Home Jon Sutz Praise for STW’s debut documentary regarding HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias & incitement

Praise for STW’s debut documentary regarding HuffPost’s anti-Semitic bias & incitement



By Jon Sutz, Editor, SaveTheWest.com

On March 1, 2016, SaveTheWest released our debut documentary film, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada.”

Since then, a number of news makers and respected figures in the battle to advance a crystal-clear understanding of Middle East and Jewish affairs have expressed high praise for the film, both on social media and directly to us.

We’ve now compiled their comments into this two-minute video. Their full, unedited comments are listed below.


Vallely12x10“The Huffington Post continues in its efforts to dehumanize the Jewish victims of the radical Islamists embodied in Hamas and the Palestinian ruling bodies. This outstanding film by SaveTheWest exposes this ongoing battle in the Middle East, and highlights the incitement of hate and terrorists of Palestinians against the Jews. It is critical that you view this film.”

Paul E. Vallely
Maj. General, U.S. Army (Ret)
Chairman, StandUpAmericaUS.org
Via email

Mauro12x10“This film is an incredible, devastating expose of how the Huffington Post’s point of view on the Middle East has resulted in unbelievably biased reporting, misleading its readers into favoring the terrorists’ narratives.”

Ryan Mauro
National Security Analyst
Via email

PiniDunner12x10This is an excellently constructed, very disturbing documentary about the Huffington Post, the world’s most widely read political news site, thoroughly demonstrating the disgraceful bias of this supposedly objective news source against Israel. Thank you Jon Sutz for your incredible dedication to the task of exposing the insidious dark agenda of this respected media information source.

Pini Dunner
Senior Rabbi
YINBH Beverly Hills Synagogue
Via Facebook

phillipsm12x10This forensic debut video by SaveTheWest details the systematic way in which the Huffington Post whitewashes Palestinian terrorism, dehumanises its Jewish victims and incites hatred against Israel. A sobering analysis which sheds valuable light on the deranged prejudice against Israel and the Jews now endemic in the west.

Melanie Phillips
Columnist, author; The World Turned Upside Down, Londonistan
Via Facebook

Wayne Kopping, Film director

Friends, this is important.

These last few months have been incredibly difficult for anyone who cares about Israel. As we all know, regular, civilian Palestinian men, women and yes, even children, have been attacking random Jews on the streets with knives, meat cleavers, vehicles and rifles.

In the three months between September and November last year, there were over 105 Palestinian terror attacks, which left 22 Jews dead, and over 200 injured. Let that sink in for a minute.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, we all noted with incredulity how the world media either ignored the bloody rampage of the so-called, ‘Third Intifada’, or misreported it entirely.

I was honored to be contacted by filmmaker and activist, Jon Sutz, who, for the past several months, has been painstakingly monitoring one of the world’s most popular news websites, the ‪#‎HuffingtonPost‬.

Jon, like many others, has long-recognized that ‪#‎HuffPost‬‘s reporting about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is consistently unbalanced, but I don’t think that even he understood how broken their editorial team really are.

Jon went through every piece of Huffpost’s reporting, (and lack there-of), during the period of the Third Intifada, and has collated the mountains of data into a powerful ‘info-mentary’ that you need to take the time to watch.

It’s one thing to kind of ‘have a feeling’ that a reputable news-source like HuffPost has an endemic Israel problem – it’s another thing to witness the overwhelming evidence first-hand.

I warn you, this film is not easy to watch. I had to stop more than once.

But I urge you to persevere. It’s important to understand the massive media malpractice being committed by Huffington Post.

So please watch the film, and share the heck out of it. The world needs to know.

Wayne Kopping
Film director, “The Thrid Jihad,” “Obsession,”By The Numbers: The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics”
Via Facebook

Steve Stotsky, CAMERA

The Huffington Post is a creature of the internet. It was co-created by media entrepreneur Arianna Huffington. Huffington promotes the news site that bears her name as a balanced and credible source of news. It boasts one of the largest worldwide audiences on the internet.

In an interview with the USC-Annenberg Online Journalism Review on May 3, 2005,  Huffington stated “the news is not right-wing news or left-wing news, it’s the news. And that will be the sensibility, that will basically permeate our news coverage.” In a later interview with Conde Nast Portfolio on Nov. 14, 2007, Huffington stated that the site’s “editorial stance” is “to debunk the right-left way of thinking, which has become completely obsolete.”

In reality, the Huffington Post is firmly situated on the left, even the far-left. Its editorials give far greater prominence to leftist political opinion and its news coverage is skewed in the same direction, though less overtly than its opinion pieces.

The Huffington Post has for many years provided a forum for expressions of virulent anti-Zionism. Articles involving Israel or Jews routinely provoke a barrage of vicious anti-Israel and often anti-Jewish invective.

The Post does on occasion run Op-Eds that are sympathetic to Israel, but these have been far outweighed by the torrent of anti-Israel material.  Most discouragingly, in both the editorials and news coverage, there does not appear to be a functioning feedback process for addressing factual errors or restoring a semblance of balance.

Jon Sutz of SaveTheWest.com has produced a new documentary film about this phenomenon, that is both chilling, and a work of art.  It provides evidence of what appears to be Huffington Post’s intentional misrepresentation and distortion of events in Israel. The documentary scrutinizes the Huffington Post’s coverage of the recent wave of Palestinian knifing attacks on Israelis.

The documentary is divided into approximately 10 minutes segments. Each segment examines the coverage of the murder of a particular Israeli. Through his painstaking documentation of omissions, rewordings, emphasis and shocking banality, Sutz presents a powerful repudiation of the Huffington Post’s coverage.

By the end of the documentary, Arianna Huffington’s proclamations about the Post’s commitment to objectivity and providing quality news coverage lie in tatters.

Steve Stotsky, Senior Research Analyst, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)


