept. Ukraine will be pressured to give up much of the Eastern 20% of its country to Russia. Russia will agree to dramatically reduce its forces in the east of Ukraine and the west of Russia, to no longer threaten the Ukraine and any other neighboring countries in Europe.

2) The US will quickly add $100-200 billion to its military budget, so it can deter China from hostilities against Taiwan and in the Pacific region.

3) Israel will destroy Hamas military capabilities in Gaza and do the same to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The US and Israel will destroy the Houthi power in Yemen, allowing free shipping in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal to resume. Israel will control northern Gaza and southern Lebanon as buffer security zones, for a very long time. Israel will also methodically destroy Iran’s military might and nuclear weapons program. The tyrannical Iranian government may be overthrown in the year 2025 by the 80% of the population who despise the repressive Islamo-Nazi Death-Cult government. In Iraq, the Iranian proxy could lose its stranglehold over the Iraqi government.

4) The Abraham Accord could expand from 4 to 8 or more countries, including Saudi Arabia, once Iran ceases to be an existential threat to the Sunni Muslim countries.
5) The Arabs in Judea/Samaria will work out a relationship with Israel, under Israeli direct control over all the land and school systems.

6) America will pressure Qatar and Turkey to stop funding the Muslim Brotherhood in order to stop its invasion of Europe and the US.

The optimistic forecast is that Israel will become the undisputed power in the Middle East and America will resume its role as the leader of the Free World. This scenario is the only hope to prevent World War III with hundreds of millions of dead.