Home Jon Sutz Lies, Slander, Distortions, False Narratives Proliferating, but Must be Challenged: Ken’s Thought...

Lies, Slander, Distortions, False Narratives Proliferating, but Must be Challenged: Ken’s Thought of the Week



By Ken Abramowitz; Research and editing by Jon Sutz

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.

In our world of instant and continuous communications, one might think that facts would overwhelm falsehoods.

In reality, we are witnessing a battle between those who are using facts to inform the public and strengthen U.S. national security — and the forces who present falsehoods to undermine the public trust, and destroy America.

We have identified ten major false narratives that must be confronted by facts to ensure the safety of America and its citizens.

(1) Endless wars must be hastily ended because they can’t be won. False!

(2) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which rules over China, is a normal legitimate government, led by people who care about its 1.4 billion people. False!

(3) Iran is only a regional threat throughout the Middle East. False!

(4) International organizations such as the United Nations (UN) are positive forces for world peace. False!

(5) The Palestinian Authority (PA) is a legitimate, duly-elected government, representative of its population, which seeks a two-state solution, and to live side-by-side with Israel, in peace. False!

(6) Major U.S. universities are among the very best in the world and we should be very proud of them. False!

(7) Our public schools have done a great job preparing our children to function as informed citizens, and for college and/or direct entry into the work force. False!

(8) Citizens of other nations who live on American soil either on work/student visas, or because they are applying for U.S. citizenship, are only here because they’ve passed proper vetting procedures. False!

(9) The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 still protects us from enemy penetration from South America. False!

(10) The U.S. government knows exactly how to protect us from the “unrestricted warfare” strategies of the Reds (China, Russia) and the Greens (Islamist Iran, ISIS, Turkey, Qatar). False!

(1) Endless wars must be hastily ended because they can’t be won. False!

Facts: We are now fighting two endless wars simultaneously, which can be managed without killing millions of people, or consuming trillions of dollars:

(1) The “Greens”: The Islamists’ (Muslim supremacists’) endless war to take over the world — to, in their own words, make all humans submissive to Allah, and to kill or enslave all who refuse — has been ongoing for nearly 1,400 years, since the death of Muhammad in 632 AD. They consist of Iran, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other violent groups, as well as those who are waging the “cultural jihad,” to advance Islamist conquest through non-violent means (most notably, funded and supported by Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan).

For background on the war Islamists have been perpetrating against us, here are a few good starter articles:

Eternal Jihad: Islam Will Never, Ever Stop – Middle East Forum

The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism – Hoover Institution

The Koran and Jihad – Claremont Institute

(2) The “Reds”: Communists and socialists (externally, China and Russia, and also, internally, by subversive domestic groups, including ANTIFA, and other far-left organizations). The battle of authoritarian communists and socialists against free enterprise capitalism, has been ongoing for more than 150 years, since Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital, his economic false narrative, in 1867.

With proper planning, we could confront our enemies in a cost-effective manner to stop our budget deficit from going out of control. The battle between dictatorships and democracies has been going on for four millennia.

Learn more in this previous article.

(2) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which rules over China, is a normal legitimate government, led by people who care about its 1.4 billion people. False!


  • The CCP took over China in 1949 after a civil war. Since then there has never been free and fair election.
  • The CCP recently violated the international treaty that it signed in 1984 with the U.K., guaranteeing to preserve the independence of neighboring Hong Kong until 2047.
  • China now illegally claims Hong Kong as its 19th province.
  • The CCP also uses economic means to bully America’s loyal regional allies, including Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.

(3) Iran is only a regional threat throughout the Middle East. False!


Nearly 1,400 years after the death of Muhammad, we are still fighting to protect ourselves from Islamist physical warfare (and cultural subversion). For deep background on this multi-faceted threat, see this excellent documentary, “The Third Jihad,” hosted by American Muslim reformer, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, and produced by the Clarion Project:

If possible, these two fronts should be fought as Cold Wars, not violent wars. We should focus on containing both the Reds and Greens by confronting them culturally, economically, legally and diplomatically. We should use also our superior cyberspace abilities, and only when absolutely necessary, employ our military assets.

(4) International organizations such as the United Nations (UN) are positive forces for world peace. False!


(5) The Palestinian Authority (PA) is a legitimate, duly-elected government, representative of its population, which seeks a two-state solution, and to live side-by-side with Israel, in peace. False!


