(5) Select HuffPost advertisers and contact information
(1.1) HuffPost published a splash front page headline that claimed Nikolas Cruz is a “white supremacist” — even though it knew or should have known this claim had already been debunked hours earlier — then quietly removed it from its front page, without alerting its readers that they had been lied to
(1.2) HuffPost completely ignored a Hispanic illegal alien who was arrested, days after Parkland, for making an open threat to commit mass murder at a NY high school — even though it routinely gives front-page coverage to white people who are accused of similar and far less serious crimes
(1.3) HuffPost completely ignored the growing evidence regarding “The Broward County Solution” — a race-based conspiracy among school and police officials to ignore even violent felonies committed by minority students — which may well be why Cruz wasn’t arrested up to a dozen times in recent years, and would likely have prevented him from obtaining a gun — and instead, published a front-page headline that claimed white people should “be quiet and know your place”
(1.4) HuffPost completely ignored the two white fathers of Douglas students, one of whom was killed, who spoke out against the media’s politicization of this tragedy to advance its anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Trump agenda — and instead, it published a front-page headline that claimed, “white families are engines of inequality”
(1.1) HuffPost published a splash front page headline that claimed Nikolas Cruz is a “white supremacist” — even though it knew or should have known this claim had already been debunked hours earlier — then quietly removed it from its front page, without alerting its readers that they had been lied to
At approximately 2:30pm o n February 14, 2018, a deranged 19-year-old man, Nikolas Cruz, barged into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale, FL, and murdered 16 students, 1 teacher, and injured dozens.
Soon after the massacre, a rumor erupted that Cruz was a white supremacist — but was debunked by 1:17pm on February 15
Soon after the February 14, 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, a rumor began circulating on social media that Nikolas Cruzwas a white supremacist. The rumor was based on a completely unproven claim by the supposed leader of a little-known hate group in Florida, who claimed that he was affiliated with them. However, this story quickly fell apart, as national and local news media began reporting at 1:17pm the next day, February 15:
At 1:17pm on February 15,CBS News reported that local law enforcement had no evidence of this, and that the leader of the group had “walked back” his comments:
Then, at 1:44pm on February 15, the Tallahassee Democrat, part of the USA Today network, confirmed that based on existing evidence, Cruz was a not a member of this or any white supremacist group:
Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.
Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group’s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.
His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.
Further, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which HuffPost cites regularly as the authority on hate crimes and groups — had dismissed Jereb as “a publicity seeker,” and claimed another FL hate group claimed he is “a nut job who should be avoided”:
Jereb has always been somewhat of a publicity seeker. In 2014, in fact, he wrote us to complain that we had not already listed ROF as a hate group. In April 2017, Michael Tubbs, the leader of the Florida chapter of the League of the South, a well-known hate group, wrote that Jereb ‘never misses a photo op’ and called him ‘a nut job who should be avoided.’
3:00pm: HuffPost definitively declared in a splash headline that Cruz was a white supremacist — then steadily downplayed its own claims, until three hours later, when it removed the story from its front page
Despite all the above evidence, shortly before 3:00pm, HuffPost published this splash headline that explicitly claimed “SHOOTER WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST” (Wayback Machine link here):
Notice that HuffPost didn’t say Cruz was an “alleged” white supremacist, or was “claimed to be” a white supremacist. Its headline said, definitively, that he “SHOOTER WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST.”
The “story” produced by the self-described “objective, professional” newspaper — which claims it “embrace(s) journalistic values like accuracy and fact checking” — provided absolutely no proof that Cruz was a white supremacist. It only contained the already-debunked claims about Cruz.
Soon after, HuffPost rewrote the headline of, and demoted its “news” story
By 4:47pm, HuffPost had rewritten its headline to read, “White supremacist group says Florida shooter attended their trainings.” (“trainings”? anyway….), and moved it to a sidebar blurb:
Three hours after publishing this inflammatory, false splash headline, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page — and did not replace it with one informing its readers that they had been misinformed
Then, by 6:02pm, HuffPost completely removed the story from its front page:
Further as the search at the bottom of the screen, for the term “supremacist” proves, HuffPost did not replace this story with one that alerted its readers to the fact that it had misinformed them.
HuffPost’s acts and omissions in this incident could only result in worldwide incitement of racist hatred based on lies:
Aside from making this false, incendiary story its splash front page headline, it declared to its worldwide readers that Parkland was another incident of “white supremacism”.
As with all its other splash front page headline stories, HuffPost heavily pushed this false one through social media, until it began being repeated by other media throughout the world.
By not putting up a new splash headline on its front page to replace this one, informing its readers that they had been misled, and also heavily pushing it through social media, HuffPost deliberately left both its readers, and those who saw the original, false story, with the impression that it was accurate.
This incident was the latest in HuffPost’s long-term pattern of racist incitement, in America and beyond
Rather than being an isolated incident, this was part of HuffPost’s long-term, deliberate pattern of inciting racial hatred and violence, on a global scale. Here are but a few examples of this phenomenon:
(1) November 10, 2016: HuffPost published a racist editorial at the top of its front page, that led to a story page which contained a sub-headline that read “It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people”:
(2) November 22, 2016: HuffPost published a racist editorial on its front page that claimed, “Let’s be honest, white people are the problem here.” Many of the bizarre, racist and anti-Semitic premises and allegations underlying this editorial were quickly demolished by Micha Mitch Danzig, a Jewish lawyer and former Israeli soldier.
(3) April 2017: The executive editor of HuffPost’s South Africa edition was forced to resign, after publishing a lie-filled “report” that was filled with racist hate and incitement, then defending it, in part because it boosted site traffic. The “report” blamed white males for all the world’s problems over the past 500 years, contained a variety of other lie-filled allegations, then claimed the only just solution is to legally prohibit white people from voting, and forcibly confiscate and redistribute their property. The editor was condemned for inciting racist hatred and violence by both the co-owner of HuffPost South Africa, and the region’s press ombudsman, and was reportedly forced to resign as a result, events that were covered in both local an Western news media:
Whether they’re aware of it or not, by purchasing advertising at HuffPost, many of America’s leading publicly-owned corporations (partial list here) are enabling HuffPost’s malicious, deliberate efforts to tear America (and the world) apart by inciting racist hatred and violence, based on lies and egregious distortions.
