Tag: Hamas
How America and Israel should respond to Sultan Erdogan – Rachel...
STW contributor Rachel Avraham analyzes the threats posed to the U.S., Israel and the Middle East by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey, and presents strategies for mitigating these dangers.
How can Israel best fight the cultural war? – Rachel Avraham
STW contributor Rachel Avraham analyzes the multi-faceted threats facing Israel, and the urgent need for its leaders to create a Cultural Defense Minister position in the new government.
The LGBT filmmaker boycott of Israel is anti-Semitic and hypocritical
STW editor Jon Sutz examines the LGBT filmmaker boycott against Israel, explains why it is rooted in anti-Semitism, and exposes the hypocrisy on which it is based.
Jon Sutz interview with Doron Keidar, IDF (reserve)
STW Editor Jon Sutz's interview with M.Sgt. Doron Keidar (res), discussing a particularly notable aspect of the IDF's moral principles, then expanding into his views on a broad range of related topics.
A Rational Deal for the Irrational Middle East: Ken’s Thought of...
This week, Ken and STW consulting editor-videographer Jon Sutz analyze President Trump's Peace To Prosperity plan, and address its pluses and negatives.
Ken’s Thought Of The Week: US should strongly condemn EU court...
This week, Ken, along with STW editor Jon Sutz, examine the little-known history, and anti-Semitic nature of the EU court's ruling that requires goods from disputed territories in Israel to be labeled.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: We need a comprehensive strategy for...
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz examine the threats posed by key Islamist groups, and strategies that America should employ to protect herself, and her people.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: Trump’s forthcoming Middle East peace plan...
This week, Ken explains why the Trump administration's upcoming proposed peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority cannot succeed, given the reality on the ground.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: The U.S. “Peace to Prosperity Plan”...
This week, Ken dissects the Trump administration's "Peace to Prosperity Plan" for the Middle East, why it will be derailed by the region's enemies of peace, and what will be required to forge a lasting peace.
Ken’s Thought of the Week: Forging an Iranian Policy
This week, Ken and STW editor-videographer Jon Sutz examine America's situation regarding Iran, and make nine recommendations for how to protect ourselves from this #1 global sponsor of terrorism.