Home From the Internet Hamas training manuals found; “News” media silent

Hamas training manuals found; “News” media silent


Over the past three weeks, as Operation Protective Edge has drawn out, the Israeli Defense Force has found numerous examples of Hamas training manuals, which confirm suspicions that it has been instructing operatives to use civilians as human shields, to booby-trap civilian homes, and other tactics that can only be designed to evoke sympathy from a “news” media that has been coddling the terrorist group.

Today, the IDF released an expose on the latest Hamas training manual discovered:

The IDF has captured a military manual published by the Engineering Corps of Hamas’ military wing, the Al Qassam Brigades.

The explosives manual recommends teaching civilians how to build and store bombs in their homes. According to the manual, the goal is “to transfer combat from open areas to built-up urban areas, which serves the ‘resistance’ [i.e. Hamas] and fighters of Islamic Jihad.”

The manual also states that “it is easier for Jihad fighters to operate inside buildings and to take advantage of this in order to evade reconnaissance planes used to attack and gather intelligence. Additionally, [operating from populated areas] helps strengthen the element of surprise.”

“You Must Use Residents”

In an especially incriminating section entitled “Factors for Successfully Hiding Weapons in Homes,” the manual explains how civilians can be used to hide explosives […]

Read it all.

This follows the IDF’s August 4 expose on another Hamas training manual it recovered, which explicitly endorses the use of Gaza civilians as human shields:

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip found a Hamas manual on “Urban Warfare,” which belonged to the Shuja’iya Brigade of Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades. The manual explains how the civilian population can be used against IDF forces and reveals that Hamas knows the IDF is committed to minimizing harm to civilians.

Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has continuously used the civilian population of Gaza as human shields. The discovery of a Hamas “urban warfare” manual by IDF forces reveals that Hamas’ callous use of the Gazan population was intentional and preplanned.

This Hamas urban warfare manual exposes two truths: (1) The terror group knows full well that the IDF will do what it can to limit civilian casualties. (2) The terror group exploits these efforts by using civilians as human shields against advancing IDF forces.

Read it all.

So how much coverage has the mainstream U.S. “news” media given these revelations?

25Aug14 NBC News hamas training manual searchABC News?  Nothing.

CBS News?  Nothing.

NBC News?  Nothing.

CNN?  Nothing.

PBS?  Nothing.

USA Today?  Nothing.

You get the idea.