(1.2) HuffPost completely ignored a Hispanic illegal alien who was arrested, days after Parkland, for making an open threat to commit mass murder at a NY high school — even though it routinely gives front-page coverage to white people who are accused of similar and far less serious crimes
On February 23, 2018, one week after the Parkland, FL high school massacre, news broke from Rochester, NY that a Hispanic illegal alien made a terrorist threat against a local high school:
Rochester Police have arrested a 21-year-old student in the Rochester City School District after they said she made a credible threat against East High School.
Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric Alexander and Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary spoke at a news conference Friday afternoon.
According to Alexander, police were notified on February 16 about the threat being made against East High School. Staff within the Rochester City School District called police at 5:08 p.m about a threat posted on the East High School Facebook page. The threat said, “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches.”
RPD Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary said it took investigators days to arrest track down because she made the threats from a fictitious social media account. It took time for investigators to track down the person to whom the account belonged.
When officers responded to the home of Abigail Hernandez on February 20, they said they found a shotgun inside the home. Police did not clarify if the shotgun was registered to Hernandez or anyone living at the home in which it was discovered.
Hernandez was arrested and charged with making a terroristic threat. She was remanded to the Monroe County Jail at the time in lieu of $15,000 bail.
Contrast HuffPost ignoring this terrorist threat to the front-page coverage it routinely gives to white people who are accused of similar and far less serious crimes
(1.3) HuffPost completely ignored the growing evidence regarding “The Broward County Solution” — a race-based conspiracy among school and police officials to ignore even violent felonies committed by minority students — which may well be why Cruz wasn’t arrested up to a dozen times in recent years, and would likely have prevented him from obtaining a gun — and instead, published a front-page headline that claimed white people should “be quiet and know your place” [UPDATED]
See important updates at end
Soon after the Parkland massacre, evidence mounted of the dozens of times that the police had been called to Nikolas Cruz’s home, the many incidents in which he’d threatened or violently attacked other students, and the numerous tips people sent in to local police and the FBI about his behavior — including his threat to “shoot up a school,” just one month earlier.
Another body of facts also emerged, in conservative media outlets, that indicated the Broward County School Board, in collusion with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, implemented a program called “The Broward Solution.” In summary, the “solution” dictated that minority students, and students with names that indicated they were members of a minority group, would not be arrested for misdemeanors, and soon after, even felonies other than murder and rape, committed on school grounds, to combat the alleged biased against minorities. The “solution” did not originate in Broward County, however; it began in Miami-Dade schools, an allegedly led to a previous tragedy — in the case of Trayvon Martin.
“We’re not compromising school safety. We’re really saving the lives of kids,” boasted Michaelle Valbrun-Pope, executive director of Student Support Initiatives for Broward County Public Schools, in August 2017.
Valbrun-Pope was referring to what an article by Jeffrey Benzing in Public Source calls the “Broward County Solution.”As Benzing relates, Broward County used to lead the state of Florida in sending students to the state’s juvenile justice system. County leaders responded with a perfectly progressive solution: “lower arrests by not making arrests.”
Authorities agreed to treat twelve different misdemeanor offenses as school-related issues, not criminal ones. The results impressed the people who initiated the program. Arrests dropped from more than a thousand in 2011-2012 to less than four hundred just four years later.
One particular motivation behind programs like Broward County’s was the pressure from multiple sources to reduce the statistical disparity between black and Hispanic student arrests on one hand and white and Asian student arrests on the other. Benzing writes, for instance, how a Denver organization called “Padres & Jóvenes Unidos” successfully advocated for a program like Broward’s to help achieve “racial and education equity” in Denver schools.
By virtue of his name alone, Nikolas de Jesús Cruz, the adopted son of Lynda and Roger Cruz, became a statistical Hispanic. As such, authorities at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland had every reason not to report his troubling and likely criminal behavior to the police.
According to a source who spoke to the Miami Herald, Cruz had been suspended from Stoneman Douglas High for fighting and also for being caught with bullets in his backpack. This was apparently at least one of the reasons why administrators reportedly emailed a warning to teachers against allowing Cruz on the campus with a backpack. He was later expelled for reasons that have not been disclosed, but he was apparently not arrested. […]
This is not the first time that this “solution” to school crime has produced lethal results. An earlier case in the nearby Miami-Dade County public school system should have been a warning, but unfortunately, the media conspired to suppress the details of the case. The victim in Miami-Dade was one Trayvon Martin.
Then, on February 22, 2018, a Twitter user identified as “Phil Johnson” — who claimed he personally investigated The Broward Solution from 2012-2014, interviewing police officers and school officials — posted a series of Tweets in which he explained the background, intent and apparent illegality of the program. Follow this Twitter thread here. Excerpts:
8. It’s important to remember, this was not an arbitrary change – this was a well-planned fundamental shift in the entire dynamic of how teenagers would be treated when they engaged in criminal conduct.
9. The primary problem was the policy conflicted with laws; and over time the policy began to create outcomes where illegal behavior by students was essentially unchecked by law enforcement.
10. Initially the police were excusing misdemeanor behaviors. However, it didn’t take long until felonies, even violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were being excused.
12. We found out about it, when six cops blew the whistle on severe criminal conduct they were being instructed to hide. The sheriff and police Chiefs were telling street cops and school cops to ignore ever worsening criminal conduct.
