Home From the Internet The dehumanizing mental requirement for mass murder

The dehumanizing mental requirement for mass murder



Excerpt from a remarkable article by Yair Lapid, Israel’s finance minister and the chairman of the Yesh Aid party, which appeared in the Times of Israel on August 20, 2014:

yomhashoahAccording to their murderers, they weren’t people. They weren’t mothers or fathers, they weren’t somebody’s children. According to their murderers, they never celebrated the birth of a child, never fell in love, never took their old dog for a walk at two in the morning or laughed until they cried at the latest comedy by Max  Ehrlich.

That’s what you need to kill another man. To be convinced that he isn’t a man at all. When the murderers looked upon the people who departed from this platform on their final journey they didn’t see Jewish parents, only Jews. They weren’t Jewish poets or Jewish musicians, only Jews. They weren’t Herr Braun or Frau Schwartz, only Jews.

Destruction starts with the destruction of identity. It is no surprise that the first thing done to them, when they arrived at Auschwitz, was to tattoo a number on their arm. It is hard to kill Rebecca Grunwald, a beautiful, fair-haired 18-year-old romantic, but Jew number 7762 A is easy to murder. Yet it remains the same person.

Read it all.  And correlate this mentality to the dehumanization of Jews that occurs on a daily basis in our “news” media, which provides us with a daily drip-drip-drip of images of human suffering from only one side in the Gaza conflict: those who are willfully or otherwise affiliated with gangs on a holy mission to exterminate all Jews, everywhere.



