Kenneth Abramowitz
The Golden Calf is Alive and Kicking — Ken’s Thought of...
The Torah, New Testament, & US Constitution are under attack today. The Golden Calf is once again trying to disrupt our values & our lives.
Time to Commemorate Alexis de Tocqueville – Ken’s Thought of the...
America is facing a Constitutional crisis. Maybe it's time to revisit some of Alexis de Tocqueville’s more insightful observations.
New Radical Administration Canceling American Values – Ken’s Thought of the...
The new administration’s policies threaten to obliterate our unalienable rights in every way possible.
Masters of Deception Excel at Offense – Ken’s Thought of the...
When totalitarian forces are intent on undermining democracies, their key weapon is deceit. How do they destroy democracies? How do we fight back?
Western Civilization in Peril – Ken’s Thought of the Week
If America's status as a superpower is damaged, would it (or could it) still send out the 'cavalry' when it was needed or called?
America’s Democracy in Peril – Ken’s Thought of the Week
America's future as a democracy is now in peril. What will the next four years look like, and what will they do to America as we have known it?
Inexcusable Systemic Failures – Ken’s Thought of the Week
Fraudulent elections, an assault on Congress, malicious attacks on President Trump - all symptoms of a systemic failure of America's democratic system.
America Faces Huge Fork in the Road — Ken’s Thought of...
America is facing its greatest crisis ever - a divided country and increasing internal conflict. How will history judge us?
The Meddling in the U.S. 2020 Election – Ken’s Thought of...
Foreign interference in America's 2020 election played a big role in the outcome. Let's break it down.
Stop America from Becoming a Banana Republic – Ken’s Thought of...
The “Banana Republic” syndrome seems to have migrated from Latin America all the way to the United States of America. What can be done to stop it?