These allegations comport with what was revealed in numerous sources, including the following article from the New York Times, that Cruz had been involved in many on-campus fights, and yet, neither the local police nor the FBI were ever called, and he had never been arrested:
The F.B.I. received a tip last month from someone close to Mr. Cruz that he owned a gun and had talked of committing a school shooting, the bureau revealed last week, acknowledging that it had failed to investigate. The tip about Mr. Cruz appeared to be the second in four months, after another person told the bureau about an online comment apparently posted by Mr. Cruz that he wanted to become “a professional school shooter.”
The Florida Department of Children and Families, the state social services agency, looked into Mr. Cruz’s well-being in 2016 after he posted on social media that he was cutting himself, but investigators determined he was not at risk of harming himself or others. The Broward County Public Schools had disciplinary complaints on Mr. Cruz dating back to when he was in middle school, including a long history of fighting.
Furthermore, the Times revealed how many opportunities the school had to intervene with Cruz’s clearly escalating violent and threatening behavior — including an apparent attempt to commit suicide:
in September 2016, a peer counselor at Stoneman Douglas High alerted the school resource officer — likely Deputy Peterson — that Mr. Cruz “possibly ingested gasoline” the week prior “in an attempt to commit suicide and is cutting himself.”
“Mental health counselor advised Cruz did not meet criteria for Baker Act,” the summary said, referring to the Florida law that allows the police to commit the mentally ill against their will.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
Contrast how HuffPost has completely ignored this conspiracy, to how it vilifies law enforcement officers amid claims of wrongdoing, if the victim is a minority — when it knows, or should know, the allegations are based on lies or egregious distortions
A few examples — from the self-professed “objective, nonpartisan” newspaper, which claims it adheres only to “the highest level of journalistic integrity,” and has enacted “a prohibition on conspiracy theories or inflammatory claims”:
On August 18, 2014, HuffPost published this as its front-page splash headline:
The headline urged someone to arrest Officer Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, MO police officer whom Michael Brown had attacked. Keep in mind that at the time HuffPost published this headline, it knew (or should have known) that all of the available evidence showed that Officer Wilson was telling the truth — and that the narrative that had been spun around Michael Brown was a lie.
Then, on December 4, 2014, HuffPost ran this story as a “news” headline – an overt accusation that police officers “murdered” Eric Garner and other supposedly innocent people, and got away with it.
Attorney and blogger Ben Shapiro demolished HuffPost’s incendiary lie –
[T]he Huffington Post suggests that all officers “get away with murder. That conveniently ignores another police shooting today with a very different outcome: in South Carolina, a grand jury indicted a white police chief for shooting a 54-year-old unarmed black man. But that wouldn’t flatter the pattern Huffington Post attempted to build of uncaring white juries everywhere excusing police aggression against black folks. That would also explain why the Huffington Post suggested that the shooters of Grant and Zongo and Stanley-Jones “got away with murder,” when in fact, Grant’s shooter, Officer Johannes Mehserle, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter; Zongo’s shooter, Officer Bryan Conroy, was convicted of criminally negligent homicide; and Stanley-Jones’ shooter, Officer Joseph Weekly, was indicted on involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun (two trials ended in mistrial).
Instead of even mentioning the “Broward County Solution,” and the role it likely played in enabling Cruz to remain free, without psychiatric care, and to obtain his weapon, HuffPost chose to publish another racist article on its front page, that claimed white people should “be quiet and know your place”
On February 26, 2018, HuffPost published this racist screed on its front page:Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this story page:
For anyone who questions whether this is, in fact, racist incitement, consider how you would react if (a) the headline were reworded to read one of the following — and (b) it appeared at a right-wing website, notorious for its racist bias and incitement (as documented in the previous 24 case studies on this page), and for inciting and justifying political violence (as documented in this 4-minute video):
You Want To Be An Ally? Be Quiet And Know Your Place;The lesson of “[movie title]” for the black allyis this: learn to be the sidekick.
You Want To Be An Ally? Be Quiet And Know Your Place;The lesson of “[movie title]” for the Muslim ally is this: learn to be the sidekick.
Chances are you would be outraged — as would HuffPost, which would likely embark on another one of its “jihads,” to expose and condemn the site that published such racist incitement, and publicize how to complain to its advertisers.
Yet this latest effort by HuffPost to whip up worldwide racist hatred and bias was apparently supported and legitimized by Lending Tree, whose ad appears at the top of the page:
If you’d like to let Lending Tree’s senior management know your thoughts on this matter, and learn about whether appearing to sponsor and legitimize this racist incitement, click here. Please be polite and concise.
