Tag: Druze
Op-Ed: America’s Ignorance Stands Behind Biden’s Poor Policies
Too many Americans did not know key facts about their own country or about the rest of the world. The ignorance of most Americans causes American presidents to make horrific foreign policy decisions.
My Contribution to the Abraham Accords
Ayoob Kara’s unique and powerful plan for peace in the Middle East is unlike any that has been proposed before. It is well-worth a serious look.
Op-Ed: The Middle History of the Druze-Jewish Alliance
The Druze of Israel suffered greatly during the middle years of their history in what is now Israel, until the creation of the Jewish state, when everything changed.
Op-Ed: The Early History of the Druze-Jewish Alliance
The story of the friendship between the Druze and the Jews began several thousand years ago when Moseshelped Zipporah at the well. This is the first part of a 3-part series on this long and special friendship.