Home Ken's Thoughts Of The Week The Green Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of the Week

The Green Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of the Week



By Ken Abramowitz

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section.

Last week, we discussed the Red Task Force, that would focus on communist and socialist dictatorships, as well as autocrats and crony capitalists (China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba).

This week, we will focus on the Green Task Force, which would focus on Islamist (Muslim supremacist) dictatorships and organizations of all variants:

  • Iran
  • ISIS and Al Qaeda

President Trump should:

  • Define the direction of the task force
  • Pick the key representatives
  • Present the key questions to be answered
  • Order the task force to devise a winning strategy

The key representatives on the Green Task Force must be experts in all elements of “unrestricted” war:

  • حدود حرية التعبير | نينارPhysical/kinetic warfare
  • Biological & chemical warfare
  • Cyber warfare
  • Cultural warfare
  • Economic warfare
  • Legal warfare (“lawfare”)
  • Demographic warfare
  • Potential domination of international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), its subsidiary, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and others

President Trump must order the Green Task Force to focus on known current threats and likely future threats. For example:

(1) What is the organizational structure of Iran’s 3 terror organizations, including physical terror, narco terror, and cultural terror worldwide? What strategies are needed to stop each terror arm?

(2) How should we stop Iranian imperialism in Africa and Latin America?

(3) How can we close all elements of Iranian influence in the U.S.? Should we declare the Iranian government as a terror organization?

(4) Should we outlaw domestic-based Islamist organizations, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and its affiliates such as CAIR, Islamic Society of North America, who want to replace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia law?

(5) Turkey and Qatar are both friends and enemies (frenemies) of the U.S., but are financing the Muslim Brotherhood expansion worldwide. How do we stop that funding?

(6) Saudi Arabia is reforming itself fast, but still supports the anti-Semitic hate curriculum of UNRWA in Israel and Gaza. How do we stop that?

(7) American text books are largely produced by a British publisher and are full of Islamist propaganda. How can we forbid any foreign produced/owned textbooks in American schools?

(8) American federal prisons are breeding grounds for Islamist radicalization. How do we stop that?

(9) The U.S. government has tripled its financing of Islamist organizations, from $4m to $13m between 2017 and 2018, according to the Middle East Forum, through the State Department and DHS, as well as local State organizations. Why is this allowed? How can such funding prevented in the future? How could we protect the larger Muslim population from the 20% of Muslims who are Islamists?

(10) The Investigative Project on Terrorism has compiled a “terror map” that shows the locations of 200 radical mosques, convicted terrorists and terror cells, and Islamist activity centers. What more can be done to expose and oppose these groups, and the radicalized individuals they spawn?

The Investigative Project on Terrorism’s “U.S. Terror History Map”

As these questions are answered, President Trump (and his successors) must set the strategic direction to the Green Task Force. The goal should be always to WIN.

(1) Do we want regime change in Iran, the #1 force of evil in the world? (Yes).

(2) Do we want regime change in Venezuela, Iran’s base country in Latin America,? (Yes).

(3) Should we ban all foreign Green or Red financing of all U.S. universities immediately (as we do for political contributions)? (Yes).

(4) Should we ban foreign financing of domestic-based Muslim Brotherhood and Jammat-e-Islami affiliated organizations from Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan and the like? (Yes).

(5) Should we allow foreign owed textbook companies to supply U.S. schools? (No).

(6) Should each state have to verify annually that the relevant school books are loyal to the Constitution and Bill of Rights? (Yes).

(7) Should we forbid Islamist activities in our prisons? (Yes).

(8) Do we need new management at the Bureau of Prisons, the FBI and DHS? (Yes).

(9) Should the US be a member of any American -financed international organization in which the President of that organization is not an American? (No).

(10) Should America develop a strategy to stop Christian persecution in Africa, the Middle East, and China? (Yes).

(11) Should the US government develop a strategy to support Muslim reformers domestically in their quest to save Muslims from the Islamists? (Yes).

(12) Will the Greens and Reds try to take advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to further radicalize the population using the Internet and social media to increase their offensive capabilities to undermine the U.S. and Western civilization? (Yes). How can the U.S. mitigate and stop such activities? (Order the FBI to focus on Green and Red subversion)

We can and must WIN!

Additional Reading

The Red Task Force Needs Direction: Ken’s Thought of The Week – Save The West

U.S. Terror History Map – The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Investigative Project on Terrorism: Terror Map.pdf

Hannity: Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? September 23, 2015

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights – StandWithUs

Jamaat-e-Islami: A Danger in South Asia and the U.S. – RealClearDefense

The Muslim Brotherhood – The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Muslim Brotherhood – Counter Extremism Project

What Is the Muslim Brotherhood? – Middle East Forum

Turkey becomes the Muslim Brotherhood’s base to take over the world – The Blogs

Saudi Arabia is Modernizing Fast: Ken’s Thought of the Week – Save The West

Desperate For Allies and Secret Assets, Iran Penetrates Africa – The Tower

Iran and Hezbollah in the Tri-Border Areas of Latin America: A Look at the “Old TBA” and the “New TBA” – Small Wars Journal

About the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) – SaveTheWest

CAIR Official: “i wish hitler was alive to f*** up the jewish ppl” :: Islamist Watch

The Danger of Prison Radicalization in the West – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point