The following are three more incidents in which the essentials of the “Broward County Solution” were applied in other school districts across America, driven by Obama Department of Justice guidelines, and which may have directly resulted in crimes, including mass murder:
UPDATE 1: On March 1, 2018 RealClearInvestigations published a detailed research report on “The Broward County Solution,” and the fact that it originated in Obama’s Department of Justice, and was applied across America — which HuffPost also ignored:
UPDATE 2: While HuffPost routinely gives top, detailed coverage to allegations that white people said unkind things to those in its Favored Groups, it completely ignored the murders of six white people in Kansas City, MO, by a young black racist who, like Cruz, was not sent to jail for numerous violent acts while in high school, which may have prevented him from obtaining a gun:
(3.31) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a black man who was charged with murdering six white people in Kansas City, and who publicly claimed, “Kill all white people!” — yet consistently gives top, detailed coverage to its false, racist smears against white conservatives
UPDATE 3: HuffPost completely ignored a white 12-year-old boy who is alleged to have repeatedly harassed and beaten up by a gang of black students, on school property yet nothing was done — and then it ended in racist threats painted on the boy’s home:
(3.32) RACIST BIAS: HuffPost completely ignored a white boy who was chronically harassed by black students at his school, then, after he reported it, woke up to find racist death threats painted on his family’s home
(1.4) HuffPost completely ignored the two white fathers of Douglas students, one of whom was killed, who spoke out against the media’s politicization of this tragedy to advance its anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Trump agenda — and instead, it published a front-page headline that claimed, “white families are engines of inequality”
As documented in Section 3, HuffPost ignored the statements by two white, conservative parents of MSD students — one of whom was murdered in the tragedy — to the national media, in which they expressed views that were opposite of the narrative that HuffPost began relentlessly pushing, soon after it occurred:
(3.2d) HuffPost completely ignored Andrew Klein, and his daughter, MSD student Ariana, who exposed how CNN rigged its “town hall” against them, and their opposition to the media’s politicization of this tragedy
(3.2g) HuffPost featured grieving father Andrew Pollack only when he complained about the tragedy — but completely ignored his condemnation of the media’s politicization of it, and pushing of gun control as a solution, instead of focusing on school safety
Rather than giving any coverage to these fathers’ statements, on February 28, 2018 HuffPost published this racist editorial on its front page:
Clicking on that headline brought the reader to this page:
Note that this screed was written by a notoriously racist “professor,” Jessie Daniels, to whom HuffPost has been giving top coverage, despite her long, documented history of racist incitement:
Educators and law enforcement agree: guns in classrooms are a terrible idea
HuffPost published a front-page head that claimed, “Educators and law enforcement agree: guns in classrooms are a terrible idea” — even though it knew at the time that this was the view of only some members of these professions. Further, HuffPost did not inform its readers of school districts across America that have trained and armed teachers and school staff, and the overwhelming response an Ohio sheriff received from teachers when he offered a free concealed-carry training program
(3.1) HuffPost gave top publicity to MSD students and others who vilified the NRA, President Trump, Republicans and the Second Amendment, and demanded radical gun control — if not confiscation of privately-owned firearms:
(3.2) HuffPost completely ignored other MSD students, their parents and others who support the Second Amendment, President Trump and the NRA, condemned the media’s partisan politicization of this tragedy, and/or exposed how CNN rigged its “town hall”
(3.2a) HuffPost completely ignored MSD student Brandon Minoff, who condemned the politicization of the tragedy, and urged Sheriff Israel to resign
(3.2b) HuffPost completely ignored MSD students “Jonathan” and “Ariana,” who applauded President Trump’s leadership
(3.2c) HuffPost completely ignored MSD student Colton Haab, who advocates for armed teachers, exposed how CNN rigged its “town hall”condemned the politicization of the tragedy, and urged Sheriff Israel to resign
(3.2d) HuffPost completely ignored Andrew Klein, and his daughter, MSD student Ariana, who exposed how CNN rigged its “town hall” against them, and their opposition to the media’s politicization of this tragedy
(3.2e) HuffPost completely ignored Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv, who condemned the politicization of the tragedy, and urged Sheriff Israel to resign
(3.2f) HuffPost completely ignored leftist attacks against Andrew Pollack, father of murdered 14-year-old MSD student Meadow, on social media after he was photographed wearing a Trump T-shirt, on his way to the school after learning of the tragedy, and holding her picture, in the hopes that she was still alive — instead, it gave front-page coverage to a pig that had been eaten, and a cow that died
(3.2g) HuffPost featured grieving father Andrew Pollack only when he complained about the tragedy — but completely ignored his condemnation of the media’s politicization of it, and pushing of gun control as a solution, instead of focusing on school safety
(3.2h) HuffPost completely ignored Andrew Pollack’s interview on CNN in which he advocated for the Second Amendment, armed teachers and President Trump
(3.2i) HuffPost completely ignored former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, who supports gun rights, and pointed out the massive failures of the school local police
(3.3) After completely ignoring all the allegations and evidence that CNN had rigged its “town hall,” HuffPost published CNN’s denial of all such claims, effectively calling MSd survivors, their parents and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch liars
(3.4) HuffPost completely ignored multiple eyewitness accounts that the BCSO sheriff’s deputy Scott Peterson was on scene, gun drawn, but would not enter the building as the shooting was occurring — yet gave top coverage to one of the teen survivors who defended him, against early reports of his cowardice
(3.5) HuffPost completely ignored the public recognition of the two heroic Coral Gables police officers for rushing into MSD as the shooting was occurring, while the BCSO officers lurked outside, doing nothing — and instead, published at the top of its front page a “news” story entitled, “7 Sex Tips From Professional Dominatrixes”
Clicking on that headline led to this story page, which contained the following headline, and this custom-produced video, that HuffPost made for the story:
Father Of Parkland Victim Slams NRA Ad; People impacted by the school shooting in Parkland, Florida are calling out the NRA’s hostile new ad
Notice that also on March 8, Parkland survivor student Kyle Kashuv met with President Trump, numerous Senators from both parties, and appeared on Fox News, to explain the bipartisan solution he was hoping to see enacted to help prevent future school shootings — and HuffPost continued to completely ignore him. See 3.2e.
HuffPost completely ignored a heroic student survivor, who helped to save 70 students, and supports arming teachers — who claimed CNN would only let him participate in its “town hall” if he read a scripted question, instead of the statement it asked him to write
A Junior ROTC student jumped into action when he heard the gunfire – ushering classmates into a classroom where he used Kevlar sheets to help protect them from the mass killer, according to a report.
Colton Haab, 17, ushered up to 70 people into a JROTC classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, as the bullets from an AR-15 flew.
“We took those sheets, and we put them in front of everybody so they weren’t seen, because they were behind a solid object and the Kevlar would slow the bullet down,” Haab told CNN on Thursday.
“I didn’t think it was going to stop it, but it would definitely slow it down to make it from a catastrophic to a lifesaving thing,” the quick-thinking youngster added.
The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps students use the Kevlar sheets as a backdrop during marksmanship practice. The material is used to make bullet-proof vests.
The next day, February 16, Colton was featured in a Fox News interview in which he expressed his belief that had a teacher been in possession of a gun and trained in its use, the Parkland shooter could have been stopped early on. As reported by the Daily Caller on February 17:
A ROTC student who survived the Parkland, FL shooting said the hero football coach who shielded students could have stopped the shooter if he had a firearm.
