Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War”
Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)
Europe has been dying for nearly 100 years. Five notable years stand out for the beginning of Europe’s demise:
1) In 1933, Hitler used his position as the leader of the largest minority party to seize power as the Chancellor of Germany.
2) In 1967, the 6-DayWar in Israel drove Arab oil-producing countries to dramatically raise oil prices, yet Europe did not embark on a major effort to protect themselves by developing all forms of energy.
3) In 1993, the European Union (EU) was founded by six countries and grew to include 27 countries. The EU undermines the sovereignty of each member country through a poorly managed dictatorship of an elitist EU bureaucracy in Brussels.
4) In 2014, Russia invaded the Crimean Peninsula in Eastern Ukraine and annexed it. No EU member country rushed aid, weapons, or soldiers to protect Ukraine from the Russian invasion.
5) In 2015, then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany’s borders to more than one million Muslim migrants (aka “refugees”) from Syria, Libya, Egypt, and elsewhere to enter Germany, creating a demographic, cultural, and economic time bomb against its Christian citizens.
In addition, European countries made numerous other mistakes:
1) Since World War II, European governments have provided the mass of immigrants with overly generous welfare benefits.
2) In 1984, five EU countries signed the Schengen Agreement, removing internal border controls, thus allowing free movement throughout much of Europe. This facilitated a full-scale invasion by Muslims from the Middle East and Africa, who entered Europe through the open borders of its Mediterranean countries.
3) European countries grossly under-invested in military preparedness and overly relied on the generosity of the US through NATO.
4) European countries did not foster an innovation mentality at their universities and did not develop a strong venture capital and stock market universe.
5) All European governments have unethically become massive human rights violators by not protecting the Christians (90% of the population) and Jews (1% of the population) already living there from hostile and incompatible Muslim migrants, who refuse to adopt local customs and laws.
6) European countries failed to teach history to their youth, so their population has no memory of the brutal Umayyad Muslim invasion of Spain from Africa in the year 711, or the 903 years of brutal war that took place until the Muslim invaders were thrown out of Europe in the year 1614.
They also failed to teach about the illegal Ottoman invasion from Turkey that was finally repulsed at the gates of Vienna in the year 1683 by the combined forces of Hungary, Poland, and Lithuania, aided by what we now call Romania.
And no one was taught about the expansion of Muslim Arabs out of what is now Saudi Arabia in the year 632, after the death of Muhammad. This migration led to the forced Islamization of 75% of the Christian world, culminating in the illegal Turkish takeover of Constantinople from the Byzantine Christians in the year 1453, years later, in 1930, renaming the city Istanbul.
So how can Europe get out of the mess that their incompetent governments created through such gross mismanagement? Here are some suggestions:
1) The EU should return to its original 1968 establishment as a Customs Union, thus returning sovereignty to each member country.
2) Each country must dramatically invest in all forms of energy to lower costs and reduce dependence on Russia and the Middle East oil, as well as the economic funding from Qatar, Turkey, and Pakistan.
3) Each country must double its expenditures on national security from about 2% of GDP to 4%, over the next 5 years.
4) The voters in all Western European countries should replace their current leadership with the European equivalent of Trump Republicans.
5) Each country should forbid illegal migration.
6) Each country must criminalize Sharia law and the radical Muslims, as well as their funding from Qatar, Turkey, and Pakistan. Offending imams must be deported. Offending mosques and schools must be closed.
7) Anti-Christian and antisemitic behavior must be criminalized and calls for genocide should be heavily penalized. Qatar’s Al Jazeera propaganda television and social media accounts must be closed.
8) All countries should repair their ties with Israel and cut all ties with the Iranian Death Cult and its proxies.
9) All countries must cease their systemic discrimination against Christians and Jews. Christians and Jews must be encouraged and incentivized to produce more children.
10) The US must take a direct role in overseeing the deportation of illegal Muslim migrants in the UK and France, which could well be taken over in 25-50 years by Muslims, who inevitably would point their nuclear weapons at America.
None of these suggestions will be easy to follow, but systemic change is required now to save the 400 million Christians in Europe. Time is of the essence.