  • Since its founding in Egypt in 1964, with support from the then Soviet Union, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO, the predecessor to the PA) and the PA have never accepted the existence of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, as it had been for 3,000 years.
  • The PA’s efforts to physically fight and legally delegitimize Israel endangers the only real ally of the U.S.in the Middle East, thus indirectly hurting American national security.

  • The PA also pays hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries (an estimated 7-10% of its annual budget) to captured terrorists who are sitting in Israeli jails, with higher salaries for those who killed more Israelis. The PA’s “leader” (details below) announced recently that not only would he not stop using donor aid to pay these “martyrs” and their families, he received rousing applause at the UN.
  • Mahmoud Abbas, the supposed “leader” of the Palestinian Authority, was welcomed into our White House during both the Trump and Obama administrations. In reality, he is a brutal, un-elected dictator who is now in his fifteenth year of a four-year term. His “government” is notorious for physically brutalizing journalists, outlawing and arresting homosexuals, and any Palestinian who dares dissent from his autocratic tyranny. Abbas also reportedly collaborated with the KGB in anti-Israel activities.

(6) Major U.S. universities are among the very best in the world and we should be very proud of them. False!


  • In the past 50 years, our major universities have become corrupt to the core by accepting foreign contributions from enemy or “frenemy” countries such as China, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia (all of which should be illegal).
  • They also failed to foster their stated goal of diversity, as 80-90% of the humanities departments are dominated by leftist professors, many of whom oppose the U.S. Constitution (especially freedom of speech by any student who disagrees with them), thereby misguiding America’s future generations of voters.
  • For a deeper analysis of what America’s colleges and universities have produced — instead of informed, functional American citizens — see:

(7) Our public schools have done a great job preparing our children to function as informed citizens, and for college and/or direct entry into the work force. False!


  • Our public (government-run) schools have been pushing our children through the grades, even though many have not mastered even the basics of reading, writing, math, history or other essential subject matter. STW’s consulting editor & videographer, Jon Sutz, produced a detailed report hat documents this fact in great detail: See particularly section 4 in “America At The Precipice,” which shows that even most American college students “struggle with basic literacy tasks.”
  • Our public schools have been discovered to be using books from foreign publishers (which should be illegal) that inadequately, and that often teach falsified versions of our history, civics, and the Constitution. See the details in this previous STW article by Ken: “Education Reform is Crucial: Ken’s Thought of the Week”.
  • In general, our school curriculums and teaching materials do not reflect American values, and instead, deliver falsified versions of history, along with leftist and Islamist false narratives. See detailed evidence of this in Sections 2 & 3 at: section 4 in “America At The Precipice.”
  • All these acts and omissions imperil the future security of the American republic.

(8) Citizens of other nations who live on American soil either on work/student visas, or because they are applying for U.S. citizenship, are only here because they’ve passed proper vetting procedures. False!


  • We are not vetting immigrants to make sure they believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
  • We are not excluding immigrants who believe in communism/socialism or in Sharia law, both of which directly conflict with the laws in our Constitution.

Here is one example of this phenomenon. Minnesota is now the #1 Islamist terrorist recruiting state in the US, according to the FBI and DHS. Here is a series of person-on-the-street interviews, giving indication of the extent to which certain immigrants reject the U.S. Constitution, and instead say they want to live under shariah law, which dictates that gays and lesbians be murdered, that all must submit to Islam, etc. These findings mirror a 2015 survey by the Center for Security Policy:

(9) The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 still protects us from enemy penetration from South America. False!


  • We allowed communists, aided by the USSR, to take over Cuba in 1959.
  • We also allowed Venezuela to be infiltrated by Communist Cuba and China, as well as Russia and the Islamists from Iran and Turkey, to the point that today Venezuela presents a grave security threat to our democratic allies in South America. Its trafficking of deadly, illicit drugs, often mixed with Chinese made fentanyl, to the U.S. threatens the lives of tens of thousands Americans each year, especially the young.

(10) The U.S. government knows exactly how to protect us from the “unrestricted warfare” strategies of the Reds (China, Russia) and the Greens (Islamist Iran, ISIS, Turkey, Qatar). False!