Colton Haab, a 17-year-old student at Stoneman Douglas High School, was a hero in his own right during Wednesday’s shooting. Haab, a junior ROTC member, told Fox News that he shielded his classmates with bulletproof kevlar mats as the shooter swept the halls.
“We lined [the students] up into the wall and along the back of the wall…and from there I was standing with my first sergeant and I said, ‘these are kevlar, these are bulletproof material,’” Haab recalled. “We started moving the kevlar sheets forward.” […]
“I believe if we did bring firearms on campus to teachers that are willing to carry…and they got their correct training for it, I think that would be a big beneficial factor for school safety.”
“If Coach Feis had had his firearm in school that day, I believe that he most likely could’ve stopped the threat,” Haab asserted.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Haab’s statement
HuffPost completely ignored a Parkland survivor who slammed the media for “politicizing this tragedy” to advance its anti-gun agenda
From Fox News, as reported by the Washington Times:
An 18-year-old student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who survived last week’s mass shooting that claimed the lives of 17 people, said the liberal media are politicizing the tragedy to promote a pro-gun control agenda.
“I wholeheartedly believe that the media is politicizing this tragedy,” Brandon Minoff, who was previously interviewed by CNN and MSNBC, told Fox News. “It seems that gun control laws is the major topic of conversation rather than focusing on the bigger issue of 17 innocent lives being taken at the hands of another human.”
Mr. Minoff said there are students at his school in Parkland, Florida, that support both sides of the gun-control debate, but that the students pushing for stricter laws are the ones receiving the most media attention.
“I know many people who are pro-gun and others who support gun control but it seems that the media is specifically targeting those in support of gun control to make it seem as if they are the majority, and the liberal news outlets are the ones that seem to make the bigger effort to speak to these people, and I’m talking from experience,” he said.
Mr. Minoff criticized left-leaning media outlets like CNN and MSNBC for trying to “brainwash” the public into thinking gun control is a necessity.
February 21: HuffPost completely ignored multiple Parkland survivors praised President Trump for his leadership, at the White House — instead, covered only students who criticized him
Survivors and families affected by school shootings gathered at the White House Wednesday to speak with President Trump.
Trump gathered the families and students in the State Dining Room at the White House and listened as participants took turns on the microphone. Students at Stoneman Douglas High School have been at the forefront of the gun debate, with some criticizing Trump and Republicans for not doing enough to stop school shootings.
However, at the White House Wednesday, criticism was non-existent for the president.
One student, Jonathan, told Trump, “Thank you for everything. You’ve done a great job. I like the direction you’re going in.”
Hello. I’m Jonathan. I go to Stoneman Douglas. I was actually in the second classroom that was shot at. In my mind, as a kid nothing that horrible should ever have to happen to you. You can’t even think about it. It doesn’t even seem real still. Everything seems fake. I can’t even — I don’t know what is going on. It’s just crazy. Everything happening. It’s just so tragic. Thank you for everything. You’ve done a great job. I like the direction you’re going in. Thank you.
Another student, Ariana, told Trump, “I would like to say thank you for leading this country. You’re a great leader. I appreciate your direction that the country is going in.”
My name is Ariana. I would like to say thank you for leading this country. You’re a great leader. I appreciate your direction that the country is going in. I’m a junior. I attended Stoneman Douglas. I want to say that everybody right now is so stuck on what they believe, that they’re not listening to what other people believe. We need to listen to the other points of views.
(3.2e) HuffPost completely ignored Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv, who condemned the politicization of the tragedy, and urged Sheriff Israel to resign
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student and school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv appeared Sunday afternoon on FOX News to comment on the Broward County Sheriff’s Office lack of response to the shooting as it happened and their handling of the shooter before he committed the horrific act. He also denounced the “virtue-signaling” from Sheriff Scott Israel at the CNN town hall last week where he denounced the NRA when “he didn’t even act properly.”
Kashuv said the agenda of the students who are often on cable news is slowly changing from ‘never again’ to “trying to ban weapons.”
“I know these kids on a personal level. I’ve talked to them personally. And it concerns me a bit because right now this is a bipartisan issue for mental health restrictions and reform and they are taking it a step further in that I have talked to them personally and many of them would like a complete ban on all weapons if possible. You can clearly see that slowly and sadly the agenda is switching from #NeverAgain to trying to ban weapons and that is somewhat deeply concerning because I really want to make sure that this will never happen again but still I support the Second Amendment,” Kashuv said.
Kashuv called for Sheriff Israel to resign. Israel said he will not resign. Broward County Sheriff’s deputy Scot Peterson resigned after it was found out he did not confront the school shooter. […]
Kashuv also responded to David Hogg, another shooting survivor who has been a cable news mainstay since the even, for his defense of the Sheriff’s office.
“I think that’s outrageous,” he said. “I call B.S. on the situation right now. It’s clear to see that on so many different levels the Parkland government and the officers failed to act and they let us down. And they should have acted on multiple different times to make sure this never happened.”
March 8, 2018: Kyle met with President Trump, numerous Republican and Democratic Senators, and appeared on “Fox & Friends”:
Parkland survivor @KyleKashuv: “I’m a strong Second Amendment supporter… I’ve been saying for the past 3 weeks that we have to come together across the aisle.” pic.twitter.com/RwDDyZlHjG
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Kyle
A February 28, 2018 search using the string “Kyle Kashuv” returned zero results:
(3.2h) HuffPost completely ignored Andrew Pollack’s interview on CNN in which he advocated for the Second Amendment, armed teachers and President Trump
On February 28, 2018, the Daily Caller published a story that focused on a segment of an interview that CNN did with Andrew Pollack, father of murdered MSD student Meadow. While CNN chose to assign the interview a generic headline, the Daily Caller focused on the fact that Mr. Pollack not only continued, but escalated his defense of America’s Second Amendment, and advocated for the training and arming of teachers, to help ensure there is a rapid response to protect students, during any future school attack:
Andrew Pollack, who lost his daughter, Meadow, in the Parkland school shooting, said that teachers should have the “freedom” to carry guns in classrooms.
