by Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been called a lot of things in the past few years. He can now add one more label to this list: a Useful Idiot. And for reasons that will become apparent as this article unfolds, his acts position him as the polar opposite to those of our latest Defender of Western Civilization, Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True The Vote (profiled here).
On January 1, 2014, de Blasio, a radical socialist, took the oath of office (video) to begin serving as the newly-elected Mayor of New York City, an event that the Communist Party USA hailed in its official newspaper. The oath:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of New York, and the Charter of the City of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Mayor of New York, according to the best of my ability, so help me God.”
The first principle of the duties he swore to faithfully discharge is to protect the citizens under his jurisdiction – meaning, both their physical bodies and their property, including their money, from theft or abuse.
Soon after being sworn in, de Blasio violated his most critical oath
Instead of fulfilling this duty, however, during his first year in office, de Blasio worked with the New York City Commission to craft a supposedly legal means of:
- Providing millions of illegal aliens with ID cards that entitle them to an array of benefits, that they taxpayers who are forced to fund them may not be able to afford for themselves.
- Destroying the printed applications these illegal aliens used to get the IDs by December 30, 2016 – mere weeks after the next federal election, just about the time that vote-fraud investigators would be poring through the rolls.
On September 19, 2014 de Blasio unveiled the plan, and his justification. From the New York Post (emphasis added here, and beyond):

It’s the best deal in town, and might be the most generous ever offered by the city. New Yorkers who sign up for new municipal ID cards will be able to score free memberships to nearly three dozen of the city’s top cultural institutions — from the Metropolitan Museum to the zoos in each borough.
In a bid to lure the city’s estimated 500,000 undocumented immigrants to carry official identification, those who enroll will get a sweet deal packed with comped tickets and discounts easily worth $2,100.
But anyone who lives here can sign up. […]
“It’s crucially important to treat our fellow New Yorkers who happen to be undocumented with great respect and inclusion. That’s a great advantage of this card. You can get a lease, a library card. You can get a bank account; you can do so many of the things in life that aren’t possible without an ID card to connect with New York City government more deeply,” de Blasio said.
De Blasio’s 2013 campaign consisted largely of his promises to give voice and support to the poor and others, whom he alleged are treated unfairly in our society, and to do what the masses desire, rather than cater to “the 1%ers.”

Apparently, he de Blasio is unaware of, or is ignoring the very voice of the masses. A September national 2014 poll revealed that 71% of American adults – including a majority of Democrats – believe that illegal aliens should not receive government benefits. The poll also determined that “89% of GOP voters and 70% of unaffiliateds think illegals should not have the same legal rights and protections that U.S. citizens have.”
Several months later, in a January 12, 2015 New York Times profile of the law, De Blasio expanded on the rationale behind the new “IDNYC” cards, which will be available to any New Yorker over age 14:
“For New Yorkers who couldn’t have an official ID, this card is the key to a fuller life,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement, adding that it was “fraud-proof, secure and appealing to anyone.”
How does de Blasio propose discerning between a 13-year-old illegal alien, and a 14-year-old? According to the Times:
Applicants are required to prove identity and city residency, with documents that could include passports, driver’s licenses or birth certificates, from the United States or elsewhere, among other options.
And how does New York propose discerning legitimate documents from those that are fakes, or forged, from… “elsewhere”? The Times didn’t ask this basic question.
Amidst this theater of the absurd, however, the New York Civil Liberties Union weighed in with its concerns – not for the safety of New Yorkers, or the money in their paychecks, but rather, for the “privacy” rights of illegal aliens who apply for the card:
[T]he New York Civil Liberties Union has expressed concerns about privacy. Johanna Miller, the group’s advocacy director, said that while the city had taken steps in recent months to protect cardholders’ personal information, law enforcement agencies will not have to meet a “probable cause standard” to obtain documents, as the group had hoped.
The ACLU echoed these concerns, as reported in the New York Observer:
Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union have said they are worried the I.D.s could amount to a database of undocumented immigrants, putting people seeking legitimization at risk of deportation.
The Orwellian “Tea Party escape clause”
As if all this weren’t sufficiently infuriating, a few weeks later, the real bombshell dropped: built into the law was a provision that will enable New York to destroy all records of who applied for and/or received the NYCID cards, just in case a conservative is elected president in November 2016. According to a February 16, 2015 article in the New York Post:
Get the shredders ready — the Tea Party could be coming. The city’s new municipal ID program allows for personal info provided by applicants to be destroyed at the end of 2016, in case a conservative Republican wins the White House and demands the data, the law’s co-sponsor told The Post on Monday.
