Research file: Harassment of social justice warriors who are trying to ensure as many...

A potpourri of articles about the mean-spirited extremists who insist only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in our elections (and only once each), and are harassing the social justice warriors who disagree.

Facebook, Twitter continue enabling Palestinian orgs to incite, glorify terrorism against Jews [UPDATED]

More evidence of how Facebook and Twitter violate their own ethical policies to enable notorious groups to post materials that incite and glorify anti-Semitic terrorism -- yet ban people and groups that do not violate its policies.

Ken’s letter to Mark Zuckerberg regarding Facebook enabling of incitement against Jews

On September 18, 2016 STW founder and president Kenneth Abramowitz FedExed a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, to advise him of our latest report, documenting how his site -- in violation of its ethical policies -- allows mass incitement of terrorism against Jews.

Did Facebook’s continued enabling of anti-Semitic terror-incitement groups result in recent attacks?

An update to our recent report, documenting evidence that raise legitimate questions about the practical result of Facebook enabling notorious anti-Semitic terror inciters to continue using the site.

Why does Facebook enable Palestinians to incite & glorify anti-Semitic terrorism, but bans users...

This special report documents the fact that Facebook knowingly, willfully enables Palestinian users to egregiously violate its ethical policies -- specifically, in the context of inciting, glorifying and justifying terrorism against Jews -- while banning users who merely voice opinions on terrorism-related matters.

Ken speaks to NY GOP club on how to save Western civilization

On June 2, 2016 STW founder and president Kenneth Abramowitz delivered a speech to the Metropolitan Republican Club (NYC) on how to save Western civilization - in some cases, from itself.

Noted int’l attorney demolishes popular lies about Israel

Ambassador Alan Baker of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) identifies and masterfully debunks ten of the most egregious lies that serve as the basis of many anti-Israel propaganda campaigns.

STW founder: Israel is eastern border of Western civilization

According to STW founder Ken Abramowitz. “Israel isn't just protecting the Jews; actually it’s protecting the Muslims and Christians in Israel, but it’s also protecting everyone in Europe and everyone in America.”

The Rhodes To HuffPost

SaveTheWest's new special report documents the astonishing lengths to which HuffPost used lies, deception, bias and anti-Semitic incitement to help "sell" the Iran deal - then went silent after the truth about it began to be exposed.

STW’s new documentary: “HuffPost’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force”

How far did the Huffington Post go to dehumanize Capt. Taylor Force, a beloved, decorated U.S. Army officer and combat veteran, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist? See for yourself, in this explosive new documentary.