Pollack faced online attacks after he was pictured holding up a photo of Meadow and wearing a Trump shirt, but that hasn’t stopped him from sharing his pro-gun messages. During an interview on CNN on Wednesday morning, anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Pollack if he really thought it was a good idea to arm teachers.
“I have the answer for everyone who’s all up in arms about that,” Pollack declared. “This is America and it’s freedom of choice, right? You have the choice to go to any school you want.”
“So my answer to them is, if you don’t want a teacher or a Marshall[sp], or you don’t want someone with a gun at your school, you go to a gun free school zone,” he explained. “That’s where you go, you take your kid, and you go to a gun free zone, and you take them there.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored this story
HuffPost ignored, the ran apologia for the ineptness and cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff, and the cowardice of his deputies — while completely ignoring the heroism of two Coral Gables, FL police officers who rushed into the gunfire
As some of their colleagues hid behind cars outside, these were the cops who ran in toward the bloodbath that was unfolding inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS.
With outrage over reports that at least four Broward County sheriff’s deputies failed to enter the Parkland, Fla., school building while Nikolas Cruz went on a deadly six-minute shooting rampage, the officers from the Coral Springs Police Department recalled the “awful” and “surreal” experience of treating injured kids and trying to convince terrified victims that it was safe to come out of hiding.
It “was bad as you can imagine — times 10,” Officer Chris Crawford, an ex-Marine, told reporters. “I have a 2-year-old. I don’t want to send him to school.”
Officer Chris Crawford (left) and Sgt. Jeff Heinrich, of the Coral Gables Police Dept.
Crawford stuffed gauze into the wounds of a 14-year-old boy who was shot in the back, shoulder, thigh and arm, and treated a girl with shrapnel injuries before paramedics arrived, he said.
He then ran into the building, where he found dozens of students who had barricaded themselves inside a classroom.
Crawford had to slide his ID badge under the door to convince the victims they could come out.
“I had to negotiate [with them]. I don’t blame them,” he said.
The day was worse for Sgt. Jeff Heinrich — his wife and son were at the school when the shooting started.
Off duty, Heinrich raced to the school, where he helped care for a wounded kid before more officers arrived.
“It was surreal,” said Heinrich. “You never hope it would happen and it did.” His wife and son made it out uninjured, he said, “by the grace of God.”
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored the story of these heroes
Note that ads for automaker Dodge appear twice on this search page — visibly and publicly indicating that it endorses and legitimizes HuffPost’s decision to completely ignore these heroic officers’ actions and character, to save students’ lives. If you’d like to make your voice known on this matter to Dodge’s senior management on this matter, please go here. Please be polite and concise.
You might also let Dodge’s management know that, rather than being an isolated incident, this is but the latest in HuffPost’s efforts to either vilify, ignore, or dehumanize American police officers, and members and veterans of the U.S. military. Please also see this documentary that SaveTheWest made in 2016 about a beloved American combat veteran, whose murder by a Palestinian terrorist HuffPost downplayed, then whitewashed, ultimately dehumanizing this beloved soldier — while super-humanizing ISIS terrorists, sad celebrities and animals who met misfortune:
HuffPost completely ignored a substantive report that Sheriff Israel or one of his allies issued an official memo, ordering deputies to defend him, amid the escalating revelations of his incompetence, and calls for his resignation
In an “Ingraham Angle” exclusive, Laura Ingraham aired a purported internal email from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office that directed employees to defend Sheriff Scott Israel.
Ingraham said the email was given to her by a source and that their veracity was “confirmed” by a second source.
It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he “find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations.”
“He stood with us, and now we must stand with him,” the email reads. […]
In 2015, Israel wrapped decals of his face on five taxpayer-financed sheriff’s office cars, Ingraham reported.
She said they were dubbed “Israelmobiles,” and were often driven by members of a “community outreach team” allegedly staffed by his campaign supporters.
Multiple Parkland survivors claimed they were invited to participate in a CNN “town hall” to let them state their views on the situation — but did not, when CNN informed them they would not be allowed to voice support for arming teachers, and the Second Amendment, and gave them alternative “statements” to read
As reported by RealClearPolitics on February 22, 2018:
Haab, a JROTC member who helped shepherd students to safety, was approached by the network to ask a question at the town hall. Haab showed CNN what he wanted to say but said Carrie Stevenson, an executive producer at CNN, ultimately rejected it and instead after several conversations “scripted” a question for him.
“CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted,” Haab said to a local news outlet Wednesday night.
“Before we get into anything. I just want to make sure that everybody hasn’t forgotten why we are actually here tonight. I mean, we lost 17 lives last week. I actually physically put two to rest. To me, that was the hardest thing in the world to endure. Nobody should have to go through this. As long as we are taking the right steps to move forward from this and make sure this doesn’t happen again, I’m all for that,” Haab said on the Thursday broadcast of FOX News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.
“We certainly haven’t forgotten. Thank you for reminding us yet again. And we think that the only way to make the country better and maybe put a dent in this scourge is to have a rational, thoughtful conversation about what to do next. And with that in mind, you were planning to go to this event last night and tell me if I am mischaracterizing any of this and you said at the request of a CNN producer you sent in a number of questions, — statements, questions you wanted to ask of the politicians on the stage and they rewrote one of your questions? Is that right?” Carlson asked.
Haab told Carlson he wanted to go “speak [his] part” and “open eyes” to a few things he thought could make the situation better. Haab said the network was dishonest and that is why he decided not to attend. He also said he was directed to “stick to the script.”
“She had actually said that over the phone that I needed to stick to the script,” Haab said of the CNN producer.
Haab said he believed all the questions asked at the town hall were scripted. Haab explained in detail what happened between him and the cable news network and what he thought of the town hall.
“I mean, honestly, it was very shocking to me because we just went through such a horrific tragedy. For them to take that and now make such a big newscast over what they want to hear, it was very upsetting to me,” Haab answered.
