Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week  J’ACCUSE…! – Ken’s Thought of the Week

 J’ACCUSE…! – Ken’s Thought of the Week



Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)



On January 13, we celebrated the 125th anniversary of the famous 1898 letter, “J’Accuse…!” (“I Accuse…!”), first published in the French newspaper L’Aurore. This was French novelist Emile Zola’s open letter to the president of the French Republic in defense of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army. He was falsely accused of treason by his anti-Semitic superiors. Dreyfus was court-marshaled and imprisoned, but Zola-led protests cleared Dreyfus of all wrongdoing and the army reinstated him. In honor of the heroism of Zola in defending Dreyfus, and on behalf of Save the West, I thought it was a good time to identify and accuse the key forces behind the rapidly rising anti-Semitism and other forms of racism and discrimination in our own time.

1. I accuse the federal, state, and local governments of not sufficiently protecting Jews and Christians from hate crimes.2. I accuse the federal government of purposely leaving the southern border open to the invasion by at least three million illegal immigrants annually, thereby risking the lives and property of every American citizen.

3. I accuse the federal government of censoring Americans by colluding with social media companies to silence Americans, thereby ignoring its responsibility to protect freedom of speech.4. I accuse the federal government and its key agencies of election interference, by suppressing negative articles on numerous vulnerable candidates for multiple offices.

5. I accuse the federal government of failing to protect all Americans from the existential threat of Iranian nuclear weapons.
6. I accuse the federal government of not protecting the Jews in Israel and the Sunni Muslims in the Arab states from the existential threat of Iran’s nuclear weapons.

7. I accuse the federal and state governments of discriminating against women by allowing men to compete against them in sports.

8. I accuse the federal and many state governments of not protecting children from physical and psychological child abuse, both on our border and in our schools.
9. I accuse the federal and many state governments of promoting race and gender discrimination and anti-Constitutional Marxist theories.

10. I accuse the federal government of allowing the politicization of the U.S. education system by Marxists, who reject American laws and values.
11. I accuse the federal, state, and local education officials of purposely indoctrinating, separating, and turning children against their parents.

12.  I accuse the US military and its political superiors of degrading the readiness of our armed forces by mandating racist critical race theory, instead of proper field training.
13. I accuse the State Department of funding the Palestinian (terrorist) Authority (PA) and of systemic racism by pressuring Israel to accept it as its neighbor, despite its existential threat to the Jewish State.

14. I accuse the federal government of being systemically anti-Christian by witnessing Christians being assaulted throughout the Middle East and Africa, and doing nothing to help them.15. I accuse the federal government of ignoring the 1823 Monroe Doctrine, which was designed to protect Latin American from our mutual enemies such as China, Russia, and Iran.

16. I accuse the federal government of not protecting our allies from the systemically anti-Semitic and anti-Christian United Nations.

17. I accuse the federal government of not protecting the civil rights of all Americans in the 22 Democrat states that are purposely defunding or mismanaging their local police forces.

18. I accuse the federal government of complicity with rising anti-Semitism on university campuses, which could be curbed by denying federal funds and/or withdrawing federal tax exempt status.


It is time for Americans to demand that the U.S. Federal and State governments respect the Constitution and the rule of law!