Continued from: The Coalition for Non-Living Americans

The following are media assets that can be used to stage your own “Coalition for Non-Living Americans” event.
Buttons – to wear on one’s lapels (7″ round; printable via PDF below):
To affix to mock gravestones, and to wear on corpse outfits:
PDF file for printing (8.5″ x 11″):
STW Coalition Buttons by SaveTheWest on Scribd
The source (small) JPG files for web use:
Click here to download the 30″ x 30″ art of the above graphic (PDF; 8mb) to have printed out at a Staples or FedExOffice, to use as a sign or sandwich board.
Here is the letterhead graphic, that we also used for the petition top (below):
This is the satirical petition we’re using to gather signatures – and email addresses – to ask “deceased-ophobic” district attorneys and state attorney generals to stop harassing “Non-Living Americans,” and the social justice warriors who’ve been re-registering them to vote.
And the print version, downloadable and printable (here) from Scribd:
Coalition for Non-Living Americans – PETITION by SaveTheWest on Scribd
Also, go to Change.org to sign our online petition, and pass along this link to your friends and family!
These handbills are formatted to be printed three-up, on standard 8.5″ x 11″ piece of paper (or ideally, cardstock). Click here for the PDF, which you can use to print your own, or send to a Staples of FedExOffice.
We had 300 handbills printed on canary yellow cardstock and cut, by Staples, for $40:
The mask used for “Mr. Croaker”
“Emmet Croaker” was duly elected by his fellow Non-Living Americans to represent them, above the soil in which they rest. “Mr. Croaker” will be visiting public venues in and around Charlottesville, VA, starting on Monday, October 24, 2016 and continuing through Election Day, to urge living Americans to sign the above petition. This is the outfit that Mr. Croaker will be wearing:
You can help the Coalition of Non-Living Americans by depicting Mr. Croaker in your own community!
His mask can be purchased from Spirit Halloween for $34.99.
His suit jacket, shirt and tie were all bought for less than $20 at a thrift store.
Gravestones and sign
For “Mr. Croaker’s” live events, we’ll also be using these foam gravestones, adorned with “I VOTED!” signs.
The gravestones can be purchased from Dollar Tree for $1 each. See this PDF for the “I VOTED!” sign art.
We affixed each sign to a piece of cardboard (20″ sq.) with duct tape, then did a simple, fold-away cutout to prop it up, and so it can lay flat when not in use:
A sample script for interaction with the general public
We will post a video of “Mr. Croaker’s” interaction with the general public on or about October 25-26. Until then, the basic script we’ve developed in conjunction with him goes like this:
Q) Hey, what’s this all about?
A) We’re asking people to sign a petition to stop the harassment of social justice warriors who are registering non-living Americans to vote?
Q) What? What are you talking about? Dead people can’t vote.
A) Yes, we can! My name is Emmet Croaker, and we want to vote! But we can only do that if social justice warriors are able to re-register us to vote, then cast ballots in our names.
Q) Isn’t that against the law?
A) See, that’s what I’m talking about! Why is it against the law?! Just because we don’t have pulses, or heartbeats, or skin anymore, doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings, and voting preferences! And our social justice warrior friends know our wishes, and are just trying to help us keep participating in America’s democracy!
Q) But doesn’t every ballot cast by a dead person…
A) We prefer the term “NON-LIVING AMERICAN!,” thank you very much!
Q) … doesn’t every one of their ballots cancel out the ballot of a legitimate voter?
A) What are you, some kind of deceased-ophobe!?!? Dead voters have rights!!! Please sign our petition, to help us exercise our rights!!!