HuffPost completely ignored another student survivor, and her father, who also claimed that CNN tried to bully them into only making anti-gun statements at its “town hall”
Two victims of the February 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have now come forward to say CNN producers filtered out opinions contrary to the rabid demands for gun control and confiscation that dominated the network’s Wednesday night town hall.
“I actually spoke to a CNN producer … the day after the shooting,” Andrew Klein, father of Arianna Klein, a Douglas junior who survived the ordeal, told Fox News’ “The Ingrahan Angle” Thursday night. “The producer insinuated to me they were looking for people who were willing to espouse a certain narrative.”
Klein’s daughter, Ariana, survived the shooting ordeal in which former student Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 students and adults, including the school’s athletic director and football coach. Both Kleins attended Wednesday’s listening session with President Donald Trump at the White House.
The narrative that CNN preferred, the senior Klein told host Laura Ingraham, “was taking the tragedy and turning it into a policy debate, and I read that as being a gun control debate … the producer said, ‘We are looking for people who want to talk about the policy implications for preventing future mass shootings.’”
HuffPost gave top coverage to CNN calling Haad and its critics liars — while completely ignoring CNN’s long history of rigging its town halls to advance Democratic and left-wing candidates and propaganda, and other forms of journalistic deception
At 5:22am on February 22, 2018, CNN issued this official denial of Haab’s allegations — effectively calling him a liar:
CNN response to the claim of a “scripted question” for last night’s town hall: pic.twitter.com/Mz1hMqqfkw
Furthermore, CNN has long been known to collude with Democratic candidates, and operatives — and even Saddam Hussein, and Islamist terrorists — to advance a particular, unspoken narrative:
HuffPost completely ignored another student survivor, who called for Sheriff Israel to resign, following disclosures of his ineptitude, and denying responsibility for his deputies’ refusal to enter the school as the massacre was occurring — and instead blaming guns
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Kyle Kashuv called for Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s resignation during a Sunday interview on Fox News.
“It absolutely outrages me that at the CNN town hall, we had the sheriff who was virtue signaling against the NRA and against guns when he didn’t even act properly,” Kashuv stated. “The armed officer at our school waited outside with the sheriff and his men for four minutes and let my classmates die while he stood outside and waited.”
“He didn’t do his job properly, and then he turns around and says guns are the issue when he failed to act properly.”
Kashuv stated Israel “absolutely needs to resign after what happened here.”
“He failed to act on so many different levels,” he continued “And him himself is responsible for this massive failure.”
February 23: HuffPost completely ignored NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch’s description of how badly the CNN “town hall” was rigged to vilify supporters of the Second Amendment, and advance its gun-control agenda
On February 22, The Federalist provided analysis of the video of CNN’s “town hall,” that showed how its moderator, Jake Tapper, was enabling pro-gun control students to attack and vilify the NRA and supporters of the Second Amendment, while shielding a Democratic Senator from having to
Then, on February 23, The Federalist provided details of a radio interview it conducted with Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, that revealed the behind-the-scenes machinations that CNN perpetrated, to rig its “town hall”:
Dana Loesch described on The Federalist Radio Hour podcast what happened behind the scenes of Wednesday’s CNN’s televised town hall event titled, “Stand Up: The Students of Stoneman Douglas Demand Action.” Loesch, representing the National Rifle Association as their national spokesperson, said she wasn’t informed until hours before of the event’s format or that students would be asking questions.
“I had nothing in advance. I didn’t know how the setup was going to be. I didn’t know it was going to be in a giant arena where it was 360 all the way around. I had no clue,” she said. “But I wanted to go and represent the people that I was representing, and also because I’m a parent too…I have kids and my oldest child is just a couple of years younger than these students.”
The audience had already filled the arena and the event had started two hours before the cameras were even turned on, Loesch said.
They had music that was playing. They had montages that they were flashing across the screen. They had a number of speakers from the school and from the community. They had the sheriff go up and speak. He mentioned special interest groups, referring to the membership of the NRA.
Then they brought the politicians out…and that was the first hour. After all of this was already happening, after emotions were already running high, and after CNN put everyone together and cranked up, really trying to wind people up even more.
I had no questions in advance. It was even weird the way they had us walk out because it was like entering like you were a boxer or like WWE. You were walking up to the stage and they had music playing. You had to walk in aisles with all these people screaming and you had to walk toward the stage. That’s how you entered.
As Loesch and her security detail walked toward the stage, audience members shouted at her phrases like, “murderer,” “child killer,” and “burn her.” Jake Tapper, CNN’s chief Washington correspondent and anchor of “The Lead,” was the event moderator.
“I know Jake, and it might strike a nerve, me saying this, but I think he lost control,” Loesch said.
I don’t know if he lost control or if that was CNN’s intention, because [CNN President] Jeff Zucker was there. When we were backstage getting ready to go out, Jeff Zucker came in. He doesn’t just show up for nothing. This is not a day at the ballpark. It was weird.
There was no control. It just went on forever and ever. At some point, you’re just desensitized, because where is the moderation? This is where a moderator drives this. You’re a moderator, you have to make sure people are being heard and it’s not just people standing up and giving speeches and screaming at somebody.
Loesch said she felt like she was walking into a setup after hearing several students address questions to her before she was even on stage. When a student asked Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson a question that was intended for Loesch, Tapper immediately jumped in, exposing the event’s script had gone awry.
“Senator Nelson, you don’t have to answer that question,” Tapper said. “Let’s move on to the next question.”