Facts: Our National Security agencies generally work in their individual silos and are not coordinated by a cultural warfare department/agency/director, that can provide the intellectual knowledge — the “glue“, that is required to properly confront our cultural enemies, as we successfully did during World War 2 and the Cold War.

We must fight the numerous lies, slander, distortions, and false narratives, from both the Reds and the Greens, that are infecting our society and threatening our national security. Now!

Additional Reading

Ken’s Thought of the Week: “Endless war” is inevitable, manageable, and winnable : Save The West

China is putting troops, weapons on South China Sea islands, and has every right to do so, PLA official says – South China Morning Post

Chinese Coercion on Oil and Gas Activity in the South China Sea – United States Department of State

How much trade transits the South China Sea? – ChinaPower Project CSIS

Why is the UK so silent as Beijing trashes the Hong Kong Handover agreement? – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

Can the United States Defend Its Allies in East Asia? – Berkeley Political Review

“America At The Precipice” — a special report by Jon Sutz

Education Reform is Crucial: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

Why is Iran conspiring with Mexican drug dealers? – Foreign Policy

Iran’s Long, Bloody History of Terror and Espionage in Europe – RealClearDefense

Desperate For Allies and Secret Assets, Iran Penetrates Africa – The Tower

Khamenei Announces Goals of 2nd Phase Of Islamic Revolution – MEMRI

Evidence that Iran Violated the Nuclear Deal Since Day One? – Gatestone Institute

World news: Leftists allying with dictators claims Hillel Neuer from UN Watch – Express.co.uk

Maduro victory: Venezuela joins China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Sudan on U.N. Human Rights Council – The Washington Post

The WHO: Sick with the UN’s corruption virus – The Jerusalem Post

“Palestine” and the ICC – The Investigative Project on Terrorism

On 65th Anniversary, Looking at UNRWA and its Hamas Ties – The Algemeiner

Open-Borders Agendas and Anti-American Bias, Underwritten by U.S. Taxpayers – Center for Immigration Studies

Trump was right to stand up to the UN’s anti-American and anti-Israel bias – Fox News

Jim DeMint: The UN is so corrupt, so warped by bias, that it needs a disinfectant. It’s met its match in Trump – Fox News

Abbas: Palestinians will never recognize Israel as Jewish state – The Times of Israel

Palestinian TV Series Shows Man Teaching Child How to Shoot ‘the Jews’ – PJ Media

Survey: 60% of Palestinians support violent intifada against Israel – Arab-Israeli Conflict – Jerusalem Post

Generation Hate: The Indoctrination of Palestinian Children – The Times of Israel

Palestinians: We Have the Right to Poison the Minds of our Children – Gatestone Institute

The PA is trying to hide its payments to terrorists – PMW Analysis

JPost: PA hiding terrorist salaries from donor countries in financial reports – PMW Analysis

Abbas promises to continue paying families of martyrs, receives applause at U.N. General Assembly – YNet

Soviet documents ‘show Abbas was KGB agent’; Fatah decries ‘smear campaign’ – The Times of Israel

Palestinian Authority bans LGBT activities in West Bank – Middle East – Jerusalem Post

Palestinian Authority police arrest, harass members of LGTBQ community – Middle East – Jerusalem Post

Palestinians: Silencing and Intimidating Journalists – Gatestone Institute

Palestinian Who Worked With Israel to Prevent Terror Attacks Describes PA Torture – Algemeiner

Prominent US Universities Failed to Disclose $1.3 Billion in Foreign Funding – Clarion Project

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study – Washington Times

Gallup/Knight Survey shows free speech crisis for conservatives on campus is real – Legal Insurrection

Public schools are teaching our children to hate America – NY Post

Batista Forced Out by Castro-Led Revolution – HISTORY

Hezbollah builds a Western base – World news – Americas – NBC News

The New Nexus of Narcoterrorism: Hezbollah and Venezuela – Foreign Policy Research Institute

Pompeo: Iran, Hezbollah Presence in Venezuela Poses Serious Threat to U.S. – The Tower

Sen. Rick Scott: China’s growing influence in Latin America is a threat to US – CNBC

Minnesota leads U.S. in recruiting ISIL terrorists, federal report finds – StarTribune.com

Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? – YouTube

Shariah – The Threat to America (Team B Report) – Center for Security Policy

Center for Security Policy | Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad


