Home Huffington Post STW’s new documentary: “HuffPost’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force”

STW’s new documentary: “HuffPost’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force”




New documentary exposes Huffington Post’s dehumanization of a beloved U.S. combat vet who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist

April 13, 2016


A new, short documentary film, written, designed and produced by Jon Sutz, exposes how The Huffington Post, the world’s most-read online “newspaper,” betrayed its publicly-stated “core values,” in order to downplay and ultimately dehumanize a beloved U.S. combat veteran, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist.  Watch the trailer here.  Watch the documentary, and see all the evidence upon which it was based, here.


Capt. Taylor Allen Force, 28, was a decorated West Point graduate who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2015, he began pursuing his MBA at Vanderbilt University. In early March 2016, he joined a school trip to Israel, to learn more about entrepreneurship. On March 8, while he was walking along the ocean, Taylor was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist. See a chronology of news and blog articles about Taylor’s murder here.

Capt. Taylor Force was “the perfect example of a U.S. Army officer,” said a fellow West Point graduate who served with him in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This new documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force,” presents detailed evidence of how “HuffPost” covered Taylor’s murder:

  • HuffPost only posted an initial wire service report about Taylor’s murder on its front page, then quickly moved the story to a secondary page. Although his name was known, and pictures of him were available at the time, its headline only said a generic “American tourist” had been killed, which it matched with a picture of an Israeli policeman, at night.
  • HuffPost never published a single picture of Taylor, or any of the details about his character, heroism and grief-stricken family, that emerged in the 24 hours after his murder, in U.S. and Israeli newspapers.
  • 03-08-2016 FPHL 13-15 - KimK nudeThe highest position HuffPost gave Taylor’s story was just beneath a graphic, original story it wrote about Kim Kardashian’s anger at other celebrities criticizing her for posting a nude selfie (which it also posted on its front page as “news”; right).
  • HuffPost’s treatment of Taylor, his murder and his family stands in sharp contrast to the other stories to which it gave personalized, graphic and sympathetic treatment on both its front page and World page, during this period. These picture-rich stories depicted a swan that was abused in Eastern Europe; a dying whale; an American jihadi who regrets joining ISIS; and profiles of two Syrian refugees in Turkey.
  • HuffPost also ignored the fact that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas openly celebrated Taylor’s murder. Instead, it posted stories on its front page about a dog that appears to be driving a tractor; an ISIS leader who may have been killed; and a tattoo-faced gangster who was arrested.

Arianna13HuffPost’s founder and editor in chief, Arianna Huffington, claims that her newspaper is distinguished by its “core values,” which include:

“Using storytelling to put flesh and blood on statistics, putting a human face on the numbers,” and “Comforting the afflicted.”

This documentary, produced by SaveTheWest.com, reveals that Huffington only applies these “core values” to anyone and anything other than victims of Palestinian and Islamist terrorism.

More, as SaveTheWest’s acclaimed preceding documentary, “The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada” showed, HuffPost applies these “core values” even to terrorists – but either ignores or downplays their Jewish victims.  It even published an editorial that explicitly justified Palestinian terrorists – at the same time that they were attacking innocent Jewish civilians on a near-daily basis, in the fall of 2015.

In doing all these things, Ms. Huffington and HuffPost also betray each of the core values that its parent company, Verizon Communications, asserts that it and its employees must “always honor.”

See the trailer for the film here.

Watch “The Huffington Post’s Dehumanization of Capt. Taylor Force” for free, and see all the supporting documentation at savethewest.com/HuffPost-v-Taylor.

This documentary was written, designed and produced by Jon Sutz. SaveTheWest.com founder and president, Kenneth Abramowitz, acted as Executive Producer.

For more information, or if you have questions or comments about the film, email info@savethewest.com.