HuffPost completely ignored another father of a murdered Parkland student, who slammed the media for politicizing the tragedy, and pushing its gun control agenda, instead of focusing on protecting students
Andrew Pollack, whose daughter was killed in the recent Parkland shooting, appeared on “Fox News Sunday,” and railed against the media for making the incident about gun control rather than “school safety.” […]
But you’re just talking about gun control, which is gonna just give you more ratings…
Our kids are going to school in Kentucky on Monday – how are those kids safe? How about bringing that up to the media? How about bringing that up to Governor Scott? Not about guns. It’s not about guns now. Today, it’s not about guns, it’s about the safety in our schools. …
My kid’s not here because the schools weren’t safe – that’s the main thing. You go into a courthouse, the judge is safe; the stenographer’s not worried someone’s coming in with a gun because they can’t get in with a gun. The American people, we just want our schools safe. We don’t wanna talk about guns right now.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored Mr. Pollack’s condemnation of the media’s politicization of this tragedy
A February 26, 2018 search using the string “Andrew Pollack” returned only the stories HuffPost published about the event that President Trump had at the White House, to listen to the grieving family members, including Mr. Pollack — but absolutely nothing about his statements regarding the media’s politicization of this tragedy:
HuffPost also completely ignored the fact that Mr. Pollack was being assaulted on social media after he was photographed on his way to the school where his daughter was shot, and holding her picture, in the hopes that she was still alive — because he was wearing a Trump t-shirt — yet gave front-page coverage to a pig that had been eaten, and a cow that died
The father of a Florida school shooting victim was lambasted on Twitter after he was photographed wearing a “Trump 2020” shirt while he searched for his daughter, whom he later found out had died in the bloodbath.
Andrew Pollack was first pictured last Wednesday as he frantically searched for his daughter, Meadow, hours after gunman Nikolas Cruz opened fire Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Pollack found out the next day that his 18-year-old daughter had died.
But when a photo of him wearing the “Trump 2020” shirt began circulating on Twitter, several people spewed hateful comments about the grieving father, with no show of remorse.
Here is Andrew Pollack yesterday showing a photo of his daughter Meadow. At that time he was searching for her. Today he said “she’s gone.” #stonemanshootingpic.twitter.com/MJcuCNttt8
“I’m unforgiveable, but it’s a little hard to feel sorry who supported this administration and its racist and its NRA supporting policies. I feel sorry for daughter,but not for him. He probably doesn’t make the connection behind his Party’s policies and what happened to his child”
Other people said they felt “empathy” for Meadow Pollack dying, but turned on the father for voting for Trump.
One user said Andrew Pollack should have “thought twice” before casting his vote during the 2016 election.
HuffPost’s search engine proves it completely ignored that hate directed at Mr. Pollack
So what kinds of sympathetic “news” stories did HuffPost decide to run, instead of anything about Mr. Pollack, his grief, his principled statements on behalf of focusing on school safety, against the media’s politicization of this tragedy — and him being attacked on social media for wearing a Trump shirt?
Here’s a sampling:
A sympathetic, original story about “Molly,” a pig that a Canadian couple adopted from an animal shelter — then ate:
This “news” story appeared on HuffPost’s front page on February 26, 2018.
HuffPost published a front-page splash headline that claimed, “Cops And Educators Agree: Arming Teachers Is A Terrible Idea” — while completely ignoring the fact that within 24 hours of a concealed carry class for teachers being announced in a small city in Ohio, 500 teachers tried to sign up, and other schools that have armed teachers with zero incidents
In the wake of the Parkland, Florida massacre, President Trump has endorsed, among other things, allowing properly trained educators to carry concealed weapons at school.
One of the first school districts in the state of Colorado to implement such a policy was in eastern El Paso County in Hanover School District 28.
A decision made in hopes of preventing another school shooting here at home and more than a year later, most people are grateful this was put into place.
“Our school’s pretty much a model for school safety,” Terry Siewiyumptewa, a parent said.
14 months ago, the rural El Paso County school district made a big change.
“Our staff members, it could be 100 percent, are armed and are here to protect and keep our students safe,” Dr. Grant Schmidt, Superintendent for Hanover School District 28 said.
Now, teachers, administrators, custodians and even bus drivers can all volunteer to conceal carry in school if they remain anonymous and go through quarterly training.
“We need safe schools and our school is providing us what we’ve asked for,” Siewiyumptewa said.
Parent, Tammy Siewiyumptewa watched with the rest of the nation as 17 innocent students and staff just lost their lives in another school shooting and she believes it could have been prevented.
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun,” she said.
In the aftermath of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, President Trump has repeatedly proposed hardening schools by allowing teachers to carry firearms in their classrooms. This doesn’t mean teachers would be forced to do so, but those willing to go through training and take on the responsibility should have the option.
The proposal has been met with praise and criticism from many, but it should be noted this isn’t a new or alien concept. School districts around the country already have polices allowing teachers to carry firearms, enabling them to combat a violent threat should one show up on campus.
Texas, where 110 school districts have armed teachers and administrators:
HuffPost ran a “news” image on its front page for three straight days — including as a splash headline — that claimed “The NRA is a terrorist organization”
HuffPost allowed one of its top editors — who it previously enabled to incite readers to stalk Republicans and their families, at their homes, and even when they go out to eat — to claim “the NRA must be “defeated”
HuffPost published a front page splash headline that claimed Ben Shapiro, a popular conservative pundit had “smeared” the Parkland teen survivors whom it was championing, even though its own article showed he had not done so
Two victims of the February 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have now come forward to say CNN producers filtered out opinions contrary to the rabid demands for gun control and confiscation that dominated the network’s Wednesday night town hall.
“I actually spoke to a CNN producer … the day after the shooting,” Andrew Klein, father of Arianna Klein, a Douglas junior who survived the ordeal, told Fox News’ “The Ingrahan Angle” Thursday night. “The producer insinuated to me they were looking for people who were willing to espouse a certain narrative.”
Klein’s daughter, Ariana, survived the shooting ordeal in which former student Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 students and adults, including the school’s athletic director and football coach. Both Kleins attended Wednesday’s listening session with President Donald Trump at the White House.
The narrative that CNN preferred, the senior Klein told host Laura Ingraham, “was taking the tragedy and turning it into a policy debate, and I read that as being a gun control debate … the producer said, ‘We are looking for people who want to talk about the policy implications for preventing future mass shootings.’”