The assault on Western civilization
Western civilization – individual rights, free enterprise and limited constitutional government – is under assault, and it is losing the battle, badly. For example, in the U.S. alone:
- Less than 50% of U.S. adults know the basic purpose of the U.S. Constitution, or can correctly identify even one of their rights under it.
- 69% believe Marx’s core doctrine, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” is in the Constitution (or don’t know if it is or isn’t).
Only 17% of U.S. college graduates know the difference between the free market and centralized planning.
- 80% of seniors at America’s most elite colleges and universities cannot pass a basic high school history test, yet all will be able to graduate without having taken a single history class of any kind.
- 50% of American adults cannot read above the 8th-grade level, and most college students struggle with “complex but common literacy tasks,” such as understanding the point of a newspaper editorial, or comparing the cost-per-ounce of food.
This data is part of a larger research report, “America At The Precipice,” produced independently by SaveTheWest editor Jon Sutz. Learn more about the nature of the war against Western civilization, and how some in the U.S. and W. Europe are aiding our own destruction, in this original SaveTheWest essay.
In this vacuum of indoctrinated ignorance, misconceptions and low functional literacy, anti-freedom ideologies are growing faster than everything that is currently being done to oppose them.
Enter SaveTheWest.com
In early 2014, Kenneth Abramowitz, a noted biotech venture fund executive and freedom activist, hired Jon Sutz, a liberty-oriented multimedia graphic designer, writer and creative consultant, to work on a part-time basis to develop a new website, from the ground up, to help defend Western civilization. Initially, the site was be conceived to house:
- Videos of the speeches that Ken has delivered on how to save Western civilization, and custom graphics to supplement this content.
- Original content from Ken, his friends, Jon, and other sources.
Their collaboration fostered SaveTheWest.com, and a far more expansive array of high-impact, original content than could have been originally envisioned, including:
Excerpt of STW’s economic slide show, featuring Stanley Thornton, who is receiving an array of federal benefits for his “disability”: he claims he must live as an “adult baby,” be fed from a bottle, and play in a crib all day. A cornerstone essay by Ken on his specific recommendations for how to save Western civilization, which features custom-crafted graphic slide shows (at bottom), designed and produced by Jon. Excerpt from economic recommendations slide show at right.
- An in-depth essay by Jon on various facets of the assault on Western civilization, and the fact that in many cases, we are allowing and enabling this assault to occur, via our schools and “political correctness.”
- Deeply-researched web pages containing videos that provide newcomers with a “crash course” introduction to the virtues and history of Western civilization, and the ideologies behind the primary threats it faces: socialism, and radical Islamism.
- Pages dedicated to explaining the foundational documents that gave rise to Western civilization, and which define the unique nature of the American experiment (listed at bottom here).
- Ken’s detailed assessments of why the Iranian nuclear “deal” should be rejected.
Excerpt from hate crimes slide show. An infographic slide show, produced by Jon, that debunks the myth that Muslims face a high risk of hate crimes in the U.S., and establishes the fact that Jews are five times more likely to be victims. Excerpt at right.
- An ongoing series that profiles notable figures on Western soil who are working to defend freedom, and those who are working to destroy it.
- An investigative report that documents how Microsoft pushes anti-Semitic libels via its MSN “news” network.
Would you like to help us to help save Western civilization?
Here are some ways you can help:
- Donate: Please make a generous tax-deductible financial donation today, here.
- Ideas: Email us with fresh ideas, and special insights you may have, on how to help save the West.
- Submissions: Have you written an article or created a video that you think should be featured at SaveTheWest? Please email it for consideration.
Thank you.