City Councilman Carlos Menchaca (D-Brooklyn) said the measure was crafted so data submitted by those seeking the cards can be destroyed on Dec. 31, 2016. The cards are aimed at undocumented immigrants.
“In case a Tea Party Republican comes into office and says, ‘We want all of the data from all of the municipal ID programs in the country,’ we’re going to take the data,” he explained. […]
The cards were first available early last month. Demand has been overwhelming, with more than 200,000 appointments made for the cards in less than a month.
The unreported (in NYC) data, on why the NYCID program poses such an imminent danger to New Yorkers, and Americans, beyond the obvious
The injustice of forcing money out of taxpayers’ paychecks to provide illegal aliens with benefits that they themselves cannot afford would be enough reason to view this as a travesty, and a betrayal of the legitimate powers of the Mayor and the City Commission.
But the prospect of using tax dollars and government resources to make it easier for a half-million illegal aliens to live among the lawful population poses a far more serious problem, when one considers the following facts:
- In 2013, under orders from the federal government, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency released onto American streets 36,007 illegal aliens who had been convicted of crimes, including 193 for murder, and 426 for sexual assault. One illegal alien recently raped and sodomized a 10-year-old girl in Alabama.
21 year old Grant Ronnebeck, murdered by a criminal illegal alien for a pack of cigarettes. These victims include 21-year-old store clerk Grant Ronnebeck, an Arizona convenience store clerk who was murdered over a pack of cigarettes by a criminal illegal alien who’d already had numerous run-ins with police. Another criminal illegal alien murdered three people in Houston.
- Dozens of Americans have also been murdered and terrorized by criminal illegal aliens who had already been deported, but were allowed to keep re-entering our country. In one recent incident, an illegal who’d already been deported 20 times led Arizona police on a 30-mile, high-speed chase.
- One illegal alien who’d already been convicted of child molestation in New Jersey was deported, then re-entered the U.S., ready to terrorize more children.
- In November 2014, two illegal aliens who’d been convicted of murder, then imprisoned and deported years earlier, were caught in Laredo, TX.
Mirjana Puhar, 19 (Photo: Facebook/Mirjana Puhar ANTM 21). In February 2015, the Texas DPS released a report that claimed “Deported criminal aliens too often exploit the porous border and return to Texas to commit additional crimes.”
- Also in February 2015, an illegal alien, a known gang member wanted for multiple killings, murdered 19-year-old Mirjana Puhar, a rising “America’s Next Top Model.”
- In April 2015, an illegal alien from Mexico who’d been deported four times was arrested in Texas after he threatened to kill a family, and was caught with a loaded gun. Curiously, the illegal’s first name is recorded as “Omar,” the origins of which are Arabic – not Hispanic. Which is a curious coincidence, considering the first item in the next section.
The terrorists among us, lying in wait
Most of those facts were never reported to the citizens of New York City, in the context of the NYCID program. As if that weren’t bad enough, consider the threat posed by terrorists who are able to slip into America through our porous border:
Iran-supported Hamas terrorists. For many years, Iran has been positioning terrorists in Central and South America, ready to deploy over the U.S. Border. To make their true identities and intentions harder to detect, these terrorists immerse themselves in Hispanic culture, languages and mannerisms, so even if they are caught, they appear peaceful.
- In 2014 alone, the U.S. Border Patrol caught 474 individuals from terrorism-linked countries trying to illegally enter America over our southern border. Nearly 3,000 have been caught since 2009.
- According to an ABC News investigation, the U.S. government “may have let dozens of terrorists” into America:
“Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Michael Cutler, a former special agent with the INS, recently wrote a comprehensive report that documents how terrorists are aided by our lax border security, combined with bipartisan efforts to provide illegal aliens with means to make it easier for them to operate in America. These are the very things that The 9/11 Report warned must be corrected, to prevent another attack. An excerpt:
“[I]ncredibly, the “leadership” of both the Democrat and Republican parties has devised all sorts of justifications and reasons why it is a good idea to provide unknown millions of illegal aliens with official identity documents in conjunction with conferring lawful status upon them. We must not lose that that these illegal aliens entered the U.S. illegally by evading the mandated inspections process conducted at ports of entry by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Inspectors that is, in part, supposed to prevent the entry of international terrorists and transnational criminals into the country.”
How much easier is it for a criminal illegal alien or terrorist to set up shop in New York City, thanks to de Blasio’s NYCID card?
Bob Dylan famously said, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Similarly, one does not need to exert too much thought to recognize how much the NYCID cards constitute willful, “official” assistance in providing terrorists and criminal illegal alien to set up shop, without detection, in the New York metropolitan area.
For example, if you’re a terrorist who entered the U.S. illegally, under normal circumstances, you would find it difficult, if not impossible, to go through normal channels to rent an apartment, open a bank account, or get a job. Thanks to the NYCID program, these difficulties are all but completely removed.

Plus, as a bonus, you’ll be able to break away from the mental strain of plotting your attacks by going to top-level cultural attractions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which most New York taxpayers cannot afford to attend, yet thanks to money deducted from their paychecks, you’ll be able to attend for free! For example, if you’re a citizen or legal resident of New York City, you have to pay $18 per person to attend the Central Park Zoo. If you’re a terrorist or an illegal alien, however, with the NYCID program you get a free one-year pass to all the zoos in the area – all paid for by those lowly taxpayers.
Bill de Blasio: Useful Idiot

Mayor de Blasio is aware of all these facts. A significant amount of opposition was voiced against the NYCID program, all of which he and the City Commission dismissed, thanks in large part to the fact that the local “news” media chose to act as a cheerleader for him, instead of exposing all these facts to the voting public.
For all these reasons, SaveTheWest.com designates Mayor Bill de Blasio as our latest Useful Idiot.
(For contrast, read the profile of our latest Defender of Western Civilization, Catherine Engelbrecht, who earned this designation by standing up for our right to honest elections, against a shocking harassment campaign.)
Selected bibliography
“Hezbollah Builds A Western Base: From Inside South America’s Tri-Borders Area, Iran-Linked Militia Targets U.S.”, NBC News, May 9, 2007.
“Exclusive: US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees,” ABCNews.com, Nov. 20, 2013.
Video: “De Blasio Takes Formal Oath in Ceremony Officiated by Bill Clinton,” NBCNewYork.com, January 2, 2014.
“ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013,” by Jessica Vaughan, Center for Immigration Studies, May 2014.
“Municipal ID cards to come with huge city-wide deals: de Blasio,” The New York Post, September 19, 2014.
“474 Illegals From Terrorism-Linked Countries Apprehended in 2014 Alone,” by Edwin Mora, Bretibart News, September 19, 2014.
“Poll: 71%, Including Majority of Dems, Say No Government Benefits for Illegal Newcomers,” by Tony Lee, Breitbart News, October 2, 2014.
“Illegals Deported After Serving Jail Time For Murder Caught Re-Entering The Country,” by Tristyn Bloom, the Daily Caller, December 1, 2014.
“Obama’s ‘Gift’ to International Terrorists: Immigration Executive Action,” by Michael W. Cutler, Senior Special Agent, INS (Ret.), Senior Fellow, Californians for Population Stabilization, CAPSweb.org, December 19, 2014.
“New York Times Reports On Muslim Proselytizing During Charlie Hebdo Attack, Then Deletes It,” The Daily Caller, January 8, 2015.
“New York City to Formally Start Its Municipal ID Card Program,” The New York Times, January 11, 2015.
“Bill de Blasio Launches IDNYC, New York City’s Municipal I.D. Program,” The New York Observer, January 12, 2015.
“Friends, co-workers attend vigil for slain QuikTrip clerk,” Fox10Phoenix.com, January 23, 2015.
“Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing Store Clerk Was Out on Bond,” Fox News, January 28, 2015.
“Municipal ID law has ‘delete in case of Tea Party’ clause,” The New York Post, February 16, 2015.
“My Son is Dead Because the Concept of Borders Is Dead,” by Lana Shadwick, Breitbart News, February 23, 2015.
“LEAKED REPORT: Deported Illegal Aliens Freely Jump Border to Commit Crimes,” by Lana Shadwick, Breitbart News, March 1, 2015.
“Illegal resident jailed in Russellville for rape and sodomy of a child,” by Carter Watkins, WHNT.com (Alabama), March 9, 2015.
“Molester of Little Girl Avoids Prison in New Jersey, Gets Deported and Illegally Re-Enters US,” by Bob Price, Breitbart News, April 2, 2015.
“Authorities: Man Deported 20 Times Led Deputies on High-Speed Chase,” FoxNews.com, April 11, 2015.
“Obama Administration Admits Granting Known Gang Member Amnesty,” by Caroline May, Breitbart News, April 21, 2015.
“Illegal Alien Deported FOUR TIMES Is Arrested In Texas After Threatening A Family,” by Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller, April 25, 2015.